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Sweetie Belle's Magical Mishap

By asd
Created: 2023-10-21 12:42:23
Expiry: Never

  1. Sweetie Belle had a very bad day.
  3. Diamond Tiara, her usual bully was particularly vicious at school. She frowned, remembering of all the ways she had teased her.
  4. ”Hello, Sweetie Belle! How was school?” Rarity asked as the young filly entered her boutique.
  5. Sweetie Belle answered with an unintelligible grumble as she rudely stormed to her room, leaving behind a slightly confused and offended Rarity.
  7. Inside her room, the young filly sat sourly on her bed.
  8. ”I hate Diamond Tiara so much!” She said to herself.
  10. Sweetie wanted nothing more than to somehow get back at that evil pink filly and, as she had nothing else to do to keep her mind occupied, she slowly started thinking of ways she could do it. Eventually, thoughts went to her magic, and how much it had improved with all the practice she had with it lately. A devious smile appeared on the filly’s face as she pondered more about it.
  12. ”wouldn’t hurt to put my horn to the test.” She thought. “Time to pay Twilight a visit.”
  14. And with that, she jumped out of the bed and ran outside with renewed vigor, ignoring Rarity’s scolding shout about not running indoors.
  16. A bit later at the library, Sweetie Belle was hard at work, rummaging through the books.
  17. ”I just organized those!” Spike complained at the mess she was making.
  18. Twilight petted his head. “I’ll help you put them back.” She said before walking up to Sweetie Belle. “What book do you need exactly?”
  19. ”Something about magic. I wanna learn some new spells.”
  20. Twilight beamed. “That’s great! I know a bunch of books I can lend you.”
  21. Sweetie let out a happy gasp. “Really?!”
  22. Twilight nodded. “Of course. It’s always good for young ponies like you to start learning out of a personal interest in the subject.”
  24. A few hours later, Sweetie Belle was happily sitting on her bed reading a large pile of the books Twilight had picked out for her. While they did indeed contain many potentially useful spells that Sweetie would have loved to eventually try out for herself, none of them had what she was looking for: a way to get back at Diamond Tiara.
  26. Just as she was about to get frustrated, however, she got to an interesting part in one of the larger books.
  28. Sweetie looked at the side of the book. There seemed to be a good 50 or so pages left in it.
  29. ”Maybe I shouldn’t.” The filly said to herself.
  30. Then she thought back to the bullying she had to endure at school.
  31. ”Eh, it’s for a good cause.”
  32. She flipped the page.
  33. There were many weird and interesting spells in the adult section of the spell book and Sweetie browsed through them with interest until she discovered something really interesting.
  36. Sweetie couldn’t help but recoil at that. She never imagined that there could be an actual spell for giving spankings, yet, as she skimmed through the section, that did seem to be the case. Still, this could be just what she needed. Normally, the filly wouldn’t even think of using such a spell, but to her, Diamond was a brat who deserved it. Still, she did not want Rarity to find out that this was what she wanted to learn, so she decided to try it out at the Cutie Mark Crusader’s clubhouse.
  38. Later.
  40. Sweetie Belle was sitting in the Crusader’s base of operation, once again reading the book.
  42. ”Hmm, gonna need something to spank with, apparently.” She said as she read further in. The filly looked around and grabbed a hairbrush from one of the chests in the clubhouse. Rarity insisted that she and her friends keep at least 3 hairbrushes there to clean themselves up because apparently most of their escapades ended up with them requiring it.
  43. ”This’ll do.”
  44. The first part of the spell seemed to be simply levitating a brush before giving it an order, which could be done verbally.
  45. ”Seems simple enough.”
  47. Sweetie then decided that she’d try a smack on herself first. Just one wouldn’t be too bad and it would be best to see if it works in a more controlled environment before setting it loose on Diamond. So she simply turned around, raised her rump a little and began to cast the spell.
  49. The paddle levitated itself into the air, surrounded by the same aura that covered Sweetie’s horn. Her magic. Then, Sweeite Belle yelped as her rump was suddenly raised as well.
  50. ”Right, it does that. Makes sense.”
  51. The filly gulped as the paddle slowly levitated behind her. She knew it was only one hit, but she was still nervous about is.
  52. ‘CRACK!’
  53. Sweetie let out a quick shriek. The strike came faster than she anticipated. It was quite painful too, she had hoped that it didn’t leave a mark as it would be difficult to explain.
  55. ”Owie, I almost feel bad for-“
  56. ’CRACK!’
  57. ”Gah!”
  58. It was then that Sweetie Belle noticed that she forgot to turn the spell off. She frantically gathered magic into her horn and willed the hairbrush to stop.
  59. ’CRACK!’
  60. Except that it didn’t.
  61. ”Ow, what?!”
  62. Her magic would not stop, and because it was used for the spell, there was no room to do anything else.
  63. ’CRACK!’
  64. She was effectively stuck there, rump raised and getting paddled by her own magic.
  65. ’CRACK!’
  66. ”Stop iiiit!”
  67. ’SMACK!’
  68. Her horn refused to listen.
  70. Sweetie Belle started panicking and, ignoring how embarrassing this situation would have been with others seeing her, she began to cry for help.
  71. ”Heee-’CRACK!’-EEEEELP”
  72. Sweetie continued to scream for aid, desperately hoping for anypony to be nearby.
  73. ’SMACK!’
  74. Frankly, she wasn’t sure how much her bottom could take.
  76. After a solid minute of paddling, Sweetie was beginning to think that her final fate would be getting spanked to death, when suddenly…
  77. ”Sweetie Belle?!”
  78. That was Scootaloo’s voice. Sweetie’s tear filled eyes lit up with renewed hope. She was saved!
  79. ”Scoota-‘THWACK!’-OOOF! HEEEELP!”
  80. ”What in tarnation?!”
  81. That was Applebloom. Great, she was here as well.
  83. As her friends entered the clubhouse, they paused upon seeing her getting paddled.
  84. ’CRACK!’ “Ouch! Why are you just standing there?” Sweetie Belle asked in desperation.
  85. After a few more seconds, Applebloom was the first to speak ”Why are you-“ she winced as the hairbrush struck the unicorn again. “spanking yourself?”
  86. ”I’M NOT!” Sweetie screamed with a sudden spike of rage, only to get smacked on the bum again.
  87. ”But you are.” Scootaloo pointed out. “It’s your magic.”
  88. ”I CAN’T CONTROL IT!” Sweetie screamed after yet another smack. “It’s doing it on its own.”
  89. ’CRACK!’
  90. ”Help me, pleeease!”
  92. Hearing their friend’s heartfelt plea, the two fillies had little doubt about the fact that she was in trouble, so they quickly got over of their shock and rushed to aid her. Scootaloo tried to catch the hairbrush so it would stop swinging, but found herself unable as it simply kept teleporting out of her hooves and going right back to spanking the reddened white bottom. Applebloom, meanwhile tried to move Sweetie Belle out of the way, but that failed too as the spell seemed to glue her entire backside to that one spot. She couldn’t even lower her tail.
  94. ”What are you doing?!” Sweetie asked.
  95. ”It won’t stop! What did you do?” Scootaloo asked.
  96. ”I’ll tell you after-‘CRACK!’-UGH! After you save me!”
  97. Sweetie and Scootaloo looked at each other.
  98. ”Were gonna need help.” Applebloom said.
  99. ”Yea, but what are we gonna do about her until then?” Scootaloo pointed at the ongoing unintentional self-chastisement.
  100. Applebloom looked around the clubhouse, ignoring Sweetie’s demands of assistance.
  101. ”I know, how about you hold that pillow to her flank while I get Applejack.” Applebloom suggested, pointing at one of the small pillows the crusaders kept there.
  102. ”Great idea!” Scootaloo went to grab the pillow and held it in front of her friend’s butt.
  103. The paddle did not seem to care as it kept swinging away.
  104. ”Better?” Asked Applebloom.
  105. ”Yea, but it still hurts a little.” Sweetie said, now just wincing at the spanks. “Don’t we have something thicker?”
  106. ”Nope! I’ll be back in a few minutes.” Applebloom said before running off.
  107. ”Hurry!” Sweetie Belle shouted after the farm filly.
  110. ’smack’ ‘smack’ ‘smack’
  111. The hairbrush kept swinging at the pillow, its sounds muffled by its feathers as the two fillies waited for Applebloom to return.
  112. ”Uuugh, where is she?!” Sweetie Belle asked. While the paddling was much better with the pillow, it was still uncomfortable.
  113. ’CRACK!’
  114. ”OOW, Scootaloo!”
  115. ”Sorry, my hoof slipped!” Scootaloo said as she frantically got the pillow back to its position.
  116. ”How does your hoof slip?! You’re holding a pillow!”
  117. ”Well, its tired from having to hold something up to your big red flank!”
  118. ”Oh, you’re tired?! Imagine how I must-“
  119. ”Girls!”
  120. Both fillies looked at the clubhouse entrance to see Applejack, Rarity, Twilight and Applebloom standing there.
  122. ”Huh, guess you were right.” Applejack remarked.
  123. ”Oh Celestia, Sweetie Belle, how ever did you get into such a mess?” Rarity asked with a mix of worry and sternness.
  124. ”I don’t ‘sniff’ wanna talk about it.” Answered Sweetie.
  125. "Can somepony take the pillow?” Scootaloo pleaded. “My hooves hurt.”
  126. Sweetie Belle frowned at her friend’s perceived lack of empathy to her painful situation while Rarity grabbed the pillow out of Scootaloo’s hooves and held it to her sister’s rump.
  127. ”Ugh, finally!” Scootaloo said as she rubbed her shoulder.
  128. It was then that Twilight chimed in. “Is this the book you used?” She asked, levitating the spellbook Sweetie was reading, to which the filly nodded.
  129. The purple mare frowned. “And I assume it’s this spell?” She asked, to which Sweetie nodded again.
  130. Twilight shook her head. “I thought so. Did you read the warning?”
  131. Even with her current predicament taking up most of her attention, she still found herself blushing in shame at Twilight’s accusation.
  132. ”That spell is not for little fillies, Sweetie Belle, you knew that.”
  134. ”Why would you even give her such a book then?” Asked Applejack.
  135. "I was under the impression that Sweetie Belle was mature enough to head the obvious warning note, but clearly I was wrong.” Twilight turned to Rarity. “I’m so sorry.”
  136. ”It’s not your fault, darling. The blame in this case should go to-“ She levitated the pillow upwards, causing the hairbrush to crash into the exposed reddened rump.
  137. ’CRACK!’
  138. ”Owch!”
  139. ”My sister.” She set the pillow back down.
  141. Twilight nodded. “I’ll prepare the counterspell. It should only take a few minutes.”
  142. ”Thank you Twilight.” Rarity said. “In the meantime, I believe that Sweetie Belle has some explaining to do.”
  143. Sweetie winced and said nothing.
  144. ”And if she doesn’t, well, I am in under no obligation to hold this pillow in front of her derriere”
  145. While the wording was not directed at her, Sweetie knew its meaning was, so she started talking.
  146. ”Well, I…”
  147. Or at least tried to.
  148. ”Well, Sweetie Belle? What convinced you to attempt such magic?”
  149. ”Well, you see, I was at school yesterday.”
  150. ”Yes, Sweetie, I am aware of that.”
  151. ”And it was a nice day and-“
  152. ”In short, please.”
  153. Sweetie groaned. “Ugh, fine. Diamond Tiara was bullying me all day and I wanted to get back at her!”
  154. Rarity blinked. “Is that it?”
  155. ”What do you mean?” Sweetie asked, almost offended.
  156. ”Not to say that this isn’t a large issue, but you could have simply told me, our parents or Miss Cheerilee and we would have handled it accordingly.”
  157. ”No, you wouldn’t! You never do!”
  158. ”Did you try talking to us about it?” Asked Rarity.
  159. Sweetie faltered. “Well no, but…”
  160. Applejack looked to her own sister. “That goes for you too, Applebloom and Scootaloo as well. I know Diamond’s parents and while her ma’ may not do much about it, I can for certain say that he pa’ very much cares about how his daughter behaves.”
  161. Sweetie could only droop her ears at this. As if getting spanked by her own magic wasn’t humiliating enough, a much simpler solution to her problem was just presented.
  163. ”Alright, I got it!” Twilight announced. “I should be able to safely cast the counterspell now.”
  164. ”Finally!”
  165. ”Although I must say, Sweetie Belle, despite your misguided intentions, I’m impressed that you got it working. Not a lot of fillies could do that in such a-“
  166. ”Okay-okay, I get it! Just make it-“
  167. Rarity raised the pillow again, cutting of Sweetie belle with another sudden smack to the bottom.
  168. ”It’s not nice to interrupt older ponies, darling.” She scolded, letting Sweetie’s backside take one more lick before covering it up again.
  169. ”Right, sorry.” Twilight apologized before gathering her magic and casting a beam at Sweetie Belle and the brush.
  171. The aura lifting Sweeties backside was no more and she was allowed to stand properly again while the hairbrush that had given her so much misery dropped down onto the floor, motionless. Naturally, the filly wasted no time and started rubbing her bottom, much to the amusement of the adults in the room.
  173. ”You know, that could have gotten a lot worse if Applebloom and Scootaloo weren’t nearby.” Twilight said.
  174. ”Indeed.” Rarity agreed. “Once we get home, you and I will have a good talk about proper magic practice and you can rest assured that I’ll be informing mother and father about this.”
  175. Sweetie groaned.
  176. ”And I’ll talk to Filthy about Diamond.” She looked to the other two fillies in the room. “I take she was bullying the two of you as well?
  177. ”Mhm.”
  178. ”A lot! And Silver Spoon too!”
  179. "Thought so. I hope you learned your lesson Sweetie Belle, and I hope you’ll be careful about what books you lend to the young’uns, Twilight.”
  180. ”I most certainly will.” Twilight said. “A lot of magic books will be going to the adult section very soon.”
  182. And so, the ponies soon took their leave to their own businesses. Applebloom and Scootaloo wanted invite Sweetie Belle to play, but seeing that she would not be available now, the two would have to make do with each other.
  184. Next day.
  186. Sweetie Belle was in her room, reading a book. Not a spellbook, but a romance novel. She was laying on her stomach as it still very much hurt to sit after yesterday’s incident. She was very thankful that it was a weekend day.
  188. ”Oh, Sweetie Belle!” Called Rarity as she opened the door.
  189. ”Yes?” The filly asked, looking up at her sister.
  190. ”Applejack had a talk with Diamond’s father.”
  191. ”Oh, did it do anything?”
  192. Rarity shrugged. “Hard to say, but according to Applejack, he was not pleased with his daughter whatsoever.” She giggled a little. “Perhaps it’s unladylike to say, but I think that her flank should be looking very similar to yours by now.”
  193. Sweetie Belle smiled at that. She could only hope that Rarity was right.
  194. ”Twilight also says that you may only read magic books under adult supervision from now on.”
  195. ”What, why?!” Sweetie Belle asked angrily.
  196. ”Because darling” Rarity walked up to her sister and gave her a quick smack on the rump, earning a yelp and a mean look from the filly. “Little fillies like you should not be spanking themselves. That is up to their parents.” Rarity gave a wry smile. “And their big sisters, of course.”
  198. Sweetie’s face lit up in a nice shade of red at that to match her still glowing bottom.

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