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Cadence Misuses Her Talent

By asd
Created: 2023-10-21 12:43:02
Expiry: Never

  1. Young Cadence hated spankings, just like all other foals. But she had something that other kids did not: Being an alicorn with extremely potent love magic. Such power in the hooves of a young filly could lead to dangerous results, not that Cadence cared. She only saw the benefits of it.
  3. Unfortunately for the young filly, she had made a rather large mess in the castle kitchen in a recent quest of hers to obtain some pizza and it was only a matter of time before she was found out and sadly, Celestia considered messing with the castle and its staff like this to be a spankable offense. Cadence wasn't sure that this would also count as that or if she would be let off with some forced cleaning, but she did not want to take that chance.
  5. Especially when she had a "genius" idea.
  7. Love magic had strong effects on a pony's mind. Perhaps strong enough to get her out of trouble. After all, if the chef, who would certainly know it was her were to love her enough not to tell Celestia, she could very well get herself out of trouble and what Celestia doesn't know won't bite her in the flank.
  9. And so, instead of running away from her mess like how the young filly usually would in such cases, she hid behind one of the stalls used for cooking and waited for the chef to arrive, already gathering her magic.
  11. As a stallion wearing a chefs hat came in...
  13. Cadence poked out of her cover and fired a magical beam at him. Time seemed to stand still for a moment as the chef stood in one place with a blank expression.
  15. Did it work?
  17. Suddenly, the stallion's head snapped towards the young filly, looking down at her.
  18. "Did you make this mess?" He asked calmly.
  19. Cadence slowly and nervously nodded.
  20. "You know your not supposed to be here without permission."
  21. "Uh, sorry." Cadence apologized and awkwardly looked him in the eye. "Please don't tell the Aunt Celestia."
  22. The chef sighed. "You should know better then that, young filly." He took on a more stern tone. "The kitchen is dangerous for unsupervised young fillies."
  23. Cadence stepped back. She was sure that she casted the spell right. Why wasn't this working?!
  25. While the filly was focused on thinking about what went wrong, she did not notice the chef grabbing one of the kitchen spatulas nor did she notice him getting right behind her.
  26. 'SMACK!'
  27. Cadence jumped foreword with a yelp. A bright red mark appeared on her flank where the spatula had struck.
  28. "I hope I won't have to do that again, princess."
  29. "Y-you hit me!"
  30. "Actions have consequences." The chef said as he put the spatula back down.
  31. "But your supposed to love me!"
  32. The stallion smiled. "Of course I do!" He said. "A bit of tough love can go a long way.
  33. Tough love. The worst type of love in Cadence's opinion.
  34. "Now then." The chef grabbed the filly's hoof. "Lets pay a visit to princess Celestia."
  35. Cadence was then led away, which she could do nothing about despite her protests.
  37. Why did it have to be tough love?
  39. Cadence wasn't sure if she should be thankful or not for Celestia's room being so close to the kitchen. On one hand, it meant less embarrassment while on the other, it gave her less time to prepare an excuse. The ruler's chambers had two guards protecting it, but seeing as Cadence was involved, they did not stop the chef from knocking on the door.
  40. "Come in!" Came the monarch's voice and the stallion let himself and the filly in.
  42. Upon seeing them, Celestia stopped whatever she was working on and frowned, quickly deducing that there was trouble.
  43. "Why is-" Celestia cut herself off after noticing the chef's eyes, who took the moment to explain what happened.
  44. She then glared at the now cowering filly.
  45. "Mi Amore Cadenza! Did you use your magic on this pony?"
  46. Cadence wanted to lie, but under the withering gaze of the elder princess, she could do nothing but meekly nod.
  48. Celestia did not say anything, she just pointed to a corner in the room. The meaning was obvious, and Cadence could only obey as she planted her nose into the meeting point of the two walls. This wasn't the first time she had been given a time out.
  50. That spatula still stung, Cadence bet it left a mark. While it was clear that her rump would soon be getting sorer, Cadence held onto a bit of hope that she could weasel her way out of a proper spanking.
  52. Meanwhile, Celestia de-spelled the filly's magic and waited as the chef got himself together after a bit of dizziness.
  53. "I am terribly sorry for what happened." The princess apologized before turning to write a note. "The maids chambers is a few rooms next to here. Please give this note to the head maid and a team will clean up the kitchen for you."
  54. "Oh, thank you, princess."
  55. "No worries, and a certain filly will be assisting as well once I have a talk with her."
  56. Cadence gulped.
  57. "I'll be looking foreword to it." Said the chef before bowing and leaving. He clearly knew what was going on.
  59. "Now then." Celestia. Levitated Cadence towards her, not even bothering to call the filly over.
  60. The young alicorn soon found herself laying over Celestia's left hoof. Given her size, the princess rarely bothered to put a filly over her knee when it came to giving spankings.
  61. "Wait, auntie, it was an accident!"
  62. "One cannot accidentally cast a spell like that, young filly."
  63. 'SMACK!'
  64. Celestia gave the pink bottom a firm smack with her right hoof, which She had removed the horseshoe from while she was levitating her niece over.
  65. "Ow! Wait, The chef already spanked me!"
  66. "I can see that." Celestia said before giving the little rump another spank, causing its owner to cry out once more. "That was for the mess you caused, this is for misusing your talents."
  67. 'SMACK!' 'SMACK!' 'SMACK!'
  68. "Had you not cast that spell on that poor stallion, I would have simply made you help clean the kitchen, but now..."
  69. 'SLAP!' 'SMACK!' 'SMACK!'
  70. "You have earned yourself a sore rump."
  71. Cadence wailed as her pink butt was painted red.
  73. Celestia was a very strong pony and as such, her hoof spanks were just as hard as the spatula slap from earlier. She may also have been spanking Cadence harder then she did in the past. The filly wasn't sure, but it did feel that way.
  75. She did try to utter out whatever excuses she came up with during her short time out, but they were barely understandable, not that Celestia bothered to answer. She just focused on roasting the little filly's rump. This wasn't her first time giving a spanking, and it wouldn't be her last. She had heard all sorts of excuses over the years, leaving her numb to them. Besides, she believed that a chastisement should have no distractions. Her answering such pleas would take focus away from what was the most important thing at the moment: Cadence's burning hindquarters.
  77. 'SMACK!' 'SLAP!' 'SLAP!'
  79. The young filly's hindlegs kicked in a random directions at each slap. They became particularly frantic once Celestia started to put some focus on the undercurves of the poor rump.
  81. After ensuring that that her niece's buttocks were sufficiently cooked, she stopped, and held the filly close. Cadence could only cry as Celestia was walking around the room for some reason.
  83. She really hated spankings.
  85. Unfortunately, just as he was getting used to the rather comforting position Celestia now had her in, she found her rump pain spiking up again as she was made to sit down on a wooden chair.
  87. "Stay!" Celestia ordered, making the filly sit on a chair and table that she had kept in her room for private tutoring sessions. Cadence knew she would get her rump smacked more if she jumped off, so she stayed sitting, albeit with much squirming.
  89. The elder alicorn then had a piece of paper, a quill and an inkpot levitated to the desk.
  90. "Now, I want you to write an apology letter the the chef. If you wish to stand up, I suggest that you write quickly."
  91. Cadence whined, but Celestia ignored her as she went back to working on some documents.
  93. Despite not wanting to write, Cadence eventually did finish the letter and Celestia made sure to give it a thorough read to while the filly squirmed about, desperately wanting to release the pressure on her rump. Thankfully, it was satisfactory, but the monarch gave one last lecture before letting Cadence finally stand up and unfortunately, the young filly did not have much time to nurse her rump before Celestia made her run off to the kitchen to help with the cleaning with yet another smack to it.
  95. Cadence really-REALLY hated spankings.
  97. That would not be the end of the punishment though, as later, Cadence would have a magic nullifying ring placed onto her horn, which she would have to wear for a month. She also made sure to warn of another hard spanking just as she was starting to think up ways to remove it.
  99. And that was the story about how Cadence learned the folly's of misusing her magic.

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