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Luster's Heater

By asd
Created: 2023-10-21 12:43:32
Expiry: Never

  1. Luster Dawn was not being a good filly.
  3. Not to say she was a bad filly in general, it’s just that she had a recent streak of naughtiness. This was normal for foals her age and would usually be dealt with accordingly.
  5. The problem that Princess Twilight Sparkle faced, however, was that her young student was a particularly smart and magically gifted unicorn, which made any long-term punishment difficult. Sure, she gave her some spankings here and there along with other punishments, but the filly would always be back being mischievous.
  7. Something more effective was needed and thankfully, she knew what would do the trick. It wasn't something that the monarch wanted to do, but it was important for her personal student to be at least moderately well-behaved for both their sakes.
  9. ”Were you stealing pastries again, Luster?” Twilight asked.
  10. She and Luster Dawn were in the filly’s room, where Twilight marched to after finding out about this latest misdemeanor from her faithful student.
  11. ”…No…” Luster said while looking away.
  12. ”I can see the crumbs on your lips.”
  13. Luster quickly licked those off. “I-I don’t know what you’re talking about!”
  14. Luster…”
  15. The filly groaned and looked at the ground, knowing that the jig was up.
  16. ”What has gotten into you these days? You keep getting into one trouble after another!” Twilight scolded.
  17. ”I dunno.” Luster mumbled.
  18. Twilight sighed. “Well, I’m afraid that I’ll have to take more drastic measures this time.”
  19. Luster looked up. “Exactly what?” She asked wearily.
  20. ”Turn around!”
  21. The filly did not move.
  22. ”Or, I could give you a quick spanking first.”
  23. ”Aren’t you gonna spank me anyway?” Asked Luster grumpily, although with a tint of fear in her voice that she tried to hide.
  24. Despite herself, Twilight couldn’t help but smile. Luster’s occasional blunt rebelliousness was endearing when she didn’t take it too far. “Not quite.” She then frowned. “But unless you want a double punishment, I advise turning around now.”
  25. Luster gulped. She was a smart filly, so she knew that there was no getting out of this, so she reluctantly did as she was told.
  27. Twilight's student could hear the familiar sound of her mentor using her magic. She shut her eyes in anticipation of what was to come, shaking slightly. When she opened them she felt… no different than before.
  29. ”And done.” Twilight said. “I’m afraid that spell will last a week. I advise being on your best behavior until then.”
  30. ”What did it do?” Luster asked, somewhat timidly.
  31. The mare looked thoughtful for a moment, but shook her head slightly. “I’ll let you figure it out.”
  32. ”Huh?!”
  33. ”Don’t worry, I’m sure you’ll find out soon enough.” Said Twilight with a bit of mischief in her voice, but still somewhat sternly, who then left before Luster could question her any further.
  35. Now left to her own devices, Luster began to think: She wasn’t sure what Twilight did to her and frankly, she wasn’t powerful enough to dispel it. Maybe it was just a little lightshow meant to make her scared? It was sort of working if that was the case because as far as Luster knew, anything could happen.
  37. Maybe some pastries would make her feel better…
  39. The little filly knew that she shouldn’t be making a kitchen raid again, especially after just getting caught, but nopony was working there at this time and there were very few guards patrolling at that area of the palace, so she was sure that she could get away unnoticed this time.
  41. With a mischievous smirk, she left the room as well.
  43. Turns out that Luster was actually quite tired for whatever reason as she felt some heat, especially at her backside despite the time of day not changing. She was almost sweating by the time she got to where she wanted to be.
  45. The kitchen doors were shut tight and locked as the staff’s shift was over. Luster frowned. They never locked the doors before.
  46. ”Was it because of me?” She thought.
  47. ”Nah.” She then said to herself, feeling an odd tingle on her rump. She ignored it and began gathering her magic to cast a lock picking spell that she learned without Twilight knowing.
  48. Grinning excitedly, she cast the spell on the door. The filly always wanted to try this for real.
  50. Except that the moment her magic reached the lock, she had to scream, which broke her magical concentration.
  51. Luster looked behind her. “What was that?” She asked herself.
  52. The sudden pain came from her rump, but nopony was behind her to smack it or anything.
  54. Maybe it was her imagination? She certainly felt it.
  56. Shrugging, the unicorn chose to try picking the lock again, this time, a lot more carefully as she figured it was due to some sort of magical backlash.
  57. ”Ouch!” Again, the pain was there, which meant another failed attempt.
  58. This time, however, the painful sensation lasted for quite a bit longer. In fact, it would not stop. Luster trotted in place to try and shake it away, but to no avail.
  59. ”Owowowowow!”
  60. It felt as though her rump was heating up to uncomfortable levels.
  62. She found out what Twilight had cast on her.
  64. The pain still would not go away as tears started to trickle from Luster’s eyes. She tried rubbing her flank, but it did not help one bit, not to mention that it was uncomfortably hot for her hooves to touch for long.
  66. Thinking fast, she started to run away from the door with the intention of getting help, and the moment she got away from the kitchen, the pain subsided, almost as it never happened. Luster halted and hesitantly rubbed her butt to confirm that it had indeed cooled down. Maybe it activated whenever she tried to get to the kitchen?
  68. Despite her best judgment, she decided to test out her theory by slowly walking towards to the door again and just as she hypothesized, her rump started to heat up as she got closer, albeit much more slowly than before. She backed off as soon as the hotness started to get painful.
  70. After that, she just stood there, staring at the door for a bit, her dreams of delicious pastries ruined by one stupid spell. Her bottom was a little hot, as if to mock her misfortune, although it was most likely just due to the magic reacting to her staring.
  72. With a huff, the now angry filly turned away with the intent of going to the library. She wasn’t gonna let some dumb spell get the better of her.
  74. Later, at the castle library, Luster was dutifully reading as many spell books as she could get her hooves on.
  75. ”Really, Princess Twilight should be glad that I’m reading so much.” She said to herself only to be shushed by a librarian.
  77. Luster ignored her and kept reading, but sadly, no books contained any counters to this horrible “curse”. Any attempts to magic it away failed miserably, and ended with another uncomfortable “hot bot” session. Eventually, after one too many cries of pain from the repeated attempts, Luster was kicked out for being too loud. She wanted to cuss in frustration, but noticing that her rump was once again gaining heat whenever she tried to swear, opted not to say anything.
  79. With her plan of dispelling the all-powerful alicorn’s magic unsurprisingly ending in failure, she had one option left, one that the prideful filly absolutely despised.
  82. ”Pleeease!” Luster begged, her hind legs frantically pacing in place and bottom shifting left to right as her tail swished around her searing hot bottom.
  83. ”I’m afraid not, my little pony.” Twilight calmly said with a tint of amusement in her voice and expression.
  84. ”Pleasepleaseplease, I learned my lesson!” Luster cried.
  85. ”You have not if you’re here begging me to release you from your punishment, as I’m sure you feel my on your backside.”
  86. ”Can’t you-OOOW!” Starlight screamed as the butt burn reached unbearable levels.
  88. Indeed, Luster’s last resort was to beg Twilight for mercy, but the princess was not budging on the matter and the more she tried to plead, convince or bargain her way out, the burn and pain would get worse.
  90. ”I can’t take it, AHAAAU!” She danced in place.
  91. Twilight rolled her eyes. “Just stop talking, Luster.”
  92. The young unicorn did and the hotness slowly (too slowly for her tastes) subsided.
  93. Twilight watched as her apprentice calmed down before talking. “This is your punishment, Luster Dawn. It will only activate if you misbehave and it will give you plenty of opportunities to stop yourself from doing anything it doesn't like.”
  94. Luster looked up at her with teary eyes.
  95. ”I’m sorry, Luster, but I won’t be dropping it for the week.”
  97. Now pouting, she summoned more tears and tried giving Twilight the most adorable expression that a filly like her could muster.
  99. Only to let out a short squeak.
  101. Twilight couldn’t help but chuckle. “I guess it considers puppy dog eyes to be off limits as well.”
  102. Luster frowned indignantly. With her one last hope gone, Luster had no choice but to take her punishment.
  104. Seriously, she did take it.
  106. Over the following days she would keep trying to find a way out or some sort of loophole out of this flank heating spell, but all that ever did was cause her even more butthurt. Usually, it wouldn’t even let her finish whatever she was trying to do as the agony was simply too much to bear at a point. Princess Twilight was, of course, usually quick to point out how avoidable such discomfort was.
  108. After a few too many giggles at her expense, Luster also found out that her buttocks kept reddening as they got hotter. The filly was not too thrilled at discovering this. She also wasn't very happy when she found out that the princess decided to extend her punishment for these attempts.
  110. She only had one day left...
  112. Eventually, after she powered through one of her punishment dodging attempts, which left such a mess that Twilight saw fit to give her a spanking.
  114. Now, this wasn’t new. Twilight was no stranger to dishing out a few butt beatings on occasion. Luster was certainly no stranger to the princess’s rather large hoof clapping on her bottom. Twilight’s spankings weren’t too bad. Sure, they made a filly squirm, but they weren't “bawling like a newborn foal” level of torture.
  116. The problem this time was with the squirming part.
  118. That spell would not leave the unicorn alone, even while being punished by the same alicorn who cast it: Whenever she’d try to move, her hindquarters, already hot from the purple hoof slapping its cheeks, would heat up further from the spell making the experience that much worse and whenever she’d try to make that fact known, it would also come into effect. Really, it activated any time she tried to say anything that wasn’t a form of crying in pain or grunting.
  120. Of course, Twilight did not care about this one bit. Luster wasn’t even sure that she noticed it as the princess tended to give out lectures before and after her spankings. Surely, though, she must have noticed how her rump reddened outside of her hoof’s influence so she most likely didn’t care.
  122. As such, Luster was practically forced to stay perfectly still and keep any sounds to a minimum to avoid getting essentially spanked twice at the same time.
  124. Luster Dawn was generally a pretty squirmy filly during spankings.
  125. She also really hated this new form of discipline.
  127. After the spanking, Twilight gave her a stern lecture. Luster thought that this was most likely because she just loved dishing out lectures.
  129. She of course, tearfully, but dutifully remained silent as during it. The rump heater spell would surely force her to anyway.
  131. Once that was done, Twilight gave a surprising chuckle.
  132. ”And Luster, please don’t squirm so much the next time I spank you. My spell made it so hard to judge how much more I had to go.”
  133. Luster blushed. “W-well turn it off then!” She demanded only for another sudden heat stroke to manifest, causing her to yelp.
  134. The mare laughed and booped the little filly. “When you’re ready.”
  135. ”When will that be?”
  136. ”That is up to you, young filly. I’m sure we both know what I expect from you in that regard.”
  137. Of course, Luster did, but refused to say it out loud.
  138. ”Behave.” She thought bitterly.
  140. After this event, Luster mostly gave up on dodging her punishment and tried to be on her best behavior because she knew it was pointless to resist. She also wanted out of it as quickly as possible.
  142. Of course, with Princess Twilight being Princess Twilight, her teacher just had to make sure that she was serious before even entertaining the idea of de-spelling her.
  144. So for now, all the little unicorn could do was continue to be good and hope that her punishment would be lifted sooner rather than later.
  146. She really wanted some extra pastries, after all.

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