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Story Exchange

By asd
Created: 2023-10-21 12:44:19
Expiry: Never

  1. It was an average day in the School of Friendship.
  3. Students were either in class or milling about. Among them were too small oddities: Gallus and Smolder.
  5. It wasn’t necessarily their presence that was odd. Non-ponies were a well-known part of the establishment, after all. More so, it was their rumps, which were noticeably red. To any onlooker that knew what a spanking was, which was pretty much everyone, the two were obviously given just that.
  7. Of course, no one made fun of them because such behavior was highly frowned upon in the establishment and no one dared to ask the resident “tough guys” what had happened, so no one brought it up, but both creatures did notice the stares they were getting, as much as the others tried to hide it, which annoyed them greatly.
  9. Smolder looked around to make sure no one was watching before entering the mostly unused storage room. Normally, she would have no reason to come here, but the dragon needed some privacy due to her visibly sore backend.
  11. ”You to?”
  12. Smolder snapped at Gallus's voice.
  13. ”Got your lizard ass roasted?”
  14. She rolled her eyes. “You’re the one to talk, birdbrain.”
  15. Despite themselves, they both chuckled.
  16. ”They were staring at you too?” Smolder asked.
  17. Gallus shrugged. “Why else would I be here? I had great privacy before a certain somecreature decided to show up.”
  18. ”Too bad, were sharing.”
  19. ”A dragon sharing? Oh, how far you’ve come.” The griffon teased.
  20. Smolder huffed. “Kicking your cat behind out would cause too much of a commotion. I don’t wanna deal with even more of that.”
  21. ”Funny. I was thinking the same thing.”
  23. Feeling far less embarrassed to share a space with someone who was sharing the same misery as them, the two slowly got comfortable, but Eventually, boredom started to set in.
  25. ”So what happened?” Gallus asked.
  26. ”As if I’d tell!”
  27. "Tell you what then. We swap stories to pass the time and tell no one because frankly, we have nothing better to do and I’m pretty sure you’re just as bored as I am.”
  28. Smolder considered this offer. “Good point.” She admitted before pointing at her friend. “You first!”
  29. ”Seriously?”
  30. Smolder just smirked at him.
  31. Gallus huffed. “Fiiine. But no making fun me!”
  32. Smolder pointed at her own buttocks. “As if either of us can.”
  33. ”Heh, good point.”
  36. ”Alright, so I was back home in Griffonstone, trying to get myself some bits.”
  37. ”You’re always trying to get bits.”
  38. ”And your always after gems!”
  39. ”They are an important part of dragon diet!”
  40. ”And bits are an important part of griffon lifestyle!”
  41. ”Oh, just get on with the story!”
  42. ”You interrupted me, but fine!”
  44. ”So I was doing a bit of trading.”
  45. "For bits?”
  46. ”Yea. You know, sell high and buy low, the usual.”
  47. ”You were trying to scam others, weren’t you?”
  48. ”Hey, it’s only a scam if you’re caught!”
  49. ”Were you?”
  50. ”You were, weren’t you? I bet that’s why you got your butt beat!”
  51. ”Well, since you already know, I guess it’s your turn now.”
  52. ”We made a deal, birdbrain. Go on!”
  53. ”Oh, alright.”
  55. ”So anyway, I get caught by a shopkeeper I was trying to scam. She had a really good eye for detail. Now, I wasn’t kidding when I said that it’s only a scam if you’re caught. Griffons think that if you don’t catch on to one, you deserve to lose your money, but if you are caught like I was, well, we don’t really like that and word travels between shopkeepers, aaand of course, it’s only a matter of time before somegriff told Grandpa Gruff.”
  57. ”Is he like, your caretaker or something?”
  58. ”Pretty much. He gets paid to take care of orphans.”
  59. ”Surprised you griffons have that.”
  60. ”I don’t blame you. Apparently whoever organizes it makes a profit from it. Not sure how.”
  62. ”But fast forward and the old vulture’s nagging my ears off.”
  63. ”So typical elder stuff.”
  64. ”Pretty much. So he nags for like, an hour then tells me to bend over.”
  65. ”Over what?”
  66. ”My bed. He always whoops me over it.”
  67. ”So this isn’t the first time?”
  68. ”Of course not. Gruff’s as old school about punishments as he is.”
  69. ”So spankings are considered old-school for griffons?”
  70. ”Yea, it was apparently pretty commonly back in the day, but parents then found out that they could just make their kids do some chores instead and make it worth their while.” Gruff's not like that. As I said, he’s old-school. And because of that, I was on my bed, waiting for him to beat my butt.”
  72. ”Couldn’t you at least try to get away?”
  73. ”Nah, I live there and Gruff can kick me out. I don’t wanna stay there for long, but right now, I gotta play by his rules.”
  74. ”Rough.”
  75. ”Yea.”
  77. …”So then did he start it?”
  78. ”Uh, no. He got his cane first.”
  79. ”Like those sticks that old ponies walk with?”
  80. ”Yea, that. Hurts like crazy.”
  81. ”From a griffon as old as Gruff? It can’t be that bad.”
  82. ”Oh trust me, it is. He may not look tough, but the old coot can hit hard and he’s dealt with lots of chicks over the years. If there’s one thing he’s good at, besides rambling, is hitting asses.”
  84. ”Ouch, did you cry?”
  85. ”Of course not!”
  86. ”Are you sure?”
  87. ”… Ugh, yes!”
  88. ”Oh, stop laughing! I bet you were too!”
  89. ”Umm…”
  90. ”Hah, I knew it!”
  91. ”Just finish the story!”
  93. ”Right, so anyway, I gotta lay their while he wails on me all the while he’s speaking all sorts of nonsense.”
  94. ”Nonsense?”
  95. ”I don’t know, I wasn’t listening.”
  96. ”Wasn’t or couldn’t?”
  97. ”Shut up. So moving on, he stops eventually and makes me go outside.”
  98. ”Come on, Gallus, answer my question!”
  99. ”I said shut up!”
  100. ”You made the deal, you gotta tell me everything.”
  101. ”Fine, I couldn’t. Happy?!”
  102. ”Yep!”
  104. ”’Sigh’ Anyways, after that, I was kicked out for a few hours.”
  105. ”Was it embarrassing?”
  106. ”Yea, most griffons don’t really care, but the young chicks and old coots like Gruff will always get a laugh in. It sucks.”
  107. ”Yea…”
  110. ”Anyways, your turn.”
  111. ”Oh, right.”
  112. ”Come on, Smolder, we agreed to this.”
  113. ”Yea-yea, just lemme think.”
  114. ”I didn’t need time to think so you don’t either!”
  115. ”Grrr…”
  116. ”Don’t blow smoke at me, you know I’m right!”
  118. "… It happened when I was back in the Dragon Lands.”
  119. ”Obviously.”
  120. ”Quiet while I’m talking! So you know about how I accidentally-“
  121. ”Deliberately.”
  122. ”ACCIDENTALLY burned down that stupid pony chair?”
  123. ”Yea, after you somehow managed to get stuck in it.”
  124. ”I did not get stuck in it!”
  125. ”Yes you did.”
  126. ”Did not!”
  127. ”Did too!”
  128. ”Did not!”
  129. ”Did too!”
  130. ”Did… Fine, yes I did. You happy!”
  131. ”Yes, Smolder, yes I am.”
  132. ”Har har, Gallus.”
  134. "Anyways, someone told Dragon Lord Ember or she figured it out on her own. I dunno.”
  135. ”I take she wasn’t happy?”
  136. ”You take correctly.”
  137. ”So then what? Did she tell your brother or something?”
  138. ”Nah, she chewed me out herself.”
  139. ”Like with Gruff?”
  140. ”Yep. Except this was less rambling and more ranting.”
  142. ”Anyway, she takes me to some rocks.”
  143. ”Isn’t the Dragon Lands just a bunch of rocks and lava?”
  144. ”Yea, but it was a specific set of rocks.”
  145. ”How specific?”
  146. ”I dunno! It was a place with big rocks! You want me to tell the story or not?!”
  147. ”Yea, sure. Go ahead!”
  149. ”So she tells me to wait there while she flies off.”
  150. ”And you did?”
  151. ”Yea, she’s the dragonlord so I gotta obey her every command.”
  152. ”Right. Is that a magic thing or a law thing?”
  153. ”Both.”
  154. ”Ah.”
  156. ”So I wait there for like, an hour.”
  157. ”A whole hour?”
  158. ”Yea, I guess she needed time to figure out what to do with me?”
  159. ”As in spank you.”
  160. ”Yes, Gallus, very astute observation.”
  161. ”Fancy word coming from you.”
  162. ”As if your vocabulary is any better.”
  163. ”Don’t you have a story to tell?”
  164. ”I would if you stopped interrupting me!”
  165. ”I’m not interrupting you now.”
  167. ”… So… She comes back eventually with this big flat piece of wood and tells me to lay on a rock.”
  168. ”Kinda like me?”
  169. ”Pretty much. She even lifted my tail and made me keep it up.”
  170. ”She did that for you?”
  171. ”Yea, it was humiliating! I mean, if she was an elder or something, it wouldn’t be as bad, but she’s not even that much older than me so it’s really awkward.”
  172. ”Hey, I’d rather take a nice young hen then an angry old relic.”
  173. ”Or Silverstream.”
  174. ”Sh-shut up!”
  176. ”Heh, anyway, as you can guess, she starts hitting me.”
  177. ”Didn’t you say that dragon punishment involve breathing fire on the flank?”
  178. ”Yea, I even asked her why she wasn’t roasting me. She said that since I messed up in ponyland, I’d be punished like ponies.”
  179. ”So was that better or worse?”
  180. ”Worse. The pain was pretty much the same, but it felt super demeaning to get punished like that instead of the proper dragon way.”
  181. ”Oooh, you think she knew that?”
  182. ”Probably, but she didn’t care.”
  183. ”Did anyone else see you?”
  184. ”I think. Ember picked a quiet spot, but I did see a few shadows of other dragons. I don’t think they were teenagers, thankfully, but I’m not sure.”
  185. ”Did they make fun of you?”
  186. ”No, most dragons usually don’t make jokes about punishments given out by dragon lords, but some teenagers could still get the idea to come at me about it later.”
  187. ”Gonna be lying low for a while then?”
  188. ”Yea, probably.”
  190. ”So did you cry?”
  191. ”Gallus…”
  192. ”I told you, you told me.”
  193. ”…There… were tears.”
  194. ”A lot?”
  195. "I’ll take that as a yes.”
  196. ”You just have to rub it in, don’t you?”
  197. ”Just like you.”
  198. ”Touché.”
  199. ”What goes around, comes around, Smolder.”
  201. ”Fair. But yea, that’s how I got spanked by the dragon lord.”
  202. ”Did she leave you alone after that?”
  203. ”Yea, she just told me not to do it again and then started asking bout’ how school went.”
  204. ”Does she ask that regularly?”
  205. ”Yea, she almost treats me like some kind of ambassador at times.”
  206. ”Ambassador Smolder. Has an interesting ring to it.”
  207. ”Not my desired occupation.”
  210. Gallus was about to say something when he looked out the window. “How much time do you think has passed?” He asked, noticing the crowd of students outside.
  211. ”I dunno, but I’m pretty sure we skipped class.” Smolder answered before looking at Gallus nervously. “Hey, you think we could convince the headmare not to give us detention?”
  212. ”Maybe if we tell her why we were hiding in here.”
  213. ”Detention it is.”
  214. ”Yep.”
  216. Meanwhile outside, four creatures were listening in the entire time.
  217. ”Looks like storytime's over.” Said Sandbar quietly.
  218. ”And so are our classes.” Pointed out Occelus.
  219. ”Which means we also missed class.” Said Silverstream, sadly.
  220. ”Yona think we can convince teachers to let us off. They send us to find Gallus and Smolder anyway.”
  221. ”Yea, I can talk to the others about that.” Said Pinkie Pie.
  222. ”Professor Pinkie?” Asked all 4 at once, quietly to not let the other two hear them.
  223. ”Friends helping each other is a good thing and you four just did what we told you, so I’ll tell the others to let you off the hook.”
  224. ”Thanks, professor.” Said Sandbar, to which the others nodded.
  225. ”We should go before those two decide to come out.” Said Occelus.
  227. Everyone agreed and left to let the young dragon and griffon have time to themselves.

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