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A Learning Experience

By asd
Created: 2023-10-21 12:45:54
Expiry: Never

  1. Sweetie Belle, now grown up had a career as a teacher at the School of Friendship. It was enjoyable, suitably challenging and she shared it with her two best friends.
  3. There was, however, one problem as of late: A student of hers, a green and blue filly, was being particularly nasty. No matter what techniques Sweetie tried, whether it be discipline or encouragement, they did not work.
  5. And the worst part? She was the one who had the most classes with this filly.
  7. She was at her at her wits end and to make things worse: Starlight just called her to the head mare’s office, probably to talk about her inability to handle the student.
  9. ”Hello, Sweetie Belle! Please, sit down.” Starlight greeted as the white unicorn entered her office.
  10. Sweetie sat down, almost feeling like a school filly again.
  11. Starlight wasted no time in getting to the point. “Now, I think we both know the subject of this meeting.”
  12. Sweetie nodded, hoping that she was successfully hiding her nervousness.
  13. ”Right, that filly is quite the troublemaker.”
  14. Sweetie couldn’t agree more. “I know and I’ve tried everything!” She complained, her nervousness replaced with annoyance. “But even when I punish her, it doesn’t work.”
  15. Starlight smiled a little at Sweetie’s frustration. “I know, it’s just that you’re the one who has the most classes with her so everycreature’s kind of expecting you to set her straight.”
  16. ”Yea.” Sweetie sighed. “I’m just out of ideas.” She looked downwards dejectedly.
  17. Starlight stared at the saddened mare a bit before speaking up again. “You know, we keep paddles in most teacher’s desks for a reason.”
  18. Sweetie sprung up. “You’re not suggesting that I should paddle her, are you?”
  19. ”That’s what I want you to do.”
  20. ”B-but I couldn’t possibly give a spanking!” Sweetie almost shouted.
  22. While the school did allow teachers to perform corporal punishment when needed, it was not something that Sweetie Belle ever took advantage of. She just couldn’t ever imagine herself tanning a filly’s bottom, no matter how naughty they may have been.
  24. ”Sweetie Belle, you’re a grown adult now and a teacher. You have the authority and ability to do it.”
  25. ”I know, but-“
  26. ”Look, you said you tried everything else, right?” Starlight asked sternly.
  27. Sweetie nodded.
  28. ”And she’s becoming a big problem for your classes?”
  29. Another nod.
  30. ”And you haven’t tried spanking yet?”
  31. A slightly more hesitant nod.
  32. ”Then I think we both know what the best option is here.”
  33. ”… I never spanked before.”
  34. ”I know.” Starlight said before taking on a more comforting tone. “I remember when I first had a particularly naughty student sent to my office." She chuckled at the memory. That was the first time she ever gave a spanking. "There’s a first time for everything.”
  35. Sweetie stayed silent, obviously still unsure.
  36. ”I know you don’t want to do it and I won’t force you to, but think of it this way: if she doesn’t improve her behavior soon, she’ll end up facing a punishment more serious then a quick paddling from a teacher”
  37. Sweetie winced. Despite her misgivings with this student, she didn’t want this fiasco to escalate any further.
  38. ”Alright, I’ll think about it.”
  39. Starlight shrugged. “That’s the best I can hope for.” She rubbed her forehead. “Maybe you could talk to some of your friends about it.”
  40. Sweetie Belle decided to do just that.
  43. ”She really wants ya’ to spank her?” Applebloom asked.
  44. ”Yea, terrible, right?!” Asked Sweetie.
  45. ”Definitely.” Applebloom paused. “So ya gonna do it?”
  46. ”I dunno.” Sweetie rubbed her left hoof. “You think I should?”
  47. ”Don’t ask me.” Applebloom hastily said. “I never gave out a spankin’ either. Ah am not the right pony to ask this.”
  48. ”Who should I ask?”
  49. ”Scootaloo.” Applebloom said as if she was stating the obvious. “She spanks creatures all the time.”
  50. Sweetie Belle facehooved. “Oh, right, her.”
  52. Scootaloo, unlike Applebloom and Sweetie Belle, regularly used spankings as a punishment. She had absolutely no reservations of tanning a naughty fanny. If Sweetie Belle was to get advice on this, it would be from her.
  55. ”So, you finally gonna do it?” Scootaloo asked after Sweetie explained her issue to her.
  56. ”That’s just the thing, Scoots, I don’t know if I should.”
  57. The orange pegasus rolled her eyes. “Of course. You two are too scared for it.”
  58. Sweetie frowned. “Easy for you to say! You probably spanked more than a dozen students at this point!”
  59. Scootaloo nodded proudly. “Yep! When it comes to discipline, nothing beats a good butt busting.”
  60. ”I don’t know how you could say such a thing.” Sweetie muttered.
  61. Scootaloo laughed. “Your acting like a sore butt is the end of the world, Sweetie and Applebloom too! Seriously, your adults, you should know better by now.”
  62. ”I know that, it’s just…”
  63. ”What, you think That they’ll get traumatized? Nah, kids can handle more than you think, and if they get embarrassed, well, it’s not like we tolerate bullying now do we?”
  64. ”Yea, but-“
  65. ”And really, you’d rather ground them or put them in detention to keep them from their friends? Frankly, I think a sore bottom is a lot better than wasting their time.”
  66. Scootaloo’s childhood activeness seemed to have carried over to how she handled discipline as an adult.
  68. ”Well, maybe your right.” Sweetie Belle admitted. “But I don’t even know how to do it!”
  69. Scootaloo rolled her eyes before coming up with an idea.
  70. ”Tell you what, how about I teach you?”
  71. ”Huh?” Sweetie tilted her head in confusion.
  72. ”I’ll be back in a minute.”
  73. Sweetie watched as Scootaloo made her way to another room.
  75. She came back a minute holding a hairbrush.
  76. ”Scootaloo, what are you planning?” Sweetie asked worriedly.
  77. ”Hold this!” Scootaloo said, hoofing her friend the brush, who awkwardly took it with her magic.
  78. The orange mare then pulled a chair next to her and bent over it, raising her rump.
  79. ”Scootaloo!” Sweetie shouted, blushing.
  80. ”Alright, give it a few whacks.”
  81. ”What?! No!”
  82. The pegasus looked back with a frown. “C’mon, I can handle it and you need to learn how to do this.”
  83. ”B-but like this?!”
  84. ”Sweetie Belle, do you wanna learn how to give spankings or not?”
  86. Sweetie paused. She honestly did not, but at the same time, she felt like she had to.
  87. ”… What should I do?”
  88. Scootaloo grinned. “Easy! Just use that hairbrush, pretend it’s a paddle and I’m a naughty student, then spank me with it.”
  89. Sweetie’s blushing face grew even redder.
  90. ”Don’t think too hard about it.” Scootaloo shook her rump a little. “Just do it.”
  91. ”But what if it gets all red and stuff?”
  92. ”I got tomorrow off. Now go!”
  94. The unicorn gulped. “Okay.” She said before giving the orange rump a relatively light smack. She shut her eyes as it landed.
  95. It was not very effective.
  96. ”And what was that?”
  97. ”N-not hard enough?” Sweetie meekly asked.
  98. ”Obviously.” Scootaloo huffed. “Look, filly butts can take more damage than you realize. It’s gotta hurt otherwise there’s no point in it.”
  99. ”But how hard should I hit?!”
  100. ”Hard enough for it to hurt, obviously.”
  101. ”…But how hard is that?”
  102. Scootaloo sighed. “Just hit harder.”
  104. Sweetie, after a pause, gave Scootaloo’s rump another, harder smack.
  105. ”Harder!”
  106. The unicorn struck again.
  107. ”Harder!”
  108. Another harder smack.
  109. ”Harder!”
  110. This kept going on for a while until…
  111. ”Harder!”
  112. ’SMACK!’
  113. ”Ouch!”
  115. ”Scootaloo!” Sweetie shouted worriedly, dropping the hairbrush. Her concern grew as she noticed the new bright red mark on her friend’s backside.
  116. ”Its fine.” Scootaloo said, not angry whatsoever. “That was perfect, Sweetie Belle! That’s exactly how hard you should hit her.”
  117. ”You can’t be serious!” Sweetie Belle shouted angrily. “She’s just a little filly!”
  118. ”And? As I said, filly butts are more durable then you think, they have the most meat on them, after all so no bones to damage. Spankings are meant to be punishments, not inconveniences.”
  119. ”I’m sure you’ll be telling me that after I get fired for abusing my students.”
  120. ”Sweetie Belle, have you seen the flanks of the students that I punish?” Scootaloo asked while getting up to face her friend.
  121. Sweetie did not retort. She did indeed see a few of the butts Scootaloo had reddened.
  122. ”I thought so. You wanna know something interesting about all of them?”
  123. Sweetie did not answer.
  124. ”They were all perfectly fine afterwards. No trauma, no lasting anger, nothing, and I gave it to em’ all about as hard as that last one you just gave me.”
  125. ”I guess.” Sweetie muttered as she looked away.
  126. ”You know. Now then, what makes this troublemaking filly of yours so different from them?”
  127. ”Nothing.”
  128. ”So can she take the same punishment they did?”
  129. Sweetie slowly nodded.
  130. ”Precisely. Now, what I want you to do is the next time she acts out in your class, you make her bend over and you give her at minimum six spanks with a paddle that’s at least as hard as this one.” Scootaloo pointed at her stricken butt cheek.
  131. ”Got it?”
  132. Sweetie thought for a minute before finally saying: “Yes.”
  133. ”That’s the spirit!”
  135. The next day.
  137. Once again, Sweetie’s class was in session.
  138. ”And that’s why-“
  139. A giggle.
  140. It was that naughty filly again, disrupting Sweetie Belle’s class.
  141. She was getting ready to throw a crumpled up piece of paper at one of her classmates.
  142. Sweetie grabbed it with her magic before she could throw it.
  143. ”Stay after class, and you will not cause any more trouble for your sake.” Sweetie said as authoritatively as she could.
  144. Thankfully, it worked and the filly, shocked at her teacher’s sudden strictness, behaved for the rest of the class, which passed buy surprisingly smoothly.
  145. Sweetie knew though, that if she didn’t punish the filly now, this would not work next time.
  147. After class, Sweetie had to stop her student from trying to sneak out while blending in with the rest of the students.
  148. She had grabbed her by the tail with her magic and barely managed to drag the surprised filly in just as she was about to step out of the room.
  149. ”You just made this worse for yourself, young filly.”
  150. ”S-sorry professor Belle.”
  151. Sweetie wanted to forgive her, but she knew that a stern lecture would not be enough in this case.
  152. ”You have been very disruptive for a while now.” Sweetie Scolded. “Now, I don’t mind a bit of mischief here and there. That is normal for foals your age, but everything has a limit and you have far exceeded that.”
  153. ”I’m sorry, I won’t do it again.”
  154. Sweetie shook her head. “I wish I could believe you, but no matter what I did so far, you kept up with this behavior.” She grabbed the same chair that he filly usually sat in during class with her magic. “And now I have to resort to more drastic measures.” She put the chair down in front of her charge. “Bend over this, please.”
  156. The filly looked at the chair and considered her teacher’s words before the realization of what was about to happen slowly crept into her young mind.
  157. ”But professor-“
  158. ”You’ve had this coming for a while now, young filly. It is not up to discussion.”
  159. ”You don’t-“
  160. ”Unless of course, you want me to get the headmare? I can assure you that she would punish you much more harshly than I ever could, and that can include an even longer spanking.”
  161. Sweetie wasn’t kidding. While professors were somewhat limited in how long they could paddle students, the headmare had much more leeway with punishments, and students sent to her office generally felt the brunt of that.
  162. ”You’re not getting out of this, I’m afraid, so I suggest that you save yourself some pain and bend over.” Sweetie said as sternly as possible despite being quite nervous herself. She had hoped that she hid it well.
  164. Apparently, she did as the filly slowly obeyed, bending over the small chair.
  166. Sweetie, meanwhile walked up to the teacher’s desk and opened the drawer. in it stood numerous objects that were there to help the teaching staff including one simple small wooden spanking paddle.
  168. Sweetie felt a new pang of anxiety as she pulled it out, but suppressed it as she heard her student gulp at its sight. This was no time to get cold hooves.
  170. ”Professor Sweetie Belle!” The filly tried to say.
  171. ”No.” Sweetie said, anticipating an attempt at begging.
  173. The filly cringed as her teacher got closer, eventually standing right behind her. Sweetie wondered if she was ever spanked before. It would be even worse if this was her first time.
  175. ”Tail up!” The mare ordered, seeing as the filly’s relatively long tail was in the way.
  176. ”Huh?”
  177. The unicorn did not repeat herself as she grabbed the tail with her magic for the second time and raised it upwards while also levitating the paddle. She got pretty decent at magic over the years.
  179. Sweetie suppressed an urge to gulp at the now exposed hindquarters. She wanted to stop this right then and there, but looking at the slightly shaking young filly, she knew there was no turning back now so, with a heavy heart, she recalled her lesson with Scootaloo and swung.
  181. ’CRACK!’ went the paddle, causing the filly to yelp and recoil at the shock and pain of it. A bright red mark appeared on her flank.
  183. ”Don’t move too much or I’ll have to give you extra.”
  184. Sweetie could imagine the filly’s eyes widening in fear at her words.
  185. She wasted no time in delivering a couple more smacks, this time at a slightly lower angle then the first.
  186. ’SMACK!’ ‘CRACK!’
  187. The naughty student’s little hind legs moved up and down in a futile effort to try and deal with the pain.
  189. Sweetie gave her a few seconds of reprieve before dishing out the next set of licks.
  190. ’TAP!’ ‘PAP!’
  191. ”YOOUCH!”
  192. ’CRACK!’
  193. ”AH!”
  194. The filly kept shifting her butt around, clearly finding it difficult to stay in one place.
  196. Sweetie, meanwhile, remembered Scootaloo’s words about giving six spanks minimum. It seemed that she had reached it surprisingly quickly, and it did seem to have the desired effect. She then made the decision that she needed to punish the previous escape attempt.
  198. The mare raised the paddle one last time.
  199. ’SMACK!’ ‘CRACK!’
  200. The filly tapped her forelegs together while burying her face into them. What she did not realize was that this was where Sweetie Belle had stopped.
  201. ”Two spanks over the minimum.” Sweetie thought to herself as a sudden wave of guilt washed over her. “Maybe I went overboard?”
  203. ”You can get up now.” Sweetie gently said as she levitated the paddle to the teacher’s desk.
  205. The filly got up and started swishing her tail to her bottom, trying to cool it off with the air. Sweetie suppressed a giggle at the admittedly cute sight before addressing her once again.
  207. ”Now, I forgive you for what you did, but I can’t let you keep disrupting my classes. I hope we won’t have to repeat this in the future.”
  208. ”We won’t, miss Belle.” The filly promised while looking at the floor in shame.
  209. ”Good. Because from now on, I won’t hesitate to redden your flank again if this keeps up.”
  210. The filly only lowered her head further, her face reddening.
  211. ”I won’t keep you here anymore.” Sweetie said, gently nudging the filly towards the open door, where she could barely see too small shapes of whom she guessed were her student’s friends retreating behind it. “I’m sure your friends are waiting for you.” The teacher ignored the filly wincing due to the nudging happening on her now sore rump.
  213. Sweetie decided to let the peeping go. It was only natural for them to be curious and it’s not like she forbade them to watch, but she did make a mental note to close the door in possible future instances of this.
  215. The punished filly slowly made her way outside, most likely feeling very self-conscious about her freshly paddled rump. Sweetie was not worried. Bullying was not tolerated in this school so she was unlikely to get teased about it too much.
  217. Later.
  219. ”So you went through with it?” Applebloom asked.
  220. ”Uh-huh.” Sweetie Belle nodded.
  222. The two mares had a meeting after school where they usually would to discuss the day’s events. Scootaloo did not join them as she had the day off.
  224. ”So what was it like?”
  225. ”Well, I was nervous at first, but it actually wasn’t too bad. I can’t really speak in my student’s place, but I think she’ll get over it.”
  226. ”Ah’ hope. I don’t think I could give spankings myself.”
  227. ”Neither did I at first, but I guess it’s just something you gotta get used to, but I do hope I won’t have to do that anytime soon.”
  228. ”And ah’ hope I won’t have to do that ever.”
  230. Later, before bed, Sweetie recalled the event: It really wasn’t as bad as she had thought. If anything, she was overthinking it. Scootaloo was right all along.
  232. Sweetie fell asleep with a smile, knowing that she could now handle any disruptive elements in her class in check with a few swings of a paddle.

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