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Lightning Bust

By asd
Created: 2023-10-21 12:46:39
Expiry: Never

  1. Lightning Dust, arguably one of the best (or to her, the best) flyers in Equestria found herself in a hospital.
  3. Turns out that being tied to a flying rocket at top speed can lead to a rather nasty crash which can lead a pony bedridden in full bandages unable to fly or even walk while being forced to drink from a straw.
  5. A truly horrifying situation for a daredevil flier like her.
  7. She couldn’t help but recall a lecture about this back in her short time at the Wonderbolt Academy, but brushed it off. Lightning barely listened to that so she couldn’t remember it clearly anyway.
  9. It was during one of these boring days spent captive in her bead that she had visitors.
  11. Now, this was odd to her as only her teammates tended to visit her, and she knew for a fact that they had a show scheduled. To her unpleasant surprise, it was an officer, meaning that she was most likely in even more trouble now. To make things even worse, the officer was flanked by her rival, Rainbow Dash, whom she absolutely did not want to see right now for obvious reasons, but that was not all: Behind Rainbow was Spitfire, wearing a gaze that was somehow a combination of stern and smug.
  13. Lightning couldn’t help but groan at the new arrivals.
  15. ”Lightning Dust.” Started the officer, who was a large brown and black stallion.
  16. ”That’s me.” Lightning wanted to sarcastically say, but she couldn’t due to the bandages that were usually holding her feeding tube covering her mouth, so she made do with a grunt.
  17. ”You have been charged with property damage and child endangerment after your latest stunt.”
  18. Lightning blinked. Property damage? Sure, she supposed that the rocket did crash into a market stand. That, she could get, but child endangerment?
  19. Seeing the confused look in her eyes, Rainbow Dash spoke up to clarify. “You got Scootaloo onto that rocket, Lightning.”
  21. The injured mare frowned. How was that child endangerment? It’s not like that orange brat was her responsibility! She made the choice to join her team! She wanted to protest that particular charge, but she still couldn’t say anything so her outrage was ignored.
  23. ”Now, normally we would simply take you in after your recovery followed by a trial, which would very likely lead to a prison sentence.” The officer continued.
  24. Lightning gulped. A prison sentence would practically keep her grounded for Celestia knows how long. A terrifying prospect.
  25. ”But, Miss Dash and Miss Spitfire put in their good word for you and we have agreed on a more direct punishment instead.”
  26. Lightning’s eyes narrowed. There was no way those two would do such a thing from the kindness of their hearts. There had to be a catch.
  27. ”I will let them explain. If you’ll excuse me.” Said the officer before leaving the three mares alone.
  29. Spitfire wasted no time getting in Lightning’s bandaged face. “Just what were you thinking, cadet?! Dangerous stunts?! Bringing a filly into it?! We taught you better in what little time you spent with us!”
  30. Lightning would have recoiled by the sudden torrent if she could.
  31. ”What do you have to say for yourself?” Spitfire asked.
  32. ”Mmph.” Lightning articulately pointed out.
  33. ”Not good enough!”
  35. ”Uh, captain?” Rainbow Dash timidly asked.
  36. ”What?!”
  37. ”Maybe we should tell her what’s gonna happen?”
  38. For once, Lightning agreed with her rival.
  40. Spitfire’s rage seemed to have subsided at this as her mouth suddenly morphed into an unnerving smile.
  41. ”Right, that.” She walked right next to Lightning’s bed. “Me and Crash here thought it would be a shame to confine such a talented flier like you, so I came up with the perfect alternative.”
  42. Lightning curiously shifted her eyes to Spitfire as she could not move her head.
  43. ”That being a good whipping on your flanks.”
  44. ”Mmph?!” Asked Lightning Dust.
  45. ”Yep.” Chimed in Rainbow. “The captain’s gonna spank you so you don’t have to go to jail. A pretty good deal if you ask me.”
  46. Needless to say, Lightning wasn't a fab of this. She started blushing underneath the bandages, not that her visitors noticed.
  47. ”Now.” Spitfire continued. “If you have any objections to this arrangement, you’ll need to say it now.”
  48. ”Mmph mmph mmmmphh!” Lightning objected.
  49. ”Glad we agree!” Spitfire exclaimed cheerfully. “Will be seeing you once they untie you!” She said before quickly leaving.
  51. ”Yea, I’m guessing you’re not a fan this?” Rainbow Dash asked, now alone with the patient.
  52. Lightning just looked at her as if to say “Really?”
  53. ”Look, I know it sucks, but at least you’ll get to fly more afterwards.”
  54. ”Mmph.”
  55. Rainbow then frowned. “Plus, this is exactly what you need for endangering Scoots.”
  56. Lightning expressed her lack of care for the filly with an eye roll.
  57. Rainbow huffed in frustration. “Whatever, I’ll be seeing you soon.” She said before leaving as well.
  59. Lightning was left alone with something to anticipate.
  61. A few weeks later.
  63. Lightning was finally released from her hospital constraints and she wanted nothing more than to go for a nice long flying session, which she was quite excited to do. Unfortunately for her, she was reminded of her upcoming punishment as the same officer as before greeted her with a pair of wing restraints. Her excitement was replaced with a horrible sense of disappointment and dread, which she tried her best to hide.
  65. And to think: she had just barely managed to get her mind off this during her bedridden state.
  67. Fortunately (or unfortunately), it didn’t take long for her to be taken to the designated punishment spot. The nearby jailhouse had a nice, quiet and mostly empty location for dishing out such punishments. The only piece of furniture in the small room was a padded wooden stool with visible cuffs to restrain both hooves, wings, and even one for horns. It had clearly not been used in a long time, as evident from a few spider webs in the corner and the dust on the bench itself, but its painful purpose was as clear as if it were new.
  69. The officer chuckled. “Haven’t seen this being used since I first got this job.”
  70. ”Lucky me.” Lightning snarked.
  72. It was then that hoofsteps could be heard. They both turned around to see Spitfire and Rainbow Dash coming in.
  73. ”Small place.” Spitfire commented. “Should have taken her to the academy.”
  74. ”With all due respect, captain.” The officer interjected. “You asked to do this someplace close.”
  75. ”True.” Spitfire shrugged.
  76. ”Should we… tie her down or something?” Rainbow asked.
  77. ”Don’t you bucking dare!” Lightning shouted indignantly, standing back.
  78. ”Sorry ma’am, but this is protocol.” Said the officer.
  79. Lightning harrumphed in frustration, but Rainbow stopped her. ”Lightning, do you want this to get any worse? Because it will if you keep up with this attitude!” She warned.
  80. The two mares had a short standoff before Spitfire cut in. “Alright, get her on there. I wanna get this started.” She said, brandishing the paddle that the penitent mare had just noticed.
  82. It was a large thin blue paddle with the Wonderbolts symbol on it. It even had a few holes on it.
  83. ”Wonderbolt paddle. Used for disciplining certain cadets and newbies.” Spitfire explained.
  84. Rainbow visibly cringed.
  85. ”I was pretty tempted to use it on you back when you did that stunt at the academy, but your actions warranted dismissal instead.” Spitfire said before smiling. “I guess I get to beat your flank anyway.”
  86. ”Screw you!”
  87. ”Aaand, that’s 5 more for giving lip.”
  88. Lightning just stared at her former captain in fury.
  89. ”Alright, let’s get her ready.” Spitfire announced.
  91. Without warning, Lightning found herself grabbed by the other two ponies in the room. ”Hey!” She shouted as she was dragged to the bench. She tried to resist, but found herself overpowered, especially when Spitfire would move to help and as such, she was eventually tied up with her flanks ready for chastisement.
  93. ”Alright, ladies. I’ll leave the rest to you.” Said the officer, visibly tired out as he left the room, shutting the metal door behind him.
  94. ”Lemme go!” Demanded Lightning.
  95. ”That’s not gonna work.” Said Dash.
  96. ”Oh, I bet your loving this, aren’t you?!” Lightning accused.
  97. ”I can’t say I’m enjoying it.” Said Dash. “Buuut considering that you endangered Scootaloo and you’re not even sorry about it… Let’s just say I’m glad to be invited.” She admitted.
  98. ”I hate you too.” Lightning grumbled.
  100. ”Now then.” Spitfire said as Rainbow moved out of the way.
  101. ’CRACK!’
  102. ”GAH!” Lightning shouted, not expecting it to start so soon.
  103. Even Rainbow flinched at the sudden smacking sound.
  104. ’CRACK!’
  105. ”STOP!” Lightning demanded, but was ignored as Spitfire’s relentless onslaught continued.
  107. Indeed, the first two angry red paddle marks were soon joined by more and more until they practically covered the previously light blue rump.
  108. Rainbow, meanwhile, got used to the sounds, but still cringed at some of the spanks, especially when she leaned sideways to check her the punished posterior.
  110. Lightning herself was not handling the punishment as well as she would have liked to admit. She was clearly trying her best to get out of her restraints, and away from that horrible paddle, but those cuffs were far too strong for a pony to break and left very little room for struggling, making her fanny a very easy and immobile target for its very much mobile attacker.
  112. Spitfire said nothing as she delivered the rapid spanks to the increasingly desperate mare, who obviously could not handle such a spanking. One had to think that she was never spanked as a filly. Either that, or Spitfire had very little sense of mercy.
  114. one way or another, daredevil buttocks were certainly getting punished in an exceedingly harsh manner.
  116. But luckily for Lightning Dust, it was not to last forever.
  117. ”And there's the extra five.” Spitfire muttered as she stopped.
  118. Lightning slumped down, her struggling finally ceased.
  119. ”I’ll be outside. Crash, get her to me once she gets over it!” Spitfire ordered.
  120. ”Yes, ma’am!’ Rainbow saluted before the captain left as well.
  122. Now left with only the other blue pegasus, Rainbow moved to slowly open the foreword cuffs.
  123. ”You okay?” She asked.
  124. Lightning glared. “What do you think?! I thought I was gonna pass out!”
  125. ”Your fine.” Rainbow smiled as her rival groaned.
  126. Rainbow moved behind lightning to remove the cuffs at the hind legs. “You sure got it good, Dust. That is a seriously red flank.” She commented.
  127. ”Shut up!” Lightning shouted.
  128. Rainbow removed those cuffs as well and Lightning immediately got up to try and nurse her rump.
  129. ”You know, your acting like a spanked filly.” Rainbow teased.
  130. Lightning stopped and blushed before noticing something amiss. ”What about these?” She asked, pointing to her wings, which were still cuffed.
  131. ”Spitfire has the key. Come on, she wants to talk to you first.” Rainbow said. She then went towards the door before Lightning could ask her what Spitfire wanted and figuring she was effectively held hostage until this “talk”, Lightning Dust simply followed.
  133. She was led to Spitfire in the hallway, waiting expectedly. “Took you long enough.” She said.
  134. ”Blame yourself.” Lighnting retorted.
  135. "Excuse me?” Spitfire asked dangerously.
  136. Lightning rolled her eyes. “Look, my punishment’s legally over and I’m not a Wonderbolt so you’re not my boss. Tell me what you want and get these things off me so I can get on with my day.” She gestured towards her wing cuffs.
  137. ”Fine.” Spitfire conceded. “That’s what I wanna talk about anyway.”
  138. Lightning raised an eyebrow.
  140. ”Lightning Dust.” Spitfire started. “You’re a brash, arrogant, stupid and reckless mare who frankly has no business hosting shows.”
  141. Lightning was about to protest before being cut off.
  142. ”But you’re a damn good flier. One of the best even, and I think there’s still hope for you yet. So, with some encouragement from a certain teammate.” She gestured towards Rainbow Dash, who shied away slightly. “The Wonderbolts have opened up a second chance program for certain previous washouts with good enough flight records. It won’t be easy, but I’m sure your team has the skills to pull it off.”
  143. ”Seriously?” Lightning asked.
  144. ”Yes, and I want you to join.” Spitfire said.
  146. ”B-but I already have a team and everything!” Lightning argued. “I can’t just abandon them!”
  147. Rainbow looked at her approvingly. “They all tried and failed before, didn’t they? And they seem pretty good themselves. You can all join together.” She encouraged.
  148. ”Why would you even offer this?” Lightning asked, flabbergasted.
  149. ”Because.” Spitfire said. “It would be a shame to see such talents go to waste on idiotic stunts that would get them killed.” She gave lightning the key to her restraints.
  150. Lightning frowned as she undid them.
  151. ”So, what’ll it be?” Asked Rainbow?
  152. Lightning thought for a bit. She formed the Washouts, she did so with pride that she could compete with the team she wanted to join at first, but there was always a nagging feeling at the back of her head about how she had failed to join in the first place.
  153. ”Look, I’ll ask the others, if they want in, I’ll join them.” She conceded.
  154. ”Fair enough.” Spitfire smiled. “Door’s that way.” She pointed towards the exit. “We’ll be sending out letters soon.”
  155. ”Yea, thanks.” Lightning said quietly before darting off.
  157. "… Hey captain?”
  158. ”Hm?”
  159. ”We forgot to give her the cloak.”
  160. The cloak was something that was given after judicial paddlings so that the spankee could cover their rumps when going outside.
  161. ”I guess we did, didn’t we.” Spitfire looked at her subordinate. “You got a problem with that?”
  162. Rainbow looked at Spitfire, the other mare, who had a mischievous glint in her eyes.
  163. ”Nope!” She finally said.
  164. They both chuckled.

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