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Counterpart Brushing

By asd
Created: 2023-10-21 12:47:08
Expiry: Never

  1. It was a calm and pleasant night when Twilight Sparkle, student at the Canterlot high school was pacing back and forth at the front of its horse statue.
  3. Why was a student like her out alone at such an hour? She was waiting for a friend of hers.
  5. Tonight was a perfect night to have this individual over as her parents were conveniently away from home due to work and Shining would not be home for two days. None of them would know about the guest.
  7. Normally, one would look at this situation and come to the conclusion that Twilight, like a rambunctious teenager, was hosting a sleepover without her parents’ permission, but that was untrue. The reason for this visitation was much more serious especially with this particular person.
  9. Twilight stopped pacing when she noticed movement coming from the statue. She was here.
  11. The figure emerging from it was glowing for a few seconds before revealing her purple form. She was pretty, dignified, majestic and…
  13. Absolutely adorable.
  15. ”It worked! My spell worked!” Twilight’s pony counterpart said excitedly, forcing her to suppress an adoring squeal.
  16. ”I knew setting up the spell matrix this way would be the key to make this happen. Now I can come here as a pony!” Princess Twilight did an excited hop at her success, eyes closed in joy. It took every ounce of the teenager’s self-control not to run up to the royal mare for a hug.
  18. The pony then noticed her counterpart. “Oh, sorry, I got a little excited there.” She blushed in embarrassment.
  19. ”Oh, it’s okay!” The human Twilight hastily said, with a big smile on her face at the cute display.
  21. An awkward silence then followed as the weirdness of the situation sunk in for the two Twilight’s. It was broken up when the pony spoke up:
  22. ”Maybe we should get going before somepony notices us.”
  23. ”Yea.” The human nodded, ignoring the “somepony” terminology. There weren’t many people out at this hour so the area was practically deserted, but she did not want anyone else to see the cute alien at this time.
  24. ”I-uh, brought a big bag and some bedsheets, but I think they may be a bit too small…”
  26. ”Don’t worry! I can do this!” The alicorn then proceeded to cast a spell which turned her practically invisible much to the amazement of the human, who simply could not help herself but to barrage the now invisible pony with a torrent of questions ”Y-you can cloak yourself?! I saw your horn glowing. Does that mean it acts as the conduit for your magic?! What-“
  28. ”Twilight!” The princess firmly, but gently shut the teenager down. “I promise I’ll answer all of your questions later, but first we should head to your home.”
  29. This time, it was the human’s turn to blush. “Oh, sorry! Uh, follow me then, I guess.” She then slowly walked back home. The feint sounds of trotting hooves could be heard behind her.
  30. It was an odd walk. They didn’t converse as that might have given the pony away. The human just walked, hoping that the pony was following closely, which said pony was.
  33. ”Aaand welcome to my place!” Twilight announced once she opened the door and put her coat on the rack. She could feel the pony’s body brush up against her legs as she made her way inside.
  34. Once the door closed, the princess turned off the cloaking spell. “Very interesting: besides the obvious increase in technology, human houses in general are not that different from ours.”
  35. ”Didn’t you once have a sleepover at Pinkie’s?”
  36. ”Yes, but it’s still interesting to see. A bit odd in this form though. These places were built for humans.”
  37. ”Spike gets around comfortably.”
  38. ”He grew up with it. Where is he anyway?”
  39. ”Sleeping in the garage.”
  41. Spike would normally sleep next to Twilight in her room, but for this occasion, she managed to bribe him with treats to stay in the garage and not ask questions. She did not want him knowing about the purpose of this meeting.
  43. ”Alright then, let’s get started.” The pony suddenly declared.
  44. The teenager recoiled. “N-now?!”
  45. A nod. “Yes, it’s better to get this over with now. Trust me.”
  46. Twilight reluctantly nodded back. “I guess.” She said timidly. The wonder of meeting the adorable alien pony was replaced by a sense of dread now that she was reminded of the purpose for this meeting. ”We should go to my room then.”
  47. ”Lead the way.”
  49. And once again, Twilight walked on with the sounds of hooves behind her. They were noticeably louder this time. She wondered if the pony’s magic dampened the sound on the way home or if she just walked more carefully back then.
  51. ”Welcome… again, to my room.”
  52. Princess Twilight looked around curiously. “Reminds me of my own room when I was a filly, minus the technology.”
  54. As the pony took in the room, with particular interest given to the books, the human gazed at the two saddlebags she was carrying. She had noticed them before, but now she found herself curiously drawn to them. They were cute, just like the being wearing them. It made perfect sense on hindsight for a race of equines to use this design as a means of transportation, but at that time, the human found it yet another oddity of this alien. To think, this cute pony with her adorable little saddlebags was actually a full grown women who was both a school teacher, professional organizer and royalty. She found herself a bit jealous.
  56. ”Twilight?”
  57. The human snapped out of her musings as she was addressed. “Yes?”
  59. The alicorn then levitated the saddlebags from her back (to the poorly hidden amazement of her counterpart) to one corner of the room. She then opened one of them up and pulled out a big wooden hairbrush. It was a simple, round design with a big flat end, Twilight’s cutie mark (the human almost gushed at the adorable name upon remembering it) painted onto it. A very nice tool, fit for royalty. It was probably made just for its owner.
  61. ”I wasn’t sure what you’d have for this, so I brought my hairbrush. I hope you don’t mind.”
  62. ”Wait, your gonna do it with that?” The human said. The pretty pony hairbrush now looked a lot more menacing with this new context.
  63. ”Of course.” Pony Twilight said as if she were stating the obvious. She then tilted her head. “Should I give you a hoofspanking instead?”
  64. Human Twilight assumed that she meant spanking her with those cute little hooves. She did not know if that was better or worse, but as she heard, horse hooves were hard so she couldn’t say that she wanted that either.
  65. "I-I guess it’s up to you.” The teenager finally said, twiddling her fingers while looking down at the floor. "You should do it how you feel is right.”
  66. ”Alright then.” The pony said in a comforting voice. “Lay down on the bed. I want your butt sticking out.”
  68. The human gulped at those words, but reluctantly did as she was told. As she did, she couldn’t help but recall how she got into this situation:
  70. It was shortly after the Friendship Games she met her counterpart, who had arrived late to help and after the initial confusion, they became fast friends. How could they not? They had so much in common.
  72. Eventually though, once all the excitement wore off from her new school and friends, she found herself feeling terribly guilty about what she had done. Not to say she didn’t feel bad about it before, but once she had the time and space to think about it, the remembrance of her act was a painful one and that pain would not go away.
  74. Sunset was the one who noticed the issue and confided in her since she went through the same thing. She decided to let her share the magic journal that she used to write to the princess in hopes that the mare would be of help. It went well. At times, it almost felt like she was talking to herself.
  76. ”Raise your butt upwards, please.” Came a command from the princess, interrupting her musing.
  78. Human Twilight wasn’t really sure what position she was supposed to be in. She just sort of absent mindedly walked to her bed and laid flat on it. She decided to try squirming up, raising her butt. She looked behind her to see the princess sitting on her chair, facing her. She also noticed that her butt was most likely directly pointing at her, which made her face redden a little.
  80. ”Is this good?” She asked timidly.
  81. ”Thank you Twilight, that will do. Now please stay like that until I say you can get up. Ok?”
  83. The human nodded. She wanted to turn back, tell the pony not to do this, to ditch this dumb idea, but she couldn’t. Not at this point. She really didn’t want this, but despite the pony’s kind tone, her voice carried with it a sense of authority that she had only heard from principle Celestia leaving her feeling like she had no choice but to obey.
  85. She looked forward to see one of her pillows. On instinct, she grabbed one of them and hugged it to her chest. It was a small source of comfort, but one that she took all the same. She then shut her eyes and waited for the inevitable. While waiting for the… spanking to start, Twilight found herself once again thinking back on the leadup to this:
  87. After conversing with the pony for a while, Twilight naturally found herself talking about her guilt and the things she did to try and alleviate it. She talked about how she tried all sorts of self-help books, but nothing seemed to work. The teen could not remember how their conversation went to punishments and she most certainly had no idea how spankings of all things came up, but the last thing she knew, the two Twilight’s had set up a meeting to ensure that the teenager received a proper punishments for her deeds, which led to this moment.
  89. Back in the present, Twilight stiffened in shock as she felt her panties being pulled off. She looked back again to see that her pants were already pulled down.
  91. ”Just getting you ready, Twilight.” The princess said before noticing the blush on the teenager’s face. “Relax, we ponies are usually nude besides small pieces of clothing, so I am one of the last creatures you should be feeling embarrassed about. Besides, clothing shouldn’t get in the way of a spanking.”
  92. Twilight supposed that made sense, but still…
  93. ”Just look forward and don’t think about it too hard.”
  94. She did just that. Hugging her pillow tightly and shutting her eyes in anticipation.
  97. The young human winced when she felt hairbrush taps on her butt. They didn’t hurt, but she knew better then to think this was the actual spanking. There was no way it would be this light.
  99. ”Now remember, try to stay still. I won’t hit you any more or harder then you need.”
  100. ’Gulp.’
  101. Twilight hugged the pillow harder.
  103. Surely it won’t be that bad? The princess said it wouldn’t be any harder then what she needed. How much did she possibly have to suffer for this?
  105. ’CRACK!’
  106. Apparently, a lot.
  107. Twilight opened her eyes wide. This was too hard!
  108. ’CRACK!’
  109. Princess Twilight was spanking too hard!
  110. ’CRACK!’
  111. ”You’re hitting me too hard!”
  112. ”No, I am not.” ‘CRACK!’ “This is the perfect amount of force.” ‘CRACK!’
  114. The paddling had barely just begun and Twilight was already shaking and crying. She did not expect it to be this bad!
  115. ’CRACK!’
  116. It hurt so much!
  117. ’CRACK!’
  118. ”W-waait!” She wailed. “P-ponies can probably take m-more p-“
  119. ’CRACK!’
  120. ”-Gah!”
  121. ”No, we can’t.” ‘SMACK!’ “Our ability to feel and tolerance pain is actually remarkably similar to that of a human.”
  122. ’CRACK!’
  123. Twilight wanted to know the pony’s sources on that.
  125. ”Pleease, I can’t take iiit!”
  126. ”Yes you can.” ‘Crack!’ “Now be quiet and take your licks.”
  127. ”L-licks?” ‘PAP!’ “Ahoou!”
  128. That last smack went to the lower end of her bottom. She decided to just try and wait it out after that. The last thing she wanted was for the magical pony to use that magic to hold her down and spank her harder or something.
  130. Twilight kept on peppering the reddening purple teenage bottom with the deceptively elegant piece of wood that she was carrying, eliciting many shrieks and wails from her younger alternate dimension self. This was the worst physical pain the human had ever experienced, at least to her at that moment.
  132. The paddling slowed down, but the whaps seemed harder as pony Twilight now seemed to be targeting specific parts of human Twilight’s now very sore bottom and during all of it, there was only one thing the tormented teen could think of: When will this torture end!
  134. ’CRACK!’ ‘CRACK!’ ‘CRACK!’
  135. It’s was almost like the princess had experience giving spankings before, which she was practicing on “herself”.
  137. ’CRACK!’
  138. Twilight squealed. She could barely stop herself from reaching back.
  139. She could not take anymore!
  141. ”I’m done.” Announced Princess Twilight.
  143. ”Oh thank God!” Human Twilight thought before immediately moving her hands to rub her sore bottom, which was surprisingly hot to touch, which Twilight guessed made sense given all the whacks she had just received. During this rubbing time, she abandoned her original position and went back to laying flat.
  145. ”Are you okay?”
  146. Twilight jumped at her own voice and looked to the side to see the purple pony sitting next to her. It seemed that in her post-spanking self-comfort time, she did not notice her coming.
  147. ”I’d pull your pants back up, but considering your flank, I think you might not want that just yet.”
  148. Human Twilight seemed to be blushing a lot this night.
  149. ”I’ll put these on the chair.” Said the princess, gesturing to Twilight’s panties.
  150. ”You really ‘sniff’ need to learn human etiquette.”
  151. ”If you give me some books on them, I will.”
  153. Human Twilight wasn’t sure what she was supposed to do now, especially with the pony next to her. Eventually, however, the princess spoke again:
  154. ”I take that you were never spanked as a filly?”
  155. ”Filly?”
  156. ”Younger kid.”
  157. ”Ah. No.”
  159. It was true. Twilight, being the quiet and shy nerd that she was rarely got into any trouble with her parents and even if she did, they weren't the spanking types. The things she heard Shiny get away with…
  161. ”Neither was I, at least until I became Celestia’s student.”
  162. Twilight looked at the pony in shock. “Principle Celestia spanked you?!”
  163. ”Princess, and yes. Sometimes.” The alicorn sighed. “Keep in mind that she’s over a thousand years and can at times be a bit old-school about child rearing.
  164. ”Harsh.”
  165. The pony shrugged. “Eh, it wasn’t that bad.”
  167. ”… So what now?” Asked the human.
  168. ”Now.” Pony Twilight started with a wide smile. “You show me that lab of yours you told me about.”
  169. ”Oh, the basement lab, right.”
  170. ”Great! I’ll be waiting outside!” The princess said with a sudden surge of almost childlike enthusiasm.
  172. Twilight couldn’t help but chuckle as the pony pranced out of the room. The juxtaposition of this absolutely adorable pony who had just given her the spanking of a lifetime. She decided to slowly get dressed. Pulling her pants back up was a bit painful and she was tired, but she had to be a good host for the cute pony.
  174. At least she wasn’t feeling that guilty anymore.

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