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Pip's Unique Punishment

By asd
Created: 2023-10-21 12:47:40
Expiry: Never

  1. Not too long ago, Pipsqueak had received his first ever spanking as his mother had decided that he was now old enough to be given butt corrections. Normally, the young colt would be ecstatic about a sign that he was getting older, however this particular “graduation” was not to his liking.
  3. He most certainly did not feel any gratification from getting older as his mother gave a good few slaps to his unprotected bottom with her hoof.
  5. Pink bottoms aside, he had not gotten that many spankings since then. That’s not to say that he didn’t earn any. In fact, he earned three, but those were both cut short. The reason for that was due to a rather disgusting habit that Pipsqueak had picked up.
  7. It actually started during her second ever spanking.
  9. It was one of the few times he had ever gotten into trouble at school and his mom made her displeasure clear by plopping the colt over her knee.
  11. In a case of unfortunate timing, it was then that Pipsqueak had to go to the little colts room, something that he tried his hardest to let the mare who was about to administer hoof-to-bottom correction on him know, but perhaps due to the convenient timing, said mare did not believe the colt and assumed that this was a ploy to escape her motherly wrath.
  13. It was not.
  15. While the penitent colt did try his hardest to hold it in, it only took two smacks for him to lose his bladder. Needless to say, his mother was in for a shock when she found herself with a drenched lap.
  17. Of course, this was an awkward moment for both of them, and perhaps the first time Pipsqueak ever felt embarrassment. Just as the colt thought he would get spanked even more for his accident, his mother did something unexpected: She cut the spanking short.
  19. Indeed, the mare realized that it was her own fault that she didn’t listen to her son. Because of this, she stopped at two measly spanks as a way of apologizing to him and She also really needed to clean herself.
  21. Pipsqueak, for his part realized that this spanking was much shorter than his first and it was all because of his accident.
  23. He began to think: He really didn’t like getting spanked, and this accidental usage of her mother’s lap as a toilet made her stop spanking him.
  25. Thus he then came to the natural conclusion that maybe if he had more “accidents” during spanking time, he could get away with a much-much shorter spank session. ”It’s not like mom punished me for it anyway.” Pipsqueak said to himself. “What could possibly go wrong?”
  27. And that’s how our protagonist got this new, nasty habit.
  29. His third ever spanking came somewhat shortly after the second.
  31. This time, it was because he acted up during a shopping trip at the Ponyville marketplace. As soon as his mother brought him home, he let him know that he would, under no uncertain terms, be getting a spanking which of course, frightened him, as it would any naughty little colt, but his fear was matched with some excitement.
  33. He was finally getting to try out this new “trick”.
  35. So, while his mom was working hard to unpack the products she had bought from the market, Pipsqueak was also hard at work drinking as much water as he could.
  37. He didn’t have much time, as he was soon called to his room. With a gulp, he waited until he was called again before walking off to test his theory.
  39. Upon entering his room, he was met with a firm ear pull before being dragged to his bed for a stern lecture. He was then, as expected, placed over the mare’s knee in that horrible spanking position. Pipsqueak found it odd how comfortable it actually was to lay like that. If not for the punishment that came with it, he wouldn’t have minded going over the knee.
  41. Mom would then lift his tail, which he really hated. Why did she feel the need to do that? Didn’t she realize that it would probably hurt less if it was kept down? Pipsqueak really wanted to ask that question out loud, but he needed to focus on his bladder. The sooner he could initiate his plan, the sooner this would all be over.
  43. And so, as much as the colt wished that this would get stalled more, the maternal hoof rose up, before coming right back down with what was to him, tremendous force leaving a loud clap in its wake.
  45. ’Ouch!’ Pipsqueak expressed his discomfort. Before he knew it, the hoof had risen up again. He had to act fast!
  47. As he was desperately trying to make his bladder work for him, he felt another sting on his rump as the sound of another hoofspank reverberated across the room. ’Owie!’ Was his worldly response to it.
  49. As his bottom jiggled, so did his body as he tried so hard to set his plan in motion. Two spanks and it was already too much! And to make things worse, he didn’t need to wait long for the third, which came down with a similar level of strength as the first two, which was clearly too hard in the young colt’s mind. The mare did not seem to care, however, as she raised that nasty hoof for a fourth time.
  51. … only to stop.
  53. Pipsqueak had done it. He peed on her mother’s lap again. And this time, it was on purpose.
  55. ”Wh-why didn’t you say you had to go?” Pipsqueak’s mom asked.
  56. ”U-uh.” Pipsqueak stammered. “I only started to have to go before you started!”
  57. This explanation was met with silence.
  58. The mare eventually huffed. “Alright, get up.” She said with barely contained irritation.
  59. Pipsqueak did as he was told, not daring to say anything else.
  60. ”Next time, you’re going to the bathroom before you get a spanking.”
  62. The young colt had two thoughts on this: First of all, next time?! Two times was more than enough but a third? He was quite dismayed at the confirmation that this was going to be a regular punishment from now on. Second, getting to go to the bathroom before the spanking? Great! Now he could easily get ready to make mom spank him less. He would be able to drink from the sink.
  64. Still, a part of Pipsqueak wondered if this was the right thing to do. He did feel pretty self-conscious about it. He was, after all, proud of every step he took to becoming older, more mature, and doing this certainly undermined that sense of pride. Then again, spankings hurt, and he was willing to swallow his pride to make them end faster.
  66. And so, a whole week passed without much trouble. In fact, Pipsqueak has been pretty well-behaved lately. Perhaps it was due to his feeling of guilt over what he did to his mother at his last spanking.
  68. But all good things must come to an end.
  70. The young colt, after multiple attempts at pleading and plenty of warnings from his mother to clean his room, decided to ignore putting away his toys and as such, mom decided that he needed to learn a lesson about looking after his things. A lesson taught through his fanny.
  72. ”But mommy, I’ll clean it uuup, I swear!” Pipsqueak whined, trying to convince his mother he did not need to be taught this lesson.
  73. ”You had plenty of chances to do that, dear. Now you must face the consequences.” The mare scolded. “First of all, go to the bathroom and use toilet. I don’t want to have a repeat of the last two times.” She sounded particularly upset at the mention of those incidents.
  74. Pipsqueak then remembered his ace in the whole for spankings.
  75. "Okay!” He said before running off.
  76. ”And be sure to actually use it!” Mom called after him. “I don’t want you coming back before I hear the toilet flushing!”
  78. Inside the bathroom, Pipsqueak made sure to drink as much water from the sink as possible without arousing suspicion. Of course, he didn’t even bother sitting on the toilet. His bladder was his way out of this pain in the butt punishment so all he really did was just stand there and drink.
  80. ”Pipsqueak, are you done yet?!” His mom shouted.
  81. ”Almost!”
  83. The colt swallowed. Despite knowing that his method was working, he was still quite scared of ending back up over that knee. Even two or three hits hurt a lot.
  85. ”Do I need to go in there?!”
  86. ”Uh, No!”
  88. Mom was getting impetuous. Thinking quickly, Pipsqueak pushed the button to flush the toilet before running back to his room. Well, he ran about a quarter of the way before realizing what he was running into before slowing down to a snails crawl. Another loud call and warning from his mother made him speed right back up though.
  90. Inside his room, mom wasted no time in grabbing him by the ear again. “Alright, c’mon.” She said as she dragged him to his bed. Pipsqueak really hated ear pulls. They hurt enough to almost make him want to cry before the spanking, and mom seemed to do it before each one!
  92. Just like last time, he was quickly pulled over the maternal lap and had his tail pinned to his back by one hoof while the other was rested on his soon-to-be-sore bottom.
  94. Or, well, not that sore if Pipsqueak could get this right.
  96. ’Smack!’
  97. Pipsqueak yelped as the first swat already landed. He was given no time to prepare for it!
  98. ’Smack!’
  99. And another one so soon!
  100. Mom was going faster than before. Pipsqueak did his best to let that water he drank earlier loose before mom destroyed his bottom.
  101. ’Smack!’ ‘Smack!’
  102. ”Mommy wait!” He yelled, to no answer.
  103. ’Smack!’
  104. He could not take any more of this. It hurt too much!
  106. Then, just as the hoof landed once again with another loud ‘Smack! , he finally managed to pull it off. Or to better put it, let it out.
  107. ”Pipsqueak!” He could hear his mother’s scream.
  108. He did not care though. The spanking had stopped.
  109. ”What were you doing in the bathroom?!”
  110. Oh boy, mom wanted an explanation. Pipsqueak thought about what to say.
  111. ”I guess I just had to go again.” Was his perfect response.
  112. ”Get off, Pipsqueak.”
  113. Pipsqueak didn’t get off the mare’s lap immediately. He was still sore from those five smacks his mom just gave him.
  114. ”Now!”
  115. He got off quickly after that and watched as his mother looked at her lap with disgust while he just stood there awkwardly watching her.
  116. ”C-can I go outside?” Pipsqueak dared to ask.
  117. ”Fine, whatever.” His mother replied, seemingly forgetting about the messy room.
  118. Pipsqueak ran outside, not wanting to anger the mare any further. He could practically feel her eyes boring into him as he left.
  120. Outside though, he couldn’t help but let out a small cheer. Despite himself, he was glad to have gotten out of that one.
  122. He wasn’t sure if it was possible to endure the kind of butt torture his mom was giving him back there. He did consider being on his best behavior for a while though or else mom might get suspicious.
  124. Pipsqueak’s “best behavior” lasted for 3 days.
  126. Once again, he found himself earning a spanking. He seemed to do that a lot these days.
  128. This time, it was another case of school misbehavior, which mother was obviously not pleased about. She made her “not pleased” status know by once again, letting Pipsqueak know that he would indeed be receiving yet another spanking.
  130. ”Now, go to the bathroom and get your business sorted out.” The mare ordered. “There will be consequences if you do it on me again.” She said as firmly as she could.
  132. Pipsqueak recoiled at that. Consequences? What consequences? Either way, he did not want to disobey his mother in such a state, so he ventured to the bathroom for another long drinking session.
  134. In there, he did pause to think about what his mother could have meant by “consequences”: He did get away with doing this for the last three spankings, so what could possibly change now? Maybe it was just a threat?
  136. He doubted that mom enjoyed his method of escaping a bum roasting, but then again, who could blame him? Spankings hurt so it was only natural to want to make them stop as soon as possible.
  138. Clearly he was doing nothing wrong even if it kind of felt that way.
  140. So he kept on drinking to fill up his bladder, which he was getting pretty good at.
  141. ”Pipsqueak!” His mom called.
  142. The colt sighed, and flushed the toilet. Funnily enough, he actually did need to pee.
  143. ”Good.” He thought. “Maybe I can make the spanking end even earlier now.”
  144. With that thought, he marched to his room, with less fear then his previous punishment session.
  146. He opened the door, ears drooped, expecting his mom to grab them again.
  148. She didn’t though, at least not immediately. She was standing in front of his bed, staring down at him with a strict gaze.
  149. ”Did you manage to pee?”
  150. Pipsqueak just nodded. He almost wished that mom would start spanking him already so he could finally do just that.
  151. ”Well, I hope so, young colt. You are too old to be having such accidents.” The mare put an emphasis on the word “accidents”. It almost sounded sarcastic.
  152. ”Sorry mommy.”
  153. ”I’m afraid that sorry won’t wash my hind legs, dear.”
  154. Pipsqueak simply looked away and said nothing. A visible blush appeared on his cheek.
  155. ”Thankfully, I have just the solution for this problem.”
  156. ”Huh?!” Pipsqueak looked back up at his mom. Would his technique not work anymore?!
  158. Then, his mother leaned back behind her and grabbed something with her mouth.
  159. ”Is that a… diaper?” Pipsqueak asked ear perked back up in his curiosity.
  160. ”Indeed it is.”
  161. ”But why?” The colt could not fathom what his mom was holding something that he grew out of a long time ago.
  162. ”It’s for you, honey.” The mother said, her voice slightly muffled by the diaper she was holding as she walked up to her son.
  163. ”Wha-Ow!” Pipsqueak’s ear was quickly grabbed and he was dragged to the bed.
  165. And in a short but painful time, he was back over mommy’s knee.
  167. This time, however, something was different: Instead of just raising his tail like usual, he felt his legs getting spread out by a hoof. Then, he felt something touch his crotch area.
  169. It was the diaper. She had put the white undergarment right under him.
  171. While Pipsqueak was still very young, he was smart enough to guess what the purpose of this was and it made his eyes widen. Would it not work this time?
  172. ”Since you decided that you want to wet yourself, and me, like a little foal, I think it’s only right that you dress like one.” Mom sounded oddly smug at that statement.
  173. ”But I’m not a little foal!” Pipsqueak argued. “I’m too old for diapers!”
  174. ”With what you’ve been doing, your clearly not.”
  175. The colt felt his face heating up with that.
  177. His hind legs were then made to close tightly apart with the same hoof that spread them out, squeezing the diaper between them.
  179. The diaper itself wasn’t uncomfortable per say, but Pipsqueak did not feel comfortable being forced to wear it. Well, he didn’t exactly wear it, more so the front of it was just squeezed to his crotch and held between his hooves. The backend, the part that would have covered his bottom was still wide open.
  181. The intent behind this setup was obvious. Pipsqueak hated it.
  183. ”Mooommmiee!” He whined in the hopes that calling out to his mother would somehow get the diaper removed.
  184. It didn’t of course and to make sure it stayed on, Pipsqueak’s mom put a hind leg above her son’s own hind legs, pinning them down and preventing them from moving, which effectively trapped the diaper there with them.
  186. Pipsqueak tried to look back up to attempt to negotiate himself out of this situation, but all attempts at diplomacy failed when all he saw was a raised hoof only to immediately lose sight of it as it flew back down at a rapid pace followed by a lout ‘Smack!’, which was followed by an even louder “AH!”
  188. No more time was wasted and no more words were said. It was straight to another ‘Smack!’
  189. And another.
  190. And then it kept going from there.
  192. Of course, Pipsqueak almost immediately used his tried and true method to escape such scenarios.
  194. Only to find out that it did nothing.
  196. Indeed, the young colt was quick to ensure that his bathroom needs were met right then and there, but this time, it did absolutely nothing to deter the maternal disciplinarian looming over him.
  198. Well, it did make her pause for one second, which mom used to let out an audible ‘Huff!’.
  200. But that’s all it was: a second. The hoof came right back down to the naughty little rump and Pipsqueak swore it stung even more this time. In fact, the hits seemed to get a just that bit worse after that.
  202. Clearly, mommy was not happy with his desperate usage of the diaper she had just bought. She showed this unhappiness with fewer breaks in-between spanks.
  204. This faster spanking had a very visible effect on the color of Pipsqueak’s bottom.
  206. Indeed, that colty rump was certainly taking on a nice pink color under the hoof pounding.
  207. One could say that it was nicely cooked from bleu, to rare to medium rare.
  208. But sadly for the rump, our cook was not going for medium rare.
  209. She wanted medium.
  210. But after that diaper usage, she decided that it may have been better to go for medium-well.
  211. Heck, not even well-done was off the table at this point.
  212. Pipsqueak would have certainly preferred a bleu meal or at the very least medium rare, but he had little choice in the matter.
  214. Regardless of how much he begged, pleaded, cried or whined, mom was not going to stop the spanking until she felt like he had enough and she was quite certain that her naughty son needed quite a lot this time.
  215. ”OOOOW, NOOO, GAAAH, MOMMY, EEK!” were some of the words Pipsqueak used to describe how he was feeling at the moment, which was hellish torment on his rump that could not be compared to anything else in Equestria.
  217. In reality, it was not too different from some of the more harsh spankings given occasionally to particularly naughty colts and fillies, some even close to his age.
  219. The fact of the matter was that when Pipsqueak got his first spanking, his mother went easy on him. She wanted to somewhat ease him in into this new world of fanny tannings.
  221. After that, when he would have gotten more proper spankings, he always managed to weasel himself out of them in his gross way, therefore, one could say that this was the young colt’s first “proper” spanking and having this be a harsher spanking then normal combined with his very little past spank experiences left this punishment feeling far more miserable then it otherwise would have.
  223. Not to say that it wouldn’t have been a horrible ordeal even if he had taken his earlier spankings like he was supposed to.
  225. ’Smack!’ ‘Smack!’ ‘Smack!’
  226. Pipsqueak felt like this spanking was going of forever!
  227. ”Mommy please it’s too much!”
  228. Mommy didn’t seem to think so though. In fact, she was just in the process of slapping down those few spots on his rump that she may or may not have accidentally given a bit fewer attention to.
  230. Once that was done though, it finally did seem to be enough.
  232. ”Aahahaaaoou!” Pipsqueak whined as the slapping stopped.
  233. He tried to reach back to rub his now (to him) extremely sore bottom, but he couldn’t, as his mom was still pinning him down. That hoof that was on his back during the whole ordeal did a great job at keeping his body still, no matter how much he squirmed.
  235. And he squirmed a LOT.
  237. Heck, he was sure that even if he wasn’t actively trying to wet himself at the beginning, he would have still wet himself in the middle of the spanking with how much it hurt.
  239. Speaking of wetting himself, he felt his legs spread out again and the diaper slowly slid out from under his crotch.
  241. He felt a sense of relief at that… thing coming off. It made him feel less like a baby, which was another issue he was currently experiencing.
  243. Then, he heard his mother let out a groan.
  245. A bit of silence followed after that, only broken up by Pipsqueak’s sniffling and sobbing before he heard the sound of wood brushing off on wood.
  247. He tried looking back, but all he saw was the body of the mare shifting to the side most likely she was reaching for his nightstand. Pipsqueak was confused by this. The only thing he kept on there was his hairbrush. What would mom possibly want with that?
  249. Suddenly, he felt a wet sensation on his lower regions as the diaper was slid back to where it was previously.
  251. ”M-mom?” Pipsqueak asked between sniffles. He did not want it put back on, but unfortunately for him, the wet diaper was now being pushed right back to his crotch. Now that it was back after removed did he really feel the wetness of his own pee. He didn't notice how uncomfortable it was in the heat of the spanking, but now it came as a bit of a surprise.
  253. His hind legs were then pinned back down in the same way as they just were during the spanking.
  254. ”Mom?!”
  256. His question was quickly answered:
  257. ”Pipsqueak, you’re not a little foal anymore.”
  258. ’Crack!’
  259. Pipsqueak’s eyes widened as mom swatted his rump with his hairbrush.
  260. ”AAAAOOOUUU!”
  261. It hurt a lot more than the hoof spanking.
  262. ”this… disgusting behavior is unacceptable!”
  263. ’Crack!’
  264. ”IMSOWWWY!” Pipsqueak screamed.
  265. This was cheating. The hairbrush made the spanks too hard!
  266. I don’t EVER want you wetting yourself when I’m spanking you!” The mare shouted over the colt’s cries.
  267. 'Crack!’
  268. ”Do I make myself clear!”
  269. ’Crack!’
  271. And now the spanking was over.
  273. The young colt didn’t want to do anything but ponder over his bright red bottom on his mother’s lap so he spent a good while crying there. Thankfully, his mom was willing to give him some time to let it out.
  275. After a minute spent calming down, Pipsqueak tried once again to rub his bottom only to be denied.
  276. ”Not yet, dear. We still gotta take care of one more thing.”
  277. He whined with some renewed tears, wondering what she would do now.
  279. He felt the diaper material wrap all around his lower regions, then to his butt as the mare taped it tightly shut. Now he was truly wearing it just like a foal would
  280. ”Mooooom!” The colt whined indignantly.
  281. ”Don’t you “moooom” me, young colt! Not right now. Get up!” Mom said as she made Pipsqueak stand up in the diaper.
  282. He immediately tried to take them off, but was stopped.
  283. ”No, it is staying on!”
  284. ”But-“
  285. ”If you remove it, you’re coming right back over my knee for round two.” The mare tapped on the diapered bottom to emphasize what "round two" meant.
  286. Pipsqueak gasped in horror at the very thought of that and refrained from attempting to remove the diaper again.
  288. ”Now, nose in the corner!” Pipsqueak was turned to the empty corner in his room.
  289. He looked back. “But-“
  290. ”March!” The mare sent him on his way with a smack to his newly diapered rump. It did not really hurt due to the diaper cushioning the blow, but the spanking he had just received still made it feel like an uncomfortable sensation. He quickly walked to the corner.
  291. ”Stay there until I say you can come out!”
  292. He did not argue this time, but he did complain internally. He had just gotten spanked. Why was he getting another punishment!?
  294. No answer came to him as he was forced to stand there, looking at the wall.
  296. Time outs like this used to be a common punishment for him. In what felt like forever, they were pretty much the only form of discipline used on him. Then, he graduated to more advanced punishment forms as it slowly sunk into obscurity, only used for minor infractions. He wasn’t made to stand in the corner like this in a long time at that point and being made to stand there then, especially in the soggy wet diapers, made him feel much younger.
  298. Although it was far worse now than before.
  300. Normally, corner time was simply boring, but with a sore bottom, it was both boring and miserable. He wanted to rub his butt so badly! But when he moved one of his hooves to touch it, his mother warned him not to. It just wasn’t fair!
  302. And what made it worse was the stupid diaper: It was still wet, and that wetness felt uncomfortable pushing up against him as the liquid was getting cold, which did not pair well with the area that it was touching. Worse still was the fact that mom saw fit to buy the smallest diapers possible. It was meant for babies, not for proper colts like Pipsqueak. While not painful on its own, it dug slightly into the colt’s red rump, squeezing it, which made the post-spanking smart even worse than it already was.
  304. He could also feel the very edges of his butt stick out from the diaper as it was too small to cover the whole butt cheeks, leaving the sides to still show the red color which served as proof of his ordeal. He could only imagine how funny this must have looked.
  306. He wanted this stupid white thing gone so badly!
  308. ”I hope you know not to pi-… wet yourself again in the future.” His mother suddenly said.
  309. He dared not answer her, but if he did, it would have been a barely audible “Yes mommy.”
  310. ”I bought a whole pack of diapers so from now on, until I believe you can be trusted not to do that disgusting thing, you’ll be going to the bathroom for each spanking.”
  311. Pipsqueak sort of expected that as it has been the norm so far.
  312. ”Also, I’ll put a diaper on you every single time.”
  313. He winced.
  314. "And if you mess that one up, you can find yourself staring at the corner with a sore rump. Do you understand?”
  315. ”Yes mommy.” He finally said it out loud.
  316. ”Good.”
  319. ”Also.” She spoke up again after a minute. “If you wet another diaper, I’ll make you go to school in it.”
  320. ”What?!” Pipsqueak looked back, shocked.
  321. ”Nose in corner.”
  322. ”Eep!” He went back to position.
  323. ”And don’t think I’m bluffing. If you can’t be bothered to pee properly, then you may as well have it on all day.”
  324. Pipsqueak couldn’t even speak at that horrible suggestion. The mare thought of having to go in public with a spanked butt in a soggy diaper almost made him feint on the spot.
  326. The mare sighed. “Look, just take your spankings and it’ll be a lot less bad for you. I promise.” She said as she went out the door. “I want you to keep the diaper on until I make dinner, you better not let me catch you without it until then.” She said before exiting the room. “You can come out now, but clean your room. It’s a mess in here!” She ordered before shutting the door.
  328. Pipsqueak sighed before trying to rub his bottom, but it didn’t do much good as the diaper was actively blocking his hoof from touching his skin. He could have removed it now that mom wasn’t with him, but he did not dare to, lest she somehow find out. He cringed at the thought of another spanking.
  330. So, with little else to do and with the potential for further punishments if he didn’t, he started to clean his room.
  332. As he did, all he could think of was mom’s final warning.
  334. The thought of going to school right after a spanking like this...
  335. In a diaper that he wetted...
  336. With his most likely red bottom sticking out...
  337. With all his classmates seeing him like that...
  339. Despite the fact that he was only imagining it, it was the first time he had ever felt humiliated.
  341. And just like with the spanking, he did not like that one bit.

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