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Young Rainbow Dash's Martial Arts Trouble

By asd
Created: 2023-10-21 12:48:16
Updated: 2023-10-23 12:21:01
Expiry: Never

  1. Young Rainbow Dash was a very active filly. Perhaps a little bit too active.
  3. So much so that even her parents, as encouraging of that activeness as they were had to admit that she needed more ways to spend her seemingly boundless energy, so naturally they enrolled her into a martial arts dojo.
  5. They were quite certain that their little filly would be one of Equestria’s greatest fighters in no time though Rainbow did often wish they did not show that so… loudly during the dojo sessions. It was very embarrassing, even if the sensei, an aging yellow earth pony stallion did not mind.
  7. Eventually, as Rainbow’s skills grew and was taught more and more techniques, her confidence began to grow alongside it (Even more than it already was) until at one point, she felt like she could take on the whole world with this training.
  9. One could say that her parent’s intentions of enrolling her backfired in a way: While it did serve to tire her out a bit, it also made her far more brazen and brazen fillies tend to get into trouble.
  11. The young blue pegasus had recently begun acting up in school which culminated in her picking a fight with another student two grades above her, obviously believing that her training would win her the day. Fortunately, she didn’t get to try and prove said belief as the teacher spotted the two and was quick to break up the fight before it began.
  13. Still, Rainbow’s continued naughty behavior resulted in a letter to her parents and because of that, the filly found herself sitting at the kitchen table, in front of her Bow Hothoof and Windy Whistles were huddled together, reading the letter looking surprisingly stern which was a rare sight and one that really nailed home how much trouble she was in.
  15. ”Well, I suppose her attitude was bound to get her in trouble at some point.” Commented Windy.
  16. ”Yep.” Bow said, nodding sadly.
  17. Rainbow Dash looked nervously between the two.
  19. ”Of course, you are very good at getting into trouble!” Windy quickly stated.
  20. Bow nodded again. “Other fillies and colts could only dream of being naughty like you!”
  21. Rainbow Dash looked at her parents awkwardly. “Sooo, does that mean I’m off the hook?” She asked hopefully.
  22. ”Oh, no, you’re getting a spanking.” Windy answered.
  23. ”Wh-what?!” Rainbow recoiled fearfully.
  24. ”Sorry, pumpkin, but you need your bummy tended to.” Bow said before turning to his wife. “I think I spanked her last time, so it’s your turn.”
  25. Windy sighed. “You’re right.”
  26. ”But I don’t wanna get a spanking!” Rainbow protested.
  27. ”Sorry dear, but you earned it.” Chided Windy.
  28. ”According to this letter, you’ve been very naughty as of late.” Scolded Bow.
  29. ”But-“Rainbow Dash tried to say, but was cut off.
  30. ”Besides, you’re so good at taking spankings.”
  31. ”Indeed, you whine a lot better than other fillies.”
  32. ”And that kicking…”
  33. "All that time flying between clouds really shows.”
  34. ”So difficult to hold her down.”
  35. ”Yes, dear, but that’s what makes her so special.”
  36. ”Other parents would pay to get to spank a filly like Rainbow dash!”
  38. Her parents “praise” did not make Rainbow feel better for some reason.
  40. ”Anyway.” Said Windy. “To your room! I’ll be there in a bit.”
  41. The pegasus mare pointed towards the door. Rainbow just sat there.
  42. ”You can always get a worse spanking.” Said Bow.
  43. This did the trick as the filly groaned and dejectedly walked upstairs to her room. She didn’t even fly.
  45. In her room, Rainbow could only sit on her bed and wait for the inevitable.
  46. ”This sucks!” She said to herself.
  48. It indeed sucked. She did not think she deserved a spanking. All she did was try to use her newfound martial arts knowledge. Her sensei did tell her not to show it off, but she obviously had a good reason. That colt bumped into her! And he had the gall to say it was an accident.
  50. She could hear hoofsteps coming up the door.
  52. And her parents! Why did they have to embarrass her all the time and punish her like this! To think, she had to let her mom spank her.
  54. Or did she?
  56. A dark thought crept into Rainbow’s head: Why should she let herself be spanked? She obviously didn’t deserve it, and with her training, she could probably stop her mother from punishing her! Sure, sensei told her not to misuse his techniques, but this was obviously self-defense.
  58. Rainbow nodded to herself. She was ready to confront mom.
  60. ”Oh, Rainbow Dash, time for your spanking!” Said mom as she entered her room.
  61. She was met by her daughter standing in front of her.
  62. ”No!” Rainbow said.
  63. Windy frowned. “We already talked about this, dear.”
  65. Rainbow said nothing as she unleashed her most powerful attack: the flying kick. She flew at great speeds towards her mother with the intent of sending the mare flying out of her room and away from spanking range.
  67. Windy grabbed Dash’s hind leg with a single hoof, halting the assault.
  69. The filly stared at her mother in shock, who looked back equally surprised.
  71. ”Well that was very rude.” Windy scolded.
  72. ”Um.” Rainbow tried to say.
  73. ”Bow, dear!” Windy shouted to her husband.
  74. ”Yes?!”
  75. ”Rainbow tried to attack me with her martial arts training!”
  76. ”What?!”
  78. Bow quickly ran upstairs to see his wife still holding Rainbow’s hind leg with the filly’s head resting on the floor as she could not fly in place like that.
  80. ”Oh wow, I guess the martial arts stuff had its drawbacks.” He muttered before asking: “Are you alright?”
  81. Windy nodded. “Yea, just kind of shocked.”
  82. ”Was it a good kick?” Bow asked. “For a little filly, I mean.”
  83. The mare smiled. “Of course, this is Rainbow Dash were talking about!”
  85. They both chuckled while Rainbow was stuck in that awkward position, hoping that she wouldn’t get into deeper trouble for this.
  87. ”Anyway, could you please get my hairbrush, dear? I left it in the bathroom.” Windy requested.
  88. ”Sure thing, hon!” Bow said before walking off the bathroom.
  89. Windy meanwhile, finally let go of her daughter’s hind legs and reached down to turn her around and grab the filly by the scruff, lifting her. ”And this little filly just earned herself a bigger spanking.” She said.
  90. ”No, wait, mom, I’m sorry!” Rainbow begged, already figuring out why her mom requested the hairbrush.
  91. ”Sorry dear, you’ve earned a very red rump, which I’m sure will still look very good on you!”
  93. Rainbow did not think a red rump would suite her very well.
  95. It did not take long for the stallion to return with Windy’s wooden hairbrush, which was a medium shaped, oval brush colored blue, just like the family.
  97. ”Thank you dear, my, I didn't think I’d have to spank her with this so soon.”
  98. ”You don’t have to!”
  99. ”Of course I do, you tried to attack you mother!” Windy said. “Why, if I did that to my mother, she would have tanned my hide with a bigger hairbrush!”
  100. ”And if I did that to any of my folks, my dad would have used the strap on me!” Bow said before thinking. “Maybe we should get one for Rainbow.”
  101. ”Yea, something to spank her with when she’s gets older.”
  102. ”No!” Rainbow protested, but was ignored.
  103. ”I’ll make one myself! Only the best for our little troublemaker.” Bow said before leaving. “Well, good luck you two!”
  105. Once the door was closed, Windy gave her full attention to her daughter.
  106. ”Mom, wait, I’m sorry!”
  107. Nothing else was said from the mare who began to spank the little blue flank.
  109. ’THWACK!’
  110. Rainbow’s blue butt jiggled as the wooden brush left a red oval mark on it. The filly gasped as she felt the first of soon to be many brush smacks on her tush.
  112. As tough and cool as she liked to make herself be, found herself quickly squirming and blubbering on her mother’s lap almost as soon as the spanking began.
  114. ”Yaaah!” She screamed. “Wait, mom, NOOOooo!” She tried to beg her way out of the punishment, but to no avail as Windy was entirely focused on tormenting her rump.
  116. That hairbrush was doing quite a number on her hindquarters!
  118. Her parents weren’t kidding earlier about holding her down: Windy was getting visibly tired with the squirming and wailing filly, but like any good mother, she held on. Rainbow Dash deserved only the best spankings, after all. Something that Rainbow was sadly quite unappreciative of.
  120. How she felt though meant very little now as Windy wasn’t willing to give the filly butt any mercy no matter how hard the crying filly begged for it.
  122. ’THWACK!’ ‘THWACK!’
  123. ”NOOOO!”
  125. A few minutes later, young Rainbow Dash was lying face-first on her bed with her very red and obviously very sore bottom pointing towards the ceiling.
  127. ’Snap!’ Came the sound of a picture being taken.
  129. ”Oooh, Rainbow Dash’s first time getting spanked with a hairbrush!” Windy said excitedly before running out the room only to stop at the door. “I gotta show this to Bow and put it up somewhere. I’ll be back in a minute for cuddles!” She said before running downstairs.
  131. Rainbow hated spankings.
  133. The next day.
  135. Rainbow had begged her parents to let her skip today’s training. Not because she was too tired or sick or anything. It was just that her rump was still red and sore. She had lucked out in the sense that there was no school today, but that meant that she had to go outside with her sore rump to the martial arts class in front of the sensei and all her peers.
  137. Sitting still hurt.
  139. Of course, the couple were very adamant at her attending. Surely, the sensei’s greatest pupil could not skip training because of something as trivial as a sore bottom! So Rainbow was dragged onto training.
  141. The session would have went well if not for two things: First of all, when it came time to sit down for lectures and the occasional one on one sparring, the soreness of her bottom made it difficult for Rainbow to sit still, even earning a quick scolding from her master. Second, while the higher ranking martial arts uniforms offered pants which covered the rump, Rainbow’s novice filly uniform only went down as far as her white belt, which still left her reddened buttocks uncovered for all to see. She could hear the occasional giggle coming from her peers and some parents.
  143. To make the second point worse, her parents were once again bragging about her to the other adults, but she overheard them mentioning the spanking.
  145. Rainbow wanted to go home. Thankfully, the 3 hour training session did end eventually.
  147. In the locker room, Rainbow Dash was quickly approached by a couple of colts and a filly.
  148. ”So, what’d you do to get spanked?” One asked.
  149. ”Looks like you got it hard.” Said another.
  150. ”Wouldn’t wanna be you.” Remarked the third.
  151. ”Shut up!” Rainbow demanded, but was only answered by more questions and teasing. Kids can be cruel like that.
  152. Thankfully, the teasing ended with a loud “Ah-hem!”, which came from the sensei, who had just entered the room.
  154. The assorted group of foals knew that the sensei’s stern gaze meant that they should back off from Rainbow. They quickly left after that, leaving Rainbow alone with the stallion, who had told her to stay behind. ”Come with me, Rainbow Dash.” He said, making the filly follow him to another room.
  156. She was led to the dojo storage room where the training equipment was placed. The sensei turned to face the filly and looked down at her with a harsh gaze, prompting a gulp from said filly.
  158. ”Rainbow Dash.” He began. “What have I told you about using what I’ve taught responsibly?”
  159. ”Not to use it unless necessary for self-defense or the defense of others.” Rainbow answered, remembering the sensei’s past words.
  160. ”Precisely. And according to your parents, you have not been taking those words to heart.”
  161. Rainbow recoiled at the accusation, but quickly composed herself. “That colt totally had it coming! He bumped into ME!”
  162. ”An accident is hardly something to pick a fight over, young filly! And what was that with your mother?” The sensei asked in a tone that made Rainbow flinch.
  163. ”She was gonna spank me.” The filly whispered while looking away.
  164. ”And you would have deserved it. It is hardly self-defense to attack your own mother who is rightfully giving you much needed discipline, something which you very obviously lack.”
  166. Rainbow looked down at her hooves at the scolding. As much as she did not want to admit it, it did make her feel shameful.
  167. ”And I must say, I am tempted to expel you from the dojo after such a shameful display.”
  168. ”No!” Rainbow shouted. Despite her reluctance to come today, she did not want to quit learning the cool martial arts moves.
  169. ”But I have talked about it with your parents.” The stallion said, ignoring Rainbow’s cry. “And we have decided that you are to be allowed to stay.”
  170. Rainbow let out a sigh of relief.
  171. ”Under one condition.”
  172. She tensed up.
  173. ”You are to receive one more punishment on your hindquarters from me.”
  175. Rainbow gasped. ”B-but that’s not fair! I got spanked yesterday!”
  176. ”That was for your school behavior.” Said the sensei as he rummaged through a nearby chest. “This.” He pulled out a cane. “Will be fore disrespecting the dojo.”
  177. Rainbow just stood there, staring at the cane in terror.
  178. ”Well, Rainbow Dash, are you willing to take responsibility for your actions?”
  180. Rainbow gulped under the stallion’s gaze. She could tell just from a glance that the cane he was now holding could do some serious damage to her already sore rump.
  182. Her first instinct was to run, give up on martial arts and go on with her life without the burden of an extra sorry bum. At the same time though, she really liked doing the cool martial arts and wanted to learn more plus it would be super embarrassing to have to leave because of this.
  184. The young filly thought long and hard on whether or not staying was worth the pain.
  187. ”I’ll do it.” Rainbow almost whispered.
  188. The young filly always considered herself a brave pony and she found the idea of giving up over this to be cowardly even if She did have to ignore how nervous she was.
  190. The sensei nodded. “Good. Turn around.”
  191. Rainbow obeyed with uncharacteristic slowness.
  192. ”I will only give you 4 strokes, but I expect you to stay still. Do I make myself clear?”
  193. Rainbow said nothing as she was too busy thinking about how much that stick would hurt. The sensei took her silence as agreement and walked up behind the filly.
  195. ’CRACK!’
  196. Rainbow leaned forward, clearly surprised by just how much the cane stung.
  197. ”YOOUCH!” Was her comment on it.
  199. ”Stay still, child.”
  200. ’CRACK!’
  201. Rainbow certainly had a hard time obeying that. She was normally a very active filly, so staying still was not one of her strengths and the cane certainly made it even harder.
  203. ’CRACK!’
  204. Still, she barely persevered, although she did let the stallion know that it did hurt by shouting “That hurts!” He did not seem to care.
  206. ’CRACK!’
  207. The final stroke was just as hard as the previous. Rainbow kicked up a little with a hindleg at the pain, not realizing that it was over until her sensei assured her that it indeed was.
  209. Rainbow wasted no time rubbing her bottom while jumping up and down in the room, much to the amusement of the stallion. Her rump now had four red lines on it, which glowed quite well even amongst yesterday’s brushing. It was as painful as it looked.
  211. ”It seems that the cane did not tire you out.” Commented the sensei at Rainbow’s hopping around.
  212. ”It huuurts!” She whined.
  213. ”That is the point.” He said. "Discipline can be a painful thing to master, but it is something worth learning."
  214. ”Through spankings?” Dash complained.
  215. ”Sometimes, although this one was your parent’s idea.”
  216. ”Huh?!”
  217. ”After they approached me with what you did, they requested that I do this. “Only the best punishment for our filly!” They told me.” The stallion chuckled.
  218. Rainbow frowned.
  219. Her master shrugged. “Either way, they are waiting for you outside. You should not keep them waiting.”
  220. Rainbow nodded and said her goodbyes before running off.
  222. Needless to say that after that, Rainbow never misused her skills again and she did eventually become quite a decent martial artist, even earning a black belt years later. She also behaved like an angel (or at least as angelic as a young daredevil like her could be) for a while.
  224. Of course, she did earn more spankings during her fillyhood, but these two rump beatings in particular were always ones that her parents would remember the most for some reason.
  226. Many years later.
  228. Ponyville schoolhouse. Schootaloo’s presentation on her most inspirational hero school assignment.
  230. ”And this is that time Rainbow got spanked by her mom with for trying to fight her with karate! She was supposed to only get a hoofspanking, but her mom spanked her with a hairbrush for that, AND got spanked with a cane afterwards by her sensei!” Explained Scootaloo. Showing the class the picture Rainbow’s mom took of her back when she was a filly after the brushing.
  232. ”Wait, squirt, how do you know that!? Why do you have that picture!?” Demanded a blushing Rainbow Dash, who was watching the presentation.
  233. ”Oh, we gave it to her!” Said Bow Hothoof, who was also there along with his wife.
  234. "Oh, yes, I think it makes for a wonderful addition to her presentation!” Said Windy Whistles.
  236. Rainbow could only cover her face amongst the giggles of the schoolchildren as her little sister obliviously continued her presentation.

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