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Fat Equestria if it started sooner

By BigPone
Created: 2023-10-24 03:30:40
Updated: 2023-10-24 22:36:48
Expiry: Never

  1. >fat equestria starts years before the flashback events in Cutie Mark Chronicles
  2. >celestia has a weight suppression necklace hidden behind her royal decoration necklace
  3. >it breaks, revealing she’s thrice as wide as the throne and heavy enough to make the foundations of it crack
  4. >thinking fast, she puts into motion her backup plan: make ponies think fat is in, make all their food fattening
  5. >it all starts off in Canterlot, spreads to bigger cities and then to smaller towns
  6. >by the Sonic Rainboom, Ponyville and Cloudsdale are still thin, but Canterlot is entirely obese
  7. >Twilight is made Celestia’s pupil not only due to her magic after the rainboom
  8. >but also because she almost weighs 400 pounds already
  9. >fast forward
  10. >Twilight gets sent to Ponyville around the 650 pound mark
  11. >both to learn about friendship and to fulfill Celestia’s new prophecy
  12. >Ponyville and other small towns are falling behind in the corpulence department
  13. >except for the ponies that get caught by Applejack
  14. >this timeline awakened Applejack’s feeder tendencies something fierce
  15. >when she stops to check on the Summer Sun Celebration food planning, Twilight gets stuffed so full she can’t move for hours
  16. >with the schedule shifted, everything is barely ready for the celebration
  17. >oh shit, it’s nightmare moon!
  18. >adventure and shit
  19. >kindness, loyalty, blah blah blah, the spark
  20. >the elements of… gluttony?
  21. >fuck you I’m horny
  22. >Nightmare Moon is reformed
  23. >Celestia sowed the seeds of her betrayal by stealing her donuts as a filly
  24. >a very, very fat filly
  25. >fatter than Twilight was
  26. >the turns tabled
  27. >Nightmare Moon was the thin one, Celestia was the blob
  28. >Celestia takes her sister back to Canterlot
  29. >lots of slice of life stuff, but fat
  30. >Grand Galloping Gala time
  31. >all the girls outgrew their dresses and Rarity had to size them up
  32. >Applejack forcefed Prince Blueblood (rare non-fat Canterlotian) every scrap of food she brought to sell when he insulted her food
  33. >Rarity ate all the cake that got launched at her before blowing up on Blueblood
  34. >Rainbow Dash somehow did all the same stuff with a big pot belly
  35. >more hijinks happen
  36. >the girls eat out Donut Joe’s entire stock at the end, all their dresses burst and tear open
  37. >I can’t think of anything good for Discord so he’s left in the statue here
  38. >Twilight still goes nutso when she thinks she’ll be tardy, but now it’s a 730 pound unicorn spazzing out
  39. >nightmare night time
  40. >Luna/Nightmare Moon arrives, has gained a lot of weight
  41. >still looks like Nightmare Moon because I’m kind of digging that aesthetic right now
  42. >the same things happen for a while
  43. >but at the end there’s an actual mountain of candy and she eats it all instead of pretending to be a statue
  44. >Pipsqueak comes up all shy and offers her another huge bag of candy even as she looks ready to explode
  45. >he blushes when she can’t help herself from eating it all
  46. >Apple Bloom mixes up a potion and gets really fat instead of the cutie pox
  47. >no cutie mark in cupcake eating for you
  48. >Rarity gets invited to Canterlot
  49. >gets surprised how fat everypony is even though she knew Twilight and Celestia
  50. >that time travel episode except now it has Twi and Pinkie squeezing into those rubber stealth suits holy fucking unf
  51. >MMMystery on the Friendship Express features a lot more food, and there isn’t any left for the contest at the end
  52. >ACW happens, but fatter
  53. >Twi gets suspicious of fake Cadence because she’s so thin before noticing her bad attitude
  54. >Fake Cadence keeps getting fatter over the course of the episode from the love sapping
  55. >oh shit it’s actually Chrysalis
  56. >but she’s kinda more than a little tubby
  57. >Celestia jobs again, but this time she leaves a lot of cracks in the floor
  58. >Real Cadence and Twi make it back in time, with some struggle because they’re both like 800 pounds
  59. >Love is in Bloom
  60. >Chryssy blasts off again
  61. >Shining Armor prefers fat mares anyway, who was Chrysalis fooling?
  62. >time for the Crystal Empire
  63. >yeah I got nothing
  64. >elements of gluttony spread the wonders of obesity to the crystal empire and Sombra gets mad
  65. >whatever
  66. >chonka Ponka nearly destroys Ponyville via earthquake with her mirror pool clones
  67. >maybe the Ponka left at the end was the real one, and not just the fattest
  68. >Babs Seed is coming to visit
  69. >holy fuck she’s fatter than Twilight was
  70. >Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon accept her quickly, thinking she’s rich or from a high family because she’s so fat
  71. >Babs almost breaks the CMC clubhouse, which was already struggling with the CMC’s expanding frames
  72. >time for payback
  73. >Babs is so fat, the floor of our new float will give out after five minutes of her being in it
  74. >oh shit Applejack says Babs was bullied for being so fat
  75. >even though Manehattan isn’t too far behind Canterlot in obesity rankings
  76. >oh fuck how can w-oh she broke the float’s floor faster than we thought
  77. >we’re sorry
  78. >whateva, I kinda like it
  79. >wuh
  80. >Rainbow Dash tries to join the Wonderbolts again
  81. >she’s too fat for the outfit but makes the cut
  82. >Lightning Dust gets btfo again, partially because Twilight alone weighs like 900 pounds now and it was a pain to save her
  83. >racist barn racist barn 1 2 3 4
  84. >Applejack made too much food and made everypony eat it all up, yeah
  85. >very creative, I know
  86. >MMC time
  87. >something something rewriting destinies
  88. >morning in Ponyville wobbles, morning in Ponyville blorps
  89. >Rarity is trying to fit into a Wonderbolts uniform
  90. >Rainbow Dash is trying to horde animal food for herself
  91. >Applejack is trying to make dresses (but bigger)
  92. >Pinkamena is trying to stuff ponies to their limits
  93. >Fluttershy is trying to make ponies laugh (actually succeeds because the bridge broke beneath her)
  94. >Twilight hits the books and the buffet trying to fix things
  95. >stress eating can really do a number on a figure
  96. >even an already huge one
  97. >solution time
  98. >let’s sing a song
  100. >everypony gathers in the treebrary
  101. >Twi’s been munching on snacks the entire time, not really doing much singing
  102. >Ponka and Appul manifest a ton of food out of thin air and Twi goes to town on it
  103. >lets out a belch as her overstuffed belly groans and gurgles
  104. >suddenly the elements activate
  105. >oh fuck we killed Twilight and now there’s a scorch mark of a blob on the ground
  106. >Princess Celestia, where are we?
  107. >Celestia has to pull her snoot out of a 200 layer cake, one of many judging by the tautness of her belly
  108. >you’ve come such a long long way.wav
  109. >neither move, the slideshows just lazily fly past
  110. >Twi stifles another belch
  111. >by the powers of non-stop eating for over 24 hours and exceeding 1000 pounds in weight, Twilight now has wings
  112. >mostly decorative wings
  113. >no way she can fly
  114. >they make for great belly massagers
  115. >coronation time
  116. >Princess Twilight, Element of Gluttony and Princess of Gourmand, waddles down the aisle, already splitting holes in her dress
  117. >Celestia looks like she’s finally digested however many dozen cakes she was eating that night
  118. >Luna/Nightmare Moon seemed real determined to make up for lost time
  119. >She’s even fatter than Celestia, but more of it focuses in her belly
  120. >and that’s a wrap, we’ve got syndication

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