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Scootaloo's Boutique Trouble

By asd
Created: 2023-10-28 16:17:22
Updated: 2023-10-28 19:21:38
Expiry: Never

  1. Our story begins with an orange flank.
  3. Well, it was supposed to be orange. At this time it can be described more so pink.
  4. ’SMACK!’ ‘SMACK!’ ‘SMACK!’
  5. Or perhaps red.
  7. Either way, based off the dramatic shift in colors of the orange hindquarters, one could quickly assume that it is currently undergoing some… correction. They would be right, of course.
  9. Even if they didn’t, a white shape constantly crashing onto the butt cheeks would make it quite obvious that a spanking is taking place.
  11. Indeed the orange flank which belongs to a certain pony is currently being played like a cruel drum by its assailant. This drum solo is not received well by the little pony who’s made to suffer its effects, that being the owner of the “drum”, the pony filly Scootaloo, who's forced stay over a larger pony’s knee who had saw fit to punish her.
  13. But who is this punisher?
  15. Well, if the admittedly fast white hoof did not give it away, it’s the white unicorn Rarity. The fashion designer holds the squirming filly tightly on her lap, one hoof squishing the purple tail on the orange back while the other consistently and painfully squishing those reddening cheeks.
  17. By reddening cheeks, we can obviously assume the ones used for sitting, which will be most uncomfortable once Rarity is done with it.
  19. And while those are red, but so is the other pair. A combination of crying and a feeling of embarrassment gave rise to a similar reddening phenomenon to Scootaloo’s face cheeks. Obviously, the filly's not feeling very comfortable being spanked by the mare whom she considered to be “kinda prissy” and you can still see the shock in her eyes at being punished in such a way by, of all ponies, Rarity.
  21. Further adding onto Scootaloo’s humiliation at this whole ordeal is a tiny audience right next to the pair.
  23. Sweetie Belle is watching.
  25. The other, smaller white unicorm in the room is awkwardly standing next to the duo helplessly looking on as her friend is being spanked. The filly has nothing better to do at this time then to watch the proceedings
  27. ’SMACK!’
  28. Sweetie winces. This is something she found herself subconsciously doing at the start of the uncomfortable show Rarity is currently giving and is not something she can stop doing because she knows exactly what Scootaloo is going through, having suffered some trips over Rarity’s knee in the past.
  30. At times, she would actually find it kind of funny:
  32. Her parents are the easygoing country pony types who believe in hard work and a simple life and are most certainly not afraid to get dirty if the situation calls for it. Meanwhile her sister is a fancy-schmancy pony obsessed with beauty and absolutely despises any sort of physical labor that doesn’t have to do with making dresses or acquiring materials for said dresses.
  34. Yet, it’s her parents who never think to use spankings while her sister firmly believes in the need for occasional butt corrections. It’s almost like the world is upside down with her family.
  36. She would sometimes bring this up to her parents in an attempt to get them to stop chances of her visits or stay overs with Rarity ending in a sore tush, but as far as the two are concerned, Rarity has her own home, which has its own rules and if their younger daughter is unwilling to follow them then she would suffer whatever consequence their older child sees fit to administer.
  38. Sometimes the white filly wonders why she likes staying over at Rarity’s so much.
  40. A perhaps cruel side of Sweetie Belle hidden within her is somewhat glad that Scootaloo is the one getting chastised and not her for once. She did try to warn her friend, after all.
  42. What got Scootaloo to earn such comeuppance? Well lets flashback while Scootaloo’s flank is roasting.
  44. Some time earlier.
  46. ”Why do I gotta try on a bunch of stupid dresses?!” Whined Scootaloo.
  47. ”Well your coming to that party, right?” Sweetie Belle asked.
  48. The party in question was a fancy-ish school celebration to commemorate the anniversary of Ponyville’s school founding.
  49. ”Yea, but only cuz’ you two are. I still don’t know why I need to do this.”
  50. ”Well, we gotta look good for it and my sister was generous enough to make the three of us dresses for it.” Sweetie exclaimed. “C’mon, you wanna look good for it, right?”
  51. Scootaloo sighed. “Yea, but still.”
  53. The young filly, given her personality was far more interested in “cooler” ways to spend her time then modeling for Rarity, even if it was for her own dress.
  55. ”Ah, there you are, darling!” Happily greeted Rarity. “I’ve already finished with Applebloom so you’re all that’s left.”
  56. Applebloom had some chores to do so she went to Rarity’s earlier while Sweetie Belle had long since had herself modeled as she was staying at Rarity’s for the week.
  57. ”Well then.” Rarity continued as she led the two fillies to the dress podium in her boutique. “Let us get started.”
  58. ”Whatever.” Scootaloo muttered.
  59. Rarity frowned slightly at Scootaloo’s attitude, but quickly got over it. “Just like Rainbow Dash.” She thought, shaking her head in mild amusement before grabbing some measurement tools with her magic.
  60. ”Now stand still, darling.” Rarity said to Scootaloo, who was standing on the podium. “The sooner I can get your measurements the sooner we finish.
  61. Scootaloo grunted, but obeyed.
  63. What followed was an (to Scootaloo) excruciating measuring session. The young filly could not comprehend why the mare had to do this or why her aunts didn’t want her to use that old dress she had which was only slightly too small for her.
  65. Regardless of her personal wishes had to endure TEN WHOLE MINUTES of being forced to stand still on the podium with Rarity measuring her with all sorts of rulers. Truly, she was being tortured.
  67. Eventually though, she was given some reprieve.
  68. ”I have to go get some more tools, Darling. Please stay put while I do so.” Said Rarity before going upstairs.
  70. Scootaloo waited until Rarity disappeared upstairs before exclaiming: “Finally!” Before promptly jumping off the podium and stretching her hooves.
  71. ”Didn’t Rarity tell you to stay put?” Sweetie asked.
  72. Scootaloo brushed her off. “Eh, who cares? She’s not here right now so whatever.” She rolled her eyes. “Besides, I need to move!”
  73. Sweetie sighed. Her friend could never stay still for long.
  75. Scootaloo, bored and tired of standing around decided to do a few laps around the room before inevitably being forced back to the podium.
  76. >Scootaloo, be careful, there are mannequins set up for our dresses.” Sweetie Belle warned.
  77. ”C’mon, Sweetie, I need some exercise. Your sister really tortured me back there!”
  78. ”She was only measuring you for ten minutes!”
  79. ”That’s ten minutes too- whoa!”
  80. Scootaloo had tripped.
  82. The filly fell on one of the mannequins, which in turn fell over to another in a rather comedic domino effect that effectively left the entire room trashed. A combination of bad luck, carelessness and bad mannequin placement.
  84. And it was loud so naturally, Rarity was quick to the scene.
  86. ”Are you girls all-oh my Celestia, what the hay happened!?” The mare could only look at her boutique being trashed. Much of her work was ruined and cleaning the place would take some time. After looking to check if the girls were right, she cast a glare on Sweetie Belle. ”What happened?” She asked.
  88. The young unicorn really did not want to implicate her friend, but Rarity’s glare was simply too much for her.
  89. ”S-Scootaloo started running around and fell!” She said, wincing shortly after.
  90. Rarity’s glare then fell onto the orange pegasus, who had just got up slightly dazed. The filly immediately got nervous upon noticing the older pony’s stare.
  91. ”I-uh-” She tried to say.
  92. ”You got bored and decided to have a little run, didn’t you, darling?” Rarity “asked”.
  93. Scootaloo looked away, saying nothing.
  94. >You know, Rainbow Dash would also get bored while waiting, but she most certainly would not trash my establishment.”
  95. ”Sorry Rarity.” Scootaloo apologized before thinking of a way to get out of trouble. “B-but it was an accident and you probably need to clean up and stuff so I should go home now!” The filly said before trying to run out the door.
  97. Unfortunately for her, she ended up crashing into it as Rarity closed it behind her.
  98. ”I believe it would be most rude to just leave like that after causing so much trouble.” Chided Rarity, causing Scootaloo to gulp.
  99. ”Uh… I guess I can help you clean?” Scootaloo offered.
  100. Rarity nodded. “That’s a good start, darling, but we simply must do something about adjusting this attitude of yours.”
  101. ”Huh?”
  102. ”Your aunts said that you may not be sufficiently cooperative for this, so they allowed me to… encourage you as I see fit.” Rarity ignited her horn, levitating a wooden chair next to her.”
  103. ”Huh?!” Scootaloo was slowly realize what was about to happen, but before she could say anything else, she was dragged by the ear to the now sitting Rarity while Sweetie Belle stood there, unsure of what to do.
  105. What followed was obvious.
  107. Back in the present, Rarity is just about ready to finish up correcting Scootaloo. She’s giving some final slow, but harder swats to the filly’s sore backside which is now filled with red hoof marks that were inflicted by the flat part of Rarity’s hoof, which she prefers to use for spankings.
  109. The goal of this final stretch of the punishment is to even out the redness on the naughty rump to make the spank marks more aesthetically pleasing.
  111. Leave it to Rarity to try and make a spanked butt look good.
  113. Eventually, she takes sufficient pity on the filly to stop.
  115. Scootaloo lays limp on Rarity’s lap. It's not her first rodeo over a knee, but the first one over Rarity’s. Overall, her aunts might hit a bit harder, but Rarity spanks longer, plus it’s much more humiliating, especially with Sweetie there as well. Funnily enough, this is also her first public spanking. She hopes that it’s the last.
  117. But what will happen next?
  119. Well, if one has to guess, Rarity will soon get Scootaloo to stand up, after which, she will make the young filly help her clean up. Naturally, complaints will result in threats of further butt chastisement, which will curb any rebellious thoughts Scootaloo'll will surely have.
  121. It should be hard for the young filly, especially with a sore rump, which she will try to occasionally rub but Rarity will not let her do that much as she will urge her to get back to work. The mare will need to fix up those dresses very soon, along with other client’s requests, after all. There will be no time to wait on a sorry filly rubbing her sore tush.
  123. Sweetie Belle, meanwhile, would not be forced into any sort of work due to her innocence in the matter but she will chime in to help out, if for nothing else but as a way to apologize to Scootaloo for so easily ratting her out and watching her spanking.
  125. Mostly for watching her spanking. She will be getting glares from Scootaloo on occasion for a while after that event.
  127. After making sure that the boutique is clean, Rarity will then get back to the original purpose of Scootaloo’s visit: Measuring her.
  129. Unfortunately for the pegasus, the mare will sadly be unable to find the old measurements after all that cleaning so she will have to start over. Of course, the filly will hate this, but for some reason, she will be much better-behaved for this one. One has to wonder why…
  131. After that, it will be time to head home for the filly.
  133. She will say her goodbyes with Rarity and feel awkward about it while the mare waves her away as if nothing special had happened earlier.
  135. To further add to Scootaloo’s unfortunate day, her aunts will immediately notice her rump at home leading to an interrogation her about it meaning that poor Scootaloo'll have to tell the whole story of what she did while sitting on a hard kitchen chair.
  137. Her aunts will laugh it off while giving their charge a light, somewhat teasing lecture and a quick swat on the bottom before bedtime. One can guess that the orange filly’s back won’t be touching the bed that night.
  139. There was a reason why Rarity was so quick to get that measuring done: The party will be happening in a few days.
  141. Now, Rarity was specifically asked by the filly to make her dress lighter.
  143. Rarity will oblige her wishes, but this will come with an unintended side effect: Her buttock won't be fully covered.
  145. Since her rump will not be fully healed by the time of the parts, the other partygoers will likely be treated to a by then only slightly reddened rump sticking out of the clothing. Fortunately, most should be sympathetic enough to not tease Scootaloo about it.
  147. But hey, at least the party should be nice…

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