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[ARCHIVE] "The Black People, They Come" by CrimsonEquine

By Guest
Created: 2023-10-31 19:36:04
Expiry: Never

  1. Applejack sat in a bench. She could not understand her feelings for her brother. It was a reclusive nightmare of a feeling. There was no escape from the fact that she wanted to feel his every piece of his body on her flesh. The fact of the matter was, that Big Macintosh was super hots in the big butt. She needed to grasp and squeeze his genitals. But, he was a taken stallion. There would be no grasping of the buttocks nor squeezing of the cheeks. Applejack heard a loud sound of a screech. It came deep in the Everfree Forest, some deep howling monstrosity. A frowned accumulated in her face. Where did that sound come from? She would ask herself with her mind.
  3. From the darkness in the woods, unseen from eye to eye, came The Black People. There was a mass of them. There would be no escape for Equestria for the Black People have come. They ran towards Applejack as she sat at the Applejack bench and screamed. She was instantly overtaken by the swarm of chocolate men. They wrapped her in leftover hair weaves that they brought from their home state. Then, they threw in a truck while she screamed in terror. They fed her leftover pieces of barbequed flesh, one by one. Each piece assailed her mouth, she tried to speak, but she was hit by another piece of steak.
  5. “Nmmmmngh, I can’t stop, I’m vegetarian, I don’t eat meat, aaaaaaaah!”
  7. Then, they paraded her in the potluck they were having. Little chocolate children rode on her and spoke obscenities about how racist Donald Trump was. Applejack stuffed with flesh she did not request felt dizzy and full. Then, it was dress up time, they put a doo rag on her head, gave her a straight wig with voluminous curls, such a beautiful afro that it cascaded over her locks. With their goofy smiles, Applejack was finally apart of the group.
  9. “Oh shit man, I feel different, anyone got some hair tonic I can apply into my directed area on my weave?”
  11. Then, something odd happened, they began to clap! Some stood for the national anthem that was being played on a gigaspeaker outside, others kneeled.
  13. “Um, I’m bout to finna think that this has nothing to do with My Little Pony” said Applejack.
  15. Then a chocolate man slapped the shit out of her because she was talking stupid.
  17. “The only regret I have is that I didn’t get to sleep with my brother!” she said defeatingly.
  19. Then, Rainbow Dash flew in and rescued Applejack in one swoop.
  21. “Oh my god, Rainbow Dash, you saved me, what is happening, who are those odd creatures down there feeding me cooked meats?”
  23. Rainbow Dash looked upon her.
  25. “I don’t know Applejack, they’ve already infiltrated Equestria with their weird gifts of stewed meats and hair fabric”.
  27. Applejack looked down and saw the mass of Black Men and Women cheering.
  29. “I don’t have a good positively feeling about this” said Applejack.
  31. Rainbow Dash looked upon the horizon.
  33. “Oh no, all that meat has caused me to have diareah, were going down”.
  35. A blanket of shit stream flew out of Rainbow Dash’s ass. It shot out like a airplane firing out a message. There was no return, it subfused into a cloud and it started raining chocolate rain.
  37. “I can’t Applejack, I’m sorry, I need to take a tinkle winkle with a poopy poop”.
  39. Rainbow Dash felt her wings weaken and they landed into the Everfree Forest.
  41. Applejack stood up with Rainbow Dash in toe taking a tinkle winkle.
  43. “Who are those creatures?” said Applejack.
  45. Rainbow Dash just sat down after her tinkle winkle.
  47. “They are from America, they are nothing to worry about, they just come every few centuries due to summer vacation”.
  49. “Oh, how come I’ve never of them”
  51. “Thats because Celestia wipes our minds with magic every time they come”.
  53. “Oooooh, okay”.
  55. Then Rainbow Dash squealed.
  57. “Oh my gosh, they gave you a weave of constructed hair, that's so cute”.
  59. “Yeah, don’t they look nice?”
  61. Meanwhile, Twilight Sparkle and Spike were at the Tree.
  63. "Oh, my Celestia, there are so many of them this year and they took all the books, i'm so proud!" she said.
  65. Spike scratched his head.
  67. "When do you think they are going to return the books then?"
  69. Twilight smacked the shit out of Spike.
  71. "Whenever they feel like it bitch".
  73. "What's gotten into you Twilight, that hurt".
  75. Twilight looked at Spike and smiled.
  77. "I learned from the black people, I sing to their tune now, and I have become one of them, and you know what I learned?"
  79. Spike shook.
  81. "That I'm gonna bitch slap a dragon with all my mighty".
  83. A set of black people watched from behind, their eyes red, their smiles white in the darkness, there was no escape for Spike for being a bitch ass.
  85. Twilight raised her mighty hoof and slapped the shit out of Spike. His cheek was red with the force and Twilight would not cease. Spike got slapped over and over again for being a weak dragon who can't get laid with that bitch Rarity. It was truly pathetic that such a young dragon couldn't get with that fine piece of ass. He needs to be punished for not doing the dirty deed. Twilight continued his assault on that ass. Spike cried as far as he could muster, but the slaps would not stop, he knew now that he was a cold ass bitch. He needed to court Rarity and have relations with her with all his might.
  87. He lay on the floor, knowing the new knowledge of darkness. His whole frame was darker, his body was ready to mate.
  89. "I'm gonna get that chick Rarity, and I'm gonna make her mine".
  91. Spike rose from the ground, a new birth of pitch-black power ready to storm a white castle. Spike roared a mighty blast of sound and leaped like The Incredible Hulk to Carousel Boutique. He crashed through the roof and saw Rarity cowering in the corner.
  93. Spike raised his mighty voice.
  95. "Bed, Now!"
  97. Rarity looked at Spike's newly generated muscles.
  99. "What's gotten into you Spikey Wikey?"
  101. The sound of moans, screeching, and a mare being destroyed played on.
  103. "oh yes, ah yes, Spike ah Yes, Yes YES!"
  105. The black people back in Golden Oak's Library saw everything, and they clapped. Twilight gave out and evil laugh.
  106. Thus was the night of darkness.

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