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Convenience Mares

By Guest
Created: 2023-11-01 04:32:30
Expiry: Never

  1. >Be Wah Wah.
  2. >A happy off-white Pegasus mare currently snuggled in her warm bed.
  3. >As the first rays of Celestia’s sun gleam through the window onto your face, you awake.
  4. >Greeting the new day with a smile and a yawn, you turn off your alarm ten minutes before it would have gone off anyway.
  5. >Rolling off your side of the bed you give your wings a good stretch, then your legs and finally your back.
  6. >Deftly you pull the sheets taught on the bed, like you do every morning before fluffing and fixing the pillows nicely on the bed.
  7. >With a light flutter of your wings and a small hop you’re in the small galley kitchen.
  8. >A scoop of pre-ground Wawa brand coffee in your cheapo coffee maker and a few minutes later you have a pot of the black gold.
  9. >A glance at the clock on the wall tells you it’s just a few minutes past seven in the morning.
  10. >You pour your caffeine fix into your beige Wawa branded mug, leaving the red one next to the machine.
  11. >You settle into the rest of your routine, reading the newspaper and drinking your brew for the next few minutes until…
  12. >SLAM
  13. >The front, and only, door to your tiny 1-bedroom apartment flings open then shut again.
  14. >Raising your eyes from the morning paper, you greet your roommate with a bright and cheery smile.
  15. “Mornin Swing!”
  16. >The red-maned bat pony responds with a tired sigh,
  17. >”Morning Wah…”
  18. >Like clockwork she tosses her Sheetz branded red cap onto the table you’re sitting at as she waddles over to the counter to pour herself a mug of coffee.
  19. >As she sits at the table, you fold your newspaper and give her a once over.
  20. >Deep, dark bags under her otherwise ruby eyes, mane disheveled from wearing a hat all night, new grease stains on her red collared shirt, and an ever-growing belly.
  21. >She sits with half lidded eyes and sips at her coffee, holding the mug with both hooves.
  22. “Soooooo has your manager decided to give you any parental leave? It’s gotta be… what only two more months until the foal comes?”
  23. >”No…”
  24. >She sets the mug down and shoots you a glance almost as bitter as the coffee.
  25. >”And you can stop reminding me how long I’ve been carrying his foal for.”
  26. >You take her bitterness like you take your coffee, with a smile.
  27. “Awwww really that’s such a shame. Maybe I could speak with him huh?”
  28. >Swing Shift’s eyes pop open at the idea, and she stammers,
  29. >”N-no! Don’t do that. He’d just… you know… give you the same spiel how I’m the best night shift worker and how there’s foal care and stuff.”
  30. >Her eyes shift to the side as she relaxes some,
  31. >”Besides you know we barely make rent here between the two of us. They don’t pay us for parental leave.”
  32. >Her dower mood spreads through the air like a poison to your morning. A poison you simply won’t have.
  33. “Hey now Swingy. We’ll find a way to make it work. Besides won’t it be fun having a cute little bat pony foal? I bet they’ll be just the cutest little thing!”
  34. >Swing cracks a momentary smile at the idea before her frown returns.
  35. >”Heh yeah… I bet.”
  36. >Silently she sips at her coffee some more as you return to your newspaper.
  37. >As you read through the local articles, a title catches your eye, and you read deeper into it.
  38. >Your ears perk up and you hold the paper closer to your eyes, finishing the article before exclaiming,
  39. “Hey Swing, look at this!”
  40. >You hoof the paper over to the tired mare, who takes it.
  41. >Standing up, you circle around back of her and point a hoof at an article in the middle of the page.
  42. “Read that!”
  43. >The bat pony lethargically looks from your beaming face to the article titled ‘West Trotsmith to get new Wawa.’
  44. >”So? Our town’s getting a new Wawa. Ain’t that a big ‘ol happy day for you huh?”
  45. >You just continue to beam, barely containing your excitement.
  46. “It is! Oh I bet it’ll be the talk of the whole shop today! I can’t wait to hear who they’ll make manager! Oh oh oh! And the owner of Wawa officiates the opening of every new store! I might even get a chance to see him!”
  47. >”Whoopee… I’m sure every pony will be just dying to talk about a new convince store with you…”
  48. >The bat pony took another sip of her coffee and pushed the newspaper back toward you before looking at the clock.
  49. >”Hey, by the way, don’t you have to get going? It’s almost seven thirty.”
  50. >Knocked from your concentration, you looked to the clock and realized that you did have to get going. And in a hurry too! It was almost a fifteen minute flight to the other side of town, which would only make you fifteen minutes early for your shift.
  51. “Oh thank you Swingy! You’re such a life saver!”
  52. >In a flurry you pressed your lips to Swings and gave her a coffee flavored parting kiss before grabbing your black visor and dashing out the door.
  53. >As you began your flight to work you thought to yourself ‘what would I ever do without that mare!’
  54. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  55. >Touching down outside your lovely second home/place of work you take a deep breath, filling your lungs with the smells of faint coffee and sandwiches.
  56. >Always such a pleasure in the early morning.
  57. >Trotting on inside, you hold the door for another pony whom you greet with a beaming smile.
  58. >Checking the clock, you see that you are, in fact, fifteen minutes early for your shift.
  59. >Sooooo time for one of your favorite parts of the day!
  60. >Giving a big wave to the pink young mare behind the sandwich counter, you flutter over and behind the counter greeting her.
  61. >With a less enthusiastic hoof wave, the unicorn greets you.
  62. >”Hey Wah… you ummm look extra happy today.”
  63. “Sure am Bubblegum! Didn’t you hear? They’re opening a new Wawa on the other side of town!”
  64. >The mare idly finishes wrapping up a hoagie and levitates it to the pickup table, first announcing,
  65. >”Order two-seventy-five!”
  66. >Then she turns to you, leaning against the counter, meeting your joyous eyes with her own half lidded ones.
  67. >”Ughhh no I hadn’t heard. What’s the big deal huh?”
  68. “Well it’s going to open even closer to my apartment and now I’ll be even closer to a Wawa! Now I can get what I want without having to fly nearly as far!”
  69. >Bubblegum rolls her eyes at you,
  70. >”You know I just don’t get you Wah. Like it’s in your name and all, but like come on…”
  71. >You begin making yourself a breakfast croissant sandwich with extra daffodils and tomatoes.
  72. “What?”
  73. >She just looks to your hoofwork as you make the sandwich.
  74. >”It’s like you live and breath this store. Like you’ve been here way longer than anypony else just about and ummm I’ve only ever seen you eat food from here too.”
  75. >You laugh a little, putting a slice of cheese on your sandwich.
  76. “Oh come on, I eat Sheetz food for dinner every other night.”
  77. >”Yeah… that isn’t the point. Aren’t you like twenty-five or something? Everypony else here is like just doing this as a high school or college gig. Don’tcha wanna do, like, I dunno, something else?”
  78. >Your teenage colleague’s words manage to pierce your smile for once as your wings ruffle a bit and you press the top croissant onto your breakfast harder than usual.
  79. “I ummm well I guess I’ve never thought about that. I just really like working here is all.”
  80. >Seeing how she’s wiped the near permanent smile from your face, Bubblegum moved to place a hoof on your shoulder.
  81. >”Hey sorry, I didn’t mean to like be mean. It’s just been, you know, a long night. I don’t really like night shift much and it got to me today. You’re like a big sister to everypony here.”
  82. >This returns a bit of a smile to your face,
  83. “It’s no problem Bubblegum. I know how night shift can be on ponies. Swing gets like that sometimes too.”
  84. >You move to embrace the pink unicorn, and she lightly hugs you back.
  85. >Grabbing your sandwich with a wing you take a bit and your full smile returns at the familiar taste.
  86. “Anyways I gotta clock in. I’ll see ya tomorrow morning, right?”
  87. >”Yeah I’ll be here. I’m scheduled for the next four days.”
  88. >As you trot away to the back to clock in you give her a happy nod,
  89. “Awesome! See ya around Bubblegum!”
  90. >Seven hours later into your shift, you’re standing at your normal post behind the cash register.
  91. >It has been an uneventful day so far.
  92. >You’ve managed to spread the news to everypony in the shop that there’s going to be a new Wawa on the other side of town.
  93. >It seems you were the only pony here who had even known about the new store. Kinda sad you thought that none of your coworkers seemed to care like you did.
  94. >As the afternoon dragged on, you leaned into the counter, waiting on the few customers in the store to eventually make their way to you.
  95. >You heard the familiar ding of the door opening, and you turned to smile at the customer.
  96. >However immediately upon seeing the well-dressed stallion trot into the store, you stood at attention.
  97. >Clad in a business suite with a Wawa logo lapel pin, the stallion trot over to you without looking at any pony else.
  98. >You stood at attention, excitedly stammering,
  99. “R-regional manager Buck Wheat! It’s so good to see you!”
  100. >He greeted you with a soft smile, and an informal chuckle,
  101. >”At ease soldier.”
  102. >Looking around the store, his easy smile persisted and he gave a little nod.
  103. >”It’s looking good in here, have you been on top of keeping the drinks stocked?”
  104. >You gave a hasty node.
  105. “Yes sir! Of course.”
  106. >”Good, good. Is your manager around?”
  107. >You looked quickly over your shoulder, and you didn’t find her.
  108. “Ummm Carrot’s in the back sir.”
  109. >”Alright. Here, come with me to that back. I want to talk to you and Carrot.”
  110. >He turned to the deli and called over to the two ponies behind the counter.
  111. >”One of you two watch the register while Wah Wah is out okay.”
  112. >With that he began trotting towards the back of the store, you simply did as you were told and followed along, catching up to his side.
  113. “So ummm what brought you here sir?”
  114. >”Oh I’ve just got something I want to discuss with you and your manager is all. Now where is she?”
  115. >As the two of you entered the back of the store, Mr. Wheat called out into the store room,
  116. >”Miss Carrot? Are you back there?”
  117. >A strained “Yes” echoed out from near the trot-in refrigerator.
  118. >”Ahhh good, can you come to the break room? I have an important matter to discuss with you.”
  119. >He didn’t wait for Carrot, instead leading you into the small break room and pulling a chair for you, then himself, leaving room for a third around the small employee table.
  120. >You took a seat, and within a few seconds an Earth Pony mare wearing a winter jacket with a clipboard in her mouth trot in and took a seat.
  121. >She looked towards the regional manager expectantly.
  122. >He looked at her and smiled.
  123. >“Inventory in the freezer all as expected?”
  124. >She set the clip board down and gave a nod.
  125. >”Yeah, though we keep running out of frozen blueberries a half day before the shipment comes. Need to order an extra box.”
  126. >”Well that’s not a bad problem to have.”
  127. >He chuckled and Carrot nodded with him, before she spoke again.
  128. >”So what brought you here? We weren’t expecting any big shots to visit us today.”
  129. >Mr. Wheat took a deep breath in through his snoot at the question, looking between you and Carrot as he prepared to answer.
  130. >”Well Carrot. I’m here to ask you if you’d be willing to give up your best employee.”
  131. >She raised an eyebrow, and in the same breath the regional manager looks to you.
  132. >”As I’m sure you’ve heard we’re building a new store on the other side of town. With it opening in about three months, we need to consider staffing… more specifically management.”
  133. >Under the spotlight of his gaze, you felt yourself moving slowly. Like your mind had become a glacier.
  134. >He continued.
  135. >”I’ve read through the performance reviews of all the employees with more than two years of service in the area, and yours are consistently top of the list.”
  136. >You take the complement, but don’t process it,
  137. “I umm… t-thank you sir.”
  138. >He smiles again, and gives a little chuckle.
  139. >”I want you to be the general manager of the new store when it opens Miss Wah Wah.”
  140. >His words linger in your perked ears, yet their meaning is slow to take in your brain.
  141. >”Your performance is simply stellar, you’ve got over six years with the company now, and I’m confident you know our company like the back of your hoof… not to mention the happy coincidence of your name. It’s like you were born for this.”
  142. >He looks at you expectantly.
  143. >”So what do you say Miss Wah? Would you like your own ship to captain?”
  144. “I – I u-ughhh”
  145. >You stammer, the words beginning to thaw in your mind. As their weight sinks in you don’t even have to think as you blurt out.
  146. “Celestia! Yes!”
  147. >Your wings flare in excitement as you stand up.
  148. “Yes yes yes! Oh thank you Mr. Wheat! Thank you, sir!”
  149. >Carrot gets up, and goes to you giving you a warm hug.
  150. >”Oh congratulations dear! You absolutely deserve it!”
  151. >As tears stream down your cheeks you hold your manager tight for a few more seconds, before breaking the hug.
  152. >Wiping your eyes with a foreleg, you look back to Mr. Wheat who has remained sitting, but smiling at you.
  153. >”Heh good. I figured you’d be excited!”
  154. >He procured from his jacket pocket an envelope and hoofed it over to you.
  155. >”This is some paperwork you have to fill out for your new position. It’s got your new salary; yes you’ll be salary now instead of hourly. Sign it and give it to Miss Carrot tomorrow if it all looks good to you. In the mean time I expect Miss Carrot to teach you the essentials to management. One month from when the store opens, you’ll leave to go to a month-long training class. The rest of the hiring is handled by us. Any questions?”
  156. >Still dumbfounded you merely take the letter in a wing and hold the envelope close. You really can’t think of any questions… except one does pop into your mind.
  157. “Does the job have herd benefits… Like foal care and umm health?”
  158. >”Oh, of course. It’s a corporate position technically. You also get more stock in the company after a year. You know, the works, right Miss Carrot?”
  159. >The older manager mare nods eagerly.
  160. >”Oh yes hun! You get all those benefits. It helped me when I had my foal a few years back. Made it easy! Even gave me a few weeks time off when my herd mate had her foal last spring, remember?”
  161. >Buck Wheat nodded, his easy smile spreading through the room,
  162. >”Yep, we always try to treat our employees the best we can. A happy manager makes for a good store.”
  163. >He stood up and trot over to the door of the break room.
  164. >”Well anyway I’ve got to get going. Make sure to get that signed letter to Carrot before too long. I’m looking forward to seeing you at the helm of our newest store. I’m sure you’ll do great!”
  165. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  166. >Be Swing Shift.
  167. >And be comfortably sleeping, sprawled out on your side of the bed, hugging one of Wah Wah’s pillows.
  168. >Your dreams are comfy, and one of the few respites from your otherwise hard life.
  169. >Yet, you feel something warm on your neck, and a soft voice in your sensitive ear.
  170. >Warm lips press against your neck and whisper your name.
  171. >Your eyes peek open only to make out the blurry beige form of your special somepony/herd mate Wah Wah standing over you.
  172. >Her red mane falling over her face as her lips come into contact with yours, her tongue forcing entrance to your mouth.
  173. >Groggily you open your mouth to her, as she takes the initiative and runs her tongue over your fangs twisting against your own tongue.
  174. >She tastes like coffee and daffodils.
  175. >Sleepily you reach out and pull her into you, cuddling your love close.
  176. “Mmmm~ Night Wah…”
  177. >She presses her smaller form into your round belly, her hoof reaching out to stroke your leathery wing.
  178. >”Night Swingy~”
  179. >She rubs her hoof along your wing and goes in for another kiss, greedily rubbing her body against yours.
  180. >She must have good news. She always gets this way when she has good news.
  181. >Her mouth moves from your own to your ear, you hear her whisper,
  182. >”I want you Swingy… So badly.”
  183. >Buck it must be something really good.
  184. “I’m all yours.”
  185. >You yawn and hold her close as she slides her body down yours, her hooves massaging your belly.
  186. >As you stretch your wings out, you feel her mouth kissing all over and down your belly, her hooves playfully rubbing over your cutie marks.
  187. “Buuuck Wah… what’s got you so –“
  188. >You’re cut off as you feel her at your swollen teats, her hoof having found an even more electric part of you to stimulate.
  189. >Stretching your body as blissful lighting shot through your spine, you hold your tongue, instead content to let your mare play with you as she wishes.
  190. >Thirty hot and heavy minutes later you’re cuddled up to Wah, your mouth gently preening her outstretched wing, her own mouth licking and nuzzling at the thin membrane of your own.
  191. >Her voice is gentle and tired, her breath heavy with your scent,
  192. >”Have I ever told you how wonderful your wings are Swingy?”
  193. >Running your tongue along one of her primaries, you speak low,
  194. “Heh, every time Wah… every time. You really have a thing for us bat ponies huh?”
  195. >”Mmmm I can’t help it. You’re just so exotic. It makes my coat stand on edge. Especially when you use your fangs.”
  196. >You roll your eyes and lick at one of your sharp canines.
  197. “I just don’t get it. Feathers are so much more fluffy and fun to preen.”
  198. >Wah shrugs and rolls close to you, wrapping her body around your pregnant belly.
  199. >A sudden jostle from within you causes both of you to stir.
  200. “Buck, feel that one Wah?”
  201. >She’s giggling lightly, her wing already draping over you.
  202. >”Yahuh! That was a big kick!”
  203. “Mmmm yeah… say what was the good news? You’re just so happy for the new store you couldn’t wait to come home to me?”
  204. >”Oh well yes! I mean, well I wanted you since I read the news… But there’s something even better!”
  205. >You resettle yourself on your pillow and look over into her golden eyes.
  206. “What’s that dear?”
  207. >The smaller Pegasus looked excitedly into your eyes and pursed her lips, scootching even closer to you.
  208. >Her voice a barely contained squeak.
  209. >”They want to make me manager of the new store!”
  210. >Your eyes open wide in amazed shock as you instinctually gasp,
  211. “That’s buckin amazing! Luna really?”
  212. >Wah eagerly nodded her head, her wild red mane going every which way.
  213. >”The regional manager Mr. Wheat even hoof delivered me the offer letter! They’re going to make me salary and everything! Isn’t that great!?”
  214. >Your mind reels as you try to imagine what the future might hold.
  215. “They give herd care, parental leave, sick days, the works!”
  216. >She moves to kiss you in excitement, which you gladly return, however your mind still lags in shock.
  217. >”And I saw the pay, it’s like more than triple what I make now! We can finally get a better apartment!”
  218. >As Wah beams with giddy excitement you roll onto your back, looking at the ceiling.
  219. “Buuuuck… Wah…”
  220. >She tilts her head,
  221. >”You okay Swing?”
  222. “Oh ughhh yeah. No I’m super excited for you! I just…”
  223. >You rub your hoof over your belly.
  224. >Wah, ever the intuitive one, picks up.
  225. >”Oh well you know you won’t have to work when you have the foal, and I mean I could even stay home too some days now.”
  226. “Yeah I mean yes errr that would be awesome. Buck. You know we should celebrate right!”
  227. >Wah giggles again.
  228. >”Didn’t we just?”
  229. “Noooo I mean like some fancy dinner or something. You know, something other than Sheetz or Wawa food for a night. But ummm like the next day we both have off.”
  230. >”Ohhh yeah! We can go to oh… I don’t know. It’s been so long. I think the fancy salad place still exists.”
  231. “Yeah I know the one. Fresh Day salads! It’s a date.”
  232. >Playfully and with some effort you roll back onto your side and give Wah a congratulatory kiss.
  233. >Though she breaks it after a moment, a bit concerned.
  234. >”Don’t you have to get ready for work?”
  235. >And suddenly all joy vanished from your existence again.
  236. “Buck… yeah I do.
  237. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  238. >After a rushed shower and a quick dinner/breakfast of Wawa hoagies, you kiss your herdmate goodbye and alight into the young night.
  239. >Flying has been getting increasingly difficult for you now that you’re carrying a passenger.
  240. >Nearly to your work your tired wings have had enough and you touch down a few blocks from the Sheetz.
  241. >The rest of your trot you dearly miss the feeling of Wah’s muzzle against your wings.
  242. >She really had such a way or rejuvenating you.
  243. >However, that warm feeling is fleeting as you see your store a few blocks down the street.
  244. >And is replaced by dread at the idea of spending the next ten hours at the nearly dead store.
  245. >Picking up the pace for the lost time from earlier in the night, you canter to the store, making it in just before your 8pm shift.
  246. >Without greeting any of your co-workers you quickly clock yourself in, making it directly at 8 on the nose.
  247. >With a sigh, you take a moment’s rest to lean against the table in the employee lounge.
  248. >Buck you’ll need to leave five minutes earlier from now on if you really can’t handle flying the whole way anymore…
  249. >As you catch your breath, a familiar stallion trots in and punches his card.
  250. >The older bat stallion greets you with a smile you try to emulate, though not as well.
  251. >His voice an earthy rumble,
  252. >”Swing, you’re looking particularly radiant this evening.”
  253. >You roll your eyes at your manager, and wipe away a strand of sweaty mane, putting your cap on.
  254. “Yeah, like a full moon…”
  255. >”And just as beautiful as one too.”
  256. >He gives you a wink, causing you to look to your hooves for a second.
  257. “You can cool it with the compliments Vesper.”
  258. >He snorts a chuckle and places his punch card back in its holder with a leathery wing.
  259. >”Awww mommy’s in no mood for a little friendly banter?”
  260. >Now you were red in the cheeks, turning your head from him.
  261. “I said not now. Just let me do stock in the back or something. I don’t want to work up front tonight.”
  262. >You turn your gaze back to him to see him give a nod.
  263. >”Sure thing momma mare. Besides I like you better in the back anyway.”
  264. >He gives you a sly smile and trots out of the room before you can get another word in edgewise.
  265. >Leaving you red in the cheeks and feeling even hotter than you did after your canter into the store.
  266. “Bucking Tartarus.”
  267. >You whisper under your breath as you try to straighten yourself out.
  268. >Not even five minutes into your shift and your manger is already getting under your coat.
  269. >This was going to be a long night…
  270. >Six hours of stocking and sweeping floors later and you find yourself in the back store room with a clip board taking inventory.
  271. >As you check numbers of boxes and fill out the sheets your ears pick up to the sound of hoof steps on concrete behind you.
  272. >Before you can even turn your head to look, you feel a warm breath along your neck and a nibbling at your coat.
  273. >”How’s my foal momma holding up?”
  274. >A shiver runs through your coat as your wings flex a bit, your nostrils flaring as you catch his scent.
  275. “Just… you know. Inventory.”
  276. >Now his muzzle moves to your wing and grabs the clipboard from you, placing it on a box.
  277. “Come on… you look stressed, why don’t you take a break?”
  278. >Oh buck now he was running his muzzle up the side of your neck again.
  279. >Your wings extended involuntarily as he moved to kiss your jawline.
  280. “Shouldn’t you be up front?”
  281. >”You know it’s dead out there. Willow can handle herself.”
  282. >Your tail twitches as you feel your body betraying your cravings.
  283. >Not so subtle hints that were easy for any stallion to pick up.
  284. >You move to invite him, placing your hooves against a sturdy rack as he mounts you.
  285. >Equal parts shame and lust fill your mind as you feel him on your back, his teeth biting at your neck.
  286. >You look down, resting your face on a box as he enters you.
  287. >Closing your eyes, you imagine yourself in Vasper’s house, surrounded by the other mares in his herd.
  288. >You imagine holding Wah Wah in his bedroom as he roughly presses his hips against yours.
  289. >You whole body trembles in ecstasy as you give yourself over to him.
  290. >Thoughts of his foal playing with the others in his herd.
  291. >Of you and Wah carrying his children.
  292. >Buck you wanted him so badly…
  293. >His breath is hot on your neck as his member fills you.
  294. >Pictures of Wah and yourself pregnant together with his foals dance in your mind as he thrusts into you.
  295. >You feel him flare deep within you, like so many other nights.
  296. >A moment of fulfillment, like your life was whole.
  297. >You can lose yourself in the feeling of being loved, of being in a herd with a stallion and your love Wah.
  298. >He grunts low and happily into your neck scruff.
  299. >You feel him release inside you, holding your tightly, his hooves digging into your swollen belly.
  300. >And then in a moment he pulls away, leaving you a sweaty, sticky mess.
  301. >In the moment you push away from the metal rack and rub up to him, licking at his neck.
  302. >A heavy and happy sigh,
  303. “That was… that hit the spot~”
  304. >He nuzzled you back, panting.
  305. >”Sure did Swing.”
  306. >Still in a lustful daze, you lean on him.
  307. “So have you talked any more with your herd about me and Wah?”
  308. >He pulls back from you, leaving you to stand on your own shaky legs.
  309. >His tone changing like the cool night breeze.
  310. >”You know what they said. They don’t want ponies as young as you and Wah joining us.”
  311. >That familiar hollow hurt pangs in your heart.
  312. >”We’ve been over this. I don’t want my mates thinking I’m looking to replace them. Not when our fillies are practically half your age.”
  313. “Y-yeah… right…”
  314. >You gulp back your hurt and shame as you look away from him to the side.
  315. >That once full and happy feeling from just moments ago turning cold inside you.
  316. >He looks away, his interest in the conversation at hoof waning.
  317. >”Well ughhh you better clean yourself up and finish inventory, shift is almost over.”
  318. >He trots back to the front of the store leaving you behind.
  319. >You’d cry if you hadn’t had this same conversation at least half a dozen times over the past few months.
  320. >You’re too numb to this anyway to shed any tears.
  321. >You just hold onto the fleeting day dream you were having and trot yourself to the employee bathroom.
  322. >Several hours later and you’re back home.
  323. >Trotting into your apartment with a bag full of Sheetz food, you set it on the table and rub your snoot along Wah’s.
  324. >She smells of coffee and lavender coat wash.
  325. >”You smell like your manager again Swing… Did you two…?”
  326. >Your mate’s words aren’t accusatory, just practical.
  327. >You slump into your chair and lean on your forehooves.
  328. “Yeah…”
  329. >Wah puts down her coffee cup and moves to comfort you, rubbing her snoot along your mane, her wing taking off your cap and setting it on the table.
  330. >She doesn’t speak, just holding you with a wing and pressing her muzzle into your mane.
  331. >Buck she was too good for you.
  332. >A few minutes pass until she ends the embrace.
  333. >She pours you a cup of coffee and places it near you before taking a seat at the table.
  334. >You sip at the bitter delight and feel some warmth in you for the first time in hours.
  335. “Thank’s Wah… You know you’re too good to me.”
  336. >She just shakes her head and smiles, her voice chipper.
  337. >”No! I just love you silly Swingy!”
  338. >A smile creases your lips.
  339. “I love you too Wah.”
  340. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  341. >Be Wah Wah.
  342. >Be a week and a half later, a Tuesday night.
  343. >Be sitting across a well-furnished table from your herdmate Swing Shift.
  344. >Mostly empty plates scattered the table, more on Swings side than your own.
  345. >As you sat looking across the candle lit table, she munched away at the remains of her salad and your bread.
  346. >She had a smile on her face, and so did you as you got to share this very rare opportunity to eat at a fancy restaurant.
  347. >An opportunity you hoped to make more common with your new position.
  348. >Your ears perk as you hear Swing finish her story.
  349. >”So anyways he said, ‘The most important part of your uniform is a big smile!’ Ha like anypony working third shift cares!”
  350. >You giggle back, waving your hoof.
  351. “Hah they don’t have any horseapple stuff like that in our hoofbook.”
  352. >Swing rolls her eyes at you playfully and forks another bite in her mouth, chewing only the bare minimum before speaking again.
  353. >”Yah, but that’s never stopped you!”
  354. >Now it’s your turn to roll your eyes, she continues.
  355. >”Seriously, have you ever had a bad day Wah?”
  356. >You hold a hoof to your mouth in contemplation.
  357. “Well there was that one time we were promised a new milkshake machine and they ended up delaying it like a month after the day they said we’d get it.”
  358. >”Ohhhh poor you~”
  359. >Her voice laced with sarcasm.
  360. “Hey! I was really looking forward to bringing us back milkshakes that day!”
  361. >”I’ll give you a milkshake.”
  362. >Her devious eyes met your red cheeks.
  363. “Swing~ Not here. We’re in public.”
  364. >She shook her head and munched on the remains of your bread roll you’d given her… errr well she asked for and you’d obliged.
  365. >”You don’t have to be all up tight all the time in public Wah. Ponies here know Luna buckin well we’re a herd.”
  366. >You look coyly away, not wanting to address the subject more than you have to.
  367. “Well yeah I mean. I just don’t want to…”
  368. >”What, make ponies wonder where our stallion is? My foal daddy?”
  369. >She leaned a bit forward, looking you through.
  370. “No, not that! Hoofness no!”
  371. >You shake your head quickly.
  372. >”You used to try and preen my wings all the time in the park before I got pregnant Wah. You haven’t been nearly as open in public since I started showing…”
  373. >You gulp as you feel the tone of the light hearted night changing.
  374. >But she’s right.
  375. “I – I … You’re right Swing.”
  376. >You find the courage to look at her and hold her gaze, but it cuts through you.
  377. >She looks away now.
  378. >”It’s all my stupid fault anyway. Getting knocked up by the first stallion who showed interest in me. Buckin thinking he’d take both me and you if I let him… you know.”
  379. >You feel her pain in those words, you want to speak up, but she continues.
  380. >”You probably think I’m one big buck up. Some mare that can’t even see when a stallion’s using her. I buckin know it too! But… but… I keep thinking maybe. Maybe when he sees his foal.”
  381. >She takes a sad bite from the bread and looks over at you tears nearly in her eyes.
  382. >You bite your lip, trying to think of words in the moment.
  383. >Everything she said was true, you knew she bucked up and kept bucking up with her manager.
  384. >But still one truth surges to the front of your mind.
  385. “I love you Swing, and I always will. And I’ll love *our* foal, dumb stallion be damned by Celestia.”
  386. >She half smiled for a moment, though her sad look returned as your words sunk in.
  387. >”But… you still think I’m bucking up don’t you?”
  388. >A momentary glance to the side reveals your true thoughts.
  389. >Swing takes the unspoken confession with a deflated sigh.
  390. >”What am I supposed to do Wah? I’m just a dumb horny mare who wants a stallion for our herd… Don’t you?”
  391. “Not if it means seeing you get hurt over and over Swing.”
  392. >You look to your herdmate sincerely.
  393. “Growing up I didn’t want anything or anypony. I just did what my mom said I should do. Then, when I saw you, well you were the first pony I ever wanted. Celestia, you were the first anything I decided I wanted on my own.”
  394. >Swing looked at you with a halfhearted smile.
  395. >”Heh. Thanks Wah… But don’t you feel like you want a stallion too. Somepony we can share and who can share us? Give us foals?”
  396. “I want your dreams to come true Swing, so yeah. I do. But not like this, not with Vesper. And, Celestia, honestly you are enough for me as is. Stallion or not, I have always felt like our herd was complete with just you and me.”
  397. >The bat pony set her bread on the table and hangs head from side to side, thinking over your words.
  398. >“You’re… right about Vesper. And… I mean what I said about wanting to share a stallion with you. I always have wanted that.”
  399. >She looked to you with pleading eyes.
  400. >”What do I do?”
  401. >You bite your lip and look to your mare, thinking on the fly.
  402. “I ummm. I have an idea. It won’t solve all our problems, but it would at least get you away from Vesper.”
  403. >Swing looks to you with uncertainty, but after a few moments nods her head.
  404. >”I’ll do whatever. Just… it needs to get better, please.”
  405. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  406. >Be Wah Wah.
  407. >Six months after your date night with Swing.
  408. >It had been the last date night you two had gotten to share before she had her foal.
  409. >A little bat colt with his mother’s coat and eyes.
  410. >Trotting into your new, larger, apartment you hear her in the family room.
  411. >She’s reading a story to the little one about the princess Luna.
  412. >Setting down your bag full of Wawa hoagies in the kitchen, you trot into the next room.
  413. >You find Swing, sans any uniform, cuddled on the lush carpet with her foal, a wing around him, and the other holding a picture book.
  414. >She looks up to you with a smile, you meet her smile with your own.
  415. >As she closes the book the colt yawns, and nuzzles for Swing’s teat.
  416. >She shifts happily obliging him, looking back to you only to have her lips captured by your own.
  417. >A kiss of reunion after a long day managing your store.
  418. “I brought dinner for us.”
  419. >”You’re the best Wah~”
  420. >You settle down on the carpet next to Swing, looking over your herd with loving eyes.
  421. “Dawn been good to you?”
  422. >”As he usually is… I think he’s getting sleepy.”
  423. “Nothing like his mom in that way huh?”
  424. >Swing chuckles and relaxes, petting her colt as he feeds.
  425. “He takes more after you, waking up in the morning, sleeping at night. It’s been hard adjusting to his schedule.”
  426. >You give her a nuzzle.
  427. “You’ve been doing a pretty good job of it so far.”
  428. >”Yeah… guess I have, haven’t I?”
  429. >You both relax, letting a healthy silence fill the room for a few moments.
  430. >That is until you break it with a little bit of a smile.
  431. “You’ll never guess who came by my store today looking for a job.”
  432. >Swing looked up from Dawn, eyeing you curiously.
  433. “Vesper.”
  434. >She raised an eyebrow along with a long, inscrutable expression.
  435. >”Really?”
  436. “Yeah. I guess he got fired or something from Sheetz… So, he tried applying at my store.”
  437. >Swing looked more uncomfortable as you spoke.
  438. “But before you get all worried, no, he won’t be working with you again.”
  439. >Swings body visibly relaxed.
  440. >”Sooo you ughhh rejected him?”
  441. “Well… I’m not that mean. I took his application and sent him out… But I threw it away right after.”
  442. >”Heh. Good riddance.”
  443. >You both shared a smile, before Swings faded, another question tugging at her mind.
  444. >”Did he ask about me and the foal?”
  445. >You bite your lip, but answer truthfully.
  446. “No. He just wanted the job. Complained a bit about Sheetz. Said he was a good manager and stuff. But that’s all.”
  447. >Your mate looked torn for a moment before turning her head back to you and giving you a nuzzle.
  448. >”He doesn’t matter anyway. Not when I have you.”
  449. >You nuzzle her back, eager to change the subject.
  450. “So ughhh anyway I made up the schedule for two weeks from now. I put you working half shifts from 8 to 12 at night like you wanted.”
  451. >”That’s good. You shouldn’t have any problems putting Dawn to bed, right?”
  452. “No no. Though he might miss you at night.”
  453. >”He’ll be okay. He needs more time with his other mom anyway. Plus, this keeps us from having to pay foal care too.”
  454. >You nod, going over the plans you two had made in the previous months.
  455. “I’ll bring your new uniform home next week. Smile isn’t included or required.”
  456. >Swing rolls her eyes at you.
  457. >”You know, it might not be so bad. I’ve been smiling more lately anyway. Got more to smile about these days.”
  458. >She leans over and gives you a long kiss.
  459. >As she breaks it, you look down with a blush.
  460. >She follows your eyes to the sleeping form of Dawn.
  461. >”Hey why don’t you put Dawn in his bedroom? Meet me in ours. I’m feeling like thanking you again for all you’ve done Wah~”
  462. >Your wings fidgeting at Swings proposition, you give a hasty nod.
  463. >With a gentle nip at the scruff of his neck, you pick up the sleeping colt and whisk him off to his nursery.
  464. >As you gently place him in his crib and drape a blanket over him, you can hear Swing getting up and trotting to your room.
  465. >In the moment, looking down at your foal, you feel like a complete herd.
  466. >Quietly you slip from his room and follow your mare into your bed for some fun before dinner.
  467. >Life might be hard being a convenience store mare, but it gets better with time and each other.

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