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Monster musume pony tf 1 Papi

By Guest
Created: 2023-11-03 18:22:06
Expiry: Never

  1. Rainbowdash fights and kicks against the cold metal claw gripping her. It seems escape is impossible, but she keeps fighting back, and slowly works a hoof free! With one decisive push, she slips free and falls down into the pile of other plushies.
  3. "You were so close! I know you can get it this time boss!" A harpy presses herself up against the window of the crane game, seeing the plush falling out of the loose claw as a desperate struggle rather than the inevitable reality.
  5. "I'm almost out of coins Papi, that pony plush might be staying here..."
  7. "Don't say that! I want her really bad, we can't leave her behind!"
  9. Kimihito activates the claw again, this time it's shaky grip holds true, dropping the plush down the chute for the harpy to claim.
  11. "Yes! I knew you could do it!"
  13. Kimihito notices how much he's improved at prize games since becoming a homestay for the inter-species exchange program. "Why did you want this plush so bad Papi? Do you know the character?"
  15. "Nope!" Papi hugs the plush tightly. "But she's blue and has wings, just like Papi!" She poses the plush against her chest, arms and head hanging over the topside of the wing holding it, before marching to another arcade machine. "Can we play this one too?"
  17. Kimihito counts the handful of coins he has left. "Sure, but not for long."
  19. ...
  21. Later the two go home, and Papi rushes upstairs to put her new plush in her room. Before she could put it down though, she feels an odd tingling in her wings coming from the fabric of the plush. It spreads up into her arms and out into the tips of her feathers. Distracted, she just holds the plush and looks at it for awhile. Maybe the pony plush is special? But why would that cause Papi's wings to feel weird? Maybe the plush didn't do anything, and Papi just feels weird because she's thinking too hard? She puts the plush down, turns around, takes three steps, then forgets that the plush exists as she exits her room.
  23. Papi gets downstairs just in time to wave goodbye to Kimihito and Mero before they leave, Kimihito pushing the mermaid out the door in her wheelchair. Now that Boss is gone, now would be the perfect time for Papi to sneak out! Before she could get out to the balcony and fly away though, Papi starts to feel tired and notices a headache.
  25. She grabs her head soothe the pain, but notices that her ears feel weird? Instead of being human-like, they feel fuzzy, reminding Papi of Cerea's short fur. She hops over to the bathroom and checks her head in the mirror. Sure enough, she has slightly pointy ears with blue fur now!
  27. Papi pinches and stares her new ears in the mirror. They're a shade slightly darker than her messy light blue hair. If her hair and wings were the color of the sky in the morning, the fur was the color of the sky in the late afternoon. Where did they come from? She wanders into the hall as she contemplates. Maybe her ears were always like that and she forgot? No, even Papi's not that forgetful. As she paces, she doesn't notice the light blue tail growing out of her shorts until she sees her reflection in a window.
  29. She lifts the short tuft of hair over her wing, recognizing that it's definitely a horse's tail. Papi's tail sways behind her as she walks down the hall to Cerea's room to ask if she knows what's happening and knocks her wing against the door. Knocking makes a louder bang than normal. Her wing is now thicker than before and ends in a stubby hoof like shape rather than a her pseudo finger. She yells "Ahh! Cerea! Something's happening! I need you!"
  31. As her body changes more, she falls against the door to the empty room, unable to stand upright. She looks down at the rest of her body, and sees the full extent of her transformation as it picks up speed. Blue fur is spreading down her taloned legs. Her light blue hair grows further down her neck as it turns into a mane. Her delicate wings are losing feathers as they turn into sturdy hooves.
  33. "Ah! My wings!" Papi enters complete panic. She falls off the door and onto all fours, her hooves making a tapping sound against the wooden floor. She raises a hoof and knocks again, but before she could call out to Cerea, a thought cuts through her head. "Cerea isn't home right now." She realizes that she'll have to get someone else to help. Getting up the stairs would be hard right now, Mero's room is on the first floor too, maybe Papi could get her? "But Mero left a few minutes ago." The only people home right now are herself, Suu, and maybe Lala.
  35. Papi keeps on remembering things. She first started feeling weird when she was holding the pony plush. She had a sandwich for lunch earlier today. Her birthday is in March. Remembering so much normally exhausts her, but right now she could remember everything easily! Papi concludes that turning into a pony must be giving her super powered memory! The rush of excitement is stunted by fear when she sees her longest feathers are now at most only a foot long. Unless she can turn back, she'll never be able to fly again.
  37. Papi carefully tries to stand up and walk to the base of the staircase on her new legs. She needs to go upstairs and get Suu. She cautiously walks up the first few steps with her front hooves. She gets three steps up before she stretches herself too far and looks down and back to look at her hind legs as she steps closer to the base of the stairs. She gets three more steps up before she realizes that she has to move her hind legs again, but she can't move any further without stepping up. She careful lifts each hoof, getting up two steps before she finds herself uncomfortably compressed, her back arched, about to loose balance. "I'm not going to make it!"
  39. "Papi?" A confused slime girl says from the top of the staircase.
  41. "Suu! Thank you!" Papi looks up to her slimy rescuer with tears pooling in her eyes, now abnormally large and with vibrant orange pupils instead brown. "I got a strange plush with Boss and I think it turned me into this!"
  43. Suu rushes down the staircase, and lifts Papi's small equine form off of the stairs and puts her back down on the floor. "You're scared? Transforming isn't bad."
  45. "But Suu, harpies can't transform! I'm stuck like this!"
  47. Suu frowns as she looks at Papi. "Have you tried turning back?"
  49. "...No?" Papi stares for a moment, before closing her eyes tightly and tensing up. She opens her eyes again and sees the same pair of hooves below her. "I don't know how to do it Suu."
  51. "I can teach you!" Suu slips her arm out of her yellow coat, before swinging it to the side. Her features and joints smooth, before a sheet of slime extends out mimicking the shape of a wing. "First you have to..."
  53. "I have to what? How can I turn back?"
  55. Suu stands motionless, then steps closer to Papi, placing her feeler on Papi's forehead, reading through her mind for several tense seconds. "...You don't have any words to explain how to do it."
  57. "Oh this is bad, this is bad! How will I fly again!?"
  59. Suu tilts her head to the side. "Why can't you use your wings?"
  61. "I can't turn them back! I just have these hooves now!"
  63. Suu places her slimy wing on Papi's back, and Papi feels something that she didn't notice before. "What about these wings?"
  65. The pegasus flutters her wings. "I have wings on my back now?" Suu nods to her. After lifting herself off of the floor and floating to the couch, Papi sits down and lets out a long sigh.
  67. "Are you good now?" Papi nods. "Will you transform again?"
  69. "I'm not sure." Papi looks down at her hooves and taps them together, not sure what to make of her new body.
  71. Suu slips her coat back on before reshaping her hands into hooves and smacking them together, both rippling. Papi taps her hooves again, and Suu again copies the motion. Papi smiles again, then she taps out a more elaborate sequence with claps and stomps from all her hooves.
  73. ...
  75. "I'm home!" Kimihito returns with Mero, and sees two small blue ponies in his home. One made of slime chasing one with wings that looks remarkably similar to the plush he won earlier that day. The winged pony jumps and flies over a chair, but slips on a discarded yellow raincoat when she lands. The slime pony uses the fall to catch up and tag the laughing pony.
  77. "You won't get me next time!" As she stands up, she notices the three staring from the doorway. "Oh! Boss! You're back!"
  79. "Papi?"
  81. "Yup! It's me!"
  83. Mero covers a gasp with her webbed hand. "Papi, what happened to you?"
  85. "I got a plush with Kimihito earlier today." Papi spreads her wings and lifts herself until her face is on the same level as the mermaid. "It turned Papi into a horse! At first Papi was scared because I thought I lost my wings, but then I found them again so I'm okay!"
  87. "And Suu? What happened to her?"
  89. The slime pony responds "Suu turned into a pony to play with with Papi."
  91. Kimihito crouches down and pats Suu's head. "That was kind of you Suu. I'm glad you're okay." Suu bleps as while Kimihito strokes her squishy mane. "What will we do about Papi though?"
  93. Kimihito stands and turns to see Mero holding Papi. Papi turns and looks up to Kimihito. "Papi's won't mind staying this way."
  95. "What? Really?"
  97. Papi nods. "My memory got better when I transformed. If I stay this way, I won't have to worry about forgetting about my friends again. Since I'm smaller, I can fly indoors like this too!"
  99. Kimihito says "Well that sounds good. I'm glad you're okay too."
  101. Mero says "I wonder what caused this? It'll be bad someone else gets turned into a pony."
  103. "You're right. I should do something about that toy and ask Smith if she knows anything."

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