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Discipline by Lurkernon

By Guest
Created: 2023-11-04 18:07:10
Expiry: Never

  1. >Funny, Twilight didn't remember going to sleep wearing cuffs
  2. >Especially not with those cuffs restraining her into an all-too-vulnerable splayed out position>And while Anonymous always delighted in bound in some rump-revealing way, he wouldn't be so cruel (or deft) as to do it while she was asleep.
  3. >Besides, this didn't feel like that.
  4. >Anonymous (and Rarity, as her friend traitorous housemate had largely instructed him) tended to restrain her in revealing positions, but...
  5. >As she squirmed, listening to the chains clink, she knew this felt different.
  6. >Vulnerable.
  7. >Since when had Rarity (or Anonymous) used chains, anyway?
  8. >"'non'ous?" she called through the gag painfully wedged between her jaws.
  9. >Ah, so she was gagged too.
  10. >A bit gag, by the feel of it, linked to the bridle painfully cutting into her muzzle.
  11. >Well, it wouldn't be the worst thing she'd had in her muzz-
  12. >Movement, behind her.
  13. >A pony's hooves on the cold, hard floor.
  14. >Twilight's head could not turn in the bridle's unrelenting grasp, but her eyes could roll about to stare, until they ached, at the mare circling her.
  15. >"'rari-"
  16. >It was not Rarity.
  17. >Though what she wore might have been Rarity's design, given that the form-fitting harness did everything leather, steel, and strap could be asked to do for the mare's figure.
  18. >And what a figure.
  19. >Twilight knew her own body was... lusciously proportioned, while Rarity had always prided herself on an elegantly-sculpted form.
  20. >But the room's harsh, sharp lights cast this mare's yellow coat in a chiaroscuro pattern of light and dark, highlighting a body that seemed not so much shaped as carved.
  21. >Yet it was also a body bound in shackles just as Twilight's was; though her bridle was bereft of bit or gag, it was a bridle nonetheless.
  22. >Fiery orange eyes regarded Twilight, sending a prickle of fear down her back and suddenly reminding her of just how vulnerably posed she was.
  23. >But it wasn't until she saw the cutie mark that it clicked in her head who this fierce, predatory creature was.
  24. >"Spi'fire?!" Twilight tried.
  25. >Spitfire's wings shifted sharply, and Twilight gave a cry as something struck a blazing line into her rump.
  26. >When the wings settled again, Twilight realized that the cuff which bound each halfway along their spans had also been fitted with careful tools.
  27. >One held a thin, supple whip - the instrument which had just struck her - while the other held a curious three-clawed hook whose purpose Twilight did not care to speculate on.
  28. >"Miss Spitfire, Ma'am, or Teacher," the golden-coated mare said, her voice low and yet still managing to put a shiver down the length of Twilight's spine. "I am not your Mistress, but I will not be disrespected."
  29. >'What the fuck,' Twilight thought.
  30. >"Wha' d'fu-"
  31. >Another flick of the well-muscled wing, and another trace of lightning across her rump.
  32. >Twilight went still, and Spitfire smiled.
  33. >She had canine teeth, Twilight thought. Almost no mares had those.
  34. >Twilight did not at all like the way Spitfire smiled now.
  35. >That look of nervousness caught in her eyes, and the whip-bearing wing extended again - slipping its implement beneath Twilight's chin to keep her head still.
  36. >"Your Master and Headmare," Spitfire began, "have mentioned to my Master that you have - issues, with self-control. He says you are 'disobedient'."
  37. >Oh, fuck.
  38. >FuckFuckFuckFuck.
  39. >"My Master has agreed to lend me to yours, so I can help with these issues."
  40. >Twilight started to say something, and the whip's tip ever-so-softly tapped the bottom of her chin.
  41. >Twilight stopped saying anything.
  42. >"I want you to understand one thing right from the start, Twilight Sparkle. I do not prefer punishment. I do not like punishment. I use it, but fighting disobedience with punishment solves... symptoms. Not sources."
  43. >Turning aside, Spitfire began to walk again - once more outside of Twilight's vision.
  44. >But still she spoke.
  45. >"What I teach, Twilight Sparkle, is discipline. Punishment only comes after the disobedience; discipline prevents it in the first place. Do you understand?"
  46. >Say yes, Twilight.
  47. >Say yes, and wait until she takes out the gag so you can explain.
  48. >"Ye'h." Then, a moment later, "AAAGH!"
  49. >Another line of white-hot pain on her rump.
  50. >This one hurt more than either of the first two, and Twilight was suddenly struck with the awareness that she was in trouble.
  51. >Rarity and Anonymous both had delivered intimately painful lessons on obedience.
  52. >But they were a fashionista and an average human; Spitfire was an athlete.
  53. >How long would she be able to keep up on her poor plot?
  54. >"Ye'h, Mish' Spi'fire!"
  55. >The bit kept it from being a real answer, but despite Twilight's cringe, no fourth stroke came.
  56. >"Good. I talked to Rarity already, and she explained that your Master has already taught you some degree of discipline with some parts of your body."
  57. >Something probed beneath her tail, and Twilight froze.
  58. >No, no, no!
  59. >This wasn't sexy, it was scary!
  60. >(Okay, maybe it was kind of sexy in a scary way)
  61. >But not like when she let either Rarity or Anonymous take her!
  62. >Thank Celestia the probing there stopped - but the fear did not go away.
  63. >If this was what Spitfire had been set to do...>When the mare stepped back into Twilight's vision, a pair of capped vials were tucked beneath the pegasus' wing.
  64. >Both were taken out, carefully set on the floor before Twilight.
  65. >"...clearly you need more discipline, though. This will teach you exactly that."
  66. >"Wha's 'at?" Twilight whimpered around the bit.
  67. >"We're going to share a drink," Spitfire replied with a smirk. "I think you've experienced this formula - and its effects - once before?"
  68. >It took Twilight a moment to realize what she meant.
  69. >Only then did the true panic set in.
  70. >The last time, when that doctor had given her that wretched estrus-inducing brew, it had been nothing less than utter torture.
  71. >At least then she was spared continuing torment by Octavia; now, Spitfire's stern ministrations were all she had to look forward to.
  72. >"P'eashe..."
  73. >Yeah, Twilight was definitely not too proud to beg.
  74. >Not before this.
  75. >But Spitfire only firmly shakes her head, then set about strutting back and forth in front of the bound mare - showing off every inch of her firm, lithe form, the buckles of her harness and chains of her shackles jingling with every step taken.
  76. >"What you lack is discipline, and I am going to instill it. Here is how this is going to work, Trainee: We are both going to drink. Every time you whimper, whine, plead, or otherwise show an inability to discipline your body and mind, you will receive one stroke of my lash."
  77. >Already Twilight flinched just in mere anticipation.
  78. >If that was the requirement, her rump is as good as roasted!
  79. >" 'oo?"
  80. >"And me, Twilight?" Spitfire grins, showing off her canines again. "I will drink too. And I will show you exactly how a mare with discipline behaves. When you can restrain yourself, then we won't need these... stricter restraints to aid you."
  81. >" mer'y?" Twiligh tried pitifully, eyes wide with pleading horror.
  82. >"Mercy? This isn't cruelty, Twilight. This is self-improvement. This is education. So - bottoms up, Twilight Sparkle."
  83. >The first vial was forced to Twilight's lips, pressed through where the bit cruelly tugged at her flesh.
  84. >She tried to spit and blow the horrid stuff out as it poured onto her tongue, all metallic and bitter-tasting, but Spitfire forced her head back with practiced efficiency and ease until the last drops fell down her throat.
  85. >Only then did Spitfire herself tilt back the second vial, downing it in one swift gulp.
  86. > ...
  87. >Every moment seems to stretch to an hour, every heartbeat to an eternity.
  88. >Celestia taught that anticipation made every breeze into a hurricane, and how to push that aside.
  89. >But Celestia never dealt with this (and Twilight frankly didn't care to think what this horrid brew would do to her).
  90. >She had never had to lay there, shackled tightly in place, wondering if each itch or twinge was the firsts surges of unspeakable heat boiling up from within.
  91. >The only immediate mercy was that Spitfire didn't seem to take Twilight's squirming as a lack of discipline; the whip was mercifully still.
  92. >Even so, Twilight had to wonder, Spitfire couldn't be far behind her in feeling it.
  93. >What was that mare's problem anyway?!
  94. >What kind of madmare actually drink this stuff without-
  95. >"Gah!"
  96. >Somehow, despite her vigilance, the first twinges of need had snuck up on her without warning.
  97. >That horrible, deep incessant need growing from deep within Twilight, filling her marehood with-
  99. >"Eeep!"
  100. >The line of white-hot fire laid into her rump was almost a welcome distraction from the growing need.
  101. >Almost.
  102. >The whip Spitfire was using was far, far worse than any paddle or brush her Master or Mistress had employed; it seemed to lay its fire deeper into Twilight's rump.>Worse, it drew her attention to her hindquarters.
  103. >A whipping across the back, thought Twilight, might almost have been welcome.
  104. >Then she could have had some distraction from the all-consuming itch radiating from between her haunches.
  105. >Already she could feel herself growing damp, growing swollen and prominent back there - her tail was already up, and she didn't even know when she'd-
  106. >SWIP-CRACK
  107. >"Ahhhh!"
  108. >"No whining," Spitfire sternly snapped, tucking the whip back to her side.
  109. >Had she been whining?
  110. >Already, when the need was still grow-
  111. >Ah, fuck!
  112. >The need!
  113. >Just thinking about it sent a fresh tremor through Twilight.
  114. >Something wet trickled down along her haunches.
  115. >And-
  116. >SWIP-CRACK
  117. >"No wriggling, Twilight."
  118. >"Oh, co'm on!"
  119. >"No. Wriggling," Spitfire insisted, though at least she did not deliver a third stroke with that terrible whip.
  120. >No wriggling?!
  121. >How was that even possible!
  122. >Every second the need seemed to grow; maybe it was only her memories of Gentlehoof fading, but this feels even more intense than what she'd experienced there.
  123. >Now it felt like a monster tearing its way through her mind, reaving away reason and thought to leave only pure, acidic lust in its wake.
  124. >Celestia above, that need was strong!
  125. >She needed a cock in her now.
  126. >Right now.
  127. >She needed it pounding, pounding until it filled her-
  128. >"Guh-!">Oh, that wink.
  129. >She felt that wink.
  130. >She felt the fresh splatter of wetness running down her haunches.
  131. >And she flinched in anticipation of-
  132. >SWIP-CRACK
  133. >"Yeep!"
  134. >Another line of white-hot lightning laid into her rump.
  135. >Spitfire certainly wasn't holding back.
  136. >Now-
  137. >Spitfire.
  138. >Focus on Spitfire - that traitorous, sadistic whorse - instead of herself.
  139. >How was Spitfire even bearing it?!
  140. >She had only taken the drug seconds after Twilight, surely she couldn't be that far behind!
  141. >Twilight focused her eyes on Spitfire.
  142. >She seemed so - calm.
  143. >Standing near perfectly still, except for her deep breathing, and maybe a twitch of her ear.
  144. >How?!
  145. >Even her tail was being held perfectly low and proper; was she some kind of freak, a mutant?!
  146. >Maybe Spitfire wouldn't mind helping her out a bit.
  147. >She didn't have the cock Twilight needed, but a tongue would be perfectly good right now.
  148. >And Spitfire probably had plenty of stamina; she could keep Twilight going for hours until-
  149. >"Nnngh!"
  150. >The thought of the well-muscled mare burying her muzzle deep beneath Twilight's tail was just too much.
  151. >Twilight felt herself wink again, and worse felt her hips buck up to meet the imagined tongue.
  153. >It might've been a whimper that emerged from her lips, or it might have been a moan.
  154. >The drugged fog filling her brain made it hard to tell.
  155. >The result was the same.
  156. >"Your Master was right. You really don't have any discipline."
  157. >As Spitfire settled back into her passive, waiting stance, Twilight tried to wrench her focus back to her tormentor again.
  158. >This time, the signs were a touch more obvious.
  159. >Spitfire's breathing wasn't just regular, but tightly controlled.
  160. >Her wings were stiff and rigid at her sides.
  161. >Muscles stood out beneath her coat, held tense and powerfully.
  162. >Her lips moved just a hair, whispering something beneath her breath.
  163. >It was still an unthinkable display of willpower, but at least Twilight knew Spitfire was feeling it!
  164. >What would it be like to see Spitfire break?
  165. >To see her squirming, writhing on the floor, desperately pawing at her marehood-
  166. >SWIP-CRACK
  167. >This time Twilight even managed to brace herself a second before the whip landed.
  168. >Not that it made the experience much better.
  169. >Especially when her thought that Anon's paddle hurt so much less, was promptly followed by another twitch-inducing wink at the thought of Anon seeing her like this.
  170. >Why couldn't he?
  171. >He'd ridden her through natural heats before.
  172. >If he could have joined her, or even him and Rarity both with that monstrous plastic toy of hers, and given her relief after relief-
  174. >"AUUUUGH! Wha' di' I do?!"
  175. >"Your tail is swishing," Spitfire said with a slight grin, "well, actually more like lashing. It's making a mess, you know. You're making a mess."
  176. >FUCK!
  177. >She is breathing hard too, and it's clearly not from exertion - even as another three lashes drew yet another howl from Twilight's lips.
  178. >"You really need to get that tail under control. If there were a stallion back there-"
  179. >SWIP-CRACK
  180. >The thought of just being seen like this was enough to get her hips rolling.
  181. >Because any stallion, human or pony, who saw her like this wouldn't hesitate to-
  182. >SWIP-CRACK
  183. >Now wetness joined her cheeks as well as her rump, where the first tears dripped from her eyes.
  184. >Spitfire opens her lips to say something.
  185. >Before she can, a barely-perceptible ripple ran from nose to tail down her body.
  186. >For the first time Twilight became aware that the overwhelming musk of her desire wasn't the only scent in the room.
  187. >Aware of the splattered pattern of dampness beneath Spitfire's hips.
  188. >In an instant, Spitfire was back:
  189. >Perfect, composed, ironclad in her self-control.
  190. >But now Twilight could see through the mask.
  191. >She could see the little tremble of her lip, barely revealing a hair of the sharp canine tooth that had seemed so fearsome a moment ago.
  192. >The subtle twitching of her tail, hinting at a barely-held back furious lashing.
  193. >How rigidly and tensely her wings were held at her sides.
  194. >Well, Spitfire wants to test her discipline does she?
  195. >When Twilight felt the next wave of urge rising, this time she didn't bother trying to distract herself.
  196. >She let the furious, ravenous need wash over her, soak into her.
  197. >Her hips rolled as she winked hard, bridle and bit tugging hard (and perhaps a bit desirably) into her flesh, a rich and lusty moan escaping her lips.
  198. >Her desire audibly splattered on the floor as she winked, hocks now thoroughly soaked in her need.
  199. >'Fuck', Twilight thought, 'that was a mistake! I want something inside of me so much it almost hurts-!'
  200. >But the reward was worth it.
  201. >Spitfire grimaced, taking a step forward.
  202. >And then stumbled.
  203. >She gasped a short and shallow breath, her eyes focusing one somewhere far beyond.
  204. >"/Slampa!/" Spitfire swore in muttered Pegasi, "that one was bad."
  205. >Twilight allowed herself a strained grin - but it was a grin that fell apart as Spitfire refocused on her.
  206. >'Uh-oh.'
  207. >"So," Spitfire hissed slowly, "You think you can break me, do you?"
  208. >"Nooooph?" Twilight tried hopefully.
  209. >"You might be able to play that kind of game with that ivory plaything your Master keeps, but not with me."
  210. >SWIP-CRACK
  211. >"Agh!"
  213. >"I think that little display might be worth about ten; what do you think?"
  214. >Oh, no.
  215. >No, no, no.
  216. >This was really bad, Twilight thought.
  217. >Strokes of the whip landed at a regular drumbeat across her rump, each one seeming to plunge the fiery pain further into her flesh.
  218. >Yet, even so, now that she had let that relentless desire into her head, it wasn't possible to get it out again.
  219. >Every hair of her coat practically itched with need.
  220. >Her marehood was a furnace of heat, and even as the latest lash struck home, Twilight felt herself wink again and moan breathily.
  221. >It seemed another eternity before the whipping ceased; her entire rump felt alight with sizzling lines.
  222. >No doubt it was covered by a spider's web of welts now as well.
  223. >Spitfire circled her again, eyes wild and wide.
  224. >"You know, in some ways, I envy you, Twilight Sparkle."
  225. >"...mguh?"
  226. >"You don't even have to try to hold back. You have it easy. The chains, the harness, the ring on your horn - they all do the work for you."
  227. >That bitch.
  228. >That utter bitch.
  229. >Putting you in this kind of situation and then telling you it was easy!
  230. >"I bet if you were free you'd light that horn and rub yourself senseless right now, huh?"
  231. >"...mmmyeshh.."
  232. >The admission came with a heavy, burning sense of shame - but also realism.
  233. >The burning itch was utterly maddening.
  234. >"I-" Spitfire's haunches shuddered, muscles clenching tight until they stood out once more. "I don't have that luxury. That easy way out."
  235. >"Then... pleash..."
  236. >"Please what, Twilight Sparkle?"
  237. >Twilight surged forward, chains snapping taught as she leaned into the other mare - smelling the husky scent of her own need.
  238. >"Pleash! Hel' meh! Ton'guh! I gif up, 'kay? You're shtron'er, I'm weakuh, jush PU' Y'TONGUH IN'IDE O' ME, I NEED IT I NEED I NEED I NEED-"
  239. -----------------------------------------------------------------------
  240. >Spitfire fell deep into a bow, her muzzle wings spread low to brush the floor.
  241. >"I failed, Master. I completely failed."
  242. "Oh?"
  243. >"She's... completely untrainable."
  244. >Turning her head, Spitfire looked back at the now-limp form of the purple unicorn, slumped in her chains.
  245. >"I could beat her into playing along, but that's not what you asked me to do."
  246. "No. It isn't."
  247. >Spitfire nodded. "You could get obedience out of her, to avoid the pain. But never discipline. Never self-control. I've failed, Master. Whatever punishment you give, I'll accept."
  248. "She got through to you, didn't she?"
  249. >"...yes, Master," Spitfire conceded and seemed to sink even further. "I tried to not let her, but... the two of us, both deep in the heat together..."
  250. "Well, then."
  251. >Two vials, heavy with the thick potion, were set in front of her.
  252. >Spitfire looked up, brows knit.
  253. >"Master?"
  254. "One for each of you again..."
  255. >In the background, Twilight stirred in deep-seated terror.
  256. "...and this time, you'll be eating her out the whole time. So much as think about touching yourself, and it'll be worse."
  257. >Spitfire gasped, the depth of her punishment beginning to sink in.
  258. >"Yes, Master."

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