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Fluttershy's Idea of Dating (P1/?)

By Guest
Created: 2023-11-27 16:24:02
Expiry: Never

  1. This came from a genius anon on /trash/ who said the following:
  2. "I feel like the fact that mares in estrus urinate to show readiness to mate is something I haven't actually seen used, which surprises me. Maybe at some point it caught on that some single mares would wear diapers as a sign that they're looking for a partner and it turned into more intimate wear as time went on and it embedded in society as something "sexy"? Ageplay would probably be a relatively common kink at that point, along the lines of things like spanking or light bondage are seen irl. Fillies not fully understanding the implictions wetting themselves intentionally or trying to fit into foal diapers, like little kids that get into their mothers makeup to try to look "grown-up". Entire thing feels like it has potential for a "diapered normality" kind of thing without it going right into "literally everyone wears diapers all the time", y'know?"
  3. Needless to say, I loved it so much I decided to write a little drabble on it. More to come~
  5. Written by ponyschedule.
  7. - - - - -
  9. To say that Fluttershy is inexperienced with courtship would be the understatement of the decade. She is a mare made to care for and receive recognition from animals. Simpler, more easygoing creatures. Beings for whom a simple sweater is a gift that vastly improved their lives. Her practice with ponies outside her family and close friend-group? Practically nonexistent.
  11. Which is why out of the mares of Ponyville, she has been the most hesitant to embrace the latest...romantic trend.
  13. Ponies, for all their civility and social complexity, are still quite a hormonal species. Their bodies react in ways that are subconscious and often subtle. A mare's...femininity is somewhat infamous for sometimes leaving a puddle during estrus -- something Fluttershy has recently become intimately familiar with. Some mares practice extreme levels of self control, others like the butter-coated pegasus in question simply spend estrus...working out their pent-up sexual aggression. But in recent years, as a combination of sanitary pragmatism and an unpredictable cultural shift...
  15. "I can't believe I'm spending my bits on this." Her hoof rests on the side of a large pack of poofy white garments, adorned with a series of sky-blue sewing lines and simple alphabet blocks of the three primary colors. The front of the package boasts a very highly absorbent material, and the side has a photograph of a confident young mare sticking her padded flanks out with a cheeky smile covered by her hoof. An array of sizing measurements and sciencey mumbo jumbo about capacity and moisture-wicking adorn its back, which only vex Fluttershy more.
  17. "Good morning Miss Fluttershy! To what do I owe the honor?"
  19. The squeak that escapes the poor startled thing is barely audible. She doesn't turn around, but a very slight moisture develops in her loins, the humiliation and anticipation wrestling with one another. Finally she turns her head, pulling the poof pack from its shelf. "N-nothing major, really! Just was considering some...uh, protection, this season, ha..."
  21. "Oh, nothin' to be so skittish about, dear!" A blue-maned earth mare donning a tan coat approaches with a beaming smile on her face. "Why, I'm surprised it took you this long to try diapers! If I didn't have an idea why, I'd be scared for you not showing up almost at all in estrus season. Were you making special plans to...mingle~?"
  23. "M-MINGLE? No! Nonono, haha, absolutely- avsolutely not. Just. Didn't want to hole up in my cottage all day hot and needy. If I'm going out, I'm not going to be hindered by any..."
  25. "Accidents?" The smile grows ever wider, and takes on a lewd veneer.
  27. "Hmmh..." She tucks the pack in her hooves under one hoof, hastily making her way to the register.
  29. This is swiftly followed by a swift gallop past Fluttershy's path to cut her off, the shopkeeper holding a hoof up with a lightly oppressive gaze. "Whoa there, honey! If you're on the market, wouldn't you like some kind of extra accessories? Sockies, bonnets, overalls, onesies, bibs, pacifiers? I mean, at least some foal powder would-"
  31. "It's okay, really! I...I just want this."
  33. "Oh, alright. I'll let you ease into it. But if you need help with wooing your special know who to call. I'm happy to get a stunning young lady like you anything you need, ya hear?"
  35. The only answer this pushy sales-mare gets is a very clear glance of discomfort as Flutters' eyes avoid contact with the other mare's. Her other eye shrinks back behind a wall of wavy mane, as she casts her big teal eyes to the ground.
  37. "You know what? I think you'll fit into those even better than my adult-foal customers. No need to pay me this time, just take care of yourself, dear."
  39. "F-for free?" Her eyes widen as she speaks again. "I'm willing to pay, really!"
  41. A hoof raises to her muzzle, gingerly resting it on the shaky little lady's lips. "Sshhhh..." Before any further embarrassment might give her justification to retreat, a pair of lips pecks her forehead through her mane. "Have fun."
  43. She feels the blood rush to her head. She's faint. She gathers herself for a few seconds, stuffing the diapers into her saddlebags and galloping back to her cottage. Today is a day for experimentation.
  45. - - - - -
  47. 'This is it, Fluttershy. Today, you start finding a coltfriend.' Internally the skittish pegasus is anything but resolved. The diaper around her waist makes her flanks feel huge. It took several minutes of work to get her wingboner down back in her cottage. And every wide waddling hoofstep she takes seems to cause...friction. But she's not going to remain a virgin forever! This season, she's not going to be a lonely hermit any longer! She's going to get out there and date! Really, this is merely the hormones talking. Maybe hermit is a bit strong. Everypony matures sexually in their own way and that doesn't always involve bucking on the daily; even then she still has her friends!
  49. In the previous days, before this lewd purchase, Flutters went to the castle to consult her bookworm friend. She was just as hopeless as the cottage-dweller that day, but she did get her hooves on a Big Book of Body Language. Verbal communication is hard after all, and only a small part of pony romance. Therefore, she hatched a plan for today. This plan comes to fruition as she shuffles a small satchel, feeling her money and a few snacks rustle inside. It helps keep her mind occupied as she trots along through town. First stop: breakfast at Sugarcube Corner. High traffic, plenty of stallions - she just has to scope out the place as she eats, and then pick a few marks to flirt with. What could go wrong?
  51. Entering quickly makes her acutely aware of how fast everypony is going. Stallions and mares almost blur together as the place hustles and bustles with activity. Despite her attempts at grounding herself, her concentration lapses, and she takes a moment to breathe off to the side of the line so as to let others go order before her. She's about to expose herself to all these ponies, in public, as she assaults some poor sap with the scent of her pheromones and the sight of her awkward advances! Why did she think this was a good idea!? Her chest feels a little tight. She scurries into the bathroom. 'Get ahold of yourself! You are an element bearer. You are famous. You have clout and ponies comment all the time on your natural beauty. You aren't hopeless. Just...get a grip! White sink, blue and white tiles, blue and yellow balloon art, blue toilet stalls.' Her grounding monologue seems to aid her, for now.
  53. - - - - -
  55. Several minutes pass in silence as she sits at her table, gingerly picking at a bran raisin muffin. Her eyes are focused on the crowd. Most stallions here are paired up with the opposite sex; of course this doesn't mean they couldn't allow one more to their herds, but it does mean more headaches or potential heartaches if she fails. She needs a bachelor, a single guy. Just as she gets up to leave for another venue, she sees opportunity come knocking.
  57. His coat is a bold blonde yellow. His body is slim, not very muscular but still fairly defined. His mane is a lavender colored, shaggy overgrowth that covers one green eye when he looks forward or down. His cutie mark: a simple desk plant. A home gardener perhaps? There's a conversation to share. Her mind races with the strangely enticing combo of of his elegant complexion and slightly disheveled mane, the stallion's compatibility causing her to speculate endlessly in her mind. As she stands from her seat, the rest of her muffin held firm in her mouth, she feels an involuntary reaction inside her: before she can stop herself a hiss fills her padded underwear. She feels her stance involuntarily widen, her teeth gnawing on her muffin to keep her from drooling.
  59. Fluttershy quickly, hungrily takes her half-eaten treat in her mouth, sauntering over with all the confidence and smoothness of a cornered hare as she swallows hard. The scent of her soggy rump is contained for a few minutes, allowing her to focus on getting close to this sweet yound specimen. She puts on her best puppy-dog eyes, smiling for her audience, sauntering her yellowed diaper side by side in her best seductive sway possible. The mare catches him cantering toward his seat to wait for his order, crawling herself up against the back of his chair. Her coat makes small bits of contact with his. His nostrils flare open as he recognizes the scent up close.
  61. "Oh, looks like this little filly had a bit of an...accident~ Would you care to help get me changed? I'd be awfully grateful if you did..."
  63. The look in this stallion's eye has a relaxing aura of confidence. The surprise of being so blatantly courted fades, and his affectionately, slightly feminine, silky-smooth voice goes right into caretaking mode. "My oh my, it seems that you're right. I could suss out that soggy little tush a mile away. Why don't we go somewhere a bit private and have a look-see at the damage, hmm? Get you all cleaned up."
  65. Flutters' snout catches a bolder, headier scent as she glances down, spotting his length escaping its sheath slowly but surely. He gets up from his seat, leaning in to her rump to catch a long whiff of her femininity, and then pats the squishy garment in reassurance. She doesn't know what she wants more from him: to get bucked into the floor this instant or to be forever teased by this mystery stallion...
  67. She has a fair bit of time to find out what the future has in store.

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