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By Guest
Created: 2023-12-10 12:35:55
Expiry: Never

  3. In-game Sim Rules
  4. No Harassment!
  5. Harassment, discrimination, hate speech, and slurs are not allowed. We are committed to creating a welcoming and inclusive community for all residents, regardless of race, gender, sexual orientation,or any other characteristic.
  7. Be Respectful of privacy!
  8. We value the privacy of our tenants and our community. Please refrain from entering parcels that are not your own unless invited in. This includes camming into parcels from any distance. If you are caught doing so by a tenant or staff member, you will be given a warning. If entering or camming around parcels that are not your own continues, corrective actions will be taken.
  10. Keep the noise down!
  11. Do not spam gestures or activate any loud or distasteful noises. Failure to follow this rule will result in a warning or corrective action.
  13. Keep other ponies safe!
  14. For the safety of our staff and ponies around us, once again, strobing or flashing lights and/or textures are strictly prohibited. If you are found to have broken this rule, we reserve the right to remove said object without warning.
  16. No Kiddos!
  17. Moon Meadows is a moderate-rated region. Any avatars with a child-like physical appearance, as determined by the management team, will not be permitted to remain on the region's grounds. This rule applies to models that are undisputedly child-like or foal-like. Appearance, such as a deliberately small stature, does not constitute a foal-like avatar unless provable in a related context. Anyone discovered to be underage or to have falsified their age will be banned from the region without notice and reported to Linden Labs.
  19. Follow SL guidelines!
  20. Follow the guidelines set by Linden Labs and the Second Life Terms of Service. Any violations may result in disciplinary action or eviction from the region.
  22. No heavy script usage!
  23. To be sure everypony has a smooth experience here at Moon Meadows, anything with heavy script usage is not allowed. If an item is found to be causing performance issues, Moon Meadows reserves the right to return the item without notice.
  25. No Griefing!
  26. Griefer Items are strictly prohibited in MoonMeadows. This includes, but is not limited to, items such as pushers, mic spam, lag machines, sim crashers, bloomers, audio players, or any other objects or devices that are designed to disrupt the experience of others in Second Life. Anyone found using Griefer Items will be warned, ejected from the region, or banned as deemed necessary by the region's owner or management team. Extreme violations may be reported to Linden Labs.
  28. Be kind to everypony!
  29. Be courteous and considerate to your fellow residents, and embrace the spirit of friendship that defines our community. If conflicts or issues arise, try to resolve them in a peaceful and respectful manner.
  31. Keep it clean!
  32. Keep the region tidy and aesthetically pleasing. We encourage creativity and love it when our residents surprise us with fun and interesting things in public spaces, however, do not modify or damage the natural environment or any of the buildings and decorations with clutter, litter, or banned objects or textures.
  34. Privacy is key/NSFW
  35. This is not a public-sex sim. We ask that you refrain from engaging in sexual activity in public areas. What you do on private parcels is up to you, as long as it is not publicly visible and is okay with the parcel tenant. Any form of sexual harassment will not be tolerated. This rule applies to public indecency, such as deliberate sexual or vulgar exposure. The presence of genitalia on an avatar is not inherently indecent; however, in the context of erections, dripping fluids, unsheathed, gaping or erotic sexual exposure, it will be considered indecent.
  37. No feral animals!
  38. Feral or hyperrealistic animal Avi's with NSFW parts are strictly prohibited. If you are found to have an Avi of this nature, you will be promptly banned.
  40. Not welcome!
  41. Nazi's, Racists, Zoophiles, Pedophiles and Bigots.
  42. It is staff discretion to decide if you're on or off sim behavior regarding.
  44. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  46. Tenant Rules & Policy
  47. To ensure the best MoonMeadows experience, we ask that all tenants ensure their plots align with the sim's theme. While creativity is allowed in your respective parcels, please consider your neighbors and ponies when selecting a house and decorating the outside of your plot.
  49. Your build should not extend beyond your parcel boundaries, except for trees. If you are unsure of your parcel's boundaries, you can view them by enabling "world > show / show more > property lines" in the top left menu bar of your Second Life viewer. If you wish to add a decorative pathway outside your parcel, you can request approval from staff.
  51. Signs, statues, textures, or objects that are NSFW or contain gore elements are strictly prohibited on the outer part of your parcel. Anything that can be seen from the outside and violates this rule must be placed inside your home or removed entirely.
  53. Please be considerate of your neigh-bors (haha) and limit voice and sounds to your own parcel.
  55. If you decide to create a skybox above your parcel, ensure that it is placed at a height of 2500 meters or higher. Failure to comply will result in corrective actions.
  57. Your home should not exceed a height of 15 meters from the base of your parcel. If you reside in the Woods, your house cannot exceed 15 meters, and if you live in the Uppies, it must not exceed the height of the mountains.
  59. If your Casperlet rent payment remains unpaid for more than 1 week, we will contact you to inform you of the overdue rent. Please settle the outstanding balance promptly to keep your account active. Failure to respond to our attempts to reach you through discord or Second Life and pay the rent within 2 weeks will result in eviction. If you are experiencing difficulties, please feel free to contact Lexi or Rapid regarding your parcel rent.
  61. To ensure the safety of our staff, members, and the surrounding community, any lights, textures, or objects featuring strobing or flashing lights or images are strictly prohibited inside or outside your home/parcel. If such items are found, you will be asked to remove them.
  63. Subdividing your parcel to rent out to other tenants is not allowed, unless there are exceptional circumstances that can be discussed and possibly approved by staff. If you choose to sublet to someone to live with you on your parcel, we are not responsible for any disputes that may arise, and it is your responsibility to manage the subletting arrangement.
  65. Please ensure that you unset the "Build" permission for "Everyone" to prevent others from building.
  67. Please ensure that you set a group so that only the ponies you want can build.
  69. Deed your parcel to a group (without checking if the owner makes a contribution) to allow group members to manage the parcel.
  71. If you intend to use your parcel for anything NSFW or desire privacy, please uncheck the option "People on other parcels can see and chat with people on this parcel".
  73. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  75. Discord Server Rules
  76. No slurs or hate speech.
  77. Including jokes, memes, emotes, and other media. Swearing is allowed, but
  78. please refrain from tasteless jokes that make light of serious issues such as suicide or pedophilia ect.
  80. No bigotry.
  81. Hurtful comments involving racism, homophobia, transphobia, misogyny, etc. will not be tolerated.
  83. No spam,
  84. including excessive messaging, pinging, emote/reaction usage, and VC mic spam.
  86. Be respectful.
  87. This is our golden rule. There is never an excuse to be disrespectful to other members.
  89. Do not dogpile.
  90. If someone behaves in a manner that raises concern, please tag a Mod or an Administrator. We will handle it from there.
  92. Keep it clean.
  93. Please be mindful of the content of your conversations and keep things in their respective chats.
  95. Be a clean pony.
  96. Do not post anything NSFW in any channels. That includes memes, art, or real imagery. If you are found to be posting said content, you will be asked to delete it or we will delete it for you. Failure to abide by this rule one or more times will result in corrective actions.

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