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Caught Twilight

By AquaRegia
Created: 2023-12-28 17:23:47
Expiry: Never

  1. >Day "not keeping count" in Equestra
  2. >Be ponyville's best (and only) human, so you must be Anon
  3. >You live at the friendship castle playset because Twilight is a nice gal willing to help out a homeless alien.
  4. >Also because she feels bad that one of her spells backfiring opened a one way portal from your shower into equestria while you were in it.
  5. >Heading home early from work today, things wrapped up quicker than expected.
  6. >Go inside, hear signs of life in the other room. Spike is out simping for Rara today, so that leaves one option.
  7. >Sneak into the room and surprise her, of course. Her reactions when you startle her are always funny, and she can't stay mad at you for long.
  8. >Engage steath mode.
  9. >You did not expect to see this today, or ever.
  10. >In the middle of the room is Twilight Sparkle wearing a foal-printed diaper and stacking up blocks.
  11. >All of the blocks are set with the each colored side facing the same direction and lined up so neatly you could swear a carpenters square was involved.
  12. >You decide it might be better to back out of the room and take some time to think about how to deal with this.
  13. >You also completely fail at leaving the room as quietly as you entered, stumbling over some other toy left laying about.
  14. >Twilight flails in a panic at the noise behind her, knocking over the tower of neurodivergence as she turns to face you.
  15. >The look of horror on her face as she realizes you caught her is painful to look at.
  16. >You fucked up bad.
  17. "A-anon? Why wouldn't you knock on the door first!"
  18. >She seems like she can't decide between crying or anger, but panic clearly is in the lead ahead of both.
  19. "And nopony will ever talk to me again, and they'll take spike away, and I won't be able to be a princess anymore...Wait, would they remove my wings?!"
  20. >She's still going on, but you can't understand a lot of what she manages to say.
  21. >You see a pacifier sitting on one of the end tables nearby and know you need to take a risk.
  22. >While she still has her focus on making a checklist of how many ways her life is over, you make your move and stuff it into her mouth midsentence.
  23. "Mfffmfmph?"
  24. >One hundred percent conversion rate of panic to confusion, maybe you've bought some time to calm her down now.
  26. >"Twilight, I want you to keep that in for a minute and take a few deep breaths while you listen to me, ok?"
  27. >A hesitant nod gives you the go ahead
  28. >"First, I'm not going to freak out, or tell anyone, or anything like that. This isn't the end of the world. I promise. I'd Pinkie Promise, but I don't think either of us wants to risk summoning her right now."
  29. >Her eyes widen and a shudder goes through her. No doubt she's imagining having to talk the pink one out of some sort of baby shower-esque party to be enthusiastically supportive.
  30. >"Humans have something like this too, it's not the first time I've seen it. Nothing is wrong with you. I won't pretend to understand equestrian law or culture as much as you, but I'm fairly certain they don't start chopping limbs off of national heroes over something like this. Heck, most of your friends probably wouldn't see you too differently. I know they wouldn't go spreading rumors around either. You're safe right now, these things are all in your head."
  31. >You carefully reach over and start stroking her back, watching the tension start to leave her.
  32. >Time to go in for the kill
  33. >You start to scratch behind her ear, your hidden weapon against ponykind.
  34. >She leans into you and starts gently kicking one of her hind legs a bit involuntarily.
  35. "Shtop iiit..."
  36. >The little pony makes no move to actually evade you though, she clearly needs this after exhausting herself so badly with so much emotion hitting her at once.
  37. >"How about this Twilight? Why don't you tell me about what all of this means to you? If it isn't too private, I'd even love to know what your story on how you ended up like this. Is that ok?"
  39. >Twilight removes her pacifier and takes a breath like she's going to speak, then lets it out again without words. She's still and silent for a few moments and you almost start to wonder if she's stuck in her own head again, but she finally begins to talk.
  40. "I guess a lot of it is a comfort thing? It cuts down on a lot of stress when I can pretend for a bit that I'm not the pony everyone needs to turn to when things go wrong. Don't get me wrong, I love being a princess! I love to help everypony in their time of need, fix friendships that are having problems, keep everypony safe... It just takes a lot out of me? I feel like I should be able to cope but it isn't that simple. A princess is ALWAYS a princess. That's something I learned a long time ago, back when I was just a filly. Princess Celestia was always kind and she let herself connect with me as her student, but the second anything came up or anypony needed something she snapped right back into the princess everypony expects to see. No matter how much she relaxed, there was always that chance that she would need to go back to being perfect. I used to idolize that about her. She was always ready and always had an answer. Now, I'm terrified of turning myself into that."
  41. >You make sure to stay quiet and not interrupt, no matter how badly you want to comfort her. Instead you simply tilt your head as a silent question of where she is going with this.
  42. "Even when I have time to myself the feeling of pressure is there. I can't slip up, I have to be ready. But when I'm like this, I don't feel as worried. No imaginary pony is going to come rushing in to demand a foal fix all of their problems, right? Even if I'm just pretending, I feel safer and more cared for."
  43. >You look into her big, watery eyes and don't truly see a mare. Instead, you see a scared filly with the world on her shoulders.
  44. >"Twilight... I don't think you have to worry about that nearly as much as you are. You have great friends willing to help you, but more importantly they love Twilight Sparkle. Not Princess Twilight. I understand though. It's a big and scary world out there and it feels like everything shrinks down with you, right? It's much lower stakes picking out which toy to play with compared to picking who to side with when ponies are arguing over something?"
  45. >She gives you a nod and clears her throat a bit before continuing.
  46. "Yeah, something like that. It's a lot of pressure and this is an escape that lets me pretend it isn't there for a little while. It always has come down to pressure, I guess. Even before I could spark my horn, I always felt like being the best was how I would be worth something. Failing something was a disaster that could ruin everything. You know I still have some slight issues with anxiety even now, right?"
  47. >Before anything else can be said, you muster up the most deadpan expression you can and look directly at her.
  48. >A slight giggle graces your ears as she sees you.
  49. "Ok, maybe more than slight, but I'm a lot better than when I was younger! I was so anxious as a foal that sometimes I would just freeze up instead of risking doing something wrong. It got bad enough that sometimes the anxiety caused some, uh...Accidents. I think the time in magic kindergarten was one of the worst ones though. Everypony kept calling me "Tinkle Sprinkle""
  50. >You summon all of your willpower to hold back that laugh. This is an emotional moment for her damn it!
  51. "During the worst of it I ended up getting put into diapers a few weeks a couple of times. It was humiliating and I hated how much it made me feel like a useless foal. The irony, right? Part of me ended up preferring the diapers though because I was safe from my accidents at least. That safety reduced a major failure at being a big filly into an expected mild inconvenience that nopony at home made a big deal out of. I think that experience with watering down my shortcomings is what stuck with me."
  52. >It seems like she finally has talked herself through something she really needed to put into proper words. You notice that at some point you've gone from gently petting her to holding her close instead.
  53. >"I'm really glad you opened up like this Twilight, and I'm sorry for intruding on your personal time like this. I didn't mean to just crash your little time. I don't know if this is something you'd be interested in, but I could try to make it up to you by helping you into your role? After all, you can't just leave a foal alone, right?"
  55. >Her eyes fill with barely restrained hope and excitement at your suggestion.
  56. "You would do something like that for me? It wouldn't be to weird?"
  57. >"I'd be honored to look after such a cute little filly, no matter her age. As long as you stop being so silly about being ashamed and start trying to enjoy yourself instead. I'm here to make things better, not worse."
  58. >You follow up with a soft boop to the snoot. Partly to ensure she takes a moment to consider your sincerity as she recovers, and partly because booping pony snoots is VERY hard to resist when they are silly.
  59. >You see her give a nod as she fights to hold back further objections.
  60. >You will make sure this pony lets something good happen to herself. She's been an absolute treasure as long as you've known her. Even if it was her fault you ended up here, it was still an accident. You can't think of many humans that would have bent over backwards as far as she has in order to make up for a mistake that, to the best of your understanding, shouldn't have happened and broke some of their (admittedly loose) laws of physics.
  61. >"Why don't you lead me over to your supplies so I can see what I'm working with, little lady?"
  62. >A box awaits you, completely unremarkable save for the lock attached to it. Inside is a package of diapers in what you would assume is Twilight's size, a package of wipes, some disposal bags, and a bottle of powder. An empty baby(foal?) bottle rests inside as well, sitting on top of what look like folded up pajamas.
  63. >Between that, the scattered toys, and her pacifier, the collection is modest but not lacking.
  64. >"Well, since I don't think you're in need of a fresh diaper yet, I suppose you could get back to playing with your toys, or I could feed you a bottle. Actually, I bet you'd like it if Mr.Anonymous taught you a few bits of human knowledge at preschool, wouldn't you?"
  65. >The lure of "forbidden" knowledge brought out the brightest expression you've seen in quite a while.
  66. >Aside from some basic facts, you actually hadn't talked too much about home. It usually made you a bit melancholy, and after the second or third interview about it ponies picked up on that and the questions got a lot more scarce, usually only followups to things you mention that end up not having an equivalent here.
  67. "Ooh, ooh! Please!"
  68. >She's literally bouncing in place with excitement, you may not be able to handle much more of this before the cuteness kills you.
  69. >"Alright, settle down, settle down. I think I know exactly where to start for a curious little foal like you. We're going to be teaching you the alphabet today!"
  70. >English and Equestrian were almost identical when spoken, save for a few things that just didn't have any translation at all. The differences all came in when you started attempting to write it. The process of relearning how to read and write was a major annoyance but Twilight herself had helped you through it at the time. She made sure that you got to keep your dignity despite being illiterate, never patronizing you. Your currently plan for teaching her however, was to do the exact opposite.
  71. >You walk over to some crayons she must have been coloring with earlier and start writing on the paper.
  72. >"First let's see if you know any to start. Do you recognize this?"
  73. >She stares at it as if you've given her a puzzle to figure out. She even tilts her head slightly to the left as if a different angle might help!
  74. "No, it doesn't look like any language I've ever seen before. You're the only creature I've ever seen write this way An- er, Mr.Anonymous."
  75. >"It's actually your name! This word here is Twilight, and the one after it is Sparkle. You're such a clever filly that I bet we can have you spelling your own name by the end of the day~"
  76. >You make sure to pour on the syrupy sweet attitude as much as you can. It wouldn't do to have this feel like a regular school lesson.
  77. >"There are twenty six letters in the alphabet. Can you count all the way that high?"
  78. >It takes a moment for her to realize you were asking the question seriously. She gives a nod and waits for you to go on.
  79. >"Ok then, I want you to write down that number on a sheet of paper as a note! Remember though, you need to use my symbols, not the pony ones!"
  80. >She freezes up. The numerals are completely different as well.
  81. "I don't think I can actually..."
  82. >Her ears go flat in embarrassment over not knowing the answer to something presented so simply.
  83. >"It's ok little one, nobody knows everything, that's why learning exists in the first place!"
  84. >You take the chance to scratch one of her ears again until her expression brightens up again.
  85. >"Just for now, how about I let you write down pony notes on the side to make it easier? Would that help?"
  86. "Yes please."
  87. >"Such a polite young lady, remembering the magic word!"
  88. >You grab another sheet of paper for yourself and start writing, being sure to go slowly and show her how to actually write the numerals.
  89. ---------
  90. >You continue on with the lesson, making sure to take your time and keep the pace as slow as you reasonably can to make the experience feel like she really is a foal being taught patiently and carefully. At points genuine pride of learning something new pop up, despite the entire thing being framed as juvenile as a child learning their first set of letters.
  91. >You make sure to heap on the praise as much as you can during those moments, relishing the chance to see her excitedly showing off rows of writing practice.
  92. >After a while you notice her shifting around a bit more often, almost fidgeting.
  93. >You're almost sure you know what the problem is, but you should probably check.
  94. >"Twi? You seem to be a bit squirmy, are you ok?"
  95. >You never were really sure how a blush manages to show up on fur. More magic?
  96. "I uh, just might need to take a short break for the restroom."
  97. >"I mean, I guess you COULD. Seems sort of silly though if you're already wearing a diaper."
  98. "You wouldn't mind? I don't want to do anything you would think is gross, or make you uncomfortable."
  99. >"Go ahead. It's only natural for little fillies still in diapers. You don't have to worry about that around me."
  100. >She visibly relaxes at your assurance but still seems to be having a bit of trouble.
  101. >"Do you need me to give you a little privacy for a bit?"
  102. "I'm ok, it just takes a little bit to get past all those years of potty training."
  103. >Sure enough, she starts to relax slowly and eventually your ears pick up a slight hissing noise.
  104. >You try to watch as discreetly as you can manage. The pale yellow spot grows steadily as the diaper swells. It starts to sag slightly though, which it really shouldn't be on the first wetting.
  105. >A trickle starts to run down her leg as you realize what went wrong. One of the tapes is a bit off and the whole fit just isn't quite snug enough to hold tight
  106. "Nonononono! I can't believe it leaked that soon!"
  107. >She's already starting to sniffle. You're wondering if she's just been really emotionally taxed from everything today or if she's naturally a bit of a crybaby when little.
  108. >"Shhh...It's ok, it's ok... It's only a bit, I can clean it up easily after we get you freshened up."
  109. >Poor thing looks mortified as you place a hand gently on her back and guide her over to a cleaner spot to have her lay down. You don't think you've ever seen her this shade of red before.
  110. "I can clean it up, it's my fault."
  111. >Nose boop for the silly pony as you set aside the supplies you grabbed.
  112. "Nope. I'm the adult here. Not to mention, it isn't your fault. It was an accident, plain and simple."
  113. >You decide not to mention your observation that her poor tape job was likely the cause. All the more reason she shouldn't be changing herself!
  114. >Taking a quick moment, you decide her pacifier might help and pop it in her mouth.
  115. >Oh dear lord she's covering up her face with her little hoovsies. You may actually die here, this is the lethal threshold of cute.
  116. >You miraculously power through and pop the tapes to the wet diaper before you lift her by her ankles. Ponies are actually really light, even considering their small size. A squeak of surprise is your reward. You swap out the old diaper under her for the fresh one and clean off her bottom before setting her down and moving towards the rest. It becomes VERY apparent that the innate "modesty magic" that most creatures in equestria doe not hold up during actual usage or cleaning of the area. When you woke up you didn't expect the day to lead to seeing Twilight's mare bits, but you suppose some days just turn out better than expected.
  117. >You suppose the wipes are probably some sort of enchanted item given how well they clean through a coat, but even if you asked you're fairly certain you couldn't get a coherent answer out of the foal-brained and blushy mess in front of you.
  118. >A puff of powder and a proper tape job later and you know what to do. You scoop up your little pony and hold her tight for a moment. She stops squirming as soon as she realizes that you're intending to carry her. You make your way over to her stash before setting her down gently. She stares curiously at you for a moment but nods her head in approval when you pull out her hoofie pajamas.
  119. >No words need to pass between you as you help her into them before zipping them up snugly. You scoop her up yet again and carry her to bed to set her down.
  120. >"Be a good filly and stay right here for a minute, ok?"
  121. >After getting a nod of confirmation you head back over and clean up the small puddle from earlier, as well as gather the changing supplies to put back. You grab the bottle from the box and give a quick glance over to Twilight. She seems to be laying down comfortably.
  122. >"I need to step out of the room for a moment, but I'll be right back."
  123. >You proceed down to the kitchen to fill the bottle and proceed to heat it up. After checking the temperature and finding it ok, you head back up and get to see her eyes light up at the sight of the milk. You assume she's much more excited about trying out the fantasy rather than the drink itself though.
  124. >As soon as you sit down she makes her way over to your lap. She gets comfortable and snuggles against you. You find yourself having to stifle a laugh at the clear difference between now and earlier as you replace her pacifier with the bottle. You hum a simple little tune as you hold her close, the both of you savoring the feeling of an intimate moment. Eventually things draw to a close though and you make sure to give her pacifier back afterwards. A small whine hits your ears as you start to move her to put her down for a nap, but she accepts it by the time you are tucking her in.
  125. >"I'll make sure that nobody comes by during your nap. I'll just tell them I talked you into taking one after you burned yourself out during an intense study session and you aren't to be disturbed."
  126. >A sleepy nod is the reply, and as you're heading out of the room you hear what sounds like a muffled "Thank you"

Caught Twilight

by AquaRegia

Oblivious Mare

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Caught Twilight

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