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Derpy and Dinky and Diapers

By AquaRegia
Created: 2023-12-29 03:38:17
Updated: 2023-12-29 04:44:55
Expiry: Never

  1. >Be Derpy Hooves
  2. >After a flight related injury (You still aren't quite sure what wrong) you had some continence issues while you healed. You had to start wearing diapers for what had been meant to be only a little while.
  3. >You even had to add on shorts as part of your mail uniform to cover up!
  4. >That isn't your current problem though. You've been healed up for almost a month, but have been still stuck wearing these things because of a bigger worry.
  5. >Your precious little muffin Dinky has been having a lot of trouble making it to the potty lately as well.
  6. >You don't feel right leaving her to deal with being stuck in diapers alone, so you MAY have fibbed a bit and said you still aren't quite better yet. It's important she has support during such a tough time.
  7. >She started wetting the bed shortly after your crash. She never had any problems with it in the past so you were a bit alarmed. Probably more worried than she was, actually.
  8. >The doctor that had examined her said that nothing was physically wrong and that she would grow out of it eventually. Even if she was clearly embarrassed during it, you're proud that Dinky handled the news so well. She even suggested wearing diapers to keep the amount of laundry down! Apparently since you were needing them, she knew that ponies other than foals could still wear them and was mature enough to accept her own need.
  9. >That would have been simple enough, but then the daytime accidents started. The first one seemed like a fluke, but by the fourth one it seemed like a good idea to have her protected during the daytime too. She does look cute in the dresses you got her to cover up in public, at least. Hopefully she outgrows it soon though.
  10. -----
  11. >Be Dinky
  12. >Wearing diapers sucks, and you're pretty sure you've got a rash developing from trying to make it through the school day without getting Ms.Cheerilee to change you.
  13. >Sweetie Belle might have found out too, but you can't be sure. She's been giving you some weird looks ever since she was standing behind you when the wind lifted up your dress.
  14. >Your mom tried, but these clothes are still shorter than you're comfortable with, given the situation. Preferably you could get something that went all the way to the floor, just to be safe.
  15. >You REALLY hope Sweetie doesn't tell anyone, especially her friends. Those three are loud enough that a conversation between just them would still let the entire class know.
  16. >You don't regret what you're doing though, even if it's kinda gross. Your mom needs the support while she's going through this, and faking incontinence to wear diapers with her seemed like a good idea at the time.
  17. >After a sigh and a now familiar warm feeling, you waddle off to find your mom.
  18. >You hope she heals soon so that you can finally "get better" too.

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