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Cozy Karma

By asd
Created: 2024-01-09 11:06:14
Expiry: Never

  1. The guards patrolled a section of the huge and beautiful castle in the Crystal Empire which held the building’s wine cellar within the pantry.
  3. This place was off limits for foals.
  5. One young filly, however, did not obey that. She was skilled enough to sneak passed the well-trained guards as she made her way into the cellar. Looking around, there were a large variety of alcoholic beverages, mostly kept for entertaining dignitaries and other important guests.
  7. Being so young, she wasn’t sure which one to take so she picked at random and grabbed a large bottle of red wine before sneaking back out. All she had to do now was to take it back to her friend.
  8. ”C’mon, Flurry!”
  9. ”I don’t know.”
  10. ”It’s a special day, isn’t it? We deserve to drink just like the adults.”
  11. ”My parents would kill me!”
  12. ”They don’t need to know.”
  14. Cozy Glow was trying to persuade Flurry Heart to drink the bottle of wine that she had managed to snatch with her.
  16. ”You know you wanna. I can tell!” Cozy teased.
  17. Flurry blushed. Her ever so curious 10 year old mind had indeed wanted to know about the forbidden liquid, and Cozy was only making it worse.
  18. She regretted expressing that curiosity to Cozy Glow of all ponies.
  19. Reforming or not, she was still a mischievous filly.
  20. ”Wouldn’t want my hard work to go to waste, would you?”
  22. A snort came from the other filly. Only Cozy would consider outright theft to be hard work.
  24. Still…
  26. ”’Sigh’, I guess you were always a goody four horseshoes.”
  27. That got a reaction. “Am not!”
  28. ”Then try it!” Cozy jiggled the bottle in front of her.
  29. Flurry, not wanting to back down now, snatched the bottle. “Fine!” She used her magic to undo the screw.
  30. Cozy smirked. She needed Flurry's magic to uncork the bottle since she forgot the opener.
  31. ”You wanna start or should I?”
  33. Flurry looked at the bottle, then at Cozy. After thinking about it for a bit, she chugged down the beverage, drinking a little and getting a drop of it on her lip. She immediately regretted her hastiness as she started coughing.
  35. Cozy laughed. “Too much for you, Flurry?”
  36. ”Shut up!” Flurry demanded. “Your turn.” She levitated the bottle to Cozy, who quickly grabbed it.
  38. Just as the pegasus was about to drink her share, a loud “Ahem!” interrupted them both.
  40. It was Cadence and Shining Armor.
  42. The couple stared down at the fillies sternly. They were caught.
  44. ”Darn it!” Cozy thought, missing out on her turn at drinking. She had been just as curious about the wine as Flurry was.
  45. ”M-mom, dad!” Flurry shouted in surprise, not knowing of what else to say.
  46. ”Yes.” Shining said before magically grabbing the wine bottle from Cozy’s hooves. He sniffed it, confirming its contents.
  47. ”You are both too young to be drinking alcohol.” Cadence scolded.
  49. ”And you!” Shining pointed accusingly at Cozy. “You were set free and now you do this with Flurry Heart!”
  50. Cozy rolled her eyes. “Well, golly, Mr. Armor, way to blame the entire thing on me. You do realize that Flurry was the only one who got to drink from it, right?”
  51. ”Hey!” Flurry shouted in protest. “It was your idea!”
  52. ”And if you weren’t so squeamish about it I would have got to drink some too!”
  54. The adults exchanged glances as the fillies continued to argue. They had already discussed what to do in case something like this happens ever since Cozy had managed to goad Flurry into helping her sneak into getting an adult movie which somehow terrified even Cozy.
  56. They nodded.
  58. ”Somepony has earned herself a spanking.“ Shining put the wine bottle down and levitated Flurry, scuffing her with his mouth. “We can verbally discuss your recent behavior afterwards.” He said as he carried her away.
  59. ”No, wait daaaad!” Flurry protested until she couldn’t be heard anymore.
  61. Cozy winced in sympathy. This wasn’t the first time Flurry had earned a spanking since she got to the Crystal Empire (most of them might have partially been her fault). She even managed to overhear some and boy, did they sound painful. She almost shuddered at the thought of getting one.
  63. ”I’ll have to make it up to her somehow.” She thought, thinking that Flurry would be too useful of a friend to lose, as she made her way out of the room, only to be stopped by a certain blue magical aura pulling her back via her tail.
  65. ”And where do you think you’re going?” Cadence sternly asked.
  67. Cozy suppressed a groan. While Flurry’s parents didn’t punish her physically, she was often subject to groundings and long lectures. She really hated the lectures especially. Both Cadence and Shining could go on and on about responsibility, not doing bad things and the value of second chances. All sorts of boring stuff.
  69. Groundings weren’t bad at least. After Tartarus, Cozy could handle being cooped up in a relatively normal room no problem. Practically a slap on the wrist.
  71. ”I assume that it was you who put Flurry up to drinking that, didn't you?”
  72. ”Well, golly Miss Cadence. You can’t really prove that, can you?” Cozy said in an innocent tone.
  73. Cadence frowned. “No, but it is quite obvious. Just like all the other things you roped her into. You got her into plenty of trouble, you know.”
  74. Cozy’s fake sincerity melted away into something more outwardly bratty. “Well, you can’t expect her to be princess perfect all the time.” She said. “I barely had to talk her into any of those things. Maybe your daughter is naughtier then you think!”
  76. Cadence rubbed her forehead. “You’re not wrong on that end. Fillies should get into some mischief from time to time, but there is a point where they should tone it down a notch, and stunts like this far exceed that. Alcohol is not safe for ponies your age to drink.” Cadence said, picking up the wine bottle and shaking it in emphasis.
  78. ”Shining and I had gotten Flurry to understand this multiple times, but we keep needing to correct her on it because of your influence.” The princess continued.
  79. ”Nopony forced her to listen to me!” Cozy retorted.
  80. Cadence nodded. “You are correct, which is why she is getting her hindquarters tended to by her father as we speak.” She put the bottle down on a table. “And since you are just as implicit, you need your own punishment as well.”
  81. ”Fine, ground me. See if I care.” Cozy said, waving a hoof at Cadence dismissively. She had gotten used to being essentially locked in her comfy room anyway.
  82. ”And when did I mention grounding?” Cadence said somewhat coyly.
  83. ”That’s what you always do.” Cozy said with annoyance.
  84. The princess shook her head. “Not this time. I think we both know that it’s pointless to punish you that way.”
  85. ”Then what do you-hey!” Cozy screamed as Cadence lifted her up with her magic.
  86. ”Maybe you’ll learn to tone yourself down a little if you share punishments with Flurry.”
  88. Cozy tried to escape, panicking as it was very obvious that she was in line for a spanking as Cadence calmly carried the filly to her room, much to the poorly hidden amusement of the castle staff that saw them. They all knew of Cozy antics so it was nice to see her taken down a peg.
  90. The filly was not silent about the treatment: She was throwing a tantrum right there in the air. Eventually, they reached Cozy’s room where Cadence had intended to carry out her sentence.
  92. It was a small room for being inside a castle as Cozy, being only a single filly did not need anything larger like a delegates suite and it was also somewhat bare as the filly didn't have that much in the way of (safe) personal positions. It was here that Cadence, still ignoring Cozy’s protests and escape attempts, sat down on the bed.
  94. She would have preferred a chair, but being an alicorn meant that the ones Cozy’s room had were not quite suitable for her larger than normal frame to sit comfortably. Cadence would have done this in their room, but Shining had already taken Flurry there. ”Guess it’s not that big of a deal.” Thought the mare as she positioned the squirming filly over her knee. It looked a bit awkward for an alicorn to put a small filly into such a position, but it worked just fine for the princess. This wasn’t her first time spanking a foal, after all.
  96. ”Wait!” Cozy shouted in her position. “You can’t spank me!”
  97. Cadence decided to humor the filly. “And why is that?”
  98. ”You’re not my mom, so you have no right!”
  100. The alicorn sighed, knowing that Cozy had a point. This was the main reason neither her nor Shining resorted to spanking the filly until now.
  102. ”That may be true.”
  103. Cozy smirked and was about to argue her case further, but Cadence continued.
  104. ”However, you are currently living under our household, which means were temporarily your legal guardian and you have no family members we can contact about your behavior.”
  105. Cozy gulped, not having a response to that.
  106. ”Therefore, I believe we are well within our rights to decide your punishments for now.”
  107. ”But-“
  108. ”Furthermore.” Cadence smiled a little, reminiscing about her past. “I used to be a foalsitter before I took to my princess duties in a more serious manner and let me tell you, there were quite a few times when I had to punish naughty colts and fillies. Their parents wouldn’t have it any other way.”
  110. "But... But I'm too old for a spanking!" Cozy tried to reason.
  111. Cadence almost laughed. "You are absolutely not, young filly!"
  112. "I'm twice as old as Flurry!"
  113. "Being turned to stone doesn't count and even if it did, you would have still very much earned this."
  114. ”But still!” Cozy tried to retort.
  115. ”Besides, I should spank you twice as long as what Flurry is getting now considering your always the one roping her into such trouble.”
  116. The filly’s eyes widened. “No fair! You said you’ll punish me just like her so by that logic, I deserve the same!”
  117. The mare tilted her head, thinking for a bit. “Your right.”
  118. Cozy breathed a sigh of relief. Now if she could-
  119. ”I was going to spank you with my hoof because this is your first time, but since Shining is spanking Flurry with the hairbrush, you should get the same.”
  120. ”That’s not what I meant!” Cozy protested as Cadence teleported a big wooden hairbrush next to her.
  122. It was a pink colored, large oval shaped thing. Quite durable and custom-made for her princessly mane. It also came with the added bonus of being particularly useful when it came to naughty filly hindquarters with its wide flat end and long handle.
  124. ”Now, I believe we have stalled this out for far too long.” Cadence grabbed the brush with her hoof, which she preferred over her magic.
  125. ”Wait, stop!” Cozy shouted, frantically trying to think of an argument to get her out of this mess. She was ignored as Cadence slightly adjusted the filly over her lap to make spanking her more comfortable.
  127. Cozy, of course was trying to squirm herself out of the way, but was no match for the alicorn’s hoof which held her down as said alicorn used her magic to raise her tail, slightly lifting her rump, which made it a great target for the upcoming paddling.
  129. The filly realized that there was no getting out of this. She was quite shocked that Cadence was resorting to spanking her. Never in her life did she imagine it coming down to this. Even getting sentenced to Tartarus was less surprising! She flinched as she felt the oddly cool flat end of the brush touching her exposed butt. It didn’t hurt yet, but it was clear that the mare was just getting ready to smack her for real.
  131. Thinking fast, she tried to get her tail out of that magical hold to block her flank.
  132. Didn’t work. Too strong.
  133. She tried to reach behind with her hooves.
  134. Didn’t work either. Too short.
  135. Then she tried to lean forward with all her might to break free.
  136. No luck. She was pinned down.
  137. The brush was removed from her cheeks, which surely meant that the first strike was on its way.
  139. She tried once again to think of a way to talk the mare out of this, but couldn’t think of anything, and doubted that Cadence would fall for begging and puppy dog eyes.
  141. And then it happened.
  143. Without warning, her flank started to hurt just as a loud ‘CRACK!’ reverberated across the room. It hurt lot, as if a sudden bolt of pain crashed right onto it. An obvious result of Cadence starting the spanking.
  145. Cozy did not like it one bit, so she let out a short shriek.
  147. She expected it to hurt, but not this much! It really-really hurt!
  149. And the worst part?
  151. She could not even recover before it happened again.
  152. ’CRACK!’
  153. This time, Cozy’s shriek was significantly louder as the hairbrush her buttocks the second time.
  155. The agonizing pain the wooden tool brought to her hindquarters was simply too much for the little filly to handle as tears were already starting to pile up in her eyes.
  157. Cadence seemed to care very little about her misery as she kept on spanking that poor tush.
  158. ’SMACK!’ ‘SMACK!’ ‘SMACK!’
  159. Her little hoofsies pounded the soft bed as she was trying to fruitlessly pull herself forward while tears stained a small area of the white sheets due to the young pegasus’s tears rolling down from her check onto it.
  161. All the while she was begging and pleading for the alicorn to stop, even as her fanny was being thoroughly spanked:
  162. ”’CRACK!’ OW! I’ll never do it again! ‘SMACK!’ GAAAH! Pleeease-‘THWACK!’ EEP! I’m sorreeeh! ‘TAP!’ NOOO!”
  164. Absolutely nothing was working as the begging and apologizing was slowly being replaced by more and more “ow’s” and “ah’s”. The typical sounds of a naughty foal getting a good spanking.
  166. Her butt, once bright pink, a color similar to Cadence’s was now covered in so many red ovals from the hairbrush spanks, that it now more closely resembled her red cutie mark. It was more painful then it looked, which said a lot about Cadence’s ability to dish out a good butt brushing.
  168. She squirmed quite a bit as well. Sometimes leaning left, right, down, forward, backward and even occasionally rotating in circles. Anything to try and get out of the way of the hairbrush. Cadence’s hold on her tail mixed with her pinning Cozy’s entire body made such movements futile so the princess always had an easy target to smack away at. Not even her hind legs could save Cozy as no matter how much she would try kicking them, they simply could not reach high enough to make any impact on her punishment.
  170. It was no surprise then, that the filly was extremely relieved when the smacks finally stopped. Of course, it was hard to notice at first given how much her freshly spanked rump hurt, but the lack of any editions to that pain eventually made her realize that it was over.
  172. It was at that moment that Cozy realized just how tired she felt. All that kicking, screaming and squirming could really tucker a filly out which made her go from loudly crying to softly sobbing.
  174. Cadence sat the filly up on her lap.
  175. ”Now, hopefully this taught you not to steal again.” She said softly.
  177. Cozy didn’t answer, more focused on her bottom, which stung like crazy even after the spanking was over. She tried to lean sideways so that her hoof would reach it for a good rubbing.
  179. Cadence’s hold did not let her do so, however.
  180. ”Not yet, dear.” The mare said, noticing what the filly was trying to do.
  181. Cozy groaned, knowing that a lecture was coming up. Hadn’t she suffered enough?
  182. ”Now, I don’t think I need to tell you that stealing and drinking at your age is wrong, Cozy Glow, as I’m sure the state of your bottom is a clear indication of that.”
  183. Cozy blushed, feeling oddly chastised and embarrassed about this whole ordeal. She wondered if Flurry felt the same during her spankings. Was Shining giving the young alicorn same treatment as Cadence was giving to her?
  185. ”So I won’t bother you with a lecture.” Cadence continued to Cozy surprise. “All you need to know about this spanking is that it was for stealing, drinking and convincing Flurry Heart to do the same.”
  186. Cozy looked up at Cadence. “Can I go now?” She asked.
  188. Truthfully, the filly had no idea where she would go since they were already in her room, but she was pretty much just asking for permission to nurse her sore bottom, which she really wanted to do now.
  190. ”Not quite.” Cadence answered.
  191. Cozy looked at her, confused.
  192. ”I just spanked you for what you did recently.”
  193. ”What more do you want?” Cozy asked in a whiny tone.
  194. ”We need to talk about your past behavior.” Cadence said, looking back at the filly sternly.
  195. ”What is there to talk about? You already spanked me!” Cozy protested.
  197. ”As I said, I spanked you for what you just did, not what you did beforehand.”
  198. Cozy ‘humphed’ and crossed her fore legs.
  199. ”Now, I understand that you need time to adjust after coming here and I’m proud of the progress you have made so far, however, you constantly dragging Flurry into trouble isn’t the right way to cope.”
  200. Cozy looked away, feigning disinterest.
  201. ”And I think we both know that grounding you is hardly a punishment at all, am I correct?”
  202. Cozy did not answer, even if she agreed.
  203. ”I will take this time to remind you that every time we grounded you for something you convinced Flurry into doing, she got spanked.”
  204. The filly couldn’t help but wince at the “spanked” word after what she had just been through.
  205. ”Every time.”
  206. ”Where are you going with this?” Cozy asked irritably.
  207. Cadence rolled her eyes. “What I’m saying is that you were practically unpunished when you deserved the same punishment she got multiple times.”
  209. Now Cozy was realizing what the older pony was suggesting. She didn’t like it.
  211. ”That doesn’t sound very fare, does it?”
  212. ”Umm, it does?” Cozy asked nervously, her sore rump suddenly feeling a little bit sorer.
  213. Cadence shook her head. It was obvious to both of them that it was indeed not fair.
  214. ”I’m sorry to say, Cozy, but we need to address that now.”
  215. ”Wh-what do you mean?” Cozy asked meekly despite knowing exactly what Cadence was planning.
  217. Suddenly, without warning, Cadence adjusted her hold on Cozy Glow and flipped her sideways, laying her down over her knee. The exact same position that the pegasus had just spent her time getting her flank beat. Clearly, Cadence was planning a second round.
  219. Once again, Cozy panicked.
  221. ”No, wait, please you already spanked me!”
  222. ”That was for what you just did.” Said Cadence as she once again raised Cozy’s tail and grabbed her hairbrush. “This will be for your actions beforehand.”
  223. ”Pleeease, I learned my lesson, it hurts so much already!”
  224. ”I know, hon, but we need to make sure your properly punished.” Cadence said calmly. “You can rest after this.”
  225. ”I don’t want another spankiing!” Cozy whined with renewed crying.
  227. Once again, Cozy’s pleads went on depth ears as Cadence wasted far less time in delivering a firm spanking.
  228. ’CRACK!’ ‘CRACK!’ ‘CRACK!’
  230. Right from the get go, she went full force on the already reddened bottom. Just like before, it hurt like crazy for the filly! Being spanked just before did not make this second spanking any easier as Cadence did not pull any punches because of an pre-heated rump.
  232. ’SMACK!’
  234. And as Cadence spanked on and on and on, Cozy went back to her previous routine of begging, screaming and squirming, but this time though, it was slightly different:
  236. Her lower and upper body movements were noticeably more subdued then before. This was because she had already tired herself out quite a bit from the previous spanking and as evident from her sweating, she was quite exhausted by now.
  238. Her screams had much fewer understandable words as she simply could not find the energy to say anything cohesive which was quite a sad fate for a filly so talented in saying the right things to get her way.
  240. As Cadence tortured that poor-poor rump, more tears started joining the same part of the bed sheet as before, this time intermixed with a good amount of snot, which was running down the crying filly’s nose.
  242. This was simply unbearable!
  244. Yet Cozy was forced to bear it. Cadence did not give her any other choice in the matter as she gave her bottom the cooking of a lifetime.
  246. If her flank was approaching the color of her cutie mark before, it was now looking just like it as the bright red marks from the previous spanking were now turning into a darker shade, resembling that of a cherry.
  248. Turns out dark red hurt more than bright red. Not that Cozy would have any energy to ponder over that, even if she had noticed.
  250. If one would expect this second spanking to be any lesser then the first one, they would be wrong. It was just as bad.
  251. ’THWACK!’
  252. And just as long.
  254. Both were good, hard, proper spankings.
  256. Eventually, near the end of the punishment, Cozy could do nothing but lay still and howl.
  259. It was quite harsh.
  261. But it was also over.
  263. Cadence knew that Cozy was in no position to do anything but cry, so she let her do just that. She kept the filly on her lap for a while, putting the hairbrush down beside her. Once the crying got quieter, she once again sat the filly up, careful not to apply too much pressure on her burning red rump.
  265. ”Now that that’s done, I hope you’ll think twice about getting into that kind of naughtiness in the future.”
  266. Cozy sniffled.
  267. ”Don’t get me wrong, I don’t mind a filly getting into the occasional mischief, but there are limits to everything, and you passed them multiple times.”
  268. Cozy opened her mouth to say something, but found her throat was sore so she stayed silent.
  269. ”And I really would rather not have to give you any more spankings and neither does Shining.” Cadence said. “It’s just that we really don’t have a better way of punishing you right now.”
  270. Cozy looked down.
  271. Cadence looked over the filly. “But we can talk about that later. For now, would you like a glass of water? I can also bring an ice-pack for your flank.”
  272. The little pegasus nodded. An ice-pack sounded heavenly right now.
  274. ”Alright, I’ll be back in a bit.” Cadence said, laying Cozy down on her stomach before leaving the room for the castle kitchen.
  276. The princess would get a few awkward looks from the staff, many of whom had overheard the two spankings, but nopony said anything. They all thought that the filly had deserved it. They also had to deal with her little schemes, after all, they just didn’t expect it to be a double. Either way, the young castle guest would be getting some funny looks for the next few days.
  278. Now alone, Cozy could finally look back to what had just happened.
  280. Her first take way from this event was that her butt hurt, even as she was furiously rubbing it.
  281. The second was that she hated spankings.
  282. The third was that she could be getting more spankings from now on. This scared her a lot.
  284. The fourth was uncharacteristically empathetic of the filly: She thought about how much spankings she had gotten Flurry into and how she should try to make it up to her.
  286. Clearly she had come a long way.
  288. And her fifth and final thought: She needed to find a better way to hide her misdeeds.
  290. But clearly she had a while to go.

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