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A story with a long title (Intro)

By BigPone
Created: 2024-01-19 01:52:17
Updated: 2024-01-31 22:46:49
Expiry: Never

  1. Full title because ponepaste doesn't like my joke that probably only I find mildly amusing: "Meeting the princesses in another world with a long title reminiscent of light novels but there's nothing light about this story"
  3. A combination of work-related stress, a mellowhen picture of the princesses, and a self-discovered realization that so many details in my story exist in my head as I write it, but don't get put on paper led to this. A bit more was added after the conclusion of this section, but nothing worth uploading. This short "story" is created with the intention primarily of practicing actually writing down details instead of simply letting them sit in my imagination. Whether it worked or not, who knows. The first person character is a blank slate stand-in observer, implied to be physically in the world, but for this section, not interacting with anything or anyone in any way. For all intents and purposes it could have been written in second person like greentexts, "(You) see this, you observe that", but you're already reading it. It's already something of a first person perspective placing (You) as the observer. I think it more immersive this way over "you did this, you saw that, you're anon lololololol"
  5. There I was, in the middle of a buffet with two patrons, their guards, and the building’s employees. The darker patron was dressed in a costume vaguely resembling a turkey, while the lighter colored patron was dressed in what looked like a variation of a Santa suit. It was hard to tell if the latter’s costume was even meant to cover anyone’s body, let alone hers. The first thing that stood out for both patrons was that they were… Well, “fat” would be an understatement. “Obese” would also hardly be a sufficient descriptor. These two were best described as downright gigantic!
  7. The white one’s belly reached to the floor and spread across it. Each of her forelegs were as thick as an obese pony’s belly, and just as soft. That wasn’t all: The part of the foreleg below the knee was thicker than a quite hefty pony’s rear end! Her hooves, wrapped in festive boots, must have been under extreme pressure alleviated only by her exceptionally round belly picking up some of the slack, but she stood there, one foreleg pointing toward her face, as if there were no great effort being expended at all keeping her upright. The shirt portion of her outfit, likely intended to be closable all the way through buttons, which I could not see from my position whether they remained intact or not, seemed to fit surprisingly well across the relatively small section of her enormous barrel, showing no signs of strain on the button decorated with a bell or the strings beneath. Speaking of her barrel, her size was such that the only distinguishing feature one could see between it and the belly behind it was the location on her body it held. Squished between her huge forelegs, it only left the floor at a distance further than her face reached, and led up to an equally seamlessly placed neck. If her upper forelegs’s width could be represented by an obese pony’s belly, that pony would be able to shamelessly call the pony whose belly was as thick as this patron’s neck a gigantic tub of lard. If you compared it to her forelegs, it would probably come pretty close to being as wide as the two combined!
  9. Her face was surrounded by cheeks as white as snow, tinted red by warmth or humor, and so packed with fat her head must have been at least three times as wide as it was meant to be. Not only did they puff out that far to the side, they bulged to the front further than her snoot. It was hard to imagine anything being able to reach her mouth without brushing against her cheeks. Nestled between her cheeks and her neck was not one, not two, but three distinct chins. One could argue there were even four, but the crease further down her neck was likely just that: her neck. Just like the ensemble of belly-barrel-chest-neck, each chin was effectively one continuous entity, distinguished only by where creases formed. Her cheeks also merged nearly seamlessly with both the collection of chins, and the neck behind it. It was hard to tell if her face normally looked this large, or if her expression of hearty laughter with closed eyes and gaping maw made it look even more whale-like than it really was. Further up her head, past the decorative red eyeliner that matched the red of her outfit, was a mane of teal, green pink, and purple, with an almost ethereal look to it. Like her outfit could hardly cover her overgrown marshmallow of a body, her Santa hat could hardly cover her mane, which was more than long enough to also touch the floor. Sandwiched between the fluffy cotton of the hat and her ever-flowing mane was a white horn, long and slender. The only slender part of her, for sure.
  11. As wide as the front of her was, her belly easily spread out perhaps an entire yard beyond the outer barriers of forelegs. As spectacular as her size already was, one would think nothing more than her neck and head, and totally useless wings, stood out past the exterior of that torso. In this mare’s case, one would be very wrong. Standing nearly as tall as her head, spread out even wider than her belly, was a preposterously plump posterior! I had not the pleasure of a rear view, but from what I could see: If one were to set a full-sized couch, without armrests, for her to sit on, not only would the seat collapse under her weight, much of her rear would be spread across the floor, far too wide to fit! Certainly, her belly would find itself covering much of the floor as well.
  12. To the left, the darker patron, who was greedily leaning on a table to grab the last of that round of plates, had a comical look of surprise on her face as her body plummeted to the floor. It was not a long fall, as her covered torso found purchase rather fast. While shaped and colored differently, she could hardly be considered the smaller one. In many ways, she looked smaller by proportion: Her forelegs weren’t quite as thick, only a small portion of her rear was visible and only above the back, and her face did not have as many chins nor cheeks that protruded quite as far forward, but her weight presented itself in a different manner. Her cheeks were much wider and rounder, even after she had swallowed what must have been a considerably large mouthful of pie and cake. Her second chin was considerably larger as well, though the portion of her turkey-decorated hat that served as a scarf almost certainly contributed to that. Her neck surrounded her head like an overinflated pool toy, no doubt appearing even larger than usual due to being the first visible part of her body that wasn’t confined in a surprisingly undamaged turkey suit. It wasn’t apparent, but in reality the suit had developed a tear beneath her scarf. The outfit was meant to totally cover her, but instead her neck had consumed most of the hood. Her mane, shorter and shades of blue and purple, also had that ethereal, ever-flowing trait to it. A little thicker and shorter was the horn adorned upon her head, resting beneath the hood of her suit resembling a turkey head – looking as if it were screaming “help me!” If the white patron had a bigger focus on legs and sheer bulk, the dark blue patron certainly had a bigger focus on her gargantuan gut. Some say corpulent specimens who engage in a hefty amount of binge eating tended to develop larger, rounder torsos, even without accounting for currently ingested food. Assuming that’s true, she must be the bigger eater of the duo. In terms of width, her titanic tummy was perhaps not quite twice as wide as her companion’s, but certainly at least 1.5 times as wide! As she quickly scrambled to her hooves, aided by magic, her tremendous torso had such bulk to it that her forelegs’ hooves could hardly find purchase with the floor, which had not only been littered with broken plates, bits of food, and scraps of a demolished table, but a large spider web of cracks reaching all the way out to where I had been standing, until the impact knocked me back on my rear.
  14. After composing herself and standing as steady as she could, the blue patron looked herself over with a mirror. “My, this suit is even sturdier than he claimed. Another round, dear sister?” The two were sisters? The white one wiped tears from her eyes, trying to catch her breath after such laughter. Were it not for the proverbial sonic boom, that laugh could practically have entirely cloaked the sound of the table’s explosion. “Well I am watching my figure… but I’m sure I’ve gotten plenty of exercise thanks to you. Perhaps one more round… or three… or twelve!” The staff sported a varied collection of reactions on their faces. Some were utterly exhausted, some seemed happy their dishes were so well received by what were clearly practiced connoisseurs, some practically seemed aroused. My attention was drawn to the staff as they retreated to the kitchen, in part due to the cacophony of hoofsteps and shaking of the floor. Compared to the sisters, they were quite thin, but by any standard they were anything but. Many were just as fat as the patrons, just scaled down. So far, nopony had noticed me or paid any mind, even when I yelped during the table event. I took a moment to look at the guards standing near the patrons. I don’t know what sort of danger they were expecting, but it can’t have been anything serious… or agile. At best, they hardly fit in their armor, while many had clearly added an extra belt or two to get the strap to reach. It was then I concluded: This was the right place for me.

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