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Fluttersuit part 1

By Guest
Created: 2024-01-24 10:45:26
Expiry: Never

  1. >you slowly wake up
  2. >your head is very dizzy, feels like you have drank way too much last night
  3. >you appear to be in some sort of an empty room?
  4. >the walls are blank concrete
  5. >somehow yet you feel warm
  6. >you notice that you are in some sort of a suit
  7. >trying to remove feels pointless, since your plush hoofs slip off the zipper
  8. >the door entrance seems closed as well
  9. >you try to remember anything what happened
  10. >trying to remember things makes your head hurt
  11. >fuck, how did I end up like this?
  12. >you punch the door, maybe someone will notice you
  13. >you tried to yell but no sound came out of your mouth
  14. >after 10 minutes of trying you lay down next to it, trying to remember things again
  15. >the head feels much better now, yet you seem to not remember anything
  16. >you only remember that you are a human
  17. >you decided to take a closer look at your suit
  18. >it seems to be made of good fabric
  19. >touching yourself feels amazing, just pating your arm feels so good and so right
  20. >but enough of distractions for now...
  21. >your coat seems to be yellow
  22. >your tail appears to be pink
  23. >your mind struck
  24. >its fluttershy
  25. >you check your suits rump and see her cutie mark 3 butterflies
  26. >interesting, you started to remember now, you were a fan of my little pony
  27. >okay, i liked mlp but what else... I don't remember how i looked like or my name
  28. >"Good morning, fluttershy! It appears that you are finally awake!"
  29. >the voice sounded like Twilight Sparkle?..
  30. >you noticed the camera in your room and waved to it
  31. >"Yes, I can see you, you look very cute! A-hem, in couple of minutes Spitfire will come to your cell and will guide you to the scene!"
  32. >scene? what did she mean by this?
  33. >you tries to gesture her for some answers but seems she went to radio silence
  34. >couple of minutes later you see Spitfire along with 2 stallions in wonderbolt suits, they all seem to wear the same type of a plushsuit as you do
  35. >"Hmm, Fluttershy, why you are not on the scene yet!?"
  36. >her voice sounded very annoyed and her loud tone scared you, even sended you jumping... did you just act in Fluttershy's character? It seemed weird, somehow you knew you don't usually act like that, but it felt fun
  37. >they bringed you to the scene
  38. >you see Rainbow Dash here
  39. >"Oh, hey, Fluts"
  40. >"..."
  41. >"Hello?"
  42. >you gestured pointing to your mouth
  43. >"Ah, I see."
  44. >"How are going to cheer me like that, huh?"
  45. >you looked around to see what could help you and found some chcheerleaders pom poms
  46. >you dragged them with hooves, they somehow got magnetic to it
  47. >"Hehe, I wasn't expecting that from, Fluttershy."
  48. >you seemed to blush and tried to hide
  49. >"Ah, it's alright. Don't be so shy."
  50. >she patted your head, it felt so amazing and short hug after, this suit made it feel so amazing
  51. >you wanted more
  52. >you jumped towards Dashie knocking her on the ground hugging her
  53. >"Hehe, up for some cuddles?"
  54. >while hugging her you notice something else between her legs, there was a sphere shaped bulge
  55. >you boopes it with your muzzle
  56. >"A-ah, F-fluttershy!"
  57. >she tossed you with her back hooves flying
  58. >"N-not so quickly!"
  59. >you giggled covering your suits muzzle
  60. >she seem to notice and get more annoyed
  61. >"Hmph, n-new actors are so weird"
  62. >new actor? it seemed like so, you just didn't get why they call stage a scene
  63. >2 fully covered wondervolt stallions came near and dragged you into some other room with Spitfire, it seemed like you got into some trouble!

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