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Fluttersuit part 2

By Guest
Created: 2024-01-24 18:28:24
Expiry: Never

  1. >You have been dragged to the room by wonderbolt latex suit guys
  2. >They "kindly" put you on the chair in front of the table
  3. >Spitfire enters the room slowly
  4. >She wants to look more dramatic
  5. >But still her suit's mask looked very friendly and smiling
  6. >It made you giggle a bit
  7. >"Well, well, well... What do we have here?"
  8. >"Do you know that you did break a rule?"
  9. >Rules? Are there any rules?
  10. >One of the wonderbolts whispered something into her ear
  11. >"Oh, you are the new Fluttershy."
  12. >"Anyway, look here, no funny business on the scene, you understand?"
  13. >you nodded
  14. >she got more angry for some reason and started to yell
  16. >her voice made you shiver and get lover on to the chair
  17. >wonderbolt stallion whispered something to her again
  18. >"Oh, you are one of those new 'not talking' ones?"
  19. >you nodded rapidly
  20. >"This will make my job a lot harder... Ugh... And you are the MAIN CHARACTER."
  21. >"What were they thinking about making you mute?"
  22. >"A-hem, anyways. Since you are the new one there will be no penalty... yet."
  23. >"There are 5 main rules."
  24. >"Listen to authorities."
  25. >"Don't try remove the suit."
  26. >"Don't try to leave."
  27. >"No lewd stuff on the scene."
  28. >"Stay in character on the scene."
  29. >"You understood?"
  30. >you nodded to her
  31. >"Good. Now let's get you back home."
  32. >two wonderbolt stallions tossed you into your cell and shut the door
  33. >falls in this suit doesn't feel painful at all even though it was concrete
  34. >well, let's get to look around the cell while are we still here you got dragged way too quickly when you waked up
  35. >it seems like there is indeed an other room
  36. >it looked like a solid wall for the first time, perhaps because of the angle of the view
  37. >you walk in
  38. >there seems to be 2 machines
  39. >one is labeled "food" the other one labeled "toilet"
  40. >really?
  41. >machines had some sort of special hoses, it seems
  42. >you didn't get it how to actually use them yet but someone will show you... right?
  43. >investigating suit didn't reveal any new holes or something
  44. >you are completely covered with the suit on
  45. >look at your suit makes you wonder who you are underneath yet again
  46. >they took your memory somehow, your look, your voice
  47. >and since you can't communicate at all you need to find some way to get your answers

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