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Rarity's Addiction by Darkdemonlucifer

By Guest
Created: 2024-02-01 15:11:06
Expiry: Never

  1. Author's note: Thanks for a pony specific paste site! You can find me on fimfiction, but I am also going to be putting my work here. Commissions are always open.
  3. Rarity was stressed out. Working as a seamstress was her dream, and it was something she greatly enjoyed doing, but unfortunately when the work really got rolling in, she was faced with the unfortunate truth that she was simply one mare. Now this was easily solved by hiring other ponies to work in the store, but unfortunately she simply didn’t make enough to pay them a decent wage.
  5. Normally, Rarity could handle stress, she could handle the odd meltdown or sleepless night, they came with the job after all. But as the dishevelled white unicorn found herself staring in the mirror, she finally had enough of this whole situation. Normally she was a regal mare who cared a lot about her appearance, so seeing herself like this? She couldn’t handle it.
  7. Her purple mane was a mess, tangled and twisted, and she hadn’t had a shower in two whole days. The store around her was starting to look shabby as well, but she tried to not reflect on it too much, working a mane brush through and down the curls of her mane and tail. Normally her tail was twisted and curled in an impressive fashion, but today it hung dead and limp.
  9. It was genuinely distressing. Most stallions and mares simply didn’t get it, they dismissed her concerns as if she was simply being a diva for having self respect and caring about her appearance.
  11. Well if that made her a diva, then she must have been one of the biggest divas in history because right now she felt as if her entire world was crumbling around her, as if every little thing she had done wrong was currently mounting against her and attempting to drag her down.
  13. Saying that she was experiencing a mental breakdown would have been an understatement. She was the mental breakdown. Panic poored from her pores as she tried to get a grip.
  15. What she needed was some help. Tossing and turning at night she had come to the realisation that she was a unicorn. She could simply use magic to solve all her problems, or at least relieve them.
  17. But unfortunately for her, the spell she was hoping to use was unfortunately highly illegal. Apparently after some wizard had animated some mops and brooms, something terrible had happened.
  19. It was always an annoyance when a good plan fell apart, but Rarity needed a break. If the white unicorn chose to take one however, she was at risk of losing her shop, at losing everything that mattered to her. She could end up out on the street!
  21. The anxiety was really fraying her nerves, and so in the end she had simply decided to ask her friend, Twilight Sparkle. Twilight Sparkle was a genius when it came to magic, one of the most powerful mages that Equestria had ever seen. Instead of helping Rarity learn the spell however, she had gotten an hour long lecture on how the spell was too dangerous for her, and all the ways in which it could go horribly wrong.
  23. This has annoyed Rarity greatly. Rarity wasn't some unicorn prodigy of magic, but just because she was some prim and proper clothes designer didn't mean she didn't know a thing or two about magic. She could teleport for Celestia's sake!
  25. Her eye was starting to twitch as she settled back into work, but the anger at her friend telling her she couldn't handle the spell was too much for Rarity herself to handle. It was decided! She was going to learn that spell and nothing could dissuade her.
  27. Everybody saw her as some prissy pony that didn't know how to handle herself, but she had more than a few tricks up her sleeve.
  29. Selling clothing was a boon because everyone had to buy clothing. And almost everyone had at least one gown or fancy suit. The amount of ponies that had come through her door was easily in the thousands, and as she served a higher end client, the amount of secrets she had picked up likely measured into the hundreds.
  31. She knew of a black market magic tutor who lived up in Canterlot. A stallion under the pseudonym Bright Dark. That was her ticket to learn the spell and save her business (and sanity) from ruin!
  33. It was risky closing up her shop and heading off on a trip to the big city like this, but she didn't have much of a choice.
  35. So she was off, after brushing her mane and trying her best to get her appearance looking at least a little less ragged. Already she was starting to feel like a criminal, and had even picked a criminal name out for herself "The sapphire eyed minx". It suited and described her adequately enough, but hopefully she'd never have to use it.
  37. Public transport was thankfully pretty high class going up to Canterlot, there were a lot of business ponies that went up to the city, so even the cheapest seats were suitable for a lady like her. Staring out the window as the train slowly trudged up the mountain, she was filled with a strange feeling, an indomitable sadness at how her life had turned out.
  39. All she had wanted was to make ponies happy and design fancy clothing. There really wasn’t anything wrong with that, yet it seemed like the universe had done everything in its path to throw her from her goal. Well, besides those times that Twilight had helped her out.
  41. The universe wasn’t going to beat her, no matter how hard it tried. She was indomitable in every sense of the word. Prepared to even go as far as to bend the rules if it meant she could keep her store running, and keep the ponies that visited her store happy.
  43. By the time she stood before the house that contained Bright Dark, she was having second thoughts.
  45. The house had a face. The blinds were partly closed on the top two windows, giving it an almost half asleep expression, seeming to stare judgementally down at her as she slowly moved up the garden path, the grass on either side so high and overgrown she was certain it was going to wrap around her and swallow her up.
  47. Someone really needed to tend to this garden and do something about the weeds, but she was coming up to the home of a criminal, she couldn’t have really expected anything better, the age of the gentlecolt villain was already spent and now this… This was what criminals were.
  49. By Celestia, she was really scraping the bottom of the barrel with this one. She stood before the grimy white door, made out of white plastic that had pockmarks and dents where someone or something had attempted to bust it down before realizing it was a security door.
  51. The outside of Canterlot had really gone down hill, even for the bigger and more expensive houses. She raised her hoof and slowly begin to beat it against the door, once, twice, a third time.
  53. She felt dirty, she felt absolutely filthy. She wanted to get out of here as fast as possible. Staring down at the stained ceramic brickwork of the doorstep, she passed the time counting the cracks, waiting for a response, but after a few minutes it became clear that nobody was coming.
  55. It soon became clear that nobody was coming to the door, which was annoying, it seemed like she was going to have to knock on the door again. What a filthy situation this was, she really didn’t want to knock on the door again, but it seemed like she didn’t have much of a choice.
  57. With a slight grimace, she raised her hoof again and firmly knocked on the door again. Honestly she was surprised she had even managed to find this place, and she had no idea what she was even going to say. How did one talk to a criminal? She wasn’t sure.
  59. The door opened and a bedraggled looking mare hastily opened the door. The first thing Rarity noticed was the fact that she was wearing the ugliest looking red sweater that she had ever seen in her life! It was tattered and battered beyond belief, and had some foul orange powder on it. An orange powder that also seemed to be decorating the hooves of the light beige mare. Her further was either a light beige or a light cream colour, Rarity couldn’t be sure, as it looked like this mare hadn’t bathed properly in quite some time.
  61. Her mane and tail were a light red with two highlighted streaks running through it, one of them light purple, and another a darker purple. It wasn’t possible to properly tell where one tone ended and another begin because of the state her hair was in.
  63. “What is it? I’m in the middle of something!” The mare said, seeming to glare at her from behind a pair of square plastic framed glasses that appeared to be held together in the middle with tape.
  65. Rarity was caught off-guard. Maybe her memory wasn’t as good as she had originally thought. “I’m looking for a Mr Bright Dark, I must have gotten the wrong house, sorry!”
  66. “No, that’s me. Come in and hurry.”
  68. Before Rarity could say another word, the mare had turned tail and was trotting her way up the stairs, leaving the door wide open. As she trotted up the stairs, Rarity couldn’t help but take note of the latex leggings the mare was wearing.
  70. What kind of weird situation had she gotten herself into now?
  72. Rarity slowly trotted her way up the stairs after the mare, noting that while the outside of the house looked like it was falling apart, inside that wasn’t the case. It only looked like it was partly falling apart.
  74. The mare lead Rarity into what looked like her bedroom, and Rarity was… Well, made incredibly uncomfortable just setting hoof in it.
  76. There was a single book case at the back of the room with books scattered all over the place, dog-eared and well read, although it didn’t seem like they had been well looked after.
  78. A poster of a mare spreading her legs to expose herself dominated the back wall, much like it was going to dominate Rarity’s mind for the next few days as she tried to figure out just why someone thought that was OK.
  80. The bed was a mess, the floor had books and several plates scattered across it, and the most pristine part of the room appeared to be a collection of several plushies and figurines that were scattered atop the book case and lay out across the unmade bed.
  82. And dominating the front wall of the room was a desk, decorated with dozens of trinkets, a huge computer monitor showing a game that looked like a dirt road with grass on either side.
  84. The mare instantly plopped herself down into the seat and took control of her character, a weird bloated hamster that appeared to be armed with a blowgun.
  86. “Sorry, I’m in the middle of a game at the moment, you can just chill on my bed or find a spot on the floor,” She said, using the computer mouse and her magic to control the mouse and keyboard, controlling the strange hamster.
  88. Rarity had never taken interest in computer games, but if it was a choice of watching the computer game or sitting on the bed, it didn’t matter, she’d take staring at the computer game.
  90. She scowled softly at the computer screen, trying to take in all the details of the game as the bloated hamster desperately attempted to take out a women with no armour and a crop top who was fighting with a pair of guns.
  92. Already Rarity had decided she didn’t really like this game, the little hamster seemed to give off an evil aura, and the beige unicorn didn’t seem to look like she was having fun either, as the women in the crop top blew her hamster to bits and instantly sent her into a blind rage.
  94. Her purple eyes flew wide, her nostrils flared, and then both her hooves shattered apart her keyboard in an instant, scattering the keys all across the floor as the keyboard bounced upwards, then broke in half.
  96. Moondancer dumped the keyboard onto the floor as the computer screen turned gray, turning towards Rarity with something approaching a smile spread across her face.
  98. “You’re very pretty ma’am. Welcome to my Fortress of Dreams, make yourself at home. I know what you’re thinking ‘By Celestia, Bright Dark is Moondancer! The challenger legend of ponies player who was friends with THE Twilight Sparkle!’ Impressive right? What can I do for you?” As she spoke, she leaned a hoof under the desk and produced a bag of orange, sausage shaped crisps and shoved a hoof full into her face, coating her lips in orange powder.
  100. Rarity felt like she was dying inside, but gently forced a smile onto her face, “Ah… I… Yes? I came for a spell. I want to learn how to animate inanimate objects, for my shop you see?”
  102. She didn’t mention begin friends with Twilight currently, or the fact that she had literally never heard Twilight mention Moondancer. This mare seemed to have the mental resistance of a wasp, and Rarity was worried the slightest wrong word would send her into a blind rage.
  104. Of course, she wasn’t worried about this mare hurting her, her stomach was bulging outwards slightly against the sweater, and it looked like she was more at risk of running out of breath then hurting her.
  106. “Ah, I see. Well I can do it, but it’s not going to be cheap. For a mare as pretty as yourself, I think I can cut you a deal though. I want you to give me a blowjob.”
  108. Rarity’s ears twitched, her entire brain froze up like someone had poured liquid nitrogen over it.
  109. “Pardon? What was that?” She asked, quite sure that she had misheard.
  110. “A blowjob? You see, I give myself a cock with magic, you suck me off under the desk, we both have biological needs and with how expensive this spell is, I’m basically doing you a favour, see? Because I see myself as a good person and all that.”
  112. Rarity had no idea what the fuck Moondancer had been drinking, but she didn’t want any part of this.
  113. “I’ll just pay with the bits, thank you.”
  114. Moondancer shrugged as she leaned back in the gaming chair, focusing once again on her game as her hamster returned to life.
  116. Her magic had put the keyboard back together in an instant, and she was back to hammering away on it to fight over the dirt road or something. “Alright. If you want to pay in bits it’s five thousand.”
  118. Rarity’s blood turned to ice in her veins. Five thousand? She didn’t have that many bits!
  119. “I… Ah, can’t you come down for me? Something close to two thousand… After all, you did say I was very pretty.”
  120. Moondancer smirked, “No way. I’ve watched Startrek, your Jedi mind tricks won’t work on me.”
  122. Rarity had no idea what a Star Trek was, but she gave her best charming smile and fluttered her lashes softly, “Ah.. Please, for me?”
  124. “I said no, now get the fuck out of my room or suck my fat cock you stupid harlot. I know who you are and Twilight ruined my fucking life so I’m not doing you any favours.”
  126. Rarity hadn’t expected her to get so aggressive, but with how mentally unstable she seemed to be, she couldn’t really expect much,.
  128. “Well, I happen to be close friends with Twilight and I’m sure she didn’t mean to ruin your life.”
  129. Moondancer scoffed softly, “She got all the luck and all the handouts. I’m twice the mage she ever was and I just got shoved to the side.”
  131. Rarity knew that this mare was unstable and didn’t want to risk angering her further, but she also really didn’t want to suck her off either. The whole idea was just too horrible to think about. She was a refined, proper lady and Moondancer looked like she hadn’t bathed in quite a while.
  133. She stank of sweat and rage, and as Rarity thought, the mare seemed to only get angrier at her game, threatening to burst into a blind rage at any moment. In moments like these, it was customary to have your entire life flash before your eyes, and that’s exactly what was happening with Rarity.
  135. Surely this wasn’t worth it. Right now she could just take the train back to her shop and forget about this whole horrid mess. Nobody would judge her for it, she could save her dignity and forget about this whole affair. But that was the thing with dignity and pride, in small amounts they were a useful trait to have, but like all traits, the shared the flaw of being completely inedible.
  137. She couldn’t survive on pride and dignity, no matter how much she tried to do so. Sure, this was a terrible thing, and this mare was an absolute pig for even suggesting it, but if she did this, got her spell and saved her business, she could have all the dignity and pride she wanted.
  139. If she didn’t do this, her shop would carry on failing, and eventually she would have no money, have to close her shop and give up on everything she loved to find another job.
  141. All for the sake of a little pride.
  143. It wasn’t worth it. That much was obvious, but the idea of pleasuring another mare like this… It wasn’t right.
  145. “So-So.. Are you transgender or something darling? Why do you have a cock in the first place?” She asked, trying to work on an ice breaker to make this situation at least a little less awkward.
  146. “Because fuck you that’s why. You can’t just ask someone why they have a cock, that’s like asking a zebra why they have stripes!”
  148. Right. Rarity was dealing with some kind of mentally unstable egotist. Small talk wasn’t going to work on her. She needed to come up with something better if she really wanted to do this.
  150. Was she going to do it? She had come all this way and made all the tough choices. If she turned back now it would be a complete failure…
  152. “Fine, I’ll suck your cock…” She reluctantly accepted, managing to choke back several curse words that would have normally been affixed to the end of that sentence.
  154. Moondancer let out a wicked, stomach turning smile, her magenta eyes panning down to Rarity as she clopped her front hooves together, then glowered at her computer as she waited on another match.
  156. While she was waiting for the next game to load in, she pushed herself away from the desk and rotated on the swivel chair so that she faced Rarity, spreading her legs.
  158. Yep. There was no denying it, the cream coloured mare had a horse cock between her legs. A black one that wouldn’t have looked the slightest bit out of place on a stallion. That was it, just pretend this was a stallion, she could work with that.
  160. Rarity wasn’t a lesbian. Once she was done with this whole affair she would never have to think about or deal with anything like this ever again.
  162. “Well, hurry up and get under the desk, I don’t have all day.” Moondancer said, leaning back on her chair like it was the most casual thing in the world.
  164. Chapter 2
  166. The underside of Moondancer’s desk smelled. It smelled of sweat and musk, of poorly managed anger and… Other things that Rarity didn’t want to think about at the moment. When was the last time that this mare had taken a bath? She didn’t know, but it hadn’t been recently.
  168. Her cock was coated in a thin layer of musky sweat from being attached to a mare who was currently invested in some kind of high stakes video game. Rarity would never understand it, she could barely fit under the desk as much of the room was taken up by a computer that was currently humming away to itself, sending along electrical signals to the monitor above, and taking inputs from a number of cables Rarity really didn’t want to risk brushing against.
  170. Right. A blowjob. One blowjob to save everything she cared about. She could do this. She could get her perfectly manicured hooves a little dirty for… Fuck…
  172. Closing her sapphire blue eyes firmly, she tried to take her mind out of this terrible situation and to somewhere, anywhere else but here.
  174. Her prince charming. She pictured a lovely, refined stallion with brushed hair and a nice suit jacket on, who just so happened to have come back from working incredibly hard all day and was now hoping for some sexual relief.
  176. It wasn’t all that difficult.
  178. “Hurry up and suck it, I haven’t got all day.” Said Moondancer from above, and with an annoyed grunt Rarity pressed her muzzle forward and dragged her tongue along the length of their cock.
  180. The taste was terrible. It was like licking salt that had been left in the sun too long. She didn’t know it was possible for salt to taste off, but if it did, this is what it would taste like.
  182. Fuck. She was going to need a drink or two after this for sure. Licking her tongue up the length of their cock once again, she let out a soft sigh and returned to her fantasy.
  184. It didn’t seem to take much to get Moondancer in the mood, and a few licks later, the pitch black length of her cock was fully hard, twitching excitedly. Rarity moved her head up and brushed her mane back out of the way, then pressed her lips to the head of their cock.
  186. Gross. Keep the fantasy running. She could do this. Working her tongue around the head of their length. This was one of the most demeaning things she had ever done in her life.
  188. Moondancer didn’t seem to care in the slightest, and before she could even properly adjust herself, the mare had pushed herself forward, bumping firmly against the back of their throat. Rarity almost choked and let out a shocked noise, trying to pull her head back as her fantasy was once again ruined.
  190. What was wrong with ponies these days? Didn’t they have the slightest bit of patience?
  192. Rarity coughed and choked as she pulled back off the cock. Spots danced before her vision and for a few moments she was worried about the possibility of choking on the cock. Eventually she got a grip over herself.
  194. The sooner she made this bitch cum, the faster she could get out of here and go back to cleaning her store and dealing with her customers. An inner fire was ignited within her, the inner fire to be a whore and earn the things that she wanted.
  196. Kissing gently at the head of Moondancer’s cock, she did her best to try and block out the terrible smell and the things she was going to have to do if she wanted this mare to get off.
  198. Wrapping her lips firmly around the head of their member, she bobbed her head forward and tried not to choke again.
  200. Not that it mattered. If it would help save her store then she was prepared to do just about anything, even choke on a cock. Bobbing her head forward she begin to work her tongue in circles around the length of their cock, doing the best that she was able to milk the mare.
  202. Above, Moondancer was still tapping away at her computer, lost in some strange game that seemed to make her incredibly angry, and yet she carried on playing it even if it seemed she wasn’t enjoying it.
  206. Eventually Moondancer pushed her hoof down to the top of Rarity’s head and forced her forward once again, still completely focused on her game as she did so. At this point Rarity had no choice but to start bobbing her head back and forth, greedily swallowing down the length as though her life depended upon it.
  208. If Moondancer wanted her to go faster and suck her off, then that is what she would do. Greedily choking down their length as she tried to force it into the back of her throat, something that made her eyes fly wide as her legs began to quiver beneath her.
  210. The potent scent of Moondancer’s musk was overwhelming her senses, absolutely drowning her in musk. The potent smell was almost too much for her to handle, but she kept composed, like a proper lady should,
  212. She was going to give this uncultured mare the best blowjob she had ever gotten in her life. Even though her thoughts were spinning and she was doing her best to not picture the mares foul seed staining her perfect white fur. Nopony would likely believe it, but Rarity had read quite a few dirty magazines in her life in her attempts at designing lingerie and other naughty clothing for her clients, and in that time she had picked up more than a few tips on how to give the perfect blowjob.
  214. Her tongue spilled forth from her maw and began to circle around the length even more greedily then normal this time, doing its best to get right at the most sensitive areas of flesh. Of course, Moondancer didn’t show much reaction to most of this, but as Rarity slid her head forward and took the whole length into her maw, she had no choice but to let out a soft grunt under her breath.
  216. And that was all the encouragement that she needed, burying her muzzle forward and allowing it to rest right against Moondancer’s groin as her throat greedily rolled over the length and did everything it could to milk every ounce of cum from her balls.
  218. Up above, Moondancer was now finding it quite impossible to focus on her game. Her bottom lip curled as waves of pleasure rolled through her body. Rarity had worked the whole of that length into her throat.
  220. Honestly she hadn’t been expecting Rarity to be this good at blowjobs, but she tried not to show how much she was enjoying it. Rarity's tongue was lapping over her shaft so greedily that had no idea how much longer she was going to be able to hold it.
  222. Rarity was completely focused on the task at hoof. She realized that Moondancer was doing her best to hold back an orgasm, trying to make this last as long as was possible. Well, she wasn’t having it. She wanted this finished now.
  224. Thankfully, she had just the trick to make the poor mare climax uncontrollably. It took her a few moments to work up the courage needed to go through with it, but she hooked both of her hooves around the back of Moondancer’s legs.
  226. A deep musk filled breath was sucked in through her nose as she braced herself, and then with everything she had, she pushed herself forward, sliding the whole of that length into her throat, which clenched and squeezed madly around it, this was because Rarity had purposefully triggered her choking reflex.
  228. It was difficult to keep going. It felt like she was fighting every single instinct in her body, but she wasn’t going to give up. Her tongue spilled forth from out of her maw and began to lap greedily at the balls of the mare.
  230. With her throat milking her length like it was, and with her tongue still working around Moondancer’s balls, it would seem like there was nothing else that she could do to make this better, but for her next trick she moved one of her hooves from the other unicorn’s legs and to her own throat, rubbing firmly at it to literally jerk off Moondancer through her throat.
  232. No mare could resist such a wholesale increase in pleasure, and Moondancer was no different. A soft grunt rolled from her lips, followed by a muttered curse under her breath as her length began to twitch excitedly within Rarity’s throat, and then moments later her orgasm hit.
  234. Rarity quickly learned that reading things in books and actually doing them were two quite different things, mostly because Moondancer reflexively pulled back out of her throat, and this meant that instead of her load sliding nice and easily down Rarity’s throat, it also got in her windpipe.
  236. She had been choking to begin with, but now her sinuses felt like they were on fire. It burned like hell, and the only thing she could smell was potent maremusk as she made a very undignified noise, then sprayed Moondancer’s cum directly out of her nose. Tears began to stream down her cheeks and for a few terrifying seconds she was blinded, tearing herself off Moodancer’s length before she accidentally bit down.
  238. One of Moodancer’s cum ropes splattered directly across her face, and another got in her chest fluff, but she had caught most of them in her mouth… Only to then spray them out of her nose.
  240. It really hurt. Rarity fell backwards and bashed her head against the underside of the desk, clutching desperately at her nose as a terrible burning pain ripped through her.
  242. What was happening? She didn’t know. Everything burned like crazy, her hooves were shaking. She curled into a ball and clutched at her nose as she coughed up a large volume of cum onto the floor. It was common knowledge that cum was not a good substitute for air, but now Rarity had put it into practice and confirming those findings.
  244. Moondancer simply sighed, reaching a hoof down and petting her gently atop the head. “You know, that wasn’t half bad… But I’m still not convinced… You have a lot of work to do.”
  246. Rarity kept clearing her lungs, feeling more than a little annoyed at Moondancer’s attitude, but at the same time she was currently so filled with cum that she couldn’t form any complaints about it. It was like when the waiter at a fancy restaurant asked how the food was while you were halfway through taking bite.
  248. Weird analogies aside, she suddenly found herself pinned to the floor by Moondancer, her head light and fuzzy, filled with a lot of things that weren’t really making sense. It was as if the whole world was lost to her, and she quickly realized that Moondancer’s purple eyes reminded her so much of those of her good friend Twilight Sparkle’s.
  250. She was lost. The brain fog was too thick, her thoughts too scattered. She was thinking about her best friend with a thick futa cock absolutely destroying her, and she was loving it. Moondancer smirked down at her as she rubbed the tip of her cock against Rarity’s snatch, causing her to moan softly.
  252. At this point she didn’t care about looking or acting refined. She wanted to be fucked. She wanted to be railed so hard that her brain began to crash and all the silly thoughts in her head were scattered to all four corners of the world. Thinking was hard, and caused her so many woes, but here she didn’t have to think, she could just lie back and let everything go blank. #
  254. Moondancer only teased against her sensitive outer folds a few times, lubing their member up so that it didn’t split the white mare open when she pushed inside, but once she was lubed up, she wasted no time in forcing herself inside.
  256. To start with it hurt. Rarity wasn’t used to sex, and she knew that gentlecolts were meant to take things slow and make sure that their partner was enjoying every second of it. Moondancer had no such reservations, she pushed her length in down to the medial ring and Rarity could do naught but scream, her back reflexively arching against the floor as her hooves desperately dug against it, doing their best to dig through it as drool dribbled down the side of Rarity’s maw.
  258. Suddenly, she snapped out of it. Her body fired off a mix of chemicals and hormones and suddenly everything made so much more sense to her. Leaning her head forward she tightly locked lips with Moodancer and began to take charge of the situation.
  260. This filthy mare thought it was OK to pin someone like her down and dominate them? Well Rarity wasn’t going to have any of that. She firmly pinned them down against the ground suddenly and sat atop them, teetering atop their spire with a sudden sadistic grin on her face that would have sent most stallions running for the hills.
  262. Moondancer’s eyes were going wide at this point, realizing that she might have made a terrible mistake and there was no going back at this point. She had wanted to fuck Rarity so bad, and now she was getting everything that she had hoped for.
  264. “Oh, you want to fuck me you ruffian, I’ll show you how a proper lady beds a stallion!” And with that she was off, both her hooves pinning the beige mare with no small amount of sadistic glee. The floor was filthy, once she was done fucking them she was going to make them clean every inch of this place from top to bottom, but for now she set herself down firmly against their medial ring.
  266. The full white of the pristine white unicorn was keeping them pinned. Moondancer didn’t strike Rarity as the sort to go to the gym, so there was nothing they could do to get her off.
  268. “Your room is filthy, if you want to cum you’re going to have to promise to clean every inch of this place!” Rarity demanded, starting to rotate her hips slightly to bend their penis into strange new angles and show that she was being deadly serious.
  270. Of course, Moondancer was suddenly confused and slightly frightened by the suddenly dominate mare that seemed to have taken charge of Rarity and was now bossing her about.
  271. “What the fuhahh!” Moondancer said, their sentence cut in half by Rarity pulling up until only the head of their length remained in her tightly gripping mare hole.
  273. Rarity was grinning like some kind of devil as she firmly made her next demand. “Now, that language is unbecoming! There will be no swearing, no slang, only full, complete sentences, or I swear I will ruin your orgasm so hard you’ll remember it for the rest of your life!”
  275. Moondancer’s brick red mane was spread out behind her, her wide purple eyes darting about in a fashion she recognised from her good friend Twilight Sparkle. She was trying to think of a way out of this, scanning her mind through thousands of books to try and dig something up that might be able to help.
  277. Rarity forced herself down on their length, groaning softly as she smoothly slipped over their medial ring. She didn’t howl, she didn’t scream out like some kind of back-alley whore, she simply pushed herself down and gave a feminine grunt.
  279. She was a refined lady and fully intended on acting like it, sliding herself down until her private parts kissed gently against Moondancer’s balls. Drawing her resolve inwards, she then began to rise and fall gently against the mare beneath her, riding their length for all it was worth.
  281. A soft plapping sound filled the air, followed by the gentle grunts of the white unicorn, doing her best to keep a reined air about herself. It would have ben a lot more effective were it not for the fact that her mane was currently a mess, and her face was still stained with sticky cum and musk.
  283. That musk was still eating into her thoughts, she could practically feel it eroding away at her sanity, and she was loving every second of it. It could howl and roar at her mind all it wanted, but she was a lady, and she planned on acting like one.
  285. “Now, you’re going to tidy this place up, give me that book and you’re going to clean your act up mister! I want every inch of this place spotless and I want you to get a proper job for a self respecting mare… Or at the very least have some more respect for yourself!”
  287. She gave a gentle poke with one of her perfect white hooves right into Moondancer’s belly. “There’s nothing-AH… Wrong with a bit of pudge… But..” She was sweating, putting a lot more effort into this then she had been expecting. It felt like her entire body was made out of butter and at any moment she could simply melt.
  289. Staying focused, she stared down at Moondancer, keeping her hooves pinned firmly against their shoulders to make sure that they didn’t get any funny ideas about escaping and were aware that Rarity was completely serious. “But I’m worried about your heart. We’re going to have to do lots of mmm.. Exercise to ensure that you don’t get fat building up around your organs.”
  291. Moondancer tried to get a word in, but Rarity shushed her with a hoof and then began to take her for a proper ride. Her hips began to rise and fall far more aggressively as she tried to ignore the burning in her sinuses from having them flooded with cum.
  293. Moodancer was fucked.
  295. Rarity didn’t quite know what had come over her, but it had to have something to do with the musk sending her into a frenzy. She felt powerful, she felt like she could take charge. Their cock was rubbing against her clit, causing her eyes to flutter softly.
  297. Every one of her muscles and nerve endings was screaming at her. She was adrift in a sea of pleasure where all her worries were lost to her, and even better, she was showing some ungrateful stallion the proper way to treat a mare.
  299. She could feel her orgasm rising within her stomach, like someone was filling her up with buttery butterflies. She wanted that orgasm, but she didn’t want Moondancer to know just how much she was being turned on.
  301. A game then.
  303. “You’re going to be good right? You’re going to do everything I tell you and turn your life around? You’re not going to go trading sexual favours for books again, are you?”
  305. “N-No!” Moondancer cried. Rarity gave a grin like a mare possessed, feeling far more powerful then she had in months.
  306. “Then cum for me, fill me up with your fat load and show me just how thankful you are!”
  308. Moondancer didn’t need to be told twice. Rarity had never felt so powerful in all her life, asserting her will so firmly over another creature that it sent them straight into an orgasm.
  310. She loved it. She loved every second of it, and as she felt Moondancer reach her climax beneath her, she realized that Moondancer must have loved it too. It wasn’t a normal, howling, crying out and thrashing around orgasm.
  312. Instead it was as though Moondancer’s brain just suddenly kind of shut down. Her eyes snapped shut and she gave a weird kind of whimper, then went into convulsions as her cock shot hot ropes of fertile seed straight into Rarity’s womb, who felt the warmth bloom inside of her.
  314. She climaxed just as hard, the whole world tumbling away as she let out a loud cry, arching her back and rolling her eyes backwards as she bounced up and down on their length, the walls of their vagina working to milk every ounce of cum from out f their balls as was possible.
  316. With that, they were spent. Rarity felt all the tension melt from out of her body, being replaced with a buttery, strange feeling like she had just got done with an intense work out. She fell atop Moondancer and cuddled her close, leaving their softening cock inside of her snatch for now as she nestled into their chest fur.
  318. “By Celestia… You could use a bath.” She muttered softly.
  319. The two of them shared a laugh, and all was right with the world for that one instant that they stretched outwards for as long as possible.
  321. -
  323. Rarity still thought back to that day a lot. She had done her best to help Moondancer turn her life around and get a proper job, helped her cut down on playing so many computer games, along with generally just being a friend to her.
  325. Also, she’d decided against using highly illegal magic to catch up on her work. She was a lady, she needed to act like one, and if a few orders had to go out late or she had to down size her business a little to keep up, then so be it. There was no way she could excuse letting her quality slip or risk being locked up in jail.
  327. Sprawling out on her bed, she allowed a soft sigh to roll from her lips. This had been a really long couple of weeks that had left her a whole lot to think on.
  329. She tossed and turned, feeling frustrations start to build within her again, but they were easily resolved. She reached over to her bedside table, pulling the top draw open and removing a hoodie from within it.
  331. It belong to Moodancer, and it was still filled with the powerful scent of her musk. She pressed the garment firmly to her nose and sucked in a deep breath, letting the powerful scent wash over her.
  333. It was a much better high than any dug could have possibly hoped to give her. Likely a whole lot healthier for her too. In an instant her groin began to tingle and a deep sense of arousal flowed through her veins and focused around her groin.
  335. She let out a groan of pleasure, reaching a hoof down and gently beginning to tease it against her clit. The arousal built within her, but she didn’t rub her clit desperately to try and chase a climax. She simply lay there and explored her most intimate of places in a completely casual fashion.
  337. It felt good. There was no pressure within her. There was no desperate need to rush or think about anything, she could simply press the hoodie into her face firmly and bask in the pleasure that it bought her.
  339. She began to buck her hips back and forth firmly, eyes fluttering as she gave into the pleasure. Her bed creaked and groaned beneath her. Deep parts of her brain were being activated by the musk.
  341. She was awash in it, almost lost in the sea of musk that made her brain tingle and her worries simply melt away. It was good. Her life was good. Every one of her nerve endings seemed to be tingling and a buttery feeling was starting to spread out from her core to the rest of her body.
  343. It felt good. It felt better than good actually, it felt incredible. Her hoof noisily drove forward into her snatch as she groaned in pleasure, pumping her hips up into the tip of her hoof. Nothing else but this feeling mattered. Nothing else but getting more of this musk mattered.
  345. And Rarity loved it.

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