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Lazy morning with your totally normal herd

Created: 2024-02-04 11:13:58
Expiry: Never

  1. >Anonymous is your name.
  2. >You are currently buried under four mares, quietly snoring out of sync.
  3. >Quick glance on the clock only confirms that there's indeed plenty of time to lay about and be lazy.
  4. >You run your hand along the muscle outlines on Sticky Hooves' back. She's very toned for a mare, but you guess that's a given for someone who works as a rock climbing instructor. That's a badass job!
  5. >She squirms, trying to anticipate your touch, but as usual, your hand appears to blindside her with some unexpected ear scritchies.
  6. >Sticky hums lightly, eyes still closed.
  8. >You decide to put your second hand to use, and place it on Reluctant Repossession's unprotected belly. She's the grumpy one of the group. No wonder - working as a taxmare will do that to you. Or is that a prerequisite to become one? Either way, the grumpy mare needs affection, even if she won't admit it.
  9. >Your strokes begin as simple and short ones, but with each one you add something new to the pattern. It isn't long until your hand is moving in complex paths with wide and narrow swipes, along the coat grain or against it.
  10. >These arcane motions cause Reluctant's permanent scowl to dissolve in a modest smile.
  11. >She cracks her eye open, and puts both hooves on your hand, gently stopping it.
  12. >"Thanks."
  13. >She gives you much warmer smile, checks the clock and nestles against your side, muzzle returning to her usual vague grumpiness.
  14. >The desire to boop her is overwhelming, but she really needs her rest.
  15. >You look around, picking your next victim.
  17. >Be Shiny Bit, in that weird state when you're not sleeping but not quite awake either.
  18. >You feel Anon's hand snake around your barrel, and he brings you back on top of his chest.
  19. >Small gasp escapes your lips as he works his fingers into your mane and massages your scalp.
  20. >He knows you can't resist these fingers of his, the cheeky colt.
  21. >You allow yourself to be lost in the feeling. After all, the last night was wild.
  22. >You're plenty sure you're going to walk funny all day today.
  23. >Anon definitely was not your typical colt. In fact, you're still not even close to deciding who's hornier - four of you combined or your herd husband?
  24. >You'd share Anon fairly by taking turns, but he really subscribed to that 'no mare left behind' idea of his.
  25. >And he had an entire plan to go with that.
  26. >Lucky mare of the day was determined by a few fair coin tosses, and she got to ride Anon directly.
  27. >Second-luckiest mare got to land her hindquarters on Anon's face and have her marehood thoroughly eaten out with ample clit teasing.
  28. >Other two would get 'finger-bucked' while having their clits and teats played with.
  29. >This arrangement came as a complete surprise.
  30. >Especially the face-sitting part.
  31. >Hella strange but also hella hot.
  32. >Not that you're complaining, by the end of it all of you would usually end up as a big, exhausted cuddle-pile on top of Anon.
  33. >And that's not even mentioning bath the morning after, which oftentimes turned just as lewd.
  34. >You'd feel bad about somehow making alien colt placate himself like that but his loving embrace and daisy-chains of small kisses and nuzzles betrays most genuine source of all that affection.
  35. >Even Princesses don't get as spoiled as you four are.
  36. >Speaking of spoiling - you pull Deft Swipe closer for Anon to switch to.
  37. >Despite being sound asleep, she's already sporting a huge smile on her face.
  38. >Anon gives you a concerned look, likely trying to gauge if you've been given enough affection. You give him reassuring hug and switch places with Deft.
  39. >Oh, that colt! He's such a worry-wart!
  40. >When one of your jobs went sideways, you've returned home mere hours late to find Anon distressed and almost in tears.
  41. >He was so agitated that it took all four of you ganging up and drowning him in your combined tufts for him to calm down.
  42. >It feels illegal to have a husband like this.
  43. >No colt you know would let you do things like that!
  45. >Be Anon again, and Bit's doing that switcheroo thing with Deft again.
  46. >Oh well, it was about time to give the heavy sleeper all of the affection.
  47. >You begin with giving the unicorn on top of you slow and gentle rubs on the sides of her belly.
  48. >Deft Swipe may not hold the most prestigious job, offering professional cleaning services, but she's a hard worker and brings just as much, if not more, bits to the table as her herdmates.
  49. >In a way, that reminds you of your own numerous cleaning odd-jobs.
  50. >You hug her and give her nose a small boop with your own. You're rewarded with a sleepy snort, ear flick and tighter hug.
  51. >Be Deft Swipe, thoroughly pretending to be asleep.
  52. >For some reason, as soon as you open your eyes, everypony else deems it the start of the day.
  53. >So on lazy mornings like these you prefer to just kick back and coast on the waves of half-dreaming.
  54. >But it becomes increasingly harder with your coltfriend's brand of snuggling.
  55. >He nuzzles your mane while his hands slowly travel along your barrel, back-rub becoming belly-rub, ending in slow scritchies, before repeating it all over again but differently.
  56. >You softly gasp as he finds that one spot at the base of your mane and gets to slowly use his wondrous hands to scratch an itch you didn't know you had.
  57. >And that's not to mention delicate kisses he's been planting on your neck all this time.
  58. >You respond with a curt nuzzle of your own, brushing against him and earning yourself a loving squeeze and a quiet chuckle.
  59. >These colty wiles are simply too much for you, there's no way you can keep pretending to be asleep for much longer.
  60. >Despite your husband's claims that he's not magical, you're absolutely sure there's something going on with how great he makes it to get up early.
  61. >Even Reluctant, ever the grumpy one, loves being woken up with a kiss on each eyelid and a belly-rub, despite it being 5 in the morning.
  62. >In the winter, when it's most difficult to get up in the early morn, your colt picks all four of you and carries you off to kitchen where he seats you and carefully places your hooves on cups of hot coffee. Waft of energetic brew and warmth just on the brink of scalding-hot usually finally wakes four of you from the half-comatose state.
  63. >Some light shuffling takes you out of your reverie, and you realize you've been getting lost in his loving gaze for quite a bit now.
  64. >Oh no. Everypony's getting up now.
  66. >Be Anon, the one and only.
  67. >Smooch Deft right on her cute nose, she's been getting lost in thought and definitely could use a bit of love.
  68. >Once everyone's untangled from your spacious herd-bed, you all join together in your morning group stretches.
  69. >You turn and nail Sticky with a mischievous smile and a wink, causing her to blush.
  70. >You don't need to be psychic to know that she's been ogling your backside.
  71. >God dammit, you love your little raunchy wives!
  72. >To think, not that long ago, you actually actively resisted any and all attempts at flirting from the mares.
  73. >"I just don't see mares that way", you told yourself...
  74. >Until you met *them* at a bar.
  75. >Your resolve was shattered into a million pieces when you got hit with four assertive mares giving you bedroom eyes at once.
  76. >Add two lip bites to that and any willpower shreds were reduced to not just atoms, but quarks.
  77. >One hazy, saucy night later you were fully expecting either to wake up outside or to be dumped in short order.
  78. >Not four maroon-faced mares stuttering, interrupting each other and stumbling over their words proposing to you.
  79. >The big hug you gave all four of them told them everything they needed to know that day.
  81. >And that's your little morning warm-up routine done.
  82. >Speaking of routine, your life is anything but.
  83. >Housekeeping may be considered hard work, but it's absolutely nothing compared to your wageslave experience in the warehouse back home.
  84. >You do some cleaning, get the groceries and cook meals for five.
  85. >Despite those being essentially chores, it somehow gets you in the groove, and you're done in no time.
  86. >Figuring out wishes of your herd wasn't hard after you got used to topsy-turvy societal order.
  87. >Once it clicked, you just went with a hunch of what you'd crave after a ten soul-draining hours of work back home.
  88. >A meal and friendly face who's happy to see you back.
  89. >But especially what you would NEED.
  90. >Like someone swooping you off your unfeeling legs and washing off all the sweat and grime you're worked up before wrapping you in a clean bathrobe and putting some dumb sitcom on for you.
  91. >The bathing used to cause some protests from the mares, but now they argue about who gets to get washed first.
  92. >That reminds you.
  93. >You give your mares some loving scritches and herd them (har-har) into the bathroom to ensure they're squeaky clean after tonight.
  95. >Be Reluctant Repossession, drying yourself off with an enchanted towel embroided with your initials.
  96. >You're still mildly perturbed by just how MUCH your life has improved with forming a herd with that strange yet alluring alien colt.
  97. >Coming home to a delightful hot meal, ice-cold cider and immeasurable amounts of affection is something you definitely didn't see yourself doing a year back.
  98. >You swear, it's like this colt could read your minds at times.
  99. >That butler outfit, pure UNF!
  100. >If you didn't have butler fetish before, you certainly do now.
  102. >Gathering in the kitchen for your breakfast you peruse your busy husband, and mentally thank Deft Swipe for getting this apron custom-made.
  103. >The thing really accentuated his croup and legs that just wouldn't quit.
  104. >He turns on a dime and deposits two steaming plates, briefly stunning everypony in the kitchen with a hot wave of mouth-watering smells.
  105. >Your stomach growls, and you hurry to the table.
  106. >By the time you settle in your seat, Shiny has absolutely scarfed down, practically inhaled her meal, generous portion size notwithstanding.
  107. >That mare...
  108. >Taking a deep sniff of your own dish, you get to work on it.
  110. >Be Shiny Bit, well-fed, thoroughly bred and generally in high spirits.
  111. >Your herd-husband is finally done with the dishes, and that means it's time for his morning ritual.
  112. >He does this weird gesture with his hands, and you gather round to get booped all at once.
  113. >Gentle press almost makes you scrunch, but you hold. Not waiting for any of you to recover he hugs all four of you so tightly that quartet of muzzles is pressed flat against the shirt. And for a good reason, too - he proceeds to smooch your snouts in no particular order but making extra sure that nopony is left out.
  114. >Deft Swipe is enjoying herself, and Reluctant tries to look disgruntled but fails, cracking a barely-noticeable smile.
  115. >Once that morning ritual is done, he waves goodbye and blows a kiss to all of you.
  116. >You savor the view of these shapely flanks for a second and then leave. Today is a big day.
  118. >You all stand in front of a tall, richly decorated building, before slowly filtering in.
  119. >Deft has recently shared the exciting news, almost immediately followed by Sticky.
  120. >And Reluctant's characteristic belly bump has already started to show.
  121. >With it being only a matter of time before you follow the suit, it was abundantly clear what had to be done.
  122. >Despite all the promises. One last time.
  123. >You nod to your herdmates and you slip your masks on in sync.
  124. >Teller's beaked face meets the marble with a dumb confused squack.
  125. "Get down on the ground, this is a robbery!"

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