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Blue Horse - Reupload

By Guest
Created: 2024-02-06 05:00:35
Expiry: Never

  1. Rays of light shone on your unconscious body as it lay in the grass, deep in a comatose state from the recent emission into a new world. A throb of pain comes through your head as you arise from your slumber, a hand rising to your temple as you blink your eyes awake. Pale blue dominates the sky; odd shaped clouds below it pass by peacefully. You look over yourself as you sit up, seeing your body just as you knew it hours before, but there was something different with the ground.
  2. A blade of grass is nearly as wide as your hand; you jump up to look at the massive difference in size in how small you’d become. Your eyes shoot right before you as you gaze over the vast stretch of gravel before you; a sort of road, it would seem. One much too big for the likes of you. You step forward onto the dusty path, looking over once small pebbles now actual rocks you could pick up with a hand.
  3. You continue to take in the landscape, looking to see rolling mountains and even a castle outcropping, a small town to your left and a winding path on your right. Birds make their songs and wind passes through the thick forest behind you, the sounds of nature unfolding from the solace of night. They almost have a calming effect on you, a serene hum filling your body.
  4. A sudden voice comes from the path, causing you to duck away to the shelter of the grass. The ground shakes as the mare approaches, a raspy voice coming out, reverberating with loudness; hoof beats sending out tremors as it approached.
  5. “Hope Twilight wasn’t counting on this anytime soon from me, but how could you not reread this for a twelfth time? “ The cyan pony keeps trotting on, talking to herself as she looked back to her saddle bag, a book resting inside. “It can only be the single, most awesome, spectacular book in the ser- Wait.”
  6. She stopped as her ears flared up, moving her head over to the murmur that came from the grass, her pink eyes blazing over where you now lay.
  7. A loose bit of soil sent you tumbling on your back, her vision lining up with yours before a curious look took her over. She quickly grinned at your feeble attempts to get up, quickly stepping forth to grab you with her teeth, carefully grabbing you by your cloths as she lifted you into the air. Her lips creased into a smile as she sent you tumbling through the air. As she watched you come back down, she lined up your trajectory to land into her saddle bag.
  8. She quickly got to a running start on the road, your surroundings getting jostled and joggled before she took to the air, her rainbow mane flapping about while she rose farther and farther from the ground. A sudden chill took over your body as wind rushes into your confines, her body working hard to carry her far up into the air, looking for a single cloud to be alone with you.
  9. She easily spots a small cloud that would be perfect for just the two of you. She soars over to it, landing harshly to tip her saddle bag out, catching you with a hoof before you tumble back to earth.
  10. Her eyes scour over your body quickly, the pink irises closing up as she got all the information she could about you.
  11. “Why are you so small? I mean, I’ve seen rats that are pretty small, but you are just, little.” She complained, frowning at your meager physique.
  12. “Though, I’m pretty sure you’ll go down way different from the rest. Let’s get those… cloths off of you first.”
  13. She tried her best to put squeeze her hooves together, pushing on your hips to take off any clothes you had on your upper body. Her teeth grazed close to your skin, occasionally pinching it before getting back to her original intent. She didn’t take long to flip you over and repeat the process, being much more careful to get all your cloths away.
  14. Your clothing fluttered away into the wind, descending to the ground slowly while your nude body rested in her hooves. Science in this world must work differently as there was no wind chill on your body, the sun seemed to warm you just like it did back on the ground.
  15. The pony sat back on her haunches, balancing out holding you before her face as she gave a sickly grin over your body, even pressing on your sides from anticipation.
  16. “Lucky I found a little someone like you out here. Hope this was one of Twilight’s spells gone wrong, because I want more of you little things.”
  17. With those final words, she gaped her mouth wide, sun light streaming in to show off her slick features. Her tongue hung over her bottom jaw, salvia starting to drip freely from it while her throat undulated from her breath. The dark abyss drew closer to your form, her hooves shaking a little as she got you closer to her mouth. She finally just pressed you down on her tongue, slowly dragging over your body, tasting your nude form as her stomach made an odd sound.
  18. She swiftly brought you up to let your body rest in front of her menacing teeth, gazing into her widening throat. A massively long belch pushed hot air to wash scents into your nose, burning grass and hay filling your senses as she draw you back, a massive grin on her face.
  19. She tossed you up into the air again, walking backwards to catch her prey. For the brief moments you were in the air, a feeling of flight took you. Your body scrambling for something solid as your flew so close to the sun! All before your body faced the pony, her mouth waiting for your abrupt entrance as you fell down to it, wind whispering over your ears as her mouth drew closer.
  20. She let her tongue expand to catch you, spit splatting over your front while you were taken into that maw of hers. She quickly clacked her teeth, darkness filling your sight as she pressed her rough tongue to the top of her mouth, rubbing her tongue over your form.
  21. Weightlessness took over your body as she started to make her way down, easily flapping to the ground as she tasted over your exotic flavors, swapping you over cheek to cheek. Little groans of pleasure showed how much she enjoyed your odd form, feeling you grapple on her tongue before she just slid it away and flipped you around again. Your body quickly tired of fighting one muscle that over powered every other muscle in your body, the pony making her way into town.
  22. As she reached the town limits, she finally grew tired of your stagnant body, leaving her to easily slide you back to her throat flaps, holding you there a moment. A giggle came from her neck as she finally swallowed down on your tiny form, feeling your head the only thing free from her throat while she let gravity slide you past that sphincter.
  23. Her throat took its time with you. Saliva was nearly vacant here while your body slowly traveled down, making her fly up to the Cake’s roof and relax as you passed down. Your limbs were either pinned together or to your sides, the sounds of gurgling growing louder as you were forced on. Little grunts came from her as your body slid further down , the a sickly sliding sound was the only thing you could hear as you were sent down gradually to her stomach, the acids just waiting for the special meal.
  24. Finally, your feet would feel a ring open below them, dipping into the acid below as your thighs, hips, and body followed suit. You were released from the tight prison with a splash down, finally landing inside of her slightly bigger prison. Acids shifted back as she got up, gently flapping down while you were pushed into the side of her wrinkly interior, your journey complete.
  25. A muffled voice could be heard on the outside, your lungs burning up as air ran out in her confines, acids already eating away at your flesh while you gave up escaping a long time ago.
  26. The last things you could hear was a simple, “Thanks Rainbow Dash, hope to see you when the new one comes out!” Your body sloshed about limply as the pony moved on with her other activities, while you finally asphyxiated and lay down in the caustic acids. She happily trotted along, oblivious of your condition as she had plenty of other things to worry about.

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