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Anon on Deaf row

By Aftercase
Created: 2020-12-17 21:31:33
Updated: 2021-07-06 12:56:53
Expiry: Never

  1. >You are Anon.
  2. >Apparently climbing a ladder without safety training has lead you to prison.
  3. >Explanation?
  4. >It's against the law to put an endangered species... well...In danger. Since you are the only human in Equestria you were defaulted onto that list.
  5. >Now, the courts has ruled that you putting your self at risk has lead to the breaking of that said law.
  6. >This has lead you to death row, fucking hypocrites.
  7. >Or 'deaf row' they keep saying as you were sentenced.
  8. >The equestrian accent is weird.
  10. >You tried asking Celestia for an appeal, but once again the law reared its ugly head. Convicted criminals are not allowed to set foot within the castle perimeters.
  11. >Fucking great.
  12. >Even you solicitor bailed on you during the court case, so there no way of contacting him also.
  13. >That's the last time you trust someone who does it for free.
  14. >So right about now, you are shitting yourself.
  15. >It isn't the dying part that's worrying you.
  16. >You done that shit before, as that's how you got here.
  17. >Your worrying because if you die here, you could end up back to earth.
  18. >The IRS would rape you if you magically came back 'Alive'
  20. >"Anon Y Mous?"
  21. "Here."
  22. >"Here what?"
  23. >A stallion in a prison guard outfit stands before you with a list.
  24. >You sigh.
  25. >It feels like your back in school.
  26. "Here - Sir."
  27. >"Drop the attitude Anon."
  28. >The guard open's the cell door and ushers you inside.
  29. >Looking around the room, you couldn't call it a cell.
  30. >There are two queen size beds with thick quilts and mattresses.
  31. >A mini fridge.
  32. >And a pearl white on suite bathroom with shower and bath included.
  33. >Damn, you would pay money to stay in a room like this.
  35. >"This is you cell Anon. I hope you will enjoy your stay."
  36. >The guard turns to leave.
  37. >"Oh an why don't you meet your cell friend. Happy Days."
  38. >As right on cue a Pegasus mare walks into your cell.
  39. >She has a bright yellow mane that been slightly ruffled with a dull light red coat.
  40. >Probably a 6/10
  42. >Being a mixed sex prison did surprise you.
  43. >You guess everyone is going to die here anyway.
  44. >So why would they care what we do to each other.
  46. >You hear the cell door clank shut.
  47. >Sunny days trots over to her bed and sprawls out across it.
  49. >"So your my new cell friend huh?"
  50. "I guess so. The name's Anon."
  51. >You walk over to the spare bed and lay on it.
  52. >She seems pretty calm for being here.
  53. >Must of been waiting for a while, must of come to terms with things.
  54. >You start to hope that she don't preaching to you about religious bullshit.
  56. >"So what are you in for?"
  57. >Huh, straight to the point then.
  58. "Endangering an endangered species."
  59. >"Wow, that's hardcore."
  60. >You wasn't sure she was being sarcastic or no.
  61. >She does look legitimately awed by it.
  62. ""
  64. >"Graping fillies and colts."
  65. >...
  66. >wut.
  67. >Great she's a child rapist.
  68. >You shuffle in your bed uncomfortably.
  69. >And she thought your crime was bad.
  72. >She looks over at you with a devious smile.
  73. >The sick fuck.
  74. >"Ah yes, there was a food fight that got out of hoof. I hid in the bush and started graping any foal who crossed my path..."
  75. >You try and listen through her think Equestrian accent.
  76. >Pronouncing a 'G' on rape is a little weird.
  77. >But you gotten used to the dialect here.
  78. >"...Well then the town guard caught me with several fillies covered in my grape juices."
  79. >Jesus christ stop!
  80. >You feel like you are going to vomit.
  82. >"Took them days to wash all the stickiness from their fur."
  83. >You look blankly at her not knowing what to think.
  84. >"I guess you wondering why was that a crime?"
  85. >She's insane.
  86. >Happy Days shuffles in the bed.
  87. >"Well a small filly got some juices in her eyes. Poor thing couldn't see properly for rest of the day, I was charged for assault. Her parents had good lawyers."
  89. "You're sick."
  91. >Happy Days looks at you with a confused expression with a hint of hurt.
  92. >"It was only bit of fun."
  93. >Fun?
  94. >You feel your anger rise.
  95. "How is raping young fillies fun!?"
  96. >You practically scream at her.
  97. >"...Whats rape?"
  98. "Dont play dumb with me. You know unconsensual sex."
  99. >Happy now looks like she's going to vomit.
  100. >"You think I was having unconsensual sex with foals?"
  101. "Yes, you described it to me, you fucking sicko."
  102. >Tears starts forming in her eyes.
  103. >"Please don't swear at me..who would ever do such a thing..I...I was only throwing grapes at them."
  104. >Your thoughts freeze in their tracks.
  105. >Wut...
  107. >You are Anon.
  108. >Apparently climbing a ladder without safety training has lead you to prison.
  109. >Explanation?
  110. >It's against the law to put an endangered species... well...In danger. Since you are the only human in Equestria you were defaulted onto that list.
  111. >Now, the courts has ruled that you putting your self at risk has lead to the breaking of that said law.
  112. >This has lead you to death row, fucking hypocrites.
  113. >Or 'deaf row' they keep saying as you were sentenced.
  114. >The equestrian accent is weird.
  116. >You tried asking Celestia for an appeal, but once again the law reared its ugly head. Convicted criminals are not allowed to set foot within the castle perimeters.
  117. >Fucking great.
  118. >Even you solicitor bailed on you during the court case, so there no way of contacting him also.
  119. >That's the last time you trust someone who does it for free.
  120. >So right about now, you are shitting yourself.
  121. >It isn't the dying part that's worrying you.
  122. >You done that shit before, as that's how you got here.
  123. >Your worrying because if you die here, you could end up back to earth.
  124. >The IRS would rape you if you magically came back 'Alive'
  126. >"Anon Y Mous?"
  127. "Here."
  128. >"Here what?"
  129. >A stallion in a prison guard outfit stands before you with a list.
  130. >You sigh.
  131. >It feels like your back in school.
  132. "Here - Sir."
  133. >"Drop the attitude Anon."
  134. >The guard open's the cell door and ushers you inside.
  135. >Looking around the room, you couldn't call it a cell.
  136. >There are two queen size beds with thick quilts and mattresses.
  137. >A mini fridge.
  138. >And a pearl white on suite bathroom with shower and bath included.
  139. >Damn, you would pay money to stay in a room like this.
  141. >"This is you cell Anon. I hope you will enjoy your stay."
  142. >The guard turns to leave.
  143. >"Oh an why don't you meet your cell friend. Happy Days."
  144. >As right on cue a Pegasus mare walks into your cell.
  145. >She has a bright yellow mane that been slightly ruffled with a dull light red coat.
  146. >Probably a 6/10
  148. >Being a mixed sex prison did surprise you.
  149. >You guess everyone is going to die here anyway.
  150. >So why would they care what we do to each other.
  152. >You hear the cell door clank shut.
  153. >Sunny days trots over to her bed and sprawls out across it.
  155. >"So your my new cell friend huh?"
  156. "I guess so. The name's Anon."
  157. >You walk over to the spare bed and lay on it.
  158. >She seems pretty calm for being here.
  159. >Must of been waiting for a while, must of come to terms with things.
  160. >You start to hope that she don't preaching to you about religious bullshit.
  162. >"So what are you in for?"
  163. >Huh, straight to the point then.
  164. "Endangering an endangered species."
  165. >"Wow, that's hardcore."
  166. >You wasn't sure she was being sarcastic or no.
  167. >She does look legitimately awed by it.
  168. ""
  170. >"Graping fillies and colts."
  171. >...
  172. >wut.
  173. >Great she's a child rapist.
  174. >You shuffle in your bed uncomfortably.
  175. >And she thought your crime was bad.
  178. >She looks over at you with a devious smile.
  179. >The sick fuck.
  180. >"Ah yes, there was a food fight that got out of hoof. I hid in the bush and started graping any foal who crossed my path..."
  181. >You try and listen through her think Equestrian accent.
  182. >Pronouncing a 'G' on rape is a little weird.
  183. >But you gotten used to the dialect here.
  184. >"...Well then the town guard caught me with several fillies covered in my grape juices."
  185. >Jesus christ stop!
  186. >You feel like you are going to vomit.
  188. >"Took them days to wash all the stickiness from their fur."
  189. >You look blankly at her not knowing what to think.
  190. >"I guess you wondering why was that a crime?"
  191. >She's insane.
  192. >Happy Days shuffles in the bed.
  193. >"Well a small filly got some juices in her eyes. Poor thing couldn't see properly for rest of the day, I was charged for assault. Her parents had good lawyers."
  195. "You're sick."
  197. >Happy Days looks at you with a confused expression with a hint of hurt.
  198. >"It was only bit of fun."
  199. >Fun?
  200. >You feel your anger rise.
  201. "How is raping young fillies fun!?"
  202. >You practically scream at her.
  203. >"...Whats rape?"
  204. "Dont play dumb with me. You know unconsensual sex."
  205. >Happy now looks like she's going to vomit.
  206. >"You think I was having unconsensual sex with foals?"
  207. "Yes, you described it to me, you fucking sicko."
  208. >Tears starts forming in her eyes.
  209. >"Please don't swear at me..who would ever do such a thing..I...I was only throwing grapes at them."
  210. >Your thoughts freeze in their tracks.
  211. >Wut...
  219. >You are Anon again.
  220. >Apparently tooting in one direction is assault here in Equestria.
  221. >You wonder what would happen if you actually hit someone here.
  222. >You are currently sitting in the wardens office again.
  224. >"So Anon, Did or didn't she assault you early this morning?"
  226. "No Ma'am."
  228. >She looks at you with a hint of distrust of what you are saying.
  229. >"Then why did Happy Days confess to her crime this morning then?"
  231. "It was an accident Ma'am."
  232. >You did fell sorry for the mare and you didn't want to get her in trouble.
  233. >Even if she does have a few screws loose.
  236. >"An accident?"
  237. >The warden shuffles same papers and flicks through them.
  238. >"Here she admits to 'tooting' in your direction. Underneath the three yard limit. This is first class assault Anon."
  240. >You have to think quickly.
  241. >Even though you only known the mare for a day, you do like having her around.
  242. >She does liven things up around here.
  244. "It was provoked ma'am. I squeezed her flank."
  246. >"Provoked?"
  248. "Yes Ma'am."
  250. >"Then it was self defense?"
  252. "Yes Ma'am."
  254. >"Very well I heard enough. I had a feeling Happy Days wasn't telling the whole story."
  255. >The warden glares at you from behind her desk.
  256. >"You are a very bad seed indeed Anon...."
  257. >The warden lets out a sigh.
  258. >"I hate authorizing such a cruel punishment. But for you Anon, causing a mare such distress I have no choice but to enact it."
  260. >You gulp, shit you really done it now.
  261. >The warden goes under her desk and starts rummaging for something.
  262. >A half of second later she comes back up and places a coned party hat with the word 'silly' on it.
  263. >"Anon, your punishment is going to be having to wear this hat."
  265. >She starts to look upset but she takes a deep breath and hides it.
  266. >"How can I be so cruel..."
  267. >You hear her mutter under her breath.
  268. >"You have to wear this for three hours. May Celestia have mercy on your soul."
  270. >...
  271. >Wut?
  272. >A silly hat?
  273. >What ever, with these punishments you are starting to feel this isn't death row at all.
  274. >Yet you still wonder what happens at the end of the blue mile.
  275. >You reach over and pick up the hat.
  276. >You look ridiculous.
  277. >The warden quickly ask you to leave, as she cant bare to see a living thing go through this.
  279. >You close the office door behind you and make your way back to the cell.
  280. >Other inmates peer around their doors as you pass.
  281. >They call out to you, tell you to 'hold on in there' or 'What did you do to deserve this?'
  282. >A few others bow their head in some sort of respect.
  284. >You eventually made it back to your cell.
  285. >You half expected for Happy Days to be move to a different cell.
  286. >But she is currently standing in front of you bawwing her eyes out.
  288. >"Anon! why! It should've been me wearing the silly hat! You don't have to do this."
  290. "It's just a hat Happy Days. Beside I just got to wear it for three hours."
  292. >"But but.."
  293. >She blubbers out her speech.
  294. >"How can you be so calm about this! This is a form of torture!"
  296. "It's just a hat, Happy."
  298. >You a engulfed in a ball of fur and feathers as you are tackled into a hug.
  299. >As your cell mate cries on your shoulder you feel a wet patch of tears form on your shoulder.
  300. >This mare...
  302. "Come on Happy. This is nothing compared to what prisons do to you on earth."
  304. >"You, You been to prison before?"
  306. "Well, the closest I've been to prison was an holding cell. They kept me in there for about twenty hours."
  308. >"Twenty hours!?"
  309. >Happy Days look at you in awe.
  310. >"What did you do? Did you steal something? Pull the tag off a mattress? Or or, were you a misunderstood vigilante on a mission of revenge and honor?"
  312. "No, no and no. I got drunk. The cops took me in when they found me stumbling around the streets in the early hours of the morning. The twenty hours I practically slept through."
  313. >"Wow...drunk and disorderly. It's hard to believe I'm sat here talking to such a... a... bad colt..."
  314. >The pegasus starts to drool from the side of her mouth.
  316. "Happy..."
  317. >You snap your fingers in front of her face.
  318. >She shakes her head as she snaps back to reality.
  319. >"Oh- sorry..."
  321. "Never-"
  322. >You hear a guard shout out in the corridor.
  323. >"Stand aside. Deaf Stallion Walking."
  324. >You turn around and look out into the blue mile.
  325. >You see two guards and a inmate make their way pass you.
  326. >The inmate looks really anxious, he is shaking as he walks with his head hung low.
  328. >You step out your cell and follow.
  329. >Happy Days hovers behind you as she follows too.
  330. >You have to find out what happens to these inmates when their time is up.
  331. >More importantly what happens to you.
  332. >A guard glances over his shoulder.
  333. >"What are you doing prisoner?"
  335. "Just talking a stroll."
  337. >The guard looks suspiciously at you for a few moments.
  338. >"Very well. But you're not allowed to enter the room at the end of the corridor.
  340. "Oh I have no intention to go in there."
  342. >"Good."
  343. >The guard trots a head and opens the door to reveal door curtains that's blocking you from looking in.
  345. >"In."
  346. >The guard motions the inmate into the room.
  347. >Taking a deep breath the inmate slowly enters .
  348. >The guards follow him in and slam the door shut.
  350. >"Anon, what are you doing?"
  351. "Shhh..."
  352. >You hush Happy Days and press your ear against the door.
  354. >"Sit."
  355. >You hear the guards voice.
  356. >"Put the head set on him."
  358. >You hear a female voice pipe up.
  359. >"Any last words before you leave here?"
  361. >"I hope to see my family again in my new life."
  362. >You here the inmate reply.
  364. >"Very well. Flick Switch! Send this bad seed to a new life."
  365. >You hear a loud clank and some buzzing.
  368. >You hear the inmate scream.
  370. >You hear rattling as he screams.
  371. >It sounds like cuffs being pulled.
  372. >"PLEASE...please don't....ugh....."
  373. >The inmate falls silent.
  375. >"Is he...?"
  376. >You hear the female voice speak up again.
  378. >"Yes. He's passed."
  380. >"Very well, take him to the grounds to be collected by his family."
  382. >"Ma'am."
  384. >You feel you heart sink.
  385. >Did you just witness an execution of a pony?
  386. >You look over to Happy who has tears streaming down her face.
  387. >"I'm scared."
  388. "Come on, lets go back to our cell."
  390. >You're surprised to see Happy Days hasn't caused another prison 'riot'
  391. >She has not spoke a single word for hours, just a few whimpers now and again.
  392. >Man, you're confused.
  393. >This place runs like a kindergarten, but they actually execute ponies here?
  394. >It's like one extreme to another in one blue corridor.
  396. >You glance over to Happy Days from your bed.
  397. >She still quietly sobbing in her hooves.
  398. >With a sigh you sit up.
  399. >She catches your movement from the corner of her eye.
  400. >As she looks at you, you see streaks of matted fur down her face.
  402. "Hey, chin up. It's not over until the fat lady sings."
  404. >"...They get fat mares to sing at you!?"
  405. >She replies in shock with a little bit of confusion.
  406. >..
  407. >These fucking ponies.
  409. "No no no. It's just a saying, what I mean it isn't over yet."
  411. >"Oh...I'm not following."
  413. "ugh, what I'm trying to say is that we're getting out of here."
  415. >"You mean-"
  417. >You cut her off.
  418. "Yes I mean we're escaping."
  420. >Happy Days lets in a huge gasp.
  421. >"Anon! Nopony has ever escaped prison before! Yet alone deaf row!"
  423. "Well for one. I'm not a pony and two if no one has done it before then the guard wouldn't know how to stop it"
  425. >"I..I don't know."
  427. "Come on Happy, what do you have left to lose."
  429. >"Nothing I guess, but still do you know how to do a prison escape?"
  431. "Prison break."
  433. >"Prison break?"
  435. "Yes that's what it's called, and yes, I need a day or two to come up with a plan."
  437. >A smile grows on you cell mates face.
  438. >"I hope you know your doing Anon."
  440. "I do."
  441. >You didn't.
  443. >You fall back down on your bed, while you think of a plan.
  444. >Out of the corner of your eye you see Happy Days get up and walk over to a cup that was sat on the side cabinet.
  445. >She gives an evil grin and nudges the cup of the cabinet with her wing.
  446. >The cup smashes on the floor into dozens of pieces.
  447. >"Prison break."
  448. >She whispers.
  450. >You bring up both of your hands to your face and groan.
  451. "Happy Days, prison break means you break out, not break stuff in the prison."
  453. >"Oh.."
  454. >She looks over the shattered cup.
  456. >After explaining to Happy Days not to break anymore stuff. You go over the first part of of your quickly formed plan.
  457. >The plan is like any other to escape a prison. Work out the guard positions and handovers.
  459. "So I need you to keep an eye on the guards. I need to know their pattern of patrolling this place. Got it?"
  461. >"I think so."
  463. "Good and DO NOT mention this to any one else."
  465. >"I wont."
  467. >"Lunch time!"
  468. >You hear a voice come outside of your cell door.
  469. >It's the same serving ponies from before.
  470. >You look over the serving trolley.
  471. >Salad...
  472. >Fruit salad...
  473. >Eggs..
  474. >Hay fries...
  475. "Goddammit I could do with some actual meat. "
  476. >You mutter to your self.
  477. >Upon hearing you the stallion waiter faints and slumps onto the floor.
  478. >The mare looks at you wit her jaw almost hitting the floor.
  479. >Oh for the love of god.
  480. >Here we go again.
  482. >Well your day did start really shit, so you decide to wind them up.
  483. >It's like what you said to Happy, 'what you got to lose?'
  485. "I guess he'll do. Stallions are normally gristly but I can't be picky."
  486. >You shrug.
  488. >"He's no on the menu!"
  489. >The mare blurts out.
  491. "Well I'm sorry but fainting in front of a human means he's offering his own flesh. Human tradition and all..."
  492. >You turn and give Happy Days a wink.
  493. >You don't want her to start another riot over this.
  495. >"You can't!"
  496. >Tears start to fall from the mares eyes.
  497. >"We're...we're getting married next week"
  499. >Huh, you guessed they had something between them.
  501. "Very well. In that case I just have the eggs"
  503. >The mare sighs in relief.
  505. "And the blood of your first born, in trade of your husbands life"
  507. >The mare runs off screaming while you double over in laughter.
  511. >After scaring the crap out of the lunch ponies you find yourself back in the wardens office.
  512. >You shuffle in the chair, maybe you went a little bit too far.
  513. >Then again their reaction was comedy gold.
  514. >The warden speaks up snapping you from your thoughts.
  515. >"Y-you don't actually eat you?"
  516. >You shake your head.
  517. "Sorry warden I was messing around and I went too far."
  518. >The warden breathes a sigh of relief. "You understand that what you did may have scared those ponies for life." She goes through the drawer under her desk. "I'm not sure what to do Anon, it seems all our correctional actions have no effect on you or even change the bearing on your moral compass."
  519. >Putting your hands in your pocket you slide down in your chair.
  520. >It's starting to dawn on you that their punishments are..lack luster for a better phrase.
  522. "Can we just get this over with?"
  523. >"I'm sorry Anon I guess the punishments may have to get physical."
  524. >Oh shit.
  525. >You may have pushed these ponies a little too far.
  526. >You heard about their friendship cannon turning beings to stone.
  527. >The warden pushes her intercom with her hoof. "Flick Switch you are needed in my office."
  529. >A minute passes when Flick Switch enters the room wearing an executioners hood.
  530. >The warden speaks up, "I'm sorry Anon, I wish there was another way. For a hundred years we haven't used this correctional treatment."
  531. >You watch Flick Switch roll up a news paper and bops you on the fore head. "Bad human. Bad!"
  532. >As she swings for a second it the paper slightly unravels, showing it's papery edge.
  533. >It contacts with your forehead at just the right angle. A sharp sting burns as a small paper cut appears just above your eyebrow.
  534. >You're a motherfucking wizard now.
  535. "OW!"
  536. >Both recoils at the horror.
  537. "I think you gave me a papercut."
  538. >You hiss as you rub the cut and check for blood.
  539. >Why do paper cuts never bleed?
  541. >Tears start to well around Flick Switchs' eyes. "What have I done?"
  542. "Hey, it's fine, it just a small cut right?"
  543. >The warden is now pressing the button on her intercom. "All medical staff into the warden office immediately! We have a code red boo-boo."
  544. >"What monsters have we become..." Flick is now in full floods of tears.
  545. "Oh no, there no need to cry! honestly I'm fine!"
  547. >Before Flick could answer the door of the office bursts open and scores of medical ponies flood the room.
  548. >Three faints just looking at the small cut, causing the ponies behind them to trip over.
  549. >Some scream and try and flee a the gory sight causing more booboo's.
  551. "I'm fine!"
  553. >You look around at the bedlam that's unfolding around you.
  554. >Medical equipment and bags fly scatter over the floor clattering over the noise of wailing and screaming ponies.
  555. >You watch one pony attempt CPR one another who had just scuffed their knee.
  556. >A few huddle in the corner and rock back and forth.
  558. "There's no..."
  560. >A few 'Survivors' manage to make it to you from the carnage unfolding in the room.
  561. >"Please hold still sir!" a medical staffer grabs your head and inspects the cut.
  562. >You watch his face turn pale.
  563. >"I'm not trained for this for Luna's sake!"
  564. "Just give me a plaster if you must..."
  565. >Your patience starts runs thin.
  566. >"It's okay, I'll..."
  567. >You push the pony off of you and grab his medical bag.
  568. >You rummage through it to find a few bandages, bandaids and plenty of lollipops.
  569. >Lifting out a band aid you peal back the plastic and start to place it over the paper cut.
  570. >It doesn't need one, but if you didn't do something a pony will be seriously hurt.
  571. >And by the looks of it, all the medical staff here are completely incompetent.
  572. >"Hey! Your not medically trained to use that!" One of the surviving medical ponies calls out.
  573. >Ignoring them, you stick it on your head.
  574. >In silence you get up and walk out the office and slowly close the door behind you.
  576. >Fucking ponies.
  578. >Ponies gasp in the hallway as you walk back to your cell.
  579. >"How is he still walking?"
  580. >"He must be tough."
  581. >"What did the warden do to him?"
  582. >"Look, no lolipop! So hardcore!"
  584. >You sigh as you open the door to your cell and spot Happy Days in tears on your bed.
  585. >Since your stuck with her for the time being you decide to cheer her up.
  586. >Sitting at the edge of the bed you place your hand on her withers.
  587. >She jolts up and stares up at you with her big eyes.
  588. >"Anon? I saw the medical ponies rush to the office!"
  589. "I'm fine."
  590. >But the bandaid...
  591. "It's a small cut, honestly it didn't need one. I did it to stop you guys from fainting when you see me."
  592. >You feel Happy Days hooves wrap around you and pulls you in for a hug.
  593. >"How can they do that to you! Celestia needs to put a stop to this!"
  594. "Happy I'm fine!"
  595. >"Shh! you silly ape. You don't have to always try be tough around me."
  596. "I'm not trying.."
  597. >After a while you find yourself idly run your hand behind Happy's ears and scratch behind them.
  598. >It was not hard not to. You guess its just a natural response when something cute and soft cuddles up on you.
  599. >You had to admit ponies coats are the softest things.
  601. >As you start to dose off you hear a knock on the door.
  602. >Happy had fallen asleep, so you shuffle from under her and make your way to the door.
  603. >The door thumps louder.
  604. "Hang on!"
  605. >"Anon! are you okay!?"
  606. >Wait you recognize that voice.
  607. >You open the door to find Celestia not in her expected glory, but disheveled and looking worried.
  608. >"I had a letter from the warden here. I'm so sorry for what has happened!"
  609. "Celestia? uhh come in?"
  610. >The sun princess pushes past you.
  611. >"Anon, I had no idea you were in prison!"
  612. >You folded your arms.
  613. "I tried contacting you. But your stupid laws stop me from doing so."
  614. >"I'm sorry that happened I guess my little ponies can be a bit over protective."
  616. "Well can you get me out of here? I'm starting to loose my mind."
  617. >The princess sighs. "I'm sorry but your crime is so severe, a pardon would be a political disaster".
  618. "Come on, I'm sure you can pull some strings."
  619. >She taps her chin as she ponders. "I guess I can," She give you a soft smile "Take it as an apology from Equestria if you will."
  620. >You feel relief wash through your body.
  621. "Thank you Princess."
  622. >"I must take my leave, I'll be having a few words with the warden and Flick Switch."
  623. >Oh shit.
  624. >Come to think of it, you can't let Flick loose her job.
  625. "Princess wait."
  626. >"Yes Anon?"
  627. "Can you go easy on Flick? It was an accident."
  628. >"As you wish Anon."
  630. >You stand there completely dumbfounded.
  631. >That lanky white bitch double crossed you.
  632. >Does she hate you that much?
  633. >You at least hope she kept her word about Flick.
  634. >Right on cue you see her sulk along the corridor with a 'Im a silly pone' hat.
  635. >She looks absolutely devastated.
  637. >You snap out of it as a chef pony asks the same question.
  638. >"Anon? I asked what do you want for your last supper?"
  639. >You look down at the stallion.
  640. >You last supper.
  641. >Ever.
  642. >You swallow your fear and speak up.
  643. "Spaghetti."
  644. >"Ah an excellent choice Anon."
  645. >He bows and leaves your cell door.
  647. >Turning on your heels your run to Happy Days and shakes her awake.
  648. "Happy! Wake up!"
  649. >"Huh? Anon?"
  650. "They moved my death sentence closer!"
  651. >Happys' eyes bolt open "Oh no! when!"
  652. >She immediately starts to tear up.
  653. "Tomorrow morning! We need to get out of here!"
  654. >"A break-in prison tonight,"
  655. >You pinch between your eyes, this mare...
  656. "A breakout. I've been working on a plan in my head for a while now."
  657. >You walk towards the window and pull on the bars.
  658. "We need a file or a hacksaw to get through this."
  660. >You cell mate perks up "Oh I know!"
  661. >She trots out of the cell and down the corridor.
  662. "What is she doing?" you mutter to yourself.
  663. >A few minutes later she returns with a hacksaw and a pair of safety googles.
  664. >You watch her with your mouth agape as she drops the items on the bed.
  665. "How did you?"
  666. >"Oh we we're lucky the guard was closing workshop, but I asked nicely for the hacksaw."
  667. "You what?"
  668. >"He told me something else, ooh what was it" She rubs her head with her hoof. "Oh yeah! he said to wear the safety googles and to enjoy what ever your doing."
  669. >...
  670. >On second though the sweet relief of death doesn't sound half bad.
  671. >You sigh and shake the thought from your head.
  672. >Putting on the safety googles you start sawing away at the metal bars.
  673. "Happy watch the door."
  674. >"Okay." She follows your order and watches the cell door with a keen eye.
  675. >It took a fair while for you chop through multiple bars and make a gap you can squeeze through.
  676. >You nod to yourself as you inspect your handy work.
  677. >"Anon! Foods here!"
  678. >Huh? You spin round to see the chef pony with a bowl of spaghetti on his cart.
  679. "I told you to watch the door!"
  680. >"Yes for your food you ordered!"
  681. "No you-"
  682. >The chef speaks up "Whats going on in here?"
  683. >"Anon is trying to breakout."
  684. >"Breakout?"
  685. >"Something about escaping before they kill him or something..."
  686. >The chef looks at you in horror as you stare at the pegasus with all your rage.
  687. >The chef immediately scrambles out of the cell and down the corridor. "IT'S TRUE THEY DO KILL PONIES HERE! RUN RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!"
  688. >The was silent halls now erupts into a fall scale riot.
  689. >You here screams, smashing of furniture and sobbing from all directions.
  691. >You feel your mind break then on there.
  692. >You wasn't sure if Happy was a genius or plain stupid. All you can do is look at her.
  693. >Noticing you she turns around with spaghetti sauce around her muzzle with a noodley pasta from her mane. "Sorry I missed tea."
  695. >You hear the riot get out of hand from your cell room.
  696. >You see guards run past your door blowing whistles trying to calm the inmates.
  697. >You raise an eyebrow as some inmates walk past in clocked hoods chanting in a weird tongue.
  698. >Seeing a pony following a barrel of Kool Aid behind them strikes a small worry in you.
  699. “Hey!” You shout from your door.
  700. >The pony freezes “What can I do for you unenlightened one?”
  701. >You rub the bridge of your nose.
  702. >For heaven’s sake.
  703. You point to the barrel “I hope that isn’t poisoned.”
  704. >The ponies are annoying, but you could never wish them harm.
  705. >”Wwhy would we do that?” the pony shakes “Its for when we are thirsty waiting for the silence.”
  707. >You breath a sigh of relief and turn back into you cell to see Happy wearing a similar cloak.
  708. “…What are you doing?”
  709. >” Maybe it’s for the greater good Anon, our end is our punishment.”
  710. “For the love of- ugh, get that thing off Happy!” You whip of the cloak from her.
  711. >Happy blushes as she tries to cover herself up with her hooves.
  712. “Happy you’ve been naked since we met.” You deadpan as you feel a headache forming.
  713. >”Oh right..heh.”
  715. >You walk over to you escape route, with the guards distracted you know this will be the best opportunity to escape.
  716. >You push your foot against the wall and prepare to hoist yourself out the window.
  717. >”Wait! Anon!” You hear happy yell.
  718. “What?”
  719. >”I-I cant do this!”
  720. >Great this isn’t the time to get cold feet. Or hooves in her case.
  721. “Happy we need to go!”
  722. >”But I can’t!”
  723. “Why?”
  724. >”B-because I have nothing out there. I’ve been in the inside for too long.”
  725. “Happy it’s been less than a week.” You put you foot down from the wall and turn to her. “There’s nothing that can change your mind is there?”
  727. >Happy shakes her head.
  728. >You walk over to her and kneel, gently holding her cheeks in your hands.
  729. “Happy…”
  730. >”Y-Yes Anon…” She looks at you with her big eyes.
  731. “You are the sweetest, caring, happy-go-lucky mare I ever met.” You see her melt in your hands. “If I don’t make it then I wanted you to know, that you’re a good mate.” You continue, a blush is now forming on her face. “But I wish you wasn’t so damn stupid…” you slowly shake your head.
  732. >Happy still has a dopey love-struck expression on her face, eventually she scrunches up her muzzle when it finally clicks what you said.
  733. >”Hey! That’s n-hmmmphf!”
  734. >You place a kiss on her lips.
  735. >At least now if you are caught you wont die as a kissless virgin. Just a virgin.
  736. >You kind felt bad for doing that to her, but desperate times you got to make desperate measures.
  737. “It’s been fun.” You return to the window.
  738. >”Anon wait..”
  739. “For heaven sake Happy, I’m trying to make a dramatic exit here!”
  740. >”I can buy you more time. Just remember me okay?”
  741. “Sure…”
  742. >”For you Anon” She whispers as she turns towards the door. “See you around space man.”
  743. >She walks towards the door and takes a deep breath and runs down the hall.
  745. >The screams grow louder; you even hear a few explosions followed by a fire alarm. The smashing and crashing grew more intense.
  746. >Holy shit…
  747. >Taking the opportunity, you slip out the window.

Midnight Run /nmp/

by Aftercase

Hearts of Speed [Story Formatted] /CYOA/

by Aftercase

Happy X Anon Shorts /Kinderequestria/

by Aftercase

Anon in Tatarus /kinderquestria/

by Aftercase

Mare En Armure

by Aftercase