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Dawn of Incest

By Mshakezilla
Created: 2024-02-19 00:22:47
Expiry: Never

  1. >Be Anon.
  2. >Greenboy extraordinaire!!
  3. >Also, be the younger brother of Sunset Shimmer.
  4. >By only one year.
  5. >She of course, flaunts the fact like it makes her god.
  6. >She always had to butt-in and just involve herself with whatever the hell it is you're doing.
  7. >From young childhood, to current day.
  8. >Getting into Pokemon just to buy silver version and never trade with you so you can complete the pokedex.
  9. >But her? She had friends!
  10. >Plus she was a girl...
  11. >Even at the age where girls are supposed to be "stupid" or "gross", she still got help.
  12. >So naturally she completed it and shoved it in your face.
  13. >Few years later, when you wanted to git gud at Super Smash Bros....
  14. >Of COURSE she would get even better and whip your ass at every opportunity.
  15. >And even just recently, your favorite MMO.
  16. >She just had to play too...
  17. >Joined the guild you were in, made it obvious she was your sister.
  18. >Stole loot from you, told every embarrassing stories about you wetting the bed that one time where it WAS NOT your fault...
  19. >Even bragging to her friends about it.
  20. >And most recently, she had somehow found out about your crush on her friend, Rarity.
  21. >She must've easily figured it out.
  22. >Any time she was over while her other friends were, you'd always shun yourself away.
  23. >Stuttering your words anytime she'd ask you something.
  24. >Just looking at her nonstop...
  25. >And so, of course, par the course, she made Rarity her girlfriend!
  26. >WHY OH WHY?!
  27. >And now, she makes it so fucking obvious that she knew she stole her from you!
  28. >As if you had a chance to begin with, right?
  29. >Within your room you sulk in your chair.
  30. >Staring at the dirty clothes strewn about the floor and the login screen of your former favorite game.
  31. "The one thing I had to escape... and I can't anymore. You ruined it."
  32. >You whisper to yourself, resenting your older sibling.
  33. >Cursing her name in your mind.
  34. >Only because if you said it out loud mom would flip and immediately take her side as normal.
  35. >Swear she hates you because you remind her of the dude who waked out on her ass.
  36. >"Anyway babe, thank you for coming over! I'm so glad I have someone who's so willing to help with this project!"
  37. >Speak of the devil.
  38. >You'd recognize that shrieking voice anywhere.
  39. "Sunset. Hmph."
  40. >She was coming up the stairs, being accompanied by another set of footsteps.
  41. >"Well of course, dear! It /is/ one of the final project for the semester. And as a rising star in fashion, I have quite a way with art, darling."
  42. >And Rarity...
  43. >Her sweet, smooth, honey-like voice.
  44. >Her SEXY fancy schmancy accent.
  45. >"Hey bro!"
  46. "Ah!"
  47. >You jump in your seat.
  48. >"My girlfriend, Rarity and I are gonna work on our art project for like, the whole night."
  49. >You shrug.
  50. "Kay?"
  51. >Rarity meekly waves, giving a dismissive greeting.
  52. "H-hey- *cough*"
  53. >Sunset rolls her eyes.
  54. >"Ugh, just don't bother us you little loser, okay?"
  55. >Rarity leaves out of site and further down the hall, with Sunset following in turn, but not before she shoots you an evil grin.
  56. >A look that said, "yeah, I'm also gonna have sex with her. The girl you like. What makes you think a LOSER like you could ever hook up with such a hottie like her??".
  57. >You grit your teeth.
  58. >Arising from your chair, you get up to slam the door closed.
  59. >Making a loud bang and sending reverberations throughout the walls of the house.
  60. >("HEY! Don't slam the door like that or I'll tell mom!")
  61. >You lip quivers.
  62. >Your eyes water.
  63. >You stare at the ground, utterly defeated.
  64. >She always had to /take/ everything from you.
  65. >You wipe away a teardrop, sniffling as you trudge back to your chair and slump in your depressive stupor.
  66. "Fucking bitch..."
  67. >You bite the bullet and log in, ready to face the ridicule of everyone on the server knowing that your Sunset's brother and that she was always a better raider.
  68. >Fuck it.
  69. >Start a new character somewhere different.
  70. >You search around, looking for headphones to drown out the sounds of the world.
  71. >But what's this?
  72. >They're gone.
  73. "The fuck??"
  74. >You see a little scribble note written in the spot where you normally store them.
  75. >"Hey loser, took your headphones because I let Rarity have mine."
  76. "BITCH!" You instinctively call out.
  77. >("What was that?") Rarity's voice murmurs through the wall.
  78. >("Ugh, just Anon. Probably died in his stupid game. ANON! BE QUIET YOU LITTLE TWERP!")
  79. >You heard a faint giggle from Rarity.
  80. >Oh that does it!
  81. >You get up from your chair with such force that it topples over and skids across the floor, flinging the door open before it even finished bouncing on the carpet.
  82. "SUNSET!"
  83. >You swing her door open.
  84. >Her and Rarity were both sitting on the floor, various arts and crafts supplies strewn around the floor around them.
  85. >"Anon?? Get out of my room!"
  86. "Where are my headphones?!"
  87. >"I needed them, Anon! Rarity wanted to listen to music with me on the bus!"
  88. "Give them back!!"
  89. >"Ugh, fine! They're right there!"
  90. >She points to the dresser next to her bed.
  91. >And sure enough there they were.
  92. >You snag them, and give them a quick look over for scratches.
  93. >"Okay, now get out!"
  94. >You shoot her a glare, but not before getting a good look at Rarity.
  95. >After doing so, you storm out of her room.
  96. >Sunset gets up shortly after and swings her door closed.
  97. >("Whats his problem?") Rarity asks.
  98. >("Hes just trying to be tough because hes got a dorky little crush on you.")
  99. >("Oh. Ohhh, hm-hm! Eugh!")
  100. >("I know, right??")
  101. >You hear the muffled sounds of their laughter together as you grit your teeth and walk at mach Jesus to your room, slam the door again, and plug your headphones in.
  102. >Wasting no time to ignore Sunset yelling once again about the door and putting on some good'ol tunes.
  103. >You groan, sniffling as you create your new character and try to drown in escapism...
  105. >>
  106. >"And whats this I'm hearing about you slamming the door??"
  107. >Be green boy.
  108. >Currently getting bitched by your mom in your room.
  109. >Your lip quivers again as you grip the blankets at the edge of the bed.
  110. >Nothing new here.
  111. >You'd present your side of the story and be quickly shutdown by Sunset who was, unfortunately, much better at lying and articulating her words then you.
  112. >Just like any other day when Sunset is little miss perfect.
  113. >Even when she bullied other kids at school, your mother was always quick to take her side.
  114. >She didn't have to /try/ to beat you at that.
  115. >"Anonymous, you /know/ that makes the walls for the hall vibrate! What if you knocked over one of the pictures??"
  116. "One of the pictures of Sunset, hopefully..." You mutter.
  117. >"What was that, young man??"
  118. "Nothing!"
  119. >"Thats right, nothing! Don't think that just because I'm the principle and you're my son, I won't punish you!"
  120. "Whatever."
  121. >"Its okay, mom." Sunset interjects, standing in the doorway, "Anon was upset because I took his headphones. And hee was just angry at me because I was rude to him. Thats why he slammed the door. I'm partially to blame too."
  122. >Celestia looked at Sunset, her overall demeanor softening.
  123. >"My sweet honest girl..." She places her hand over her heart, before realizing you still exist, "Oh. W-well if you're going to borrow something from your brother, make sure you give it back, Sunset."
  124. >You look at Sunset, dumbstruck.
  125. >The fuck was happening??
  126. >Shes sticking up for you?
  127. >"Yes, mom! I'm really sorry, Anon. I shouldn't have just taken them and assumed it'd be okay."
  128. >"Good." Celestia nodded in approval, "Now, son, what do you say?"
  129. "..."
  130. >"Anonymous!"
  131. "Oh! T-thank you."
  132. >"Okay." Celestia takes a deep breath, "Well, dinner will be ready soon. Will Rarity be staying the night so you two can work on your project, sweetie?"
  133. >Sunset nods quickly, her face alight.
  134. >"Yes, mother! And we both are working really hard on it to keep our grades up."
  135. >"Oh you, why don't I just order a pizza and bring it up when it arrives?"
  136. >"Yes! Thank you mom!" Sunset leaps into Celestia's embrace, hugging her tightly.
  137. >"Okay then! Anonymous, I'll get you something too, okay?"
  138. "Y-yeah."
  139. >Celestia claps her hands together, tilting her head.
  140. >"I'm so proud of you, Sunset! Coming forward like that..."
  141. >She continued kissing your sister's ass as they left your room.
  142. >"Thanks mom!"
  143. >"Rarity, shall I call your parents and let them know you'll be staying the night?"
  144. >The fuck? Rarity was out in the hall??
  145. >She heard everything!?
  146. >"No need, Ms. Celestia! I already asked and got her approval. I just wanted to make sure it was okay with you first."
  147. >"Of course! Always a pleasure when my daughter has her friends over!"
  148. >Celestia takes Rarity in a hug.
  149. >"Oh! Hm-hm! Y-yes of course, ma'am!"
  150. >"Well, I'll order that pizza then."
  151. >"Thanks mom, I love you!"
  152. >With that, Celestia walks back downstairs as Sunset and Rarity both make their way back to her room, the feint sound of their talking still clear to you.
  153. >"That was so sweet of you to come forward for your brother."
  154. >"Heh, yeah. He just needs some help from his sister every now and again."
  155. >"Oh, how sweet!"
  156. >You get up from your bed, peering down the hall.
  157. >Your eyes go wide at the sight of Rarity and Sunset kissing at her door.
  158. >They're /really/ kissing.
  159. >Sunset wraps her arms around Rarity, turning so shes facing to look at you over Rarity's shoulder.
  160. >She notices you looking, and moves her hands up and down Rarity's back, gently lifting her skirt to show some of her perfect marshmallow ass.
  161. >"Oh, Sunset~ Hm-hm, right now~?"
  162. >Sunset's eyes narrow, as she look directly at you.
  163. >"Just showing my appreciation for you, babe."
  164. >Her hand goes up Rarity's shirt, tugging at the strap of her bra.
  165. >"Ah~, d-darling~," Rarity's breathing was getting heavy, "we mustn't here in the hall..."
  166. >She quickly pulls her hand back out, and flipping you the bird as she does so, walking Rarity back into her room and closing the door.
  167. "I-it was an act... she was using the situation to play herself up and put on a show for Rarity..."
  168. >A deep, sinking feeling flooded your chest.
  169. >You slump against the wall, haphazardly slinking back into your room and meekly closing the door.
  170. >Sighing deeply, you drop to lay on your back, bouncing on your bed and unceremoniously bouncing back to the floor.
  171. >Your spirit being broken, you figured just laying on the ground with your dirty clothes was more fitting for you.
  172. >You close your eyes and figure maybe you'd just lay here until you withered and died.
  173. >("Oh, Sunset~ Mmm! should we be doing this right now~ Ah~")
  174. >Your eyes shot open.
  175. >("Rarity~ your boobs are so soft and big~. Do you really want me to not do this?")
  176. >("I love whe- mmf~ when you do it~! But... oh my goodness... what if your brother can hear?")
  177. >("Then I guess he'll know what you sound like!" Mmmm~!")
  178. >Tears stream down your face.
  179. >Hearing what you'll never know.
  180. >Never see.
  181. >Never feel...
  182. >("Ohhh darling~ You're so bad...")
  185. >>
  186. >The following day.
  187. >You slump your way down the hall of Canterlot High.
  188. >Having not slept a wink last night.
  189. >No thanks to your sister's insistence that her and her girlfriend stay up and...
  190. >Well, you'll never be the same.
  191. >Listening to their voices mix together all night, moaning in such rapture and pleasure.
  192. >Saying each other's names as you could discern when they would climax together.
  193. >Images swirled around your mind.
  194. >Uncontrollably invading every thought and clouding your vision.
  195. >Causing you to clumsily bump and trip seemingly over every person in the damn hall.
  196. >Getting you not so friendly looks and comments from the other kids.
  197. >But their looks and words wouldn't linger long.
  198. >Hearing Rarity's voice last night, mixed with your sister's...
  199. >Just imagining them together, naked~.
  200. >Pressing their tits together, kissing deeply...
  201. >Sunset smirking at you while digging her fingers into Rarity's cunt.
  202. >"Shes ready for you, Anon. C'mon, give her the dick she wants~."
  203. >You pause. staring at the floor while your mind plays this lewd vision for you;
  204. >"And after you fill this bitch up, you can treat your big sister to the same thing, right?"
  205. >Sunset spreads her legs, cupping her heaving tits in her hands while Rarity sits behind her, pressing her tits against your sister's back, tracing her hands up and down her sensual body...
  206. >"C'mon then, darling. Your sister deserves it, doesn't she?"
  207. >You shake your head, smacking your forehead.
  208. "Snap out of it man, C'mon! What the fuck?"
  209. >In your incestual imaginative stupor with your crush and your sister, you had completely missed the bell.
  210. >Standing in the hall totally alone.
  211. >You take a deep breath and retreat to a poorly lit hall with broken ceiling lights, leaning back against the lockers and slumping to the floor.
  212. >You reach into your backpack pull out some papers and fan yourself profusely.
  213. "What the hell was /that/ man?? Imagining your crush? Yeah, totally. Shes hot. Yeah!"
  214. >You breath deep again.
  215. "But your sister?? Fuck man... does she have to steal your sexual fantasies too??"
  216. >You stop fanning and let your hand drop to the floor, still gripping the papers.
  217. >You look down at them.
  218. >Math homework.
  219. >That you didn't do.
  220. >Yay...
  221. >"Trying to cut class, eh?" A familiar voice calls you out from around the corner of the hall.
  222. >You cringe and immediately get to your feet.
  223. "...Sunset?"
  224. >Your sister rounds the corner, hand on her hip and a look of disappointment on her face.
  225. >"Honestly, Anon what makes you think you'll get anywhere in life if you just skip classes you're already barely passing?"
  226. >You remain silent, crumpling the papers in your hand.
  227. >Your mind draws blank.
  228. >Looking into her eyes, at her skin...
  229. >How her long hair flows with her movements...
  230. >"Give me that!"
  231. >She snatches the papers from your hand.
  232. "Hey!"
  233. >"Hmmm... math homework? And in Aunt Cheerliee's class, too??"
  234. >You shrug.
  235. "...So?"
  236. >"So~, shes not going to give you any chances!"
  237. "Ugh!"
  238. >You lean back against the lockers, rolling your eyes.
  239. >"Don't give your big sister that attitude!"
  240. >You respond by yawning heavily.
  241. >"Didn't sleep well, huh?"
  242. >You deadpan her.
  243. >"Yeah, don't imagine you would've been able to really, with Rarity and I making so much noise~."
  244. "Just fuck off and leave me alone already. Don't YOU have class to get to also?"
  245. >"Actually, my first class is band practice with my friends."
  246. "'Course it is."
  247. >You shake your head and look away, hoping she'll just leave.
  248. >Instead, Sunset slams her hand against the lockers right next to your head.
  249. "Fuck!"
  250. >She gets eye level with you, face only inches from yours.
  251. >"Mom doesn't like it when you use curse words."
  252. "Yeah well she ain't here, is she?"
  253. >Sunset bring her free hand up, looking at her fingers, smirking while doing so.
  254. >"Here."
  255. >She puts them up to your nose.
  256. >You reel your head back, though the lockers behind you hampered the movement.
  257. "What?"
  258. >"Smell my hand."
  259. "The fuck, why?"
  260. >"Because I want you to know what Rarity smells like." She slowly wafts her hand around your nose and lips, "My hands were /all/ over her..." She pauses, "and in her last night. This morning too~."
  261. "Ghawwwwd!! Can't you just fuck off?? You always have to take everything I like away!"
  262. >She inches closer to your face, enough to feel her breath on your cheeks and make you sink lower at eye level with her heaving tits.
  263. >You gulp.
  264. >"Little bro, I only do that to get it through your thick skull that I'M the only girl for you~."
  265. "What??"
  266. >"I said I only do that because I enjoy messing with you!"
  267. >Glancing down at her chest, seeing a big helping of sisterly cleavage down her shirt.
  268. >They're so big...
  269. >You blush and quickly avert your gaze.
  270. >"Aww," She bites her lip, "want to know what boobs feel like? Because I know you've never felt any before."
  271. "Fucking... just leave me alone, please??"
  272. >Sunset grabs your hands, gripping them tightly before she swings them straight onto her breasts, slowly and methodically gyrating them around.
  273. >"Mm..." She grits her teeth and looks down at you with what seemed to be lust-filled malice.
  274. >You panic, breathing hard and fidgeting, blushing wildly as your hands feel the pillow-y softness of your older sister's chest.
  275. >Sunset smirks and tosses your hands away.
  276. >"Jeeze you /are/ a little freak aren't you? Haha! Well thats as close to touching Rarity as you'll ever get. Her tits?"
  277. >She points at her own boobs, and smooshes her hands against them, making her cleavage practically ooze from the top of her v-cut shirt.
  278. >"Mmmmyeah~. Sooo big and soft. Love the feel when our chests push against each other."
  279. >You blush wildly at your sisters words, your mind, using them to paint a very lewd picture in your eyes.
  280. >"Well anyway, get to class. And try to copy your home work off one our cousins while you're there, yes? Trixie is in the same class isn't she?"
  281. >You meekly nod.
  282. >"Good! And get control over that thing before you go too."
  283. >She points at the raging boner you were sporting in your pants.
  284. "Dammit!!"
  285. >You instantly cover yourself with your backpack, panicking hard.
  286. >"Haha! Loser!"
  287. >She waltzes off, swinging her hips extra with each step.
  288. >You can't help but stare at her luxurious ass while she does, catching yourself in the act and elbowing the lockers behind you as you do.
  289. "Stop it, stop it!"
  290. >Lunch time.
  291. >The cafeteria was filled to the brim with the noise of various other students dribbling on about whatever.
  292. >Save for you.
  293. >Sitting at a table alone.
  294. >Nothing really new there.
  295. >Nobody picks on you, or anything like that.
  296. >They, more or less, ignore you.
  297. >All the other kids know who your sister is and who she was before she cleaned up her act.
  298. >Needless to say, they don't mess with you.
  299. >Less they incur the wrath of the old Sunset Shimmer.
  300. >A complete inverse of what she is now, since her reformation.
  301. >At least she did around everyone but you, that is.
  302. >Hell, if anything it's gotten worse because instead of just outright bullying you like she used too, she just plays mind games now.
  303. >Being more subtle in her ploys to make your life suck.
  304. >And what the fuck was that she said before?
  305. >"I'm the only girl for you?" Or whatever it was?
  306. >You stare down at your tray of untouched food.
  307. >Meat loaf that looked like boot leather.
  308. >And a side of carrots that you probably wouldn't eat even if they didn't come out of what you were confident was the equivalent of government issued veggies.
  309. >Too mired in thought to work up any real appetite, anyway.
  310. "The fuck even was that...?" You sigh, "I had to have been hearing things."
  311. >You glance over to where Rarity would always sit.
  312. >With her friends, of course.
  313. >Only now she was sitting next to sunset.
  314. >/Close/ to Sunset, in fact.
  315. >Their thighs pressed against each other.
  316. >Looking so supple together...
  317. >Wait, Rarity's thighs looked good and supple!
  318. >Not Sunset's!
  319. >Not your sister!
  320. >Like you could rest your head on them and just pass out in bliss before looking up and seeing her petting your head...
  321. >Fuck!
  322. >Rarity would be the one petting you!
  323. >Not Sunset!!
  324. >Before you knew it, Sunset was looking back at you.
  325. >Your eye meets with hers.
  326. >She grins, moving her hand in a circle around Rarity's ass, and giving it an air smack before flipping you off.
  327. "Hmngrrr!"
  328. >You huff, taking your tray and tossing it in the trash before exiting the cafeteria.
  329. "Fuckin' god damn..."
  330. >You exit the building from one of the side entrances, opting to just spend the remainder of lunch over by the bleachers.
  331. >They're normally pretty empty.
  332. >As you make your way, you thoughts wonder back to this morning.
  333. >Why are you so obsessed with your own sister all of a sudden??
  334. >What the hell caused the thoughts of her /and/ Rarity wanting to fuck you??
  335. >It should be ONLY Rarity!
  336. >Sunset was always invasive, but when she confronted you in that dark hall...
  337. >Its as if she was trying to make sure you'd think of her all day.
  338. >Why??
  339. >Your train of though is derailed by a second set of footsteps rapidly approaching behind you.
  340. >"Hey cousin, wait up."
  341. >Recognize that voice...
  342. >You stop.
  343. "Adagio?"
  344. >"Who else?" She says, with a devious grin.
  345. "What do you want?"
  346. >"Saw you leaving lunch. Figured maybe you were... upset?"
  347. "Why does it matter to you, exactly? And where are Aria and Sonata? Aren't you three inseparable?"
  348. >"Well they-"
  349. "Like conjoined twins or some shit?"
  350. >She shoots you a glare.
  351. >Heh heh. At least Adagio is easy enough to annoy.
  352. >Always was.
  353. >"They aren't here, so what?" She waves her hand, "I actually wanted to talk to you about what I saw back there..."
  354. >Fuck.
  355. >Did she see you and Sunset in the hall this morning??
  356. >Just avert and deny.
  357. >Let her spill what she knows before you reveal anything...
  358. >You cross your arms and tilt your head.
  359. "Which is?"
  360. >She scoffs.
  361. >"Oh please, cousin. You can't /possibly/ mean to say that you're not jealous of Sunset?"
  362. >You raise your brow.
  363. >"Hmph. Your sister of all people, stole away the girl you liked."
  364. >Thank god, its just that.
  365. >You internally breath a sigh of relief.
  366. >Although the feeling was short lived and bitter sweet.
  367. >It still hurt that your sister actually /did/ steal her from you.
  368. "Yeah. She always had to-"
  369. >"Steal everything away from you, cousin?"
  370. >You look away, bringing your guard down.
  371. "Yeah. Yeah she did. Still does."
  372. >Adagio smirks, closing the gap between you, resting her hand on your chest.
  373. >"I know what its like."
  374. "W-what're you-"
  375. >"To have Sunset Shimmer steal from you, I mean."
  376. >Her hand rubs up and down on your chest, gently caressing your torso.
  377. >The feel of her gentle touch had made your breathing difficult.
  378. >You could feel the heat rising in your cheeks as she continued to do so.
  379. >Fuck, now your COUSIN is coming onto you??
  380. >You snap out of it.
  381. >You grab her hand, holding it out in front of you.
  382. "This a trick? What, you want dirt on my sister or something?"
  383. >Adagio rolls her eyes and adopts a sultry look.
  384. >"No. I just..."
  385. >She grabs your hand in both of hers, cradling it gently, making you loosen your grip and releasing her.
  386. >Only for her to be the one grabbing onto you.
  387. >"I just think its a terrible feeling to have something rightfully yours stolen. Especially if its by /her/."
  388. "Yeah. Guess we both know first hand. Shes been stealing from me all my life, and she stole the battle of the bands victory from your band."
  389. >Her face lights up, as if shes finally found common ground with you.
  390. >"Yes!" She brings your hand to her face, gently caressing herself with your hand, "Finally someone other then those two idiots who I can talk too."
  391. >Her fair, yellow skin, felt silky smooth to the touch.
  392. >Her figure, although not as well endowed as Rarity or Sunset, she was by no means absent when god handed out the good genetics.
  393. >Hourglass body, big, poofy, sexy hair, and a smug, sexy grin that fit her personality so well.
  394. >In fact, looking at her more, you realize just HOW beautiful she really is.
  395. >Can just grab a handful of her tits, and still have more to play with...
  396. >Wait, stop!
  397. "Whoa whoa whoa!"
  398. >You jerk your hand away.
  399. "What the hell is actually happening right now? We. Are. Family."
  400. >Not sure if you were telling her, or yourself that, really.
  401. >She places her hands on her hips and cocks her brow.
  402. >"Exactly, cousin. This is a family matter, after all."
  403. >She walks around behind you.
  404. >"And family matters should be settled by family, should it not?"
  405. >And circles around back in front of you.
  406. >"Because you see, I know what shes doing, Anonymous."
  407. >You pause.
  408. "And what exactly is it that shes doing?"
  409. >"Hmph." She rolls her eyes, "Shes trying to take Rarity away from you-"
  410. "No fucking shit, Adagio. We established that already."
  411. >"I wasn't done, asshole! She wants to get with Rarity so no one is in her way to steal your virginity!"
  412. "My HUH?!"
  413. >"Yes!"
  414. "The fuck kind of drugs are you on!?"
  415. >"Oh for god sake, Anon! Are you really that dense!"
  416. "Well I must fucking just be!"
  417. >Adagio rubs the temples of her head, sighing deeply and gritting her teeth.
  418. >"Listen, cousin, thats her goal. Thats always been her goal. /Always/!!"
  419. "How the fuck would you know?"
  420. >She crosses her arms.
  421. >"Years ago, when my sisters and I were girls and you and your sister were staying the night, I heard her say it..."
  423. >>
  424. >Be little girl Adagio.
  425. >No more then nine.
  426. >Hair still as poofy as it should be.
  427. >You sit in a circle with your sisters as well as your favorite cousin, Sunset Shimmer.
  428. >Sunset sat next to you, Aria directly in front of you, and Sonata across from Sunset.
  429. >Its always so fun when she comes over!
  430. >Especially because you have silver version of Pokemon and she has gold. So of course you help each other out.
  431. >And shes really into fighting games like Super Smash Bros., too!
  432. >"Okay okay! I'm next in the truth circle!" Sonata says.
  433. >Aria sighs.
  434. >"Ugh, fine! Hurry up, I wanna go next!"
  435. "Actually," you interject, "Sunset is next."
  436. >Sunset looks at you and smiles.
  437. >Which you return.
  438. >"Woohoo! Okay okay," Sonata goes on, "When I grow up, I want to use magic to create tacos and fruit punch! A traveling cart! I'll call it... Sonata's Musical Fruit and Taco stand, With a PUNCH!"
  439. >She punches the air in front of her.
  440. >You all deadpan her.
  441. >Aria smacks her dimwitted sister upside the head.
  442. >"Sonata you dolt! Thats not how fruit punch works!"
  443. >"Pfft, like you know!"
  444. "Enough, both of you! Admit something fun! Like, what type of boy do you want when you grow up, or something?"
  445. >"Oh! Me me me!!"
  446. >Sunset raises her hand.
  447. "Well its your turn so go ahead."
  448. >"Okay, so um, I kinda already know who I want to be with."
  449. >You and your sisters all lean in to listen.
  450. >"Hes... hes a big part of my life. I love his caring, gentle nature. His sweet face, and we always have fun when we play together. I always enjoy watching him get emotional over things too. I just... feel so good when hes around me. Like I'm whole."
  451. >Sunset traces circles in the floor while Aria just rolls her eyes, never been one for sentiment.
  452. >While Sonata listens with a tear forming in her eye.
  453. >As you look on, you can't think of any boy she may be referring too.
  454. >Because it almost sounds like shes taking about her brother...
  455. >"And also," She continues, narrowing her eyes, "I want to be his only girl. I want him to know that I'm always gonna be there for him and that only I can /truly/ make him happy..."
  457. >>
  458. >Back to modern day.
  459. >What an adorable flashback!
  460. >Adagio's hair was crazy huge even when she was little!
  461. >"Anonymous!"
  462. "Huh?"
  463. >"Do you see now?"
  464. >You shake your head.
  465. "Hold on, hold on, if thats true then why is she always such a rotten bitch to me, huh? Always pressing my buttons and taking everything from me??"
  466. >Adagio clenches her fists, growling.
  467. >"Because she wants to be the only girl you ever have in your life, and she thinks that only by breaking your spirit and making you never talk another girl does she think she can do that!"
  468. "How would you know??"
  469. >"Because evil like hers never really goes away. I would know and its because of that is why I'm able to figure out her little plan for you. Because its a good plan..." Adagio looks at you and licks her lips, "and I would've totally done it too."
  470. "..."
  471. >Adagio breathes deep, and recomposes herself.
  472. >"Anonymous."
  473. >She goes back to her sultry look.
  474. >Once again getting close.
  475. >/Very/ close.
  476. >Making you blush as you can smell the shampoo in her hair.
  477. >Its... heavenly.
  478. >"I know a way we can both get back at her for taking from us."
  479. >She raises her arms and rests them on your shoulders, sliding them down until she cups your cheeks in her hands.
  480. >"You were never half bad looking, you know."
  481. >You gulp.
  482. >One hand remains on your face, while the other slides back down your chest, sending goosebumps all over your body.
  483. >"You help me~..."
  484. >She tilts her head, bringing yours closer to hers.
  485. >"And I'll help you~..."
  486. >Her hand slowly, sensually, slides downward further, from your chest to your crotch.
  487. >"And we can both get back at Sunset, together~."
  488. >She grips your cock through your pants, making you jump at the sudden feeling.
  489. "Ah! F-fuck!"
  490. >You step back from her embrace.
  491. >She doesn't respond with offense, not dropping her confident demeanor.
  492. >Still giving you that smug look.
  493. >"Come now, Anonymous. Don't you want to help each other?"
  494. "Not like that!!"
  495. >She waves her hand and rolls her eyes.
  496. >"You already agreed when I said it; family matters should be handled by family."
  497. >She takes her leave, walking by you, but not before pausing to lean into your ear.
  498. >"And family takes care of each other. In every way~..."
  499. >She pinches your chin between her thumb and fingers, turning your head to face her.
  500. >She looks into your eyes, deeply peering into you.
  501. >"Think about it, Anon."
  502. >She releases you, running her hand along your shoulder and back as she saunters off.
  503. >Flaunting her sexy body in doing so.
  504. "What the fuck is happening...?"
  505. >Later that day.
  506. >You sit in history class.
  507. >Final class of the day, in fact.
  508. >Nothing like frying your brain with historically accurate inaccuracies to cap off the day.
  509. >And as if by some cruel twist of fate, Adagio is in the same class.
  510. >Sitting next to you, even.
  511. >Not more then a few feet separating the two of you.
  512. >You do your best to focus on the dates and names written on the board and NOT your cousin.
  513. >Who, along with your sister, has awoken something within you.
  514. >A sickening, yet somehow natural feeling.
  515. >Imaging yourself with them now feels more /right/ then with one of her friends.
  516. >But no, it shouldn't feel that way!
  517. >Why does it??
  518. >Since this morning, thoughts of your sister and Rarity were constantly floating around in your head.
  519. >And over the course of the morning, your sister became the predominate force of those thoughts.
  520. >Probably have that little exchange at the lockers to thank for that.
  521. >Her words faintly echoed in your mind once again, "I'm the only girl for you...".
  522. >And to make matters worse, your cousin, Adagio was now in the mix.
  523. >Warming up to you in such a way you never thought possible.
  524. >Wait, no. No!! Shes just wanting a way to get back at Sunset!
  525. >...Well, wouldn't that be great, though?
  526. >Get back at her for the years of taking?
  527. >You glance over at her.
  528. >She sat, staring at the board, resting her head in her hand.
  529. >You examine her figure.
  530. >Her luxurious, sexy figure.
  531. >You're suddenly back outside again, like during lunch, and shes staring into you.
  532. >Her magenta eyes, gazing deep within the windows of your soul.
  533. >Her lips, inching forward to make contact with yours...
  534. >In a flash your with her in your bed, looking down at her beneath you.
  535. >She reaches up to kiss you, and you crane your neck to meet her...
  536. >Your heart begins to race.
  537. >You take a deep breath.
  538. >Trying to control yourself and regain your normal train of thought.
  539. >You go back to looking at the board.
  540. >Only momentarily, however.
  541. >Feeling compelled to keep your eyes on your cousin's ravenous sexual energy.
  542. >Only this time, her eyes meet with yours.
  543. >She smirks, knowing you are indeed "thinking about it".
  544. >She raises her arms to stretch, lightly moaning and puffing out her generous bosom.
  545. >The motion had made her shoulders lift enough of her shirt to give you good eyeful of side boob
  546. >Your heart skips a beat at this site.
  547. >Suddenly the classroom was getting hot...
  548. >Her body was sleek, filled out where in needed to be.
  549. >Her arms slowly lower, meticulously sliding her hands down her sides to her waist, and finally to her leggings.
  550. >You look back in her eyes, much to her delight, and back to her hands, which are now sliding to the inner portion of her thighs before finally stopping.
  551. >A single bead of sweat forms on your brow, and slides down your nose.
  552. >You snap back forward once more, slamming your eyes shut.
  553. >Screaming at yourself, "ignore ignore ignore IGNORE!"
  554. >You sink in your chair, happy that the desk is blocking sight of the raging boner your cousin conjured with only a single movement.
  555. >A folded piece of paper whips the side of your head.
  556. >Lightly bouncing off and landing directly in the middle of your desk.
  557. >Scribbled on it read, "read me~."
  558. >You look over at Adagio who was now back to looking forward at the board.
  559. >You look around, seeing if there was anyone else it could've possibly come from.
  560. >Trying to trick yourself into thinking that it wasn't going to be something she wrote to make you think about her more.
  561. "Fuck it." You whisper to yourself.
  562. >You unfold the note.
  563. >It was a message.
  564. >"Hell of tent you have for me~. -Dagi <3"
  565. >You slam the paper on the desk, gulping.
  566. >Slowly you back over to Adagio, who sure enough is staring at you.
  567. >She glances down at your crotch, looks back at you, and licks her lips.
  568. >You sit back up in your seat, slumping forward to conceal your stiffy cannon as well as you can.
  569. >Again you look over at Adagio, who gives you a look of disappointment.
  570. >She waves her hand and goes back to looking forward.
  571. "Jesus..."
  573. >>
  574. >At long last class had ended.
  575. >And it has become quite apparent that this wasn't going to be an issue that would just go away or solve itself.
  576. >You couldn't get the hell out of there fast enough.
  577. >To your surprise, Adagio wasn't following you out.
  578. >Maybe she had given up?
  579. >You make it outside and begin the walk home.
  580. >Screw the bus stop or the parking lot.
  581. >Your sister will be there.
  582. >Besides, need a good walk to clear your mind.
  583. >And good god does it need clearing.
  584. >Being filled to the brim with sexual thoughts of family members isn't exactly going to be a productive habit to start to develop.
  585. >After being put into a mild state of panic by your cousin in history class, its probably also a good idea to just spend some time alone as well.
  586. >Yeah! Thats it!
  587. >You'll just walk it out, get some fresh air for the afternoon, and go back to drowning your problems in rampant escapism like normal.
  588. >As it should be...
  589. >With a newfound sense of purpose, you chin up and exit school grounds.
  590. "Yeah, I'll just handle this like every other problem! Ignore it and bottle it up until it becomes cancerous! Yes!"
  591. >"Anon! C'mere little bro!"
  592. "No!"
  593. >Sunset runs up behind you.
  594. >Making you stop in your tracks.
  595. >You sigh deeply.
  596. >"Why aren't you at the busses? You know mom doesn't want either of us walking all the way home."
  597. >Your eyes are inexorably drawn to her legs.
  598. >Fuuuck her hips look good in those jeans...
  599. >Snap out of it!
  600. "Yeah well mom also said I should get more sunshine, this seemed like a reasonable compromise."
  601. >Sunset crosses her arms, pushing her bust up against her forearms.
  602. >You lock eyes with hers, trying not to look.
  603. >"Yeah very clever. Now c'mon, we're going."
  604. "No."
  605. >"Lets go, Anon!"
  606. "No way!"
  607. >"Why are you being so-. Oh, ohhh~, I know why you don't want to ride the bus."
  608. "..."
  609. >"You don't want to see me with Rarity, right?"
  610. "Shutup."
  611. >"Knew it! Whats wrong little bro? Still embarrassed that I took your crush?"
  612. >Her eyes narrow.
  613. >"Want to smell my fingers again~?"
  614. "Oh my god, just go away!"
  615. >"Not gonna happen, little bro. Now, c'mon."
  616. >Sunset gets behind you, wrapping her arms around one of yours, pushing her tits against your shoulder while doing so.
  617. >"I'll give you another taste of what its like to have some big boobs up against you while we walk over."
  618. >She winks at you as she glances down at her tits, making you look as well.
  619. "God dammit."
  620. >"Control yourself bro, we're outside." She leans in close, whispering in your ear, "People might start thinking..."
  621. >Her warm breath caressed and swirled around your earlobe.
  622. >Making your heart rumble in your chest, and also making you work up a nervous sweat.
  623. >"Thinking things about /us/. Brother and sister~."
  624. "Why... why are you doing this?"
  625. >"Bro~! Don't you remember?" She pulls you closer, smooshing her cleavage against your arm, "I'm the only-"
  626. >Her words are cut short by the screeching of tires in the road right next to where you two stood.
  627. >It was a van.
  628. >And at the wheel, was Aria, with Sonata in the passenger seat.
  629. >"Hi cousins!" Sonata waves at you, leaning out of the window.
  630. >"Yeah. Hey." Aria says, as cheerful as ever.
  631. >You meekly wave, while Sunset glares at them both, immediately suspicious.
  632. >The van's sliding door opens, revealing Adagio, in all her glory.
  633. >"Anonymous~!" She calls your name playfully, as she hops out, "You said we can give you a /ride~/ home today, don't you remember? We talked about it in class."
  634. >Sunset, in her absolute astonishment, released you from her grip.
  635. >"W-what?" She asks, in disbelief.
  636. >"Hm? Oh, yes. Anonymous and I talked quite a bit. In fact, we've been talking a lot~."
  637. >Adagio hugs up against you, moving your arm over her shoulder.
  638. >In utter shock at the fact this is actually happening, you stare at the ground, unwittingly playing along with the ploy.
  639. "Yes, I remember."
  640. >"I knew you did, cousin!" She hugged you tight, much to your sister's chagrin.
  641. >Seeing your sister's shock and spurn, Adagio decided to push it further.
  642. >She grabbed your hand and brought it up to her chest.
  643. >"Don't be so shyyy~, Anon. You don't need to be nervous around family, right?"
  644. >"She squeezes your hand in hers, making you get a good handful of Adagio boob.
  645. >Your heart skips a beat, feeling such a helpful serving of your cousins wonderful bust.
  646. >Sunset's eyes go wide at the sight.
  647. >Although she was silent, you could practically feel the anger radiating off her.
  648. >"W-what the hell are you doing, Adagio??" She says, finally.
  649. >She clenches her fists, gritting her teeth.
  650. >A vein grew in the side of her head and neck to complete the look.
  651. >If there were any water nearby, it'd be boiling right now.
  652. >"What do you mean, Sunset?" She says, innocently, "My dear cousin Anon just wanted a /ride/" she bumps her hip at the word "home, thats all!"
  653. "Y-yeah, not a big deal, sis. Thanks, Adagi- uh, Dagi." You say, enjoying the sight of Sunset in so much stress.
  654. >Adagio's face lights up at the sound.
  655. >"Oh don't mention it, cousin. I know a better way to thank me, anyway." She smirks at Sunset.
  656. >Who now has a nosebleed to go perfectly with her eye twitch.
  657. >Adagio pinches your chin in her thumb and finger, aligning her lips with yours.
  658. >Without hesitation, she puts her hand behind your head and pulls you in.
  659. >Your lips meet with hers, making your eyes go wide in shock.
  660. >"Ah..." Sunset's jaw drops at the sight.
  661. >Sonata and Aria watch on in awe as well.
  662. >"Whoa..." Aria says as Sonata giggles.
  663. >The feeling of sudden excitement fades and is replaced with a strange comfort.
  664. >Finally, you're enveloped in a wave of enlightening pleasure.
  665. >A surge of endorphins flood your brain, putting you into a euphoric stupor as your eyes roll back from pleasure.
  666. >"Mmmm~... Ah."
  667. >Adagio releases you at last, leaving a thin string of saliva still connecting before she casually wipes it away, and giving Sunset the smuggest look of triumph.
  668. >"Mm cousin, you really need to work on your kissing skills."
  669. >She wraps her arms around your waist, no doubt she felt the raging boner in your pants press against her waist.
  670. "Uh-"
  671. >"Thats okay, we'll have /plenty/ of time to work on that, won't we? After all, you said it. I'm the only girl for you..."
  672. >You nod, looking into Adagio's magenta eyes.
  673. >"You... y-you!!" Sunset says, almost crying herself to tears.
  674. >For a moment, she looks with a genuine smile back into yours.
  675. >"Well, lets go then."
  676. >She practically drags you into the van, not letting go of her grip around your waist.
  677. >"Anon!" Sunset desperately calls out, "D-don't!"
  678. >"Too late." Adagio says, unceremonious slamming the door closed on her.
  679. >"Go, go, go!"
  680. >Without hesitating, Aria steps on the gas and you're thrown back onto the floor of the van, Adagio falling on top of you.
  681. >"That was sooo cool!" Sonata says.
  682. >"Yeah! Did you see the look on Sunset's face??" Aria says, "That was gold!"
  683. >Adagio looks down at you, giving your nose a light boop before she climbs off and sits on the couch in the back of the van.
  684. >The more you thought of it, the more you liked the sound of their words.
  685. "Y-yeah, was kinda cool wasn't it?" You say, joining her.
  686. >"More then 'cool', Anon." Adagio says, "This is our revenge..."
  687. >"Yeah..."
  688. >Whether or not you would admit it to yourself, or even admit that that kiss was probably the greatest feeling you've had in a LONG time, or maybe ever, you couldn't help but still feel a little guilty.
  689. >Was this really the right thing to do?
  690. "So... we're really gonna do this, huh?"
  691. >"Oh we are, Anonymous!" Adagio smirks, "We'll keep pouring it on, making her more and more jealous. Until she feels what WE'VE felt for so long..."
  692. "So just so we're clear then, there's no actual romance between us, right? Its all an act?"
  693. >"Can I get in on the act??" Sonata turns in her seat, looking at you.
  694. >"Hey, hey!! I want in on this too!" Aria says, turning sharply to get Sonata back in her seat.
  695. >"Whoa!"
  696. "I-I mean, I don't think-"
  697. >"Ignore them, Anon. They don't even know our plan."
  698. >Adagio scoots herself to sit next to you, putting her arm around your shoulder.
  699. >"And as far as /that/ goes, we'll just have to see what happens between us, won't we~?"
  700. >You look down at the shag floor, and then back at her.
  701. >To your surprise, it wasn't a smug look she gave, but a genuine one.
  702. >All this was completely insane.
  703. >But, for the moment, you felt, for the first time, safe with a girl.
  704. >And it just so happened to be your cousin.
  705. >Still coming to grips with that but, for now, better to go with the flow.
  708. >>
  709. >Finally home.
  710. >You open the sliding door, leaving the van.
  711. >Your your hand gets snagged, pulled back to meet Adagio.
  712. >She hugs you close and tight, looking in your eyes.
  713. >She gently traces her fingers down your cheek.
  714. >"Remember~."
  715. >She kisses you again, sending a tide of heat throughout your body.
  716. >"Don't stop thinking about me." She says, holding your chin at the tip of her finger.
  717. "Yeah... no problem."
  718. >"Good." She boops your nose again, "See you tomorrow, Nonny~."
  719. >And with that, she slides the door closed.
  720. >"Later lover boy." Aria says, sneering in the rear view mirror.
  721. >The van speeds off, leaving tire mark in the road.
  722. >You smile, feeling your lips.
  723. "Wow... holy fuck."
  724. >You make your way inside.
  725. >Upon closing the door, you lean back against it and slump to the floor.
  726. "This is actually happening..."
  727. >You get back to your feet and head upstairs to your humble abode.
  728. >Tossing your backpack aside and ignoring your school work, you pull out your computer chair and plop down.
  729. >The last hour replays in your head over and over.
  730. >The look of Sunset being so taken aback and just... the pure disrespect!
  731. >Not to mention, the sudden amount of attention you're getting isn't all that bad either.
  732. >Went from 0 to 100 in a single afternoon.
  733. >It was almost overwhelming.
  734. >You lean forward in your chair, pinching your chin in thought.
  735. "Wait."
  736. >It hit you like a freight train.
  737. "I still /live/ with Sunset though!"
  738. >The door downstairs slams open and closed again.
  739. >("ANON!") Your sister shrieks from downstairs.
  740. >Coupled by the sound of her footsteps quickly ascending the steps to the hall.
  741. >Well.
  742. >Should've said that you would have known this would happen, but that'd be ironic.
  743. >In a flash, Sunset is at your door, and in another, shes at your throat.
  744. >She grabs your shirt and pulls you in close to scold you.
  745. >"What the hell is wrong with you, boy??"
  746. "What do you mean?" You say, condescendingly.
  747. >"Don't play stupid! I KNOW why Adagio is being so nice to you all of a sudden! I know her!"
  748. "So tell me then." You grab her arms and push her away, "Why IS she being so nice to me?"
  749. >Sunset grits her teeth.
  750. >"Shes using you to get to me! She just sees you as a plaything! A toy soldier to manipulate however she wants!!"
  751. "Okay, doesn't sound too outside the realm of possibility. But why would she use me like this? Why would it matter to you, huh? Do you have a weird, incest fantasy with your brother?" You smirk, "Thats gross, sis! What would mom say~?"
  752. >"Oh please." She scoffs, "Like you can talk. I saw how Adagio had you all excited. Your own cousin, bro? What would mom AND Aunt Chrysalis say?"
  753. >She points to ol'boy junior.
  754. "Okay so we're both just fucking degenerates then! And besides, you started this shit when you decided to hook up with Rarity just to spite me!"
  755. >"You. Are. MY BROTHER! Mine to keep! Not Adagio's!!"
  756. "Fuck yourself, Sunset."
  757. >She grits her teeth.
  758. >"You little... Hmph!"
  759. >She crosses her arms, going back to her overconfident self.
  760. >"Why would I, Anon? I have Rarity for that."
  761. >Your eye twitches.
  762. >Whether or not you'd admit it now, that fact she stole her away from you, like she had been doing for you whole life /still/, despite Adagio now being your fare, still cuts deep.
  763. "You've always /taken/ from me, Sunset."
  764. >"Well, I can't have you with just any girl, can I? You're MY brother, Anon. We've been together our whole life. We know everything about each other!"
  765. "Then why have been such a horrid bitch to me all these years, then!?"
  766. >"Better me then someone else! What, you want to have your heart broken!? Because I know what a teenage boy like /you/ wants! And I know what teenage girls like ME want! And no other girl is going to be your first other then me! We. Are. MEANT TO BE TOGETHER!!"
  767. >Sunset pants.
  768. >Blushing wildly after having realized what she just said.
  769. "Well."
  770. >You put your hands on her shoulders, turn her around and push her out of your room.
  771. "We'll just see if Adagio beats you to the punch then, won't we?"
  772. >Slamming the door and locking it.
  773. >("This isn't over, Anon!")
  774. >Through the door you hear Sunset's footsteps trail back to her room.
  775. >You place your hand on your chest.
  776. "Hooooly shit..."
  777. >That just happened.
  778. >She just spilled her guts.
  779. >And by doing so, for the first time, you were the advantageous one in this sibling rivalry.
  780. >The feeling of excitement welled up inside you.
  781. >You had butterflies in your stomach, your hands were shaking, and your body felt jittery.
  782. >Feeling woozy from the sudden rush of hormones flooding your brain, you walk back to sit on your bed.
  783. >You think of Adagio once again.
  784. >If not for such a beautiful girl finally treating you well, you would've never had the courage to push Sunset so far to get her to open up like that.
  785. >Drunk on the feeling, you lay back and stare up to the ceiling.
  786. >It is short lived, however.
  787. >As much as you wanted to be on board for this plot you've made with your cousin, there's still one glaring issue.
  788. >How will you act with her in public?
  789. >Will you have to be all touchy feely, and intimate like other, normal couples are in the hallways?
  790. >During lunch?
  791. >Or even in class??
  792. >You clear your throat and let out a long, drawn-out sigh.
  793. >Maybe its better to just enjoy the feeling for now and worry about that tomorrow...
  795. (speaking of which...)
  797. >>
  798. >The next morning.
  799. >You walk down the hall to your locker.
  800. >Walking in a more upright and even confident manner then normal.
  801. >You arrive at your locker, opening it up to pull out text books for classes you didn't bother studying or doing homework for.
  802. >Fuck that noise.
  803. >"We need to talk." An all too familiar says sternly behind you.
  804. "What about, sis?"
  805. >She slams your locker shut and gets in your face.
  806. >"Don't start. You /know/ what this is about. You're going to break off whatever it is you've got going on with our cousin."
  807. "And why would I do that?"
  808. >"I told you, shes just using you to get to me!"
  809. "Oh? You gonna split from Rarity and let me shoot my shot?"
  810. >She rolls her eyes.
  811. >"Please, what would be the point? She doesn't even like you." She grins, "Not like how I do, bro~."
  812. "So you get best of both worlds while I have to stop enjoying being with Adagio, I don't get to try asking out Rarity, and get nothing at all?"
  813. >"You'd have me."
  814. "So nothing would change then?"
  815. >"Thats not what I-"
  816. >"Cousin~!" Adagio calls to you.
  817. >Without hesitation she hugs you tightly, kissing your cheek.
  818. >And nuzzling your neck while pompously looking at your sister.
  819. >Sending Sunset's emotions into a frenzy of hurt, anger, and jealousy.
  820. >"Adagio..." She hisses through her teeth.
  821. >"Did you think of me, last night?" She looks at Sunset, "Because I couldn't stop thinking about you~."
  822. >You gulp.
  823. "Uh, yeah!" You look at Sunset, reveling in her jealousy, "Sure did, Dagi."
  824. >"Good~. C'mon, Anonymous." Adagio says, tugging you along and away from Sunset, "Walk with me to class."
  825. >Sunset stomps her foot in a jealous rage.
  826. >"This isn't over..."
  827. >With Adagio gripping your arm, she practically pulls you along like a pet.
  828. >You walk in this manner all the way down the hall before Adagio finally stops, frustrated.
  829. >"What are you doing??" She whispers.
  830. "Uh, walking while trying to not have my arm ripped off??"
  831. >"Yeah! You look uncomfortable! Take me in your arms! If we're going to make this convincing, and to really make it /hurt/, you have to be more intimate! Hold my hand! Put your hands on my chest or my butt, do something!"
  832. "Fine! Fine, okay."
  833. >You meekly put your arm around your cousin.
  834. >As much as you like being with her, the hurdle of public intimacy with your COUSIN wasn't something you prepped for.
  835. >And based on her personality, you probably should've known shed be pushy.
  836. >Doesn't help that this is all happening so damn quickly.
  837. >Arm around Adagio, and her hugging your side, you both continue on.
  838. >"Better. Now, walk with me like you enjoy ever moment we're together, like being separated would be painful..."
  839. >You nod, only half paying attention, keeping eyes up on everyone staring you two down.
  840. >Some simply stare, others whisper to each other.
  841. >What rumors could they be starting?
  842. >Your nerves were on edge.
  843. >Adagio, picking up on this, leans in to whisper in your ear.
  844. >"We need to handle this /now/. I'm not going to bother keeping this up if you can't even play your part."
  845. "I'll get over it, alright? This is just really crazy is all."
  846. >She stops in her tracks, grabbing you by the collar and yanking you close.
  847. >"You calling me crazy, hot stuff??"
  848. "No! Its just... all this, what we're doing. I've never been with a girl or done anything even close to this before! Its just a fuck-load all at once, alright!?"
  849. >She releases you, contemplating your words.
  850. >"Hm. Follow me." She walks ahead of you.
  851. "What? Where are we going?"
  852. >"Stop worrying your cute little head, would you~?" She stops, turning to you and placing her hand on your face, "I think I know how we can target all these issues at once~."
  853. >She winks.
  854. >Oh fuck...
  855. >You follow along.
  856. >Finally, you reach your destination.
  857. >You freeze in place. Not out of fear, but of stupefaction.
  858. >"Well? Lets go."
  859. "The girls bathroom!?"
  860. >"No one will bother us here, and I am /not/ going in the boys room for this. Now hurry up before someone sees you standing here in front of the girl's room like a freak." She smirks.
  861. "God fucking dammit..."
  862. >You quickly enter, pleading that no one is actually in here.
  863. >You glance around, noticing just how much cleaner it all is.
  864. >The sinks, the mirrors, even the stalls.
  865. "Good call on not using the men's room."
  866. >"Of course its a good call, I'm the one who made it. Now then..."
  867. >Adagio, without warning grabs you by the hands and pulls you into one of said stalls, closing and locking the door.
  868. >The space was... intimate.
  869. >Made for only one person, not two.
  870. >Back literally against the wall, Adagio closes what little gap there was between you.
  871. >Without missing a beat, she leans in and gives you a sloppy wet kiss.
  872. >She slides her arms up and down your torso, slowly working her hands underneathe your shirt while your lips are locked.
  873. >You moan into her lips, grabbing her waist.
  874. >"Mmnn~" She releases you, "Thats it~. Feeling better now?"
  875. >You nod.
  876. "Yeah."
  877. >"Good, but we aren't done yet~."
  878. >She locks lips with you again, undoing your belt and pants.
  879. >You instinctively move your hands down and around to her plump ass cheeks.
  880. >Grabbing not one, but two handfuls of her booty.
  881. >"Mmm~!"
  882. >Much to her delight.
  883. >Her hand works its way into your pants, and under your boxers, wherein she grabs hold of your one eyed monster.
  884. >You jump at the feel.
  885. >She breaks lips contact and holds you against the wall.
  886. >"Don't fidget." She says, panting, "Just relax... and let your cousin work."
  887. >You do as you're told, keeping your hands where they are, and relaxing your body so not to interfere with her efforts.
  888. >She grips your shaft, slowly sliding her up and down.
  889. >Making the rim of your helmet head lightly grind against the silky smoothness of her hands.
  890. "Mn. Adagio-"
  891. >"No." She grips it tight, "Dagi~."
  892. "Dagi..."
  893. >"Yes~?"
  894. "Hng... You're so fucking hot."
  895. >You look in her eyes.
  896. >She had a look of pure, unrelenting, egotistical, reveling.
  897. >A tinge of red covered her cheeks as she continued jerking your off and leaning in for another kiss.
  898. >"Yes, I am, Anon. I'm better then Sunset."
  899. >She makes out with you as her hand continues teasing and twisting around your shaft, her fingers gyrating around the edge of your head each time shes comes up.
  900. >Building you up beyond belife.
  901. >You had done this yourself many times.
  902. >But it /never/ felt this good...
  903. >Adagio moves her mouth to your neck, kissing and licking as she does so.
  904. >You give her ass a good squeeze, making her gasp with a light yelp.
  905. >Making you smirk.
  906. >You could feel yourself beginning to edge.
  907. "Hng... fuck...."
  908. >"No~." Adagio pauses, releasing your cock from her grasp, "Not yet. I want this to be all you think about today when I'm not around."
  909. >Adagio grabs the zipper of her hoodie, pulling it apart to zip it all the way down.
  910. >Her heaving, D cup tits slosh outward, bouncing as they settle.
  911. >You're speechless at the sight.
  912. >"Go on then, feel them, cousin~."
  913. >Adagio grabs your hands in her, lightly placing them so her nips are in your palms.
  914. >You give her a good squeeze.
  915. >"Mnf." She winces at the sudden pleasure.
  916. >You opt to see what more sounds she can make if you keep playing with these glorious pillows.
  917. >Now full on groping and twisting your hands around her tits, getting her nipples stiff and rigid against your palms, you push against them, squishing them around.
  918. >Squeezing and pressing them together.
  919. >"Mnnn~... Yeah~."
  920. "I just had a thought, Dagi."
  921. >"Mm?"
  922. "What if we get caught like this?"
  923. >She kisses you again, her hand lowering back to grab hold of your cock once more.
  924. >"Are you ashamed? Ashamed of being caught with such a beautiful woman~?"
  925. >You shake your head.
  926. >Why /would/ you be ashamed?
  927. >Who gives a shit!
  928. >Right??
  929. "No, I don't care what they think anymore!"
  930. >"Gooood~." She kisses you deeply, sliding her tongue in your mouth, making you melt against the stall wall, "Good boy. Now keep playing with my tits while I finish you off."
  931. >You nod.
  932. >Her grip tightens, now full on jacking up and down, pausing every few seconds to coast her palm in the precum leaking from you head to use as lube so she go even faster.
  933. >Trying to hold back as long as possible to savor this pure blissful feeling of content, you squeeze and grope your cousin's tits.
  934. >What you had thought before was indeed true.
  935. >You had a full hand of her bosom and there was still plenty left over.
  936. >Her hand twists as it moves downward.
  937. "Hng! Dagi!"
  938. >"Thats it, come on, cousin. Give me everything. Leave nothing left for /anyone/ else!"
  939. >Being cheeky, and to humble her, you pinch her nips.
  940. >"Hnnahh~! You... overconfident fool~."
  941. "Couldn't-MM! Help... it!"
  942. >With you having been at edge for the last few minutes, Adagio finally decides to let you finish.
  943. >She gets to her knees, still jerking your cock as she supports her massive bust with her forearm, aiming your cock at her open mouth.
  944. >She looks up at you, still with a look of arrogence about her.
  945. >"Think of this... all day!"
  946. >At last you could take no more, blowing your load all over Adagio's face.
  947. >firing off strings of sticky baby gravy all over her face, and cleavage.
  948. "Hngah~! Fuck!"
  949. >She doesn't stop jerking, determined to get out every last drop.
  950. >"Yeah... all of it... mine!"
  951. >She goes even faster, making you claw and scratch the wall.
  952. >Your toes curl in your shoes.
  953. >At last she begins to relent.
  954. >Content that shes finally gotten it all out.
  955. >"Anon." She shispers your name, "Look at me."
  956. >You do, seeing her licking up every drop from her hand, scooping it up from in between her tits.
  957. >She coats her finger in your jizz, sucking it like a lolipop.
  958. >"Mmmm~ *pop* "Good."
  959. >You pants, looking down at her.
  960. >In this moment, she was all that existed.
  961. >All you cared about.
  962. >You had only a taste... and like a man dying of thirst finding an oasis, you wanted more.
  963. >SO much more.
  964. >Adagio gets back to her feet.
  965. >"Feeling better?"
  966. >You sigh.
  967. "Fuck yes. Oh my god."
  968. >She zips her jacket back up, concleaing those glorious pillows again.
  969. >"Still nervous about being intimate in public?"
  970. "No way."
  971. >She boops your nose.
  972. >"Good boy. Just rember this during lunch. Because you're sitting with me and my sisters today. And everyday from now on until we have our revenge, got it?"
  973. "No problem and thank you."
  974. >"Hmph, save your thanks, hot stuff. I'm having fun too, after all."
  975. >You put your meat missile back into it's launching bay and zip your pants up.
  976. >Together, with Adagio, you leave the restroom.
  977. >As you make your way back down the hall, you throw your arms around Adagio and hold her tight.
  978. >Making her giggle a devious little laugh.
  979. >The class bells had rung long ago, but you could care less.
  980. >Bring on whatever punishment.
  981. >Well worth it!!
  983. >>
  984. >Be Scribble Dee.
  985. >Having heard everything in that stall that went down.
  986. >You look at yourself in the mirror, washing your hands.
  987. >You deflate, and sigh heavily.
  988. >"Wish that was me..."
  991. >>
  992. >Later.
  993. >Lunch time later.
  994. >You sat, as requested, with the Dazzlings.
  995. >The events from this morning had brought you totally on board with this little scheme of Adagio's.
  996. >Now, not only were you comfortable around her, you reveled in her presence.
  997. >Not but a few tables across was Sunset, sitting with her normal band of girls.
  998. >She could not take her eyes off of the four of you.
  999. >Glaring daggers into your head every time you took a bite of the day old taco they had in line.
  1000. >May be yesterday's meal, but still better then what was normaly served.
  1001. >For today, at least.
  1002. >"Still can't believe this actually passes as food." Aria says, poking her meal with a fork before reluctantly take a bite.
  1003. >"What're you talking about, Aria?" Sonata said, eagerly biting into her taco, "Its not even Taco Tuesday and they still had them in the line!"
  1004. >"Thats because they're probably left overs from yesterday!" Aria barks.
  1005. >"So! *crunch* Still good!!" Sonata fires back.
  1006. >As endearing as the bickering between the two was, you paid little mind to it.
  1007. >Not at all due to Adagio rubbing your leg under the table.
  1008. >She looked up, meeting Sunset's scowl.
  1009. >As if on Que, she went for the dick.
  1010. >Grabbing hold and making you jump in your seat.
  1011. "Ooh!"
  1012. >"Whats wrong, baby?" She says, leaning into you and glaring herself back at Sunset, "Not enjoying your taco?"
  1013. "Oh, nothing like that, Dagi." You wrap your arm around her, "Just didn't expect the leftovers from yesterday to be so... /hot/."
  1014. >She snickers.
  1015. >"Well, maybe if you don't /that/ taco~..."
  1016. >She traces little circles in your chest.
  1017. >The gentle touch of hers sending chills through your body.
  1018. >From across the distance you could see Sunset seething in her seat.
  1019. >"Hey Adagio?"
  1020. >Adagio huffs.
  1021. >"What is it, Sonata?"
  1022. >"I was just wondering, when do Aria and I get to have our turn with our cousin? You've been hogging him!"
  1023. >"What??"
  1024. "What?"
  1025. >"She has a point, y'know." Aria agrees, "You weren't the only one who lost to Sunset and her friends. We should get a go at him too~."
  1026. >Aria leans in, to your right, making Adagio grab your arm on your left, pulling you toward her.
  1027. >"Its /my/ plan! So I get him to myself!"
  1028. >"You were always so selfish!," [spoiler]Heh[/spoiler] "just because you made this plan with Anon doesn't mean we shouldn't at least be involved!"
  1029. >"Yeah!" Sonata says, somehow having made her way under the table to poke her head between you legs, "We totally want to get back at Sunset too, Nonny boy~."
  1030. >"Sonata you idiot! Get out from under there!" Adagio mutters.
  1031. >You gulp, trying not to let your excitement get the better of you and risking poking your cousin in the eye.
  1032. "Uh, ahem, ladies please, you don't have to-"
  1033. >"Quiet, lover boy!" Aria barks, "We totally deserve some retribution to!"
  1034. >"Mhm!!" Sonata nods, her chin bumping your shaft.
  1035. "Uhhh-"
  1036. >You look over at Adagio, who was now seething nearly as much as Sunset.
  1037. >"Let go of him, Aria! And Sonata, get out from under there! I already explained this too the both of you last night, don't get involved and its MY plan!"
  1038. >"Hmph." Aria huffs, "Well then. So, Anon~."
  1039. "Hm?"
  1040. >Aria looks up at you from the corner of her eyes.
  1041. >"Why don't you tell us how... "involved" you've gotten with our sister, hm?"
  1042. >You feel the heat of embarrassment envelope your face.
  1043. >And the feeling of your throat being clogged with peanut butter.
  1044. >"Ohhh~! Yeah tell us!" Sonata's face lights up, "Don't leave anything out!"
  1045. "We uh-"
  1046. >"No!" Adagio cuts you off, and takes a deep breath, "Anonymous, we don't need to go into detail about our endeavors. ...Unless its to Sunset."
  1047. >"So in other words you two haven't done much of anything yet, have you, Anon?"
  1048. >"Ahttp://www..." Sonata rests her face against your crotch.
  1049. >The pressure of her constantly rubbing your member was sending your sex drive into overdrive.
  1050. "Ahem! Hrm." All eyes on you, you try to best to think of something to diffuse the situation.
  1051. "We've only-"
  1052. >"Wanna know what type of stuff Adagio likes in bed~?" Aria says.
  1053. >This catches your attention.
  1054. >So much for diffusing the situation.
  1055. "What?"
  1056. >"Knew that'd get your attention!" Sonata says, placing her own hands on your thighs and squeezing.
  1057. "Can you stop, please??"
  1058. >Sonata thinks for a second.
  1059. >"Nah! This is fun." She giggles, batting her eyes at you.
  1060. >"Adagio likes it when you play with her nipples." Aria continues.
  1061. >"Shut. Up. Aria!" Adagio growls through her teeth.
  1062. >"Ohh yes, in fact, if you want to make her submissive and melt like a pile of puddy, just grab hold and give them a little twist."
  1063. >"Aria!"
  1064. >Sonata could barely contain her laughter.
  1065. >"Or a big twist, whatever you wanna do, lover boy. Wanna know what I'm into~?"
  1066. >"Both of you shutup!!"
  1068. >>
  1069. >Be Sunset Shimmer.
  1070. >Big sister to Anonymous.
  1071. [spoiler]Duh.[/spoiler]
  1072. >The conversations of your friends and girlfriend all drown out beneath the sea of anger you're currently flooded in.
  1073. >Just that sight.
  1074. >That horrendous sight.
  1075. >Watching those... /harlets/...
  1076. >Manipulating and pulling your brother's strings like a marionette!
  1077. >Should be you doing that!
  1078. >You look down at the table, clenching your fists and gritting your teeth.
  1079. "Grrrr..."
  1080. >The way the three of them are all hugging up on him!
  1081. >How Sonata is looking up at him from between his legs!!
  1082. >Why isn't that you!?
  1083. >You look down, closing your eyes.
  1084. "Why..."
  1085. >The rage, began to give way to sorrow.
  1086. >It /isn't/ you doing it.
  1087. >You... you were the one who caused this, in fact.
  1088. >Drove him to it.
  1089. >You made him desperate.
  1090. >Pushed too hard...
  1091. >Like a cornered animal he made his move for survival.
  1092. >Well, sexual survival anyway.
  1093. >You we're going to give him that!!
  1094. >He just had to be convinced that there was no one else then you who he could come to for love and comfort!
  1095. >You're his sister!!
  1096. >"Sunset? Darling?"
  1097. >HIS SISTER! Why would he choose the dazzlings??
  1098. >Rarity places her hand on your shoulder.
  1099. >COUSINS, BRO!?
  1100. >REALLY?!
  1101. >Tears begin welling up in the corners of your eyes.
  1102. >"Sunset!"
  1103. "Huh?"
  1104. >"Are you okay, dear? You look awful. Is it the food?"
  1105. >"Hm? Oh, no no!" You sniffle, "Just uhh, the spice! Yeah! Thats all, haha!"
  1106. >"Spice?" Rainbow Dash asks.
  1107. >She looks at her taco, looking for anything even remotely spicy.
  1108. "Heh, totally! Heh. Uhm, maybe I just need some fresh air." You get up from your seat, "Probably just my allergies or something, thats all!"
  1109. >"Oh! Do you need some allergy medicine? I have some in my locker!" Twilight chirps.
  1110. "No, no. Thank you, but no. I'm fine! Really!"
  1111. >"Well, let me come with you, darling."
  1112. "I said no!"
  1113. >Rarity was taken aback by your sudden outburst, as was everyone else at the table.
  1114. >You sigh.
  1115. >Now you've hurt your friends as well as yourself.
  1116. "I'm Sorry, Rarity." You grab her hand, "But, no. Its fine. Just need a little air, thats all."
  1117. >Rarity relents.
  1118. >"Well, okay then. If you want to talk later, you know I'm here for you."
  1119. >You hug.
  1120. >God... hugs from her are still awesome.
  1121. >You leave out the door.
  1122. >"Shes probably just having her time of the month." Applejack states bluntly.
  1123. >Much to the disapproval of everyone else at the table.
  1124. >"What?? Happens to all of us, don't it?"
  1126. >>
  1127. >Be Sunset still.
  1128. >Slowly walking through the halls staring at the floor.
  1129. "Never noticed how all these tiles were so dirty..." You say to yourself, in a vain attempt to ignore the issue, "Ughh..."
  1130. >You saunter towards the wall.
  1131. >Leaning against it as your mind wonders.
  1132. >Since you were kids, you always made sure no other girls would get close to him, much less let him get close to them.
  1133. >How could you??
  1134. >They wouldn't treat him right!
  1135. >Only you can do that!
  1136. >You're his sister!
  1137. >The closest a girl can be with a guy!
  1138. >And yet, because of you, he not only let another take him, its one of the dazzlings!
  1139. >Anger wells up in you yet again.
  1140. >YOUR Anon with THEM!?
  1141. >Outrageous!!
  1142. >Your lip quivers.
  1143. "Hrm. What am I supposed to do now?"
  1144. >"Sunset Shimmer? Goodness you don't look so good."
  1145. >You jump, collecting yourself as fast as you can.
  1146. >You sniffle and wipe away any tears to hide your shame.
  1147. "Oh, Hi Vice Principle."
  1148. >Aunt Luna.
  1149. >Shes the second person within five minutes to get you out of your own head.
  1150. >Get ahold of yourself, girl!
  1151. >"Something bothering you?"
  1152. "Hm? Oh, no! Not at all! Of course not! I just got something in my nose. Some spice maybe?"
  1153. >You give a timid laugh.
  1154. >Coupled with a shakey grin.
  1155. >To which Luna wasn't in the least bit convinced.
  1156. >"Hm. Nice try, young lady. C'mon, you can talk to me."
  1157. "N-no! Really! Its nothing! I just...j-just uhh..."
  1158. >Luna crosses her arms, still not buying it.
  1159. "Ugh." You relent, "Its kinda personal. Can we speak in private?"
  1160. >"Of course we can, Sunset. Would you feel more comfortable speaking to your mother?"
  1161. "Uh! N-no! I'd actually prefer you, Vice Principle."
  1162. >"Sunset, please. If its personal, you can speak to me as family. Don't feel the need for formalities. Now, come along to my office."
  1163. >Moments later...
  1164. "And thats it, Auntie. Now I don't know what to do. I actually do care for Rarity, but I just feel so... so bad! If I confessed my feelings for this guy that Adagio took in order to make me angry, then I'd be betraying Rarity's trust and friendship!"
  1165. >Luna breathes deeply, going into the bottom droor of her desk.
  1166. >You hear the clinging of glasses and the squeaking of a cork being removed from a bottle, followed by a quick pouring.
  1167. >The droor closes and Luna rises back up with not one, but two glasses of what you can easily tell is alcohol.
  1168. "A-Auntie?"
  1169. >"Here."
  1170. >She places a glass on the desk directly in front of you.
  1171. >She gulps down her whole glass, cringing at the burn of the alcohol.
  1172. >You couldn't tell what type it was, but it had a strong smell.
  1173. >How she could keep it hidden was beyond you.
  1174. >"Relax, Sunset. Go ahead, it'll be our little secret."
  1175. >Her words putting you at ease, you take the glass and take a swig.
  1176. "Mm! *gulp* Oh jeeze..."
  1177. >"Just make sure to finish that glass while we talk. It'll help you relax."
  1178. >Luna takes another breath.
  1179. >"Now, you've gotten yourself into a conundrum. Because the boy you like, who you've left unnamed, is in a relationship with your rival, Adagio Dazzle."
  1180. "Yeah!"
  1181. >"Well what a pickle. It'd be rude and even downright cruel to admit to your friend that you only got with her to make your boycrush jealous. But your heart isn't set on her, but the boy in question. Hm..."
  1182. >She looks at her empty glass.
  1183. >Without hesitation she bends down and open the droor, pouring herself yet another drink.
  1184. >Again she gulps it down in a single go.
  1185. >"What a pickle indeed." She leans back in her chair, "Ohh. To be young again. Reminds me of your father."
  1186. "M-my dad?"
  1187. >"Oh yes, you see he was quite a specimen of a man. And for a bunch of competitive sisters and cousins like your mom, other aunts, and I, we each had to... /convince/ him who was most suited for him. Sometimes it would involve underhanded tactics."
  1188. >If your eyes opened any wider, they'd pop out of your head.
  1189. >You look down at your glass, still mostly full, and take another, larger swig.
  1190. >You swallow it down, grunting at the burn going down.
  1191. >"Here."
  1192. >Your Aunt takes the bottle and pours you another glass, taking a drink straight from the bottle after doing so.
  1193. >"Remember, our secret."
  1194. "Y-yeah."
  1195. >You take another drink, feeling the nerves that had you on edge before beginning to abate.
  1196. >You set the glass down on her desk.
  1197. "Sooo... what did you do?"
  1198. >"Well, you see a man like your father held great value in continuing his bloodline. So, he wanted many many children. We each tried to get impregnated by him to bear him many sons and daughter."
  1199. "A-auntie?!"
  1200. >"I know, right?? Hahaha!" She catches herself, "Uhm. Yes, well. Not a single one of us bore him a son, only daughters, until your mother had Anonymous about a year after you."
  1201. "Uhhh... okay. So what should I do to get Anon back to me?"
  1202. >"Your boycrush is your brother!?"
  1203. "Crap!"
  1204. >"Oh my... well this complicates things even more."
  1205. >She takes another large drink and silently sits to ponder your dilemma.
  1206. >The room goes silent, being filled with only the ticking of the clock.
  1207. >"Wellll..." She says, at last, "Have you thought about sharing?"
  1208. "What?!"
  1209. >"Well, have you?"
  1210. "No! Hes my brother! Only I should have him!!"
  1211. >You blush at your own words.
  1212. >Maybe those drinks are making a little more, or a LOT more, come out then you planned.
  1213. >"Well, the few alternatives I can suggest are as follows; You can confess to your brother about all this, dump Rarity, and hope he feels the same about you. Or, you can just cut your losses and let him go, OR, share him with Adagio while keeping it secret from Rarity."
  1214. >You groan, burying your head in your hands.
  1215. "Well, how did you get my dad to..." You blush, "to get you p-pregnant with our stepsister, Vinyl? I mean, who did he end up choosing anyway? Was it mom?"
  1216. >"Hm? Oh right, well he didn't really choose any of us, you see. He moved out of town because of work and none of us have heard from him since."
  1217. "...WHAT!?"
  1218. >"And as for the other question, your father was going to see your Aunt Chrysalis the night he got me pregnant with Vinyl, but I stopped him and... /convinced/ him otherwise."
  1219. >Luna bites her lip.
  1220. "Convinced?"
  1221. >"Mhm." She takes another gulp from her bottle.
  1222. "How?"
  1223. >"Oh sweetie you're not *hic* oh, hm-hm! Oh my! You're not old enough for that story."
  1224. "Ugh!"
  1225. >"Let me just ask you this, Sunset."
  1226. >You let out a frustrated grunt.
  1227. "What?"
  1228. >"How do you know your brother even likes you that way? Or know that he would find you attractive? You're ny no means a girl whos /lacking/ in attractiveness but, its not everyday a family member... well, you know."
  1229. >And yet you most certainly do because you cornered him in the hall one day and got him hard by showing off your cleavage.
  1230. "I... I mean. I'm pretty sure he does."
  1231. >"Hm? Have another story to share? Would you like more?" She tries to hand you the bottle.
  1232. >Which you decline.
  1233. >"Suit yourself." She takes another generous drink.
  1234. "I uh, kinda cornered him one day before class and saw him... get hard- erm, aroused, when he looked at me."
  1235. >"Splendid!" Luna claps her hands together! "Well then, all you have to do is /convince/ him. Like I did with your father."
  1236. "Yeah, but how? You said you wouldn't tell me."
  1237. >"Of course! You're far too young to hear such a story! The things we did... oh my. Mnn ohh myy~."
  1238. >Luna's eye glaze over as she stares at the wall, no doubt remembering her fling.
  1239. "Uhm, thank you, Auntie Luna. I'm glad we talked."
  1240. >"Hm? Oh, yes of course."
  1241. >You get up from your chair and push it in before grabbing the door handle.
  1242. >"And Sunset?"
  1243. >You pause.
  1244. "Yes?"
  1245. >"I won't utter a words of this talk we had to anyone. It'll just between us, okay sweetheart?"
  1246. >You smile and nod.
  1247. "Thank you, Aunt Luna! I'm glad you found me in the hall!"
  1248. >You run around the desk to give your Aunt a hug, which she returns.
  1249. >Despite the smell of alchohol, it was a pleasent family moment.
  1250. >You sought answers from your Aunt, but instead, left her with a sense of purpose.
  1251. >And also knowledge.
  1252. >More then you'd care to admit now knowing...
  1253. >But still, you now know that nothing in your life is more important to you then getting your brother back. And if that means being a better girlfreind to him then Adagio is, then so be it...
  1254. >Your heart breaks for Rarity, but you'll cross that bridge when you come to it.
  1257. >>
  1258. >Be Anon yet again.
  1259. >Lunch passed as well as you could've expected.
  1260. >Adagio bickering with her sisters was as charming as could be.
  1261. >They had always fought and argued with one another
  1262. >Seen it since you were kids.
  1263. >But due to lack of contact in your teenage years, you had no clue it had evolved as far as it did.
  1264. >And how Aria knew of Adagio's... kink(?) for having her nipples pulled, twisted and tugged, you can only imagine.
  1265. >Maybe they were MUCH closer then they let on.
  1266. >Although considering how they act that really isn't saying much.
  1267. >They certainly all have their qualities and stark differences.
  1268. >Maybe thats why they work so well together despite the animosity?
  1269. >Sonata, the kind, aloof, and playful one.
  1270. >But not without a hint of malice here and there.
  1271. >Aria, the easily annoyed one.
  1272. >Always looking unimpressed or at least just generally not in a good mood.
  1273. >But, like Sonata, has a hint of her own variety of playful-ness to her.
  1274. >Her pet name for you, "lover boy", while not exactly what you consider yourself, was nonetheless complimentary for you.
  1275. >Never considered yourself anything close to that.
  1276. >Still, it was endearing.
  1277. >And of course, Adagio, the leader of the trio.
  1278. >Commanding, unafraid to take what she wants, and controlling.
  1279. >Whether or not there's more under the surface you haven't quite figured out yet.
  1280. >Not to mention the physical differences they each had as well.
  1281. >Aria, while not much to write home about in the bust, had such a supple, round, cushy looking ass you could just lay your head on and go into a coma.
  1282. >Sonata was her opposite.
  1283. >Not much of a rear end, but her bust had no equal.
  1284. >Big, supple, bulbous tits that looked so soft and yet firm so as not to sag.
  1285. >Adagio, to balance the proportions, had a mix of the two.
  1286. >Not the largest in either department, but a perfect middle ground.
  1287. >Perhaps she was more like your sister in that regard, albeit just the slightest smaller in both departments.
  1288. >But her hair was poofy and sexy, so who cares.
  1289. >Truly Aunt Chrysalis had blessed them with her genetics.
  1290. >Still, Adagio was also spiteful.
  1291. >Very much so.
  1292. >Carrying an air of "don't fuck with me or I'll claw your eyes out and ruin your life."
  1293. >Which, so long as it serves both your purposes of getting back at Sunset, it doesn't really matter to you.
  1294. >You're loving the attention and you're gonna ride this wave for as long as possible.
  1295. >Adagio and her sisters went along their ways after lunch, with Adagio speaking of a "reward" for being such a "good boy" during.
  1296. >You could barely contain the excitement for what this meant.
  1297. >Upon arrival to your locker, you spot a note stuck between the crack of the frame and the locker handle.
  1298. "The hell?"
  1299. >You snatch it up and look around.
  1300. >No one paying you any mind...
  1301. >You shrug and unfold it to examine the contents.
  1302. >It read; "Hey cousin, I can't wait to give you your reward until after school, so I'll give it to you now."
  1303. >A happy winky face was drawn at the end of the sentence.
  1304. "Hm... Not really Dagi's style, but whatever."
  1305. >You read on; "Come out to the parking lot where the van is parked. The same one I and my sister's picked you up in."
  1306. >Oh, hell yes!
  1307. >Giving complete disregard to your next coming class, (which you're already failing anyway), you opt to not even bother opening your locker and immediately head for the lot.
  1308. >A hop, skip, and jump later, you've already made your way to the van.
  1309. >Pretty easy to spot, all things considered.
  1310. "Hm. Nobody here. Maybe I'm early?"
  1311. >The van door slides open and out hops Aria and Sonata.
  1312. >"Think fast, cousin!"
  1313. "Huh?"
  1314. >Sonata leaps outward and grabs your head, pulling you into a hug and forcing you face first into a massive serving of cleavage.
  1315. "Mffmm! Sffohaha! Hi hant breef!"
  1316. >She ignores your plea and opts to keep hugging your head tightly to her chest, petting your head.
  1317. >Well, if this is the way you die...
  1318. >"Hey, hey!" Aria says, "We can't have any fun with him if hes out cold!"
  1319. >Aria pulls Sonata's arms off you.
  1320. >Releasing you from your titty prison and letting you breath once again.
  1321. >After a deep, wheezing inhale, your hands are on your knees, catching your breath.
  1322. "What... what the hell??"
  1323. >"What?" Aria says, "I said we wanted in and I meant it."
  1324. >"Mhm~!"
  1325. >You look up, regaining your composure.
  1326. "Okay... Wheres Adagio?"
  1327. >Aria narrows her eyes, while Sonata bites her lip in excitement.
  1328. >"Shes not here~."
  1329. "Wha-hey!"
  1330. >They grab you and hastily force you into the van, slamming the door as you fall to the shag floor.
  1331. "Damn! I knew you girls were pushy but, jeez!"
  1332. >With them looking down at you, you get a mixed series of feelings.
  1333. >Aria's look was that of one of carnal lust, while Sonata's was one of pure glee.
  1334. >Barely able to contain themselves, they grab you again and sit you on the couch with an audible *pomf* of the cushions.
  1335. "Heh... now, ladies, lets play it cool, alright?"
  1336. >"Cool~? Was it "cool" when Adagio decided to make you off limits?" Aria sneers.
  1337. >"Yeah! Or when she decided that SHE was the only one of us who get to have you for fun!?"
  1338. >Aria facepalms.
  1339. >"I just, ugh! I just said that!"
  1340. >"Oh."
  1341. >Aria shakes her head.
  1342. "Listen ladies, the banter is charming and cute but if Adagio finds out you tried something behind her back-"
  1343. >"Who said we were only going to /try/ something? We're going to succeed!" Aria punches the palm of her hand.
  1344. "Uhhh-"
  1345. >"Oh come one, Nonny~!" Sonata says, getting to her knees and crawling between your legs, "Don't you think we're cute like Adagio? Thats it isn't it! You only like her! We're ugly, Aria!!" She begins to weep.
  1346. "I didn't say that!"
  1347. >"Then whats the problem, cousin?" Aria says, sitting next to you, "Its not like we'll go around spouting whats about to happen to everyone at school."
  1348. >"Yeah, whaddya take us for, huh?" Sonata says, already at work to get your cock out of your pants.
  1349. "Whoa, hey-"
  1350. >Your protest is silenced by Aria kissing you unexpectedly.
  1351. >"Mmmnnn~."
  1352. >You feel light headed from the sudden sensation.
  1353. >She releases you, licking her lips.
  1354. >You look into her eyes, being smitten by her amethyst gaze...
  1355. >"Well~?"
  1356. >Before you can utter a word, Sonata was already flinging her shirt off and tossing it aside, rubbing her heaving tits through her bra.
  1357. >Bouncing your cock off of them, giggling while doing so.
  1358. >"I think his little head is doing his thinking for him right now, sis!" She laughs, undoing her bra to unleash those glorious knockers.
  1359. >You bite your lip, unable to contain yourself in the presence of these two lust driven cousins of yours.
  1360. >Fuck!
  1361. >Just going to have to keep your mouth shut and pray they don't blurt out that they've done this...
  1362. "Hard to... argue..." You pant, unable to take your eyes off Sonata's tits.
  1363. >"Hey, look at me, lover boy!"
  1364. >Aria turns your head, plunging her tongue deep in your mouth, twisting and turning all over yours.
  1365. >The feel of her tongue mingling with your own had eroded away any and all resistance you may have had left.
  1366. >She pulls back, wiping her mouth.
  1367. >"Okay then, let my sister do her thing down there-."
  1368. >"Yay!" Sonata's bra goes flying to the floor.
  1369. >"and Just, lay /back/!"
  1370. "Hmf!"
  1371. >Aria pulls you towards her, bring you down on the couch.
  1372. >"On your back." She orders
  1373. >Damn shes just as demanding as Dagi when shes horny.
  1374. >But you have no intention of passing this up.
  1375. >Obeying your "captors" you do as instructed, spreading your legs apart to give Sonata more room to work.
  1376. >"Make sure you hold back, Nonny!" She says, excitedly, "I want it to be a LOT! I didn't get enough food in me at lunch."
  1377. >Sonata firmly plants her tits to flank your cock on both sides.
  1378. >The size of them causing your dick to be completely engulfed in her bust.
  1379. >They were bigger then you had imagined.
  1380. >Big enough for her to press her hand and even her arms into like a memory foam mattress.
  1381. >Completed with a pair of darker tinted nips.
  1382. >The areola of which matches in size and proportion so perfectly with her bouncy bust.
  1383. >"Ohhh~." She presses on her tits with her forearms and moves in a downward motion.
  1384. "Oh my god..."
  1385. >"Nice and soft, huh?" She says, proud of herself, "And look! Helmet head pokes out when I do it!" She lets out a pervy giggle, "This is so much fun!"
  1386. >Sonata licks her lips and works your shaft between her gorgeous hooters.
  1387. >Your body goes limp at the feeling, completely at her mercy.
  1388. >"Don't give in so soon, lover boy~."
  1389. >At your right, was Aria's magnificent ass.
  1390. >Waving around side to side, up and down.
  1391. >Giving you a clear, close up look at her puffy, wet, leaking vulva.
  1392. >"Don't worry, you won't have to get up. Just lay there..."
  1393. >Aria positions her ass over your face, lining her pussy lips up with yours.
  1394. >"Just lay there and... hah!"
  1395. "HMPH!"
  1396. >She brings her wet, leaking pussy down on your lips, giving you a mouthful of her juices, and smothering your whole face in her wide, bouncy, jiggly cheeks.
  1397. >"Mnnnffff.... Yeah. I'm gonna love doing this from now on!"
  1398. >She grinds her hips forward and back, rubbing her wet pussy all over your lips, nose, and chin.
  1399. >Making her honey pot drip its nectar down your cheeks and neck.
  1400. >"Hah, you like that, eh? Lover boy?"
  1401. >You couldn't respond for obvious reasons, only being able to weakly grunt at her teasing.
  1402. >"Mhm! Good then. Well, don't just think I'm gonna get off to just this, whip out your tongue and- AH~! Yeah... that..."
  1403. >Your tongue slithers out to meet her vulva, allowing easy entry into her vaginal walls with the full weight of her body pushing down on you.
  1404. "Mf.. Hrmff!"
  1405. >"Yeah baby!" Aria moans, biting her lip and massaging her own breasts.
  1406. >"Uhm, Aria?" Sonata pauses from working your shaft.
  1407. >"Ugh, what... ah... what?"
  1408. >"I don't think he can breath."
  1409. >"Oh please, he gets to breath freely again when I finish."
  1410. >"Hey Nonny! Did Aria ever get to tell you that she loves having her ass slapped /really/ hard?"
  1411. >"Shutup Sonata- *Smack* NYAH~!"
  1412. >You raise your hand to give her another good smack, making her eyes roll back from her reeling in pleasure.
  1413. >Her pussy clenched and twitched with each strike of your open hand on her generous ass cheeks and silencing her from anymore boasting.
  1414. >Sonata, getting back to work, spits on your cock head with each downward motion of her tits.
  1415. >Lathering up your cock in a mix of precum and saliva.
  1416. >"Mmmm look at that little bead~." Sonata says, loving the site.
  1417. >"Just suck it already!" Aria grabs the back of Sonata's head and forces it down, making her mouth swallow up your throbbing cum cannon.
  1418. >Your toes curled at the sudden feel of her warm mouth and tongue enveloping your cock.
  1419. >With Sonata's mouth now going up and down your pecker, she reaches back to her wanting pussy.
  1420. >Rubbing herself up and down, moaning and salivating all over your cock as she does so.
  1421. >Making a mess of your hips and the cushions below.
  1422. >"Yeah... Good girl... Oh~! Hohohoo~ fuck~! Mnn! Dig those nn! Dig those fingers deep in your wet little pussy, Sonata~."
  1423. >"Mmmm *schlurp* Mmm~! Mhm~!"
  1424. >Aria pushes her sister's head down as far as she can, making her gag.
  1425. >She grabs the sides of her head, bringing her lips to the rim, and forcing her back down.
  1426. >"Ohhh look, Sonata! His leg is Nn~! His leg is twitching!"
  1427. >You give Aria's ass another good smack before getting you tongue back into her hungry cunt.
  1428. >"Hngoh my gawwwd~!"
  1429. >Aria's eyes slam shut, gyrating her hips all over your face.
  1430. >Reaching your limit, you do your absolute best to hold out, wanting to make sure you can at least make Aria cum once before you break.
  1431. >You give her another good slap, finding a particular spot just at the tip of her pussy lips that make her moan and groan much louder when you hit it.
  1432. >"Hngah~! F-finally..."
  1433. >On cue, you poke, lick, and prod that little bean with your tongue, wrapping your lips around it.
  1434. >"Mnnf~! Oh wow... oh yeah~!"
  1435. >Aria involuntarily leans forward.
  1436. >Unwittingly forcing Sonata as far down as she possibly could go down you shaft, gagging and crying at the feel of your cock going down her throat.
  1437. >The sensation was too much.
  1438. >With photon torpedo in launch position, you unleash your hot, sticky jizz down Sonata's throat.
  1439. >Unable to get herself up with Aria using her head for support.
  1440. >She swallows and guzzles every drop that shoots out, desperately getting every bit she could.
  1441. >Sonata, at the feel of your cum sliding down her gullet, makes herself orgasm.
  1442. >Her body shuddered as her pussy frothed and convulsed, spurting her love all over the side wall of the van.
  1443. >"Hngohhh god~."
  1444. >Aria, following in turn, unable to take you stimulating her sweet spot, squirts all over your face and in your mouth.
  1445. >With her not letting herself up, you've no choice but to take a few drinks of her orgasm.
  1446. >Aria twist her hips against your mouth, filling you up and causing herself to cum all over the fabrics.
  1447. >"Mnff you ah... nasty... perverted boy..."
  1448. >She says, coming down from her prodigious climax.
  1449. >You go limp. Having expunged every ounce of effort into achieving this moment.
  1450. >"hnguhh... mm. Good work, lover boy. I didn't think you'd find the clit so fa- Sonata??"
  1451. >Sonata lay there, head between your legs, and cock still in her mouth.
  1452. >Aria grabs a tuft of Sonata hair and pulls her up off your meat.
  1453. >The minute her lips unseal from around your softening shaft, a heavy amount of jizz and spit drool from her mouth.
  1454. >"Gahhh~... Sooo warm."
  1455. >"Don't hog it all!" Aria barks, pulling Sonata up to kiss her to get whatever what was left that she could.
  1456. >"Mmm. Mmm~." Aria moans, finally getting up off of you, leaving her mouth closed, and getting to the floor on her knees, leaning on your chest.
  1457. "That..."
  1458. >"That~." Sonata says, panting, makeup running down her face.
  1459. "W-wa-"
  1460. >Aria gulps your load she had gotten from Sonata down.
  1461. >"Was /lots/ of fun."
  1462. >"Was? Are.... whew, we done already??" Sonata says, sitting up, panting heavily.
  1463. "Fuck..."
  1464. >"Yeah! I wanna do that! We can take turns, Aria!"
  1465. >"As much fun as that would be, we have to clean up. Can't let "Dagi~" find out what we did, can we, lover boy?" She pinches your cheek.
  1466. "Hey, hey! Cut it out, would ya?"
  1467. >Aria giggles, looking down at you.
  1468. >"Aria?" Sonata tilts her head, "Why do we have to keep it a secret? We do the sex stuff with Adagio all the time."
  1469. "..."
  1470. >"Well yeah~, but if she finds out about /this/ that'll just make her even more mean and insufferable. Besides, we can keep a secret, can't we, sis?"
  1471. >Aria leans over, as does Sonata.
  1472. >Their lips meeting in a prolonged kiss.
  1473. >"Yeah, yeah we can, sis." Sonata says, "But we still get to have lots more fun with Anon, right? Its wayyy more fun with a boy!"
  1474. >They both look down at you, giving them same looks as when this all got started.
  1475. "Pluh... Plenty of me to go around..."
  1476. >You laugh, shakily and sit yourself back up.
  1477. >"YES!" Sonata hugs you tightly.
  1478. >God this feels amazing.
  1479. >"Okay, okay!" Aria pulls you apart, "Get dressed, we need to clean up. C'mon, lets go home and get cleaned up so we can get back in time before anyone notices."
  1480. >With that, the three of you put your clothes back on.
  1481. >The smell of musk and sex permeated the air in the van.
  1482. >A copious mixture of Aria's, Sonata's, and your own love having seeped into the fabrics of the couch and walls.
  1483. >Cleaning all this would be an effort.
  1484. >Hopefully you don't get too distracted by these two little lust demons in the process so you can do a thorough cleaning.
  1485. >And hopefully the same applies to them.
  1488. >>
  1489. >Be Anon yet again.
  1490. >Arriving to the Dazzling home.
  1491. >Home where the three sisters who you're currently caught up in a lustful, sexual, battle for vengeance against your sister reside.
  1492. >Its also the abode of your Aunt Chrysalis.
  1493. >Aria pulls into the driveway, parking aside another, smaller, sleek sports car.
  1494. >All black with neon green graphics all along the sides.
  1495. >In the back of the van, Sonata has her arms tightly wrapped around you, snoozing on your shoulder, leaving a trail of drool going down your arm.
  1496. >The engine shut off.
  1497. >"Alright," Aria says, opening her door, "Hop out and lets get get to cleaning."
  1498. "Wait, Aria."
  1499. >"Hm?"
  1500. "Is that your mom's car?"
  1501. >"Yeah. SHe might be home so we'll just have to be quite."
  1502. >You nod.
  1503. >Fuck it.
  1504. >Can care less about the consequence of skipping class would be at this point.
  1505. "Sonata."
  1506. >You nudge her shoulder.
  1507. >To no effect. Shes in a deep sleep.
  1508. "Sonata! Hey!"
  1509. >You nudge her again, shaking her.
  1510. >"Mnngn..." She readjusts against you, nuzzling your shoulder, "Mnn but Dagiii... I've been on bottom three times already... *snort* Aria cums too much and I'm not thirsty..."
  1511. "Jesus."
  1512. >You shake your head, blocking any and all lewd images of the three together in bed being very naughty girls.
  1513. "Sonata!"
  1514. >You push her off, grab her shoulders, and shake her.
  1515. "Wake up! We gotta start cleaning the van!"
  1516. >"Hrmm hm?"
  1517. >She awakens finally.
  1518. >Her groggy eyes lighting up the minute she comes to and sees you.
  1519. >She gasps.
  1520. >"Nonny!!" She hugs you tightly, "What're you doing in my room? Are... are you here forrr~..."
  1521. "Woman."
  1522. >The sliding door opens.
  1523. >"Whats taking you two so long, better not be getting freaky again with Sonata without me, lover boy!"
  1524. "I'm not! Sonata was just in a coma!"
  1525. >Sonata snaps out of it, looking around the inside of the van.
  1526. >"Ohhh yeah! Sorry!"
  1527. >She snickers.
  1528. >"Ugh, just get out already so we can hop in the shower."
  1529. >"Yay! C'mon, Non'!" She giggles, "That rhymed!"
  1530. >Sonata grabs your hand and pulls you out, running to the door, bouncing in place as giddy as can be.
  1531. >Aria sighs and shakes her head, walking up to the door.
  1532. >"Did you forget who has the house key, Sonata?"
  1533. >"Nope! I just can't wait to get clean with our cousin!"
  1534. "Wait, we're gonna shower together??"
  1535. >"Well, yeah~ dummy." Aria says, pinching your cheek, "We're not gonna waste time going one a time."
  1536. >As good of an excuse as that was, you knew it only meant they wanted more.
  1537. >Of course you did as well.
  1538. >How could you not?
  1539. >Upon opening the door, Sonata runs in, pulling you along with her.
  1540. >"This is gonna be way more fun the- oof!"
  1541. "Wai- ahgh!"
  1542. >Sonata runs into a blockade, falling to the floor upon doing so.
  1543. >Aria freezes in place, seeing what stopped the two of you.
  1544. >"Uh-oh..."
  1545. >You look up.
  1546. "H-hey, Aunt Chrysalis." You wave.
  1547. >She looks down at you, grimacing.
  1548. >"Hey yourself, Anonymous."
  1549. >Sonata gets back to her feet.
  1550. >Chrysalis shoots her a glare.
  1551. >Making her yelp and hide behind you.
  1552. >"Just what are you kids doing out of school?? Where is your sister?"
  1553. >"Sorry mom," Sonata says," W-we didn't-"
  1554. >"Think that I would be home??"
  1555. >"N-no! I uhh-"
  1556. >"We wanted to come home to shower after gym class!"
  1557. >Aria says, to the rescue.
  1558. >"Why!?" Chrysalis hisses, "You know you two shouldn't be missing any classes! And why are /you/ here, Anonymous? Please tell me you have a better excuse!"
  1559. "Y-yes ma'am! I just..."
  1560. >You may as well shit yourself.
  1561. "Also needed to shower?"
  1562. >Chrysalis deadpans.
  1563. >"Really?" She says, unimpressed.
  1564. >"Hes not lying, mom!" Aria says, "They made us run laps around the track! Its really hot outside today, and we didn't want to use the school showers. Anon asked if he can come with us to use ours too!"
  1565. >"Yeah! Mhm!" Sonata nods, peaking over your shoulder.
  1566. >"Is that so, Anonymous?"
  1567. "Y-yes, ma'am. I don't like using the lockerroom showers. They stink like mold."
  1568. >Your Aunt relents, pinching the bridge of her nose.
  1569. >"You girls get upstairs and clean up! One thing's for sure, you /do/ stink."
  1570. >They both blush and rush upstairs.
  1571. >"Thanks mom!" Sonata says, running up.
  1572. >Aria follows along, although without the full sprinting up the stairs.
  1573. >She looks back at you, showing off her booty and pointing up before going up the final few steps.
  1574. "Uh- ahem, I guess I should go and wait for my turn-"
  1575. >Chrysalis firmly grips your shoulder.
  1576. >Sending an incy chill down your spine.
  1577. >"Not so fast, young man."
  1578. >Shit.
  1579. "What is it, Aunt Chrysalis?"
  1580. >She turns you to face her, prying your thoughts with her emerald gaze.
  1581. >She crosses her arms, or least as well as she could with her bust being so lavish.
  1582. >"I know this has nothing to do with gym class."
  1583. >Shit!
  1584. >"In fact, I think I know why you three are actually here." She bends down to get on eye level, "What are you hiding, boy?"
  1585. >SHIT!
  1586. "H-h-hiding?"
  1587. >You gulp.
  1588. >"Hmph." She places a hand on her hip and pokes your forehead, "You honestly think I don't recognize the smell of my own daughters?"
  1589. >Run!
  1590. >Call the cops!
  1591. >Do seomthing!
  1592. "Uh, erm, what uh, whaddya mean?" You shrug.
  1593. >"Oh please, you honestly don't think I know? I'm their /mother/, cutie pie. I know what those two get up to with their sister."
  1594. >She sniffs.
  1595. >"I recognize that smell."
  1596. "Oh..."
  1597. >She narrowed her eyes, piercing you like a veil.
  1598. >You may as well have frozen at the sight.
  1599. >"Yes. Truth be told it never really bothered me. I always figured that they'd be active in that way early. They are /my/ daughters, after all."
  1600. >Wasn't sure what she meant by that.
  1601. >"I mean, my genetics are prime!"
  1602. >Oh, okay.
  1603. >"Just look at me! My hips are far greater then Luna's! And my bust?" She lifts her tits in her hands, and lets them drop, "is the size of your mothers!"
  1604. >Her bust jiggled and bounced in her clothes.
  1605. >You couldn't help but stare.
  1606. "Uh-"
  1607. >"So tell me, Anonymous!" She closes the gap between you, forcing you backward against the wall, "Son of the man who gave me my children! Why would /you/ choose Luna over me, EVEN FOR ONE NIGHT!? HM!?"
  1608. "What!? A-Aunt Chrysalis I don't know what you're talking about! I've never met my dad!"
  1609. >Snapping out of the heat of the moment, she quickly regains herself.
  1610. >"No! No, you... you haven't. So of course you wouldn't be able to tell me."
  1611. >Chrysalis takes a deep breath.
  1612. "...Wanna talk about it?"
  1613. >She scoffs, letting out a chuckle before giving you a look of ednearment.
  1614. >"No. But, lets talk about you~. My poor, sweet, neglected nephew."
  1615. >You let out a nervous chuckle.
  1616. "Uh, w-well I-"
  1617. >"Yes the resemblemce is there..."
  1618. >She cups your cheeks in her hands.
  1619. >They were smooth, firm, and strong.
  1620. >Its beginning to become /very/ clear how her daughters got to be the way they are after puberty hit them.
  1621. >"You aren't quite the same, but I see hints of him in you..."
  1622. >She pulls you in close, petting your head and moaning as your face brushes against her tits.
  1623. >"But..."
  1624. >She grips your clothing, knotting it up in her hands.
  1625. >"I see hints of your /mother/ too!"
  1626. >She pushes you away, keeping her grip on your clothing, making your head bounce against the force.
  1627. >"Oh..." She coos, "But I can't help but be reminded of him..."
  1628. >Your Aunt caresses your cheek, looking longingly into your eyes.
  1629. >With every possible alert going off in your brain, you can't help but still feel an all too familiar feeling in your pants.
  1630. >Yes indeed you've truly gone beyond the point of no return.
  1631. >She releases you, quickly bringing her hands to her sides and looking away, regaining her composure.
  1632. >"Down the hall theres another bathroom with a shower. Use it to clean up and go with Aria and Sonata back to school."
  1633. "Yeah, okay." You mutter, meekly.
  1634. >You make your way down.
  1635. >Aunt Chrysalis...
  1636. >Never realized just /how/ attractive she is.
  1637. >And shes right about one thing, her genetics are indeed /prime/.
  1638. >Good lord.
  1639. >Which confirms your erlier theory, your cousins got their "assets" from her.
  1640. >Thank god for that!
  1642. >>
  1643. >Be Sunset.
  1644. >On your way to the last class of the day.
  1645. >After that, its straight home to confront your brother once and for all.
  1646. >Literally for all, in a sense.
  1647. >For today, after some counseling from Aunt Luna, you're going to make your brother yours.
  1648. >Seal the deal and show him /just/ how much you love him as a sister!
  1649. >Not going to let your /cousins/ of all girls be the ones who take him!
  1650. >Not gonna happen.
  1651. >Making your way to his locker to give him some well deserved beratement after that little display during lunch, you duck and weave through other kids.
  1652. >Should get there quickly to give yourself as much time as you can afford.
  1653. >Forget it! You'll just skip class and spend it instead with him!
  1654. >/Convincing/ him, as Aunt Luna would put it.
  1655. >Despite her lack of detail, you were pretty sure you were picking up what she was putting down.
  1656. >Either way, it'll only be a small taste of what you'll give him at home.
  1657. >Maybe the alchohol your aunt gave you is making you more forward, yes.
  1658. >But if thats what it takes, then so be it!
  1659. >You make it to the locker, but no brother in sight.
  1660. >"Well, well, well. Hello there, /cousin/."
  1661. >No.
  1662. >Her!
  1663. >Adagio stood leaning against his locker.
  1664. "Get out of my way, Adagio!"
  1665. >"Aww, is that any way to greet your cousin, Sunset? Your cousin who is also with your precious little brother~?"
  1666. "Don't even! I know that you're only using him to spite me!"
  1667. >"Hm-hm. At first that was the plan, yes. But I think I'm starting to like him. Quite a lot, actually."
  1668. >Adagio sighs contently, going on.
  1669. >"Yes. Hes certainly a nice boy, isn't he? Hes fun to order around and hes a cutie pie to top it off... Mhm~. Its such a shame you didn't make a move while you could've. Now he's mine!"
  1670. "How did you know??" You growl, "How did you know how I felt about him!?"
  1671. >Adagio narrows her eyes, giving the smuggest grin.
  1672. >"That night at my house, when we had that sleep over? Do you really not remember, cousin?"
  1673. "At your house? I don't..."
  1674. >It went off like a bomb in your gut.
  1675. >You hallucinate the walls caving in as though the world is falling down around you.
  1676. >All feeling of anger quickly waned, making way for a sinking, desperate feel of regret.
  1677. >Of course!
  1678. >That night...
  1679. >During your truth circle!
  1680. >She figured it out!
  1681. >UGH!
  1682. >You dumb girl!
  1683. >Why couldn't you have just made something up, like it was Flash or something!?
  1684. "O-oh..." Your voice cracked as run your hands through your hair, "Oh my god."
  1685. >"Thats right, Sunset." Adagio says, now only a few paces from you, "I've known about how much you liked him since then. Honestly at the time I thought you were just being a foolish little girl. But when I saw you showing off Rarity to make him jealous at lunch the other day, I knew it was true. Good plan, by the way, so devious like the old Sunset I once knew~."
  1686. "Why...? Why would you?"
  1687. >"Why?" Adagio's iris's shrink, "Why!? You ask that?? You who completely abandoned me and my sisters?? Your own family?? Once you got your new friends! And who STOLE the battle of the bands talent show victory from us!? For THOSE people?? How DARE you!"
  1688. "Wait! Before we get into it, lets go somewhere more private! Somewhere we won't draw a crowd?"
  1689. >You cock your brow at her, nudging your head at all the prying eyes now on her because of her outburst.
  1690. >"As if I care what any of you plebians think!!" She screams, berating them all and sending them running.
  1691. >"You never turn your back on family, much less turn your back on /me/, Sunset. Besides," She continues, "I'm meeting Anon here. We're going to skip class and spend some..." She licks her lips, "quality time together."
  1692. "Okay then." You place your hands on your hips, "Where is he?"
  1693. >Your question had her fumble her smug attitude.
  1694. >"Uh, well, probably on his way here, to his locker!"
  1695. "Well he isn't here yet! And the bell will ring any second. So hes either already in class, or he just left school."
  1696. >"He wouldn't! I told him I and my sister's would give him a ride home."
  1697. "Could he be with them?"
  1698. >Adagio scoffs, knowing what you're thinking.
  1699. >"Please. Don't even try to trick me, they wouldn't dare cross me. I already told them Anon was off limits and only for me. Which goes for you too."
  1700. >You grit your teeth at her words.
  1701. >Before quickly realizing.
  1702. "Wait, they aren't helping you? I thought that they were based on what I saw during lunch. In fact, they looked like they want him as much as we do."
  1703. >"I already told them he was off limi-" Her eyes narrow "Oh those two little TRAITORS!!"
  1704. >Adagio bolts down the hall, going for the exit leading out to the parking lot.
  1705. "Hey! Hey come back!"
  1706. >You quickly give chase.
  1707. >Adagio stops to catch her breath.
  1708. "Wait! Hold on!"
  1709. >"Ugh, *pant* these boots were'nt made for running... Give it... give it up, Sunset! Your brother only wants me now! And I... And I'm going to-"
  1710. "I'm *pant* sorry!"
  1711. >"Sorry for what? Wasting my time?"
  1712. "No! What you said before! I'm sorry! I was trying to be a better person! My friends accepted me after I stopped being a bully to everyone... When the battle of the bands happened, I just wanted to help them so much that I lost sight of my family! I should've just stayed out of it."
  1713. >Adagio, in shock at your words, is at a loss for words of her own.
  1714. >For a brief moment, Adagio lightened up towards you.
  1715. >"I..."
  1716. >But the moment was just that.
  1717. >Brief.
  1718. >She shakes her head, and snaps back.
  1719. >"Its too late for apologiez, cousin! Now stay out of my way!"
  1720. "I won't! I meant what I said but I can't let you take my brother away from me!
  1721. >"Too late for that too."
  1722. >Adagio takes off again, turning down the corner to the doors leading out.
  1723. >She rams herself into them, sending them flying open despite their heavy weight.
  1724. >Not far behind, you run up beside her.
  1725. >Scanning the parking lot, you spot Adagio's van.
  1726. "Yes!"
  1727. >Without hesitation, you run for it.
  1728. >"Hey!"
  1729. >With Adagio now trailing you.
  1730. >You skid to a stop just in front of the van, wherein Aria sat at the driver's seat drinking a milk shake.
  1731. "Aria!"
  1732. >"Aria!"
  1733. >You both shout in unison.
  1734. >Aria rolls her eyes, letting down the window.
  1735. >"What?"
  1736. >"Where is Anon?"
  1737. "Where is Anon?"
  1738. >Aria snickers.
  1739. >"Haven't seen you two so in sync since we were little."
  1740. "Cut the crap! Where's my brother!"
  1741. >"Why would I know?"
  1742. >Adagio slides the side door open.
  1743. >Revealing only a snoozing Sonata on the couch, and a clean smelling van.
  1744. >"Wha... Oh. Hmph."
  1745. >Adagio begins to let out a low, gutteral laugh.
  1746. >"I can't beleive I let you plant those seeds of doubt in my head, cousin. Seems you are still evil after all."
  1747. "Am not! I'm just protecting my brother from /you/! What I said to you goes for all three of you! Stay away from him! Hes mine!"
  1748. >You storm off.
  1749. >Anon probably did just go straight to class anyway.
  1750. >Where else could he have gone?
  1752. >>
  1753. >Be Adagio. The most beautiful of the Dazzling trio.
  1754. >Because of course you are.
  1755. >Your sisters?
  1756. >Just backup dancers.
  1757. >Compared to you, and only you, anyway.
  1758. "So you haven't seen him, Aria? Or SONATA?!?"
  1759. >Sonata jumps awake.
  1760. >"Whuh! Huh??"
  1761. >"No Adagio, we haven't. What's gotten into you anyway? And why were you with Sunset?"
  1762. "Hmph, she actually had the audacity to try and trick me into thinking you two were with my Anon."
  1763. >"YOU'RE Anon, huh?" Aria says, rolling her eyes, "I thought he was just to get back at Sunset?"
  1764. "Hmph. Hes family. Better then most of the idiot, dorky, or goody goody boys here at this school."
  1765. >"Mmm yeah he is." Sonata says, wiping the sleep from her eyes.
  1766. >"So when are you gonna seal the deal and sleep with him?" Aria asks, bluntly.
  1767. "Sunset is becoming more restless as this goes on. I can't risk her making a move and him caving into pure lust-"
  1768. >"Whoaa~ are you intimidate by Sunset, Dagi?" Sonata asks.
  1769. "No! But Anon no doubt can be swayed by her. I hate to admit it but she got the best parts of Principle Celestia's genes. I have to do it tonight."
  1770. >Aria chokes on her shake.
  1771. >"Well that was fast!"
  1772. "Oh please, don't act like your wouldn't just sleep with him right away if you had the chance."
  1773. >"Yeah. If only." Aria rolls her eyes.
  1774. "Regardless, taking him home with us will give me the advantage, because we'll arrive before Sunset will."
  1775. >"We will?" Sonata asks.
  1776. "Speed limits don't exist after hes in this van with us."
  1777. >"Ohhhoho yeah!" Aria grips the wheel, ready to speed off right away.
  1778. >Good!
  1779. >Love the enthusiasm.
  1780. "Well then, I suppose I should ask what you two are even doing out here to begin with?"
  1781. >"Uh, skipping english class?" Aria replies, taking another sip from her shake.
  1782. >"We went to shake shack!" Sonata replies jovially.
  1783. "Whatever. You two just try not to get into any trouble. You know how mother can be."
  1784. >You walk off and head back to the building.
  1785. "Hmhm, just wait, my sweet little boy toy. I'll make you mine tonight!"
  1787. >>
  1788. >Be Anon.
  1789. >Currently STUFFED into the underside of the couch.
  1790. >Fortunatly there was just enough space to store you inside.
  1791. >After Aria and Sonata stuffed you in with several pushes and a few kicks.
  1792. >Still hurts...
  1793. >"Coast is clear, Sonata." Aria says.
  1794. >"Woohoo!"
  1795. >Sonata gets up from the couch, unlatching the storage door.
  1796. "Mughhhh...."
  1797. >You crinkle, crack, and crawl your way out.
  1798. "Oh god..."
  1799. >"Hey lover boy, did you catch all that?"
  1800. >You get back up enough to sit on the couch, popping a few things in doing so.
  1801. "All I heard was mumbling. Was my sister here?"
  1802. >Aria and Sonata look at each other.
  1803. >"Nnnah." Aria says, narrowing her eyes, "Just Adagio, like we said."
  1804. "Oh. I must be hearing things. Thanks for hiding me so quickly."
  1805. >"Don't worry about it, Nonny~!" Sonata hugs you tightly, as she loves to do.
  1806. >Popping your back in the process.
  1807. "Hng!" *crackle and pop* "Th-thank you, Sonata."
  1808. >"Yeah, wonderful."
  1809. >Aria tosses her now empty milkshake cup out the window.
  1810. >Giving no regard if it hits another car.
  1811. >"C'mon. Lets go to class. We're already super late and mom will skewer us if we miss more school unexpectedly."
  1812. >Sonata lets you go, opening up the door.
  1813. >You exit with her and make your way back inside the building, waving goodbye to your cousins as you part ways in the hall.
  1814. >Sonata gives a cheerful wave goodbye, while Aria blows you a kiss with a sultry wink.
  1815. "This... has been an eventful few days."
  1818. >>
  1819. >The end of school at last.
  1820. >This has been easily the wildest day of your life.
  1821. >From getting a good handy J in the girl's bathroom to start it off, to being in a freaky three-way with Sonata and Aria right after lunch, seeing how crazy your Aunt Chrysalis was after that...
  1822. >Being stuffed into a tightly cramped space in their van to avoid the wrath of Adagio...
  1823. >Yeah.
  1824. >Its been a great day.
  1825. >And God only knows what else awaits.
  1826. >You aren't sure what exactly it was that caused this sudden attraction to family.
  1827. >Maybe its because you've always felt this way and had never realized it before.
  1828. >Maybe you really are just a filthy degenerate who will take whatever he can get.
  1829. >Maybe its just because you had been unable to form any real meaningful relationships with any girls before due to Sunset's controlling nature.
  1830. >Sunset...
  1831. >Thoughts of your sister begin popping into your head.
  1833. >>
  1834. >Be Anon in your own head.
  1835. >You walk into your room, seeing Sunset laying in your bed.
  1836. >Wearing only a silky laced black skirt, and nothing else.
  1837. >She looked so incredible, so unbelievably sexy!
  1838. >"Hey little bro~."
  1839. >She gets up to her knees.
  1840. >"Welcome home from school, want to study for an anatomy test?"
  1841. >You stand in shock, astonished at the sight before you.
  1842. >She traces her fingers lightly over her bust, bringing them down her sleek, sexual, sensual body.
  1843. >"You can't mean to not help her, cousin."
  1844. >From behind, Adagio wraps her arms around you, biting her lip.
  1845. >She had on a similar article of clothing to Sunset's.
  1846. >Adagio begins pecking your neck in kisses.
  1847. >"You can't really mean to deny helping your big sister study for school, can you?" She says.
  1848. "I didn't say I wouldn't!"
  1849. >You stare at Sunset, who leans back, spreading her legs to reveal her glistening thighs.
  1850. >"Well then what are you waiting for, bro?"
  1851. "I'm not waiting..."
  1852. >"Well then give it to her good, Lover boy." Aria says, walking in as well.
  1853. >"Yeah! Go Nonny go!" Sonata says, following along.
  1854. "I will! I'm gonna!"
  1856. >>
  1857. >"Anon?"
  1858. "I'm not waiting! I'll give it to all of you!"
  1859. >"Cousin!"
  1860. "Uh!?"
  1861. >Adagio stood, her arms wrapped around you from behind, hands on your chest.
  1862. >"What were you thinking about?" Her eyes narrow as her hands slowly begin clawing into your chest.
  1863. "N-nothing, Dagi! Nothing important."
  1864. >"Hm." Her grip loosens as she comes around to your side, "Better not be."
  1865. >She pulls you into a passionate kiss, sliding her tongue deep in your mouth.
  1866. >"Mnnn~."
  1867. >Your lips remain locked, wrapping and wriggling each other's tongues.
  1868. >Slowly, she releases you.
  1869. >"Good. Looks like you're learning to kiss better too."
  1870. "Yeah well--"
  1871. >"You've been thinking about me a lot lately, have you?" She smirks, leaning her head on your shoulder.
  1872. "Yeah. Yeah I have been actually."
  1873. >"And don't think I haven't forgot about rewarding you for being such a good little boy today~."
  1874. >She traces circles lightly in your chest.
  1875. "'Course not, Dagi." You say, lewd thoughts now aplenty in your mind.
  1876. >You put an arm around her, and make it outside.
  1877. >"C'mon, enough fooling around!"
  1878. >Adagio grips your arm and begins full on sprinting to the van.
  1879. "Whoa, hey Dagi! C'mon!"
  1880. >"Shutup and run!"
  1881. >Figuring it better to run rather then lose an arm, you follow in turn.
  1882. >"You gotta run faster then that, lover boy~!" Aria calls out from the driver's seat window.
  1883. >The side door slides open from the inside, revealing Sonata waving the two of you towards her.
  1884. >"Woo! C'mon Adagio! Run faster, Nonny~!"
  1885. >You come to a sliding stop at the door.
  1886. >"Get in, hot stuff!"
  1887. >Adagio pushes you in, making you trip and land face first into Sonata's tits.
  1888. >"Woo! You made it!" She cheers.
  1889. >Adagio quickly hops in after, slamming the door shut.
  1890. >"Aria!" She shouts.
  1891. >Aria presses a button on the center console and loud heavy metal music begins blasting from the speakers.
  1892. >Without hesitating, Aria throws the van in reverse and slams the gas.
  1893. >Making the tires screech against the asphalt as she puts it back into drive and floors it.
  1894. "Wha-- holy crap!"
  1895. >The sudden momentum sends you flying from Sonata's tits to Adagio's arms.
  1896. >She quickly grips you tight, kissing you deeply as she does so.
  1897. >The van tosses and turns as Aria speeds out of the parking lot and school grounds like a bat out of hell.
  1898. >"Move it, slowpokes!" She says, screaming at traffic.
  1899. "Never thought she was such a good- AH!"
  1900. >A sharp left sends you flying to the wall.
  1901. >Adagio comes rolling right in front of you, her big cushy hair acting like a pillow for her landing on top of you.
  1902. >"You're not getting away!" Adagio says, pinning you, "Sonata get his legs!"
  1903. >"Woohoo!" Sonata puts her weight on your legs, anchoring them down to the floor.
  1904. "I don't /want/ to get away!"
  1905. >Adagio sits on your waist, leaning forward, face only an inch from yours.
  1906. >"I know~."
  1907. >She kisses you deeply and longingly.
  1908. >Shit what a rush!
  1909. >Sonata, feeling left out, giggles to herself as she begins to rub captain winky through your pants.
  1910. "Mm~! Aw fuck~."
  1911. >"Yeah baby..." Aria whispers to herself, adjusting the rear-view mirror to watch Adagio forcefully make out with you.
  1912. >The rest of the ride goes the same.
  1913. >Adagio, sensually making out with you on the floor, while Sonata essentially jerks you off.
  1914. >While Aria cranks up the music and drives like shes in a demolition derby.
  1915. >"Hold on to your butts!" Aria says, slamming the breaks.
  1916. >The tires screech and burn against the road , leaving black tire marks all along the streets.
  1917. >"We're here~." Aria says, a triumphant smile on her face.
  1918. >"Good..." Adagio says, getting up and opening the door, "C'mon, Anon-- Sonata!!"
  1919. >"Oops!" Sonata hadn't stopped playing with your junk.
  1920. >"Hands off!" Adagio says, smacking her hands away.
  1921. >"Aww~!" Sonata pouts as she gets up from your legs.
  1922. >You get up and collect yourself, head spinning from the crazy adrenaline rush you just had.
  1923. "Whoa... holy shit."
  1924. >"Yeah, I know. I'm a good driver." Aria says, crossing her arms.
  1925. >"Be amazed later, Anon!" Adagio grabs your shoulders, "C'mon, lets go inside so I can give you your reward~..."
  1926. >You nod, leaving the van and taking Adagio to the door.
  1927. >"Aria?" Sonata asks, watching you leave.
  1928. >"What?"
  1929. >"When are we gonna get another turn with Anon?"
  1930. >Aria pauses, thinking to herself.
  1931. >"Hm... wanna corner him under the bleachers tomorrow after school?"
  1932. >Sonata gasps.
  1933. >"Yeah!"
  1935. >>
  1936. >The door flies open as Adagio pushes herself against you, kissing you and getting her hands under your shirt.
  1937. >You slam the door closed again upon your entering, playing little mind as to whether or not it closed fully.
  1938. >Adagio rubs up and down your chest, slowly going lower to your staff of wonder.
  1939. >Not looking where either of you are going, you trip yourself on the arm of the couch in the living room.
  1940. >You go tumbling down on the couch, getting yourselves comfortable as your kick your shoes off.
  1941. >Adagio not showing any sign of relenting, continues making out, finally getting your shirt off.
  1942. >It goes flying across the living room as she begins kissing her way down your neck and to your chest.
  1943. >With one hand she rubs your chest, as her other rubs your hardening prick.
  1944. >Getting it to full mast, making it throb in her grip.
  1945. "D-Dagi..."
  1946. >"Mnh~."
  1947. >She moans in response, licking your nipples, making you feel a tingling sensation you didn't think was possible.
  1948. "Ohhoo, damn! D-dagi!"
  1949. >"Mm~." She moans, smirking, "Don't think baby, just let Dagi give to you what no other girls can."
  1950. >You cup her cheek in one hand, and pet her head with the other.
  1951. >Making her blush heavily as she looks lovingly at you.
  1952. "We should go upstairs, Sunset will be home any minute..."
  1953. >A devious, insidious, underhanded, and lust filled grins grows on her face.
  1954. >She shifts herself downward, stopping as her face meets your stiffy.
  1955. >"I know~."
  1956. >It hit you like a freight train.
  1957. >This was her plan all along.
  1958. >The ultimate goal of her vengeance.
  1959. >You bite your lip.
  1960. >Should you... stop her?
  1961. >Do you /want/ to stop her?
  1962. >Adagio unbuckles your belt, and undoes your pants, biting her lip while doing so.
  1963. >Sunset won't be heartbroken by this sight, like Adagio may think.
  1964. >She'll be angry.
  1965. >VERY angry.
  1966. >"So what if she sees us. Serves her right for what she did to you, right?"
  1967. >She reaches into your boxers and begins playing with your sausage.
  1968. "Mn~. I-I mean--"
  1969. >You're cutoff by the sound of the door opening.
  1970. >Your heart skipped a beat.
  1971. >It was Sunset.
  1972. >"Bro? Hey Anon!"
  1973. >Sunset begins making her way up the stairs.
  1974. >Adagio licks her lips as she gets your dong out and begins lightly tapping her face with it.
  1975. >You had to fight the urge not to grunt or moan from the feel of her playing with you in such a way.
  1976. >You look over at the steps.
  1977. >Sunset had gone up fully already.
  1978. >You breath a quick sigh of relief as Adagio places your member in her mouth.
  1979. "Ah~!" You cringe at the sudden sensation, trying to remain quiet.
  1980. >Much to Adagio's dismay.
  1981. >She /wanted/ to be found.
  1982. >"Hngrr! Hes not here! He must be with Adagio..." Sunset says, quickly coming back down the stairs, "I'll call him."
  1983. >Fuck!
  1984. >Adagio seals her lips fully around your shaft, making your head lull in the couch pillows.
  1985. >She slowly slides her lips upward.
  1986. >"Mmmnnn~ *pop*"
  1987. "Oh fuck..." You whisper.
  1988. >Sunset looks over at the couch.
  1989. >"What was...?"
  1990. >Your phone goes off in your pocket.
  1991. >Somehow in all this you had completely forgotten it was with you.
  1992. >It rings, loudly going off in your pocket.
  1993. >Your heart sinks.
  1994. >To which Adagio narrows her eyes, giving you the smuggest look of satisfaction.
  1995. >Sunset, having heard, comes to the living room.
  1996. >Now standing directly over you and Adagio.
  1997. >Adagio turns to face her.
  1998. >Sunset looks down, in utter shock.
  1999. >"..."
  2000. >Her eye twitches.
  2001. >"Well hello, cousin~." Adagio says, sliding her hand up and down your cock, "We didn't think you'd be home so early..."
  2002. "..."
  2003. >"You... Y-you!!"
  2004. >"Hm-hm~. Yes, we just couldn't resit- AH!"
  2005. >Sunset grabs hold of Adagio and rips her off of you.
  2006. >Adagio, not to be taken without a fight, grabs hold of your sister and trips her, sending them both to the ground.
  2007. >You sit up in the couch, watching them fight, dick still erect as their bodies mash and press against each other on the ground.
  2008. >"You bitch!" Sunset says, pinning Adagio, "How dare you!!"
  2009. >"How DARE I??"
  2010. >Adagio bring her legs upward, gripping around Sunset's waist and using them to send her flying back.
  2011. >Sunset flings off her jacket and prepares to fight.
  2012. >Adagio does the same with her hoodie.
  2013. >You gulp.
  2014. >Adagio leaps forward and tackles Sunset down, wrapping her arms around her waist and squeezing the air out of her.
  2015. >Sunset does the same, trying to suffocate Adagio before she does to her.
  2016. >You had a perfect view of their cleavage pressing against each other.
  2017. >The force of them doing so making the straps on their bras snap.
  2018. "...Holy."
  2019. >Both of their faces beginning to turn purple, Sunset brings her head back and headbutts Adagio to get her off.
  2020. >They go at it again.
  2021. >Adagio grabs hold of Sunset's shirt, and give her a headbutt of her own.
  2022. >Ripping Sunset's shirt off in the process.
  2023. >Her massive tits now only barely contained by her failing bra.
  2024. >Directly to Sunset's left was Her jacket, she picks it up and uses it like a whip.
  2025. >Sunset manages a hit with the leather sleeve of her jacket, making Adagio flinch.
  2026. >Sunset uses the moment to wrap the jacket around her neck to choke her out.
  2027. >Sunset yanks back on the improvised leash.
  2028. >The force of which nearly causing Adagio's tits to flop out of her own bra.
  2029. >Looking on in awe, arousal, and shock, you watch on as their clothing slowly get ripped and torn apart by their scuffle.
  2030. >Adagio, turning as purple as her sister, reached back to grab hold of Sunset's hair.
  2031. >She gripped two handfuls of Sunset hair and yank violently.
  2032. >Making your sister yelp in pain.
  2033. >"You- AH! You bitch!"
  2034. >Sunset releases Adagio, causing her to collapse to the ground.
  2035. >Adagio, trying to catch her breath, attempts to crawl away.
  2036. >Only to be stopped by Sunset grabbing the waistline of her pants, pulling viciously at them to pervert her from leaving.
  2037. >The force of which causes her pants to slide down, revealing her toned, sexy legs.
  2038. "..."
  2039. >Sunset flips Adagio over, and pins her to the ground once again, grabbing her wrists and holding them down.
  2040. >Adagio wrapped her legs around Sunset's waist, attempting to fling her off again, but to no avail.
  2041. >Instead, she squeezes as hard as she can, crushing your sisters body.
  2042. >Sunset grunts in pain.
  2043. >"! I won't stop!" Adagio says.
  2044. >"Neither... will... I!!" Sunset retorts.
  2045. >Sunset's bra slides off her body, having been broken completely by their tussle.
  2046. >Yup.
  2047. >Thats it.
  2048. "Stop! Both of you stop it now!!"
  2049. >They look at you.
  2050. >You grab hold of Both Adagio and Sunset's wrists.
  2051. "C'mon!!"
  2052. >"But we-"
  2053. >"But we-"
  2054. >They say in unison.
  2055. "Shutup and lets go!!"
  2056. >You pull them apart and drag them upstairs to your room.
  2057. >"What the heck, bro! I was gonna win!"
  2058. >"Was not!!"
  2059. >Upon entering you wrap your hands around the back of their heads and pull them both into a kiss.
  2060. >Sunset, was shocked at this sudden turn.
  2061. >She looked over at Adagio, who was already embracing the situation, kissing and lapping at Anon's and your lips.
  2062. >"Mm! W-wait!" Sunset says, pulling away, "I thought that /we/ bro-"
  2063. "I'm not gonna be forced to choose! Neither one of you can handle me picking one, so I'm taking you both at once and thats that!"
  2064. >Adagio had a glazed look in her eyes, blushing wildly at your brother's words.
  2065. >"Fine with me." She says.
  2066. >"What??"
  2067. >Adagio hugs up to you, wrapping her leg around you.
  2068. >"Mm whats wrong, cousin? Can't handle a three-way?"
  2069. "I'm surprised you're okay with this, Adagio-"
  2070. >Adagio silences you with a finger on your lips.
  2071. >"Dagi. And yes, if I could have you all to myself, that'd be preferable. But if Sunset and I just fight and fight..."
  2072. >She grabs your cock and slowly jerks it up and down.
  2073. >Making Sunset's face glow beat red.
  2074. >"Then I'll never feel /this/ again, will I? Since you don't want to see us fighting..."
  2075. >You kiss Adagio deeply, getting the last few pieces of clothing off of her.
  2076. >Both you and Sunset couldn't help but stare at your cousin's rocking' body.
  2077. >She was nearly a spitting image of Sunset in terms of proportions.
  2078. >Her beasts, a respectably large C cup, while her torso went down and connected perfectly to her hips.
  2079. >Her nips, a slightly darker tinge of yellow to complete her soft, pillowy looking tits.
  2080. >And from her hips, her smooth, toned legs completed her.
  2081. >Truly she had the perfect balance between her sisters.
  2082. >"I-I..."
  2083. >"Hmph." Adagio, picks up her tits in her hands, walking over to Sunset, "Whats wrong, Sunset? Can't handle two at once? Maybe I really am the only girl for Anon. Don't you WANT have fun~?"
  2084. >Sunset stared in awe at your dick, and her cousin's body.
  2085. >Adagio didn't let her form a response, bending down to slide down Sunset's pants.
  2086. >"Ah~!" She yelped.
  2087. >"Well, you're certainly enjoying this, aren't you?" She says, looking at the sleekness between her thighs.
  2088. >"C'mon... look at these..." Adagio gets behind Sunset, wrapping her arms around her chest.
  2089. >Fondling and groping her bulbous D cup tits.
  2090. >Your cousin's hands sank into Sunsets boobs like a memory foam mattress.
  2091. >Making them squish and jiggle while she caresses them.
  2092. >"You want your precious brother to know what they look like, don't you? To /feel/ them~?"
  2093. >She squeezes hard, making Sunset bite her lips and groan.
  2094. >Adagio presses her hips against Sunset's ass, moving her hips slowly back and forth.
  2095. >"B-buhh... but we were just fighting!"
  2096. >"Yeah." Adagio snickers, "Got the blood really flowing didn't it~?"
  2097. >Sunset was breathing hard, unable to control herself as Adagio kept stringing her along.
  2098. >Adagio brought her arms down to Sunset's waist.
  2099. >Holding her tight while moving her hips against your sister's ass.
  2100. >Sunset bites her lip, covering her mouth with her hand.
  2101. >"Ohhh~!" She groans.
  2102. >Finally, your sister relents, and begins moving her hips in rhythm with Adagio.
  2103. >Sunset, regaining some iota of her thoughts back, grabs Adagio's hands, halting her.
  2104. >"I'll make him cum harder then you." She says, placing her hands on her hips.
  2105. >"Hmph!" Adagio comes back from around her, crossing her arms, "Don't count on it!"
  2106. >They both turn their gaze towards you.
  2107. >You feel a mix of arousal and panic at their gaze.
  2108. >Mostly arousal, but still.
  2109. >Sunset removed any and all pieces of her remaining clothing.
  2110. >She was better looking then you imagined her looking.
  2111. >Her fair, silky smooth looking skin.
  2112. >Wrapping her generous figure in a dark, fiery yellow.
  2113. >Her bulbous, D cup tits were perfectly proportioned, sitting firmly on her chest.
  2114. >An hourglass body, tracing down to her wide hips that your mother had blessed her with.
  2115. >Seeing them standing side by side...
  2116. >Your mind was drawing blank.
  2117. >Only taking in the sight before you.
  2118. >They close the gap between you.
  2119. >"Sit." Sunset says.
  2120. >You obey, and sit at the end of your bed.
  2121. >They both kneel down.
  2122. >Sunset grabs hold of your member.
  2123. >Slowly jerking it.
  2124. >Your meat cannon twitches at the touch.
  2125. >"He likes that~." Adagio says, bring her tits up to your shaft, "But we can do better."
  2126. >Sunset, picking up on what Adagio is putting down, does the same with her own bust.
  2127. >They sandwich your dick between their pillowy, soft, squishy beasts.
  2128. >You head reels back at the feel.
  2129. >Adagio moves her tits up and down.
  2130. >Sunset moves hers down and up, complementing her movement.
  2131. >Waves of pleasure jolt through every fiber of your being as their tits rub your shaft and skim the rim of your cock.
  2132. >You grunt in pleasure, unable to take your eyes off of them.
  2133. >"Don't finish yet, bro." Sunset says, enjoying herself, "I want to make this last."
  2134. "That... NF! Thats gonna be tough!"
  2135. >"Deal with it, hot stuff."
  2136. >Adagio picks up the pace, as does your sister.
  2137. >They moan and huff as their nipples rub against each other every time they converge along your shaft.
  2138. >They exchange glances between each other, your cock, and you.
  2139. >Turning themselves on more and more, as their eyes meet.
  2140. >Adagio pushes her tits against Sunset's even harder, trying to remain the dominant one in what you can only assume is a competition between the two.
  2141. >Sunset pushes back, narrowing her eyes.
  2142. >They pick up the pace yet again.
  2143. >Now moving with purpose they begin breathing heavily.
  2144. >The warmth of their breath caressing your dick, as beads of pre-cum leak out and lube both of their tits.
  2145. "Hng...!"
  2146. >Adagio smirks at Sunset, leaning in to kiss her.
  2147. >Sunset pushes back once again, making out with her cousin as they jerk your cock between their bust.
  2148. >They exchange tongues, licking all over and making their combined drool leak all over and in between their tits.
  2149. >Causing an audible schlick each time they move.
  2150. >Your dick throbs, aching to blow a massive load.
  2151. >You twitch.
  2152. >"Yes, cousin thats it... enjoy it. Embrace it!"
  2153. >"C'mon bro~. Give us a reward~."
  2154. >They had you edging.
  2155. >You held back for as long as you could stand.
  2156. >But the combined efforts of them both had brought you quickly to fruition.
  2157. "F-fuck...!"
  2158. >You legs kick and you curl in your toes.
  2159. >You bite your lip as they look in anticipation as your cannon gets ready to fire off.
  2160. >Until, finally, it does.
  2161. "Hngoh god!"
  2162. >You fire off string after string of warm sticky jizz all over their faces and tits.
  2163. >They both open their mouth, letting their tongues hang out to get as much of your seed as possible in their hungry maws.
  2164. >"Nnn don't stop! He can cum more~!" Adagio says, egging on your sister.
  2165. >Sunset grabs hold of your dong, jerking it violently with a sneer.
  2166. >Getting out every last drop in her mouth before letting Adagio take it herself.
  2167. >Adagio suckles the head, licking your tip to suck out everything she can after Sunset jerked it practically dry.
  2168. >"Mnnnn~" She moans, going down to your base.
  2169. >"Mmm~ *gulp*"
  2170. >The sensation of her doing so only seconds after you came made you convulse.
  2171. "Oh.. oh fuck!"
  2172. >"Hey!" Sunset pulls Adagio off, making an audible pop, "My turn!"
  2173. >Sunset, not to be outdone, does the same.
  2174. >Making you reel in pleasure.
  2175. "Fuck...fuck!"
  2176. >Finally your shaft begins to go soft in your sister's mouth, until she lets it out.
  2177. >Adagio swallows down every drop she managed to get in her mouth and scoops up a string of cum off Sunset's tits.
  2178. >She laps it up off her finger.
  2179. >"Mmm~ as good as ever."
  2180. >"How many times have you tasted him?" Sunset pouts.
  2181. >"Aww, don't be so jealous, cousin." Adagio leans forward, giving Sunset her cum covered tits, "There's more~."
  2182. >Sunset licks her lips, diving in and licking Adagio's breasts clean of seed.
  2183. >Adagio moans as she does so, scooping up every bit off Sunset own breasts to lick off her fingers.
  2184. >You stare with a big stupid grin.
  2185. >In love with the sight before you.
  2186. >If you could get drunk off it, you'd chug until you had liver damage.
  2187. >Sunset licks Adagio's tits clean, looking at you with a grin.
  2188. >Adagio, too busy licking cream from her fingers, doesn't notice.
  2189. >"Dagi~." Sunset says.
  2190. >The utterance of your pet name makes her stop.
  2191. >"Mm?"
  2192. >Adagio sees Sunset giving you a sultry look and gives you one of her own.
  2193. >"Gonna need a little bit before you're ready again, little bro?"
  2194. "I mean..."
  2195. >They both stand up, and crawl on the bed.
  2196. >Making room, you scoot yourself back against the wall.
  2197. >"Thats okay, cousin~." Adagio reaches downward between to Sunset's dripping maw.
  2198. >"Ah~!" She gasps in response.
  2199. >"We can put on a good little display until your ready again." She digs inside Sunset's pussy.
  2200. >"Ahh~!"
  2201. >"That is of course, your sister can be a good submissive little botch for me~."
  2202. >Sunset leans back, supporting herself with her arms while Adagio fingers her pussy, gyrating her palm around her clit.
  2203. >"Yeees~ good girl."
  2204. >Sunset, powerless at her touch look at you.
  2205. >You motion your fingers to Adagio's nipples.
  2206. >Sunset bites her lip, having surges of euphoria racking her body.
  2207. >She leans forward into Adagio's embrace.
  2208. >They kiss deeply.
  2209. >Adagio, being to engrossed with digging her fingers into Sunset's tight snatch, doesn't notice Sunset make a grab for her tits.
  2210. >"Nn~! Oh..."
  2211. >Sunset groped and squeezed her cousin's breasts.
  2212. >Making her join in on her choir of slutty sounds.
  2213. >With her free hand, Adagio squeezes Sunset's tits in responce to having her own groped and fondled.
  2214. >Your sister huffs.
  2215. >You nudge Sunset with your foot.
  2216. >She looks over from the corner of her eye.
  2217. >You point to Adagio's nips, and making a pinching gesture.
  2218. >Sunset, without missing a beat, goes from massaging her breasts to pinching her nips.
  2219. >"Ah~! HNgg~!!"
  2220. >Adagio staggers from the sudden jolt of pleasure.
  2221. >Sunset smirks.
  2222. >"Ohhh~ like that, huh?"
  2223. >Sunset pinches them again, giving a playful tug before letting them go to make Adagio's tits bounce against each other.
  2224. >"S-shutup! H-how dare- AH~!"
  2225. >Sunset give them another pinch, tweaking them around.
  2226. >Adagio lurches in pleasure.
  2227. >Her sisters were right when they said that was her weakness.
  2228. >Adagio, now at your sister's mercy, pulled her hands away from Sunset's hungry maw and to her own.
  2229. >To which Sunset responds by smacking her hands away.
  2230. >"No. You don't get to touch yourself~. Please mistress Sunset, now~."
  2231. >"Ng... d-damn you~!"
  2232. >Adagio does as commanded, going back to finger Sunset's slick, wet pussy.
  2233. >Leaking it's fluids all over the bed, and creating a trail flow down Adagio's arm.
  2234. >"Hngoohhh fuck!" Sunset cries out.
  2235. >Sunset twists her nips yet again, not letting go.
  2236. >Adagio lets out a guttural groan of pure pleasure.
  2237. >She had completely melted in Sunset's hands.
  2238. >Pushing her advantage, Sunset kisses Adagio and puts her on her back, not letting up the clasps on her nips.
  2239. >With her free hand, Adagio grips the blankets as Sunset settles over her.
  2240. >Now fully engrossed in her euphoric trance, Adagio begs for more, rubbing your sister's pussy.
  2241. >"Ngggg... d-don't stop!"
  2242. >Adagio in her stupor, drools from her mouth, with a look of pure satisfaction upon her.
  2243. >Sunset, not letting those nips go, moves down to Adagio's now flowing sex.
  2244. >She dives in, plunging her tongue inside, making Adagio's hips move involuntarily against Sunset's movement.
  2245. >Adagio looks over to you, longingly.
  2246. >Not wanting to feel entirely left out, you crawl over to her and begin making out with her while Sunset goes to work.
  2247. >Sunset, seeing you join in, removes her hands to lift Adagio's legs over her.
  2248. >"Don't stop..." Adagio pleads to you.
  2249. >You reach down, grabbing and pinching her sensitive, raw nips in Sunset's place.
  2250. >Adagio's legs wrap around Sunset's head.
  2251. >"Mmmff!?"
  2252. >Much to your sister's surprise, and to Adagio's pleasure.
  2253. >Adagio looks down at Sunset between her legs with a twisted look of lust.
  2254. >She turns back to you and continues making out, reaching downward to grab your dong.
  2255. >She rubs it all over, slowly but surely getting it up again.
  2256. >Sunset, struggling to breath, presses on in her efforts.
  2257. >Sliding her tongue as deeply inside Adagio as she could.
  2258. >Lapping and licking her clit, tightly sealing her lips around it.
  2259. >"Hng~! She-AH~! She knows what shes doing!"
  2260. >Sunset flicks Adagio's clit with the tip of her tongue, sucking in and gulping down any and all of Adagio's fluids that she had to due to her position.
  2261. >Adagio, at the edge and begin to tip over it, grabbed and gripped Sunset's hair.
  2262. >At the same time, jerking your meat as shes sent into a euphoric orgasm.
  2263. >"Hahh~! Gngrrr!"
  2264. >Her eyes rolls back, she grits her teeth, pushing Sunset's face down against her pussy as hard as she can while riding out her climax.
  2265. >Her grip on ol'boy tightened to a point where it was almost painful.
  2266. >Adagio had lost control over herself in the moment, moaning and groaning her way through each wave of shock being sent through her system.
  2267. >At last, she begins coming down, releasing Sunset from between her legs as she does.
  2268. >Sunset, desperate for a breath of fresh air, picks her face up.
  2269. >Adagio's cum covered her mouth, dribbling down her neck and to her breasts.
  2270. >"Jeez... Adagio..." She says, panting, "You always do that with your legs?"
  2271. >Sunset snickers.
  2272. >"Don't you... sass me, cousin." She responds, leaning up on her arms.
  2273. >Sunset takes notice of your cum cannon being fully reloaded.
  2274. >"Well I think its finally /my/ turn~."
  2275. >Your sister crawls over to you, kissing you deep.
  2276. >You could still taste Adagio's cum in her lips.
  2277. >Sour, tart...
  2278. >Delicious.
  2279. >Sunset straddles you, interlocking your legs and holding your face in her hands.
  2280. >She had finally come to the point where you were hers.
  2281. >The feeling to her was surreal.
  2282. >Like as though it wasn't even happening.
  2283. >And to cap it off, by the end of this, she will have mended her relationship, somewhat at least, with her favorite cousin.
  2284. >She leans down, kissing you passionately.
  2285. >Locking her lips with yours as she wraps her arms around your head.
  2286. >Adagio, getting directly behind Sunset, grabs your dick and lines it up with her pussy.
  2287. >"Well~? What are you waiting for?" She says, teasing Sunset's entrance with the tip.
  2288. >Making it glisten with a mix of pre-cum and Sunset's own juices.
  2289. >With your cock in hand, and placing her hand on sunset's shoulder, she pushes downward on her.
  2290. >"D-Dagi, wai-AH~!?"
  2291. >Making her take your full length all at once.
  2292. >Sunset's eyes rolls back as her body shudders from the forceful penetration by your pecker.
  2293. >"HNgahhh~! Ohhohohoo my god bro!" She shakes in your arms.
  2294. >Your sister just experience her first of, what you could predict would be /many/, orgasms brought on by your dick.
  2295. "Sis! Fuck you are tight!"
  2296. >"Yours... is the best, bro..."
  2297. >Adagio embraces Sunset from the back, pressing her tits against her and massaging your balls while your stiff rod remains in your sister's twitching maw.
  2298. >"C'mon then, hot stuff." She says, not allowing your sister any reprieve, "Fuck your sister raw..."
  2299. >You pull out, leaving only the head of your cock still inside.
  2300. >Sunset, at the feel of this, pleads for a moment.
  2301. >"W-wait, I'm still sensi- GYAH~!"
  2302. >You ignore her, and plunge your meat missile deep in her cavernous pussy.
  2303. >Sunset could hardly breath at the feeling of her brother fucking her.
  2304. >Her heart was thundering away in her chest.
  2305. >You pull out and plunge in again.
  2306. >"Hahh~!"
  2307. >Sunsets hands twitched each time you inched out of her.
  2308. >Adagio reveled in her cousin's loss of control.
  2309. >Now the shoe was on the other foot.
  2310. >"Thats it Anon... fuck her good. Fill her up nice..."
  2311. >Your slow, meticulous pumping becomes faster.
  2312. >Sunset could barely contain herself, moaning loudly each time you drive into her.
  2313. >Her heaving tits bounced and swayed around as she bounced on your cock.
  2314. >Bouncing in circles, off each other, and up and down.
  2315. >Jiggling like fluffy clouds.
  2316. >You reach up, grabbing a handful of each and groping them as she begins to twist her body with each thrust.
  2317. >"Yes~! Good girl, Sunset!" Adagio says, licking your sister's neck, "Get into rhythm with him, make it just as good for him, too~!"
  2318. >Sunset's hips began to get into rhythm with your thrusting, moving in such a way to twist her walls around your cock each time you jab her with your dick.
  2319. >Finally she had regained some control over herself as she was now fully aligned with you.
  2320. >You could hardly believe what was happening.
  2321. >Sunset Shimmer, your sister, and Adagio Dazzle, you cousin, were both committing a great sin with you.
  2322. >It felt so fucking good!
  2323. >Like nothing else could possibly compare.
  2324. >Your whole lives had to build up to this.
  2325. >Sunset leans forward, supporting herself on your chest as she arches her back and lifts herself up and plops her ass back down on your meat cannon.
  2326. *plap!*
  2327. "Hng! Damn!"
  2328. *plap!*
  2329. >"Little bro~!"
  2330. *plap*
  2331. >"Harder~!"
  2332. >Sunset, now driving her hips down against your upward motions, made it more apparent as to just how much she wanted this.
  2333. >And you, the same.
  2334. >Adagio, being the provocateur, smacks your sister's ass, making her yelp.
  2335. >Sunset gritted her teeth, eyes rolling back again.
  2336. >"Going to cum again, cousin? *smack* All over his throbbing member~?" Adagio said, reaching around to tease Sunset's clit, "Go on! Cover him in it!"
  2337. >Adagio bites Sunset's neck, sinking her teeth right in.
  2338. >Sunset's eyes shot open as she screamed in orgasm once again.
  2339. >Her legs spontaneously moving, shaking, and shuddering.
  2340. >Her pussy became like a vice.
  2341. >Crushing the shaft of your dick inside her.
  2342. "Oh fuck! Sunset yes fuck!"
  2343. >She continued riding you like no tomorrow, sending the fluids of her squirting pussy in all directions.
  2344. >Making it splatter all over the bed sheets and coating your waist and thighs in her cum.
  2345. >But she just kept riding through.
  2346. >Bouncing off your cock with even more force then before.
  2347. >The feel of sending your sister into another exhilarating orgasm, was driving you to do the same.
  2348. >You knew that you'd bust inside at any given moment if she didn't stop.
  2349. "S-sunset! God damn!"
  2350. >"Hes gonna cum, Sunset!" Adagio says, releasing her bite, "make him pump it all inside!"
  2351. >Adagio shifts from around behind your sister, coming over to your side.
  2352. "B-but--"
  2353. >Your protest is silenced by Adagio, smothering your face in her muff.
  2354. >"Shutup and cum inside her like a good boy~!"
  2355. >Adagio, much like her sister, wouldn't let up from you until she had her way.
  2356. >Grinding and pushing her pussy lips downward against your mouth.
  2357. >Remembering, you find that sweet spot and immediately go for it.
  2358. >"Mnnn~! Thats it, hot stuff!" Adagio reels, "Thats it... just like that~!"
  2359. >You instinctively grab Adagio's ass, getting two handfuls.
  2360. >"Yeahhh~, get your fill you little perv!"
  2361. >"Dagi~." Sunset cradles her cousin face in her hands.
  2362. >"S-Sunset~..."
  2363. >They kiss, sloppily making out as they drive themselves to another orgasm.
  2364. >While you try in a vain attempt to hold out for as long as you could, savoring every moment of this.
  2365. "Mfffrrr hfunna hum!"
  2366. >Your words were too muffled by your cousin's ass being in your face.
  2367. >She gyrated and twirled her hips on top of you.
  2368. >"C'mon, hot stuff... I'm about cum again!"
  2369. >Sunset clenches her pussy, tightening around you.
  2370. >"You gonna cum ah~, little brooo~?" *plap plap plap* "C'mon... give it all to me!"
  2371. >Sunset's teasing was pushing you over.
  2372. >Each time her hips came down against yours.
  2373. >Every thrust of yours into her depths...
  2374. >"C'mon! Give it to me already~! Pump me up little bro~!"
  2375. "Hngrrmm!"
  2376. >You had all you can stands and couldn't stands no more.
  2377. >You thrust into your sister's pussy fast and hard, making your balls smack against her ass as you did.
  2378. >You pinched Adagio's clit between your lips and and braced yourself.
  2379. >"Hngggohhhhyes~!" Adagio groaned like a slut.
  2380. >"A-again~ oh god!!" Adagio yells.
  2381. >"Hng gah~! Me too, Dagi~!"
  2382. >Sunset leans forward against Adagio, who did the same.
  2383. >Supporting each other to stay up as they came again.
  2384. >The feel of Adagio's pussy juices spurting and squirting all over your face, down your neck and chest.
  2385. >Coupled with Sunset's pussy gripping your cock like a vice, as if to milk you completely dry, tipped you over.
  2386. >You slam you're eyes shut , bracing yourself for whats to come and squeezing Adagio's ass like a big, soft, warm stress ball.
  2387. >You thrust into Sunset one final time.
  2388. >Rocketing out streams of hot, sticky, warm, viscous cum deep into her womb.
  2389. >Your legs tensed up as you keep pumping her full.
  2390. >"Ahhh~! Oh my god I can... f-feel it inside me!! I love you bro~!"
  2391. >A few more moments of mind numbing pleasure, and it finally ended.
  2392. >Your cock, still inside sunset, began to grow soft once more, having been milked thoroughly by her narrow love tunnel.
  2393. >Adagio looked down at Sunset's pussy, hungrily.
  2394. >She gets up from your face, finally letting you breath.
  2395. >She arches her back and leans down to lick up any and all drops of cum that leak from Sunset's hungry muff.
  2396. >"Mnnn... you like the taste, huh Adagio?" Sunset says, finally.
  2397. >Your cock flops out of your sister's pussy.
  2398. >Allowing a steady stream of cum to gush out.
  2399. >"Mnnnohhhyeah~..."
  2400. >Adagio envelopes Sunset's pussy with her mouth, letting as much leak into her as possible.
  2401. >You watch as she does, loving every minute of it.
  2402. "Fuuuck thats hot..."
  2403. >Adagio, now with a mouthful of cum, gets back up and forces sunset to kiss her.
  2404. >Sunset eagerly embraces Adagio, kissing each other deeply and passionately.
  2405. >Swapping your cum between them.
  2406. >Sunset eagerly swallows it all down.
  2407. >"Hmph. Don't act like you /don't/ love it too, cousin."
  2408. >Adagio turns, looking down at you in your afterglow.
  2409. "W-wait, I'm not ready for another..."
  2410. >"Doesn't matter, I am~."
  2411. >The bedroom door flies open.
  2412. >Making the three of you freeze.
  2414. >>
  2415. >Be Celestia.
  2416. >Just arriving home from another busy day.
  2417. >You pull into the driveway, park, and exit the vehicle.
  2418. "Ah, so much to do this week. Hopefully Sunset and Anon are already eating."
  2419. >You sigh.
  2420. "I don't feel like cooking..."
  2421. >You take out your key to the front door, only to find it unlocked.
  2422. "Hm? Oh those kids! How many times do I have to remind them to lock the door."
  2423. >You open and enter.
  2424. >Upon doing so, are greeted with an absolute mess in the living room.
  2425. >There were signs of what looked like a struggle going on.
  2426. >There were clothes everywhere!
  2427. >And it looked as though the carpet had a whole wrestling match take place on it!
  2428. >No! Thats so much work to keep straight when vacuuming!
  2429. >("Pump me up little bro~!")
  2430. "What? Was that... Sunset?"
  2431. >Whoever it was, it was coming from upstairs.
  2432. >Hesitantly, and pulling out your phone with 9-1-1 only a button press away, you ascend the steps.
  2433. >You heard what sounded like a real struggle going on.
  2434. >Only, you knew those voices.
  2435. >It was your daughter and son!
  2436. >And now that you're hearing more of it... that was your niece as well!
  2437. >What could the three possibly be doing!?
  2438. >You arrive to the door and grab the knob.
  2439. >("Hmph. Don't act like you /don't/ love it too, cousin.")
  2440. >You turn the knob and fling the door open.
  2441. >Mind racing with what could be going on.
  2442. >"Doesn't matter, I am~."
  2443. >There before you was your son, daughter, and niece all naked and presumably engaged in sexual intercourse with each other.
  2444. >You freeze the instant they do.
  2445. >You make eye contact with all three of them at least once before all of you scream.
  2446. >"AHHHH!
  2447. >"Fuck! Crap! CRAP!"
  2448. >Sunset, when done screaming, wraps herself in blankets.
  2449. >As does Adagio, leaving Anon completely naked in front of you.
  2450. >"Guys! C'mon! Give some over here!"
  2451. "I..."
  2452. >"Mom! I-I'm I mean! W-we!" Sunset says, stuttering and tripping on every word.
  2453. >Anon doesn't say a thing, just sitting there looking ashamed, hiding his face.
  2454. >"A-aunt Celestia, this... We just uhhh-" Adagio fared no better in thinking of a response.
  2455. "I'm so..."
  2456. >"I'm sorry mom!" Sunset says, bringing herself to tears.
  2457. "I'm so proud!" You say, elated at the sight before you.
  2458. >The room goes silent.
  2459. >"WHAT!?"
  2460. >They all shout in unison.
  2462. >>
  2463. >Be Anon once again.
  2464. >What the fuck did you just hear?!
  2465. >Shes PROUD!??!
  2466. >"Mom??" Sunset says in shock.
  2467. >"Yes! My sweet children!"
  2468. >Your mother sits between you all on the bed, completely ignoring the rampant, pungent smell of sex and musk in the room.
  2469. "..."
  2470. >"A-Aunt Celestia?"
  2471. >"Yes, You see my sisters and I were all worrying so much about all our girls. We didn't know if any of you would find a good man to be with."
  2472. >"...HUH!?" Sunset says in bewilderment.
  2473. >"This isn't happening, this isn't happening..." Adagio whispers to herself.
  2474. >"Oh Adagio, stop it." Celestia hugs her.
  2475. >Her face goes beat red as she is overwhelmed with embarrassment.
  2476. >"Hmmmmm!!"
  2477. >"Anyway, your mother and I, as well as your aunts, were all so worried that none of you would find anyone to spend your lives with. After all, your in High School and only a few of you have had relationships."
  2478. "..."
  2479. >This was sounding insane.
  2480. >Is your MOM really about to say what you think she is?
  2481. >"And years ago, when we were all having children with your father, not one of us had a son. Until you, Anonymous."
  2482. >You stare blankly at the wall.
  2483. >You do your best not to make eye contact and cover yourself.
  2484. >"Anon."
  2485. >Nope. Go away.
  2486. >"Anon!"
  2487. >Nah."
  2488. >"Anonymous, you look at me mister!"
  2489. >You look at your mom.
  2490. >wait, no! Fuck!
  2491. >"You have no idea how long I was hoping fo this to happen! We all knew that only the spawn of your father could take care of and satisfy all out daughters!"
  2492. "ALL!?"
  2493. >"Mom, what are you saying?"
  2494. >"Yeah, just what are you implying, Auntie Celestia. Are you saying not only do we have to share with each other, but /all/ of our sisters and cousins?"
  2495. >"Well if they want to be involved with him, yes. I, of course, have to call everyone and let them know. Still can't believe I won the bet, YES!!"
  2496. >"BET!?"
  2497. >You all say, in unison again.
  2498. >"Hm? Oh, don't concern yourselves. Just a bet I had going with Chrysalis too see how long it would take."
  2499. >"Ughhhhh! Mooom~!" Adagio says, burying her face in her hands.
  2500. >"Oh, and just a few more points." Celestia continues, "Anonymous, you're going to be a /very/ busy boy from now on. I WAS going to berate you tonight for letting your attendance these past few days slide, but I think I'm seeing why. So don't worry about it, sweetie."
  2501. >She caresses your face, sending a mixture of feelings throughout.
  2502. >"Yes, you're going to have your sister, cousins, step sisters, among other I probably can't remember, all wanting to spend time with you now."
  2503. "I uhhh... what?"
  2504. >"Mhm!" She claps her hands together, "Thats right! My little boy is finally a man! I'm so proud, son!"
  2505. >She hugs you.
  2506. >The feeling of which goes completely over your head in the face of the revelation she just bestowed upon you.
  2507. >"Oh, my sweet family!"
  2508. >Your mother pulls the three of all into a group hug.
  2509. >"Oh, oh my goodness!" She says, "I can't wait here! I've got phone calls to make! You kids can continue what you were doing~!"
  2510. >She casually gets up to leave, closing the door behind her.
  2511. >("Hello, Chrysalis? Hi! Its Celly! Yes, Adagio is here at our home, yes. ...Mhm.... Yes. Oh, by the way, guess what I caught my kids and yours doing?? THATS RIGHT! You owe me twenty bucks!")
  2512. "Twenty dollars are you fucking kidding me!?"
  2513. >Adagio resumes trying to bury her face into her palms.
  2514. >While Sunset sits in silence.
  2515. "So."
  2516. >"S-so."
  2517. >Adagio doesn't bother responding.
  2518. "That happened."
  2519. >"She... she said she expected this?"
  2520. "Sounds like a lot of our family did."
  2521. >"I was /not/ expecting it to be THIS crazy when I came up with this plan."
  2522. >Adagio sighs deeply.
  2523. >"Well..." Sunset yawns, "I'm gonna fall asleep."
  2524. >Sunset unwraps herself from the covers and gets to one side of the bed.
  2525. >"Yeah, me too."
  2526. >Adagio takes the other, leaving very little space in between.
  2527. >The shuffle around, dividing the blanket between themselves.
  2528. "Are we really not gonna talk about this?!"
  2529. >They look at each other.
  2530. >"Whats the big deal, cousin?"
  2531. >"Yeah bro, don't act like you don't want to keep this up now."
  2532. "..."
  2533. >Sunset groans.
  2534. >"Ugh, just get between us, bro. What, /now/ you're nervous?"
  2535. >"He needs to get over being so shy, Sunset. Especially at school. I had to do something special for him to get over it with just me."
  2536. >"Thats okay," she yawns, "We'll make sure hes taken care of every day now."
  2537. >"I'll take better care of him then you, cousin." Adagio responds.
  2538. >"Doubt it." Sunset says, shrugging it off.
  2539. >A little annoyed, you lay between the two of them.
  2540. >Before you even finish laying down, they're already wrapping themselves around you.
  2541. >They both nuzzle against your shoulders.
  2542. "Sooo what about Rarity, Sunset? You gonna break it up with her?"
  2543. >"Hm? Do you really still want a shot with her?" She says, in an annoyed tone.
  2544. "Nah, just wondering."
  2545. >"Well I'm gonna be dedicating all my sexual energy to you from now on."
  2546. "Uhhh-"
  2547. >"Which means I'm gonna have to break it off. Shes really nice, and understanding. I'm sure she'll understand."
  2548. >"Hmph," Adagio chimes in, "You're going to admit this to your friends?"
  2549. >"Maybe I will!"
  2550. >"Yeah, sure Sunset."
  2551. >A few moments of silence pass by.
  2552. >"...Got any nudes of her?" Adagio asks, curious.
  2553. >"Sure do."
  2554. >"Send'em, shes hot."
  2555. >They high five over you.
  2556. >Whelp, at least they're friends again.
  2560. >>END<<

Not so Bad (Anon x Dash)

by Mshakezilla

Madness of the Old Gods (Pony Horror OC)

by Mshakezilla

Devil Hunter Dash

by Mshakezilla

Itchy Scratchy (pony Horror)

by Mshakezilla

Dash loses her rainbow

by Mshakezilla