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/love/ The Color of Obsession (part 2) by SCHWARTZANIGGER (Yandere Cadence)

By rgfang
Created: 2020-10-22 11:55:02
Expiry: Never

  1. >Warm light covers your face.
  2. >It feels like you just fell asleep.
  3. >Considering the hell you were put through last night with Cadence sneaking into your room, it's no shock that you were on guard for pretty much all the night.
  4. >All she did was cry, and repeat Shining's name over and over.
  5. >CADENCE!
  6. >You immediately sit up, noticing the lack of Alicorn weight on your chest.
  7. "Princess?! Hello?!"
  8. >You look around.
  9. >Did she go home?
  10. >You touch the cold hardwood floor, and stand up rubbing your face.
  11. "Thank god it's over. For now."
  12. >You sluggishly head to your bathroom, and look at your self in the mirror.
  13. "Holy shit. You could go on a trip with those bags."
  14. >You snicker at your own bad joke, and splash warm water on your mug, and head to the kitchen, face still dripping, and yawning.
  15. >Putting the incident with the Princess to the back of your mind, you ponder what will be for breakfast today. Being an omnivore in Equestria is by far one of the most taxing challenges to date.
  16. >You need protein, and the most they let you get away with, without spazzing out is Eggs, and maybe fish. Well Fillies or colts with Goldfish freak out still for the last one.
  17. >You're greeted by the sounds of soft sizzling, and the smell of cooking butter.
  18. >"Good morning Anonymous. Did you sleep well?"
  19. >Like when she came to you late last night, you blink a few times.
  20. "Pinkie Pie?"
  21. >She giggles.
  22. >"No! Are you still asleep? It's me! Cadence!"
  23. >You facepalm.
  24. >She stands by your stove with a frying pan, and one of your dress shirts on.
  25. >"Are you hungry? I made you breakfast. Shining always used to gloat about my eggs..."
  26. >She looks down for a moment, but regains her composure, sliding the cooked embryos onto one of your plates with her magic, and levitates it to the table.
  27. >"Sit down! Eat!"
  28. >You rub the back of your head.
  29. "Princess..uh..look we should probably talk about last night..."
  30. >Her eyes water up once more, as she locks eyes with you.
  31. >"Please...Please sit down..?"
  32. >You rub your head again.
  33. "Okay..Sure."
  34. >You really need to stop letting tears cause you to second guess yourself.
  35. >Taking a seat before the two over easy eggs that return your gaze, you can feel two soft eyes watching intently.
  36. >A fork finds its way to your person, thanks to Cadence, who watches with a desperate smile.
  37. >"T-tell me how it tastes?"
  38. >You slowly take the fork, and cut into the soft eggs, taking a bite of the dripping yolk, chewing it even slower.
  39. >"How is it?"
  40. >It's bland, and tasteless. It's clear she didn't use any form of seasoning, other than a hint of a salty aftertaste.
  41. >Her eyes are still as bloodshot as when you ran into her yesterday.
  42. "So that was where that taste came from.."
  43. >"What was that..?"
  44. >You swallow the eggs, and smile at her.
  45. "They're great."
  46. >She puts her hooves together in a big toothy smile.
  47. >"Really?! You really like them?!"
  48. "Yeah. Really."
  49. >She wipes an eye, sniffling.
  50. >You just want the waterworks to stop.
  51. >Sure her husband died, but all you've seen her do is cry, and cry, and cry. She needs to stop the crying for a moment, and be productive!
  52. >She joins you at the table, and leans on her hooves waiting for you to continue eating.
  53. "So..Like I mentioned before...We need to talk."
  54. >She frowns, and looks away again.
  55. "I know what you did last night."
  56. >"W-when I came here?"
  57. "No. After I went to bed Princess."
  58. >She flinches.
  59. >It's going to be a tough talk for one in her situation, but you have to protect yourself first.
  60. "You can't just--"
  61. >"Would you like to spend the day with me at the Crystal Empire?!"
  62. >You exhale loudly.
  63. >"It'll be f-fun! We can go sightseeing, and you can see how it looks inside my castle, an-and-"
  64. "Princess."
  65. >"-I know this pony who makes the best b-bread! It's out of this world!"
  66. "PRINCESS."
  67. >"Then we can w-watch the stars from the balcony at night..."
  69. >She flinches again.
  70. >A long silence passes between you both.
  71. "I know you're still in mourning Princess, and I want to support you anyway I can--"
  72. >She hangs her head.
  73. >"But you don't want me around.."
  74. "No! It's not that! It's just..shit! How will this look to--you know, other ponies? To your Sister-in-law, and aunts?"
  75. >She mulls your question over.
  76. "I don't want to become a target for anyone, nor do I want that for you Princess. Do you understand?"
  77. >"I..I see. Am I inconveniencing you?"
  78. >She didn't hear, or understand a damn thing you said!
  79. "Princess! Please try to see where I'm coming from! You were cuddled up with me in bed last night. You're wearing one of my shirts! This all looks suspect!"
  80. >Eyes lock once more, but a look of hurt flashes in hers.
  81. >"You weren't asleep last night, when I came into your room...?"
  82. "N-no! I mean I was half--that is to say--"
  83. >Wait! Why are you defending yourself from her?
  85. >Preparing to counter her subject change, you're interrupted by knocking on your front door.
  86. >You both look to it, and back to each other.
  87. "Does anyone know you--?"
  88. >"N-no! I came here in the dead of night while all were sleep."
  89. >You run a hand over your face.
  90. >Fucking perfect. Let's hope you don't get a kidnapping charge or something stupid.
  92. "Look..go..go wait in my room or something. Okay?"
  93. >You get up from the table, and head to your door, looking back to catch Cadence scurrying around the corner to your bedroom.
  94. >Taking a deep breath, you open up.
  95. >"Good morning Anon."
  96. >It's Twilight Sparkle, in all her greyed glory.
  97. "T-Twilight. What's up?"
  98. >"...May I come in?"
  99. >You hear a soft click in the background.
  100. "S-sure."
  101. >She slowly trots past you into your home, standing in the middle of the room.
  102. >You close the door behind her gulping slightly.
  103. "S-so what can I do for you? Need me to come with you somewhere?"
  104. >She shakes her head.
  105. >"I received a message today..from Luna."
  106. >SHIT.
  107. >"This morning they discovered that Cadence wasn't in her chambers ,and Scouts say she was spotted heading in this direction around eleven last night. Did you see her?"
  108. >You eyes go a little buggy.
  109. "I-I didn't see her. Ma-maybe she's back at the Empire?"
  110. >Twilight sighs.
  111. >"I most certainly hope so."
  112. >She sits down, head drooping.
  113. >"Things are so hard now..I don't know how to cope Anon...! I hope Cadence is okay.."
  114. "I'm sure she's fine Twilight. You should head back to your castle ,and I'm sure the Princess will turn up."
  115. >She looks at you with a reassured smile.
  116. >Why does everyone come to you with their problems?
  117. >"You're probably right. She's going through a tough time. We all are."
  118. "Right. She just needs a little space is all."
  119. >You stroke Twilight's mane, making her stretch like a cat.
  120. >It's adorable, and garners a chuckle out of you.
  121. >"Thank you Anon. You're a true friend."
  122. >A true lying one maybe.
  123. >Twilight faces you, and hugs you again like back at the castle.
  124. >"I'll see you later then."
  125. "Of course."
  126. >A pink head pokes out from around the corner watching the two of you with furious eyes.
  127. >You open the front door for Twilight, who slowly trots out, and with a wave, heads back down the trail to her home.
  128. >You wave back, closing the door shortly after.
  129. "That was close.."
  130. >"I didn't realize Twilight and you were so..."familiar"."
  131. >You look over your shoulder, and find Cadence without your shirt on this time.
  132. "She's taking this whole situation just as hard Princess. I'm just doing what I can to help her through it."
  133. >She cocks an eye, and turns up her nose.
  134. >"Perhaps, I should head back home. I don't want you, and little "Twily" having your moments ruined by me!"
  135. "What? What's going on right now? What is this?"
  136. >She snorts, and stomps past you.
  137. >She swings open your door, nearly hitting you.
  138. "PRINCESS! What's going on?!"
  139. >She looks at you with the same hurt, red eyes from the kitchen.
  140. >"Why do you only address me as Princess?! Why not by my name like Twilight?! Don't I mean anything to you?!"
  142. >Her head snaps away from you, and she takes off into the sky, droplets hitting your face.
  143. "Wh--huh..?"
  144. >You scratch your head confused.
  145. "What did I do?!"
  146. >You spread your arms out, as her Pink form vanishes into the distance.
  147. >You slam your door, rubbing the back of your head.
  148. >This is why you don't like getting involved with emotional people. They spaz out at the drop of a dime, and scream, and shit, and just act fucking weird.
  149. "Good riddance. I hope I never see her ass again!"
  150. >You're going back to bed.
  151. >After you throw away the tear soaked eggs.
  152. >As the day passed, you just couldn't get that blow up out of your mind. You're so fucking distracted!
  153. >Where did all that come from?
  154. >You couldn't get back to sleep. you couldn't read. You couldn't do anything.
  155. >Just stayed inside your home all day.
  156. >Your pacing, and stressing finally ended with the comfort of your armchair, as you sat staring out the window at the denizens of ponyville go about their day.
  157. >Things switch up with the appearance of crystal Ponies marching towards your doorstep.
  158. "Now what?!"
  159. >This is what you've been dreading.
  160. >They found out where she was, and now they're coming for your stupid ass.
  161. >Because you were a bleeding heart, white fucking knight.
  162. >You preemptively meet the guards at the door, prepared for your just desserts.
  163. >They march towards you in formation, and line up.
  164. >One of them looks you up, and down, and steps forward.
  165. >"Anonymous the human?"
  166. "Y-yes?"
  167. >"You have been summoned by the Crystal heart Princess. You are to come with us."
  168. "A-am I in trouble?"
  169. >He grunts.
  170. >"Why would an "honored guest" be in trouble?"
  171. "Honored guest? Honored..?"
  172. >"Yes! Honored! I believe you made plans to spend time with the Princess? She seemed excited at the prospect of see ing you."
  173. >You rub your eyes in disbelief.
  174. >She was dead serious about that stuff from earlier?!
  175. "I'm afraid you're mistaken. I-I didn't make any plans with the Princess.."
  176. >They surround you.
  177. >"Surely you're not turning down an invitation from royalty are you Anonymous?"
  178. >A voice rings out from the walls of guards, unspokenly ordering them to part like the red sea.
  179. "Uh...who are you?"
  180. >A non Crystal pony Pegasus stands before you with a hardened glare.
  181. >"I'm the new captain of the guard. Flash Sentry. I'm here to escort you to the palace per her majesty's orders."
  182. "But, I'm telling you, this is a mistake! I didn't make any plans with Princess Cadence! Maybe she means someone el-"
  183. >He flies up to your face, wrapping an armored hoof around the back of your neck, bringing you in close.
  184. >"Listen to me, and listen closely. Her highness has locked herself away, and cried for a whole month straight refusing to socialize with anypony. Not even her own family! This is the first time I've seen her reach out to spend time with with any of her friends, and I REFUSE to let you be the one to tell her no."
  185. >He shoves you back, descending to the ground.
  186. >"Put on something nice. You're going to dinner."
  187. >What is Princess Cadence's deal? What does she hope to accomplish by toying with you like a yo-yo?
  188. >One moment she says fuck off the next, she's cuddling you without permission in your bedroom.
  189. >You Gave Twilight the same support, and she's not being some batshit, hormonal, emotional nightmare!
  190. >Frustration brewing in your guts you follow orders, and get dressed in one of your best suits back inside, lamenting this cat and mouse game you're being drawn into.
  191. >For the second time this week, you're stuck riding to another castle with another miserable pony.
  192. >You notice every so often on the carriage ride, he'll give you a dirty look.
  193. "I'm sorry...can I help you with something..Flasher Sentry?"
  194. >"It's"Flash Sentry" meatbag."
  195. >You scowl at the unwarranted attitude.
  196. "Okay Mr. Meatbag-"
  197. >He snarls.
  198. "I don't even know who you are. What's your beef?"
  199. >"My what?!"
  201. >He narrows his eyes at you.
  202. >"I don't."
  203. "Then what's with the at-"
  204. >"I have a problem with what you represent to the Princess."
  205. "I'm sorry? What can some stranger who's only spoken to the Princess since yesterday represent anything?"
  206. >He groans in annoyance.
  207. >"Are you really that stupid? She's a vulnerable, and broken-hearted mare. She felt that nopony in the entire world understood her, and despite mine, and others best attempts to get her to open up, the resident freakshow manages to get her to show some emotion other than anger. Go figure."
  208. "That doesn't answer my question."
  209. >"It's self explanatory! She's looking for an outlet for her grief, latching on to the first thing that even remotely reminds her of the former Captain."
  210. >You remind her of Shining Armor? In what way?
  211. "I don't see how I did anything all of you didn't."
  212. >He puts a hoof to his chin.
  213. >"When you spoke to her for the first time, did she tell you to go away?"
  214. "Yeah..."
  215. >"And did you?"
  216. "I was about to."
  217. >He tilts his head in question.
  218. "I basically said "fine" and tried to walk off okay?"
  219. >"The captain would do the same when her highness would pout. He'd shut down any chance for pity, and walk away. It'd drive her mad."
  220. >Your mouth drops.
  221. >So this is because you DIDN'T do the White Knight act??
  222. >You facepalm.
  223. "W-well is there a way out of this?!"
  224. >You're starting to panic.
  225. >This is what you feared the most.
  226. >Now she sees you as some possible replacement. Some placeholder for her grief stricken heart,
  227. >"What are you saying?! You want her to remain unhappy?"
  228. "N-no! I just don't want--"
  229. >"You're going to do whatever you can to bring her back to normal, now that it's fallen to you."
  230. "But, I didn't ask for this!"
  231. >"We never ask for responsibility when it just falls into our laps Anonymous. But, it's there. Deal with it."
  232. >You bang your fist on the carriage.
  233. "What am I supposed to do then?"
  234. >"Whatever she wants."
  235. "And if I refuse? You can throw me in the dungeon. Torture me. I don't care."
  236. >He grins.
  237. >"Then I 'll have you turned to Stone, and shattered."
  238. >You narrow your eyes at him this time.
  239. "You can't do that."
  240. >"I can. I will."
  241. >You roll your eyes.
  242. "We'll see."
  243. >He looks at you, with a sinister grin slowly beginning to creep up on his mug.
  244. >"I heard some of the funniest stories today. When the princess came back all she could talk about was how kind, and caring, and sweet you were."
  245. >Funny, considering she screamed at you, and started crying again.
  246. >"She also had a lot to say about some, and I quote: "Backstabbing purple harlot"."
  247. >You gulp.
  248. >"Who do you think that could be? Possibly somepony worth declaring war over, if you make her highness unhappy?"
  249. "What the fuck are you trying to say?"
  250. >"Nothing. Just sharing a story!"
  251. >Your eyes bulge out in anger at the subtle threat made.
  252. >Does he even know that this is Twilight, he's referring to?
  253. >You land upon the balcony of the Crystal Palace, where the Princess awaits you with a warm smile.
  254. >Hopping off the carriage you hurry over to the Princess, and kneel down, whispering to her.
  255. "Princess! What are you doing?!"
  256. >She wraps her hooves around you, embracing you closely.
  257. >You gently push her off.
  258. >"I'm so glad you came Anonymous! I regret the little spat we had earlier. Don't worry though. I forgive you."
  259. "Forgive me for what?!"
  260. >She nuzzles you under the chin again.
  261. "Stop that!"
  262. >The guards all eye you from behind. Especially Sentry.
  263. >"Anonymous, please don't make a scene! We have much to do today! Come! Let's go!"
  264. >Your sleeve is magically(forcefully) pulled along behind the princess, as she skips humming to herself.
  265. >The guards merely watch as you disappear further, and further down the hall.
  266. "Princess--"
  267. >"Please Anonymous. Call me Cadence. We've shared a bed! I'm sure we're past those formalities."
  268. >You cover her mouth, hoping no one heard what she just said.
  269. "Are you trying to get me drawn and quartered?! Jesus!"
  270. >She lowers your wrist with a hoof.
  271. >"It's okay. Nothing happened, so there's nothing to worry about! Now come on! I want to show you something!"
  272. >You get a sick feeling in the pit of your stomach.
  273. "All these doors look the same. How can you tell which room is which?"
  274. >Still getting dragged along, she manages to look back at you.
  275. >"Because the heart remembers where to go."
  276. >That makes no logical sense.
  277. >"Right here."
  278. >You're led to a door that looks like the others in the castle.
  279. >She opens it up, to what is quite possibly every HHW nerd's dream.
  280. >Decorating the walls are thousands upon thousands of cards behind glass casing for the HyperSpace Hyperwars Card game.
  281. "Whoa."
  282. >"I know right? Shiny built himself an extensive collection."
  283. >You step into the room, and look around, impressed by your surroundings.
  284. >"I remember you saying you played it. I thought it'd be nice to show you."
  285. >She enters as well, brushing a hoof along the glass walls.
  286. >"I thought this game was so silly, but he treated it like a religion.."
  287. >You're too preoccupied with the blue eyes, white sandworm card on display.
  288. >"But now...I wish I had supported him with his hobby like he did in everything for...for me.."
  289. >You can hear the sobs echo in the room.
  290. >You slowly look over your shoulder at the downtrodden mare, who's weeping on the floor.
  291. "Prin--Cadence..please..get back up. Okay?"
  292. >"It's so difficult! E-everything reminds me of him! Everything!!"
  293. >You close the door, and help her up.
  294. "C-c'mon. let's go somewhere else, huh?"
  295. >She allows you to help her up, but intentionally,(from what you can tell) falls onto your legs, causing you to topple over like a tree.
  296. >In the panic you find yourself nose to nose with Cadence.
  297. "U-uuh.."
  298. >"...Your eyes are beautiful..Just like Shiny's."
  299. >Her breath becomes ragged.
  300. "Princess please--"
  301. >"Just Cadence."
  302. >You hold her by the shoulders, and lean back.
  303. "This isn't right. You're still grieving."
  304. >"Wh-what if I wasn't grieving?"
  305. >You look at her incredulously, and scramble to get up.
  306. "Cadence. I'm just your FRIEND. That's all I want to be, and all we SHOULD be."
  307. >She clonks herself on the head,
  308. >"Y-you're right. I'm sorry..I shouldn't have done such a thing."
  309. >You take a deep breath, and put your hands on your hips.
  310. "As long as you understand."
  311. >She looks at you with a weak smile.
  312. >"I do. I understand perfectly."
  313. >She starts to cry.
  314. >"I understand that nopony in this world can replace the gaping hole in my heart! I'M JUST SO UNLOVABLE!!"
  315. >She falls to the floor again, bawling like a child.
  316. "Wait what?! No!"
  317. >You try to get her up to stand up, but she bats you away.
  319. >You freeze, as does she.
  320. "Did you just--?"
  321. >Her lips tremble.
  322. >She looks away guilty.
  323. "Cadence..I'm sorry. I know it's rough right now, and I know it must feel like he's not really gone..."
  324. >She nods, sniffling.
  325. "But, he is. And can't anyone ever replace him. If they could, then it'd mean he wasn't special to you."
  327. "Cadence."
  328. >She stops mid rant, and slowly closes her mouth.
  329. "You're hurting right now. I get that. But, it's okay to be sad. Just don't be sad forever..you know?"
  330. >She nods once more wiping her face.
  331. >Feeling like she actually gets it this time, you lean in for a hug. A PLATONIC hug.
  332. >It's returned eagerly.
  333. "There. Feel better?"
  334. >"Y-yes. Thank you Anonymous. I lost myself for a moment there."
  335. "It happens to the best of us Caddy."
  336. >You ruffle her mane, making her crown tip to the side.
  337. >"Stop that! You're mussing up my mane!"
  338. >The two of you share a nice laugh, and rise to your feet.
  339. "So, what else is there to do?"
  340. >"Do you want to meet my favorite baker pony?"
  341. "Sure. Let's get some Scones!"
  342. >You both grin to each other, and exit the collection room.
  343. >She looks a little better after your talk. Here's hoping it's the final talk.
  344. >To be quite honest, shit got really creepy there for a brief moment. She's so hot, and cold!
  345. >Walking past numerous guards, you head outside into the empire city.
  346. >It's shin-
  347. >It's sparkly.
  348. >Various townsponies mull about with neutral expressions on their faces. A vast improvement from Ponyville, and Canterlot.
  349. >A sudden chill flows through the air, making you shiver.
  350. >"Are you okay Anonymous?"
  351. "Y-yeah. It's just suddenly cold."
  352. >"Understandable. We are close to yakyakistan. it is pretty chilly up there."
  353. >You hug your arms together.
  354. >"Here. I figured, I'd have this prepared for you."
  355. >She magics up a red and black jacket, and levitates it over your shoulders, with a smile.
  356. >You slip your arms into the sleeves, and nod in approval.
  357. "It fits like a glove! Pretty warm too!"
  358. >"I'm glad you like it!"
  359. >Cadence's pace falls a little, as you admire the jacket.
  360. >Unaware of what's on the back you continue adjusting it.
  361. "This is awesome! It's so fashionable!"
  362. >"It's perfect on you."
  363. >Shining Armor 23 is printed on it, unbeknownst to you.
  364. >"You're perfect."
  365. End part 2

/love/ The Color of Obsession (Part 1) by SCHWARTZANIGGER[...]

by rgfang

/love/ The Color of Obsession (part 2) by SCHWARTZANIGGER (Yandere[...]

by rgfang

/love/ The Color of Obsession (Part 1) by SCHWARTZANIGGER (Yandere[...]

by rgfang