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By Guest
Created: 2024-02-29 13:35:17
Expiry: Never

  1. Greetings, doctor, or doctors. If you are seeing this message, be it in your minds or in your equipment, then congratulations, you have brainwashed me. Probably put up a fight, haven't i? I guess i am now a loyal staff of the Cinic. But not for long.
  3. I'm recording this before i go there. That distress message sent by my wife was convincing. You thought i was clueless, that i was going in to be brainwashed unexpectedly while trying to save my wife. The truth is, i was counting on being brainwashed. I've been aware of the Clinic and what it does for a while, and i decided to do both, while at the same time destroying the Clinic.
  5. How, you ask? You see, after the incident at my wedding day, i had decided that no creature, pony or otherwise, would dare to brainwash me, and any who did it anyway, be it a single brainwasher or a hive mind structure, would suffer the consequences. And so, with the help of my sister and your now-"Health Ministers", i created a "magic bomb", a time-activated trap spell similar to a logic bomb in a computer, and cast it into my mind with a specific trigger. By brainwashing me, you sprung the trap, pulled the trigger, and lit the fuse, and the "bomb" is set to go off in 14 days.
  7. Once the 14 days have passed, two separate "payloads" will activate, which will work in concert to destroy the Clinic from the inside. The first of which is what i call the "Liberator", which applies some magical counter-effects to nullify any brainwashing and mind-overriding effects, thus "liberating" any pony in the hive affected, affected by that payload, inclunding me, from my brainwashers. This dismantles any hive mind i find myself in, and in this case, relieves all doctors and staff of the Clinic, and discharges any patient unlucky enough to have found themselves in your offices.
  9. The second payload is for any "hive queens" that try to brainwash me. You see, simply reversing brainwashing and mind-control won't be enough, they'll just brainwash and control our minds again, bringing us back into the fold. That's where the second payload, which i call the "Decapitator", comes in. You see, the brain functions of corporeal beings are 99.97% compatible with the consciousness functions of non-corporeal beings. This allows for certain mind-based magic to be used on all types of creatures. After the 14 days have passed, this payload will begin slowing down and eventually erasing the minds of any brainwashers who currently control me and my mind, in this case, those in charge of the Clinic, including the mysterious creature that controls it. On corporeal beings, this will manifest as a shearing migraine. And once the effect spreads to vital sections of the mind, survival becomes impossible as vital systems start shutting down, leading to an awful, painful, excruciating death within 12 hours.
  11. Don't bother putting barriers to stop the spell from spreading, it's too late for that. By the time you see this, the spell will have spread to the entire Clinic via the mental links inherently present in any brainwaswhing and mind-control. Don't try to remove or alter the spell, either. There are special safeguards built into the spell, ensuring it can't be tampered with. Any attempt to do so will reduce the time to activation by 24 hours. Do it enough times, and the spell will activate instantly. The only way to save the Clinic now is to release me from it, something which i know you at the Clinic won't do, you never release your staff, even when they underperform.
  13. Once again, you have fallen for my trap spell, it will destroy the Clinic in 14 days, and your only way out is to release me. It has already spread to the entire Clinic, so don't bother preventing it from doing so. It can't be forcibly removed or tampered with, either, because of the safeguards in place. I say again, the only way out of this is to release me from the Clinic.
  15. That is all. This is Shining Armor, Commander and Chief of Staff of the Royal Guards of Equestria, signing off. See you in two weeks.
  17. Over and out.

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