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mothers milk

By Guest
Created: 2024-03-12 03:17:08
Expiry: Never

  1. >laying in bed.
  2. >Have the flue.
  3. >Not any flue, no, you've got the one flue in this planet that targets ape species.
  4. >Which is why there simply aren't any apes or monkey like creatures.
  5. >Christ everything feels like it's burning, but you're cold at the same time.
  6. >It's like being in hell.
  7. >You want to go home.
  8. >Let your mother hold you.
  9. >But you're here.
  10. >You look up at the ceiling, watching the paint move.
  11. >The paint move?
  12. >That doesn't seem right.
  13. >You're so cold.
  14. >Fuck.
  15. >Why does it have to burn so much?
  16. >The white paint of the ceiling begins to blur and change with the other pastel colours of the castle bedroom.
  17. >You don't know what's real.
  18. >
  19. >
  20. >You stand over your boy.
  21. >Well.
  22. >No, Celestia.
  23. >He's not your boy.
  24. >Anons always reminding you of that, in some way or another.
  25. >Still...
  26. >Your heart stays heavy with worry, like a blanket of rocks thrown into a frozen lake.
  27. >Your little human, who hates being called that, lays there miserable in his bed.
  28. >In your mouth, you hold a cool wet rag and gently dab at his forehead with it.
  29. >He doesn't scream about it anymore.
  30. >That doesn't make you feel better.
  31. >You almost preferred the screaming, more than this terrible groaning.
  32. >Your heart hurts.
  33. >How did this happen?
  34. >There haven't been any primates in Equestria since grogar was still the emperor.
  35. >That was thousands of years ago.
  36. >You want to lay by him, and cradle him against you. Rest his head against your neck.
  37. >But his body is burning from the inside.
  38. >So you don't.
  39. >You contend with trying your best to keep the fever down.
  40. >Your sisters moonlight beatifies him.
  41. >In her glow, he is pallid like the heavenly body itself.
  42. >Like a son you could never have.
  43. >It's hard to know if this is a healthy colour for him, he's unlike any other creature that's ever been here.
  44. >The glow of the moon somehow makes the room feel giant and small all at once.
  45. >He seems so delicate.
  46. >You wipe down the crook of his neck with the cold rag.
  47. >He hisses pitifully.
  48. >Your student at this moment diligently looks for a cure.
  49. >You pray she finds it soon.

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