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Filly Adoption Thread (Discontinued)

By Bluebirdd065
Created: 2024-03-17 23:19:30
Expiry: Never

  1. >You step inside of the building and shiver.
  2. >Jesus, it's cold as tits out there.
  3. >You shake in your coat and re-adjust your scarf.
  4. >Your eyes are practically frozen.
  5. >There's a mare sleeping there at the front desk further up ahead, shivering herself and curled up into a ball.
  6. >Walking up to it, you can't help but just feel super sad for this pony.
  7. >Nothing that adorable deserves to be so cold.
  8. >You take your coat and scarf off, leaving only your suit on, and put it on her.
  9. >She quickly covers herself with your coat and shrinks into her scarf, then slowly opens her eyes.
  10. >She jumps when she sees you.
  11. >"-GAH!"
  12. >She almost falls out of her chair, then glances at what you gave her with a confused look.
  13. "Uh, hi."
  14. >She awkwardly waves a hoof, then straightens herself out.
  15. >"H-hello, what brings you here? Care to adopt? We only have one filly left!"
  16. >The mare's words settle in your mind.
  17. "...Adopt? This is an orphanage?"
  18. >She smiles and nods.
  19. >"We're home to every filly and colt that can't find a place to stay or be, in order to bring them to a new loving family!"
  20. >You look around the place.
  21. >It actually doesn't look that nice.
  22. >And obviously, the place isn't well enough to afford heating, either.
  23. "Well, uh, I actually wasn't planning to adopt. I was just going to ask for directions because I can't see anything in that snowstorm outside."
  24. >The mare's ears fall flat.
  25. >"Oh. Well, I-"
  26. >"-Is somepony here, Mrs. Heart? Am I going to get adopted?"
  27. >You both turn to the side and see a small filly waiting by the doorway.
  28. >She has a bright orange coat and a light blue, very unkempt- looking mane.
  29. >On her cheeks are a few freckles, and above that are a few bags under her eyes, as if she's been awake for a long time.
  30. >But she still looks extremely jovial.
  31. >The mare behind the desk just shuts her eyes and sighs.
  32. >She seems to prep herself for something, then slowly turns in her chair.
  33. >"Um, well sweetie, this stallion here..."
  34. >The filly's eyes turn to you while she talks.
  37. >"He's not wanting to adopt. Now, go to bed, it's very late."
  38. >The filly's eyes quickly start to water.
  39. >"...H-he..."
  40. >She takes another sad glance at you, before turning back to the mare.
  41. >"...O...okay..."
  42. >Then she slowly walks away from the doorframe.
  43. >The mare waits a second, then turns to you.
  44. >"I'm... very sorry about that, Mr. Anonymous. Little League has just been very... anxious, since the holiday season started."
  45. >She clicks her tongue and looks over the clothes that are still on her.
  46. >-You take that second to realize how weird it is that everyone in this town knows your name, until your mind sets on something else.
  47. >"-So then, right now you're on Feather street, which is a few blocks south from town hall. To the north is-"
  48. "-How does the process of adopting go?"
  49. >She pauses and looks at you curiously for a minute.
  50. >"Well, it would just need a few papers to be signed, and a weekly visit during the first two months of the foal living in your home."
  51. >...That's it?
  52. "That's it?"
  53. >She nods, a very faint smile slowly gracing her face.
  54. "...Then I think I'd like to adopt that filly."
  55. >The mare grins and jumps out of her seat to hug you.
  56. >"Oh Mr. Anonymous, she'll be so glad to hear that! Just come back tomorrow and I'll have all the paperwork set up!"
  57. >You nod, catching your own smile.
  58. "So, you said town hall is south, right?"
  59. >She straightens herself out and nods.
  60. >"And Sugarcube corner is directly south."
  61. >Okay, you have a good idea where you are, now.
  62. "Then thank you for your time, and I'll see you tomorrow."
  63. >You start to walk away, a-
  64. >"Mr. Anonymous!"
  65. >You flip around, and she's just holding your jacket and scarf in her hooves.
  66. >"You forgot these!"
  67. >Leave a pone in the cold?
  68. "Just keep them. I've got layers, here."
  69. >Her smile grows, and she meekly nods.
  70. >The second you walk out of the building, you notice how much weaker the snowstorm is.
  71. >A yawn escapes you before you think too much about it, and you head towards the direction of your home.
  73. >Before you know it, you're home.
  74. >You were paying less attention about the walk over there, and more attention TO WHAT YOU JUST DID.
  75. >You just told a mare you were going to adopt a filly!
  76. >This isn't a dog or cat or some stupid shit, this is a FILLY.
  77. >Sure, you know it's the right thing to do.
  78. >And, well, you can't have kids of your own...
  79. >But you really didn't think about things before you just said you'd take her home.
  80. >And did you see how sad that filly was when she was told you weren't going to adopt her?
  81. >And how happy that mare was when you told her you WERE?
  82. >Christ...
  83. >Are you ready for a kid?
  84. >Will the kid even like you?
  85. >Do you even have shit in your house that's ready to take care of a kid?
  86. >You stand there in your home and think for a moment.
  87. >Well, you're as ready as you'll ever be.
  88. >You also have your guest room already set up- you could easily turn that into a bedroom...
  89. >But what if the filly doesn't like you?
  90. >-That's retarded.
  91. >That filly didn't scream or anything when it saw you.
  92. >It looked like she hadn't slept in a while- and even though it's late, that filly looked like she spent a lot of nights awake.
  93. >You sigh and start walking upstairs to your bedroom.
  94. >Well, you certainly weren't expecting to pick up a filly on the way home from work, that's for sure...
  95. >It's like one of those shelves that they have there in stores.
  96. >You don't want candy or any of that crap until you actually see it.
  97. >Then the next thing you know, you have five of those.
  98. >But the thing that suddenly worries you, is that you did that with a KID.
  99. >This isn't some stupid chocolate snack, this is a living, breathing being with her own thoughts and actions, that you just decided you wanted to take home.
  100. >...Though, an orphanage is no place for a child, especially not in the holiday season, of all times.
  101. >Not to mention how bad it must be to be the only filly left...
  102. >You shake your head and lie down on your bed.
  104. >Well, one thing for sure, you made the right choice.
  105. >But you don't necessarily know if it was a GOOD choice.
  106. >You pause and stare at your ceiling fan for a moment.
  107. >Well, good or not, you're going to try your damndest here.
  108. >You're gonna be the best goddamn foster parent ever.
  109. >You throw all your clothes off and shuffle a bit under the covers.
  110. >The best damn one.
  111. >
  113. >Fucking shit, it can't be morning already.
  114. >Goddamn it, you need coffee.
  115. >Crawling out of bed, you get dressed in your usual attire- minus the scarf and jacket, and head downstairs.
  116. >A long, obnoxious yawn escapes yo-
  117. >-OW GOD YOUR JAW
  118. >You freeze and hold a hand under your chin, waiting for the pain to stop, before you continue downwards.
  119. >Stupid shit mornings, now they're even PHYSICALLY painful.
  120. >Walking over to your kitchen, you set a pot of coffee to brew and sit at your table.
  121. >Due to the large amount of time it takes for your brain to start up, you find yourself simply staring at your kitchen table while you wait.
  122. >You feel that you're supposed to do something today.
  123. >-OTHER than get the filly, of course.
  124. >Even if you WERE brain dead, you'd be able to remember something like that easily.
  125. >...Nope, you can't remember shit.
  126. >A loud beep cuts your thoughts short, and you silently thank magic for shortening the coffee brewing process to a mere few minutes.
  127. >You pack everything up into a thermos, and take a quick taste test to make sure your coffee doesn't taste as bad as this morning.
  128. >It's horribly bitter.
  129. >Black, like your soul.
  130. >-Which means it's good.
  131. >You grab another scarf on your way out and wrap it around yourself.
  132. >Once you step outside, your eyes immediately dry out.
  133. >Goddamn wind.
  134. >And now that you walked home from it, you notice the orphanage almost immediately.
  135. >You've passed the building plenty of times, but you never knew it was an orphanage.
  136. >There's a sign stand thing, but it's just destroyed to all hell.
  138. >Honestly, you just thought the place was abandoned.
  139. >Like some pony version of a crackhouse.
  140. >...You wonder what kind of drugs they have here.
  141. >Not that you'd try them, of course, but still.
  142. >You know that their alcohol is stupidly weak, so you can't imagine any kind of drug.
  143. >You're more of a social drinker anyways, so it's not that big of a deal.
  144. >And you mean social as in, only if you're with people you know.
  145. >You don't just go around and drink with random people.
  146. >Probably spill too much spaghetti.
  147. >Lightly pushing in the front doors, you're greeted by the head mare, now wearing your scarf and jacket, which is clearly too big for her.
  148. >She beams at the sight of you, then glances at her new ensemble timidly.
  149. >"Hello, Mr. Anonymous!"
  150. "Hey."
  151. >You glance at her when you get closer to the desk.
  152. "That jacket looks much better on you than it did me."
  153. >A small blush crosses her face, and she hugs herself.
  154. >"I-it's very comfortable, Anonymous... Are you sure you don't want it returned?-"
  155. "Of course I'm sure. As long as another storm like yesterday doesn't hit, I'll be fine."
  156. >Her smile grows again.
  157. >"Thank you, Anonymous... It's the nicest gesture I've gotten from somepony."
  158. >Her eyes settle on you for a moment.
  159. >She regains focus and reaches over her desk, then handing a stack of papers over to you.
  160. >"So, these are the papers that you'll need to sign for the adoption. They merely list the legal dos and don'ts of everything- stuff I'm sure you wouldn't have to worry about."
  161. >She holds a pen in her mouth out to you.
  162. "Thank you."
  163. >You viciously fought the urge to boop her.
  164. >Walking over to the bench, you still look over everything.
  165. >It really is just legal stuff.
  166. >If you fail to provide, you can return the filly.
  167. >If you REFUSE to provide, you get your ass arrested.
  168. >Stuff like that.
  169. >You don't know how the process worked back home, but here you only needed to sign a few things.
  171. >Or only NEED to, rather.
  172. >You scratch your shitty signature on there and start scanning the other paper.
  173. >This one is...
  174. >Oh.
  175. >It's got tips on how to raise a filly or colt.
  176. >Psychologically.
  177. >You slow down and take the time to read this one.
  178. >At the top, it said 'your adoptee has been labeled', then continued with the rest of the form.
  179. >But that means...
  180. >There's three contacts of psychiatrist ponies at the bottom.
  181. >It lists typical behaviors in a kid that's gone through some childhood troubles.
  182. >Introvertive behavior, rebellious actions, volatile moods...
  183. >It starts to worry you further.
  184. >What if you can't help this filly out that way?
  185. >What has she BEEN through?
  186. >Your thoughts are cut off by a slow thumping noise from behind the desk.
  187. >Because of you sitting, you can't see the filly pop out, but you see the mare hop off the chair and talk to her.
  188. >You mentally brave yourself for a good first impression, and the mare walks around the desk with a hoof on the filly's back.
  189. >The filly stops and spits her luggage handle out.
  190. >Then she just stares at you for a moment, slack-jawed.
  191. >You can't really tell if it's a bad or good look, but-
  192. >She beams and runs over to you, then jumps onto the bench and your lap, trying her hardest to wrap her hooves around you in a hug.
  193. >"Oh thank you thank you thank you! Don't worry, I'll be the best filly ever, Mr. Anonymous!"
  194. >That's... a weird greeting.
  195. >'The best filly ever'?
  196. >You glance at the paper under her.
  197. >Your eyes only read out 'psychological behaviors' at the top.
  198. >Turning back to the filly, you see the cute little smile plastered on her face.
  199. >You involuntarily move a hand to her head and gently brush her hair.
  200. >"Now Little League, Mr. Anonymous still needs to sign the paper you're sitting on!"
  201. >She looks down, and her ears fall flat.
  202. >"S-sorry!"
  203. >Once she hops off, you finish your 'signature' and stand up.
  204. >The mare just watches with a small grin on her face.
  205. >"We need more ponies here like you, Anonymous..."
  207. >She drifts off and just watches the filly with a sad smile on her face.
  208. >And before you can say anymore, she walks over and hugs her.
  209. >"You're a wonderful filly, Little League. I'm going to miss you."
  210. >They hug for a long moment, and you watch a small tear roll down the mare's cheek.
  211. >You kind of just awkwardly stand there, even if the gesture's nice and heartwarming.
  212. >Soon, they break away, and the filly runs back over to your side.
  213. >You set the papers on the desk, and the mare just walks over and hops on her chair.
  214. "So, what are you going to do now that the last filly's been taken?"
  215. >She wipes her face clean and pauses for a second.
  216. >Then shrugs.
  217. >"There will always be fillies and colts who need a place to stay. I suppose I'll just wait until one comes by."
  218. >You stop and think for a moment.
  219. "In the meantime, would you care to be 'adopted' for a coffee, tomorrow? Some tips on raising fillies would be nice."
  220. >She just stares at you for a moment, then softly smiles.
  221. >"Yes, I think I'd like that."
  222. >You find yourself mimicking her grin.
  223. "Great, then I'll definitely see you then, Ms. Heart."
  224. >"Please. Call me Lyra."
  225. >You nod.
  226. "Alright then, Lyra. I'll see you tomorrow, Cocoa Bean Cafe, ten-ish?"
  227. >She nods.
  228. >"I'll be there."
  229. >You respond with another nod and turn to the filly sitting beside you.
  230. "Ready to go?"
  231. >She viciously nods her head and grabs her luggage handle.
  232. >It looks a bit bigger than her.
  233. "Want me to carry that?"
  234. >She gives you this confused look, then shakes her head.
  235. >"I'm a big filly- I can do it."
  236. "...Want me to carry you?"
  237. >She looks at you like you just told her Santa is black.
  238. >Then she looks a bit conflicted.
  239. >"R...really?"
  240. >You simply nod.
  241. >Has nobody ever offered to carry her, or what?
  242. >-Well, you can't really carry ponies with hooves...
  243. >-'Cause, you know, you're walking with them.
  244. >But still.
  245. >"...Okay."
  247. >Next thing you know, you're carrying your new filly in one arm, and her luggage in the other.
  248. >You notice that she's weirdly tense in your arms.
  249. >Like being carried is such an awkward thing for her.
  250. >She shivers, and you suddenly notice how damn cold it still is.
  251. >So you keep her inside your suit, where only her head pops out.
  252. >You also notice how non-talkative she's being.
  253. >She seemed super happy and excited earlier, you can't understand where the random change in mood came from.
  254. >She just buries her head in your suit and closes her eyes- not sleeping, but definitely thinking about something.
  255. >You walk up to your house and-
  256. >"-Anon!"
  257. >...Damn it.
  258. >You wince and turn around.
  259. >Now you completely remember what you felt you were forgetting this morning.
  260. "Ah, hi Roseluck."
  261. >"Thanks for completely ditching me, you jerk."
  262. "Damn, I'm so sorry, Rose. I kinda got wrapped up with something else."
  263. >"And that is...?"
  264. >Right on cue, Little League slowly pops her head out of your suit.
  265. >You figured she would have seen the weird bulge before the filly, but you've routinely noticed time and time again that she is NOT a perceptive mare.
  266. >She jumps and just looks at the filly.
  267. >"Oh my gosh Anon, who's filly is that? Did you FOALNAP her?!"
  268. "-What the- no! What kind of person do you think I am?"
  269. >You pet the filly's head for emphasis, getting a small squeak from her in response.
  270. "This is Little League, and I just adopted her."
  271. >Rose just stops and stares between Little League and you.
  272. >"You adopted a filly? Why? You're HORRIBLE with fillies!"
  273. "-Oh please, your cousin just sucks. I don't even get to talk to her before she screams and runs away from me."
  274. >Little League leans into your hand.
  275. "But this little cutie here is different, and I'm going to be the best damn foster parent ever."
  276. >"...I hope so, for her sake."
  277. >Rose comes by and smiles.
  278. >"And she is really cute..."
  279. >"Th-thank you."
  280. >"Keep Anon in check, will you?"
  281. >Little League just nods.
  283. >Rose boops you.
  284. >"I still expect some kind of make up lunch for this, though."
  285. >She turns to Little League.
  286. >"With a table for three, of course."
  287. >She holds a hoof up to her.
  288. >"I'm Roseluck, by the way. Nice meeting you, Little League."
  289. >Little League meekly shakes it and smiles.
  290. >Then Rose mockingly salutes you and walks away.
  291. >Well, that's what you get for having such horrible memory.
  292. >You think it's weird how much Rose has changed from when you first met her.
  293. >Shy, reserved, and well, just absolutely nothing like she is now.
  294. >And you can't really say you know anyone else in the flower business.
  295. >You know Lily and Daisy, but Rose just happened to be closer and easier to talk to.
  296. >But anyways, you still have a filly with you, suffering in the cold.
  297. >You open the door and immediately wish you would have cleaned.
  298. >It's not that bad, but it's not perfect for a first impression.
  299. "Well it's no looker, but my house is your house."
  300. >You gently take her out of your suit and place her on the ground.
  301. "Now, your room is gonna be upstairs here with mine."
  302. >Her ears perk up at your words, and she turns to you.
  303. >"I... I have my own room?"
  304. >It worries you that she sounds confused.
  305. "Well, yeah, of course. Come on up, I'll show you."
  306. >Luggage still in tow, you walk it upstairs and open up the guest room that wasn't been used since you fixed it up.
  307. "I mean, I know the bed is a little big, and it's not exactly filly-fied, but we can work on it, I suppose."
  308. >"This is... mine?"
  309. "Well, yeah."
  310. >The look on her face is so surprised, you'd think that she's never even had her own room before.
  311. >Which... is a very real possibility, here.
  312. >She runs up and hugs your leg.
  313. >"Oh thank you, Mr. Anonymous! Thank you so much!"
  314. >You kneel and bring her in for a hug.
  315. "Call me Anon, Little League."
  316. >Once she stops, she just takes to looking over her room, a confused look still plastered on her face.
  317. "Well, you can make yourself comfortable, and I'll start on lunch. Hope you like daisies!"
  319. >You head back down and walk into your lovely kitchen.
  320. >Of course, you just wish they had some kind of ramen noodle substitute in this place, but the flowers here are surprisingly alright here.
  321. >Unlike the ones on Earth, these don't taste like... well, flowers.
  322. >They're practically like fruit, with all the different flavors.
  323. >-Hay still tastes like fucking shit, though.
  324. >It's like you were eating chewy sticks, which was absolutely horrid.
  325. >Choosing to forget about your first equine dining experience, you work around and start frying some buttered bread.
  326. >Toasters, for some reason, haven't been created here.
  327. >From what Twilight has told you, they made some, but it'd just immediately explode every time a unicorn would try to use it.
  328. >And nobody knew why, so they never made them widely available.
  329. >Thankfully, Equestria had been spared the toaster's wrath...
  330. >You can't help but smile like a retard after that thought, prepping and putting the finishing touches on the sandwiches.
  331. >There was a strong urge to put a shit ton of meat in your sandwich, but you doubt that would be very great for a first impression.
  332. >Once you've got the meals all set up with apple juice on the side, you walk on over to the stairs.
  333. "Little League, lunch is ready!"
  334. >You walk on over to your side of the table and sit as you hear a few soft thumps down to the kitchen.
  335. >Out she comes, looking over at the plates with a small smile on her face.
  336. >"I-is this sandwich for me?"
  337. "Of course."
  338. >She grins and hops up on the seat.
  339. >Then she grabs the plate in her teeth and hops off to the floor.
  340. >Before you can ask what the hell she's doing, she takes a small bite of her sandwich.
  341. >Is she... eating on the floor?
  342. "Little League?"
  343. >Her ears perk up while she turns to you.
  344. >"Yes?"
  345. "You know you can eat on the table... right?"
  346. >Again, she gives you this confused, unsure look.
  347. >"W-what?"
  348. >You hop off your seat and help her up into one, then grabbing and placing the plate in front of her.
  350. "Just, enjoy your lunch, alright?"
  351. >She looks at the food, then at you.
  352. >"O-okay."
  353. >Once you sit down, you start to think about what the hell THAT just was.
  354. >That Lyra pony was so nice...
  355. >Could there have been something else going on in that place?
  356. >You take a bite out of your sandwich and watch her through your peripherals.
  357. >She tries to grab the glass of apple juice with her hooves.
  358. >Almost instantly, it slips from her grasp and breaks.
  359. >She eyes it for a split second, then turns to you.
  360. >And her whole expression just immediately sinks.
  361. >Her ears flop over, her pupils shrink, and she falls out of her chair, covering her face with her hooves.
  362. >Her breathing gets erratic really quickly, and before you can even process what's happening, she's on the ground, curled into a little ball.
  364. >Mr...?
  365. >Who the fuck is-
  366. >-Okay, you should probably deal with calming her down, first.
  367. >You quickly hop off your chair and cradle her in your arms.
  368. >She struggles and tries to fight you off.
  369. "It's okay, League! League, I'm not mad at you!"
  370. >"I'M SORRY, I-I'M SORRY!!"
  371. >At least knowing that raising your voice wouldn't help, you take to brushing her mane, rocking her back and forth, and simply telling her that you aren't angry with her.
  372. >Your damn heart is racing because of how quickly everything is happening.
  373. >This went from zero to a hundred in practically no time at all.
  374. "League, I'm not going to hurt you, okay? I'm not Mr. Horseshoe- it's me, Anon!"
  375. >She's shaking tremendously in your arms, like she's having some kind of seizure.
  376. >"P-PLEASE, D-DON'T H-HURT ME!"
  377. >You start to rub her back while you cradle her.
  378. "League, I won't hurt you, you didn't do anything wrong."
  379. >A thought hits you, and you move over and kiss her on the cheek.
  380. >Sure enough, she slowly opens her eyes, still hyperventilating, just looking right at you.
  381. "I would never do anything to hurt you, alright? You're okay."
  383. "It's just Anon. I don't care that you broke the glass, League."
  384. >You can feel how quickly her heart is beating against you.
  385. >She just stays staring straight into your eyes, huffing and crying still.
  386. >Brushing her mane seems to work wonders, and you push a lock of her hair behind her ear.
  387. >She seems so terrified...
  388. >What fucking monster did this to her?
  389. >Who is this "Mr. Horseshoe" faggot?
  390. >Not only do you have size, but you think you remember some takedowns that your dad learned from the force.
  391. >Shove that guy's horseshoe up his ass.
  392. >She seems to look past you, trembling lightly in your arms.
  393. >Her big violet eyes growing red, while a tear slowly rolls down her cheek.
  394. >Christ...
  395. >You don't know how, but you WILL pull a Liam Neeson and find whoever this motherfucker is.
  396. "Don't worry, you're safe with me."
  397. >"A...Anon?"
  398. >You gently nod and smile.
  399. "Yes, League, it's me Anon."
  400. >Instead of saying anything, she just buries her head under your chin and softly sobs.
  401. "There there... You're okay."
  402. >Well, now you have more of a reason to see Lyra tomorrow.
  403. >You really, REALLY doubt she's the cause for this... but you never know.
  404. >But whether she is or not, you're going to get some info on this.
  405. "Come on, League, you can have your food upstairs in bed."
  406. >She doesn't say anything, but slowly nods.
  407. >Getting on your feet, you step over all the glass and grab her plate.
  408. >The glass was kind of your fault, anyways.
  409. >It's not like you have ponies around here in the first place, so you don't have any cups that non-unicorns can use.
  410. >So that's on the list of things to get.
  411. >You walk up the stairs as softly as you can, and head over to her room.
  412. >Jesus, the bed is really big compared to her.
  413. >Setting the plate on the nightstand, you gently set her down.
  414. "Okay, well I'll go pick everything up really quick, then I'll-"
  415. >"-N-NO!"
  416. >She catches herself and pauses.
  417. >"D-don't leave, please..."
  418. "Okay, League. I won't."
  419. >You grab a chair and set it by her bed.
  420. "I'll stay right here."
  422. >
  423. >Sweet Jesus, she finally fell asleep.
  424. >And you just woke up.
  425. >What damn time is it?
  426. >Once your eyes wander towards the window, you see that is indeed night.
  427. >How late, you're still not sure though.
  428. >You slowly stand from your chair and creep out of the room, making sure to leave the door open.
  429. >The second you touch the bottom of the stairs, a loud creak destroys your stealthy escape.
  430. >You freeze and stay in place, trying to hear around for any indicator that League is waking up.
  431. >A few seconds pass, and you feel that you're in the clear.
  432. >So you walk into the kitchen and see the damage that apple juice did to the floor.
  433. >No doubt the wood is going to warp, now.
  434. >A sigh escapes you as you start cleaning everything up.
  435. >When you grab your own sandwich to finally munch on, you realize that you completely left the plate League had in her room.
  436. >You yawn, finish that sandwich, then start cleaning shit up.
  437. >
  438. >You toss her plate in the sink and just sigh.
  439. >Seriously, what time is it?
  440. >You're so damn tired right now.
  441. >You practically slept the whole day away, but your internal clock says it's time to sleep, still.
  442. >Once everything is stowed away, you find yourself staring outside, watching the moon.
  443. >There's a certain calmness to it that you can't quite place.
  444. >Being the filthy NEET you were, you saw more of the night than you did the day, and you enjoyed sometimes just, sitting there, watching the sky.
  445. >Now, it does nothing but remind you of home.
  446. >You prefer your life here, of course, but you can't help but think of all the missed opportunities.
  447. >Instead of pursuing a career, or even that special someone, you kinda just... stayed there.
  448. >Never went with friends anywhere.
  449. >Never tried to do something different.
  450. >And now, looking at yourself, you kind of wished you had.
  451. >But, there's no use in crying over spilled milk.
  452. >-Or spilled apple juice, in your case.
  453. >What's done is done.
  455. >Once you're done staring at the sky like a retard, you turn everything off and sneak past in your room.
  456. >You feel kind of guilty for not staying with Little League for the whole night, but there's no way you're going to be comfortable on that chair, or the bed.
  457. >The bed is big for her, but still tiny pony size for you.
  458. >It's not like you expected any minotaurs to come waltzing into your home.
  459. >So you make sure the door is open and head on down to your bed.
  460. >You watch your ceiling fan move, in order to fall asleep faster.
  461. >
  462. >"A-Anon..."
  463. >Your eye slowly opens, and you're completely taken from what would have been your sleep.
  464. >You were caught in between sleeping and staying awake, and was slowly starting to drift off.
  465. >But now you're awake.
  466. >And slightly irritated.
  467. "Yes, Little League?"
  468. >"I... I had a bad d-dream... Can I sleep in your room today?"
  469. >-And now you feel like a dick for feeling irritated.
  470. >Poor thing, with what happened earlier, you can imagine a bad dream would be part of it, too.
  471. "Yeah, of course League."
  472. >She nods and slowly closes the door.
  473. >Then curls up beside the bed.
  474. >Not ON it, but near it.
  475. >Does she think she's not allowed?
  476. >-You swear, if this is more of that 'Mr. Horseshoe' guy's doing...
  477. >Hopping out of bed, you simply pick her up and climb into the bed with her.
  478. >She doesn't say anything, but also doesn't do anything, like she's unsure of what TO do.
  479. "Just relax, Little League. I'll keep you safe."
  480. >She pauses, then gradually does so.
  481. >Slowly, she buries her head under your chin and sighs.
  482. >You make sure to hold her close.
  483. >A thought keeps ringing in your ears.
  484. >BEST damn foster parent.
  486. >
  487. >You catch yourself mid snore and wake up.
  488. >The sunlight pours in your face immediately, and a small groan comes your way.
  489. >You actually slept pretty well, but mornings will always ruin your mood, no matter HOW good you slept.
  490. >There's a small sizzling noise in your ears, and the scent of something familiar.
  491. >For some reason, you think yourself to be back home, waking up to cooked breakfasts from your mom.
  492. >But when you shake off some of the morning, you suddenly remember that you AREN'T back home.
  493. >And what you're smelling is not something you NORMALLY would be smelling.
  494. >Also, Little League isn't near you anymore.
  495. >You hop out of bed and walk downstairs after checking League's room, the scent quickly becoming more noticeable with every step you take.
  496. >Once you reach the bottom, you confirm that you are INDEED smelling bacon and ham, and Little League is COOKING for you.
  497. >She spots you, and her pupils shrink a bit.
  498. >"I-I'm sorry Anon, I tried to finish before you woke up, b-but this weird stuff was hard to cook!"
  499. >She actually looks like she knows what she's doing by the stove.
  500. >Probably forced to cook for that Horseshoe guy...
  501. >Or maybe she just learned to cook in the orphanage, but it gives you more of a reason to get and beat the guy, so it works.
  502. "Well, League, you didn't need to cook. It's not like I was expecting you to."
  503. >She pauses.
  504. >"R-really?"
  505. >You nod and stay silent.
  506. >The question gnaws at you, and you can't help yourself.
  507. "...Did he make you cook for him?"
  508. >With a little hesitation, she slowly nods.
  509. >"I... I had to wake up two hours before him, then make sure it was ready before he woke up, o-or..."
  510. >You raise your hand and nod.
  511. "I want you to lost that habit, League. From now on, you're waking up when I've made breakfast for YOU, alright?"
  512. >Her eyes trail to the floor, and she meekly nods, still seeming a bit unsure of herself.
  513. >"O-ok."
  515. >You walk over and crouch a little ways in front of her.
  516. "In fact, just forget everything you've learned from there. You're here with me now, and I'm going to make damn sure you enjoy your time left as a filly. You don't need to do any kinds of chores, worry about cleaning up or dropping things, or even waking me up in the night for something, alright? Does that sound good?"
  517. >She just rubs her leg nervously.
  518. >"A-are you sure? I-I mean, I coul-"
  519. "-Yes I'm sure, end of story. You just worry about enjoying your time with me, and I'll do everything, okay?"
  520. >You boop her at the end, getting a small smile and a scrunch in return.
  521. >Instead of saying anything, she just steps up to you and wraps her hooves around you.
  522. >"Th-thank you, Anon..."
  523. >You nod.
  524. "Anything for my new favorite filly."
  525. >During the hug, you feel some kind of nagging feeling at the back of your mind, bringing your attention to the clock resting on the stove.
  526. >At first you just stare at it, then something clicks.
  527. "-Oh shoot, we're meeting Lyra for coffee!"
  528. >You cover everything up and carry Little League over to the couch.
  529. "Alright, I'm going to go put on my shoes, you just stay here and be cute, I'll be back in a bit!"
  530. >You fly up the stairs and get dressed in everything retardedly fast.
  531. >The perk of having broken in clothes.
  532. >That also need to be washed.
  533. >When you go down the steps, you go into the living room and spot Little League putting everything she was making away.
  534. >You walk into the kitchen and pick her up.
  535. "Now, now missy, you're forbidden from doing any kind of work in this household! Now, let's go!"
  536. >With her lying in your arms fireman style, you set her in your suit and grab your scarf on the way out, handing it to her while you walk out into the chilly morning air.
  537. >Coffee seems like an absolutely wonderful idea now.
  538. >Keeping an arm secured around League, you head into the direction of the Ponyville Cafe.
  540. >Only a few minutes into the walk, and your heart feels ready to just implode on you.
  541. >Your eyes can't help but divert downwards, watching League lying comfortably in your suit, scarf and all.
  542. >Her ear twitches, and you feel a small pain in your chest.
  543. >Sweet hell.
  544. >Soon enough, you find yourself walking over to the cafe, and, with perfect timing, there's Lyra, about to walk inside.
  545. >League gasps and grabs her attention.
  546. >"Ms. Heart!"
  547. >She hops from the cover of your suit and runs over to hug her.
  548. >You notice that she's still wearing your jacket and scarf.
  549. >-Well, it isn't yours anymore, but still.
  550. >It makes you feel all warm inside, like you're in some shitty Christmas movie.
  551. >Something in your mind clicks, and you scan your surroundings.
  552. >Well, it IS the season anyways, you guess.
  553. >The sight of the two hugging brings a small smile to your face.
  554. >Lyra sighs and opens her eyes, now resting on you.
  555. >"Hello, Mr. Anonymous."
  556. >You wave a hand.
  557. "Please, if I get to call you Lyra, you can call me Anon."
  558. >Her smile widens a tad.
  559. >"Of course, Anon."
  560. >You take the liberty of opening the doors for them to walk in.
  561. >"Thank you."
  562. >Walking in after them, you're immediately hit with the wonderful scent of coffee and fresh pastries being made.
  563. >It does well to warm you up on the inside.
  564. >"Hi, welcome to Ponyville Cafe!"
  565. >A pony quickly takes you three to a table with some comfy looking chairs, then sets a menu in the middle.
  566. >"Alrighty, just flag me down when you know what you want!"
  567. >She walks away, and you take a moment to breathe.
  568. >The atmosphere in this place has always been the best.
  569. >Not only does the smell just wake you up, but the whole place looks more like it's some kind of lounge room than a cafe.
  570. >Plenty of open windows, with shades outside to avoid the sun in your face and shit.
  571. >And yeah, an open area outside- even if nobody's retarded enough to use it now.
  572. >It just feels... nice.
  573. >Calm, soothing, serene...
  574. >But screw mornings still.
  576. >When you bring your attention back to the table, you notice Lyra admiring the scenery as much as you just were.
  577. >Then she looks over at you, where your eyes lock with hers for a split second.
  578. >You quickly divert your gaze and watch Little League silently scouring the menu.
  579. >For being a simple cafe, there are a lot of choices.
  580. >"So, League, how are you liking your time with Anon?"
  581. >She snaps away from her menu and smiles.
  582. >"It's awesome! He let me have my OWN room, with this huge bed and everything!"
  583. >Lyra gently smiles.
  584. >"Oh, that's wonderful!"
  585. >"Mhm! And he actually lets me eat ON the table!"
  586. >And her smile fades.
  587. >"That's great, League!"
  588. >You grab her attention and rub the back of your neck.
  589. "-Speaking of that..."
  590. >She glances at you, then subtly at League, who resumes looking at the menu.
  591. >She obviously doesn't want to talk about it with her around.
  592. >Which... is understandable, but you figure it wouldn't be a big problem if you just used certain codewords or something.
  593. >Guess you'll have to wait a little longer to get some dirt on this guy.
  594. >-Which, now that you've cooled down completely, you're not exactly sure what you're going to do to him.
  595. >If he's even ALIVE.
  596. >Or maybe they took him to a dungeon or something?
  597. >Some kind of prison with a German Nazi pony warden?
  598. >But you can't just find the guy and try to beat him up.
  599. >One, because you don't even lift, and two because you'd probably get sent to prison instead.
  600. >-And hell, maybe it's not even a guy?
  601. >You only heard the name once from League, but everything following is just what you've associated with this pony.
  602. >A sigh escapes you.
  603. >Well, you'll get answers soon enough, but for now, you figure you should just take care of the cute little filly sitting beside you.
  604. >You brush her mane lightly and glance at the menu.
  605. "So, do you know what you want?"
  606. >She meekly nods.
  607. >"C-can... can I get a hot chocolate?"
  608. "Of course."
  609. >"...W-with whipped cream?"
  610. "Yup."
  611. >"A-and marshmallows?"
  612. >You simply nod.
  614. >She smiles and hugs you.
  615. >"You're the best, Anon."
  616. >You can't help but return the gesture.
  617. "Y-you too."
  618. >It's unbelieveable that despite the short time she's known you, she can be so loving.
  619. >It's like you've adopted an adorable orange puppy with freckles.
  620. >And, honestly, you wonder how you're actually going to take the role as her parent.
  621. >You don't know about what she's learned so far in her life, or how you'll be able to counteract it, if necessary.
  622. >And is she truly being affectionate, or is she just pretending?
  623. >She did tell you she was going to be the 'best filly ever'.
  624. >And you don't know if acting in order to make you keep her is part of that.
  625. >...Maybe she's secretly terrified of being sent back?
  626. >-Well, of course she is, but what if she's merely acting to keep herself here?
  627. >You sigh.
  628. >"Something wrong, Anon?"
  629. >You instinctively turn to Lyra.
  630. "Ah, nothing's wrong. Just, thinking."
  631. >"About?"
  632. >You pause.
  633. "...How long has League been in school?"
  634. >The filly in question tenses up.
  635. >"Well, she's had some time in the classroom, but was pulled out before completing a grade."
  636. >Damn.
  637. >And now thinking about it, she does seem a little old for not completing a grade...
  638. >You were just using the idea as an excuse to avoid talking about this Mr. Horseshoe guy in front of League, but school SHOULD actually be discussed.
  639. >...Or maybe you could try homeschooling her?
  640. >Put some of your old job experience to good use.
  641. >...Even if it was very short-lived.
  642. >You glance over at League.
  643. >She looks really sad, now.
  644. >If you were to guess, she had a bad experience at school, or she's aware of her age and doesn't want to be the oldest one in her class.
  645. >-At least, that's what would be on YOUR mind, if you were in her shoes.
  646. >But then again, you don't even know a BIT of what she's gone through to say that.
  647. >You gently brush her mane.
  648. "But I guess we'll talk about it at home."
  649. >She seems a little more relieved.
  650. >MUST be something...
  652. >Lyra levitates the drink list over to herself while you idly run your fingers through League's mane.
  653. >After a while, you swear you can hear her purr.
  654. >You simply stare at the table as thought after thought comes by.
  655. >You should start thinking about clothes for her, what foods you'll buy, any ground rules...
  656. >When your dry eyes force you to blink, you find a paper floating in front of your face, encased in a golden glow.
  657. >Once you grab it, Lyra softly smiles.
  658. >"When you mentioned tips on raising League here, I decided to make a sheet with things that might help.
  659. >You scan the paper.
  660. >-Woah.
  661. >This is practically an entire profile on her.
  662. >Favorite fruit, favorite game, hobby, ice cream flavor...
  663. >Birthday, which you're very glad you know now.
  664. >"I... uh, actually was supposed to give you that yesterday, but I decided to add all the other stuff in."
  665. >You nod.
  666. >That's when your eyes glance over a certain phrase.
  667. >'Previous guardians'
  668. >You stop breathing for a second, then simply fold the paper and put in your pocket.
  669. >...Though you're still not exactly sure what you'll do with the information, yet.
  670. >But you'll figure something out eventually.
  671. "Thanks, Lyra. This should help out a bunch."
  672. >With how much info is on there, you'd imagine that Lyra really got to know League here.
  673. >She nods and levitates that menu over to you with a gentle smile.
  674. >You can't help but mimic it, before turning your attention over to the list.
  675. >The few times you've been to this place, you'd just get a donut and some black coffee.
  676. >But now that you have time to check out the full menu... sheesh.
  677. >There's drinks for days- weeks, even.
  678. >So many different kinds of flavors, and spices to go with it.
  679. >Either you choose a pre-made one, or you pretty much deal with Subway-type create-a-coffee.
  680. >It's pretty neat, actually.
  681. >But, you're still a boring kind of person.
  682. >You wave down a waitress pony nearby and she comes over.
  683. >"Ah, what can I get the lovely family, huh?"
  685. >Lyra glances at you, then turns to the table.
  686. >You rub the back of your neck.
  687. "Ah, actually, we're not a family."
  688. >The mare pauses, then nervously blows a lock of hair away from her face.
  689. >"Oh, ah, heh heh, my bad... You kinda just looked like one, you know, because of the way she's wearing that big jacket, and the filly, and the... I'll just stop talking."
  690. >She quickly holds her notepad with her wings and just looks at you all.
  691. >"So, ah, what did you all want?"
  692. >"-I'll get a hot chocolate!"
  693. >"A hot chocolate? Alright, an-"
  694. >"-With whipped cream!"
  695. >"-Whipped cream? Okay, an-"
  696. >"-And marshmallows!"
  697. >"-And with marshmallows."
  698. >She stops and just subtly watches League.
  699. >"...Alright, so what did you two want, then?"
  700. >You and Lyra glance at each other, waiting for the other to speak.
  701. >After what seems like an hour, Lyra gives in.
  702. >"I'll get a white chocolate mocha, please."
  703. >"Alrighty. And for you, sir?"
  704. "Same, but just a regular mocha."
  705. >The waitress pauses.
  706. >"...Same, but a regular mocha...? So, like, regular coffee, but a mocha put in?"
  707. >You shake your head.
  708. "No, I'm saying I'll get the same, but instead of a white chocolate, just a regular one."
  709. >"...So you're asking for the same... but NOT the same?"
  710. >Your mind takes a moment to cool down silently.
  711. "...Okay. Just a mocha, please. Just regular, non white chocolate."
  712. >She smiles, nods, then jots it down.
  713. >"Sounds good!"
  714. >Once she clears her throat, she holds the paper close to her and stands straight.
  715. >"So, I got a hot chocolate with whipped cream, marshmallows, a white chocolate mocha, and a 'regular, non white chocolate mocha'. Correct?"
  716. >You nod, and she grabs the menu thing in her mouth before nodding back and walking off.
  718. >When she walks off, you simply continue brushing League's mane.
  719. >She slowly leans into your hand, like some kind of cat.
  720. >Her ears flop over, and you start idly scritching them.
  721. >"So, Anon, I know you might get asked a lot... but where are you from?"
  722. >-MIGHT?
  723. >You may as well be asked everyday.
  724. >But of course, the most famous is just, 'what are you?'
  725. >At this point, after saying it so many times, you feel it to be...
  726. >Like some kind of cliche scene, in a movie or something.
  727. >Let's say you're watching a horror movie, and hey look, there's a fuckin ghost in the next room.
  728. >And look, the bitch KNOWS there's a ghost, but slowly opens the door anyways.
  729. >After hearing- or reading about it, a million fucking times, it just gets to the point where you see a door, and you're like, 'oh my fucking god, this shit again'.
  730. >-Just, you know, instead of seeing or reading it, you're the one saying it.
  731. >Though after the first couple of times, your mind learned how to set itself to autopilot during the talking, letting the actual thinking function of your mind to just take a backseat.
  732. >The quarter part of you that does the talking simply sighs, and you flip the switches.
  733. "I'm from a planet called Earth, not in this universe, don't know how I got here, seven billion of us- I'm a human- yes I had family and friends, sure I miss them, and no, I didn't have a job."
  734. >You pause, breathe and blink.
  735. >Lyra takes a moment to silently understand what you just said.
  736. >"...So you HAVE been asked a lot."
  737. >You nod.
  738. "You have no idea."
  739. >"How long have you been in Ponyville?"
  740. >-Well that's a new one.
  741. >You stop and think.
  742. "...Fffooo- fiiiv... I have no idea, actually. But it's been less than six years."
  743. >She looks off a bit, but just nods.
  744. "Well, if you get questions, then so do I."
  745. >She nods again.
  746. >You stare off, looking at her bright, golden eyes for a moment.
  747. >Then you finally think of something.
  748. "What made you want to work at the orphanage? I noticed that your Cutie Mark is a harp."
  750. >She scrunches a bit.
  751. >"Well, actually it's a lyre. There are a few differences that distinct it from a harp."
  752. >Her eyes seem to gaze past you while she talks.
  753. >"With my special talent in playing it, I found out pretty quickly that I couldn't see myself playing in some big, formal orchestra somewhere in Canterlot. So, I decided to move over here, and I found out that I could do more with my music than play for entertainment purposes."
  754. >She rests her hooves on the table and silently rubs them together.
  755. >"I originally volunteered when I came here, playing for all the fillies and colts during the daytime and helping them fall asleep in the night."
  756. >A soft sigh escapes her while a frown barely makes itself present.
  757. >"Then, I became the only one working here, and I kinda tried to take up the mantle as the owner of the place."
  758. >She finishes with a small smile.
  759. >"I've been with the kids for... almost four years, now."
  760. >Damn.
  761. >FOUR years?
  762. "So do you get paid as the owner, or what?"
  763. >She pauses, then softly shakes her head.
  764. >...For four years.
  765. >So what does that mean?
  766. "Did you have a job outside?"
  767. >There's a longer pause.
  768. >She shakes her head again.
  769. >...So, is she homeless or something?
  770. >You think back to when you first walked into that place.
  771. >She was sitting in her chair.
  772. >Shivering slightly and...
  773. >Sleeping.
  774. >When you glance up at her, you notice her eyes slowly starting to water.
  775. >She pretends to scratch her muzzle, and instead wipes the start of some tears off her face.
  776. >You stop rubbing League's ear, and she just sighs before completely resting her head on your side.
  777. >Placing your own hands on the table, you look right at Lyra.
  778. >If she's really homeless...
  779. >You can't just leave her like this.
  780. "You know... you could stay at my place, if you'd want."
  782. >Lyra just pauses and watches you, as if trying to see if you're serious or not.
  783. >Then she looks away.
  784. >"I... I couldn't... I don't want to be a burden."
  785. >Her eyes continue to glisten with tears.
  786. >A burden?
  787. >You don't understand how another adorable pony living in your house would be a burden.
  788. >...Well, actually, you're sure there's multiple ways, but Lyra doesn't seem the type.
  789. >Unless she follows your footsteps of being a NEET- but there's no internet and no video games, so you don't see how she would be able to.
  790. >When you look at her, she now has her hooves resting on the chair, one trying to cover her quickly faltering expression from you both.
  791. >League's ears flop over while she watches with worry-filled eyes.
  792. >You place your hands on the table and slide them closer to her.
  793. "Hey."
  794. >She moves her hoof slightly away, only one eye resting on you while the other hides behind her mane.
  795. >Staying silent, you take a breath and manage a small, gentle smile.
  796. "Believe me, when I say that you deserve much more than I'm able to give you... But it doesn't mean I won't offer."
  797. >You slowly lean back and hug League close to you.
  798. "And I can name at least two people right now, that would like nothing more than you staying with us."
  799. >League nods and grins.
  800. >Lyra just looks at you both, slowly wiping her eyes.
  801. >"B-but... I can't pay, o-or-"
  802. >You wave your hand.
  803. "I said you could STAY at my house, not provide. You can let me worry about that."
  804. >Her gaze moves back over to the floor.
  805. >"I..."
  806. >She turns back to you, hoof no longer blocking her face.
  807. >Her golden eyes, a bit red and watery, stay on yours.
  808. >And her lips slightly curl upwards.
  809. >"I don't know what to say..."
  810. "Then, don't."
  811. >She nods and slowly hops off her chair.
  812. >Then happily hugs you.
  814. >She doesn't say anything, and instead wraps her hooves tightly around your neck, then resting her head on the side of your shoulder.
  815. >League does the same and hugs your other side.
  816. >You grab her and face Lyra, then embrace both of them.
  817. >League tries her hardest to wrap her hooves around your waist, but completely fails, taking to just resting her head on your chest while in your arms.
  818. >A content sigh escapes you.
  819. >And after a short moment, you hear a soft sniffle on your left.
  820. >You instinctively start to rub Lyra's back.
  821. >Though with that thick-ass jacket of yours, you really doubt she can feel it.
  822. >Not wanting League to feel left out, you start to pet her, too.
  823. >Her coat is super soft.
  824. >...Reminds you of a cat.
  825. >In fact, the analogy of League to a puppy might not be accurate.
  826. >She may have qualities of a puppy, but she definitely seems more cat than anything.
  827. >Or maybe you're just retarded and thinking too much into this.
  828. >...Yeah, that's probably it.
  829. >You shiver a bit when Lyra moves.
  830. >She moved her head a bit, and her mane happened to brush past your scarf.
  831. >Where before she was resting her chin on your shoulder and facing your back, she's now moved her head and taken to setting her cheek on it, facing you.
  832. >She sighs, and a little bit of her warm breath touches your neck.
  833. >It feels weird as hell, but it's a sign that she's calmed down, which you're happy with.
  834. >There's a small sniffle now and again, sure, but now she seems to just be getting comfy.
  835. >...Like League.
  836. >...In fact, you're practically a damn pillow right now, looking at it.
  837. >Lyra slowly jumps up and plants her hindlegs on your lap, then resumes hugging you.
  838. >Sweet Jesus.
  840. >When you look up, you see the waitress pony holding a tray full of your drinks on her back.
  841. >She freezes when she sees you, then kind of glances from side to side.
  842. >And she slowly starts to back away, maybe not wanting to ruin whatever this is.
  843. >You stop and wave her over with a hand.
  844. >She points a hoof at herself and mouths, "me?"
  845. >You blink, then slowly nod.
  846. >Then she points a hoof at the table and shoots a questioning look.
  847. >After nodding again, she slowly crouches over to the table on her fours.
  848. >Using her wings, she gently sets the tray down, then stands up to-
  849. >-Hit the top of her head on the table.
  850. >She makes a small squeak, nods at you, then winces away.
  851. >And the two on you don't even budge from the sudden noise.
  852. >You guess it's nice that the pony tried to be considerate and silent, but that squeak, if not the table, was more than enough to be noticeable.
  853. >Yet the two around you still don't budge.
  854. >You lightly poke League.
  855. >She just squirms a bit and rubs her eyes with a hoof.
  856. >...Wait, was she SLEEPING?
  857. >It's only been like, a few minutes!
  858. "Uuuh, guys? The drinks are... kind of here, now, you know."
  859. >League looks at the table, then happily hops off of you and onto her chair.
  860. >Lyra, however...
  861. >Sensing that League left, she seems to slowly make herself more comfortable on you, resting her hind legs on yours, instead of both on one.
  862. >You stop rubbing her back and shake her a little bit.
  863. >Her ears flick, and she groans a bit before opening her eyes.
  864. >"Hmm?"
  865. >When she looks at herself, and her position, she instantly gains a shade of red.
  866. >If she wasn't originally hugging you, you'd swear you were getting a lap dance.
  867. >She yawns and quickly steps off.
  868. >"I-I'm sorry, I-I just, I haven't had anypony hug me in a long time, a-and I was kind of tired, and..."
  869. >Her words die in her throat as her mane hangs over her eyes again.
  870. >You wave it off.
  871. "It's alright, Lyra."
  872. >She nods, then walks back to her chair, with an embarrassed, and slightly saddened, look.
  874. >Once she sits down, you grab your drink, and slide League's over to her.
  875. >Thankfully this hers has a handle on it, so you don't have to worry about it being dropped anytime soon.
  876. >Though, you know, there's still a chance.
  877. >But she doesn't seem to be thinking about it, judging by the whipped cream already on her muzzle.
  878. >You instinctively reach over and rub her ear again.
  879. >Seriously, you can't even help yourself here.
  880. >It's just impossible to NOT pet her in some way or form.
  881. >That face of hers is just heart-attack inducing.
  882. >She smiles and leans into your hand again.
  883. >So much like a cat...
  884. >After a moment, you stop yourself and allow her to continue with her hot chocolate.
  885. >Though she seems just as happy either way.
  886. >You grab your coffee and see Lyra lazily blink while staring at hers.
  887. >God, she really looks tired now.
  888. >If she was really beginning to, or had fallen asleep on you, that means she's in the horrifying sleep limbo right now.
  889. >That is to say that she's really sleepy because her attempt to rest was interrupted.
  890. >You know the feeling all too well.
  891. >You'd decide to stay up a little bit, play some games- you knew you'd have to wake up in a few hours, but whatever, you can make due.
  892. >Then you'd end up sleeping like, two hours, and your mom wakes you up for another job interview.
  893. >And you'd spend the rest of the day feeling like hell, getting little bits of sleep wherever possible.
  894. >Looking completely dead inside, you just watch as she slowly takes a sip of her coffee.
  895. >There's a small improvement, but you're sure that's just because of how damn hot the coffee is.
  896. >That's why you haven't touched yours yet.
  897. >Just this sitting in your hand is ridiculous.
  898. >But even League doesn't seem to mind.
  899. >Guess it's a pony thing, or whatever.
  900. >You bring the mug up to your face and silently blow the surface.
  901. >And in your peripherals, you can see League just chugging her hot chocolate down.
  902. "Sweet baby Jesus, League."
  903. >She finishes and flashes you a cute smile.
  905. >How did that just happen.
  906. >You don't get how that just happened.
  907. >She just-
  908. >Okay, so this mug is practically the equivalent of an active volcano stuck in Arizona right now.
  909. >Or the sun.
  910. >Five of them.
  911. >-Okay, you're obviously exaggerating, but it's pretty damn hot, and she just knocked that back like a champ.
  912. >There've been plenty of things that you've noticed about this world that you simply cannot explain.
  913. >And not getting into details, you're sure this can be labeled as one.
  914. >Just file it away under 'cartoon physics' somewhere in your mind.
  915. >"So... Anon..."
  916. >You bring your attention back to her and reply with a questioning hum.
  917. >She taps her forehooves nervously together.
  918. >"I...I don't want to be a bother or anything, a-and the hot chocolate was really good, but... do you think... maybe... I'd-be-able-to-get-a-donut-or-something-please?"
  919. >She hides her face with her mane and hooves.
  920. >You can see a small bit of an eye focused on you.
  921. >Holy hell she's too cute.
  922. >How can you say no to that?
  923. >-Well, okay, you're GOING to have to say no at some point, but it's the first official day you're together, do you don't think you should crack down on that just yet.
  924. >You're trying to make her feel comfortable right now, not dive directly into 'daughtering' her.
  925. >-And, now that you think about it... damn.
  926. >She's your daughter.
  927. >Adopted daughter, sure, but a daughter nonetheless.
  928. >It's not some kind of shitty relationship where you can just say, 'oh lol, it's complicated'.
  929. >It's written down, it's got paperwork, and she's technically your daughter.
  930. >-Well, again, TECHNICALLY, you're her guardian or something.
  931. >But who cares, you've got a orange filly daughter, and that's pretty damn awesome.
  932. >You ruffle her mane and smile.
  933. "Of course, League."
  934. >Though now it's just dawned on you that she's having hot chocolate and a donut for breakfast.
  935. >On her first day with you.
  936. >Jesus, you really are going to need to plan and map this shit out.
  938. >The last thing you would want is an adorable, chubby orange filly that thinks she can get anything she wants.
  939. >Well, that's not the LAST thing, but knowing that you completely failed at raising her, and made her a Tumblrina, would kind of suck.
  940. >Instead of beaming or anything, she softly smiles and hugs your arm.
  941. >"You're the best."
  942. "-Y-you too..."
  943. >Wow you actually just said that.
  944. >Though, it is true.
  945. >You match her smile and wrap her in another hug.
  946. >Christ, these ponies are too huggy, and you think you're starting to catch that.
  947. >After a few back rubs and another ruffle of the mane, she hops back to her seat, not even bothering to fix the head of hair that you fucked up.
  948. >-Oh man, you're going to have to groom her too, aren't you?
  949. >Brush her mane in the mornings, probably learn how to braid and stuff.
  950. >Man, you wish you had the internet.
  951. >Not to mindlessly browse and watch retarded videos this time around, but to actually learn something useful for once.
  952. >And knowing that you had that enormous resource at your disposal, and didn't even really use it, kinda sucks now.
  953. >Guess it's true what they say: you don't know what you got, until it's gone.
  954. >You blow on your coffee again and try it.
  955. >Still damn hot, but at least bearable with bigger sips.
  956. >Lyra, meanwhile, is just casually drinking hers, looking mildly awake, but also pretty dead inside.
  957. >You don't even notice the waitress come by.
  958. >"-Is everything alright here, folks?"
  959. >Seriously, you couldn't hear anything.
  960. >You've heard rumors of Pegasi being weirdly light, but you've never gone and picked up a random pony before to find out.
  961. >League meekly raises her hoof and gets the mare's attention.
  962. >"C-could I get a chocolate eclair?"
  963. >She smiles and nods.
  964. >"Sure, sweetie! And did you want a refill of hot chocolate?"
  965. >"-No, I'm fine, thank you."
  966. >You know, for a little filly though, she does have some manners.
  967. >Which is very nice.
  968. >The mare nods, then reaches and grabs the mug with her win-
  969. >"-CELESTIAAAH!"
  971. >The waitress shrinks back and stares at League's mug in horror.
  972. >...Is it still hot, or what?
  973. >You reach a hand over and hold it.
  974. >Well, it's kinda hot, but nothing to warrant such a big reaction, you'd think.
  975. >Folding back her wings with a wince, she grabs it with her hoof and walks away.
  976. >...Maybe wings are just really sensitive or something.
  977. >Or maybe the universe just decided, 'fuck this pony in particular', because she seems to really be getting the crap end of things when she comes by this table.
  978. >Or maybe you're cursed, who knows?
  979. >Your eyes trail over and settle on Lyra, who has her muzzle inside the mug.
  980. >She looks like she's just lazily licking the liquid inside.
  981. >It's a very... peculiar way of drinking coffee.
  982. >In fact, just from this encounter, you're starting to think there's more to Lyra here.
  983. >She seemed like a normal, very formal pony while you were at the orphanage, but you think you're starting to see some quirks.
  984. >Being a big hugger as one of them.
  985. >Though, that may just be a pony thing in general.
  986. >God knows Roseluck likes to hug.
  987. >You practically have to pry her off sometimes.
  988. >But you guess if Lyra's going to be staying in your home, you ought to start noticing and getting used to said quirks.
  989. >Even then, you're not sure how long you planned on having her stay.
  990. >It was a kinda, 'in the moment' thing.
  991. >You glance at the filly sitting beside you.
  992. >-Which you seem to do a lot, especially lately.
  993. >But, you really don't see anything wrong with her staying long term.
  994. >The joy of Equestria is that you don't have to worry about taxes.
  995. >Only the ponies that own businesses give a bit to her, and the workers are free.
  996. >Obviously, she does whatever with it, and buys goddamn castles for herself with the extra.
  997. >It'd be more fucked up if she didn't rule so well.
  998. >But, it's ponyland.
  999. >As long as they have food, a home and friends, they're happy.
  1000. >...And you feel good providing that.
  1002. >Lyra certainly looks happier, for sure.
  1003. >And League, well, the only time she hasn't seemed happy was when she found out you weren't going to adopt her, and well, when she was freaking out over breaking the glass.
  1004. >Though, it's only been two days, you're sure that'll change, for better or worse.
  1005. >-Well, of course it'll be worse, what are you saying?
  1006. >You take another sip of your coffee and confirm that is indeed perfect drinking temperature.
  1007. >So you practically knock the thing back.
  1008. >When you're done with your sip, you look down and see a little bit left.
  1009. >Damn it, you were wanting to actually enjoy that.
  1010. >...Oh well.
  1011. >Once you finish it, Lyra comes out of the mug with a ring around her muzzle.
  1012. >And she casually wipes herself down with a napkin.
  1013. >Then looks at you.
  1014. >"...What?"
  1015. "Ah, nothing."
  1016. >She nods and puts the napkin down.
  1017. >"So, since we have time, could I ask a few more questions?"
  1018. >You shrug.
  1019. "Don't see why not, I guess."
  1020. >"Where do you work, if you don't have a Cutie Mark? And, you don't have a Cutie Mark, do you?"
  1021. >You shake your head.
  1022. "Well, I mean I usually get money from the Princesses, for kinda being the only one of my species that's alive, but other than that, I run a flower shop in the marketplace."
  1023. >Celestia wanted to set you up with a personal guard too, actually.
  1024. >And when you mean a guard, you don't mean a single guard- you mean a full blown, security service kind of deal.
  1025. >You even met the would-be captain, which was this white Pegasus with a blond mane and green eyes, just screaming 'white power'.
  1026. >She was super cute, but hell if you didn't feel a little intimidated.
  1027. >And looking back at it, you're almost positive she would've had something Nazi related as her Cutie Mark, under all that armor of hers.
  1028. >But you digress.
  1029. >While the idea of a personal guard sounded cool, you kinda didn't want to stand out like that.
  1031. >Hell, you already stand out as it is, but you're sure being constantly protected by five ponies would have made you seem very unapproachable.
  1032. >Though if they were all mares, that could have been fun...
  1033. >BUT you digress.
  1034. >The point is, with being cared for by the Princess, you really don't NEED a job.
  1035. >Though it's not like computers exist in this place, so you couldn't be a NEET even if you wanted to.
  1036. >So, you kinda took up gardening and shit.
  1037. >Your mom would always drag you out and make you help her with the plants, saying that if you weren't going to leave the house, you'd at least go outside.
  1038. >Which technically is leaving the house, but she insisted that you don't die of a vitamin deficiency from staying in your room for so long.
  1039. >And though you weren't a fan of leaving your computer, you admittedly kind of enjoyed working on the garden.
  1040. >Never enough to ask your mom to go out and garden, mind you, but enough to not get pissy about being asked to.
  1041. >So, you decided that since you can't do what you mainly did, go for second best.
  1042. >But even then, you don't think you'd see yourself staying alone with a computer in this place.
  1043. >By seeing everyone always out and about and cheerful and everything, you can't really find a good reason to just say, 'fuck this shit' and go inside.
  1044. >You enjoy talking to ponies, and they seem to enjoy you talking to them.
  1045. >And hell, if you never talked, you never would have decided to open up the flower shop.
  1046. >FIrst you really just worked for Rose, and through casual conversations with the other ponies and her, you decided that you would.
  1047. >-And the other best part about this place is that there really is no competition.
  1048. >Since everyone can be their own special snowflake with a Cutie Mark, there's usually not a pony that comes into town with the exact same one.
  1049. >You don't find two rose stands competing against each other, and instead can find a rose stand, a lily stand, and so on.
  1051. >Your specialty is just getting plants that ponies are too scared to get themselves, which is the kind of things you find in the Everfree Forest.
  1052. >In fact, a few months ago you almost fell off a damn hill trying to get this stupid plant called a Nightshade.
  1053. >You also remember bumping into this pony nurse earlier that day, while you sprinting around town to go and meet Twilight.
  1054. >She sure is serious about her schedule, man...
  1055. >"-Here you go, sweetie!"
  1056. >You blink your train of thought away, and see Little League given a plate with a chocolate eclair on it.
  1057. >"Thank you, miss!"
  1058. >"Mhmm, anytime!"
  1059. >You catch a glimpse of Lyra also spacing out for a moment.
  1060. >League just beams and grabs the thing with her hooves.
  1061. >But instead of biting on it, she gently licks the tip of it, where all the cream was put in.
  1062. >Then she puts it in her mouth and starts sucking on it, trying to get all of said cream.
  1063. >...Oh gosh.
  1064. >You watch her gently suck on the end, stroking the sides with her hooves to push the filling out.
  1065. >A bit of her saliva rolls down the chocolate end, but she continues.
  1066. >When she notices the chocolate part, she moves and starts slowly licking it away, savoring its taste.
  1067. >You take this as a good time to casually cross your legs and scratch your head.
  1068. >She continues on the underside, lapping up the chocolate that dripped from the top of it.
  1069. >Then when it's clear, she goes back to sucking on the end of it, a bit of the cream slowly dribbling from the corner of her mouth.
  1070. >She stops, swallows it, and sighs with a cute smile on her face.
  1071. >Then goes on and eats the bread that's left.
  1072. >You scratch your head again, and she turns to you with said cute smile when she finishes.
  1073. "Uh, League, where did you pick up that, er... interesting way of eating an eclair?"
  1074. >She smiles and shrugs.
  1075. >"I just like the cream, so I eat some of it first, then save the rest for last! And the chocolate used to get on me a lot, so I just lick it off before I eat it!"
  1076. >You slowly nod.
  1077. "O-ok."
  1079. >You feel massively ashamed from having watched that.
  1080. >And slightly enjoying it…
  1081. >Though, at least good that it's just one of HER quirks, and not something that Mr. Horseshoe guy had a part in.
  1082. >Though he's still on your shit list, regardless.
  1083. >League awkwardly moves past your crossed legs and hugs your neck.
  1084. >"Thank you, Anon!"
  1085. >You can't help but smile at her bubbly attitude.
  1086. "No problem, League."
  1087. >When you glance over at Lyra, she's taken to getting every drop from that coffee of hers.
  1088. >Yours is also done.
  1089. >And, well, League just finished.
  1090. "So, you guys want to go home, now?"
  1091. >Lyra looks up at you.
  1092. "-Or to your new home, in someone's case."
  1093. >She softly smiles, and nods.
  1094. >"That sounds great."
  1095. >You turn to League, and she follows with a nod of her own.
  1096. >"Okay!"
  1097. >You spot the waitress mare walking around and flag her down.
  1098. >"Yes, can I help you?"
  1099. >You fish into your pocket and hand her a bag of bits.
  1100. >She looks at it and her eyes go wide instantly.
  1101. >Then she immediately hides her expression.
  1102. >"O-okay, let me go get your chang-"
  1103. "-Keep it."
  1104. >She freezes and just looks at you, confused.
  1105. >"…What?"
  1106. "Keep the change, you deserve it for your trouble."
  1107. >She just stops and stares at you, bag starting to shake slightly in her hooves.
  1108. >"B-but sir, th-this is more than a hundred bits."
  1109. >You nod.
  1110. >"A-and your drinks were only SIX!"
  1111. >You nod again.
  1112. >"I…I…"
  1114. >Her shaking gets noticeably worse, and you start becoming worried that she'll explode or something.
  1115. "Ahh… are you, uh-"
  1116. >-Before you can say anything, she tackles you in a hug and almost knocks you off your chair.
  1118. >-Okay, so hugging IS a pony thing.
  1119. "…Uh, ah heh, you're welcome."
  1120. >She pulls off you with a slight blush.
  1121. >"-S-sorry! Was that weird? That was weird, wasn't it? I'm so so sorry!"
  1122. >Jesus, this one is a very excitable pony.
  1123. "No, it's not weird, you're alright."
  1124. >She nods and beams.
  1125. >"It's just that- aaagh, you know?"
  1126. >She stopped herself from trying to hug you in the middle of that.
  1127. >You smile and nod again.
  1128. "No, yeah, I think I get it."
  1129. >And she hugs you again.
  1130. >-Then quickly breaks away again.
  1131. >"-SORRY!"
  1132. >She skips away.
  1133. >…Okay.
  1134. >That was… an interesting pony.
  1135. >You watch her cartoonishly hop around and disappear around a corner.
  1136. >Lyra looks at you with a gentle grin on her face.
  1137. >"You really are the nicest stallion ever."
  1138. >You shrug and mimic her expression.
  1139. "I just do what I can, where I can, really."
  1140. >Standing up, Lyra and League follow suit, hopping off the chairs and sticking by your side.
  1141. >Partially because you're afraid you'll step on her, and partially because of how damn cold it is outside, you pick League up and rest her in your suit again, then start walking out.
  1142. >And you hear a familiar voice right before you step outside.
  1143. >"THANK YOOOU!"
  1144. >It brings a bigger smile to your face.
  1147. >The second you step outside, you can't help but notice the drastic change in temperature.
  1148. >It was still cold as all hell, but now it seemed only a bit chilly.
  1149. >The winds also died down a bit, and you find it odd how you went from massive blizzard type weather, to a simple chilly day in such a short time.
  1150. >But, once again you guess you can just blame cartoon physics or something.
  1151. >"Well, thank you for the coffee, Anon. Though, you didn't need to pay for me."
  1152. >You look over at Lyra, golden eyes just made even brighter with that yellow striped scarf of hers.
  1153. "Well, I don't have to do a lot of things, but that won't stop me."
  1154. >She just grins and keeps her walk a little closer to you.
  1155. >Not enough to be right on you, but enough to be noticeable.
  1156. >League takes a backseat, just silently watching everything from the unbuttoned part of your suit.
  1157. >While you're walking around, you start noticing more ponies walking around.
  1158. >Sure, there were few before, but they all had some antarctic-ready gear on to go against the cold.
  1159. >Now, most seem to be settling with a simple scarf or a sweater.
  1160. >And honestly, ponies in sweaters is like, the cutest thing ever.
  1161. >Well really, anything that involves them in clothes is damn cute.
  1162. >Another reason why you had no problem giving your jacket to Lyra.
  1163. >And despite it being a heavy thing, it does do well in warmer temperatures.
  1164. >It's also got a fuck ton of pockets.
  1165. >Imagine a bomber jacket looking thing, but just black, and damn pockets absolutely everywhere.
  1166. >We're talking on the arms, two on the top, one on the inside, the obligatory hand pockets, and one on the side.
  1167. >You seriously don't know why it has so many, but they did come in handy a few times.
  1168. >Though, it's only a FEW times.
  1169. >You've had that damn thing for ages.
  1170. >...Wait.
  1171. >You've had that thing for ages.
  1172. >And you don't even think you've washed it.
  1173. >You glance over at Lyra, who just smiles at you.
  1176. >Sure, you haven't really had any reason to wear that thing here, but it's still more than five years old.
  1177. >But it's not your fault they don't have washing machines here.
  1178. >You don't remember what specifics that jacket had to keep it from getting ruined, you just know how much you turned the knobs.
  1179. >Though, Lyra really doesn't seem that bothered by it, so you think you're fine.
  1180. >You're brought from your thoughts, and step up the familiar few steps to your humble abode.
  1181. >Opening it, you wave your hand and let League hop out of your suit.
  1182. "Well, mi casa, su casa."
  1183. >Lyra doesn't acknowledge your horrible spanish accent, and takes to just standing below the steps.
  1184. >She looks into the doorway, then turns to you with an unsure look.
  1185. >"Can... can I really stay here?"
  1186. >Instead of saying anything, you softly sigh and pick her up.
  1187. >You take this opportunity to weirdly smell the jacket for anything.
  1188. >-Well, it would look weird to anyone but you.
  1189. >It doesn't force you to gag, but it does noticeably have your scent on it.
  1190. >You're not really sure how to even explain what it smells like.
  1191. >Though, you can certainly say that it has a... heavy smell to it?
  1192. >-Who cares, you're thinking too much into this.
  1193. >You walk into the house and shut the door.
  1194. >Lyra doesn't bother hopping out, and only steps off when you put her down.
  1195. >Immediately you hang your scarf up and take your suit jacket off, then roll up your sleeves.
  1196. >League and Lyra just watch you curiously, like they've never seen a man get comfortable in his own home before.
  1197. >Though, they actually haven't.
  1198. >You set your shoes beside the coat rack and stretch a little bit.
  1199. >God you wish you had a TV or something everytime you get this comfy.
  1200. >League starts slowly walking up to her room, and you watch Lyra just scanning everything, standing in the exact same spot you left her in.
  1201. "Want me to take your jacket and scarf?"
  1202. >She snaps to you and blinks.
  1203. >"Oh, uh, sure, I guess."
  1205. >She seems really unsure of herself right now.
  1206. >Pretty much what League looked like when you told her she had her own room.
  1207. >-OWN ROOM.
  1208. >...Shiiit.
  1209. >Well, looks like you're couching it until further notice.
  1210. >You glance over your living room.
  1211. >...Which is pretty much forever.
  1212. >Or until you get a room extension.
  1213. >Those rooms are big, but you don't think they're big enough for two beds.
  1214. >-Well, maybe they could fit two pony beds, but hell that'd still be crowded.
  1215. >You can't just leave your adopted daughter and roomie to share a room, while you have this massive thing to yourself.
  1216. >That would be pretty messed up.
  1217. >Lyra unzips and takes her jacket off, and you unwind the scarf.
  1218. >She looks super stiff.
  1219. "This is your home, now. You can get comfy if you want."
  1220. >Turning to you, she suddenly notices her own hesitation and awkwardly smiles.
  1221. >"Yeah, I'm just, uh, not... used to it."
  1222. >Oh.
  1223. >Right.
  1224. "Well, let me give you a quick run down of the place, then."
  1225. >You hang her stuff up and take a step forward.
  1226. "So, as you can plainly see here, this is the living room. You can live in here."
  1227. >You glance at Lyra for a reaction.
  1228. >She doesn't really give you anything.
  1229. >And this is why you didn't pursue a career in comedy.
  1230. >At a slow pace, you walk over to the kitchen and wait for her to follow.
  1231. >Your kitchen really is this shitty tiny thing.
  1232. >Immediately when you walk into your house, there's a staircase on your left, and the living room right in front of your face, taking what the stairs didn't.
  1233. >Passed that, you walk up a tiny step, and there's your tiled floors, and this little battle station of a kitchen.
  1234. >Walls are on both sides of the step, also serving as sort of a bar-looking deal.
  1235. >Stepping up, immediately the table's in the middle, and sideways, pointing at windows on the ends of the room.
  1236. >Surrounding the table is all countertop, with your oven/stove thing, fridge, and sink.
  1237. >Throw in drawers and cabinets, bam, your shitty kitchen.
  1239. >You promptly go around, giving a short brief of what's in what drawers and cabinets.
  1240. >She really just nods and watches you talk about everything.
  1241. >In fact, she doesn't even step into the kitchen, and takes to just standing below the floor.
  1242. >Makes you wonder how long that'll take to change.
  1243. "And if you come with me over here, we can go see the little bathroom and the bedrooms."
  1244. >She nods, and you step off towards the little area under the stairs.
  1245. >Well, it's not that small, but it's no huge bathroom, either.
  1246. >You simply open it, turn the light on and let her scan the thing for a second.
  1247. >She slowly follows you up the stairs, and you turn right to face the hallway, pausing for her to come up.
  1248. "Alright, so on your left here is Now Little League's room. Your new room is at the end of the hallway there, and on the right is the main bathroom, with the shower and tub and everything."
  1249. >Her muzzle scrunches slightly, and she looks up at you.
  1250. >"If there's only two rooms, where are you sleeping?"
  1251. >You wave a hand.
  1252. "Oh, I'm just couching it."
  1253. >Immediately, her ears flop over, and she pouts.
  1254. >"No, Anon, you take the room, I'll go on the couch."
  1255. >You shake your head.
  1256. "No can do, Lyra. You're my new resident, and it's only fair that you get the bedroom. I've had dibs on it for five years, so I don't mind."
  1257. >Not to mention that you really don't have anything in there.
  1258. >You have enough clothes to fill a single drawer in a dresser, and your room is as plain as it can be, with only colored walls to stand out.
  1259. >Again, unlike back home, you really don't find yourself using your room all that much.
  1260. >It's essentially just there for you to sleep, and that's about it.
  1261. >"Anon, I refuse to let you sleep on that couch downstairs."
  1262. >She puts on a stern look.
  1263. >And in all honesty, it's more adorable than it is stern.
  1264. >It just brings a smile to your face.
  1265. "Well then it's a good thing I own the place, so I can call all the shots around here."
  1266. >You wear a retarded grin.
  1268. >Never before have you had a disagreement over something so positive like this.
  1269. >It's very amusing, if you do say so yourself.
  1270. >She takes to just glaring at you, scrunching slightly.
  1271. >God, it really is the cutest thing ever.
  1272. >Until she blinks.
  1273. >It's then, when you see a bit of tears forming, and her expression fades.
  1274. >"I...I don't deserve your kindness, Anon..."
  1275. >Before you can say anything, she cracks and sits on the ground.
  1276. >Then she starts to cry.
  1277. >The smile quickly leaving your face, you follow and wrap her in a hug.
  1278. >"N-nopony, has ever been a-as nice to me as you have..."
  1279. >You stroke her back, and you feel your shoulder gradually getting wet.
  1280. >"I don't d-deserve it. I r-really don't..."
  1281. >She starts to bawl, then pulling you as close to her as humanly possible.
  1282. "Lyra... don't be telling yourself that, alright? You're the most caring and selfless pony I've ever met, and nobody should be telling you that you're anything different."
  1283. >She doesn't respond, and instead just continues to cry, sniffling and gasping in your embrace.
  1284. >Though you felt her shake her head slightly.
  1285. >She starts to tremble in your arms, slowly breaking down further before you.
  1286. >Her grip on you falters, and she crumbles in your arms.
  1287. >You get the feeling of being watched, and look over to see Little League, poking her head out of the doorway with a dejected expression on her face.
  1288. >With how much practice Lyra seems to have in keeping her emotions at bay, you're sure that she doesn't want League to see her like this.
  1289. >-Though, you know, it's too late, you slightly nod your head to her room, and she gets the message, slowly nodding and retreating inside, looking worried.
  1290. >Lyra shrinks, and her hooves retract towards her chest, while her tail instinctively retreats underneath her.
  1291. >Soon enough, she even stops resting her head on your shoulder, curling up and setting it underneath your chin instead.
  1292. >You continue to soothe her in silence.
  1294. >Through your years back on Earth, you never really had to deal with cheering people up.
  1295. >You cheered kids up, sure, but most would just cry over simple and trivial things.
  1296. >You can't speak for everyone else, but the times you've cried, it's always been when you were alone, in order to avoid being judged by those that saw you, parents included.
  1297. >Also, it's common knowledge that it takes more for adults to cry than it is kids.
  1298. >...So something really bad must have happened to Lyra, here.
  1299. >She told you she 'doesn't deserve your kindness'.
  1300. >Why does she feel she doesn't DESERVE it?
  1301. >The thought settles in your mind while she weeps in your arms.
  1302. >You'd be lying if you said her crying like this didn't crush you on the inside.
  1303. >Whether you've known her for a year, or a single day, you don't think you could feel any worse about this than you do now.
  1304. >This is the second time she's cried, and this time is worse than the last.
  1305. >And it's still just the morning.
  1306. >You look down at her, shivering and just completely crying her eyes out in front of you.
  1307. >Holding her tightly, you stand up and walk into your room.
  1308. >The least you can do here is get off the damn floor.
  1309. >You walk over to the bed and gently put her down.
  1310. >-Well, you try to.
  1311. >She clings to you like her life depends on it, so you sit on the bed instead.
  1312. >The thought won't leave your mind.
  1313. >What happened to her?
  1314. >Your eyes face the wall while you think.
  1315. >You wonder if this involves Little League.
  1316. >You wonder if Little League KNOWS what's upsetting her.
  1317. >But you guess only time will tell.
  1318. >You feel your shirt being soaked, and silently continue to rub her back.
  1319. >You wonder...
  1321. >
  1322. >You blink.
  1323. >Lyra fell asleep.
  1324. >All you can hear now is the sound of you both breathing.
  1325. >You can feel her chest rising.
  1326. >Moving back a little, you look at her and confirm that she's most likely sleeping now.
  1327. >You use your shirt and gently clean her muzzle, then set her down on the bed, tucking her in with a blanket.
  1328. >When you step back, you realize how damn huge this bed is for her.
  1329. >Her hind legs barely stretch out towards the middle of the bed.
  1330. >The bed could easily suit Little League as well, but you're sure they'd rather have their own rooms.
  1331. >You crouch over to your dresser and grab one of the few shirts in your possession, then unwrap the curtains and block the sun out.
  1332. >You sneak out of the room and silently close the door.
  1333. >While you're walking through the hallway, you see League just lying in bed.
  1334. >She's not sleeping, just lying there.
  1335. >Her ears perk up and she turns to you.
  1336. >"Anon!"
  1337. >She runs over and just looks up at you expectantly.
  1338. >"What happened to Ms. Heart? Is she okay?"
  1339. >The name throws you off a bit, but you nod.
  1340. "I'm not really sure League, but I'll find out, don't worry."
  1341. >She slowly nods, then walks back over and hops on her bed.
  1342. >You make your way over to the bathroom and throw on your shirt.
  1343. >This one was actually a pony shirt, but you guess the pony it was made for was really long or something, to be able to fit you like this.
  1344. >The second you open the door again, you hear knocking downstairs.
  1345. >You try to think of who that could be, and come up with nothing.
  1346. >Unless it's a package for you, but you didn't ask for anything to be sent.
  1347. >League pops her head out and looks at the stairs.
  1348. "Uh, I guess just stay here, I'll see who's at the door."
  1349. >She nods, and walks back into her room again.
  1350. >Once you slowly walk down the stairs, your mind starts to go wild.
  1351. >What if it's that Mr. Horseshoe dude?
  1352. >Or the Royal Guard?
  1353. >Celestia couldn't have found that ONE bottle missing from her cellar.
  1354. >You breathe and straighten out your shirt.
  1356. >You open the door and pause.
  1357. >Oh.
  1358. >"Well jeez, you sure like taking your time, Anon."
  1359. "Uh, yeah, sorry Rose. Kinda thought you were gonna be someone else."
  1360. >She smiles and walks in.
  1361. >"What, were you hoping for Big Mac to stop by for a visit?"
  1362. >You shoot her a deadpan look.
  1363. >Her smile just grows.
  1364. >"So, I told you you owed me lunch, and it's lunch time, so where we all going?"
  1365. >Going?
  1366. >Well, you can't really go anywhere.
  1367. >-Okay, you can, but after what just transpired, you'd rather not have Lyra wake up to see that nobody's here.
  1368. >Not to mention that you have to wash your shirt, and wearing a suit jacket with a t-shirt would look tremendously stupid.
  1369. >But you do feel bad for ditching Rose like you did, and telling her to come by some other time would make you feel even worse.
  1370. >Rose has been your buddy since...
  1371. >Well, since you got here.
  1372. >And not going into details, she's pretty much the reason you're even alive right now.
  1373. "Well actually, I was thinking more homemade stuff. Sound good?"
  1374. >She hops on your couch and drops her saddlebags.
  1375. >"Sure, surprise me."
  1376. >-And that's why she's still your friend.
  1377. >Easy to please, just like you are.
  1378. >But what the hell should you even make?
  1379. >What do you even have?
  1380. >And whatever you do make, you oughta make enough for League and Lyra as well.
  1381. >As you're walking to the kitchen, you see League poking her head down the stairs.
  1382. >You simply nod, and she starts slowly coming down the stairs.
  1383. >On the way to the kitchen, you start thinking about what in god's name to cook.
  1384. >You open up the cabinets and pause.
  1385. >...Sure, why not?
  1386. >Guess you can make some salads, too.
  1387. >Just have to make Rose's a little better as an apology.
  1388. >But, macaroni and cheese it is.
  1390. >A thought hits you, and you walk over to one of the drawers.
  1391. >During your first few months here, you remember constantly complaining about the lack of no meat in this place.
  1392. >Rose, thankfully, chose to help you out instead of complaining about your own complaining.
  1393. >So, on top of a few simple salad recipes, she gave you a cookbook full of them.
  1394. >A cookbook that you admittedly never really read.
  1395. >You kind of just skimmed and looked at the pictures, then made the ones that looked good.
  1396. >And instead of expanding your knowledge of them, you just made them over and over again and kind of made the book obsolete.
  1397. >-BUT, if you're going to make an apology salad...
  1398. >You're gonna make a damn apology salad.
  1399. >Glancing over the pages, you flip to the very back for this salad that looked really good, but you never attempted to make.
  1400. >It looked like something that you'd have to make on special occasions, and though this isn't exactly a special occasion, you guess you can treat it as one.
  1401. >...Actually, this is kind of a special occasion.
  1402. >You have an adopted filly now, and a new roommate.
  1403. >Like a housewarming party-thing.
  1404. >-But isn't housewarming when you get a new house?
  1405. >-You're losing focus here Anon, let's go.
  1406. >Okay, ingredients here.
  1407. >...Jesus.
  1408. >Broccoli, cauliflower, carrots, celery...
  1409. >You open your fridge.
  1410. >...Okay.
  1411. >You have carrots, flowers, onion, and cheese.
  1412. >Damn it.
  1413. >Could the market be open?
  1414. >-No, nobody would be retarded enough to sell veggies in this weather.
  1415. >...But you never know.
  1416. >You pause and just stare blankly at the book.
  1417. >The market is pretty nearby.
  1418. >Should you go for it?
  1419. >...Fuck it, sure.
  1420. >You hop out of the closet, and see League with Rose on the couch.
  1421. >"Woah, where you running off to?"
  1422. "Gotta get some groceries for this lunch."
  1423. >"-Ugh, but I'm hungry now!"
  1424. >-Man, you'd expect this talk from League.
  1425. "Well, would you rather eat now, or wait and get a bomb-ass salad?"
  1426. >She pauses to think.
  1427. >"...Well, I'm sure it'd taste the same either way."
  1429. >It's your turn to pause.
  1430. >Did she just fucking roast you?
  1431. "...That's cold, Rose. Really cold."
  1432. >She giggles.
  1433. >-Fine, you'll let it slide because that was adorable.
  1434. >"-But I'm timing you. If you take too long, you owe me dinner too. At a REAL restaurant, because I'm hungry."
  1435. >"Me too!"
  1436. >"-See? We're BOTH hungry."
  1437. >You slightly roll your eyes and nod, then head out.
  1438. >You check your pocket for some bits and grab your scarf before completely closing the door.
  1439. >-JESUS FUCK IT'S-
  1440. >-Actually not that cold.
  1441. >Huh.
  1442. >Chilly, sure, but it's bearable now.
  1443. >Wrapping the scarf around your neck, you walk over towards the marketplace.
  1444. >And thankfully, said marketplace is actually really close.
  1445. >But it kind of has to be, because you DO work there.
  1446. >Just, obviously not at this time, because of winter and everything.
  1447. >Not even the freaky plants of the Everfree grow during the winter.
  1448. >-Well, you're sure some do, but not the ones that ponies want.
  1449. >Probably poisonous or something, you don't know.
  1450. >Once you enter the market, you actually notice that a load of ponies are out and about.
  1451. >"Oh hi, Anon!"
  1452. >You turn around to face Junebug.
  1453. >Another flower shop acquaintance of yours.
  1454. >Super nice, but you just happen to talk to Rose more.
  1455. "Hey Junebug."
  1456. >"Weird weather we've been having, huh?"
  1457. "Yeah, actually. I don't know how it went from massive blizzard to a slight chill in such a small amount of time."
  1458. >She nods.
  1459. >"So then, what are you doing out here?"
  1460. "Eh, just out for some groceries, really. I'm running pretty low on food things."
  1461. >She nods again.
  1462. >"Well since you're out and about, did you maybe want to get lunch?"
  1463. >Lunch?
  1464. "Uh, lunch?"
  1466. "Well, actually Junebug, I kinda already had lunch planned back home. I'm just grabbing some ingredients I need."
  1467. >Her eyes dart from side to side quickly, then she smiles.
  1468. >"Are you sure you don't want to, Anon?"
  1469. >She sounds... slightly serious, this time.
  1470. "Uh, well, sorry, but yes."
  1471. >She nods her head a little to the side.
  1472. >What the hell is she hinting at?
  1473. >You look over at the side she's nodding at.
  1474. >There's just a bunch of stalls.
  1475. >She huffs and grabs your hand, then leads you over behind a stall.
  1476. "Uh, Junebug, what ar-"
  1477. >She puts a hoof over your mouth and scowls.
  1478. >"Jeez Anon, can't you take a hint?!"
  1479. "What?"
  1480. >She checks her sides again.
  1481. >"Anon, are you aware of Little League's previous owner?"
  1482. >-Wait, what?
  1483. >How does she know her name?
  1484. >-What the FUCK is happening?
  1485. "Hang on, what is this?"
  1486. >She just sighs and gives you another glare.
  1487. >Something you REALLY have never seen, or expected from Junebug.
  1488. >"Anon, I can't disclose who I am, but by adopting Little League, you've just made yourself apart of this."
  1489. "Apart of WHAT? Can you explain what the hell you're talking about?"
  1490. >"Does the name 'Mr. Horseshoe' ring any bells?"
  1491. >You pause, then slowly nod.
  1492. >"Well, I've been tasked to find him here in Ponyville, and I think you can help me."
  1493. >You pause and stare blankly at her.
  1494. "So... wait, let me get this straight. You're a flower mare, but also some kind of secret agent, trying to find this random fag stallion dude?"
  1495. >She glares at you.
  1496. >"I happen to take pride in my flowers, Anon! And yes, I am also trying to find this stallion."
  1497. "So you ARE a secret agent?"
  1498. >"-NO, I'm not!"
  1499. "Then why are you being so secretive?-"
  1501. >You shrink.
  1502. "O-okay."
  1504. >Christ, she's scary now.
  1505. >Just the fact that she's gone from super nice and asking about your day to THIS, is more terrifying.
  1506. >She, on the other hand, is still insanely adorable.
  1507. >But hell if the large amount of time she's gone with this cover isn't spooky.
  1508. >"Look, Anon, if you've heard about this stallion, then you know how terrible he really is. But on top of that, he's also clever, and now that you have two ponies that can tell you a bit about him, I want you to bring that information to me."
  1509. >You pause.
  1510. "But if you just need info, why couldn't you just ask them yourself?"
  1511. >"-Because I'm UNDERCOVER, Anon. I can't ask them something like that without sounding really suspicious."
  1512. >She smiles.
  1513. >"Plus, if you go around telling ponies about me, they won't believe you, because you're already weird."
  1514. >-That's fucked up.
  1515. >...But kinda smart.
  1516. >You settle on a glare.
  1517. >She just holds her hoof up.
  1518. >"Hey, you can think about me however you want, but the fact of the matter is that we both would like to see that guy behind bars, right?"
  1519. >You nod.
  1520. >"Exactly. So, now..."
  1521. >She grabs a small piece of paper with her mouth and holds it out to you.
  1522. >"Whenever you get something useful, just come meet me-"
  1523. "-And why do you have a pre-written paper with your address on it?"
  1524. >"Well, I was going over to your house to do this, then you decided to come out."
  1525. >You scan your current surroundings.
  1526. >Just, both sitting on the ground here behind a line of stalls.
  1527. "Well, you could've done a little bit better with your impromptu planning."
  1528. >"-It's not MY fault you didn't want to have lunch!"
  1529. "-Well how was I supposed to know that lunch meant 'super secret spy business'?"
  1530. >"-You weren't, but you were supposed to want to go to lunch with me! And I'm NOT A SPY!"
  1531. "So you wanted me to go on a date, then talk about spy business?"
  1532. >Her cheeks grow a slight red.
  1534. >Gosh, you know she's yelling at you, but it really doesn't sound like it.
  1536. >Honestly you can't help but be so amused.
  1537. >It's kinda funny when she's angry.
  1538. >Cute, as well, but that's a given.
  1539. >She holds a hoof to her forehead.
  1540. >When she pulls away, she just stares at you with an annoyed look.
  1541. >"Whatever, you have the address, and you know what to do. Just come by when you have something."
  1542. >She stands up, then casually walks out from behind the stalls and into the crowd.
  1543. >Well alright, that was interesting.
  1544. >You pocket the note, and make another one in your head.
  1545. >You slowly slink from behind the stalls and look around for the ones you wanted to visit.
  1546. >...Fuck, what did you need again?
  1547. >You kinda just stare around for a moment, then start walking over to buy the things you remember.
  1548. >It's still surprising how many ponies are out and about.
  1549. >But again, the weather itself is more surprising.
  1550. >You know it's mostly controlled by Pegasi and shit, but you were told that the huge ass blizzard wasn't made by them, and couldn't be stopped.
  1551. >Then it kinda just stopped out of nowhere.
  1552. >Or maybe they simply found a way to stop it?
  1553. >-Though they didn't completely, obviously.
  1554. >Still enough to keep your nips on edge, for sure.
  1555. >When you walk up to the lines and such, you're not really given anymore small talk.
  1556. >The ponies in the marketplace know you enough to not be weirded out by your presence, but are still weirded out enough to not initiate any conversation while you buy everything.
  1557. >Though not many of the ponies getting things do, either.
  1558. >You move up to the grumpiest pony of them all, who's selling the broccoli.
  1559. >Probably got her attitude from hearing how horrible broccoli is from so many ponies.
  1560. >You think it's nice, but even the kids hate it here.
  1561. >She doesn't smile, and just looks up at you blankly.
  1562. >"Tell me what you want."
  1563. "-What I really really want?"
  1564. >A retarded grin crawls up your face.
  1565. >Her perpetual frown just deepens.
  1566. "-Okay, jesus, gimme a pound of broccoli."
  1568. >Soon enough, you've gotten everything for your bomb ass salads, and start heading home.
  1569. >Then you realize something.
  1570. >You can't cook for shit.
  1571. >Sure, it's just salad, but still, you have the habit of just butchering every good thing you try to make.
  1572. >As it is, those salads you picked up from the book were made differently from it.
  1573. >You tried to make it as is, but you ended up failing miserably and eventually made your own variation of it, which you enjoy.
  1574. >Though there were a lot of horrible attempts beforehand.
  1575. >And asking how you can fuck up a salad, there are very many ways.
  1576. >Not enough of one thing, TOO much of one thing, using expired stuff... the list goes on, really.
  1577. >And who knows how old that stuff in your fridge is.
  1578. >...Well, as long as it's edible, you're sure you're in the clear.
  1579. >Though Rose might not think so.
  1580. >When cooking with flowers and stuff, she really is amazing at that.
  1581. >You can't even taste the flowers in any of the things she makes.
  1582. >And when you mean tasting the flowers, you pretty much mean fuckin dirt.
  1583. >There's apparently a technique you use in harvesting the flowers and such, in order to get a real flavor to it.
  1584. >You wouldn't know though, because you just sell the whole damn plant to the ponies.
  1585. >There's ponies that grow the plants, ones that harvest, and ones that can make awesome shit out of the harvested ones.
  1586. >Though since Rose's talent really hides in, well, roses, you guess it just combines all three for the specific plant.
  1587. >-But whatever, Cutie Marks are damn weird.
  1588. >They SAY it's just a pony's 'special talent', but you're sure there's some kind of science behind it.
  1589. >Magic or not, it's weird that it just, appears whenever- and specifically on the flank.
  1590. >...But you're just a retard who spent years playing on your computer, so really, what would YOU be able to find out?
  1591. >You walk up the steps of your house, with the bags that the ponies of the market were generous enough to give you.
  1593. >The second you open the door, you hear a groan.
  1594. >"Jeez, it's about time, Anon! Hurry up, I'm hungry! And now you owe me dinner!"
  1595. "Man, Rose, even League complains less than you."
  1596. >She scoffs.
  1597. >"Because I'm here already saying everything she wants to!"
  1598. >You roll your eyes and head over to the kitchen.
  1599. >Practically throwing the bag on the counter, you check out the book.
  1600. >Well, thankfully you did buy everything on here, and more.
  1601. >Now, you just have to make this into food.
  1602. >...Somehow.
  1603. >Rose walks up to you and nudges your side.
  1604. >"What are you making, anyways?"
  1605. >She stands on the tips of her hooves and tries to peek over the counter.
  1606. >You grab the book and place it on top of a cabinet.
  1607. >Having this place custom-made for your tall-ness really is wonderful.
  1608. >The pony counterpart of this place would've had tiny-ass counters.
  1609. >Well, they're not that tiny compared to this one, but it's more than enough to make a difference.
  1610. >Either you'd have to become a slav and squat all the time, or end up with a hunchback, in order to use the thing comfortably.
  1611. >Ponies here are about only about three and a half feet on all fours, so the counters really gotta shrink for that.
  1612. >Rose just glares at you.
  1613. >"Stop being tall!"
  1614. >You turn to her and stick your tongue out.
  1615. "Stop being short."
  1616. >She props her hooves on the counter and slowly stands on her hindlegs.
  1617. >Now she's about chin-height.
  1618. >Still tiny, though.
  1619. >And having a hard time balancing.
  1620. "You're still short."
  1621. >She huffs, then starts wobbling.
  1622. >You grab her before she falls, getting a bigger huff in response.
  1623. >"Whatever, I bet I'm still stronger."
  1624. >And she walks away to join League, scrunching the whole way there.
  1625. >Well, now that Rose has been amused for a moment, you should have ample time to make these damn salads.
  1626. >And probably ruin everything about them.
  1628. >Alright, broccoli, cauliflower, carrots, celery, and sauteed onions...
  1629. >Nothing about dressing.
  1630. >Should you put dressing in this?
  1631. >-Nah, just have it on the side or something.
  1632. >And what the hell is 'sauteed', again?
  1633. >That's just a fancy word for cooked, right?
  1634. >You check the book again.
  1635. >Buttery cooked-ish onions.
  1636. >Alrighty, you think you could do that.
  1637. >...You THINK.
  1638. >You grab the onions and start chopping them up, then grab pans and shit.
  1639. >Well... here goes nothing.
  1640. >
  1641. >You throw the onions on top and mix them a little.
  1642. >A content sigh escapes you.
  1643. >Then you cast a glance at the trash, full of onions that caught on fire while you were mixing the salads together.
  1644. >You didn't even know they could do that.
  1645. >But they did, anyways.
  1646. >And you see a bit of another salad you ruined with old carrots.
  1647. >Well, old MOLDY carrots.
  1648. >But you know, thankfully you bought more at the market.
  1649. >-You never know how possible it is to ruin salad until you do it yourself.
  1650. >Seriously.
  1651. >And the stupid macaroni apparently expired a long damn time ago.
  1652. >You didn't even know uncooked pasta could expire.
  1653. "Alright Rose, League, I'm done!"
  1654. >You see Rose throw her hooves in the air.
  1655. >"FINALLY!"
  1656. >She sets the cards down and walks over with League.
  1657. >"You know, you have a really smart filly here with you. You could win big with her in Las Pegasus, for sure."
  1658. >League just grins.
  1659. "Were you guys playing poker or what?"
  1660. >"-Blackjack!"
  1661. >-And since when did Rose know how to play?
  1662. >She doesn't seem the gambling type, honestly.
  1663. >-Well, whatever.
  1664. >You know that despite ponies being horribly cute, they're pretty much normal people.
  1665. >A little more forgiving and nice, but still not perfect.
  1666. >You've heard of 'Las Pegasus' before, but it makes you wonder what happens there.
  1667. >...The thought makes you sad.
  1668. >"-Well hey, this food actually looks edible! That's a start, Anon!"
  1670. >You roll your eyes.
  1671. >You'd normally glare at Rose for saying something like that, but she's kind of right.
  1672. >The few times you've tried to make other food for Rose here, it usually ended up bad.
  1673. >Sure the foods were more complex, but you really don't know a thing about cooking.
  1674. >Last time you tried showing her the wonder of french fries.
  1675. >It was like eating dirt.
  1676. >Not consistency-wise, but it just tasted like straight up dirt.
  1677. >You also remember trying to make a veggie burger from the recipe your mom used.
  1678. >...It was really bad.
  1679. >League and Rose sit down on the sides of the table, and you scan the layout to make sure everything is in order.
  1680. >Rose notices the fourth bowl resting at the other end of the table.
  1681. >"So, what's that one for? Seconds or what?"
  1682. >You open your mouth to speak, then right on cue, you hear hooves softly tapping down the stairs behind you.
  1683. >You all turn to the source, and Lyra slowly steps down, yawning.
  1684. >Her mane and tail is disheveled, and her eyes are still a little bloodshot.
  1685. >She softly smiles at you, then turns to Rose and starts quickly brushing her mane with her hoof.
  1686. >"-Oh, I'm sorry, I-I didn't know we were having company-"
  1687. >"-Me neither-"
  1688. >You stop Lyra with a hand.
  1689. "It's alright, she's a friend of mine."
  1690. >Lyra stops and looks at her.
  1691. "Lyra, this is Roseluck. Rose, Lyra."
  1692. >She meekly smiles then nods.
  1693. >"Sorry, usually I'm not so... messy."
  1694. >She walks up and they shake hooves.
  1696. >Lyra hops up in her seat, and Rose looks between you both.
  1697. >"Well Anon, you never told me you had a marefriend."
  1698. >-You furrow your brows and look at her.
  1699. >Lyra glances between her and you, blushing slightly.
  1700. "Uh, actually we're not together. She's kind of my new roomie."
  1701. >Lyra meekly nods.
  1702. >Rose looks suspiciously between you both and softly smiles.
  1703. >"Weeell, coulda fooled me, coming down the stairs with a messy mane and a smile for you."
  1704. >You shoot another disbelieving look, and she just shrugs.
  1705. >"Just saying!"
  1706. "Well, no, we're regular friends."
  1707. >Watching League start to dig in while she listens urges you to do the same.
  1708. >Then the other two start.
  1709. >"How'd you two meet, then?"
  1710. >She looks to Lyra, and she glances at the bowl a bit.
  1711. >"Well, uh... i-it's kind of a long story..."
  1712. "And long story short, she's the pony who allowed me this little one."
  1713. >You scratch League's ear for emphasis, getting a tiny squeak in response.
  1714. >"Huh. So you're like, a worker or something?"
  1715. >Lyra softly shakes her head.
  1716. >"The owner..."
  1717. >"Oh."
  1718. >She silently chews, then holds a hoof to her chin.
  1719. >"...But how did you go from working with Anon to LIVING with him? That's just the part that I don't really get."
  1720. >Lyra shoots you a small, pleading look.
  1721. >First you don't understand what it's for, then you get an idea.
  1722. >She probably doesn't want Rose to know that she was essentially homeless.
  1723. >And she silently continues eating, seeming ashamed.
  1724. >-Which pretty much confirms your suspicions.
  1725. "Well, it's bit of a personal matter, but ultimately I offered her a place here."
  1726. >She nods.
  1727. >"Well, that's just real nice of you."
  1728. >You shrug.
  1730. >A bit of silence follows, and Lyra pipes up.
  1731. >"How did you meet Anon?"
  1732. >Rose grins and glances at you for a second.
  1733. >"Well actually, I've known Anon here since he ended up in Equestria. I was the pony that found him in the Everfree."
  1734. >League gasps and turns to you.
  1735. >"You're from the EVERFREE?"
  1736. >You shake your head.
  1737. "I'm from, as far as I know, another universe. I just happened to end up in the forest when I showed up here."
  1738. >"Mhmm, I was around in the middle of it looking for some special flowers when I saw him staring down and backing away from a Timberwolf."
  1739. >"And you fought a TIMBERWOLF?!"
  1740. >...Well, 'fought' sounds much better than, 'was backed up and scared shitless against a wall'.
  1741. >"I knew he wasn't a creature from there because of his suit- and the fact that he started screaming at me to help him."
  1742. "-I never saw you, I was just screaming!"
  1743. >"-And having dealt with a few Timberwolf encounters, I knew just how to get rid of it. So, I drove it off, then me and Anon made it back to Ponyville. He told me about his situation, I offered him a job, and we've been together ever since."
  1744. >"Wow, so you know how to fight Timberwolves?"
  1745. >Rose just smiles.
  1746. >"Weeell, I can't say I go around kicking flank, but I do know a thing or two about dealing with them."
  1747. >"That's so cool!"
  1748. >Rose shrugs and looks over at you again.
  1749. >"And starting in a few months it's going to be... what, six years we've known each other?"
  1750. >You nod.
  1751. >...Man, six years.
  1752. >Really crazy, now that you look at it.
  1753. >It sure doesn't feel like that long has passed.
  1754. "Though when I first came around, Rose was super shy."
  1755. >She shoots you a glare.
  1756. >"Was not!"
  1757. "You were extremely shy."
  1758. >Her face grows red, probably remembering all the spaghetti she's spilled in your presence.
  1759. >"Well, maybe a little..."
  1760. "Maybe a lot."
  1761. >"But, whatever, I've changed from that."
  1762. >She softly smiles at you.
  1763. "Guess Anon just brought out the best in me."
  1765. >Well, you really can't argue that.
  1766. >Though she was pretty fun to mess with back then, you usually felt bad for it afterwards.
  1767. >And even just saying 'hi', she wouldn't be able to normally look you in the eye.
  1768. >Then you'd pretend to be hurt about not being able to be looked at, and she'd feel so bad.
  1769. >And promptly spill spaghetti after you told her you were only joking.
  1770. >Ah... good times.
  1771. >"It sounds like you two are really close."
  1772. >Rose quickly nods her head and grins.
  1773. >"As close as a pony and a... weird monkey thing can get!"
  1774. >She starts chewing her salad and glances at you.
  1775. >"By the way Anon, this salad is actually really good. Two hooves up, for sure."
  1776. >-Wait, TWO hooves?
  1777. >Holy shit, the must've made the best fucking salad ever.
  1778. >Usually she comments on how shit it is even before she tries it.
  1779. >And though you don't really give a shit about how good you are at cooking, if someone as horribly blunt as her can say that what you've made is good, than that means League and Lyra are bound to be enjoying it as well.
  1780. >And that feels nice.
  1781. >A smile quickly finds it's way up to you.
  1782. >Your eyes trail over to League and you see that she also already finished her salad.
  1783. >And holy fuck, you actually served quite a bit.
  1784. >You gave her exactly what you did everyone else, 'cause you figured kiddie stuff would not only feel kind of unfair, but might not be enough for her.
  1785. >She is a growing filly, after all.
  1786. >She grabs the bowl in her mouth and hops off her chair towards the kitchen sink.
  1787. >And you see how much she's struggling in an instant.
  1788. >Is she trying to wash the dish?
  1789. >Man, and didn't you tell her not to worry about chores?
  1790. >You scoop up the last bit you have left and give Rose and Lyra an apologetic smile before hopping off and moving over to League.
  1791. >She notices you, then looks at the bowl, ears falling a short moment after.
  1792. >"O-oh, sorry Anon, I-I forgot I wasn't..."
  1793. >You wave it off and place her bowl on the counter.
  1794. "It's alright, League."
  1796. >An idea hits you, then you pick her up and put her on the counter too.
  1797. "How about you just help me out, instead?"
  1798. >Her ears immediately perk up, and she enthusiastically nods her head.
  1799. >You kind of needed dishes done, anyways.
  1800. >Back home you'd just use paper plates and give the finger to the environment because you were too lazy to wash anything.
  1801. >Though the only time you washed was when someone caught you putting your dishes in the sink, which wasn't that often, honestly.
  1802. >But you still didn't want to do that shit.
  1803. >Taking the first dish, you get to work and get a little rhythm going.
  1804. >You wash that shit, give it to League, and she dries it off.
  1805. >And you do this while Rose and Lyra are just a bit away.
  1806. >Though you really can't hear much with how fucking loud this sink is.
  1807. >You guess they just pressurize the shit out of it to use less water or something, but holy hell is this thing noisy.
  1808. >And though your kitchen is pretty damn tiny, the table seems far enough so that you wouldn't really be able to hear their conversations.
  1809. >At least with this loud-ass sink over it.
  1810. >You're sure if you got two of these things you'd blow your goddamn eardrums into orbit.
  1811. >You continue to work with League, giving her utensils, then plates, bowls, all the little things that you used before, when you were either too lazy to go out, or just looking for a quick thing to eat in the middle of the night.
  1812. >And, well, since you haven't even spent much time in your house, you finish pretty damn quickly.
  1813. >Hell does it go quicker with extra help.
  1814. >You instinctively hold your fist up to League and get a hoofbump in return, then take her off the counter.
  1815. "Thanks for helping out, League."
  1816. >She grins and nods, then you walk the short distance to the table.
  1817. >You swear it looks like Rose is... glaring at Lyra?
  1818. >-Well, you're known for spacing out and looking kind of pissed off when you're lost in thought, so you simply shake it off.
  1819. >What would Rose even have against her?
  1821. >League grabs both of their attentions just by sitting down, and Rose softly smiles at you.
  1822. >"Well, I say that you've done a good job here, Anon- though I'm still expecting dinner for poking it! I choose the place, and we're getting dessert, kapeesh?"
  1823. >You roll your eyes and nod.
  1824. "And at what time shall thy queen request my presence?"
  1825. >She puts a hoof to her muzzle, then grins.
  1826. >"How about seven? Sound good?"
  1827. >You shrug.
  1828. "Sure."
  1829. >Satisfied with your answer, she hops off her seat and heads over to the door.
  1830. >You head towards the front and hold the door open.
  1831. >She pauses and turns to you.
  1832. >"And... I really do like the kid... but do you think it could just be the two of us? Think Lyra there could watch her?"
  1833. >The filly in question is still seated over at the table, now striking a conversation with Lyra.
  1834. >You scratch your face with a bit of uncertainty.
  1835. "Uh... I don't know..."
  1836. >What kind of first impression would that be, just leaving your adopted daughter and roommate behind on the first day?
  1837. >You don't think you'd be able to normally eat, knowing you practically abandoned them like that...
  1838. "How about... we move it to nine, so that way she can at least be sleeping?"
  1839. >She thinks for a moment, then nods.
  1840. >"Sure, nine is doable!"
  1841. >Before you can say another word, she grins and waves a hoof, then heads out.
  1842. >"-I'll see you then, Anon! And thanks for the surprisingly not horrible lunch!"
  1843. >You just wave, frowning.
  1844. >...Eh, well you ARE a horrible cook, so you can't really say anything.
  1845. >Once you close the door, you walk back over to the table, where League and Lyra are sitting.
  1846. >"So... are you leaving with her at seven?"
  1847. "Well, I asked her to move it up to nine, if that's okay with you both?"
  1848. >In fact, you probably should have asked beforehand.
  1849. >Filly or not, you're not just going to leave her with no input on this, and Lyra knows her better than you do.
  1850. >"Nine?"
  1851. "I figured it'd be better, so you two would be able to start at getting some sleep or something."
  1853. >God, you feel so bad telling them this.
  1854. >If you hadn't ditched Rose so many times in a row, you'd of definitely told her to reschedule.
  1855. >As it is, she wanted to go out somewhere for this lunch, but you made some homemade stuff instead.
  1856. >Sure, she liked it, but she's had your back so many times, for so long, you can't help but feel you have to repay her.
  1857. >A dinner is simple, but it's a start for ditching her more than a few times in a row, you think.
  1858. >With the way she acts, you'd figure she'd of just gotten pissed at you, but she surprisingly hadn't.
  1859. >It's the kind of behavior you'd only expect from her younger, more shy self, to just let you off the hook.
  1860. >Though with demanding dinner, she didn't completely.
  1861. >"Sounds good to me!"
  1862. >League grins at Lyra.
  1863. >"I can teach you how to play this cool game called Blackjack!"
  1864. >Lyra glances at you, then slowly nods, looking somewhat... defeated.
  1865. >And now you feel worse for saying yes to Rose.
  1866. >Though, you guess on top of making sure you don't lose your closest friend, you can also negotiate some kind of schedule for these things, so that way you won't have to leave them again.
  1867. >And on the subject, you do think it's kind of weird that she asked for it to just be you two.
  1868. >-Well, it's not THAT weird, but she seemed almost excited telling you that League could come with you to lunch.
  1869. >Though, thinking about it, you're sure bringing your adopted daughter and roommate with you to eat with a friend is really weird.
  1870. >-Shit, speaking of though, how are they going to eat?
  1871. >WHAT are they going to eat?
  1872. >You can't just leave them withou-
  1873. >"-Could we get some pizza for dinner?"
  1874. >-Oh.
  1875. >Well, that's actually a really good idea.
  1876. >You fish around in your pocket and hand League a bag of bits.
  1877. >The damn things sure are noisy, but very convenient to have with you, you think.
  1878. >You look at the two and softly sigh.
  1879. >Just for one night.
  1880. >You doubt she'd like you cancelling again for a homemade dinner.
  1882. >You just can't help but wonder what will happen with League in the short time you're away.
  1883. >You may just be overthinking it, but you can't really help it.
  1884. >Like, what if she has another nightmare, and you're not there to help her?
  1885. >Lyra is there, sure, but with how badly she broke down earlier, you don't exactly think she'd be... capable, you guess.
  1886. >Though, she's spent a big sum of years caring for fillies and colts, and spent time with League here already, so maybe it really isn't as bad as you think?
  1887. >Ah, it's only for a few hours, but hell is this really nagging at you.
  1888. >You're mostly just not a fan of leaving League behind on her own, but with Lyra, you also never know- maybe she could be some kind of criminal mastermind or something?
  1889. >Highly unlikely, but you do pretty much have your entire life savings in that room she's staying in...
  1890. >-God, you really are overthinking this.
  1891. >With what you've seen from Lyra, she really is genuine.
  1892. >And if not, holy hell does she deserve more than a few dozen acting awards.
  1893. >But, you still have about nine hours until you even have to really think about this all, so it might be best to just worry about the present, instead.
  1894. >Snapping back to attention, you walk over and grab the two bowls.
  1895. >When you do, League's ears perk up, and her tail wags slightly.
  1896. >"...Can I help?"
  1897. >The second you saw those ears, you knew she was going to ask.
  1898. "Of course."
  1899. >You pick her up under your arm, and Lyra also follows you over.
  1900. >League goes on the counter, and you hit the sink.
  1901. >The cleaning process goes even faster, not only because it's just two bowls, but because Lyra helps out with putting the dishes away once League dries them.
  1902. >It is definitely a LOT quicker than just doing it by yourself.
  1904. >In a matter of mere minutes, you already find yourself done.
  1905. >You promptly hoofbump them both before taking League off the counter.
  1906. >When you glance at the clock, you see that it's, well, it's only been a few minutes.
  1907. >This can be the perfect time to start getting everything you need to squared away.
  1908. "So, League, how do you feel about shopping around to decorate your room?"
  1909. >She almost immediately jumps up and grins.
  1910. >"R-really?!"
  1911. >You simply nod.
  1912. >She hops over and hugs your leg so hard, you're sure any longer would completely cut all of its blood flow.
  1913. >You'll take that as a yes.
  1914. >Lyra simply smiles.
  1915. "And are you planning on going, too?"
  1916. >Snapping out of her small trance, she slowly nods.
  1917. >"I... think I should clean up, though."
  1918. >She hops out of the kitchen and goes up the stairs.
  1919. >You scoop up League in your arms and follow.
  1920. >The second you open the door to her room, you start to think what you can do here.
  1921. >Everything in this room is painfully tan.
  1922. >It definitely could use some splashes of color or something.
  1923. "Any ideas on what you want?"
  1924. >League gets a bit more comfortable in your arms and holds a hoof up to her chin.
  1925. >"Hmm... I... don't know. I've never had a room to decorate myself, before."
  1926. >It pains you how casually she said that.
  1927. >Not having something as simple as a room is a big deal, but she just told you like it really isn't anything out of the ordinary
  1928. >You instinctively hug her.
  1929. >And instead of questioning WHY you're hugging her, she just returns it with a smile.
  1930. >She really is just the sweetest filly ever.
  1931. >Great in every sense of the word, and it just kills you to think of what she's dealt with before.
  1932. >Yesterday's 'incident' flashes in your mind, and you hold her a bit closer to you.
  1933. >When you gently pull away, you smile at her.
  1934. "For the record, no matter what you do, or what happens, I'll always be here for you... alright?"
  1935. >She nods and returns the smile.
  1936. >A smile brighter than anything you've ever seen out of another filly.
  1938. >You continue to hug her.
  1939. >She gets comfy in your embrace and sighs.
  1940. >Not only does just knowing she's yours soothe you, but damn, is she soft.
  1941. >You can feel her heart beating gently against yours, breathing just as slow and relaxed.
  1942. >Though she's only really known you for a day, she shows you as much love as you would expect from an actual kid of yours.
  1943. >Or wouldn't expect, if your kid was horrible.
  1944. >But you don't think you'd be able to enjoy her company anymore than you do now, even if she was your actual daughter.
  1945. >Because damn it, genetics or not, as far as you're concerned, she IS your daughter.
  1946. >She rests her head on your shoulder, still not questioning why you decided to suddenly hug her when talking about the room.
  1947. >With your right hand, you gently brush her poofy blue mane.
  1948. >It's starting to feel a little oily, actually.
  1949. >When Lyra is done over in the shower, you're probably going to have to bathe her.
  1950. >What you knew about ponies here is that they have a really hard time washing their backs.
  1951. >There's brushes and stuff that they use, but you don't exactly have them with you, yet.
  1952. >And bathing here really isn't seen the same way as it was back home.
  1953. >Here, friends help each other out with it all the time, and it really is no big deal, because ponies don't normally wear clothes anyways.
  1954. >You found that out when Rose asked you to help her once.
  1955. >She was, as usual, spilling a shit ton of spaghetti, so you figured it had the same meaning here as it did at home.
  1956. >Once you found out it wasn't, you hesitantly agreed, and you think you've found yourself somewhat comfortable with it.
  1957. >You also think it's not such a big deal here because everything is covered by tails.
  1958. >When it's not ponies, everything is just... there.
  1959. >Which is why you told Rose she didn't have to return the favor.
  1960. >And when you helped her, you just did so on the side of the tub, like you were washing a dog or something- you didn't take your clothes off.
  1961. >League sighs and brings you back.
  1963. >"You're the best, Anon..."
  1964. >A smile climbs up your face.
  1965. "You too, League."
  1966. >She pulls away, then looks around at her room with a renewed sense of excitement.
  1967. >"Hmm... maybe the walls could be painted blue?"
  1968. >You pause and try to imagine the room with a different color.
  1969. "Yeah, that's a good start."
  1970. >You'll definitely need some dressers and shit, too.
  1971. >As well as clothes.
  1972. >Despite ponies always walking around naked, clothes are a good business, here.
  1973. >They usually wear some when going out to eat at places, or are attending something, from what you've seen.
  1974. >And of course, some of it is considered lewd.
  1975. >But it's about the same here as it is back home in that regard.
  1976. >League hops out of your arms and sits on the bed, watching the rest of the room with a thoughtful gaze.
  1977. >Jesus, that bed is really big for her.
  1978. >Still not as big as yours was for Lyra, but still.
  1979. >And you'll probably have to look into new blankets and stuff for it.
  1980. >You walk over and sit on the bed.
  1981. "So, what are you thinking?"
  1982. >"Right now, or with the room?"
  1983. "The room, I guess."
  1984. >She points a hoof at the back wall of the room, where the window is.
  1985. >"I'm thinking of having the bed against the wall there, and then I can have the nightstand there next to it, and some dressers there-"
  1986. >She moves her hooves around with everything she talks about, growing visibly excited with every new idea of hers.
  1987. >And she has a lot of them.
  1988. >"-So if the dresser is there, when I get up and I'm all tired and it's cold, the sun can wake me up while I'm walking to it!"
  1989. >You nod, and she just scans the place again, an approving smile on her face.
  1990. >Reaching a hand over, you gently pet her back while she looks around.
  1991. >A short moment later, she turns to you and quickly wraps your neck in a hug.
  1992. >"Thank you, Anon. Thank you so, so much."
  1993. >You pat her back.
  1994. "Anything for you, League."
  1996. >You know that hugging is a pony thing for the most part, but you think that League is really just extra-huggy.
  1997. >-Not that you're complaining or anything, but you're starting to believe maybe she's a direct descendant of a leech or something, with this many hugs in one day.
  1998. >And luckily she's YOUR cuddly, blue-haired leech.
  1999. >Out of the corner of your eye you see something green and look over to see Lyra, towel wrapped on her head.
  2000. >One thing you immediately notice is how much... brighter she is.
  2001. >Not as in happy bright or anything, but her entire body- coat, mane and tail, is all brighter.
  2002. >For a second you don't really understand why, then you realize, well, she didn't necessarily HAVE a home before you offered one.
  2003. >A home has a shower.
  2004. >-But does that mean League should be brighter?
  2005. >You subtly glance at her coat.
  2006. >Nope, she is a crazy bright orange, she's definitely okay.
  2007. >Then why would League be clean, but not Lyra?
  2008. >-Well, you guess it's not that important, anymore.
  2009. >The fact of the matter is, this is your house, and these two are living here now, so they can be as clean as they want.
  2010. >Even Lyra has a big grin on her face, either from the heartfelt moment you had with League, or from being super clean.
  2011. >Or, you know, both.
  2012. >But she definitely looks happier than she did before- like a whole new pony.
  2013. >Even her tail is all nice and pristine now, with no few strands sticking out or bent out of place.
  2014. >"Your tub is huge, Anon."
  2015. >You instinctively shake your head.
  2016. "You're just small."
  2017. >She looks up at you and scrunches.
  2018. >Man, ponies really hate being called short.
  2019. >After letting out a small smirk, you hold your arms out for forgiveness, and she silently accepts.
  2020. >And though a little wet, you don't mind as you hug both your new roommate and your daughter.
  2021. >Very few things are better than this, you think.
  2022. >Very few.
  2024. >And after a short moment of just enjoying the two's company, Lyra leaves off to her room to do... something.
  2025. >She told you she was going to get ready, but without wearing clothes, you can't imagine 'getting ready' meaning anything more than styling your mane.
  2026. >But, you don't have hooves, you don't know how long that takes.
  2027. >And now, towel in tow, League hops into your tub while you grab things.
  2028. >Unfortunately and fortunately, your things mostly all consist of bathroom products for mares, because the stuff for guys is damn expensive.
  2029. >And though you have more than enough bits to cover it, you admittedly just use that as your excuse when other ponies ask.
  2030. >But really, you're just love the smell of roses and daisies and such.
  2031. >And there aren't that many scents for guys, anyways.
  2032. >The mares here love pampering themselves as much as women did back home, and here they're the mass majority, so of course more effort is put into beauty products and washes and all that for them.
  2033. >Tossing the towel over the curtain, you watch League start up the water and immediately get blasted with cold water from the showerhead.
  2034. >She yelps and skitters over to the end of the tub, shivering.
  2035. >Whelp, looks like Lyra left the diverter up.
  2036. >With an amused smile, you put it back, and the water starts pouring out into the tub instead.
  2037. >While you're checking the temperature, you notice League just staring at the water with a cautious scrunch.
  2038. >Once you feel it's just right, you leave League to test it out.
  2039. >She taps the surface with a hoof, then steps in and lets out a small sigh.
  2040. "Warm?"
  2041. >She softly nods, and you throw the shower on.
  2042. >Immediately, her mane gets wet enough to droop down and practically cover her whole face.
  2043. >You brush a bit out of the way, and she simply smiles at you, violet eyes shining.
  2045. >You grab all the shampoos and stuff and realize that holy hell, League really does have a lot of hair.
  2046. >Well, at least for a filly, but damn, it is a bunch.
  2047. "So, mane first, or coat?"
  2048. >She pauses to think.
  2049. >"Coat!"
  2050. >You nod and grab the little loofah in your possession.
  2051. >Then you freeze and look at it.
  2052. >This has been yours for a damn long time.
  2053. >And you've used it to clean every single inch of yourself.
  2054. >Every. Inch.
  2055. >And you're about to put this on League.
  2056. >Lyra even used it before you.
  2057. >Just the thought makes you shudder.
  2058. >Despite knowing you don't have a brush, you look for one with all the other cleaning supplies.
  2059. >And of course, the great brush gods of Equestria have not paid you a visit.
  2060. >...Maybe you could run out and buy one?
  2061. >-No, that's stupid, Anon.
  2062. >The only shop that sells that stuff is by the goddamn train station.
  2063. >Which, it's not impossible to go to, but it's why you just pick up the biggest bottles of everything.
  2064. >It's just very inconvenient.
  2065. >And you already got the water running.
  2066. >You glance back at League, who's just watching you think curiously.
  2067. >As thought after thought runs past, the one that you really didn't prefer to focus on, becomes the only option.
  2068. >You look at the loofah again.
  2069. "Well, uh, League..."
  2070. >Her head tilts slightly while she waits for you to finish.
  2071. "This might be a little... ah... weird, but this loofah of mine is really old and dirty, so I think..."
  2072. >You take a breath.
  2073. "I think I'll just have to hand wash you or something."
  2074. >She stops, then just looks at you.
  2075. >"Hand wash?"
  2076. >You nod.
  2077. "Yeah, like I'd have to put the body wash or whatever on my hands, then just kinda, rub around, I guess."
  2078. >The idea actually seems to excite her.
  2079. >Her ears even perk up.
  2080. >"Oh, okay!"
  2081. >Jesus fuck why didn't you get the bar soap?
  2083. >Hesitantly, you pour a little glob of the stuff in your right hand and gently place it on her back.
  2084. >For a second you just awkwardly stop there, hand on her, then something clicks and you start rubbing.
  2085. >Okay, well it should be just like petting her, but with soap.
  2086. >Well, more of a massage, if anything.
  2087. >You use your fingers to try and do some actual cleaning, putting a little bit more pressure in her coat.
  2088. >So, yeah, pretty much a massage.
  2089. >League stands up and turns to the side, making it a lot easier to be doing this.
  2090. >-Physically, at least.
  2091. >Mentally, you just can't shake the thought that you're feeling up your daughter with soap.
  2092. >With using just your hands, there aren't very many other ways you could perceive this.
  2093. >And she doesn't even seem to mind at all.
  2094. >Thankfully she seems to have kept her innocence intact in the lewd way of thinking, so she doesn't have the same horrible thinking as you do now.
  2095. >You look over and notice a small smile on her face.
  2096. >Eyes closed and mane still partly in her face, you can faintly hear her humming over the sound of the shower.
  2097. >Just like your kitchen sink, the shower here is unnaturally loud, and there's definitely a lot of it.
  2098. >Maybe they just gave you more water because they felt ponies got too little or something, you don't know.
  2099. >The ponies who built this place were just asked to accommodate a six foot tall creature, and had a little sketch of you drawn out for scale.
  2100. >-A sketch that also went missing, for whatever reason.
  2101. >Once her back is all bubbly and clean, from what you can see, you start cleaning her side.
  2102. >It really is just like washing a dog, but without the brush.
  2103. >And like clothing, that tiny little thing makes all the difference, here.
  2104. >To speed things up and be a bit easier, you hold her other side with your free hand and continue.
  2105. >League softly hums again.
  2106. >-See, you're sure it's humming, but goddamn if your mind doesn't think of something else.
  2107. >You're just cleaning, Anon.
  2109. >You continue gently lathering everything and cleaning everything up, not noticing a change in her color, but definitely one in the feeling of her coat.
  2110. >Once you were done with one side, she turned around for the other, and now you were done with the side.
  2111. "Here, let me clean your hooves."
  2112. >She sits down and places her forelegs on the edge of the tub for you.
  2113. >And though the thought of everything is still really weird, you feel yourself starting to get comfortable again.
  2114. >Loofah or not, it's starting to feel more and more like you're just helping Rose shower, like you're used to.
  2115. >You hold her left hoof and get to cleaning it.
  2116. >One thing you still think is weird about these ponies is their hooves.
  2117. >The bottom is really the only hard part of them, and after that it's all just soft and marshmallow-y.
  2118. >Pretty much like a normal person's arm, but just, softer, you guess.
  2119. >It's not like the kind on real horses that looked hard and bony as shit, ready to just knock you out if you walked behind them.
  2120. >And League here is no exception in the softness factor.
  2121. >Once you're done, you move onto the other hoof and wash that, all while League just watches you with the same cute little smile on her face.
  2122. >You make sure to clean the top, bottom, sides, and up the leg to her chest as well.
  2123. >And since you're already there, you decide to clean her chest too, noticing how much fluffier it is compared to the rest of her.
  2124. >While you're scrubbing, you can't help but rub her ears a bit with your free hand.
  2125. >She hums again and shuts her eyes, instinctively leaning into your hand.
  2126. >Another thing you love about the ponies here.
  2127. >And thank sweet Satan that you actually ended up here instead of, like, a fucking planet full of Carebears.
  2128. >Despite being colorful and mostly happy here, it isn't gay.
  2129. >There's still some real-world stuff going on, if these two have anything to say about it, so it's not purely sunshine and smiles.
  2130. >That would have driven you insane a long while ago.
  2132. >Soon enough you find yourself done with League's hooves.
  2133. >Meaning now you only have the... questionable parts.
  2134. >With a brush or something, it'd be fine- even a damn rag.
  2135. >But this is just your hands.
  2136. >Just bare, soap-on-hands cleaning.
  2137. "Well, u-uh... Time for the rest of you."
  2138. >God you're already starting to spill spaghetti here.
  2139. >Maybe you should just call it quits here?
  2140. >Say she's clean and that's it?
  2141. >Well before you can even settle on the thought, she turns a bit to the side and pushes her flank towards you.
  2142. >She obviously is just waiting to be cleaned here, and you wonder if she even remotely knows what she's doing to you right now.
  2143. "...You don't think w-we could just wait or something?"
  2144. >God you sound more like a filly than she does.
  2145. >She frowns.
  2146. >"Anon, that's gross! I'm already IN the water!"
  2147. >Before you can come up with a reply, you realize that, looking at it, there IS a noticeable change in the color of her coat.
  2148. >It's still minor, and really not as bad as Lyra, but it's there.
  2149. >If she walked around like that, you'd think she's two-toned because of it.
  2150. >And it's, well, that way all around her, ah, hindquarters.
  2151. >Damn these pony coats for getting dirty so easily.
  2152. >You take a deep breath.
  2153. >Okay, well, maybe if you don't make it seem like it's weird, it won't be weird.
  2154. >She doesn't know how weird this is, so if you make it seem like the most natural thing ever, then she might.
  2155. >Right?
  2156. >You mean, who knows, maybe it's a pony thing to get all physical in the shower anywa-
  2157. >-Okay, that was a horrible way to put it.
  2158. >Why did you just say that to yourself?
  2159. >You look back at League, who seems to be getting a bit impatient.
  2160. >Okay, it's not weird, it's not weird.
  2161. >Desperate times call for desperate measures, and League is being stubborn, here.
  2162. >If you said anything to get out of this, she'd likely get upset, and there's a chance you'd have to give her the talk or something.
  2163. >And you really don't know how you would, yet.
  2165. >You take a deep breath, mentally steel yourself and start quickly brushing her flank with your hands.
  2166. >In your mind you imagine washing a car or something, but it’s a bit hard to when that car of yours is fluffy and alive.
  2167. >League slowly relaxes as her eyes close, simply enjoying the water splashing over her face.
  2168. >She doesn’t even seem to realize the predicament you’re in, or just doesn’t care, with how content she looks.
  2169. >And after idly rubbing, trying your damndest to think about other things, you realize that just hovering over really isn’t doing anything.
  2170. >Her coat is still noticeably dirty.
  2171. >You turn your head and try to think about the plans you have with Rose, putting more pressure on her coat in order to clean it right.
  2172. >And as much as you wish you could ignore it, this area seems to be much more… plush, than the rest of her.
  2173. >And she still doesn’t seem bothered by any of this.
  2174. >Maybe it’s just a regular thing, or maybe you succeeded in putting so much soap that she just can’t feel your hands there, but you’re clearly the only one freaking out here.
  2175. >If she were a cat or something- something that wasn’t able to talk to you, this would be much simpler, you think.
  2176. >After what seems like an hour, you notice that her flank is as clean as the rest of her.
  2177. >-Jesus, she really ISN’T bothered by this.
  2178. >This probably is just some regular pony thing that you’re not aware of.
  2179. >You never did this when you helped Rose out, but you also had a brush at your disposal.
  2180. >The second you pull your hands away, she instinctively turns-
  2181. >-DEAR LORD-
  2182. >-Okay, just continue Anon, shake it off.
  2183. >You didn’t see that.
  2184. >You didn’t see anything.
  2185. >League continues to soak in the water, a serene smile on her face.
  2186. >You should have just asked Lyra to do this or something.
  2187. >Inappropriate thoughts whizz past your mind while you work, a lot more than you’d like them to.
  2188. >And naturally, shame and disbelief follows right afterwards.
  2189. >Should've asked.
  2191. >When you're done washing her rump, you move down to her hind le-
  2192. "-N-no, you don't need to move, League. I'll just, reach from here."
  2193. >She pauses and throws you a glance, then settles back in her spot and relaxes.
  2194. >You simply bend over the tub and start brushing her back hooves.
  2195. >Surprisingly, she's able to balance on three legs while you take care of the fourth.
  2196. >Unsurprisingly, her hind legs seem to be worse than the rest of her was, and requires a little more soap every once and a while.
  2197. >After a bit of gentle, yet vicious scrubbing, one is clean, and-
  2199. "-D-didn't I say you shouldn't need to move?!"
  2200. >League immediately reacts with her ears folding back.
  2201. >Her eyes lock on yours, showing a hint of fear.
  2202. >Okay, you may have sounded a little snappy.
  2203. >Through the water, you see her eyes start to glisten.
  2204. >-Okay, a LOT snappy.
  2205. >And it hits your heart like a goddamn freighter train.
  2206. >You quickly rinse your hands off and reach over to calm her.
  2207. >She recoils slightly, but doesn't do anything to stop you.
  2208. "-Sorry, League. I didn't mean to sound angry or anything- I'm not mad at you."
  2209. >She only slightly relaxes.
  2210. >You brush her mane.
  2211. "This is just kinda... weird, where I come from. I didn't get mad at you, just... surprised."
  2212. >She slowly nods, still a bit tense.
  2213. >So, you lean over and slowly bring her into a hug, getting a shit ton of water all over your shirt in the process.
  2214. "I’m sorry.”
  2215. >A few seconds of silence passes, then you feel a wet hoof wrap over your shoulder.
  2216. >…Seriously though, when she turned, that was like, RIGHT in your face.
  2217. >Just…
  2218. >Yeah.
  2219. >You break away and drop another glob of soap on your hands.
  2220. “So then, how does an apologetic ice cream or something sound?”
  2221. >She pauses, then softly smiles.
  2222. >You use your free hand to ruffle her mane and seal the deal, getting a small squeak in response.
  2223. “Atta girl.”
  2224. >…Seriously though.

Bird Pone Thread (Complete)

by Bluebirdd065

Bird Pone Thread: Blu (Discontinued)

by Bluebirdd065

Anonfilly Thread (Complete)

by Bluebirdd065

Little League Thread (Complete)

by Bluebirdd065

Little League Thread: League and Anon HQ (Discontinued)

by Bluebirdd065