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Royal Guard Mare Thread #2 (WIP)

By Bluebirdd065
Created: 2024-03-17 23:25:09
Expiry: Never

  1. >You limp over to the catbirds, and once the girls get past the bodies, they run over to you.
  2. >"Anon, are you okay?!"
  3. >You look at the enormous stick stuck in you.
  4. >Then all the new blood around the spot.
  5. "Y-yeah, I'm peachy."
  6. >Brave turns over to the Griffons.
  7. >"You can't just leave him like this! He needs to go to a hospital!"
  8. >"That's not part of the deal. He can last a few more minutes, I'm sure."
  9. >They just look at you, clearly freaking out about your condition.
  10. >But imagine how you feel?
  11. >The whole tip of the spear is practically buried inside of you, and the way it's made, if you try pulling it out, everything else will come out with it.
  12. >And that scares you for obvious reasons.
  13. >"Hurry it up, prisoner!"
  14. >The girls, seeing how fruitless it is not to comply, just stick by your side and help you over to the catbirds.
  15. >Now right under a light, you see what they're looking at.
  16. >A bulky metal door.
  17. >And in the corner beside it, you can see another corpse.
  18. >But what catches your eye here is the metal around it.
  19. >Casings on the ground, and sitting right on his lap is freaking GUN.
  20. >And right in his hand, a pistol.
  21. >How did the Griffons miss that?
  22. >Or maybe they just don't think it's anything useful.
  23. >With those weapons, that clothing the other Griffon was wearing might have been from this guy.
  24. >Which means the others...
  25. >You turn back around, looking again at the other bodies.
  26. >All gathered beside each other, no personal items of any kind.
  27. >Christ, what the hell happened here?
  28. >When you look up, one of the catbirds are messing around with something beside the door.
  29. >Once they move, you see a simple hand on some device.
  30. >Holy hell, it's a hand print lock.
  31. >Or something like that.
  32. >Just like in the movies.
  33. >"Hurry it up!"
  34. >You take one step, feeling another surge of pain going right through you.
  35. >"Look, he needs medical attention! Help him!"
  36. >"He isn't getting anything until that door's open!"
  38. >Staring at the device in front of you, you doubt it would even work.
  39. >They pulled you all this way because of this thing, but if it's military, how the hell would YOU have access?
  40. >Not only that, but with this kind of tech, you were probably already gone before this was made.
  41. >You wipe your hand free of blood and gently place it on the device.
  42. >A little line dimly scans it back and forth.
  43. >For a moment everything's silent.
  44. >And then it glows green.
  45. >At the top, it says, "Welcome, Anonymous Jr."
  46. >What the hell?
  47. >How, how did you-
  48. >"It's- it's opening!"
  49. >The door beside you hisses, makes a few clacking noises, then slowly opens to the side.
  50. >On the other side of it, there's a hallway and another door.
  51. >A Griffon pushes past you and steps into it.
  52. >The other two quickly follow and hop in.
  53. >As they do that, you quickly move over to the corpse and grab the slightly scratched up thing in its lap.
  54. >"Anon? W-what are you doing?"
  55. "No idea."
  56. >You inspect the weapon a bit, then find the magazine release on the right side.
  57. >As it pops out, you jump a bit and with your other hand grab it.
  58. >It's completely full.
  59. >With a smile on your face, you pop it back in and pull back the little bolt thing you recognize from a lot of games.
  60. >You spot the safety, which is already set in full auto.
  61. >With a shake of your head, you hold it up and turn to the girls.
  62. "Cover your ears."
  63. >Vannie opens her mouth, then immediately complies when you aim it at the Griffons.
  64. >Well, it's time to see what this does.
  65. >"Prisoner! Hurry it up!"
  66. >One Griffon turns around and stops dead in his tracks.
  67. >Before he can react, you impulsively pull the trigger.
  68. >As you suspect, a loud crack comes out of it, and you're knocked back a bit.
  69. >The Griffon ahead of you now has a few holes in his armor, and is on the ground.
  70. >You adjust yourself and aim at the others.
  71. >You pull the trigger again, watching loads of casings fly out of the side.
  72. >They drop quickly, and you immediately stop, a ringing in your ears.
  74. >The girls move their hooves from their ears when you lower the gun.
  75. >And as they do, you feel a little lightheaded.
  76. >-AND, on top of that, you can barely hear anything.
  77. >Everything being metal, the sound really bounced around.
  78. >Vannie moves up to you and talks, but you can't hear much but muffled noises.
  79. >Brave looks over at the Griffons, lying on the ground, then talks to you too.
  80. "I-I can't hear what you're saying."
  81. >They look at each other, then both turn towards something at your right.
  82. >Once you do, you spot the other two armored Griffons pouring in.
  83. >Before you can bring the gun back up, you see a bolt flying towards you.
  84. >And it nails you right in your gut.
  85. >You unsteadily hold the weapon and unload in their direction.
  86. >They quickly fall, as you do.
  87. >You can't hear what the girls are saying, but they're clearly panicked.
  88. >They run up to your side, talking to you and to each other.
  89. >But you still can't hear any of it.
  90. >You look down at the second thing now stuck inside of you.
  91. >Fucking hell.
  92. >Vannie talks to Brave, then quickly flies outside.
  93. >Brave just sits beside you, inspecting everything with a hoof on your hand.
  94. >You don't really know what she's saying, but you recognize few of her words.
  95. >'Everything will be okay'.
  96. >At this point, you doubt it.
  97. >You wipe some sweat from your forehead and bring her into a hug.
  98. "I'm sorry about all of this."
  99. >She looks up at you, then gently kisses your cheek.
  100. >Instead of talking, she just rests her head on your chest.
  102. >...
  103. >It's fine.
  104. >Everything will be okay.
  105. >Anon will be okay.
  106. >You'll all be okay.
  107. >You keep your head on his chest, hearing his heartbeat.
  108. >A sense of dread washes over you when you look down at his injuries.
  109. >You feel just so hopeless...
  110. >First aid won't cut it here, he needs surgery.
  111. >And you don't know surgery, you don't have tools.
  112. >Anon is slipping away, and you can barely do anything about it.
  113. >Looking up at him, he's obviously in pain.
  114. >He seems kind of pale, he's sweating quite a bit.
  115. >And what are you able to do?
  116. >Just sit here and cry.
  117. >Why did you come out here without a plan?
  118. >If you had just come a little bit later, he wouldn't be here.
  119. >He wouldn't have had to save you both... and end up like this.
  120. >You can feel more tears falling down your face.
  121. >A lump in your throat.
  122. >This is your fault.
  123. >This is all your fault.
  124. >The most important one in your life, just slipping away.
  125. >You can hear those shuddery breaths of his.
  126. "I... I'm sorry Anon. I'm so... so sorry."
  127. >He can't even hear you.
  128. >He got hurt saving you again.
  129. "I'm sorry Anon. P-please, please forgive me!"
  130. >The first and only one to care for you.
  131. >The kindest, most gentle being you've ever met.
  132. >...The only one you've had feelings for.
  133. >Your sniffles and whimpers come out without restraint.
  134. >You can't control your breathing, or swallow the sadness.
  135. "I'm s-s-so sorry, A-Anon. You don't deserve to be here. I-it should b-be me."
  136. >He picks his head up and blinks, before gently taking your helmet off.
  137. >"Shhh, it's okay Brave. It's okay..."
  138. >He runs a hand gently through your mane.
  139. >You feel you have so much to say.
  140. >So much to do...
  141. >He can't be taken away from you like this.
  142. >It's not fair.
  143. >You desperately lean into his hand.
  144. >It's not fair...
  146. >You listen to his heartbeat.
  147. >It's getting slower.
  148. >No, no, this can't be happening.
  149. "Anon?"
  150. >His head dips, but he keeps it up.
  151. >Then he turns to his side and throws up.
  152. >"Christ..."
  153. "Don't worry Anon, j-just stay with me!"
  154. >He faintly nods.
  155. >His eyes look tired.
  156. >This can't be happening.
  157. >This can't be happening!
  158. >He zones out a bit, then refocuses on you.
  159. >Weakly, he continues to brush your mane.
  160. >"S'okay..."
  161. >And where the hay is Vannie?!
  163. >You wait for a few seconds, but get nothing.
  165. >Still no response.
  166. >No indicator that help's on the way.
  167. >Looking back, Anon's slowly slumping to the side, trying to stay awake.
  168. >You hold his cheeks in your hooves and try to get his focus.
  169. "Look at me, Anon! Anon, look!"
  170. >He does for a second, before returning the gesture.
  171. >"Sorry."
  172. >His eyes fight for a second, then finally close.
  173. "-No."
  174. >His head droops to the side.
  175. "-NO!"
  176. >You shake his shoulders.
  177. "Anon, ANON WAKE UP!"
  178. >No response.
  180. >You can hear some commotion outside.
  181. >Vannie probably couldn't find help.
  182. >They're coming for you, next.
  183. >But you don't care.
  184. >You just care about him.
  186. >You yell at the top of your lungs.
  187. >You don't care.
  188. >It doesn't matter.
  189. >Nothing matters anymore.
  190. >Not when the only one who mattered to you is gone.
  192. >...
  193. >Gliding through the air, you feel your wings barely able to push through the resistance.
  194. >But you can't stop now.
  195. >You can't.
  196. >Hay if you're going to let Anon go on your watch.
  197. >The camp you and Brave left behind just passes by you.
  198. >And you continue to push on.
  199. >You can feel your wings moving around slightly, bending against the air.
  200. >But still, you push on.
  201. >You used to enjoy casually flying sometimes.
  202. >When everypony would go out doing their own thing.
  203. >Just a few hours, just to soar around the place, enjoy your time.
  204. >Now you wish you would have flied more.
  205. >Trained yourself to be built for speed.
  206. >The wind dries out your eyes, forcing you to squint the entire time.
  207. >You can't even tell how fast you're going.
  208. >Like it's all just endless, and you're not going anywhere.
  209. >You shake your head free of those thoughts and focus.
  210. >You'll make it.
  211. >You just have to go faster.
  212. >FASTER!
  214. >You feel everything tense up, and you keep moving forward.
  215. >Soon enough, you spot two dots in the distance.
  216. >You're quickly reminded of what those two dots are, but you don't care.
  217. >They move past rather quickly, making you feel confident in your speed.
  218. >If you're already here, that means-
  219. >You can spot the portal nearby.
  220. >Your heart skips a beat.
  221. >But you know you're not out of it yet.
  222. >You charge towards the blue glowing box up ahead, giving everything your all.
  223. >But as the light gets closer, you feel yourself starting to wobble a bit more.
  224. >So as the portal gets near, you try to move and slow yourself do-
  225. "-GAH!"
  226. >A snapping noise fills your ears, and a sharp pain shoots through your body.
  227. >You try to glide, but the pain of going any further forces you towards the dirt.
  228. >The landing isn't smooth, and you end up crashing into the ground.
  229. >You're sent tumbling into the portal.
  231. >The first thing you see on the other side is a bunch of eyes, before smashing into the main entrance door of the bathroom.
  232. >You wince and try not to move anything, the searing pain in your wing being too much to bear.
  233. >While your vision steadies, the sound of hooves moving over echos through the room.
  234. >"Van Guard? What has happened? Where is everypony else?!"
  235. >If the voice doesn't tip you off, the big blob of dark blue in front of your face tells you that you're speaking to Princess Luna.
  236. "The Griffons STABBED him! He needs help!"
  237. >You can hear the other ponies gasp, while your vision finally adjusts.
  238. >The second it does, you shrink.
  239. >The look on Luna's face...
  240. >She smashes her hoof into the ground, sending shards of the floor around the place.
  241. >"FILTHY VERMIN!"
  242. >Your ears practically retract back into your head.
  243. >That was louder than that thing Anon used...
  244. >Luna's horn charges up with a very loud hum, and she disappears.
  245. >For a moment you're left just stunned, same as Minuette and Gold, whom have shrunk into the floor.
  246. >The pain in your wing makes itself known again, and you wince.
  247. >"Oh hay, we need to take you to the hospital!"
  248. >You quickly shake your head and readjust yourself from the tumble.
  249. "I want to make sure Anon's okay, I need to go back!"
  250. >Minuette shakes her own head.
  251. >"No, I'm pretty sure Princess Luna's going to do something about it. YOU need medical attention!"
  252. >Before you can refuse, you're picked up into air by her-
  253. "-Fine! I can walk!"
  254. >She looks over at Gold, then hesitantly drops you.
  255. >When the bent door to the bathroom opens, you glance at your wing.
  256. >-Oh hay, it does look really bad...
  257. >"Come on, before it gets worse!"
  258. >A hoof on your rump makes you yelp and practically fly outside.
  259. >"-Sorry, sorry!"
  260. >Sheesh, and her hoof was really cold.
  261. >You allow them to move forward, hanging in the back.
  262. >You pause and turn back to the bathroom.
  263. >It's okay, it's okay.
  264. >He'll be alright.
  265. >...He has to be...
  267. >...
  268. >You give Anon another two breaths, then move back to compressions.
  269. "Come on Anon. C-come on, stay with me!"
  270. >Thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen...
  271. >You focus on counting, trying to ignore the crushing feeling of despair that's currently gripping your body.
  272. >You know you can still save him, you're still within the time limit.
  273. >But every second that passes, you feel yourself quickly growing more and more anxious.
  274. >While you push on his chest through the armor, you start to think of the things you didn't say.
  275. >Hay, you didn't even tell him your true feelings.
  276. >You didn't tell him how much he meant to you.
  277. >How big of a change he's been in your life.
  278. >The joy you feel just seeing his face, being around him...
  279. >You didn't say any of it...
  280. >"-MS. BRAVE! WHERE ARE YOU?"
  281. >The voice you hear instantly clicks in your head.
  282. >Princess Luna?
  283. >...PRINCESS LUNA!
  285. >Not a second later, a bright flash appears just before you, and thank Luna herself, she's right there.
  286. >She looks over at Anon and his injuries, wearing the most terrifying expression you've ever seen.
  287. >It takes a few seconds, but her horn charges into a really bright light, and when you blink, you're surrounded by white walls.
  288. >You immediately recognize it as a hospital.
  289. >A-A HOSPITAL?!
  290. >All the ponies that are around you, some nurse walking by spots you and immediately starts shouting.
  292. >A few more nurses in the hallway look in your direction, then quickly gallop towards Anon.
  293. >I-is... is this really happening?
  294. >Though you know none of it's over, just being out of that place, somewhere where you can have hope...
  295. >You turn towards Princess Luna, and she just gives you this small, reassuring smile.
  296. >"I'll make sure he's treated just as I would be."
  297. >You jump up and hug her.
  298. "Th-thank you, P-Princess Luna!"
  299. >She actually returns the gesture, then quickly breaks away.
  300. >"No need to, Ms. Brave."
  301. >Her face darkens.
  302. >"I'm not done yet."
  304. >...
  305. >
  306. >...Fucking hell.
  307. >Oh god, everything hurts.
  308. >Your eyes slowly peel open, like you've had them closed for centuries.
  309. >The sunlight in your face makes you wince.
  310. >You instinctively block it with your right hand, noticing something stuck inside of it.
  311. >What the hell is that?
  312. >With squinted eyes, you try to look around.
  313. >"...Anon?"
  314. >"-A-ANON?!"
  315. >Before any of the noise around you can register, a white and a grey blob comes into view.
  316. >Then, a set of blue and green, looking right at you.
  317. "Ugh, whasgoin on?"
  318. >You take a moment to blink away the sleepiness, then look around.
  319. >The beeping noise on your side grabs the most attention.
  320. >You slowly start to make sense of things.
  321. >And in a second, you're hugged by both of them.
  322. >After a few seconds of blinking, your eyes finally adjust to your surroundings, and the two in front of you.
  323. "Uh... who are you two?"
  324. >Almost immediately, they both tense up, then look at you.
  325. >"W-what?"
  326. "Who are you?"
  327. >They just stare at you, disbelieving and completely speechless.
  328. >"...I..."
  329. >A smile crosses your face.
  330. "Ah, I'm only kidding. Get over here."
  331. >You pull them both into a hug.
  332. >Brave quickly tears up, a small frown on her face.
  333. >"Th-that's not funny, Anon."
  334. "Ah, too soon?"
  335. >Vannie nods.
  336. >"Way too soon."
  337. >She sighs, and hops on top of the bed with Brave.
  338. >"I'm just glad you're alright, though..."
  339. >They make themselves comfortable, nuzzling around your neck and chest like happy kittens.
  340. >And while you enjoy the cuddliness, your gaze keeps turning to all the wrappings and bandages around you.
  341. >You can feel a lot of it where you remember getting stabbed and shot.
  342. >And of course, it's all sore as hell, hurting only when the girls adjust themselves.
  343. >But hell, you don't care.
  344. >Just being with them again is enough for you.
  346. >You rest there, staring at the ceiling, all the coziness beating the pain you're also currently feeling.
  347. >The girls obviously get settled a lot quicker though, as the next time you look at them, they're asleep.
  348. >Either you're that comfy, or they were just really exhausted.
  349. >It clearly being early morning, you hope they didn't lose any sleep over you.
  350. >Though, knowing them, they most likely did.
  351. >You hear a door click open, and a nurse pone peek her head in.
  352. >Through the little bit of this privacy curtain that's open, she sees you looking back at her.
  353. >"Oh! Mr. Anonymous, you're awake!"
  354. >She hurries over and pulls the curtain to the side.
  355. >The first thing she's greeted with is the girls, both sleeping soundly on top of you.
  356. >She just stares at them for a moment, clearly confused as to why two royal guards are snoozing on her patient.
  357. "-They're helping me recover."
  358. >She pauses, then shakes her head and looks over at you.
  359. >"Well, I guess I'll come around to change your bandages later. Once these two are, you know, done "helping you recover"."
  360. >You sheepishly smile and nod.
  361. "Well, what can I say? They've been through a lot lately."
  362. >She waves a hoof, pulls the curtain back, and walks out.
  363. >You adjust yourself a tad and rest your head back on the pillow.
  364. >While you lie there, you can't help but smile at the sight of them.
  365. >Though, you also notice some bandages around Vannie's wing.
  366. >And on top of that, you spot a lot of small scratches on various parts of them.
  367. >They're healed, sure, but the sight of them just makes you feel bad, even if you did get the worst of it.
  369. >You gently pull Vannie's helmet off and set it on the ground.
  370. >Brave's already missing hers, so while they rest, you gently run your hand through their manes.
  371. >Pet their ears and such.
  372. >...Man, you wonder if Vannie has to shampoo everything with this kind of fluff.
  373. >On your left, Brave starts to purr.
  374. >-Like seriously, at this point, you think these girls are more cat than the catbirds.
  375. >She paws at you gently with her hooves, like you're some kind of soft scratching post.
  376. >While you lie there watching them, you can't help but feel... content.
  377. >Sure, you're still feeling loads of underlying, very real pain, but you couldn't ask for anything more than this.
  378. >...You guess before, you really didn't see how much they truly cared for you.
  379. >You mean hell, they were both literally willing to DIE with you.
  380. >In a world where non-consensual cuddling is practically the equivalent of rape, that's gotta mean a whole damn lot.
  381. >And knowing that- hell, knowing they feel safe just falling asleep on you like this...
  382. >It means a lot to you, too.
  383. >Instead of trying to get more sleep yourself, you watch them, sleeping like they've got no other care in the world.
  384. >You brush a bit of Vannie's mane away from her face, then continue petting, getting a small ear twitch every once and a while.
  385. >Brave routinely hums, gaining a small smile on her face that just makes your heart melt.
  386. >You don't know what you did to deserve them both.
  387. >...Which brings up a question to your mind.
  388. >The whole situation you had earlier, before you were taken away to that damned desert.
  389. >They're just happy to see you here now, but what about the future?
  390. >How's THAT going to go?
  391. >You sigh, knowing you should just take the time to enjoy the moment.
  392. >But as you know, nothing good lasts forever.
  393. >While you pet them, you simply try to think about it.
  394. >Something to make everyone happy.
  396. >
  397. >You open your eyes, and hey look, it's already night.
  398. >...Goddamn it.
  399. >With a yawn, you notice that the girls are still asleep.
  400. >-Well, Vannie is asleep.
  401. >Brave's resting her head on your chest, just gazing up at you with this dreamy expression of hers.
  402. >"Good morning, Anon."
  403. >You look over at the nearby window, and how pitch black dark it is outside.
  404. "Morning, Brave."
  405. >She lets out this tiny giggle that you've never heard come out of her before.
  406. >-Like seriously, you've heard nothing like it.
  407. >Usually she sounds super serious, sad, or just really nervous.
  408. >But what you just heard sounds more laid back than anything.
  409. >More comfortable and carefree.
  410. >You like it.
  411. >You mean hell, having the crazy hot-sounding supermodel voice that she does is one thing, but getting a nice change of tone like this is... well, it's nice.
  412. >She moves up a bit, burying her head under your neck.
  413. >"...I'm really am glad that I met you, Anon. Have I ever told you that?"
  414. >The sudden question brings you away from your window gazing.
  415. "Well, I think you just did."
  416. >She softly giggles again, then picks her head up.
  417. >Her smile diminishes into a more serious expression.
  418. >"I mean, seriously though...."
  419. >Her ears droop a bit, and she sighs.
  420. >"Back when we were in the Badlands..."
  421. >She shifts a bit again, tearing up slightly as she does.
  422. >"Wh-when you got hit by that arrow, a-and Vannie went to get help..."
  423. >She takes a shaky breath.
  424. >"I... I was so scared, Anon... I-I thought that was it- that you were done for..."
  425. >Once the first tear falls, you move your left hand and gently rub her ears with it.
  426. >You'd use both hands, but your right arm is currently being held by Vannie.
  427. >Brave leans into your touch again, then holds your hand on her cheek.
  428. >"I... I started thinking about what I never said to you. Th-the things that I regretted never telling you..."
  430. >She wipes her eyes with a hoof, but they quickly water up again.
  431. >Her ears fold back, and she shakily looks into your eyes.
  432. >"I-it may be too early to say this- WAY too early, but..."
  433. >She blinks and takes another deep breath.
  434. >"-Y-you're most important pony in my entire life, Anon."
  435. >She maintains eye contact for a second, before bringing her head up and turning away from you.
  436. >Her eyes shut, and another shuddery breath comes out.
  437. >"Y-you're the only one that I feel I'm safe with, a-and I always feel happy just being around you... I feel I can just be myself, and that you won't judge me, or hurt me, and, and..."
  438. >Her ears fold even more, to the point of her probably not hearing anything.
  439. >"Wh-what I'm trying to say is... is..."
  440. >She takes one more breath, that shaking of hers clearly getting worse.
  441. >"I-I... I love you, Anonymous... I l-love you more than I could ever put into words, and I can't, or ever want to see myself where I'm not s-somewhere with you..."
  442. >She lowers herself like some puppy who's scared of being scolded.
  443. >"I don't care if you don't f-feel the same, but I'd rather have you leave me and know this, th-than to disappear without h-hearing it..."
  444. >As those words leave her, a silence quickly permeates the air.
  445. >You're just completely speechless.
  446. >Her ears perk up a very tiny bit, probably to hear your own response.
  447. >But you don't know what to say.
  448. >What COULD you say?
  450. >Never in your life did you...
  451. >You mean, in your family, 'I love you' was just regular talk.
  452. >It essentially just lost its meaning, because you all said it as regularly as you did 'hello'.
  453. >But to hear it up front like this...
  454. >To see her nervous as to what you might think- sincerely believing in what she's saying...
  455. >You can just feel those tortured butterflies in your stomach taking flight once more.
  456. >Your heart speeding up, while her words sink into your mind.
  457. >You don't think you can top that.
  458. >Not by a long-shot.
  459. >But... you CAN do something.
  460. >Her gaze snaps over to you in confusion while you pick her up with your left arm and bring her closer to you.
  461. >Before she can say anything, you cut her off by pressing your lips against hers.
  462. >You can feel her cheeks quickly heat up, and once again, the beating of her own heart against yours.
  463. >But this time, it just feels much better.
  464. >So much better.
  465. >Under your grip, you can just feel her whole body relax and melt.
  466. >Her hooves slowly make their way to the sides of your head, pushing against the pillow you're lying on.
  467. >She positions her head so that it's right above you, then takes the initiative and brings it a step forward.
  468. >A soft hum escapes her, and her tongue slips by you.
  469. >But before you can react, your heart does the talking first.
  470. >And not a second later, the machine next to you starts going wild.
  471. >"-WHASTHAT?!"
  472. >Vannie jolts up and falls off the bed, and you and Brave quickly pull away.
  473. >Seconds later, you hear the door click open, and a bunch of other ponies come running in.
  475. >The curtain is yanked back, and around five of the hospital's staff stand around the bed.
  476. >They all pause when they see you and Brave, faces red and looking up at them like a couple of deer.
  477. >Vannie pops up, rubbing her head and looking at you both as well.
  478. "...I-I uh, I-I had a bad dream."
  480. >All the other ponies, the adrenaline of someone possibly dying leaving them, just walk out with a few sighs and no words to you.
  481. >Your nurse stays though.
  482. >She stands there, looking at you and Brave with a stern look.
  483. >"-Bad dream, huh?"
  484. >You stay silent.
  485. >She sighs and shakes her head.
  486. >"Just, try not to have anymore of them until I'm off duty, okay?"
  487. >You both slowly nod, and hesitantly, she walks out.
  488. >But not before giving you that look for a few more second, as if to see that you learned your lesson.
  489. >Once the door clicks closed, you sigh.
  490. >Fucking hell, you're surprised you didn't just die of embarrassment right there.
  491. >Brave however, is still a statue.
  492. >Vannie slowly crawls onto the bed, a tired expression on her face.
  493. >She looks over at Brave, then faintly shakes her head.
  494. >"I know we agreed to share, but I'm right here, for Luna's sake..."
  495. >Brave stays silent, face still as red as the fury of a thousand tomatoes.
  496. >-Wait a minute, 'share'?
  497. "What?"
  498. >Vannie looks up at you, blinking asynchronously.
  499. >"What what?"
  500. "What are you both 'sharing' with each other? Are you talking about me?"
  501. >She yawns.
  502. >"Well, are there other humans I don't know about?"
  503. >You pause and think.
  504. >Well, there's always the possibility...
  505. >Which is why, the first thing you're doing when you get out of here is going back.
  506. >Now that you're not bleeding out and shit, you're going to find out what's in that goddamn bunker thing.
  507. >Vannie just keeps looking at you.
  508. >"That was a rhetorical question, Anon."
  509. >She yawns again and waves her hoof.
  510. >"We'll talk about it later, though. I'm too sleepy for this... Now c'mere."
  511. >She lazily climbs on top of you and lies down, hooves sprawled out.
  512. >Her front hooves wrap around your neck in a hug, and she puts her head under yours.
  513. >In just under a minute, her ears fold, and she's fast asleep.
  515. >Brave, however, is still frozen.
  516. >You poke her, and she turns over to you.
  517. >"That... was the single most embarrassing moment I've ever had in my entire life."
  518. >You nod.
  519. "I'll see about us getting out of here tomorrow. As long as I don't get stabbed again, I think I should be okay."
  520. >Her ears perk up at that.
  521. >"Are you sure, Anon? I don't mind waiting another eight days... I only want to leave if you feel ready to."
  522. >You look over at the bandages wrapped around your arms and legs.
  523. >They're not bloody or anything, but they're still damn sore.
  524. >...You can deal with it, though.
  525. >You'd rather be in pain in your big comfy bed, than stuck here in this tiny thing.
  526. >-Wait, EIGHT DAYS?
  527. "What do you mean, ANOTHER eight days?"
  528. >Her ears flop over a tad.
  529. >"They put you under a stasis spell so you wouldn't... it's... we've just been here for a while."
  530. >You focus on her words for a moment, then shake your head free of them.
  531. >For now, you just turn it all to Brave.
  532. "Well, especially knowing that, I think I'd rather not stay here any longer."
  533. >She hesitantly nods, then her ears slowly perk up.
  534. >"I... I hope we can continue where we left off, back at the castle...?"
  535. "Wouldn't have it any other way, Brave."
  536. >She softly smiles, then makes herself comfortable on top of you.
  537. >"See you in the morning then, Anon."
  538. "Night, Brave."
  539. >You close your eyes, and try your hardest to clear your head.
  541. >You feel yourself nudged awake by a hoof.
  542. "Uuugh, what year is it?"
  543. >Opening your eyes, right before you is Vannie, who you notice is currently being crushed.
  544. >The one doing the crushing just shifts a little bit, nuzzling her prey.
  545. >"A-Anon, h-help."
  546. >And as much as it amuses you, knowing the pain of Brave's late night cuddles prompts you to try and save her.
  547. >So you rub her white ears gently, in an attempt to pry her off.
  548. >She leans into your hand, then slowly lets go.
  549. >But just when you think you're safe, she finds your side and latches to it.
  550. >If she were just a bit lower, she'd probably smash your already sore guts into paste.
  551. >Vannie stretches and loosens up a bit, before seeing the predicament you're now in.
  552. >Well, at least you're only having one half crushed.
  553. >The door to the room clicks open, and your nurse slowly peeks her head in.
  554. >When she sees you looking back at her, she takes that as the go-ahead to walk on over to your bed.
  555. >She pulls the curtain back a little bit, then see's the condition you're in.
  556. >Her mouth opens, then slowly closes.
  557. >She settles with a shake of the head and the hoofing over of a menu.
  558. >"Look at this and tell me if anything interests you. I'll be back in a few minutes."
  559. >You give her a nod, and she walks o-OOF!
  560. >Vannie watches you wince and does so a bit herself.
  561. >"You want me to wake her up?-"
  562. "-No, it's fine."
  563. >If she weren't so cute when sleeping, you already would have.
  564. >Not only that, but with everything, you know she needs the rest.
  565. >Even though it's been eight days.
  566. >But hell, you don't know what happened in that time.
  567. >Pushing through the sore pain in your everywhere, you check out the menu you were given.
  568. >It's your basic breakfast items, though all lacking in the meat department.
  569. >Which is very saddening.
  570. >...Very saddening.
  571. >Not only that, but you doubt hospital food would taste anything like a five star restaurant.
  572. >And you KNOW that the food at the castle tastes fine.
  573. >Plus, it kind of has to.
  575. >You set the menu down and just wait for the nurse to come by.
  576. >While doing so, you slowly realize how far away Vannie is from you.
  577. >You mean, she's still on the bed and everything, but not that close.
  578. >Her gaze travels around elsewhere, as if she's lost in thought.
  579. >Not only that, but her ears are also lowered slightly.
  580. "Is something wrong, Vannie?"
  581. >Her ears perk at the sound of her name.
  582. >She blinks herself out of her trance, then turns to you.
  583. >"Hmm?"
  584. "You're spacing out quite a bit. Something on your mind?"
  585. >She quickly shakes her head.
  586. >"Just eager to get out of here, is all. I'm bored of seeing these same four walls."
  587. >You nod, but that's clearly not it.
  588. >So, now having control of your right arm and none on your left, you pick her up and bring her close.
  589. "Are you sure that's it? I'm here to talk to, you know."
  590. >She hesitates for a moment, but nods and smiles.
  591. >And from there, she just lies her head on her fore-hooves.
  592. >The door clicks open again, and in comes the nurse.
  593. >She looks at the girls again, before shaking her head very slightly and turning to you.
  594. >"So, have you decided for anything?"
  595. "-Actually, I'd like to leave now, if that's possible."
  596. >Her eyes widen a bit.
  597. >"Leave? As in, temporarily, or-"
  598. "-I'd like to go back home."
  599. >She pauses, looking over at all your bandages.
  600. >"Are... are you sure about that?"
  601. >You look at the girls, then nod.
  602. "It's within my right to discontinue treatment... right?"
  603. >She nods again.
  604. >Well hey, at least that law stayed after all this time.
  605. >You hand the menu over to her, and she gently takes it.
  606. >"Well, if you're positive about it... I guess I'll go get the paperwork."
  607. >She walks on out of there.
  608. >"Really? You're wanting to leave NOW? Are you sure that's safe?"
  609. >You pause, then shake your head.
  610. "Nope, but I'd rather be cooped up in my castle room than stuck here."
  611. >She bites her lip nervously.
  612. "-Besides, I doubt I'd be able to get kidnapped there, or all places."
  613. >Or stabbed more.
  615. >She seems to calm, but not a lot.
  616. >Her eyes turn towards the ground in thought.
  617. >You bring her closer and rub her ears.
  618. >They flick, and she clearly likes it, but she tries to resist leaning into your hand.
  619. >That becomes apparent in the way her head moves.
  620. >The sound of a door clicking is heard, and you're just glad you don't happen to be doing anything... exciting, this time around.
  621. >Though when she comes around this time, you catch her glancing at Brave every so often, like she's trying NOT to look at her.
  622. >"Here's the paperwork. You can just sign it and be on your way."
  623. >You stop rubbing Vannie's ears and grab the pen and papers.
  624. >You also decide to use her as a rest for your right arm while you read the paper.
  625. >Simple stuff, essentially just saying that once you leave, you're on your own, and if you have any injuries, you're responsible.
  626. >Legal crap like that.
  627. >You sign and hand the things over, while Vannie notices her position as your armored arm rest.
  628. >"Aaand, that should be everything. Your items are in that closet right there, though... you might want to think about replacing them."
  629. >You nod, and she walks over to your right side.
  630. >She practically rips the thing from your right hand, but it doesn't seem to hurt.
  631. >It was this weird tiny stick thing, which you thought was INSIDE your hand.
  632. >Glad to see it wasn't.
  633. >The machine next to you starts beeping wildly again, but the nurse quickly unplugs it.
  634. >Huh, interesting.
  635. >"Do you need help standing up, sir?"
  636. >You quickly shake your head.
  637. "I should be okay, thanks."
  638. >Vannie hesitantly hops off the bed and looks up at you.
  639. >With one free arm, you look over Brave, curled up and still crushing everything.
  640. >You rub her ears a bit.
  641. "Brave, wake up."
  642. >When you say 'wake,' she snaps up and stands on the bed, hoof up in a salute.
  643. >...That's new.
  644. >She quickly scans her surroundings, then relaxes and lies down on you.
  646. "Uh, Brave? We're leaving."
  647. >She opens her eyes again and looks at the two beside the bed.
  648. >"...Oh."
  649. >With a sheepish grin, she gets up and hops off with the others, leaving the bed empty and cold.
  650. >And you can't wait to just hop into another one.
  651. >"Sit on the bed before getting off."
  652. >You nod, but disregard what she says.
  653. >Why would you need to sit before hopping off?
  654. >It's not like your legs are broken or anything.
  655. >You step onto the ground and immediately feel dizzy.
  656. "Oh holy shit."
  657. >You catch yourself, and the nurse covers her eyes with the paperwork.
  658. >You're not sure why.
  659. >You mean, if you were going to fall, wouldn't either helping you or getting out of the way be the proper response?
  660. >Then you feel the breeze.
  661. >Not only behind you from the gown, but also in front.
  662. >You look down.
  663. >This gown isn't even covering anything.
  664. >It's just sitting there right on your waistline.
  665. "-Goddamn it!"
  666. >You grab a pillow and cover yourself.
  667. >Vannie's turned away, face more red than you've ever seen it before.
  668. >Brave keeps glancing around, moving from your face, to the side, to the ground and such.
  669. >But you caught her glimpse at the pillow a few times.
  670. >...Alright, you'll just forget that this happened.
  671. "Could, uh, someone get my clothes?"
  672. >Vannie snaps at attention first and instinctively unfurls a wing.
  673. >She winces, then walks over instead.
  674. >Brave moves over to your side and helps you shuffle against the wall and towards the bathroom.
  675. >The nurse is still in the same spot, papers over her face.
  676. >"D-do you, uh, n-need help putting your clothes on?"
  677. >You can feel your face match the same shade of red on Vannie's.
  678. "N-no, that's alright."
  679. >She nods, looking slightly relieved.
  680. >You hop into the bathroom and shut the door with your leg, then have to catch yourself on the sink.
  681. >Fucking hell you can't wait to just be at the castle again.
  683. >
  684. >And congrats, you're at the castle again!
  685. >It only took a lot falls, loads of embarrassment, and tons of looks from all the ponies.
  686. >But, with walking around in a shirt and slacks that are not only torn, but covered in copious amounts of your own and Griffon's blood, you kind of expected it.
  687. >The guards look at you with wide eyes, but stay silent and watch as you enter.
  688. >In fact, every single one throughout the whole goddamn castle does.
  689. >You're just wearing tattered, blood stained clothes.
  690. >It really that much of an eye-opener?
  691. >...Okay, maybe a little.
  692. >But still.
  693. >You feel like some kind of goddamn endangered animal that-
  694. >-Okay, fuck this shit, you just want to sleep.
  695. >Finally turning the last corner, you see your glorious castle room up ahead.
  696. >Oh man you can't wait to just hop on and sink into those goddamn covers.
  697. >Fucking Griffons, fucking secret underground buildings, and fucking empty ground-zero zones.
  698. >You're done with all that shit, finally.
  699. >The end is near, and it's a goddamn soft ass bed awaiting your return.
  700. >With how much you're anticipating everything, you can't help but feel it's just going to be taken away.
  701. >You'll open the door and bam, look, your room exploded.
  702. >It faded into nothingness, and the Griffons had the last laugh.
  703. >God, just the thought of that pisses you off.
  704. >In these eight days, you hope the whole lot of them got lined up and taken down.
  705. >-Except for that one that almost got you home.
  706. >Though you're sure if she had a knife and enough courage, you'd be dead, but you've gotta feel a bit for what she had been dealt with.
  707. >Plus if she were alive and here, you'd probably have a Griffon maid, which would have been pretty neat.
  708. >But oh well.
  709. >You grab the handle and slowly open it, like you're expecting some scary Japanese girl to be standing inside.
  711. >Seriously, fuck them for making little girls so terrifying.
  712. >The door finally creaks open, and your eyes quickly adjust to the untouched room before you.
  713. >And right in front of you, your glorious bed.
  714. >You can just feel yourself swell up with joy.
  715. "Oh baby, come here!"
  716. >The girls come in and you shut the door with a leg, then run over to your bed.
  717. >Still being goddamn dizzy, it takes more effort than it should, but when you trip, you fall just where you wanted to.
  718. >You rest and get situated under the covers.
  719. >Then you look at yourself.
  720. >...Goddamn it, you really need a shower.
  721. >With a long groan, you painfully roll out of bed and walk towards the shower.
  722. >The girls follow you, both on standby if you manage to fall on your ass.
  723. >Thankfully, the door pieces you remember being everywhere were picked up by your wonderful bat maid here.
  724. >So, you're able to stumble around without the danger of slipping on anything and dying.
  725. >-But seriously, why the hell are you so dizzy?
  726. >When you make it to the shower, you stop and sit on the tub.
  727. "Christ, I feel like a toddler walking for the first time."
  728. >Looking up at the girls, you now realize how much brighter their coats used to be.
  729. >...Oh man, you hope they really didn't go shower-less for eight days.
  730. >You glance over the unused tub in the corner of the bathroom.
  731. >...Well, there's an idea.
  732. >Getting up again, you head on over and sit on the much bigger tub nearby.
  733. "So... you two want to join me? Tub's more than big enough."
  734. >In an instant, they both grow red again.
  735. >They both look at each other, as if telepathically trying to come to an agreement.
  736. >Brave's the first to turn to you.
  737. >"I... s-sure."
  738. >"Are you sure YOU want to? Didn't you tell me that bathing, is, you know... yeah?"
  739. "Yeah, but I can look past that. Better to embrace the new culture than go against it."
  740. >And now thinking about it, you never even told Brave about what showering meant to you.
  741. >But based on where she's looking, you can guess why she had that reaction.
  743. >You lean over and get the water running, then realize this'll take a while.
  744. >Vannie sits on the ground and takes her helmet off.
  745. >You notice that Brave still doesn't have hers.
  746. >Makes you wonder what happened to it.
  747. >You sit again on the edge of the tub and watch the water pouring for a moment.
  748. "...So, you never did tell me what happened. The whole 'sharing' thing."
  749. >Brave kicks her shoes off and sits down.
  750. >"Well... in those eight days we waited, we... we had a lot of talks."
  751. >Vannie nods.
  752. >"I got to know Brave here a lot more than I thought I ever would."
  753. >She takes her own shoes off and starts to shed out of her armor while she talks.
  754. >"We decided to just talk about how we felt, and it was hard to deny that Brave shared the same feelings about you that I did..."
  755. >She pauses for a moment.
  756. >"After knowing that, I just... I didn't want to fight a friend over it- I mean hay, I didn't want to even before, but I figured, if you could share your feelings for us, then we could share ours for you."
  757. >You slowly nod, and can't help but smile at that.
  758. "I... you guys really don't know how happy I am to hear that. I thought you both just came to an agreement for my sake. -Well, technically you still did, but I'm just glad to know it was on good terms. I really only wanted you both to be happy."
  759. >They both make their way over and hug you.
  760. >"We know, Anon."
  761. >For the second time, you feel completely content, just right where you are.
  762. >...You remember that whole existential crisis you had a long while ago.
  763. >You didn't know what you were here for, who you really were, or what you were meant to do.
  764. >But now... you feel you have a purpose.
  765. >You're going to make sure these two have the happiest lives you can give them.
  767. >A bit of warm hugging later, you decide to check out the tub.
  768. >It's not full all the way, but hell, it's close enough.
  769. >The girls look over too, and you see that they share the same excitement that you do.
  770. >Christ, it's been like, ten days in total.
  771. >You're one filthy fuck right now.
  772. "Go ahead and hop in if you want. I'll get in right now."
  773. >Vannie nods, glances at her wing, but hops in anyways.
  774. >"-Ohhh, yeeeaaah. Oh Luna, I've needed this."
  775. >You watch Brave pop out of her own armor, and can't help but find it more lewd than it should be.
  776. >This is the first time you've seen her without her armor, after all.
  777. >She just seems so naked without it...
  778. >It's definitely a sight you could get used to.
  779. >You'd rather have more warm, soft pone beside you than cold, hard armor during the night.
  780. >And damn, her coat really does look soft.
  781. >Fluffy, and very white.
  782. >-Just, you know, not right now.
  783. >But also right now.
  784. >It's pretty white and fluffy.
  785. >Once she looks over, you quickly shake the surprised gaze off your face.
  786. "Y-you look really nice without your a-armor on."
  787. >...Man, you just sounded so retarded saying that.
  788. >"Oh... th-thanks."
  789. >A retarded smile crosses your face.
  790. >You really oughta thank the Princesses for giving you these two, sometime.
  791. >-Shit, you wonder if they even know about your relationship though.
  792. >Maybe they just think they're super dedicated to their job or something.
  793. >...Well whatever, you'll deal with that later.
  794. >Right now, it's cleaning time, with the two fluffiest ducks you've ever had the pleasure of bathing with.
  796. >Brave slowly drops into the bath, dipping her forelegs in and having a hard time moving over.
  797. >You can just see her rump and hind legs on the outside, trying desperately to scale the tall tub.
  798. >And as much as your inner-self wouldn't mind the view, you try not to look and instead hold your hand out for her hind leg to stand on.
  799. >It works, and she quickly gets over like she's climbing a fence, one hind leg at a time.
  800. >She splashes in, and you realize you haven't even taken anything off.
  801. >Including all the bandages wrapped around you.
  802. >...Shit.
  803. >You were aware of them being there, but you didn't think about what might happen if you hopped into hot water with them.
  804. >After biting your lip and thinking, you decide to just see the extent of the damage.
  805. >It's been eight days, it might have all healed enough to be somewhat safe.
  806. >You mean, you're pretty damn sure you have stitches on your stomach that should definitely not be in the water, but you'll take your chances with that.
  807. >Going for your right arm first, you slowly unwrap the bandages around where you remember there being a particularly large scratch.
  808. >But to your surprise, there's nothing there but a small scar.
  809. >Okay, you remember there being a PRETTY BIG cut, right where you're looking.
  810. >Shaking your head, you take off all the bandages on your left.
  811. >Nothing.
  812. >Legs?
  813. >Bigger scars, but fucking nothing.
  814. >What the hell kind of sorcery is this?
  815. >Your arms and legs, in a matter of eight days, have completely healed.
  816. >Seriously, you don't get it.
  817. >Finally, you lift the tattered remains of your shirt and slowly unwrap those bandages.
  818. >Now here, you're absolutely certain there's something.
  819. >There has to be, because you still feel sore as hell there.
  820. >You stand there and unwrap, then finally come down to taking the last few bandages off.
  821. >Once you do, you're just confused further.
  822. >No stitches, no huge gash, just a tiny cut.
  823. >Like, enough to just warrant a band-aid.
  824. >What the hell.
  825. "What the hell."
  828. >"What's wrong, Anon? Why aren't you hopping in, yet?"
  829. >You walk up to the tub and just show them where your cuts should have been.
  830. >They don't say anything.
  831. >In fact, they kind of just look at you like you're retarded.
  832. "How the hell did these cuts heal so fast? I mean, look at this!"
  833. >"...Yeah? That was the stasis spell at work."
  834. >You look around at yourself a little longer.
  835. >But the looks they're giving you tell that you're clearly getting freaked out over something common for ponies.
  836. >You shake your head and figure there's no way to understand it.
  837. >Magic is a whole thing you wouldn't want to waste your life learning about.
  838. >But seriously, if there was a way to combine moder- well, pre-Equestria tech with magic, flying cars and shit could've been made a long time ago.
  839. >And imagine how much better your time there would have been?
  840. >You would've spent less time gaming alone and more time showing these girls the wonders of it.
  841. >You could've been watching scary movies and shit, enjoying the extra comfort when they cuddle against you because they're scared.
  842. >...Damn it.
  843. >Well, regardless of the many missed opportunities, for both mankind and yourself, maybe it's as it should be.
  844. >Can't imagine what some people would do to other ponies.
  845. >...Christ.
  846. >You blink and shake those thoughts away, when you realize you've just been staring at the ground for a solid minute.
  847. >You take your destroyed shirt off and toss it on the ground.
  848. >At this point it looks less like a shirt, and more like some kind of goddamn tribal wear.
  849. >Moving over to the pants, it's hard not to remember how commando you're going right now.
  850. >And though these two already got a sneak peek of Jr, you'd rather not just wave him around like that.
  851. >This whole bathing thing still seems a bit weird to you.
  853. >You slide them trousers off and cover your Anon bits, then slowly make your way in the water while the girls turn away.
  854. >As suspected, they blush furiously, and you can't help but find these cartoon-like physics at work amusing.
  855. >Seriously, it should not be possible to be so red.
  856. >When you blush, you can notice it, sure, but not as bad as these girls here.
  857. >Especially with Brave having a pure white coat, she could be used as a beacon with a face as red as that.
  858. >You submerge yourself and quickly feel a shiver run up your back.
  859. >Then bliss.
  860. >Pure, unadulterated bliss.
  861. "Hoooly shiiit."
  862. >Vannie slowly nods, sharing the same relaxed look you have on your face.
  863. >She looks like she just took a big hit of something, the way she's melting like that.
  864. >Brave dips her head into the water -just like a duck- and quickly comes back out.
  865. >Before she brushes the mane out of her face, she reminds you exactly of the scary Japanese girls you were talking about.
  866. >Just, you know, cuter.
  867. >Her mane spills out everywhere and around the water.
  868. >It's a mystery how she's able to keep that much hair under control with a helmet.
  869. >"-Oooh!"
  870. >You look over, and Vannie's inspecting a bottle.
  871. >It's the complimentary crap that comes with the room, like in a hotel.
  872. >Of course it's all crap you don't use, because all you need is soap and shampoo, not bath salts and conditioner and shit.
  873. >She squeezes and pours a bit of it into the water, then it slips and falls into the tub.
  874. >"Oh hay."
  875. >You all watch it sink to the bottom.
  876. "What exactly was that?"
  877. >Before you can say anything, a shit ton of bubbles start to pour out from the bottle.
  878. >And yes, you do mean a shit ton.
  879. >You quickly dive your hand in and grab it.
  880. >...Bubble soap, of course.
  881. >-But it's still making bubbles.
  882. >OUT of the water.
  883. "Why the hell is it still going?"
  884. >"It's the magical kind of bubble bath. It makes a bunch when it comes in contact with water."
  885. >Brave sighs and slowly shakes her head.
  886. >"I know from experience."
  888. >Streams upon streams of bubbles run from the bottle and down your arm.
  889. >There doesn't seem to be any soap left, just tons of bubbles.
  890. >Well, can't be helped, now.
  891. >You toss it into the tub.
  892. "Guess it's a bubble bath, now."
  893. >"-Anon, do you REALIZE how many bubbles HALF a bottle can make?"
  894. >You shake your head.
  895. "I didn't even know magic bubble soap was a thing."
  896. >Seriously, it's like there isn't a single thing magic doesn't do here.
  897. >First it heals you, then it threatens to drown you in bubbles.
  898. >Brave has like, the most scared look on her face right now.
  899. "Besides, unless the bubbles are acid or something, it won't hurt anyone."
  900. >You pause.
  901. >They AREN'T acidic, are they?
  902. >-No damn it, of course they're not.
  903. >You just held the bottle in your hands.
  904. >But damn, with magic, who knows?
  905. >You could drop a pistol blueprint, and when you look up, there's Maliwan weapons everywhere.
  906. >Though you doubt ponies would be needing that anytime soon.
  907. >-The word need rings in your head, and you slowly realize something.
  908. >The soap and shampoo is still in the shower.
  909. >Damn it.
  910. >And you wouldn't want to send the girls out to get it.
  911. "Ugh, I'll be back."
  912. >Using the bubbles as cover, you hop out, grab your destroyed slacks, and use them as a shield.
  913. >"Where you going?"
  914. "I forgot the cleaning things over here!"
  915. >You walk backwards towards the shower while the girls watch you curiously.
  916. >Not even three seconds in, you fucking slip and fall backwards.
  917. >You catch the back of your head with a hand luckily, but almost immediately, the girls are near the end of the tub, fore-hooves on the edge and ready to hop out.
  918. >"Are you okay?!"
  919. "Yeah, not dead yet. Just in pain."
  920. >At least your front is still covered.
  921. >Sliding around a bit, you finally bring yourself up and walk on over.
  922. >Mission success!
  924. >You throw the soap and shampoo in the pockets, then grab your scrubby thing, too.
  925. >And since you're facing the same direction, walking back is no problem.
  926. >The girls, blocked by the now enormous mountain of bubbles, just stick to the part of the tub they were at.
  927. >You hop in and put everything down.
  928. >With the bubbles and the warmth of the water, this may as well be a jacuzzi.
  929. >"So, Anon... how come you're always covering yourself like that? I mean, you almost got hurt because of it!"
  930. >You and Vannie share a look.
  931. "...Weeell, back on Ear- back then, everybody wore clothes, unless they were showering, doing.... lewd things, or just weird."
  932. >Her head tilts slightly, and she tries to make sense of your explanation.
  933. >Then another tinge of red touches her cheeks, and she nods.
  934. >"Oh."
  935. "Yep. Because of that, you really only shower with your significant other, either because you're hoping to, you know, do things in the shower, or because you've been with them for so long that you're both just comfortable seeing each other without clothes on."
  936. >She slowly nods again.
  937. >"...Anon, that's kind of a lot of bubbles."
  938. >You quit your monologue and turn to your side.
  939. >And Vannie is completely right.
  940. >Instead of spreading out, that mountain of bubbles is kind of just getting bigger.
  941. >Really quickly, you might add.
  942. >And while the fact that there's so many goddamn bubbles would worry anyone else, you're kind of just glad you don't have to clean this place up.
  943. >But really, it's more of the fact that you've never had a proper bubble bath before.
  944. >Like, imagine a bunch of these bottles in a swimming pool?
  945. >Damn, that would be awesome...
  946. >You scoop a chunk of bubbles with your hand and put them on Vannie's muzzle.
  947. >For a second she's stuck still, like she has no idea what you did to her.
  948. >Brave does that giggle again, covering her muzzle with a hoof.
  949. >Goddamn it, you don't know how to explain it really, but just hearing that... it feels really nice.
  950. >It's a weird feeling.
  952. >Brave slowly grabs a bit of the bubbles in her own hoof.
  953. >Though she kind of hesitates, like she's worried someone will get mad at her.
  954. >She glances at you for what looks like approval, after staring at her hoof for a moment.
  955. >You only respond with a small, amused smile.
  956. >She gently places it on her head, then shapes it into a horn.
  957. >When she looks up at herself, you get that giggle of hers again.
  958. >Holy shit man, you know that sharp pain in your heart is no coincidence.
  959. >Vannie leans over and grabs a ton of bubbles, then puts them on your head.
  960. >It looks like you're part of the KKK now.
  961. >You grab a bit and put them on your face, making what you're sure is an excellent bubble beard.
  962. "I dunno, you girls think I should shave after this?"
  963. >They both give you the damn cutest little laughs.
  964. >Giggles you'd expect out of ponies much younger than they are.
  965. >Jesus, you hope they know CPR if you have a heart attack right now.
  966. >While they start to play around more, you take this opportunity to actually start bathing.
  967. >You grab the shampoo first and get a big glob in your hand.
  968. >While Vannie's turned and experimenting in bubble art with Brave, you put it on her head and start to rub around.
  969. >Almost immediately, her ears fold over, and she gently starts to lean into your hand.
  970. >Brave pauses and just looks on like a broke kid looking at a candy store.
  971. >You motion her over, then pull your hand back to pour some in your other hand.
  972. >When you turn back to them, Vannie now has this sad, pleading look on her face.
  973. >It quickly stops when you go back to rubbing.
  974. >The plan was kind of to just work around everything while they enjoyed the bath and everything, but they just completely stopped what they were doing.
  975. >They both lean in, ears flopped over and their eyes closed with a smile.
  976. >Makes you kind of jealous.
  977. >They're enjoying their time and your fingers, and making you curious as to what it actually feels like.
  979. >Sure, you'd think that the fact that they have flat-surfaced hooves also plays a part in it, but still.
  980. >They're acting like this is the best thing ever, and you kind of wish you could just experience it for yourself to find out.
  981. >You run your fingers through their manes, and yeah, there's definitely more to cover with Brave's mane.
  982. >Though Vannie's definitely fluffier.
  983. >It'll take a while to clean that coat of hers, you're sure.
  984. >-And speaking of clean, you notice that those damn bubbles are getting dangerously close to you.
  985. >The tub is pretty damn big as it is, so the fact that it's now got you cornered so quickly is kind of ridiculous.
  986. >It slowly moves closer to you, and you end up paying more attention to the enormous glob of bubbles beside you.
  987. >And soon enough, it all slowly wraps around and completely encases you.
  988. >Fucking hell there's so many bubbles.
  989. >If you didn't know you were at the edge of the tub, you'd never find your way out of this without tripping and falling out of it.
  990. >You pull your hands back and try to give yourself some room here.
  991. >One of the girls gasps.
  992. >"Anon! Where'd you go?"
  993. >Before you open your mouth, you figure you could have a little fun here.
  994. >You've got bubble cover now.
  995. >You sneak and slowly make your way towards the middle of the tub.
  996. >"W-where's Anon?"
  997. >"I can't tell! There's too many stupid bubbles!"
  998. >"A-Anon! Where are you?"
  999. >You have to suppress a shit eating grin while you stand there.
  1000. >Man, you really do feel like a kid again.
  1001. >You dip your head in and take a quick look around the water.
  1002. >It stings like hell, but you can see their hooves over in one spot.
  1003. "Oh god, the bubbles are killing me!"
  1004. >"-Anon!"
  1005. >Another quick peek, and you see her starting to doggie paddle towards you.
  1006. >Sneakily moving away a bit, you decide to go after Vannie first.
  1007. >Man, trying to spook a pony should not be this fun.
  1008. >You mean, you haven't even done anything yet, and you're smiling like a retard.
  1010. >Making sure she's turned away from you, like a sneaky snake, you walk your way over.
  1011. >"Vannie? Anon?"
  1012. >"I'm still here! You see Anon yet?"
  1013. >"No, I can't see anything!"
  1014. >Just on her words alone, you can tell that she's right next to you.
  1015. >But to make sure, you check under the water again.
  1016. >Alright, you're good, let's spook a pone.
  1017. >Moving through the water, you're almost completely silent.
  1018. >The noise Brave's making while moving around is more than enough to silence your own movements.
  1019. >You hold your arms in, and move juuust a bit closer.
  1020. >Once you can see a small silhouette in the bubbles, you decide to attack.
  1021. >You hop towards and grab her.
  1022. >"-EEE!"
  1023. >She freaks out and starts splashing around, but it's too late, you've already gotten her in you grip.
  1024. >After she realizes you're no water demon, she scrunches.
  1025. >"Dear Luna, Anon! Nearly killed me!"
  1026. >"-Vannie? What's happening?"
  1027. >You put a finger on her muzzle, getting a slightly annoyed look in return.
  1028. >Though, you notice her gaze lower a bit, and a blush forms on her face.
  1029. >Before your mouth runs off, you look at yourself.
  1030. >Not only are you, well, in the tub as you are, but you've got Vannie close against you.
  1031. >...Yeah, you can kind of see it, now.
  1032. >She looks off to the sides, as if expecting to see a whole crowd staring at you both.
  1033. >Not only that, but the expression on her face is just nervous.
  1034. >So, instead of keeping it that way, you give her a small kiss on her forehead.
  1035. >-Oh god, you can taste the damn shampoo.
  1036. >It's too terrible for word-
  1037. "-MMF!"
  1038. >Your mind quickly starts up and processes what's happening.
  1039. >Vannie just caught you in a kiss.
  1040. >She pushes you against the edge of the tub, ears folded over and eyes shut, like she's scared to open them.
  1041. >You can practically feel the heat radiating from her cheeks.
  1042. >But as quickly as it happens, it stops, and she pulls away, shaking slightly like she's made a terrible mistake.
  1043. >-Oh hell, you need to keep Jr. in line here.
  1045. >Before attending to her, you try to spit out the damn soap in your mouth.
  1046. "Christ..."
  1047. >"I-I'm sorry Anon, I don't know what I was thinking, I-I was just..."
  1048. >You look at her, covering her face with her hooves and shaking even more.
  1049. >Then you realize what this must look like to her.
  1050. "-Oh, no! No no, I wasn't spitting because of you! I got some of that shampoo in my mouth."
  1051. >You hold her close and rub her back.
  1052. "You didn't do anything wrong."
  1053. >But she doesn't stop shaking.
  1054. >And, now looking at it, it's weird how much a little intimacy changes these two.
  1055. >You mean, one moment Vannie's punching catbirds left and right, and the next she's shaking like a leaf in your arms.
  1056. >Maybe they're scared of it themselves, or they really are just scared to displease you.
  1057. >But odds are that it's the former, 'cause you're no demanding person, you'd like to think.
  1058. >Nonetheless, you know just how to defuse this situation.
  1059. >You dip a little lower to her height and bring her in for her own kiss.
  1060. >The whole sh-bang, too, a little sideways so your nose isn't smashing into her muzzle, eyes closed and everything.
  1061. >She tenses up, then, just as her co-worker counterpart, she slowly relaxes, like putty in your hands.
  1062. >Honestly, you've always hated seeing people eating each other's faces like this in public, one because it's in fucking public, get a damn room, and two, because they'd always get into it.
  1063. >Like, you could hear all these disgusting noises that just reminded you of some retard sucking his fingers clean of apple sauce.
  1064. >But, now that you're here...
  1065. >You know how much you missed out.
  1066. >Plus, you're both completely silent, so it just proves that everyone else you've seen doing this are savages.
  1067. >Though, maybe it has something to do with the fact that you're with a pony-
  1068. >You're thinking to hard about this.
  1069. >But you also can't stop yourself.
  1070. >Your mind's just running a mile a minute.
  1071. >There's no tongue or anything, but what you're feeling is almost indescribable.
  1073. >As with Brave, the racing of her heart against your own is the most noticeable feeling.
  1074. >The warm fuzziness of her body pressed against yours, on top of the heat already in the tub.
  1075. >You continue to rub her back, but stop yourself from going any lower.
  1076. >This goes on for about a few minutes, until you both part.
  1077. >Vannie just stares at you, eyes wide, blush on her face and ears standing as straight as can be.
  1078. >"I...I..."
  1079. >...You think you might have broken her.
  1080. >She stares past you, that same expression just sitting on her face.
  1081. >You pause when the sound of water moving around makes itself known.
  1082. >Brave's on the way.
  1083. >You rub her ears, then jump back into the cover of bubbles.
  1084. >"Vannie?"
  1085. >There's some silence.
  1086. >"...Vannie? What's gotten into you? Wh-what happened?"
  1087. >You can hear Brave breathing a bit heavily.
  1088. >"Oh jeez, what the hay is going on?!"
  1089. >That retarded smile comes back when you realize that this all just adds to the act.
  1090. >Slowly making your way through the bubbles, you quietly circle around the girls, until you know you're right behind Brave.
  1091. >Mission is a go.
  1092. >You slowly in the same way you did earlier, though keeping Jr down is part of your responsibilities this time.
  1093. >Finally, you spot more silhouettes, then pop out.
  1094. >-But all in an instant, everything changes.
  1095. >The second you pop out, a hoof makes its way around and smashes right into your face.
  1096. "-FUCK!"
  1097. >You instinctively hold your face, until you realize that you just got decked by Brave.
  1098. >"-ANON! OOOH, I'M SO SORRY!"
  1099. >She broke your nose.
  1100. "W-what does my face look like?!"
  1101. >You move the hands from your face, and Brave winces.
  1102. >Vannie finally blinks and scans her surroundings.
  1103. >All she's met with is you holding your blood fountain of a nose, while Brave rests her hooves all over you, apologizing profusely.
  1104. >Out of all the outcomes you thought of here, you didn't think this would be one of them.
  1106. >"Wait, Anon, wait! I can fix it!"
  1107. >Brave holds you still and moves your hands away from your nose.
  1108. >Before you can ask what the hell she's doing, she puts her hooves on it and-
  1109. "GAH!"
  1110. >"-No, wait! I didn't put it back right! Let me try again!"
  1111. "-AAAH!"
  1112. >"There, I did it!"
  1113. >Your hands and face are just covered in blood.
  1114. >You got stabbed TWICE, and there wasn't even this much blood.
  1115. >...Though you're sure that's because it was all inside of you.
  1116. >But STILL.
  1117. >Brave keeps putting her hooves all around you.
  1118. >"I'm sorry Anon! You're okay though, right?"
  1119. >You meekly nod.
  1120. >Note to self, never try to sneak up on Brave.
  1121. >Ever.
  1122. >You dip your face into the water and watch it all turn into a dark red.
  1123. >At least it's a big tub.
  1124. >Vannie finally makes her way over, instead of looking on like some amused bystander.
  1125. >"Are you alright, Anon?"
  1126. >You nod again, then get rid of some more blood.
  1127. "My fault anyways. I didn't expect this one to have black man reflexes."
  1128. >"S-sorry..."
  1129. >You wave a hand and make it back to where you remember putting the cleaning things.
  1130. >Well, might as well finish up, now that you're even more unclean right now.
  1131. >The girls kind of just stand there in the water, until they see the shampoo bottle in your hand.
  1132. >They quickly make their way towards you, like you're going to take them out for a walk.
  1133. "My face doesn't look that bad anymore, does it?"
  1134. >It sure hurts pretty bad.
  1135. >The girls kind of stare at you for a moment.
  1136. >Brave moves up against your side.
  1137. >"You're still handsome Anon, don't you worry about it."
  1138. >-Well, now you're even MORE worried.
  1139. >But you try your hardest to push back images of what you look like.
  1140. >Instead, you just get more shampoo, and go back to idly lathering up the girls' manes.
  1141. >With this much mane to deal with, you know the last time didn't do much.
  1142. >...You probably look like a Jew, now.
  1144. >
  1145. >The bleeding seems to have stopped, finally.
  1146. >Not that these two seem to remember what happened a few minutes ago.
  1147. >They're too busy nuzzling and enjoying your fingers.
  1148. >Every time they lean into your hand you swear there's a pain in your heart.
  1149. >You never thought it was possible like this.
  1150. >They're both sitting on your sides, looking like they're your exotic pets bought with drug money.
  1151. >You comb their manes with your fingers, trying to make quick work of Brave's mane and getting rid of tangles.
  1152. >Seriously, the more time you spend with her, you swear she's probably some Greek goddess turned pony or something.
  1153. >The bright white coat, sensual voice, bright green eyes, the long mane...
  1154. >It's all coming together now.
  1155. >Soon though, their manes are nice and squeaky clean, and you put some conditioner down on that.
  1156. >Gotta keep your girls at their softest, you know.
  1157. >From their manes to their coats!
  1158. >In fact, now thinking about the opportunities- being able to cuddle a lot, not having cold ass armor against you...
  1159. >Man, you're just excited about this!
  1160. >A whole new world of opportunities here!
  1161. >You must say, even dealing with those catbirds was worth it to be here.
  1162. >For it to all be over.
  1163. >Nothing to deal with but yourself and your mares.
  1164. >Feels good man.
  1165. >You put a bunch of conditioner in their manes, because it's not like you use this stuff normally anyways.
  1166. >Plus however you got here, it slowed how fast your hair grows.
  1167. >In this whole time, you've only grown enough facial hair to match a thirteen year old.
  1168. >You've kept it short, so short it's been for years.
  1169. >...Thinking that out loud makes you feel you need to see a doctor.
  1170. >-But let's not focus on that.
  1171. >Vannie's resting her head on your side, cooing while you rub her mane.
  1172. >Brave's leaning onto your hand, eyes closed with a smile.
  1173. >Let's focus on these two.
  1175. >
  1176. >And now, with all the old water gone, you flip the switch on again.
  1177. >With all the water gone in the tub, the bubbles disappeared.
  1178. >You were able to see the carnage, everything it did to the outside.
  1179. >In huge mounds, there's bubbles all outside of the water.
  1180. >More than there was in the tub, that's for damn sure.
  1181. >And that's really saying something.
  1182. >Well, moving some bubbles over to cover yourself, you sit and lean against the end of the tub.
  1183. >You feel your nose again, surprised you don't feel any other broken things.
  1184. >Brave definitely knocked it into another shape, but other than that, it seems fine.
  1185. >SEEMS fine.
  1186. >But even then, you'd rather not go back to that goddamn hospital.
  1187. >Not unless you REALLY need to.
  1188. >"...How are you doing?"
  1189. >Vannie sits over by your side, and Brave looks at you worriedly.
  1190. "Well, it doesn't feel like I've been stabbed twice, so I'd say I'm okay."
  1191. >She winces, and you can feel Vannie stiffen up on your side.
  1192. >Guess the Griffon thing's still a touchy subject, then.
  1193. >Makes you wonder if they'll join you in going back there.
  1194. >-Also makes you wonder how they actually felt about all of it.
  1195. >Like, if there was someone to be traumatized, you figured it would be you, because you're technically the one who got the shit end of everything.
  1196. >...Though, these ARE fluffy ponies.
  1197. >Probably weighs a lot on their minds.
  1198. >While that thought stays with you, you idly rub their ears.
  1199. >They love these ear rubs, man.
  1200. >It might as well be crack to them, the way they purr.
  1201. >Brave is calmed to a certain degree, taking her spot on your left and just enjoying your touch.
  1202. >Meanwhile, that water takes its sweet ass time to fill this tub up.
  1203. >It's barely got a few inches after all this time.
  1204. >Brave hums lightly under your fingers, leaning to the point of falling if she dares to lean any more.
  1205. >You've got magic fingers, you guess.
  1207. >While you pet them, you notice that the damn tub is finally filling up again.
  1208. >See, this is why you never use this tub.
  1209. >That, and the thought of soaking around in what you just finished cleaning off really gets to you.
  1210. >But that's a story for another time.
  1211. >With the water where it is, you figure it's a good a time to start busting out the soap.
  1212. >And so you do so, after making sure that your own hair isn't left uncleaned.
  1213. >...Christ, this is gonna take a while.
  1214. >You figure that helping Brave first would be better, because well, it'll be a hell of a lot quicker.
  1215. >So you put a good glob on your scrubby thing, then get her to stand up.
  1216. >From there, her side gets the cleaning first.
  1217. >Almost immediately, you see how much brighter her coat gets.
  1218. >You leave this little circle of cleanliness on her, which kind of makes you wince.
  1219. >Christ, she's a dirty mare.
  1220. >Vannie just relaxes and plays with the bit of bubbles left while you work.
  1221. >And surprisingly, it doesn't seem to be taking long.
  1222. >Since you've got a clear indicator of whether you're cleaning good or not, it goes quickly.
  1223. >It goes from helping your mare-friend out to practically washing a car.
  1224. >You go around in circles, move quickly, and make sure to get everything.
  1225. >Though you have to admit, cleaning her flanks was definitely a treat.
  1226. >Without her armor on, you now can't help but notice...
  1227. >Just, man, those are some pretty wide hips.
  1228. >That armor of hers must either have been custom made, or it's painful to wear, because not every pony you've seen has flanks like that.
  1229. >-Not that you actively scope things like that out, but still.
  1230. >And on that topic, Vannie here looks about the same.
  1231. >Maybe just a bit... fuller, but you're sure that it's just all the fluff she has.
  1232. >Overall, it's just... man.
  1233. >You had to stop some thoughts, but either way the water's covering you.
  1234. >Thankfully.
  1235. >So, you finish off with that bit of fuzziness on Brave's chest, then look around her like a statue you just finished polishing.
  1237. >Once you're content with the cleanliness of your poner, you give a small nod and smile.
  1238. "Fresh out of the car wash."
  1239. >"...What?"
  1240. "Nothing."
  1241. >With that done, you get another glob and lather up the scrubby thing again.
  1242. >Sure, you're not COMPLETELY done with Brave, but baby steps here, you're not comfortable trying to clean the exhaust just yet.
  1243. >-Well, she's clearly not comfortable, the way she fidgeted around when getting to the lower parts.
  1244. >And if she ain't comfortable, you're not comfortable.
  1245. >You turn over to the pony-made-shark, where Vannie's in the water, only her face, tail, and ears popping out of the surface.
  1246. >...Or maybe she's more of a submarine.
  1247. >Those ears look like they'd make for a pretty nifty radar.
  1248. >You shake those thoughts away, and boop her muzzle.
  1249. "C'mon nigga, come getcho cleanin'."
  1250. >That gets a cute little giggle out of her.
  1251. >Despite, you know, no black people around here.
  1252. >Though, from what you've heard about zebras, that's pretty much the equivalent.
  1253. >Just imagine a world where slaves were never brought over, so they stayed in their respective continents.
  1254. >There you go, zebras and ponies.
  1255. >Vannie hops up, sitting super still like a dog that doesn't mind bath-time.
  1256. >You decide to clean first what you ended with on Brave, being that chest fluff.
  1257. "Dayum gurl, why you gotta be so fluffy?"
  1258. >She giggles again.
  1259. >Note to self, Vannie loves your black man voice.
  1260. >Good to know, as you've been needing practice anyways.
  1261. >Rubbing and brushing the shit outta that fluff, you were right about this taking longer though.
  1262. >It's apparent again here that she needs some cleaning, but it's harder to see any difference in her coat color.
  1263. >Soon enough though, it seems all squeaky clean, prompting you to hold her hooves.
  1264. >It's difficult finding a balance between, 'actually does shit,' and 'supa gentle,' but you seem to make it work, if slowly.
  1265. >Both hooves sparkly, you move to her side.
  1266. >You'll get the wings later.
  1268. >She keeps her eyes closed with a smile, purring lightly while you brush her.
  1269. >-No seriously, she's purring.
  1270. >At this point, you're sure that every pony is just a mix of everything cute.
  1271. >Hell, maybe that's why peace has been a thing for so long here.
  1272. >Catbirds don't get the same love, so they kidnap your ass for advice on how to be cuter.
  1273. >...Man, that would've been easier better to deal with than spears and crossbows.
  1274. >Underground bunkers and goddamn mummified corpses.
  1275. >...Christ, that situation was such a fucking mess.
  1276. >And looking at it, you guess this washing is kind of symbolic.
  1277. >You're scrubbing the whole incident away, opening doors for fresh, girly scented beginnings.
  1278. >-Even though you're planning on going back to that place.
  1279. >...It's taken a lot of self reminding.
  1280. >As much as you'd enjoy just spending your time here with the girls, this is still all a big deal to you.
  1281. >You mean hell, it could literally mean the entire human race.
  1282. >...That's KIND of a big deal.
  1283. >Though, here you are, wondering whether your whole species, or cuddly times with the girls is more important.
  1284. >You finish scrubbing down her side, then move over to her flank.
  1285. >She scrunches a bit, but stays still.
  1286. >Then you notice something.
  1287. >A BIG something.
  1288. >You slowly push the fluff around her flank.
  1289. >But the more you do, the more you're certain of what you're seeing.
  1290. >Or really, more of what you're NOT seeing.
  1291. >"W-what are you doing?"
  1292. >She looks over and just freezes when she sees where you're looking.
  1293. >Since it's well, her flank, you expected a little blush or a glare or something.
  1294. >Instead, she just looks scared.
  1295. "Vannie, you don't have a..."
  1296. >...Ah, fuck, what were they called?
  1297. >You just know them as tramp stamps and ass tattoos.
  1298. >There's another name for them, though.
  1299. >"A...a Cutie Mark..."
  1300. >You slowly nod.
  1301. >That's what it was.
  1302. >She just hangs her head low and sits in the water, ears flopped over.
  1304. >All you need to see is the floppy ears, then you know you're needed.
  1305. >Though, you're not really seeing the big deal, here.
  1306. >From what you've heard, these tramp stamps really only remind you of your special talent.
  1307. >...Oh.
  1308. >Well, okay, maybe not having a special talent is kind of bad.
  1309. >At least in a place where everyone already does.
  1310. >-In FACT, it's comparable to oh, you don't know, maybe being the last surviving member of an entire species, mingling among citizens half your height?
  1311. >Something like that.
  1312. >You kneel and hold her chin up.
  1313. >Her eyes are already swimming and ready to start the waterworks.
  1314. "Hey, it's alright Vannie. It's just a mark."
  1315. >"-Yeah, who cares if you don't have one?"
  1316. >You both look over.
  1317. >Brave sheepishly moves her tail over her flank, then sits beside you.
  1318. >Vannie sighs.
  1319. >"I'm sorry, you two. I didn't mean to ruin your moods like this..."
  1320. >You open your mouth, but Brave practically pushes you out of the way.
  1321. >"Hey, don't talk like that. Besides, Cutie Mark or not, you're still the Vannie that we both know and love, aren't you?"
  1322. >She stays silent, gaze traveling around the water.
  1323. >Brave bites her lip, then lets out a sigh of her own.
  1324. >"You know, Vannie..."
  1325. >She pauses, then steels herself.
  1326. >"...I've always been jealous of you."
  1327. >Those fluffy ears perk up.
  1328. >"Before the whole incident... I wanted Anon, but I knew that compared to you, I'd never stand a chance."
  1329. >Her own eyes trail towards the water.
  1330. >"I mean, you have the looks, the charm, and hay- you're way braver than I'll ever be, even with the word in my name..."
  1331. >She trails off with that last bit.
  1332. >There's a long bit of silence.
  1333. >But before you're able to intervene, Vannie slowly moves up to her.
  1334. >She puts a hoof on her side.
  1335. >"I thought you were trying to cheer me up? You only described yourself."
  1336. >She stays confused for a second, before the words register.
  1337. >A small smile crosses her face, then she pulls Vannie into a hug with a sigh.
  1338. >"You only proved my point."
  1340. >Holy hell.
  1341. >The cuteness, it hurts.
  1342. >Brave sniffles a bit.
  1343. >"You... you really are my greatest friend, you know. Believe me when I say that a stupid mark on your flank won't change any of that."
  1344. >"R-really? Do... do you actually mean it?"
  1345. >"-Of course I do."
  1346. >You watch as Vannie's frown slowly flips around into disbelief, then a small, genuine smile.
  1347. >She shuts her eyes and her eyes flop over, just as her cheeks start to grow wet with tears.
  1348. >"I... you don't know how much it means to hear you s-say that..."
  1349. >Brave gently rubs her back while she cries.
  1350. >...And you kind of just stand there.
  1351. >Sure, the thought of it may sound weird, but you're nothing but happy and proud here.
  1352. >Like having your two different puppies finally play nice with each other.
  1353. >The fact that you didn't have to intervene or anything, it just feels nice.
  1354. >When you first heard about the sharing thing, you'll admit you had your doubts.
  1355. >'Cause again, it sounded like it was more of an agreement for your sake.
  1356. >Like they find no enjoyment or anything out of it, and you have all the gain.
  1357. >And even after they told you otherwise, you STILL had your doubts, naturally.
  1358. >But this, what you're seeing right here...
  1359. >You mean, unless these two are amazing impromptu actors, you've been once again proved wrong.
  1360. >And really, this is all you've hoped for.
  1361. >Their happiness comes before yours, after all.
  1362. >Nothing fluffy and cute deserves to be sad, ever.
  1363. >-Unless it's like, 'oh it's so ugly that it's cute' cute.
  1364. >You'd have to determine that yourself.
  1365. >-But you digress.
  1366. >While they bond with each other, you realize that this is the perfect time for yourself.
  1367. >So you get that scrubby thing, get that soap, and get to scrubbin.
  1368. >First your arms!
  1369. >Gotta give lefty some love first, then ya boy jack hammer.
  1370. >You call him that, because whenever you ja-
  1371. >-Damn it, and they just stopped hugging.
  1372. >Man, you need to buy some more scrubbies.
  1374. >They both give each other some reassuring smiles, and man, it just makes you glad that you're in the future of pony times.
  1375. >Just think about how bad it would be having two girlfriends during your time.
  1376. >-You mean, it would have been much, MUCH more complicated, you're sure.
  1377. >And on top of that, either you would get destroyed, or they would destroy each other.
  1378. >Or even both.
  1379. >There just wouldn't be any happy ending if you did the same thing in that situation.
  1380. >But you're glad that's not the case, here.
  1381. >You move up a bit and bring them both into a hug, which they quickly accept.
  1382. "You guys don't realize how happy seeing you two like this makes me. You both really are the best mares a guy could ask for."
  1383. >Vannie relaxes on your side, and Brave looks up at you with a small smile.
  1384. >"Oh, stop it. You're just saying that."
  1385. "...Well, maybe, because you two are the first I've actually been in a relationship with, but I don't think I've been this happy since... well, yesterday."
  1386. >Her smile widens, and you look over at Vannie.
  1387. "And I agree with Brave's words completely, you know. Not having a mark on your flank doesn't change anything."
  1388. >And now, the smirk on her face grows, leaving you with a happy, cuddly mare on each side.
  1389. >Though one here still needs a scrubbin'.
  1390. >You part with the two, then get some more soap going.
  1391. "Now then, let's finish this up, so we can continue on the bed."
  1392. >The idea of a soft, warm cuddle pile under the covers sounds too damn good to pass up.
  1393. >And this water's already losing it's warmth.
  1394. >At least there's no swarm of bubbles around you, though.
  1395. >-Not in the tub, at least.
  1396. >Everything else is all on the outside.
  1397. >It's pretty ridiculous.
  1398. >Brave just sticks by your side while you continue where you left off, on Vannie's flanks.
  1399. >She scrunches again while you do your thing quickly, then move to her other side.
  1401. >You start with her flanks on the other side too, just because it really seems to be the thickest part of her.
  1402. >-Fluff-wise, of course.
  1403. >Though, you definitely will agree that minus her coat, that's still the case.
  1404. >Having her so close to you it's... really hard not to notice.
  1405. >Though you try to withhold your enthusiasm, for everyone's sake.
  1406. >You mean, the idea that horse women is pretty much all you'll get, set in a long time ago.
  1407. >And with that time, it kind of went from reluctant acceptance to... kind of a curiosity, you guess you could say.
  1408. >Then, an appreciation of sorts.
  1409. >But having these two here, completely comfortable with having their flanks washed by you- it's pretty surreal.
  1410. >It kind of just makes you nervous that you'll mess up and ruin everything, somehow.
  1411. >It's probably the same kind of crap that guy in Avatar felt, right before he did that blue alien chick.
  1412. >...You wonder what your family would think of your though, seeing you here like this.
  1413. >Probably not tons of great things.
  1414. >-If they read your thoughts, at least.
  1415. >Your actions could probably be seen as good.
  1416. >-Vannie shivers slightly, bringing your focus back to the task at hand.
  1417. >And once you stop cleaning, you easily notice how much brighter her flank is because of it.
  1418. >...MUCH brighter.
  1419. >Eight days, man.
  1420. >Just makes you more eager to get cleaned up yourself.
  1421. >Moving from her flank, you move to her side, slowly washing around her still bandaged wing.
  1422. >Makes you wonder if she did that stasis thing, or whatever they said they did to you.
  1423. >Though all it seems to do is speed the process of healing, somehow.
  1424. >At least, from what you see on yourself.
  1425. >But with that logic, if her wing was broken, it probably still wouldn't heal in just eight days.
  1426. >-But hell, in a world with magic and shit, you're not sure how much logic actually applies here anyways.
  1427. >You've got a better chance at understanding cuneiform than you do magic.
  1428. >And that's not mentioning Equestria's weird-ass written language.
  1430. >Seriously, the writing here is weird.
  1431. >You can pick out some letters in it, but other than that, it's like some kind of hybrid between English and Russian.
  1432. >Makes you wonder how it evolved into that, despite the spoken language staying the same.
  1433. >Though, just a bit horse-ier.
  1434. >Vannie winces slightly when you touch her wing.
  1435. "-Shit, sorry!"
  1436. >"No, it's okay. It's just sore."
  1437. >You nod, then focus a bit more on gently washing her.
  1438. "How did you mess it up, anyways? What happened?"
  1439. >She softly waves a hoof.
  1440. >"It was just a small accident..."
  1441. >"She pushed herself too hard, trying to get help for us."
  1442. >Vannie sheepishly smiles.
  1443. "So, you pulled some wing muscles or something?"
  1444. >-Do wings even have muscles?
  1445. >...You feel pretty retarded for not knowing the answer to that.
  1446. >"It broke because she was going too fast."
  1447. >You wince.
  1448. "Christ, that sounds terrible."
  1449. >At least, the idea of running until your legs break sounds goddamn horrible.
  1450. >And who knows, with wings, it might even feel worse than that.
  1451. >"Ah, it was no big deal, really."
  1452. >"But it WAS. If it weren't for what you did, we wouldn't even be here right now."
  1453. >That thought slowly sinks in.
  1454. >...Man, that's true.
  1455. >You almost DIED.
  1456. >Sure, you were aware of that AS you were, but not the weight of that.
  1457. >The last human on Earth, dead.
  1458. >Died living a mere quarter century.
  1459. >...But these two saved you.
  1460. >They saved your damn life.
  1461. "You saved my life..."
  1462. >A lump slowly forms in your throat.
  1463. >You look up at the two, and you can already see your vision blurring.
  1464. "Y-you both... saved me..."
  1465. >Without thinking, you drop the scrubby and reel them both in for a hug.
  1466. >It's not forceful, but sudden.
  1467. >But they surprise you in the best possible way, and hug you right back.
  1469. >While you sit there hugging both of them, you realize how much of an emotional bath this has been.
  1470. >Which sounds kind of weird.
  1471. >You bring your hands out of the water, and big surprise, you have elongated raisins for fingers.
  1472. >Taking a deep breath, you try to wipe your face clean.
  1473. >-Really, you kind of just replace the tears in your eyes with water.
  1474. >And it burns, because you also happened to use the hand that's been holding soap this whole time.
  1475. >You can practically feel your eyes dissolving, but you try to keep your cool.
  1476. >The room is soundproof, but you don't think the girls would exactly like it if you just started screaming.
  1477. >Instead, you kind of just sit there, eyes already tearing up again to fix what you just did.
  1478. >It doesn't help.
  1479. >But the only thing the two see is red eyes and tears, so they move in and hug you again.
  1480. >"It's okay, Anon. You're with us, now."
  1481. >They're holding your sides, complete with your arms stuck underneath them.
  1482. >So you're practically immobile.
  1483. >You keep blinking, but your eyes don't stop sizzling like a damn skillet.
  1484. "G-guys."
  1485. >Brave stops snuggling and looks up first.
  1486. >"Hmmm?"
  1487. "I'm not crying."
  1488. >She smiles.
  1489. >"You don't need to pretend for us. You can if you want."
  1490. >Oh god, she just thinks you're trying to be tough.
  1491. "No, I mean I'm not crying. My eyes are on fire."
  1492. >Vannie slowly moves and looks up at them.
  1493. >"-Whoa jeez, they're really red!"
  1494. >She moves away first, then Brave follows.
  1495. >You instantly throw your face into the water.
  1496. >Your nose starts hurting shortly after.
  1498. >Rubbing your eyes under the water doesn't seem to help much, and they fucking STING.
  1499. >But after a few good minutes of doing this, the pain falters slightly.
  1500. >Slightly.
  1501. >You come up, blinking wildly.
  1502. "Does it still look bad?"
  1503. >You turn to Brave, who recoils immediately, like you're some kind of goddamn sea monster.
  1504. >...You'll take that as a no.
  1505. >Well, the small bit of pain you're not feeling allows you to ignore it somewhat, so you quickly grab the scrubby again while continuing your rapid blinking exercises.
  1506. >With no warning, you glob some more soap and start washing Vannie again.
  1507. >She jumps a bit, then relaxes and lets you do your thing.
  1508. >You gently clean around her wing, then speedrun everything else.
  1509. >It's super effective.
  1510. >Though it's just a bit faster this time around, probably because of the searing pain in your eyes.
  1511. >"Uh, Anon... that does look really bad. I think you should see a doctor or something."
  1512. "Hell no. I'm getting clean, getting dressed, and passing out in my bed. No broken nose or acidic soap is going to stop me."
  1513. >She bites her lip and nods.
  1514. >With your luck so far, you wouldn't be surprised if you slipped on the damn bathroom floor the second you got out.
  1515. >-You speed-clean her hooves and everything, so all that's left is her wings and the danger zone.
  1516. >And though, now thinking about it, you're kind of wondering whether you should help them out with that.
  1517. >You mean, it's still part of them.
  1518. >Still needs cleaning, ya know.
  1519. >But you're just now realizing that you've got nothing around here that they could do it themselves with.
  1520. >Vannie spreads her good wing out, and you hold it while lightly scrubbing.
  1521. >It's surprisingly not as leathery-feeling as you thought it would be.
  1522. >It's just soft.
  1523. >Like, the bony parts are solid, but skin-or whatever- around it is squishy.
  1524. >The actual skin part feels, well, like skin.
  1525. >But skin from someone who uses lots and lots of lotion.
  1526. >It's all just super soft.
  1527. >Like silk or something.
  1529. >In a short time you finish her good wing, and kind of just stare at her broken one.
  1530. >She quickly notices.
  1531. >"Oh don't worry about that one, it was already cleaned by the hospital ponies."
  1532. >Okay, good.
  1533. >Just lightly touching her wing earlier seemed like it hurt, you wouldn't want to be stuck cleaning it and make it a hundred times worse.
  1534. >But if that's the case, then there's only one spot left.
  1535. >You slowly nod.
  1536. "Sooo then..."
  1537. >With those mind reading powers you've seen plenty of, she sees how uncomfortable you look and quickly puts the pieces together.
  1538. >And naturally, a tint of red comes right along with it.
  1539. >"...What?"
  1540. >Brave peeks her head into your view, keen on understanding the situation you and Vannie brought up telepathically.
  1541. >You rub the back of your head.
  1542. "Weeell, I've finished helping you guys wash everything. ALMOST everything."
  1543. >She doesn't seem to get it.
  1544. "The danger zone."
  1545. >...Nothing.
  1546. >My god, this pony.
  1547. "Your, you know, the backside."
  1548. >You kind of motion around with your hand.
  1549. >And finally, she understands.
  1550. >"O-oh."
  1551. >You nod.
  1552. "I mean, if you both aren't okay with it, then that's fine, I won't push it further or anything."
  1553. >And with the scrubby thing you got, you're not sure if them just doing it themselves is an option.
  1554. >Without being a unicorn, you'd imagine that putting this in your mouth would be pretty damn terrible.
  1555. >You did see some bathing things that were for Earth ponies and Pegasi, but obviously at that time you weren't expecting to have this kind of company.
  1556. >...Or even be back in your castle room, for that matter.
  1558. >-Speaking of, now you're curious as to when you're going to get the hell out of here.
  1559. >Though, Celestia and Luna aren't as involved with you as they were last time, so you're wondering if you even should.
  1560. >Sure, that's your house in Ponyville, but living in the castle is pretty great, for obvious reasons.
  1561. >You only left like a rebellious teenager the last time, because the Princesses were practically treating you like one.
  1562. >Man, those were some weird times.
  1563. >"Just... j-just be gentle, alright?"
  1564. >-Huh, what?
  1565. >-Wait, WHAT.
  1566. >You blink a few bit of times, which you notice actually helps the pain in your damn eyes this time around.
  1567. >That, or there's nothing left to burn, and you're slowly going blind.
  1568. "-Oh, uh, okay. Y-yeah."
  1569. >Vannie slowly turns around, backside facing you.
  1570. >Though her tail's in the way, so it's not quite a rated X film yet.
  1571. >Brave moves beside her and does the same.
  1572. >You're not sure why she's already doing so now, but you're not complaining.
  1573. "If uh, if you guys feel uncomfortable at all or anything, just tell me, alright?"
  1574. >They both lightly nod.
  1575. >...And for some reason, this view is oddly familiar to you.
  1576. >Maybe something from a dream you've had.
  1577. >But instead, you know, it's REAL.
  1578. >-Okay, okay, nothing to fuss over.
  1579. >It's just cleaning, no biggie.
  1580. >...N-no biggie.
  1581. >You put another glob of soap on your scrubby.
  1582. "Alright Vannie, just let me know..."
  1583. >She nods again.
  1584. >You lightly push her tail away with your fingers and start washing before getting a peek.
  1585. >You scrub slowly and gently, because you know she's obviously more sensitive in that spot.
  1586. >Going around in circles, you kind of look away as you do.
  1587. >It's more for them, really.
  1588. >When they're comfortable with it, you can be, too.
  1589. >Thirty seconds are counted down, then you figure that it's good enough of a clean.
  1591. >Up next is Brave, then you gotta shampoo those tails.
  1592. >You move the scrubby away, and notice that she keeps looking back nervously.
  1593. >She seems just as nervous as Vannie here.
  1594. "You ready? I'll try to make it quick."
  1595. >She bites her lip, then slowly nods and faces forward.
  1596. >...Whelp, here goes nothi- WHOA JEEZ.
  1597. >That flick just gave you a full view of everything.
  1598. >Not what you were trying to see, but your mind took a shit ton of pictures in that split second.
  1599. >Fluffy AND puffy...
  1600. >-Calm down Jr, don't make a scene here.
  1601. >You try to shake your head clear, then slowly inch a hand over and start the scrubbing.
  1602. >She lets out a very tiny gasp when you do so.
  1603. >Turning away, you count another thirty seconds, then you're done.
  1604. >-With just the first half.
  1605. "Alrighty, now I'll start on your tails. Sound good?"
  1606. >You can't see their faces, but you can still spot those red cheeks on Brave's face.
  1607. >They nod.
  1608. "Alright, like I said, tell me if you feel uncomfortable."
  1609. >You place the scrubby on the edge of the tub, then get two heaps of soap on your hands.
  1610. >After a quick breath, you start to lather them up, before you feel a bit of their tails that, well, isn't their tails.
  1611. >It's that little part that lets them move it around and everything.
  1612. >The dock, you believe it was called.
  1613. >...You may have read up a few books on pony anatomy here.
  1614. >It only makes sense.
  1615. >How else would you learn horse terminology?
  1616. >Well, with the soap in, you try to work both hands and clean the rest of it.
  1617. >With one on each side, it's kind of difficult.
  1618. >Their tails are kind of just hanging, as opposed to being on them, like their manes.
  1619. >But still, you run your fingers through, cleaning and straightening things out to the best of your ability.
  1620. >You quickly notice how much longer Brave's tail is than Vannie's.
  1621. >Without that tie thing from her armor, it's just reaching all the way to the floor of the tub.
  1622. >It's pretty damn long.
  1624. >Good few minutes later, and bam, clean poofy tails.
  1625. >The girls sigh and sit in the water.
  1626. >Now, all that's left is your own cleaning.
  1627. >You bring your hands up to your face again.
  1628. >Holy shit, if raisins could become raisins, that's what your hands look like right now.
  1629. >Alright, you can speed-clean this.
  1630. >You grab that shampoo again and toss some on your hair.
  1631. >Lather with one hand, scrubby thing with the other.
  1632. >Put some more soap on it, then start cleaning the hell out of everything you can see right now.
  1633. >The girls turn back and notice all the black water dripping down you.
  1634. >You mean, it was pretty bad for them too, but yeah, you're kind of really damn bad.
  1635. "You guys can hop out already if you want. I'll take just a few more minutes."
  1636. >Vannie meekly nods first.
  1637. >"Me and Brave will be in the room, then."
  1638. >"-You don't need help with that or anything?"
  1639. >You stop and look around yourself, as if expecting to magically see something you can't clean yourself.
  1640. >But of course, you find nothing.
  1641. "Nope, I should be good."
  1642. >She nods then turns around, waiting for her co-worker to hop out of the tub first.
  1643. >Once she does, Brave stares at the same spot for a moment, then attempts the same thing.
  1644. >She fails, and once again, can't get her hind legs over it.
  1645. >"Oh hay, you stupid thing!"
  1646. >Her backside kind of hangs over the edge again, facing you.
  1647. >You try not to peek, but...
  1648. >Man, how can you not?
  1649. >Vannie helps her out, and they just disappear in the solid cloud of bubbles on the ground.
  1650. >Alright, now you got the whooole tub, all to yourself.
  1651. >But honestly, you just want to join those two.
  1652. >Like everyone's having a pool party, but you're that kid with the protective mother, so you can't go in because you ate just now.
  1653. >It kinda sucks.
  1655. >But now, Jr. can hang freely.
  1656. >You stand and start the scrubbing.
  1657. >All the black water you're seeing really does gross you out, but hey, it just means you're actually getting clean.
  1658. >It's kind of satisfying, actually.
  1659. >You finish your arms and move to your back.
  1660. >Thankfully, you were flexible enough to reach it.
  1661. >Not enough to be a cheerleader, but you could probably do a few cheerleader-ly things, if you wanted to.
  1662. >
  1663. >Finally, you feel content with your squeakiness.
  1664. >But standing in this slightly dark water is now getting to you really quickly.
  1665. >This is why you prefer showers, man.
  1666. >You find the plug thing and pop it out, watching all the water drain at a pretty fast rate.
  1667. >Just before you leave, you make sure to run your faithful scrubby under some water.
  1668. >And now, you can leave.
  1669. >Once you get close to the tub's edge though, you can hear hooves softly tapping against the tiled floor.
  1670. >Behind the veil of bubbles, it leaves.
  1671. >...Holy shit.
  1672. >You think you were being spied on.
  1673. >Well, everything being dry besides part of your legs and an arm, you-
  1674. >-You don't remember that towel being there.
  1675. >Fucking hell, did you really not see any of this?
  1676. >You quickly dry yourself off and wrap it around yourself.
  1677. >And of course, it's pony-sized, so it just barely covers you.
  1678. "Christ."
  1679. >With that, you push past all these goddamn bubbles and move towards what you think is the door.
  1680. >-Well, the space for the door.
  1681. >Because, you know, it exploded and everything.
  1682. >While you're moving, you notice lots of water from a trail that you definitely didn't make.
  1683. >Though, yeah, you forgot that you didn't bring towels.
  1685. >In the room, both Brave and Vannie are lying on your bed, mane and tails wrapped in said towels you never got.
  1686. "Hey so, uh, do you know where my clothes are? The undershirt and boxers?"
  1687. >Vannie just stares at you.
  1688. >Brave looks at the tiny towel wrapped around you, then shakily points at the bed.
  1689. >Oh hey, there ya go.
  1690. >You grab them, then hop back into the bathroom.
  1691. >It's damn saddening that these are the only un-torn clothes you have in your possession, now.
  1692. >You mean, just having one pair as it is was saddening, but you were able to make it work.
  1693. >Now you'll have to walk around everywhere like THIS.
  1694. >It's much comfier, sure, but still.
  1695. >With how damn cold it gets at this altitude, it won't stay comfy for long.
  1696. >You slip everything back on, toss the towel, then pop back into the room.
  1697. >Vannie looks really eager to see you for a second, then slightly frowns.
  1698. >All you're looking at is your bed, though.
  1699. >You've waited a damn long while for this.
  1700. >A long, long while.
  1701. >You hop on top of it, then get situated under the covers.
  1702. >The girls waste no time taking their places beside you.
  1703. >Vannie on your right, Brave on your left.
  1704. >They both hug your sides, their hind legs wrapping around your waist.
  1705. >You bring your arms around them both and pull them in.
  1706. >They take their own towels off, letting their manes loose all over you.
  1707. >...Man, you could just fucking die like this, and have zero regrets.
  1708. >-Well, maybe just one.
  1709. >A content sigh leaves you, then silence quickly takes over.
  1710. >It's a nice silence, though.
  1711. >"...I can't believe I'm getting paid for this."
  1712. >Brave lets out one of those heart wrenching giggles and gently nods.
  1713. >"My thoughts exactly."
  1714. "...That's true, actually. Aren't you two supposed to be, you know, guarding me?"
  1715. >"Well, isn't that what we're doing now? The cold can be real harmful, you know."
  1716. >A big, stupid grin spreads across your face.
  1717. "Yeah, I guess you're right."
  1719. >You lay your head back and stare at the ceiling with that same grin.
  1720. >And the way the girls look, you can tell they feel just as you do.
  1721. >This is going past just feeling content.
  1722. >You feel like you can't be anything but elated right now.
  1723. >Riding the serotonin high, because you know that this is exactly where you're supposed to be.
  1724. >Arms wrapped around the soft coats of these two, their warmth just melting away every bit of stress the bath didn't catch.
  1725. >Their manes spilling on your chest, super soft and voluminous, thanks to your own handiwork.
  1726. >Brave nuzzles and rests her head on your chest, while Vannie does so right under your chin.
  1727. >Not even another spear could wipe this smile off your face.
  1728. >-You instinctively peek around the room.
  1729. >Okay, you're good.
  1730. >Your grin comes back.
  1731. >Man... this is where you were meant to be.
  1732. >You can just feel it.
  1733. >With another happy sigh, you let the warmth take you, and slowly shut your eyes.
  1734. >
  1735. >You yawn yourself awake.
  1736. >First you check your left side, where Brave is unsurprisingly crushing you, right where your wounds are.
  1737. >It hurts like hell, but for her, you can deal with it.
  1738. >You look on your right, and for a second see two bright blue eyes looking at you.
  1739. >She shuts them immediately, and pretends to be asleep.
  1740. "I saw that, I know you're awake."
  1741. >"Oh, I'm awake, too!"
  1742. >Vannie opens them again.
  1743. >"You are?"
  1744. >Brave picks her head up from your side, but continues crushing.
  1745. >"Yeah, I've been awake for a while now."
  1746. "Then why are you still crushing me?"
  1747. >She coos.
  1748. >"Because you're comfortable."
  1749. >Well, that's good enough for you.
  1750. "Okay, well since we're all awake then, what goddamn time is it?"
  1751. >Vannie glances out the window, where it's clearly dark.
  1752. >"I'd say about eight or nine right now. We slept preeetty early, ya know."
  1753. >Christ, and now you can't go back to sleep.
  1754. >What the hell could you even do at this time besides sleep?
  1755. >Every damn place outside the castle should be closed right now.
  1757. >You sigh and bring the two close to you again.
  1758. >Well, if you can't sleep, you'll just enjoy some more snuggling.
  1759. >And, as they always do, they take the hint and start to viciously nuzzle you.
  1760. >You laugh softly.
  1761. "Man, I love you both so much. I really don't deserve having you two."
  1762. >They freeze.
  1763. >Shit, did you say something wrong?
  1764. >You think you might've said those three words too soon.
  1765. >They both look at you, eyes wide in what only seems like shock.
  1766. >Vannie opens her mouth first.
  1767. >"D-do... do you really mean that?"
  1768. >"-Like, REALLY mean that? Because Anon, if that's a joke..."
  1769. "No, no, of course it's not a joke."
  1770. >They just look at you suspiciously.
  1771. >You sigh.
  1772. "I mean, did I let that slip out? Yeah, I did. But if there's ever a word to describe how I feel about you both, then that's it."
  1773. >Now it looks like they're more surprised than anything.
  1774. "I just, I can't think of any other word. Not only did you guys, you know, save my freaking LIFE, but earlier, I just thought, 'man, i could so die right here with these two and have no regrets'."
  1775. >You look up at the ceiling.
  1776. >Well, you're already talking.
  1777. >If there's ever a time to say anything, now is it.
  1778. "But whenever I'm with you guys, I always just feel great, you know? Seeing you both happy makes me happy, and I've never felt like this being with any another person- or pony."
  1779. >You shut your eyes and go for the final push.
  1780. "So... yeah, I do love you guys. I love everything that you do and everything that makes you both different, and I hope that it stays like this, because now thinking about it, I wouldn't know what I'd do without you guys."
  1781. >You slowly open your eyes and look at them.
  1782. >They still look shocked.
  1783. >Not sure whether it's the good or bad kind, though.
  1784. >"I..."
  1785. >Vannie trails and stares off into space.
  1786. >She starts to tear up, and Brave quickly follows.
  1787. >Before you can say anything, the soft white hooves around you bring you in with more force.
  1788. "HRK!"
  1790. >"I'm, I... never in my life did I think a-anypony would tell me something like this..."
  1791. >Vannie starts shaking slightly, staining your shirt with a few droplets.
  1792. >"Y-you... me? A-are you just saying that?"
  1793. >While you rub Brave's back, you cup Vannie's cheek and have her look into your eyes.
  1794. "Swear on my life, I'm not."
  1795. >She looks into your eyes for a few seconds, trying to read you.
  1796. >Then, her ears slowly flop over, and a blush spreads across her cheeks.
  1797. >"A-Anon..."
  1798. >A few more tears fall onto your shirt.
  1799. >"...I...I couldn't be any happier than I am right now. I l-love you too, Anon."
  1800. >Just hearing that, you can't help but smile.
  1801. >These two should be illegal with how great they're making you feel.
  1802. >Brave gently pecks your cheek, and you melt in their embrace.
  1803. >The pain not only in your face, but also in your insides just seems to dull, like it's barely there.
  1804. >Though, you know, it still hurts.
  1805. >But for pony cuddles, you think it's worth it.
  1806. >You return the kiss on her own cheek, getting a tiny squeak in response.
  1807. >It's just a good thing you're not recovering from a heart attack- you would've already been dead.
  1808. >Vannie continues to nuzzle you, and you decide not to let her feel left out with a quick kiss on her own cheek.
  1809. >Instead of a squeak, you get a giggle-
  1810. >-Oh shit, you actually felt something in your heart.
  1811. >...Okay, you're good.
  1813. >Time seems to slow to a crawl while you lie with them.
  1814. >And you're perfectly fine with it.
  1815. >What's only a few minutes feels something like nine days.
  1816. >Yet you wish it was longer.
  1817. >It's not something you can necessarily explain, without sounding like the damn main character to a shitty Hallmark original movie.
  1818. >But going from porn and games back home to this, you're nothing short of surprised.
  1819. >For another time in, well, very long ago, you actually feel... loved.
  1820. >And not the family kind of love.
  1821. >Besides, yours wasn't really around much to love anything but your father's paycheck.
  1822. >-But, you digress.
  1823. >Having not only one, but TWO different mares feeling this way about you is pretty crazy.
  1824. >You feel like you're cheating some kind of system or something.
  1825. >The universe is being to kind to you.
  1826. >Especially odd, seeing as how you were taken away from your time and put here, for what seems like very little reason.
  1827. >Maybe it's a repayment of sorts- who knows?
  1828. >The girls shift around, bringing your thoughts back.
  1829. >Brave just viciously cuddles you, like a cat who hasn't been pet in five minutes.
  1830. >Vannie gives you a tiny boop with her own muzzle, then makes herself comfortable on your chest.
  1831. >You soothe Brave with a few rubbings on her back, and gently scratch her counterpart's ears.
  1832. >They both purr under your touch.
  1833. >Minus the purring, it's like having two loving puppies all over you.
  1834. >It's literally impossible to be sad in your position.
  1835. >And for that, this would be the only therapy you'd ever need.
  1836. >The gentle lavender scent around them is soothing.
  1837. >Their coats are goddamn soft as hell.
  1838. >And because of that, they're also made very huggable.
  1839. >The noises they make and the tiny things they do, like the ear flicking, it's almost too much.
  1840. >But you can't get enough.
  1842. >And, as quickly as you're comfortable, Brave brings you into a kiss.
  1843. >The fuzz on her muzzle tickles your nose, while the blush on her cheeks warms your own up.
  1844. >Then she positions herself just a little differently.
  1845. >She keeps her head above yours, holding your chest down with a single hoof.
  1846. >Her mane, messy and poofy, gently brushes your neck.
  1847. >Before she does anymore though, a thought hits you.
  1848. >You open your eyes to an unloved Vannie, who's simply turned away and red in her cheeks.
  1849. >Which, obviously, will not do.
  1850. >So you bring your arm around and pull her closer.
  1851. >Before she can really react, you kiss her.
  1852. >Her ears stand at attention for a second, before flopping over and relaxing.
  1853. >But instead of tensing up like Brave did, she just melts in your embrace.
  1854. >When you part, Brave's biting her lip, and looking very conflicted.
  1855. >"...Anon?"
  1856. "Yeah?"
  1857. >She looks away a bit.
  1858. >"Th-this might sound weird, b-but..."
  1859. >She makes some odd, almost inaudible noises that kind of sound like words.
  1860. >"W-would you... I... would you ever want a family?"
  1861. >Her words cut through the silence like a thousand degree knife against butter.
  1862. >"-N-not with, I-I mean- I-I'm just asking."
  1863. >Even Vannie seems curious as to your answer.
  1864. >You're not even sure how to respond.
  1865. >So you kind of just stare at her for a moment, while an adequate response is slowly created in your head.
  1866. "Well, yeah, a family always sounded nice to me, but here... I don't know, I don't even think I'd be able to have one."
  1867. >"Why not?"
  1868. >You turn towards Vannie and shrug.
  1869. "I don't think I'd be, ah... 'compatible', so to speak, with anyone other than a human."
  1870. >They don't really seem satisfied with your answer.
  1871. >Or maybe just disappointed.
  1872. >"-But there's still a chance?"
  1873. >You turn back to Brave and give her the same shrug.
  1874. >Christ, where is all this coming from though?
  1875. >This is... pretty sudden.
  1876. >Like talking about marriage on the first date.
  1877. >...Maybe what you said had a much bigger impact on them than you thought.
  1879. >Though, at least now they seem content with your answer.
  1880. >You try and think of a way to find just how much those three words actually mean to ponies.
  1881. >But... how could you?
  1882. >And even then, what would you do after that?
  1883. >You can't just go and tell them that you take back what you said.
  1884. >So you pause and think about it.
  1885. >You could pull the human card and just say you're not used to talks like this.
  1886. >But on the other hand... what's the point?
  1887. >As far as you're concerned, asking about family isn't the same as saying, "we should have seven kids right fucking now".
  1888. >You mean, sure, it IS super sudden, but if you think about it, all of this has been.
  1889. >These ponies really are quick to feel.
  1890. >And act on said feelings.
  1891. >There's never any nine year engagements or anything.
  1892. >Hell, you even recall hearing that the Cakes back home married within, what was it, like three months?
  1893. >And they've been with each other ever since.
  1894. >...It's all just more pony stuff you didn't know about, you guess.
  1895. >Those damn books you read sure as hell didn't explain half of what you know now...
  1896. >-Brave comes in unannounced and kisses you again.
  1897. >Though almost immediately, she goes a step forward from a regular peck.
  1898. >She... quickly gets really passionate about it.
  1899. >-And she tastes like vanilla.
  1900. >Swirling her own tongue around yours, she lets a few small whimpers and squeaks while she does so.
  1901. >"Mmmph~"
  1902. >Your brain shuts down, and only one thought remains.
  1903. >...The battle for blood has begun.
  1904. >You're slower in reciprocating the kiss for two reasons.
  1905. >One, because you're still not used to it.
  1906. >And two, because Brave is being crazy.
  1907. >This isn't like, a normal, passionate kiss.
  1908. >Something clearly set her off, and never in your life did you expect to see her this... spirited.
  1909. >Especially from the monotone, stone cold expression you remember her always having.
  1910. >It kind of makes you fear for your life.
  1911. >You've seen her strength.
  1912. >But against your wishes, Jr. doesn't really seem to give a shit.
  1914. >Though, at least now they seem content with your answer.
  1915. >You try and think of a way to find just how much those three words actually mean to ponies.
  1916. >But... how could you?
  1917. >And even then, what would you do after that?
  1918. >You can't just go and tell them that you take back what you said.
  1919. >So you pause and think about it.
  1920. >You could pull the human card and just say you're not used to talks like this.
  1921. >But on the other hand... what's the point?
  1922. >As far as you're concerned, asking about family isn't the same as saying, "we should have seven kids right fucking now".
  1923. >You mean, sure, it IS super sudden, but if you think about it, all of this has been.
  1924. >These ponies really are quick to feel.
  1925. >And act on said feelings.
  1926. >There's never any nine year engagements or anything.
  1927. >Hell, you even recall hearing that the Cakes back home married within, what was it, like three months?
  1928. >And they've been with each other ever since.
  1929. >...It's all just more pony stuff you didn't know about, you guess.
  1930. >Those damn books you read sure as hell didn't explain half of what you know now...
  1931. >-Brave comes in unannounced and kisses you again.
  1932. >Though almost immediately, she goes a step forward from a regular peck.
  1933. >She... quickly gets really passionate about it.
  1934. >-And she tastes like vanilla.
  1935. >Swirling her own tongue around yours, she lets a few small whimpers and squeaks while she does so.
  1936. >"Mmmph~"
  1937. >Your brain shuts down, and only one thought remains.
  1938. >...The battle for blood has begun.
  1939. >You're slower in reciprocating the kiss for two reasons.
  1940. >One, because you're still not used to it.
  1941. >And two, because Brave is being crazy.
  1942. >This isn't like, a normal, passionate kiss.
  1943. >Something clearly set her off, and never in your life did you expect to see her this... spirited.
  1944. >Especially from the monotone, stone cold expression you remember her always having.
  1945. >It kind of makes you fear for your life.
  1946. >You've seen her strength.
  1947. >But against your wishes, Jr. doesn't really seem to give a shit.
  1949. >Though soon enough, she's out of breath and panting.
  1950. >And since Vannie's just lying there watching you two with a blush on her face, you feel the need to include her.
  1951. >She watches you curiously, and you pull her in with a small kiss.
  1952. >Her ears perk up, and she's left wide-eyed.
  1953. >And before she can formulate a proper response, you bring her in for another.
  1954. >Your lips meet again, this time parted slightly in a much slower embrace.
  1955. >It's the scene in the pornos that everyone always skips around.
  1956. >Nobody wants to see a whole eight minutes of some lucky guy sucking faces with a lady, afterall.
  1957. >You just want to skip ahead, pretend it's you, then cry when you're done and remember it isn't.
  1958. >...Well alright, that last bit is probably just you, but not tonight.
  1959. >Tonight, YOU'RE that lucky fucker.
  1960. >And, just like with Brave, you find yourself enjoying it very much.
  1961. >But you still want more.
  1962. >You take the extra step and slowly ease the kiss into a French one.
  1963. >-Or "Prench," in this case.
  1964. >...Damn horse names.
  1965. >Vannie doesn't attack your mouth like a lovely someone did, and kind of just lets it happen.
  1966. >In light of that, you realize you're actually learning about them like this.
  1967. >Seeing the more intimate side of them.
  1968. >...And it's not really what you expected.
  1969. >But it also kind of is.
  1970. >Vannie isn't really the most confident kind of gal, so it's only understandable that she's a bit more submissive.
  1971. >And Brave, well, it checks out with the story she gave you of trying to prove herself as a Guard.
  1972. >She's become the strong independent black woman, so her trying to be more than a little dominant isn't surprising.
  1973. >When you part with Vannie, she's left looking not so out of breath, and more hot and bothered.
  1974. >What you don't expect is her coming back for thirds.
  1976. >She shuts her eyes and brings herself closer to you.
  1977. >Her honey taste is a bit more noticeable this time around.
  1978. >On top of that, she's a little more active this time, and also much sloppier.
  1979. >You slink an arm around her and Brave, petting them softly under the covers.
  1980. >Brave shivers slightly, and you can feel Vannie's hind leg twitch a bit.
  1981. >And when you break the kiss for air, your lips and part of your mouth are a little wet.
  1982. >But you don't care.
  1983. >You move your hand just a little lower and bring them even closer to you.
  1984. >Then make everything even by kissing Brave again.
  1985. >The fuzz on her cheeks, the soft, cute little moans she lets out...
  1986. >What little blood you had left in your head has long since moved.
  1987. >All that's on your mind is making these two feel as good as they make your feel.
  1988. >You absent-mindedly continue to pet them, though slowly realize that you've gone lower into gently rubbing Vannie's flank.
  1989. >Her leg continues to twitch, and Brave shifts herself so that she's partly on top of you.
  1990. >Vannie does the same, and you continue in tasting sweet, sweet vanilla.
  1991. >Also because of their movements, you're left rubbing both of their flanks, which they seem to have no problem with.
  1992. >And now that you have complete access, you decide to make full use of it.
  1993. >Brave's rump is just as you figured.
  1994. >Strong, firm, and soft to the touch with plenty to love.
  1995. >Vannie's a little more plush, but still solid, and obviously very fluffy.
  1996. >And you can get more than a handful on both of them.
  1997. >So you decide to make a daring move and squeeze them both.
  1998. >"-Mnh!"
  1999. >"-Eeek!"
  2000. >You're pleased with the results.
  2001. >When you and Brave part again, the difference in her expression is staggering.
  2003. >Her tongue's lolling out of her mouth, breathing heavy, and her ears folded.
  2004. >Eyes are half lidded, filled with lust and an almost desperate need to have that sated.
  2005. >There's also some small beads of sweat on her coat.
  2006. >And meanwhile, Vannie's not faring any better.
  2007. >Though she still seems a bit more timid about this than Brave does.
  2008. >Hell, you are too, but you're not really thinking about it right now.
  2009. >Instead you continue to rub their backsides, this time brushing everything.
  2010. >Moving from cheek to cheek, groping as much as you can.
  2011. >A few squeezes.
  2012. >...Maaaybe a tiny pinch.
  2013. >"-Aah!"
  2014. >You can't help but enjoy their expressions while you work your human magic.
  2015. >Brave lightly shifts and grinds on you in response, whining slightly.
  2016. >Vannie twitches, shivers, and keeps shutting her eyes.
  2017. >Then something else makes itself known.
  2018. >-Particularly when it's dripping onto you.
  2019. >...They seem to be a lot more excited than you gave them credit for.
  2020. >You tenderly rub and squeeze their flanks some more, then slowly move your hands under them.
  2021. >Vannie's breath hitches, and Brave gasps.
  2022. >Seeing the enamored, needy faces of these two brings a smile to your own.
  2023. >They're like putty in your hands.
  2024. >Letting the power rush to your head, you gently rub just below their bellies.
  2025. >Close to the danger zone, but not exactly there.
  2026. >Just to tease them, you move just a little lower, feeling a soft, slick, and very warm area with your fingertips.
  2027. >You can feel Vannie wink, then Brave.
  2028. >And you haven't even done anything yet.
  2029. >Brave's the first one to crack, and reaches a hoof over-
  2030. >-So you pull your hand away.
  2031. >In an instant, she realizes what you're doing and stops.
  2032. >She lets out a soft whine, and Vannie jerks against your hand.
  2033. >So you decide to give them juuust a bit more.
  2035. >You move your hand lower again, already feeling your hands get wet with sweat and their own eagerness.
  2036. >And every time they wink, you make sure to rub the nub.
  2037. >"Mhnnn..."
  2038. >"Hmmm..."
  2039. >Their expressions are perfect.
  2040. >Vannie, practically drooling with her mind swimming in no doubt lusty thoughts.
  2041. >She keeps her tongue in check, but is softly panting, whereas Brave is breathing heavily.
  2042. >Her tongue is still out, and her eyes are locked onto you in that needy, wanting gaze.
  2043. >If this were a cartoon, they'd both no doubt have hearts in their eyes.
  2044. >Every time they wink, a bit more fluids drip onto your hands, which just makes you even more excited.
  2045. >If possible, really.
  2046. >But you soldier on, eager to play with them more instead of just finishing quickly.
  2047. >The goal is to give them a night that they'll never forget.
  2048. >-Even though you didn't foresee it ending up like this.
  2049. >Vannie finally lets out a whine of her own, a little higher pitched and definitely nothing you've ever heard out of her.
  2050. >And with that, you know it's time to mix things up.
  2051. >You take the covers off, then bring your hands back.
  2052. >The girls shift and focus on you with disappointed looks.
  2053. >Then you bring your hands up to your face and lick them clean.
  2054. >...Holy shit.
  2055. >Honey
  2056. >And
  2057. >Vanilla
  2058. >Seriously, it's like a damn syrup on your fingers.
  2059. >They watch in awe and arousal while you suck it all clean.
  2060. >Once you're done, you do a little circle motion with your hands.
  2061. >They immediately comply with your order, spinning around on their backs and hugging your sides.
  2062. >Though they both look over at Jr, who's now not hiding under anymore covers.
  2063. >You slip your arms under them, then gently rub their bellies for a moment.
  2064. >And once you're content with that, you finally lower your hands again, back down to their warm and slightly-darker marehoods.
  2065. >Then you slip your middle finger inside.
  2066. >"-Mmm!"
  2067. >"-Hah!"
  2069. >Brave spreads her hind legs apart just a little bit, and Vannie does the opposite, crossing her hooves, but not denying you access.
  2070. >Inside, they're slick, hot, and both pretty damn tight.
  2071. >It's wonderful.
  2072. >And all you have in there is one finger.
  2073. >It makes Jr. twitch in anticipation.
  2074. >Soon, good friend.
  2075. >You slowly move around, going from rubbing your finger between their lips to exploring around inside.
  2076. >The squeaks, whines and little moans you get in response are both arousing, and extremely adorable.
  2077. >You try to keep it new and do different things, like circling around, teasing the outside and such.
  2078. >...Fluffy and puffy.
  2079. >That's all you gotta say.
  2080. >You watch with amusement as Vannie's hind legs twitch again.
  2081. >Everything these two do is just too cute.
  2082. >Brave moves a hoof down low, but just places it on your hand and keeps it there instead.
  2083. >"Hnnn, A-Anon~"
  2084. >She tenses up and moans, and you can feel the space around your finger tighten up.
  2085. >Before you know it, your hand's drenched.
  2086. >-Sheesh, that was quick.
  2087. >You continue to rub her though, letting her ride out the first of what should be many orgasms.
  2088. >"Oh, mmm!"
  2089. >Both her hooves move to your hand, just as you notice those squeaks coming out of Vannie are getting louder.
  2090. >She brings her thighs together, still not trapping your hand, but providing more fluffy resistance.
  2091. >She bucks into you and flaps her good wing.
  2092. >"A-Anon, I-I-"
  2093. >You pick up the pace a bit and interrupt her.
  2094. >She thrusts again and finally reaches the end of her ride.
  2095. >"-I- hah!"
  2096. >She crosses her hooves even more, to the point where you think she might actually be able to break your hand, just with her thighs.
  2097. >You fear for your bones, but push through and continue to rub, getting some more hind leg twitches out of it.
  2098. >Soon enough she relaxes, and your hand is let go.
  2099. >You cease your rubbing and lick your hands clean again.
  2100. >If you had some ice cream right now, this would go great with it.
  2102. >You look down at them both, sweating a bit, breathing heavily, and their hearts clearly racing.
  2103. >Not only that, but they already look pretty spent.
  2104. >Little do they know, you're just getting started.
  2105. >You sit up and scoot forward a little bit.
  2106. >"A...Anon?"
  2107. >Then you turn around and lie on your stomach.
  2108. >But, which one to choose first?
  2109. >Honey, or vanilla?
  2110. >It takes you a second, but you figure that Vannie could use a little time to recover.
  2111. >Though you're not really going to let her.
  2112. >They both just watch you curiously.
  2113. >Brave's pupils widen a bit when she sees you advancing on her.
  2114. >You put your left hand back on Vannie, gently rubbing her danger zone before lowering yourself onto Brave.
  2115. >She winks and you quickly lick her clit, feeling her shudder with pleasure.
  2116. >Once she realizes what your game plan is, she shifts herself to be closer to you and traps your head in bwtween her thighs.
  2117. >Immediately you see how damn strong her thighs are as well.
  2118. >Could probably kill you like this if she wanted to.
  2119. >-Or even on accident.
  2120. >Focusing more on pleasuring her than fearing for your life, you drag your tongue in the middle, right between those wet puffy lips of hers.
  2121. >Thankfully it doesn't taste like the soap you used, and just pure vanilla.
  2122. >Like a really rich cream or something.
  2123. >It really boggles your mind.
  2124. >You wonder, do all ponies have their own flavor, or what?
  2125. >Not that you'd go around experimenting, but you know.
  2126. >Marshmallows, cookies, apples...
  2127. >The possibilities sound pretty amazing.
  2128. >Though you're more than happy with what you have here.
  2129. >Taking some care not to move your nose around, you circle your tongue around Brave's entrance.
  2130. >Her breath hitches, and you can see that adorable face of hers from here.
  2131. >She's biting her lip lightly, one eye closed while the other still holds that still needy, lustful gaze.
  2132. >Before, you never truly thought adorasexy was a thing.
  2133. >Oh, how wrong you were.
  2135. >Meanwhile, you can hear Vannie's short breaths in response to your magic fingers.
  2136. >You mark up the total to three fingers and feel her wink some more while you do your thing.
  2137. >You try to be super gentle, but definitely get lots of exploring done.
  2138. >With your free right hand, you start to rub Brave's flank again.
  2139. >So round, firm and soft...
  2140. >You slowly drag your tongue in between her lips again, getting another squeak in response.
  2141. >Then you decide to go for the gold, and plunge right in there.
  2142. >"O-oh, ah~"
  2143. >Just like with your fingers, you can't help but notice how silky smooth and nice it is.
  2144. >On top of the taste and her cute noises, you could definitely do this for hours.
  2145. >You push against her walls, explore around, and every time that she winks, you lick her.
  2146. >Those shudders of pleasure you feel just tell you you're doing a good job.
  2147. >And there are plenty of them.
  2148. >You look up at her cute face, then lightly nibble on her vulva.
  2149. >"-AH!"
  2150. >Must be more sensitive than you thought.
  2151. >She bucks against your face, which hurts your nose a damn lot.
  2152. >But that's not going to stop you.
  2153. >The next time she winks, you go after and suck lightly on her clit.
  2154. >"MMMF!"
  2155. >She bites her own hoof and moans into it.
  2156. >Another indicator that you're probably doing something right here.
  2157. >You're sure everything you're doing is poor and sloppy, but you're trying here.
  2158. >Just going off of all the porn you've seen.
  2159. >For some reason it's easier to remember that than it is your own family.
  2160. >But let's not focus on that.
  2162. >"A-Anon, I-I..."
  2163. >With the shaking in her voice, you already know what she's trying to say.
  2164. >And shit, this is faster than last time.
  2165. >You pick up the pace, licking and sucking where you can.
  2166. >So much vanilla.
  2167. >You wonder if this could actually give you diabetes or something.
  2168. >The pressure around your head gets noticeably stronger, making you fear for your life slightly.
  2169. >Again.
  2170. >Though, if anything, it'd be a way you wouldn't mind dying in.
  2171. >Her breathing gets heavier, and at some point she just stops breathing through her nose.
  2172. >Her tongue lolls out again, and every so often you can hear that beautiful voice of hers cracking.
  2173. >It's truly a thing to experience.
  2174. >"O-oh please, k-keep- AAAH!"
  2175. >She grinds your face and tenses up, bringing pain to your nose while she reaches her climax and cums all over your face.
  2176. >You push through the pain though, and happily lap up everything.
  2177. >You also lick around one more time, dragging your tongue around her vulva and on the inside.
  2178. >"Ohhh, Anon..."
  2179. >She bucks her hips against you one last time, then finally releases the iron grip her thighs had on you.
  2180. >Sweet fresh air, finally.
  2181. >-Not that you had any problems without it, but you know.
  2182. >Her breathing starts to visibly slow, and she rests her hind legs some ways apart.
  2183. >And now, you have Vannie.
  2184. >During the time you had with Brave, you were still very much involved with her here.
  2185. >Just, you know, you were also kind of stuck in a headlock.
  2186. >Her breathing is erratic, her hind legs are still crossed, and her fluffy puffy honeypot still slick as ever.
  2187. >...Heh, honey pot.
  2188. >Very fitting name.
  2189. >She looks down at you, then slowly relaxes her posture.
  2190. >Her tail flicks over, covering part of herself, but still leaving plenty to see.
  2191. >She doesn't say anything, and just watches you, waiting for your next move.
  2192. >Or for sweet relief.
  2193. >Either way, she's getting both.
  2195. >You lower yourself, then move your right hand over to Brave's unattented horse bits.
  2196. >Gentle rubbing, light pinching- the works that you gave Vannie here earlier.
  2197. >And she's waited long enough, so now you're giving her what Brave got.
  2198. >With a bit too much enthusiasm, you get your first taste.
  2199. >Slow, deep, and just as you suspected- still weirdly sweet.
  2200. >You feel your left hand moving, and look up to see her placing it on her chest.
  2201. >She keeps her hoof on it, and with her eyes half lidded, gives you a small, loving smile.
  2202. >At the same time she winks, and you brush your tongue against her little nub.
  2203. >In an instant, her whole expression changes.
  2204. >A squeak comes out of her, and she bites her lip as her chest fluff poofs out.
  2205. >Weird.
  2206. >The urge to pet consumes you, so you rub her chest with your currently seized hand.
  2207. >She has no problem with this.
  2208. >Or, based on the needy, primal expression of love on her face, she just wants more of everything.
  2209. >So do the same that you did to Brave, pushing your tongue in and playing cave explorer on a whole new level.
  2210. >Again, it's hard not to notice how really soft it is inside.
  2211. >It's like you're rubbing your tongue along moist, honey flavored silk.
  2212. >You can feel her walls contracting every once and a while, tightening up like you never really knew possible.
  2213. >The first time with Brave, you thought it was just your imagination or something.
  2214. >But this is too tight to ignore.
  2215. >The books didn't explain any of this.
  2216. >...But isn't learning new things great?
  2217. >You sure think so.
  2218. >"Hmmf~"
  2219. >Yeah, learning things is awesome.
  2220. >The taste of honey just invigorates you, and you seriously wonder if there's sugar involved in this.
  2221. >From a scientific standpoint, it might explain why pastries here are usually painfully sweet.
  2222. >But now, it leaves so many other unanswered questions.
  2223. >-Okay Anon, no philosophy right now.
  2224. >Focus on the horse pussy.
  2226. >You go around in another circle around her marehood, enjoying the super intoxicating taste of honey in your mouth.
  2227. >She continues to wink repeatedly, and you play with her clit every time she does.
  2228. >All in all, you think this whole session was only about three minutes.
  2229. >But already, her breathing is more vocal, and a bit higher pitched.
  2230. >"Oooh, Anon!"
  2231. >You know what that means.
  2232. >-Other than the fact that you're the only one on their mind right now, which is also awesome.
  2233. >You redouble your efforts, and mere seconds into doing so, she clamps down on your tongue.
  2234. >"-MMPH!"
  2235. >Her left hind leg twitches while she orgasms, and you don't stop what you're doing.
  2236. >You continue to run your tongue around, so she can enjoy it more.
  2237. >Plus, when she enjoys it, you get cute squeaks out of her.
  2238. >"-Hnh!"
  2239. >-Like that.
  2240. >That was pretty cute.
  2241. >She puts a bit more pressure on your hand, and you can feel how heavy and quick her heartbeat is.
  2242. >Though it quickly slows down, and all you're left with is a huffing, purring bat pony, with a dopey smile on her face.
  2243. >Plus, well more mare juices on your face.
  2244. >And Brave is no better, as you now realize she just came all over your hand.
  2245. >Didn't even notice.
  2246. >You wipe your face clean, make sure Vannie's watching when you lick it off, then feel a wave of enthusiasm wash over you.
  2247. >A small smile crawls up your face.
  2248. >You prepped the ovens, now it's time to get baking.
  2249. "So then, you girls ready for the main event of the evening?"
  2250. >Like they're high, they both slowly turn to look at you.
  2251. >Brave looks half asleep, but once your words click into her mind, she sits right up, tail wagging like an eager pup.
  2252. >Vannie simply lies and taps her hooves together, glancing at you every so often.
  2253. >Man, she seems so nervous.
  2254. >It's too cute.
  2255. >Vannie going from smashing faces to nervously lying in bed with that look- it's heart wrenching.
  2256. >And hot as it is, Brave's eagerness is also really damn adorable.
  2258. >-She makes her way over and pushes you back onto the bed.
  2259. >Jesus, she really IS eager.
  2260. >Before your poor brain can fully process what's happening, she pulls down your boxers with her teeth.
  2261. >Jr. is released from his prison, and they both just stop and stare.
  2262. >They look like they just stumbled upon Atlantis or something.
  2263. >Brave's smile widens a bit, and she wastes no time climbing on top of you.
  2264. >She sits on and sandwhiches Jr, biting her lip and flashing you a seductive smile.
  2265. >Her mane is just super messy, stray locks covering part of her face and she couldn't care any less about it.
  2266. >And in the corner of your eye, you realize you can't just forget the other mare waiting her turn for the same thing.
  2267. >With a single finger, you motion her over to you.
  2268. >She glances down at you for a second, then slowly scoots over towards you.
  2269. >Once she's close enough, you pick her up and place her on your chest, getting a small squeak out of her.
  2270. >...That sounded like something you'd hear out of an actual bat.
  2271. >You give her a quick kiss then spin her around, those fluffy puffy pony goods of hers now sitting before you.
  2272. >And, just as you planned, you can still see Brave's face and glorious flank past Vannie's own.
  2273. >The only real problem now is trying to focus on both of them.
  2274. >Two great views, but you're no chameleon.
  2275. >Brave adjusts herself slightly to rest just above Jr.
  2276. >You bring your hands back to Vannie's entrance.
  2277. >With your thumb and index finger, you slowly spread open her bat cave.
  2278. >-Heh.
  2279. >She looks back at you with a cute scrunch, and the blush on her face tells you to keep going.
  2280. >...It looks so slick and invitin- WHOAH JEESUS
  2281. >A surge of pleasure climbs up your back, and Brave sinks all the way down your length.
  2282. >"O-oooh..."
  2283. >Christ, it's a tighter fit than it was with your fingers.
  2284. >But it's a good fit- like a glove.
  2286. >Your heart starts thumping, and you're afraid it might just explode.
  2287. >With all the cute you've seen, the poor thing is probably weak as it is.
  2288. >So, since Brave's wasting no time to get things started, you bring Vannie's rump closer to your face and dive right in there.
  2289. >"H-ahh~"
  2290. >One of her hind legs twitches in response.
  2291. >Brave recovers and plants her front hooves on your gut.
  2292. >Then slowly, she brings herself up, before going back down a few inches.
  2293. >For someone being so eager, she's really looking unsure of herself now.
  2294. >And this simply will not do.
  2295. >You've seen enough porn to know what to do.
  2296. >While the taste of honey fills your mouth, you thrust into Brave.
  2297. >Her breath hitches, and that needy look of hers comes back.
  2298. >She grinds you lightly, and the sight of her hips moving around like that is just...
  2299. >Dayum.
  2300. >You gently nip Vannie's vulva, and that gets another bat-squeak out of her.
  2301. >But based on the wink you also get, it's a squeak of approval.
  2302. >When Brave lifts herself again, you meet her in the middle with another thrust.
  2303. >"H-ooh~"
  2304. >Just the tight feeling around you, the slick, hot walls of Brave's marehood- holy hell, does it feel great.
  2305. >Every movement of hers makes you just shiver in pleasure.
  2306. >With a third thrust, you can feel the mess she's already making with her excitement.
  2307. >You can hear this wet clapping noise when both of you meet.
  2308. >Whether it's a regular pony thing to be leaking this much or not, it grabs hold of this no-doubt primal urge in you.
  2309. >You place your left hand on Vannie's flank, then your right over on Brave's hips, and slam into her again.
  2310. >"-Ah!"
  2311. >Your tongue movements quickly get sloppy, but the noises and leg-twitching you get tells you you're still doing a good job.
  2312. >You involuntarily jerk your hips forward once, then start a rhythm.
  2313. >It's not super fast, but much more so than you figured your first time would be.
  2315. >All your thoughts just fly out the window.
  2316. >-They're there, but quickly ignored, in place of the pleasure jolting throughout your body.
  2317. >And you need more.
  2318. >The clapping sound almost cheering you on, you slam into Brave a bit harder each time, just to make it louder.
  2319. >"A-AH!"
  2320. >Brave's eyes roll up a bit, and when she is looking at you, it's this dreamy expression silently asking for more.
  2321. >At your steady pace, the sound of heavy breathing and you hilting inside of Brave fills the room.
  2322. >Both of them take to breathing through their mouths, panting while they whine and moan.
  2323. >The sight of those hips bobbing on top of you is truly one to behold.
  2324. >Her mane is even more disheveled now than it just was, and her hind legs lazily sway with your own movements.
  2325. >"HAH-AH!"
  2326. >Abruptly, she stops bucking and feverishly grinds you.
  2327. >Her walls tighten around your member, and a rush of fluids smother your already soaking pelvis.
  2328. >And as soon as you're able to move slightly, you continue to pound into her.
  2329. >Her eyes widen, then quickly roll back while she rides out her orgasm.
  2330. >"H-ah! H-how are yo-ooouh~"
  2331. >You pump her words into mush, amused by the pitch change in her voice.
  2332. >And before you know it, her breathing is eratic again.
  2333. >While your rhythm comes back, you notice how much she's winking now.
  2334. >And she was winking a LOT earlier.
  2335. >The feeling of her clit brushing against you every so often is good-weird.
  2336. >It's so alien, and for that reason, it's just more arousing.
  2337. >And hell, the contractions that come with it is already a huge plus in itself.
  2338. >You slam into her with even more vigor, loving even the simple feeling of her rump against you, in all its firm, soft, and matted-furred glory.
  2340. >It's like everything is aligning to give you the most pleasurable experience possible, you're surprised you've even lasted this long.
  2341. >Her clit pops out repeatedly, stimulating and rubbing gently against your length.
  2342. >And instead of moaning and taking it, she decides to assist you, bouncing on top of you and creating an even louder nois-
  2343. >"MMPH!"
  2344. >-And Vannie just came all over you.
  2345. >You focus a bit more on her because of it, rubbing your tongue against and sucking everything.
  2346. >Another squeak comes out of her, though it's a lot higher pitched than normal, and cut short.
  2347. >Brave gets her own steady pace going, and you both meet halfway for a really loud clapping sound.
  2348. >You're just damn glad the room is soundproof.
  2349. >The whole castle would be able to hear this otherwise.
  2350. >She keeps her forehooves on your gut and uses them to help herself move.
  2351. >"O-OH, AHN-ANON!"
  2352. >In a second, she tightens up again and soaks everything.
  2353. >But instead of stopping, you push through said tight-ness and continue ramming into her.
  2354. >The high-pitched gasps she gives you stays on the fence between cute and hot as hell.
  2355. >And instead of grinding afterwards, she anxiously continues her rhythm, getting her whole body into the mix.
  2356. >She seems to alternate between whimpers, squeaks, and being too out of it for words.
  2357. >Though the latter seems more apparent now, as her words leave her sucking in more air.
  2358. >Vannie comes and squirts all over your face again.
  2359. >Like an energy shot, it's just super invigorating.
  2360. >It pushes you into being more sloppy and quick, and you thrust into Brave quicker than you thought previously possible.
  2361. >She starts to squeak and whine more, now having no reason to move herself with the pace you got going.
  2362. >And finally, you feel a familiar pressure starting to build up inside of you.
  2363. >Every bit of pleasure you're feeling makes itself known tenfold, and every tiny bit of it pushes you closer to the edge.
  2364. >"MMM, OH- D-DO IT!"
  2366. >Your hands instinctively move onto her hips, helping the whole process and giving you more to feel.
  2367. >You plunge into her recklessly, feeling that pressure quickly build up inside of you.
  2368. >Your whole mind fogs up as it intensifies, and finally, you know you're at the final push.
  2369. >Hilting as deep inside of her as you possibly can, you squeeze her flanks and let loose.
  2370. >"-ANON!"
  2371. >She grinds you while you ride out your own orgasm, letting loose several years of pent up sexual frustration into her.
  2372. >And quickly, you notice how much of it there actually is.
  2373. >In those times you've used your hand, it's never been this... plentiful.
  2374. >She continues to grind you, and you can feel her insides overflowing, some of your own excitement pouring out of her.
  2375. >All three of you stay silent for a moment, enjoying the afterglow and getting your breathing in check.
  2376. >Vannie rolls off of you and onto the bed with a *pomf*.
  2377. >Brave has this enamored, pleased expression on her face.
  2378. >And you're really able to enjoy the sight of her like this.
  2379. >Take a moment, just to realize how beautiful she is.
  2380. >Even in this state, she's still just as cute and absolutely gorgeous as she always has been.
  2381. >She slowly lifts herself off of you with this slick, sloppy noise.
  2382. >Just imagine getting a spoon and mixing around potato salad with it.
  2383. >It sounds like that.
  2384. >She scoots a bit over to you, then brings you in for a kiss.
  2385. >It's almost animalistic, and you both move straight to using tongue.
  2386. >You brush your own against hers, rub and squeeze her flanks while doing so, and become those couples you've always hated seeing in public.
  2387. >The honey taste mixes in with her vanilla, making an absolutely great combination.
  2388. >When she finally loses her breath and parts, she looks right into your eyes with those beautiful green orbs.
  2389. >"I love you, Anon."
  2390. >You give her a long, gentle kiss on the lips, before moving your hands up and rubbing her ears.
  2391. "I love you too, Brave."
  2393. >Content with your answer, she smiles and scoots away, then flopping onto her back and looking completely exhausted.
  2394. >She doesn't cover her mare-parts, and you can plainly see all the fluids leaking out of and matting her fur down there.
  2395. >With that dopey smile still on her face, she gets comfortable under the sheets and yawns.
  2396. >"You can dooo... do whatever without me. I'm gonna sleeep..."
  2397. >She slowly shuts her eyes, then is out like a light.
  2398. >The sight brings a smile to your face, and you kind of see it better this way.
  2399. >Only because if the two swapped places, you'd have your own unborn children leaking onto you.
  2400. >That, or you'd get a taste of it.
  2401. >-Eugh, don't think about that.
  2402. >Shaking those thoughts from your head, you waste no time moving over to Vannie.
  2403. >You climb up to her, like some kind of tiger, or an angry grizzly bear.
  2404. >Both hands are planted firmly beside her head, and she watches you like a kid would a magician.
  2405. >Anticipation, awe, and a bit of her own nervousness still there.
  2406. "Don't worry, I can take things slow."
  2407. >That seems to soothe her a bit.
  2408. >And with your body resting just above hers, you waste no time starting things off.
  2409. >You line yourself up with her, then keep Jr. at bay, ready for entry.
  2410. "You ready?"
  2411. >She quickly nods, an eager smile spreading across her face.
  2412. >You pull her hips closer to you and gently bring Jr. inside.
  2413. >Because of how excited she already is, you can hear the slick noise it makes while you hilt.
  2414. >Her breath hitches, and she closes her eyes for a second.
  2415. >"Aaaah..."
  2416. >You adjust yourself, her flanks resting on your legs to make things a bit more comfortable.
  2417. >Then you thrust and hilt inside of her again.
  2418. >...Alright, this is still pretty damn uncomfortable.
  2419. >You'll definitely need to try and find some more comfortable positions with them in the near future.
  2421. >For now though, you decide to use what just finished working, and flip around on your back.
  2422. >Though since your other passenger is out cold on the bed, you have more to work with.
  2423. >You bring your legs up, and have Vannie lie down on top of you.
  2424. >Her heart thumps against yours, and she continues to look at you with this pleading, passionate gaze.
  2425. >She brings you in for a kiss, moaning when you hilt inside of her again.
  2426. >With your hands resting on her perfect flanks, you gently rub and knead them like dough, enjoying the feel of her silky smooth coat and a working mare's rump.
  2427. >You focus on exploring the inside of her mouth, and simultaneously get a slow, gentle pace going down south.
  2428. >Her moans are soft and short, and the louder they get, the sloppier she is.
  2429. >When you finally break the kiss, she goes in for another one, right on your lips.
  2430. >Then another.
  2431. >And another.
  2432. >She just peppers you in kisses, and while you continue to hold her hips, you can also feel her tightening up around you.
  2433. >Her mane hangs over her face messily, and you use a hand to brush those few locks away.
  2434. >Those bright blue eyes of hers stay locked on yours, half open and filled with the same kind of lust Brave showed.
  2435. >The squelching noise between you both is the only real noticeable sound, other than her light panting and the thumping in your chest.
  2436. >She takes the initiative and moves her own hips, bucking into you and creating that wet slap you've come to hear many times tonight.
  2437. >Her rump connects with your thighs every time you meet, and there's a slight, but noticeable jiggle to it.
  2438. >She hugs her front hooves around your chest and rests her head below your chin, giving you a better view of her backside slowly bobbing on top of you.
  2439. >And yes, you certainly can see the small jiggle now.
  2440. >You love yourself some firmness, but there is absolutely nothing wrong with a little cushion for the pushin'.
  2441. >Both are very preferable to you, and you just happen to also have both.
  2443. >Some of her fluids leak down onto you, and tiny squeak escapes her.
  2444. >So you become a bit more forceful in your pushes.
  2445. >"Oh, ahh..."
  2446. >You can feel her tightening up considerably, but don't stop.
  2447. >"-Ah, hah!"
  2448. >A rush of extra fluids come out, and you now pick up the pace a bit.
  2449. >For about a few seconds, slamming against her is like stepping in a puddle, with all the gushing going on.
  2450. >She winks quickly, then going back into her rhythm of backing into you.
  2451. >You slow down the pace to her speed, and she nuzzles your neck, breathing heavily onto you.
  2452. >Every squishing sound, every jiggle of her flanks is just pure bliss.
  2453. >The glove feeling is there as well, making you wonder if it really is just a pony thing.
  2454. >Because of course, those books you read didn't tell you anything.
  2455. >It explained anatomy, but not at an intimate level like this.
  2456. >Her good wing flaps once, and she backs up into you with a lot of force.
  2457. >"-MMPH!"
  2458. >That one makes the loud clapping noise, and gets another wink out of her.
  2459. >With every pump of yours, her walls hug your member like a Chinese finger trap would.
  2460. >On top of that, every thrust feels like goddamn heaven.
  2461. >You're above cloud nine, and no matter what the speed is, you're enjoying this much more than you thought you would.
  2462. >You enjoy the sight of her flanks smacking against you, her hind legs moving freely with every hilt.
  2463. >The rush, the thought of knowing that these two are yours like this is intoxicating.
  2464. >You squeeze her two cheeks together, getting a yelp and a surprise kiss out of nowhere.
  2465. >Against your chest, her heart is racing just as quickly as yours.
  2466. >Which is to say, really fast.
  2468. >You happily reciprocate the kiss, choosing to simply wrestle her tongue instead of exploring.
  2469. >Instead of stopping to breathe, she shares her breaths with you.
  2470. >She becomes just as careless as you, no longer restricting or thinking about anything other than the kiss you're sharing.
  2471. >While the wet, smacking sounds between you both fill the room, Brave starts to snore beside you.
  2472. >...Heaviest sleeper you know.
  2473. >You swirl your tongue around hers, and feel her walls start to tighten up again.
  2474. >"Hah, oh, p-please~"
  2475. >Hearing the neediness in her voice fills your head with power.
  2476. >It's exhilirating.
  2477. >...Putty in your hands.
  2478. >"Mmm, Ahnon..."
  2479. >-Goddamn, that's so great.
  2480. >It's a weird feeling, hearing these things.
  2481. >It just makes everything feel so much better, if for a short moment.
  2482. >She clamps down on you, and you pick up the speed again.
  2483. >And at the same time, you feel yourself nearing the edge really quickly.
  2484. >"Oh, Anon!"
  2485. >REALLY quickly.
  2486. >"-Hmm, oh, y-yes!"
  2487. >"A-Anon, I, I!-"
  2488. >You pick up the speed again, squishing noise drowning out into wet smacking.
  2489. >Her hind legs quiver over you, and everything tenses up.
  2490. >"A-ANON!"
  2491. >That does it for you.
  2492. >A rush of more fluids splashes out of her, and you don't stop until you reach the end yourself.
  2493. >You keep pounding into her flanks, and she winks furiously against you.
  2494. >Her hips work as a kind of shock absorber, and you let loose inside of her.
  2495. >But she continues to bop on top of you.
  2496. >So against Jr's wishes, you do the same, continuing to ram into her and milk your second orgasm for all that it's worth.
  2497. >A wave of pleasure washes over you while she tightens around you.
  2498. >Everything slowly starts to leak out again, and with the addition of your own fluids, it becomes really sticky really quickly.
  2499. >But you both continue riding and pounding into each other for a few extra seconds, until absolutely everything is drained out of the both of you.
  2501. >Soon, your movements slow to a crawl, until you're both left lying there, looking at each other and panting heavily.
  2502. "H...holy jesus."
  2503. >Vannie slowly nods, then kisses you again.
  2504. >"I... I love you."
  2505. >A wave of something washes over you, and a smile touches your lips.
  2506. "I love you too."
  2507. >Your words float around the air for a few minutes while you both bask in the afterglow.
  2508. >Vannie slowly rests her head under your chin, making no attempt to pull herself away from you.
  2509. >Her heart beats against yours, steadily lowering itself to a normal rate.
  2510. >For a moment you simply hug her, enjoying the soft feel of her coat and the gentle motions of her breathing.
  2511. >Once you feel yourself starting to drift off, you slowly move to a normal position on the bed and get comfortable.
  2512. >-Sheets go over the mess for a quick fix.
  2513. >You finally pull out of Vannie, then take time to get yourself situated.
  2514. >And once you're content, you lie your head back, slink an arm around the girls, and pull them towards you.
  2515. >Brave latches onto you immediately in her death grip, and Vannie just uses you as a pillow.
  2516. >You throw some covers over, then rest your hands on their flanks.
  2517. >Vannie looks up at you, already drifting off and smiling.
  2518. >"Good night, Anon."
  2519. >You kiss her on the forehead.
  2520. "Night, Vannie."
  2521. >Not content with special treatment for one, you lean over and kiss Brave, too.
  2522. "Night, Brave."
  2523. >And for that reason- hopefully some time in the near future, you're going to give her a one on one session, too.
  2524. >And you gotta give Vannie what you gave Brave.
  2525. >-Hopefully your nose heals beforehand.
  2526. >Your head sinks into the pillow, and you're lulled by the warmth of the two mares on each of your sides.
  2527. >And no matter how hard you try, the smile on your face just doesn't seem to fade.
  2528. >...Life is good.
  2530. >Your eyes flutter open to the sunlight pouring into the room.
  2531. >Since it's not attacking your face like it usually is, it means you happened to actually wake up early for once.
  2532. >A bit of grey fluff moves around on your right, and you look down to meet a pair of big blue eyes locked onto you.
  2533. >Vannie gives you a small toothy smile.
  2534. >"Good morning, Anon."
  2535. >You can't help but reflect it.
  2536. "Good morning, Vannie."
  2537. >You bring your hand from her flank and gently rub her ears.
  2538. >She softly hums and leans into it in response.
  2539. >Already, you can't help but notice how great this morning is.
  2540. >You don't even feel a bit tired.
  2541. >It's warm on both sides, and you're snug under the covers with cute fluff.
  2542. >Pretty hard to beat that.
  2543. >On your left, Brave's sleeping soundly.
  2544. >Though on top of the death grip, you realize that her whole body is much closer to you than it usually is.
  2545. >She's resting her head on your shoulder this time, and even her tail is wrapped around your leg.
  2546. >More like a snake than a leech this time around.
  2547. >Since arm movement is more restricted like this, you choose to just softly rub her flank under the covers and lean your head back again.
  2548. >Vannie nuzzles your neck like a cat and makes herself comfortable while you continue to pet her.
  2549. >You do so for a few minutes, then see a set of green eyes lazily blinking open.
  2550. >They peer around, then turn towards you.
  2551. "Morning, Brave."
  2552. >A soft smile graces her face.
  2553. >"Morning, Anon. Morning, Vannie."
  2554. >"Good morning, Brave."
  2555. >She loses the death grip and takes to hugging you tightly, instead.
  2556. >For a while you all just lay there, enjoying the moment and each other's company.
  2557. >And as much as you'd love to just stay here the whole day, your stomach has other plans.
  2558. "...You guys wanna grab some breakfast?"
  2560. >"That sounds nice."
  2561. >You look over at Vannie, and she gives a confirming nod.
  2562. >With that, you give both of them a small kiss, and they move over to start putting their armor on.
  2563. >And since you actually never put your boxers back on, you find them under the covers and throw them on.
  2564. >You also find the big mess you left the sheets over last night.
  2565. >Now seeing it in the daylight... yeah, it's pretty bad.
  2566. >You'll probably have to come up with a story for the castle's cleaning ponies.
  2567. >You leave the covers over that and hop off the bed, your clothes-
  2568. >...Are sitting in a pile, neatly folded by the door.
  2569. >They weren't there last night.
  2570. >You glance over at the bed.
  2571. >...Those sneaky cleaning ponies.
  2572. >Well, nevermind about that story, then.
  2573. >Picking up your now clean shirt and socks, you put them on and yawn a lot while doing so.
  2574. >By the time you're done, the girls have long since put their armor on.
  2575. >Damn, that was quick.
  2576. >Their posture, their walk, and even the cute little smiles on their faces when they walk up to you, shows how relaxed they are.
  2577. >It's nice knowing they feel comfortable enough to be like this around you.
  2578. >Though Vannie does seem a bit more uniform.
  2579. >Then you remember how she was when you first met.
  2580. >...Odd how things change, sometimes.
  2581. >You open the door and let them go out first.
  2582. >The second they go out, it all turns into business.
  2583. >Vannie checks behind you, and Brave watches forwards while you leave.
  2584. >Then once you start walking, they relax again.
  2585. >Vannie takes the left, Brave the right.
  2586. >"So then, what's the plan for today, Anon?"
  2587. >You think for a moment.
  2588. "Well, some new clothes would be nice. Then afterwards, I was thinking of going back to the Badlands."
  2589. >They both tense up and freeze.
  2590. >You stop about two steps ahead of them.
  2591. >"Do... do you think that's a good idea? Do you think it'll be safe?"
  2592. >You shrug.
  2593. "Only one way to find out, right?"
  2595. >You're sure it is safe because if Luna was involved, there will definitely be a military presence down there by now.
  2596. >But the worried, upset scrunches on their faces are too cute.
  2597. >They're more worried as your pony girlfriends than they are as your guards.
  2598. >You kneel and bring both of them in for a hug.
  2599. "It'll be fine, I'm sure of it."
  2600. >It's less of a hug because of their armor and everything, but it still gets small smiles out of them.
  2601. >And with the strength you barely have, you hoist them up, getting a yelp and a bat squeak in response.
  2602. "But in the meantime, onwards to breakfast!"
  2603. >Holy hell this armor really is damn heavy.
  2604. >How do they wear this shit normally?
  2605. >You enjoy the amused grins of the two, but Vannie looks around more at her surroundings, as if expecting danger everywhere.
  2606. >Finally the final bit of hall leading up to the dining room comes up, and they both start to wriggle a bit.
  2607. >"O-okay, you can put me down, now!"
  2608. >"Wait, Anon, don't go in yet!-"
  2609. >You swing the doors open and walk in, girls still in tow.
  2610. >Because of how quickly you did so, and because of how huge the doors are, everyone looks your way.
  2611. >The girls freeze, and the grin on your face widens.
  2612. >You ignore every look coming your way and walk past the tables with a little pep in your step.
  2613. >On the way, that group that tried hitting on Vannie last time comes up.
  2614. >You just give them a little nod, and continue on your merry way.
  2615. >In your peripheral vision, you can spot a lot of the looks they shoot at you.
  2616. >Confusion, surprise, and jealousy.
  2617. >Lots and lots of it.
  2618. >If the cleaning ponies know, everyone does, after all.
  2619. >And after that, well, what's the point in hiding it?
  2620. >"-Good morning, Anonymous."
  2621. >-The girls tense up even more in your grasp, and you look up to meet Celestia's gaze.
  2622. "Morning, Celestia. Luna."
  2623. >The other Princess in question gives you a small nod and a smile.
  2624. >And with the look on their faces, there's no goddamn doubt in your mind that they know.
  2626. >They got those mother senses, which you've seen plenty of the first time you were here.
  2627. >Every time you were upset and tried to cover it up, an extra guard would just HAPPEN to show up at your door, or ice cream would randomly be delivered to you or something.
  2628. >No idea how they do it.
  2629. >So obviously, they see that there's a thing going on here, but you're just not sure if they know the... you know, extent, of it.
  2630. >You're just glad there doesn't seem to be much of a problem about this, though.
  2631. >When you're being retarded, you tend to forget simple things, and being in a relationship with the one you're in charge of protecting could have been very illegal.
  2632. >Didn't really cross your mind before you walked in parading them like that.
  2633. >...Ah, well.
  2634. >You take your seat beside the Princesses and place the girls down like you would an inanimate object.
  2635. >And with how absolutely still they are, they might as well be.
  2636. >...Are they even breathing?
  2637. >"Eventful morning, Anonymous?"
  2638. >You look over at the girls, their eyes wide and completely un-moving.
  2639. >-Wait, what?
  2640. "Say what now?"
  2641. >You look up at Luna, who has this amused smirk on her face.
  2642. >Celestia's no better, looking between the girls while you try to figure out what the hell they're talking abooouuu...
  2643. >Feeling eyes on you, you turn back and see an enormous amount of other guards just staring at you and them.
  2644. >Some are blushing, looking away.
  2645. >Some glares and looks of disbelief.
  2646. >...Okay, there might be a horse thing going on here that you don't know really about or something.
  2647. >Because this many looks for a tiny relationship is kind of ridiculous.
  2648. >A bit of soft blue magic covers the girls.
  2649. >"Next time might I suggest a bath, preferably BEFORE arriving at the table?"
  2650. >"Y-y-yes, P-Princess."
  2651. >Vannie barely moves her head in a nod.
  2652. >"At ease, then."
  2653. >They both barely take a breath, and nothing else.
  2654. >Like finally understanding the punchline to a joke you heard a week ago, you realize what's happening.
  2655. >...They know.
  2657. >
  2658. >After learning that ponies have great senses of smell, and that you walked around everyone with a honey and vanilla scent, Luna helped you out, too.
  2659. >Now for the time being, you don't smell like anything, and you have new knowledge under your belt.
  2660. >You went out to grab all of the food because of how stiff the girls still are.
  2661. >And now knowing what you do, you can kind of understand it.
  2662. >But also, nobody's trying to hit on or look them over because of it.
  2663. >While you're grabbing everything, you make sure of that.
  2664. >With a huge ass smile on your face, but still.
  2665. >You'd like to see them try anything.
  2666. >While you're away grabbing everything from the food tables, you notice the Princesses trying to start some small talk with them.
  2667. >They still have those smug smiles on their faces, and the few times the girls respond, they look worried or scared.
  2668. >Once you have everything in tow, you make your way back over to the table, and it kind of quiets down between them.
  2669. >"So then Anonymous, how have you been faring?"
  2670. >You set the plates down, sit and pop a few things.
  2671. "Surprisingly well, actually. Magic sure is a life-saver here."
  2672. >Luna nods, losing the smug smile on her face with a genuine one.
  2673. >"That is good to hear, dear Anonymous."
  2674. >You nod back, then turn to the plate in front of you.
  2675. >But something quickly nags at you.
  2676. "So... how is everything going, with the, you know, situation?"
  2677. >"As of last Tuesday, the treaty between Griffonstone and Equestria no longer exists."
  2678. >...Oh.
  2679. >Well, guess Celestia knows about it, then.
  2680. "What about that area in the Badlands?"
  2681. >"It is secure, and currently being investigated by our ponies."
  2683. >One word rings out above all the rest.
  2684. >Secure.
  2685. >Not that you wouldn't be able to hop in and storm the place again, but you'd rather not.
  2686. >It's not like you're the kind to be actively looking around for fights.
  2687. >Not only that, but with the girls...
  2688. >Yeah, no way in hell you're going to get a single scratch on them.
  2689. >"...Are you wishing to return there?"
  2690. >You nod.
  2691. >"-May I ask for what purpose, Anonymous?"
  2692. >In your peripherals, the girls wait anxiously for your response.
  2693. >You take a deep breath and think for a moment.
  2694. >As you've dealt with plenty of times before, girls almost always have a follow up, for absolutely anything you say.
  2695. >They're always right, or try to be until you just give up.
  2696. >Though you don't really expect it out of these two, a lot's happened that you didn't really expect, either.
  2697. "Down in that place, they certainly did find something... and I'd like to see exactly what that something is."
  2698. >The Princesses look at each other like they're mentally debating with each other.
  2699. "-My people were down in that place, dead and mummified. That place is the only lead of understanding the fate of the entire human race, and that's a pretty damn big deal to me."
  2700. >They all stop and glance at you.
  2701. >Some more mental debating, and Celestia turns to you first.
  2702. >"...As you wish, then. I'll send word to give you clearance into the area."
  2703. >You nod down at the girls-
  2704. >"-And your... partners, as well."
  2705. >'Partners'?
  2706. >Well, that's new.
  2707. "Thank you, Celestia."
  2708. >She nods, and you turn to the girls, who are now watching you with worried, unsure looks.
  2709. >As you expected.
  2710. >You hold your hands up before they speak.
  2711. "-Look, I can't expect you both to be so ready to go back there, but-"
  2712. >"-Anon, we're going with you, no matter what."
  2713. >Vannie nods.
  2714. >"Even if that place sucks."
  2715. >...You were expecting a bit more of a debate over it.
  2716. >But alright.
  2717. >You smile, and much to the annoyance of all the dudes looking over at you, you pet and rub the hell out of their ears.
  2719. >They throw caution to the wind and lean into your hands like mad.
  2720. >The more you pet, the more they fluff up.
  2721. >And you like their fluff.
  2722. >Though before they can start a full blown nuzzle session at the table, Brave's eyes shoot open, and she nudges Vannie.
  2723. >They look at all the jealous guards, then the two Princesses, who look even more amused now.
  2724. >And they shrink.
  2725. >When the Sisters look your way, you wiggle your fingers with a smile.
  2726. "Like magic, I tell ya."
  2727. >The girls, clearly embarrassed, and red enough to match the strawberries on the table, sit and eat quietly.
  2728. >And yes, this will not do.
  2729. >When everyone else starts to turn around, you slink your hands over and continue the ear rubbing in secret.
  2730. >Vannie tries to ignore it with a deepening blush on her face, and Brave scrunches under the veil of her mane.
  2731. >But they still lean into it.
  2732. >Too cute.
  2733. >After about a minute of petting, you leave them sitting there, embarrassed but smiling.
  2734. >They slowly pick at their food, and you decide to do the same.
  2735. >Fruit, fruit, and more fruit.
  2736. >As much as you enjoy free breakfast, it does suck that this is essentially all you can eat.
  2737. >Everything else, as you've mentioned before, is painfully sweet.
  2738. >Eggs would be great, but they're hard to come by.
  2739. >Ponies here see chicks before they see food, sadly.
  2740. >...Man, you could kill for some goddamn steak and eggs.
  2741. >And, well, seeing how you technically HAVE killed, that doesn't have much weight to it.
  2742. >And it's not like you killed a pony, or a fellow human being or anything.
  2743. >...In fact, as cold as it sounds, doing what you did down in that desert really didn't affect you.
  2744. >One, because they threatened you and your girls here, and two, because they've been nothing but hostile to you.
  2745. >Like terrorists in a video game or something.
  2746. >All you have to do is know that they're bad, and you may kill without remorse.
  2747. >It's why shooting mercenaries in the goddamn face is a-ok, but random people gives you an AO rating.
  2749. >Your thoughts are brought back when you realize you've just been sticking your fork into your plate for something.
  2750. >The girls are also finishing up on their last bits of fruit, meaning you'll be hitting the road for some new clothes soon.
  2751. >And weirdly enough, you find yourself excited for it.
  2752. >...From cold-blooded murder to a fabulous shopping adventure.
  2753. >Welcome to the mind of Anonymous- I, Anonymous, will be your guide.
  2754. >Once they finish up, and show no signs of needing more, you give your farewell nods to the Princesses.
  2755. >They follow up with their own, then you hop into action.
  2756. >In one quick motion, you grab and sling the girls over your shoulder-
  2757. >"-EEE!"
  2758. >"-EH?"
  2759. >While they're facing your back, you put your hands on their rumps for support, then head out.
  2760. >Walking past the tables, you get shot more and more looks.
  2761. >But you just keep on smiling, feeling damn untouchable while you strut past them all.
  2762. >The second you make it out the door, you look at the state of the girls.
  2763. >Both clearly embarrassed, and hiding behind their manes again.
  2764. >"Did... did you really n-need to do that?"
  2765. >You shrug.
  2766. "Well, I gotta show those guys who's who, don't I? There's no way I'll just sit back and let them take you both away from me."
  2767. >You pause when your own words reach you.
  2768. >"Oh, Anon..."
  2769. >Brave scoots herself into your view and gives you a gentle smile.
  2770. >"Don't you EVER worry yourself about that."
  2771. >Vannie hugs your neck, and you can feel her nod.
  2772. >"I'm staying right here with you, or I'm on my own again."
  2773. >Their words fill you with that odd feeling again.
  2774. >Not butterflies, but like the Blue Angels just took off inside of you.
  2775. >It's a very strong feeling, but it's... very pleasant, to say the least.
  2776. >A feeling of warmth, but without the heat.
  2777. >You hug them close to you while you make your way to the room.
  2778. "If only Griffon assassins had threatened to kill me earlier..."
  2779. >They tense up a bit, but the smile you didn't know you had stays on your face, wide as ever.
  2781. >Once you make it to the room, Vannie jumps off of you and starts speed-walking towards the bathroom.
  2782. >"I-I'll start a bath!"
  2783. >Brave does the same.
  2784. >"Right behind you!"
  2785. >You grab the pile of clothes by the door and toss it on the bed.
  2786. >Though all that's left now is your torn up stuff.
  2787. >Just without blood, sweat and dirt.
  2788. >The sound of water pouring fills the room, and for a moment you find yourself staring at your suit.
  2789. >You brush your hand against all the tears and loose strings it has.
  2790. >...You've worn this thing every single day since you've ended up in Eque- well, this time period.
  2791. >Every single day.
  2792. >For years.
  2793. >Seeing it now like this, tattered and ripped up, is... it's upsetting, to say the least.
  2794. >You could find some symbolism in this, but you just want your damn suit back.
  2795. >Fixing it up would just make you look like a damn scarecrow, and as much as you like it, you wouldn't go those lengths to keep it.
  2796. >At this point, tossing it would be the merciful thing to do.
  2797. >If just your other clothes were torn up, you'd be upset, but it's nothing that bad.
  2798. >But your jacket goes further back.
  2799. >Waaay further back.
  2800. >You can thank your Papa Anon for that.
  2801. >"-Anon, the bath's ready!"
  2802. >For a moment, all you can do is stare at it.
  2803. >Hell, you don't remember your own grandma's face anymore, but you remember the day you got this suit.
  2804. >It didn't fit at the time, but that quickly changed.
  2805. >...You wished you had more memories of it, but there were few times where a suit would be the better choice, compared to jeans and a t-shirt.
  2806. >And really, you only started wearing it when Dad-...
  2807. >You catch yourself and stop.
  2808. >...Don't dwell on these thoughts, it's the past.
  2809. >"-Anooon!"
  2810. "-Sorry, I'm coming!"
  2811. >Walking towards the bathroom, but can't help sneak a glance back.
  2812. >You straighten yourself out and take another breath.
  2813. >There's two lovely mares waiting in the next room, you can't show up with anything but a smile on your face.
  2814. >And you can't change what's already happened.
  2816. >When you walk into the bathroom, the first thing you notice is how clean it is.
  2817. >...Did they really...?
  2818. >Shaking the thought away, you make your way to the tub, where the girls are already out of their armor and sitting in it.
  2819. >You must've been standing in front of the bed for longer than it seemed, because there's already a shit ton of water in that thing.
  2820. >And you remember how long it took to fill up last time.
  2821. >Feeling a bit more comfortable with it, you hop out of your clothes and join them.
  2822. >The girls still blush and fluff up, but it's not as bad as last time.
  2823. >Vannie suddenly locks eyes with you, wearing this pensive look.
  2824. >"-What's wrong?"
  2825. >What?
  2826. "What?"
  2827. >She moves a bit closer and studies your face.
  2828. >"Something's wrong with you, and you're trying to hide it. What's going on?"
  2829. >...Damn it.
  2830. >You forgot how good she was at reading faces.
  2831. "Sheesh, that easy, huh?"
  2832. >She slowly nods, holding an expression similar to something a counselor would have listening to you.
  2833. >Brave sits and waits for you to say something as well.
  2834. >Yeah, you're probably not going to get out of this.
  2835. "It's... eh, just some old Earth memories being stirred up. It's nothing really important."
  2836. >"-If it's bothering you, then it's important to US."
  2837. "It'd be easier to forget it than to-"
  2838. >Brave attacks you first and wraps her hooves around you in a hug.
  2839. >Vannie follows right after her, and you're quickly covered in worried fluff.
  2840. >"Come on, Anon, I can't be happy until I know you are."
  2841. >...You don't even know why you tried to escape the interrogation.
  2842. >Stubborn, the both of them.
  2843. >Another sigh escapes you.
  2844. "I just... I saw my suit, and it brought back some unwanted memories."
  2845. >Those big pairs of eyes continue to watch you.
  2846. >You know they're waiting for more.
  2847. "The suit was given to me by my Dad, who kind of just... disappeared, one day."
  2848. >You can already feel a bit of something bubbling up, but being warm and hugged like this does kind of help.
  2849. >And in response, they just hug you more.
  2851. >"...I'm sorry, Anon."
  2852. >You shake your head and let out a soft sigh.
  2853. "Well, it's not like you guys had anything to do with it."
  2854. >"Still."
  2855. >Brave gently nuzzles you with her cheek, and you slowly find it hard to have anything but a smile on your face.
  2856. >It helps, knowing that these two are so eager to listen and comfort you like this.
  2857. >Not that it changes what happened, but it's definitely helps you in dealing with it.
  2858. >But really, the feelings come from the fact that you DON'T know what happened.
  2859. >You just...
  2860. >Vannie rests her head on your shoulder, then wraps her good wing around you.
  2861. >Yeah, don't think about it.
  2862. >Move on, this is your life now.
  2863. >Another sigh escapes you, and you focus instead on the warmth around you.
  2864. "I'm sorry, you guys. I didn't mean to worry you or anything."
  2865. >"Worry us? Anon, you can't just help us out and not expect the same treatment. You're not supposed to put yourself behind us."
  2866. >Vannie nods in agreement.
  2867. >You slink your arms around them, running your fingers through their coats.
  2868. "You two are the best things to ever happen to me. You can't just expect me not to."
  2869. >Vannie scans your face for authenticity, then starts to tear up.
  2870. >Brave's ears flop over, and she scoots closer before hugging you again.
  2871. >You can feel your circulation get cut in every single place she's holding, but you don't care.
  2872. >Vannie kisses you before resuming her original position, teary eyed with a big smile on her face.
  2873. >Already being a bit close to the edge of the tub, you move a bit and lean against it, hugging them while the water around you gets cold.
  2874. >But you don't care.
  2875. >You're with the girls, they're warm, and they're happy.
  2876. >Staying here forever is definitely an option you wouldn't mind taking.
  2878. >
  2879. >The rest of your time in the tub goes by pretty quickly.
  2880. >Because though staying forever is an option, it's not preferable.
  2881. >You'd much rather stay cuddling on a bed forever.
  2882. >Once the water did start to get cold, you got to cleaning.
  2883. >You helped the girls out, put pony-cleaning things on the list of what to get, and have since started washing yourself.
  2884. >It didn't take long for your thoughts to get the better of you.
  2885. >And now, the main thing on your mind is what you might find in that desert.
  2886. >Not only that, but you vividly remember that Geiger counter you found going wild while you were in there.
  2887. >The Griffons clearly have no idea of the danger of radiation, but you wonder if the ponies do...
  2888. >You put the entirety of the Badlands, plus what you had seen inside that bunker, and you can only wonder one thing.
  2889. >What the hell happened to the planet?
  2890. >Questions you've already asked yourself no doubt, but you can't understand how seven billion beings just... vanish.
  2891. >And that bunker was clearly American, so what about every other continent and country?
  2892. >Are there others scattered around Equestria?
  2893. >Your mind floods with all the what-ifs a man in a tin foil hat could think of.
  2894. >All these questions that you could really only find answers to beyond that portal.
  2895. >Your eyes stay glued to the floor of the tub while you think of what might be in there.
  2896. >You also realize how kind of selfish you're being.
  2897. >You mean, down there is the only lead you have to discovering the fate of the entire human race, but you've postponed it for clothes shopping and a visit to a store for pony washing things.
  2898. >Though, the way you see it, if whatever's in there has waited a million years, it can wait a few more hours.
  2899. >Though the importance of it is not lost on you.
  2900. >It's just, not priority one.
  2901. >The world went on around you before, and you weren't really part of it then.
  2902. >And now, your world is waiting in the other room, drying up.
  2903. >So yeah, everyone else's can wait.
  2905. >...
  2906. "I'm not sure why I found comfort in it, exactly. Having it around was just a big stress reliever for me..."
  2907. >"Well what happened to it?"
  2908. "I left it at my family's house before I came over here for training. I probably shouldn't have, but a mare showing up to camp with a foal's blanket... it probably wouldn't have been pretty."
  2909. >She nods in understanding.
  2910. >"I used to have a stuffed dolphin as my special thing. I know it's waiting at home, but a train ticket for a toy now seems pretty ridiculous..."
  2911. >She stares off for a moment.
  2912. >An ear flicks, and she looks up at you.
  2913. >"I do miss him, though..."
  2914. >You nod, thoughts slowly drifting to the one you left behind.
  2915. >There have been plenty of nights where you've felt you've needed it.
  2916. >Also nights where you would just enjoy to have it there with you.
  2917. >...But how would you get past your father?
  2918. >It's just... it's been so long...
  2919. >You shake the thoughts from your head when you see Anon peeking his head out of the bathroom.
  2920. >Your ears quickly stand at attention, and you can't stop yourself from scanning the room with them.
  2921. >It's unsurprisingly clear.
  2922. >Without a word, he moves over and flops onto the bed.
  2923. >He rolls onto his back and extends his arms to both of you, offering either a hug or a cuddle.
  2924. >But you go for a cuddle.
  2925. >You lie down beside him, and his hand makes its way to your ear.
  2926. >Vannie does the same thing, clearly needing to forget the reminder you both gave each other earlier.
  2927. >He gently rubs the outside of your ear, causing them to instinctively flick.
  2928. >You can't help but lean into him.
  2929. >Compared to hooves, it feels like you're getting a spa massage every time he pets you.
  2930. >His hand moves down over and caresses your cheek, where he surprises you with a kiss.
  2931. >You wish you could summarize what you feel into words, but it's more than difficult to.
  2932. >With every touch, you just feel... warm.
  2933. >Everything in your body just relaxes, and you find yourself wondering what you were even upset about now.
  2935. >You hum and coo under his touch, and you can't help but notice the huge smile on your face while doing so.
  2936. >Really, you haven't felt this happy since... well, ever.
  2937. >And though you miss your blanket, Anon has made as a very satisfactory replacement, in the meantime.
  2938. >Especially because blankets don't really cuddle you, or pet and brush your mane until you sleep.
  2939. >But you digress.
  2940. >Every time you're with him, you notice that the rest of the world just seems to fade away.
  2941. >Not literally, but for instance, you haven't even stepped hoof into your apartment since you've been with him.
  2942. >-Not that your job really allowed it much anyways, but still.
  2943. >You always forget you even have an apartment when you're here with him, and you may as well just be living in the castle because of it.
  2944. >You pause.
  2945. >...You haven't been doing your job.
  2946. >Sure, that thought brushed past your mind plenty of times, but if both of the Princesses know- and they obviously do- about your relationship, then they might investigate more into what you're doing.
  2947. >They'd let you go in an instant if they saw how lax you've gotten in your duties.
  2948. >-Not that it'd stop you from seeing Anon, but still.
  2949. >You tense up at the thought, but his fingers running through your mane makes it difficult to worry.
  2950. >Vannie's faring no better, clearly giving up the fight like you haven't.
  2952. >Time seems to pass at an irregular pace while you lie beside him.
  2953. >Probably because Anon has been your main focus this whole time.
  2954. >It's nice.
  2955. >All your troubling thoughts really do just melt away, and you figure it'd all just be better to deal with these problems as they come.
  2956. >You shouldn't fall back into bad habits, and thinking too much about things is definitely one you should avoid.
  2957. >He continues to brush and pet your curly mane, straightening it down to its guard-approved state.
  2958. >You're just glad it's only like this after showers.
  2959. >Never envied the hours it took Mom to fix her mane up every day.
  2960. >Hay, you have trouble just dealing with it like THIS.
  2961. >Can't imagine what having her mane would be like everyday.
  2962. >"-So, before I fall asleep and forget about it, you two ready to head out?"
  2963. >You instinctively nod before his words are processed.
  2964. >Vannie yawns, then gently nods.
  2965. >"Yeah, as much as I like sleeping, passing out in the middle of the day probably wouldn't look good to anypony."
  2966. >Anon wears this big goofy smile on his face, then kisses both of you on the forehead.
  2967. >"Alright, cool beans!"
  2968. >He seems as happy as you feel.
  2969. >...It's nice.
  2970. >More than nice, really.
  2971. >It's the best thing you could ask for.
  2972. >He sits up, and Vannie hops off the bed to do exactly what you need to.
  2973. >You get up, hop off and shake yourself dry where you can.
  2974. >Nothing like a wet dog, but enough to get your coat and mane extra dry.
  2975. >You run your hoof over your mane again, enough to straighten it out, but not to keep it from being so poofy-looking.
  2976. >But you like it like this.
  2977. >Straight, but voluminous, and soft to the touch.
  2978. >Makes you look nice and orderly- a big jump from how you looked this morning.
  2980. >...This morning.
  2981. >There's no doubt everypony in that stupid dining hall knows about your relationship here.
  2982. >And though there's no rules on it not being allowed, nopony really does it.
  2983. >Your mind drifts to the kinds of things everypony here is probably saying behind your back.
  2984. >None of it is very good...
  2985. >You shake your head and try to focus on putting your armor on.
  2986. >You shouldn't worry yourself with what others may think.
  2987. >-Though kind of difficult...
  2988. >Shaking your head again, when you look up from putting your last shoe, Vannie's looking over at you.
  2989. >But you recognize that look.
  2990. >She's studying your face.
  2991. >You put on the blank, serious expression of the Guard that you've practiced.
  2992. >She narrows her eyes in response, and stares at you for a moment.
  2993. >Finally, she sighs and walks over to you, clad in her armor.
  2994. >"I can't read that look, I'll give you that. But you know I saw you beforehoof."
  2995. >A sigh of your own escapes, and you nod while you continue to put your armor on.
  2996. >Anon's over by the bed, putting his torn up clothing on for whatever reason.
  2997. >She nudges you with a hoof.
  2998. >"What's up, then? What's on your mind?"
  2999. >You shake your head.
  3000. "Nothing."
  3001. >She deadpans and stays silent.
  3002. >When you don't budge either, she sighs again.
  3003. >"Whether it's small or not, I know how bad it is to bottle things up. Don't do it."
  3004. >You finish adjusting everything and put your helmet on.
  3005. >The look on her face, just like every other time you've tried to keep something quiet, is full of worry.
  3006. >Though you've seen it plenty of times, it reminds you who you're speaking to.
  3007. >You feel your look soften.
  3008. "Just thinking about this morning. What everypony must be saying after all of that..."
  3009. >She nods in understanding, and puts a hoof on your withers.
  3010. >And for some reason, right next to Anon, she's still the only pony who can help calm you down with a simple touch.
  3011. >Hay, if it weren't for her, you certainly wouldn't have made those eight days.
  3013. >She pulls you in for a small hug, which is kind of awkward with all the armor in the way.
  3014. >But it still feels great.
  3015. >"Don't worry about what those jerks have to say. They don't know you like me and Anon."
  3016. >You pause and return the hug.
  3017. >Her words do help, but they don't silence the thoughts in your head.
  3018. >You don't think anything can.
  3019. >But it still helps.
  3020. "Thank you..."
  3021. >From behind her ears, you can see Anon, all dressed up and looking at you both with a smile on his face.
  3022. >Seeing his smile brings one onto your face, and Vannie does the same when she sees yours.
  3023. >Only with these two...
  3024. >When you break the hug with her, you can't help but feel great again.
  3025. >It's just contagious.
  3026. >"So, you two beautiful things ready to hit the road?"
  3027. >"Aren't we just supposed to walk on it?"
  3028. >Anon stops, as if in shock, then grins.
  3029. >"Well where's the fun in that?"
  3030. >He walks towards you both, and before you can protest, he hoists both of you up and puts you on his withers.
  3031. >Your forehooves dangle in front of him, and your hind legs sway lazily behind his back.
  3032. >You make sure to cover yourself with your tail, but aside from that, you focus on enjoying the ride.
  3033. >With how badly your armor can make any regular stallion quiver under its weight, you're still really impressed to see him able to carry you both like this.
  3034. >He doesn't seem to be struggling with it at all.
  3035. >So while he carries you both around, you decide to scan your surroundings.
  3036. >You lookout both for danger, and anypony who could happen to see you like this.
  3037. >Out of sight, out of mind, right?
  3038. >While you keep an eye out, the rest of the trek through the castle breezes by.
  3039. >You're sure it helps to know where the hay you're going, which is another reason why you're glad Anon's doing the walking.
  3040. >Because no matter how many times you've walked around this place, it's still confusing.
  3042. >Once you're outside the castle though, Anon pauses to look around.
  3043. >You take this opportunity to free yourself and hop off of him.
  3044. >Vannie does the same, though a bit more reluctantly.
  3045. >"No riding shotgun? How am I gonna get my exercise in now?"
  3046. "-We have to make sure you get there in one piece... sir."
  3047. >He turns to you, then out into the city.
  3048. >"...Fair enough. If I don't make it though, just make sure to divide my pieces evenly, alright?"
  3049. >A slight frown makes its way to your face.
  3050. >You're not sure how Anon can have such a dark humor sometimes.
  3051. >You know you're not supposed to get upset by it, but it gives you some mental images you've never wanted to see.
  3052. >"-Ah, right, too soon."
  3053. >With a nod, he starts at a brisk pace towards the gate, where you and Vannie hug his sides, scanning the surrounding area.
  3054. >Just because you're technically not on duty, doesn't mean you're going to just walk around and do nothing.
  3055. >The gate's opened, and you notice these somewhat hostile looks the guards on duty are giving Anon.
  3056. >He doesn't seem to notice, though.
  3057. >You expect them to say something, but they just stay silent.
  3058. >...Good.
  3059. >When you're finally off castle grounds, you put yourself on high alert and keep yourself as close to him as possible.
  3060. >Even though the whole incident happened when Anon was away from you, you're not going to take any chances with it.
  3061. >He's not getting lost on your careful watch.
  3062. >"-Anon, stop!"
  3063. >You pause alongside him.
  3064. >Vannie looks at the road ahead and checks for carriages.
  3065. >Though not many carriages move around here anyways.
  3066. >And you're sure even less accidents have been reported.
  3067. >"...Okay, we can go."
  3068. >"I don't think I've ever seen anything dangerous come down this road before, Vannie. Like, ever."
  3069. >She checks her surroundings again and slips into matching your professional expression.
  3070. >"Safety first, sir!"
  3072. >He looks at her for a moment, then crosses his arms and turns towards you.
  3073. >You resist the urge to instinctively smile at him and keep the guard look.
  3074. >He kneels, then slips an arm around both of you.
  3075. >"You guys are worried about me getting caught again, aren't you?"
  3076. >You quickly shake your head.
  3077. "It's our duty to protect, and I'm not letting anything else happen to you... sir."
  3078. >"But you're not on duty NOW, are you?"
  3079. >You stay silent.
  3080. >"I know Vannie's got some time off for her wing, and I doubt Celestia would just throw you back into work after what we dealt with."
  3081. >He gently rubs both of your ears.
  3082. >You try to stay serious, but you can't help but let out a small smirk.
  3083. >"Now come on, we'll get some new threads, get some closure, then we'll have all the time in the world to worry about other things. As long as we're out in the open and together like this, I really, REALLY doubt anything would happen to us."
  3084. >After a short pause, you manage a small nod.
  3085. >Then he turns to Vannie, who gives him a smile.
  3086. >"-I'm still gonna look super serious, though. Break or not, I've got an image to keep up."
  3087. >"...Again, fair enough. But seriousness won't stop me from doing THIS-"
  3088. >-He boops Vannie.
  3089. >In PUBLIC.
  3090. >You quickly glance at your surroundings to make sure nopony saw that.
  3091. >And when you're sure the coast is clear, you're surprised by your own boop.
  3092. >You scrunch in response, and he just laughs at both of you.
  3093. >It's a nice laugh, though.
  3094. >Nothing mean, and after a moment, you can't help but softly join in yourself.
  3095. >He rubs your ears a bit more while he hugs you both.
  3096. >It takes a lot of willpower to keep yourself from nuzzling him.
  3097. >But especially in your armor, you don't think it'd feel very nice.
  3098. >"-But now then, let's go get those damned clothes, before I get too comfy in this dirt."
  3100. >He stands, and you put your guard-approved look on again.
  3101. >And though he said not to worry, you don't stop yourself from routinely checking your surroundings.
  3102. >Keep your ears perked, listening out- just in case.
  3103. >Better safe than sorry.
  3104. >And instead of stopping at every intersection, Vannie just moves ahead and quickly checks for carriages before you all walk.
  3105. >Though she does look a bit more relaxed now.
  3106. >With your combined efforts, the walk goes smoothly.
  3107. >You end up at a small, but still very expensive-looking store.
  3108. >He holds the door open for you both, and you cautiously walk in.
  3109. >A bell rings when the door closes, and you see somepony peek their head over the displays.
  3110. >Hoofsteps make their way over to you, only slightly muffled by the classical music playing above.
  3111. >"Hello, welcome to- OH SWEET CELESTIA!"
  3112. >The mare ahead stops and stares at Anon.
  3113. >"-Oh, so you changed the name?"
  3114. >She slowly walks up to him, quickly scanning his clothes.
  3115. >-At least, she better be.
  3116. >"I- it's- what the hay happened to you?!"
  3117. >Anon shrugs.
  3118. >"Long story."
  3119. >She blinks, then shakes her head.
  3120. >"Well, I sure hope you came around here to get something other than patches."
  3121. >She turns to you and Vannie.
  3122. >"And I'm guessing these ponies are with you? Is Princess Celestia making you wear something nice for your moon banishment?"
  3123. >Before he can answer, she extends her hoof out to Vannie first.
  3124. >"Hi, I'm Sweet Biscuit."
  3125. >"Just call me Vannie."
  3126. >She nods, then moves to you.
  3127. >"Sweet Biscuit!"
  3128. "Brave."
  3129. >"Oooh, code names, huh?" What kinda secret agent stuff did you get into, Anon?"
  3130. >"The complicated kind."
  3131. >"-As always."
  3132. >She backs up a bit and offers a small smile.
  3133. >"So then, why are you REALLY back in Canterlot, exactly?"
  3135. >"Well... it's kind of a long sto-"
  3136. >"-Alright, alright, let me change the question, then. What are you doing HERE? It's been more than four years, and now you have Guards with you- I'm sensing you didn't drop by just to say hi."
  3137. >"And, you would be absolutely right."
  3138. >Anon puts on a stone cold expression.
  3139. >...It looks pretty serious.
  3140. >"We're also here on official shopping business."
  3141. >Sweet tilts her head slightly.
  3142. >"-I'll get a replacement everything, and these lovely ladies will get any dress of their choice."
  3143. >-Wait, what?
  3144. >"What?"
  3145. >He glances back, expression softened again.
  3146. >"-Or, ya know, whatever you guys'd like. But I'm buying."
  3147. >Sweet's eyes widen.
  3148. >"Wait, really?"
  3149. >He turns back to her.
  3150. >"Well yeah, of course. I'd rather give these non-hard-working bits to a pony I know, than those stereotypical posh types that crawl around this city."
  3151. >Her eyes are practically sparkling now.
  3152. >"I mean, unless you'd prefer I just toss these into a street and see what happens-"
  3153. >-And now it's gone.
  3154. >He snickers lightly.
  3155. >"But nevermind that, where them clothes at?"
  3156. >She beams again and holds a hoof up.
  3157. >"Wait, before you do anything!"
  3158. >She slips away, back over towards the counter and into a back room, guarded by a curtain.
  3159. >A few seconds pass, and she com- oooh, are those cookies?
  3160. >You watch as she approaches again, now balancing a tray of cookies on her back.
  3161. >"I started experimenting again with ingredients, and I decided to make this! It's actually based on the flavors I remember you saying you liked the most. Try them, tell me what you think!"
  3162. >Anon grabs one, and you merely eye them hungrily.
  3163. >"-Well don't be shy, you two grab one, too!"
  3164. >Awww yiss.
  3165. >But instead of inhaling it immediately, you take a moment to inspect it.
  3166. >"It's a vanilla and cinnamon dough with honey."
  3167. >Mare, this looks pretty good.
  3168. >If only you had some coffee with this, too.
  3170. >"Oh my god... OH MY GOD."
  3171. >"Do... do you all like it?"
  3172. >You softly nod-
  3173. >"-I will buy every single one of these that you have off your hooves, right here, right now."
  3174. >"-Right now?"
  3175. >He vigorously nods and starts taking bits out of his pocket.
  3176. >"Right now right now."
  3177. >Before she can speak, he gives a bunch of bags to her.
  3178. >"Aaalll of theeem."
  3179. >"Oh, uh, okay. I'm glad you like them! I was a bit worried you wouldn't..."
  3180. >She leaves on that note, slipping behind the curtain while juggling all those bits.
  3181. >Jeez, did Anon really have all of those in his pockets?
  3182. >And he STILL carried you?
  3183. >Very impressive.
  3184. >"Alright, while she's over there, take all the money from the register!"
  3185. >You freeze and turn towards Anon.
  3186. >-Oh, he has that smile on his face.
  3187. >You were about to kick him in the face if he tried anything.
  3188. >Lovingly, though.
  3189. >Just do he wouldn't do it again.
  3190. >"...Man, I actually feared for my life for a second. Good job you two, those looks were scary."
  3191. >You simply smile at him.
  3192. >A normal smile, now that you know you're all alone right now.
  3193. >It feels good to.
  3194. >"Alright, but seriously though, pick outcha clothing, anything you want- don't be looking at price tags."
  3195. >"Wait, you were being serious?"
  3196. >"Of course I was. And if something catches your eye in another store, we can go after that, too."
  3197. >He kneels and pulls you both closer.
  3198. >"Nothing but the best for my girls."
  3199. >You quickly look around the store, then at the curtain.
  3200. >Once you see it's clear, you quickly take your helmet off and place it on the ground.
  3201. >You quickly tackle him in a small hug, and now have the freedom to lean into him without any armor being in the way.
  3202. >He brushes part of your mane and softly scratches your ear.
  3203. >Oh mare, this feels nice...
  3204. >Your ears perk up at the sound of hooves already moving nearby.
  3205. >Vannie quickly straightens herself out.
  3206. >You stumble a bit to grab your helmet, but end up armored and in position when Sweet comes back.
  3207. >Though your mane is pretty messy.
  3209. >She's carrying a bunch of striped boxes with a big smile on her face.
  3210. >"-Wait, no, I'll go put 'em over here!"
  3211. >She walks off again and stacks all the boxes on top of the front counter.
  3212. >It's a lot of cookies.
  3213. >"Now then Anon, should we start with measurements?"
  3214. >"...Could I have some cookies while you measure?"
  3215. >"Of course!"
  3216. >"Niiice."
  3217. >He starts walking over with Sweet, then turns back to you.
  3218. >"Remember, no price tags!"
  3219. >And you watch as he disappears behind a curtain, box of cookies in tow.
  3220. >Red flags immediately go off in your head, but you try to tell yourself he'll be fine.
  3221. >...Come on, relax Brave.
  3222. >He knows that pony, he should be fine.
  3223. >You take a long, deep breath to calm your nerves.
  3224. >"I think that pony has a crush on Anon."
  3225. >You freeze.
  3226. >"Actually, I'm pretty much positive she does."
  3227. >The red flags wave red flags.
  3228. >Vannie simply nods.
  3229. >"It was just written all over her face. You can tell she likes him."
  3230. >You glance over at the curtain they're behind and narrow your eyes, trying to peer past it.
  3231. >It doesn't work, and you can't help but huff.
  3232. >-No, it's okay Brave.
  3233. >Even if that pony does have a crush on Anon, she's been nothing but nice to you both.
  3234. >It's only fair that you treat her the same.
  3235. >...But if she's trying anything...
  3236. >-No, you know Anon.
  3237. >You don't have anything to worry about.
  3238. >...But what if she tries to kiss him or something?
  3239. >The thought settles in your mind, and you narrow your eyes further.
  3240. >Oh mare, she better not be trying something.
  3241. >You don't even know what you would do if she was, though.
  3242. >But you'd make sure it wasn't pretty.
  3243. >Especially for your first coltfriend.
  3244. >ESPECIALLY.
  3245. >-Vannie slowly slides into your vision.
  3246. >You stop scrunching, and you feel your ears perk up again.
  3247. >Then, you realize you've just been violently glaring at a curtain for a few minutes.
  3248. >-Okay, calm down, be nice.
  3249. >You'll be cozy in the castle's bed in no time.
  3251. >...
  3252. "You alright there? You look ready to blow up the store."
  3253. >She takes a deep breath, and the red slowly leaves her cheeks.
  3254. >"Yeah... yeah, I'm fine."
  3255. >Though she still looks pretty mad.
  3256. >Whelp, there's the possessive part of herself that she told you about.
  3257. >Makes you glad things turned out the way they did, because you probably wouldn't have survived this wrath of hers.
  3258. "I'd just keep an eye out for her. Unless she tries something, I don't think Anon would like her getting vaporized."
  3259. >She pauses for a second, then gives you a small nod.
  3260. >Once you see it's genuine, you slowly pace away and head for a batch of dresses.
  3261. >You've never really seen yourself as the dress-y kinda mare, but that's mostly because you've never had one.
  3262. >It sounds kinda nice to have a chance to experiment.
  3263. >You know, actually doll yourself up for once.
  3264. >Maybe no makeup or anything, but the rest sounds nice.
  3265. >"What were you planning on getting?"
  3266. >You jump a bit, and question how you managed to not hear all that armor shuffling toward you.
  3267. "I'm not sure, really. Never had an opportunity like this before."
  3268. >She nods in understanding.
  3269. >From what she told you, she was never a dressy mare, either.
  3270. >-For very different reasons, sure, but still.
  3271. >"I was thinking of just getting some new socks or something. Some real fluffy ones to walk around in."
  3272. >...That's pretty lewd.
  3273. >But not a bad idea.
  3274. >The fluffy ones are pretty comfortable, and cold hooves are no fun.
  3275. >Though thanks to that enormous blanket in the castle room, you haven't really had to worry about it.
  3276. >-Well, you're also not going to be able to stay in the castle forever.
  3277. >Keep forgetting about that, actually.
  3278. >It's hard to remember things when lying on that big, cozy bed in there.
  3279. >...Oh hay, you haven't even paid the landmare rent!
  3280. >You know she hates you, and you hate her just as much, but she could look past it...
  3281. >-And actually, it'd be stupid if she didn't!
  3282. >You're the only one that has to pay extra at that stupid place.
  3284. >When your focus comes back to the clothes in front of your face, you notice that Brave has long since shuffled away.
  3285. >And you didn't hear it- again.
  3286. >You glance back, and she's sitting, inspecting some other dresses with a pensive look on her face.
  3287. >And just looking at a few of them, you know they're really expensive.
  3288. >It's probably why she looks like she's fighting with herself.
  3289. >You know Anon didn't actually mean you both can get whatever you want.
  3290. >Everypony, no matter how generous, has their limit.
  3291. >...Though, now thinking about it, maybe you should take advantage of said generosity.
  3292. >-Not in any terrible way, but you could get socks from essentially anywhere.
  3293. >At least here you could grab something to wear when you're out, instead of your armor.
  3294. >-And not having to worry about blowing your rent bits on it i/s a big bonus, for sure.
  3295. >...And hay, maybe a dress could help keep some eyes off of you.
  3296. >Nopony would think a fancy-looking mare is some random cuddleslut, that's for sure.
  3297. >It'd be nice to be able to go somewhere and not have to worry about ponies bothering you.
  3298. >But which one would you even get?
  3299. >You wouldn't want it too frilly, but it'd still have to look kinda nice.
  3300. >And you are not giving into the dumb Princess Dress craze.
  3301. >"-Oooh Vannie, whut do you tink of dis dresh?"
  3302. >You spin around, and Brave's holding a white dress that's almost as bright as her coat.
  3303. >It's got a few gold accents on it, and is pretty simple as compared to the others.
  3304. >And despite the white on white, the different shades actually look like it would wear nicely on her.
  3305. "I like it!"
  3306. >The smile holding that dress up gets a bit wider, and she slings it on her back.
  3307. >"Imma go try it on!"
  3308. >You notice a little pep in her step while she walks off towards a curtained room with it.
  3309. >Like a filly in a candy store.
  3310. >Though, knowing what you do about her fillyhood, it makes sense.
  3311. >Not like she was given many chances to even BE a filly.
  3313. >Though seeing her like this now is just more enjoyable because of it.
  3314. >You're glad she can just look past everything and still be happy like this.
  3315. >Well... relatively happy.
  3316. >But knowing you'll also be here during those not-happy times helps, too.
  3317. >There's nopony's touch like your own with such delicate matters.
  3318. >A professional pony definitely wouldn't care as much as you, that's for sure.
  3319. >You'd rather help her yourself, than to see her sent to somepony like that.
  3321. "-EEE!"
  3322. >"-OOOUGH!"
  3323. >The second you realize what you just did, it's already over.
  3324. >When you spin around, Anon's on the ground, writhing in pain and holding his... private area.
  3325. >You tried to flap your wings too, but all you're worried about is the swift kick you just gave to your coltfriend.
  3327. >Hoofsteps quickly make their way over to you, and in a flash, there's two other ponies right beside you and him.
  3328. >"What, what's wrong?!"
  3329. >"Anon, are you okay?! What happened to him?!"
  3330. >It takes you a second to process that this mare's talking to you.
  3331. >And immediately, you can tell she's blaming you for everything.
  3332. >-Sure, you ARE actually the cause of this, but-
  3333. >"-No, no, it's nothing. I'm just... I'm goddamn retarded. Ooough..."
  3334. >"Well what happened? Should I call the hospital?!"
  3335. >"-No, no I'm fine. I just need a second..."
  3336. >He rolls over and presses his face against the ground while he groans.
  3337. >Then you feel somepony's gaze burning into you.
  3338. >You look up, and of course, Sweet looks pretty upset.
  3339. >"So then what happened, huh?"
  3340. >She takes a big step towards you.
  3341. >"Did YOU hit him?"
  3342. >A wave of white and brown moves in front of you.
  3343. >"-Hey, you stay away from her!"
  3344. >"-Woah woah, calm down! It was just an accident, you guys. All my fault..."
  3345. >For a second, it's completely silent.
  3346. >Then Sweet gives you a small glare, and Anon a nod.
  3347. >"Well, I'll be working on your suit if you need me, then."
  3348. >And she walks off.
  3350. >Things quickly settle down once she disappears.
  3351. >The cogs in your head start turning, and you realize what just happened.
  3352. >And mare, Brave was REALLY quick to hop in front of you like that.
  3353. >"Are you alright?"
  3354. >You gently nod.
  3355. >Anon holds the spot you kicked him in, while he winces and stands up.
  3356. >"Oh lord in a basket, I think this batch of kids just became retarded."
  3357. >You flock over to his side.
  3358. >It was clearly an accident, but guilt keeps you from letting the matter go.
  3359. "I'm so sooo sorry, Anon..."
  3360. >"No, don't be. I should've learned not to sneak up on you guys after I got a hoof in my face... And I'll probably end up making the same mistake in the future, anyways."
  3361. >He gives your ears a small rub, then his gaze turns over to Brave.
  3362. >"Well, hellooo nurse."
  3363. >She looks behind herself, then back to him.
  3364. >"Oh, do... do you like it? Does it look nice?"
  3365. >He quickly shakes his head.
  3366. >"No, it doesn't."
  3367. >You're taken back a bit.
  3368. >Immediately, Brave's whole expression falls.
  3369. >"-It looks absolutely amazing."
  3370. >-Then it picks right back up.
  3371. >"Really?"
  3372. >"Really, really. Though, you know I can say that about anything you wear."
  3373. >She beams, and compared to the stone cold look she had walking around outside, it's like you're seeing a whole new mare.
  3374. >He gives her ears a good scratch, then looks over at you.
  3375. >"How about you? Find anything you like?"
  3376. >You turn around and glance at all the bunches of clothes, as if hoping to find something super amazing in a second.
  3377. >Obviously, you find nothing.
  3378. "...Well, I was just thinking of just getting some socks or something."
  3379. >His eyes widen a bit.
  3380. >"Woah, really?- I mean, ah..."
  3381. >He clears his throat.
  3382. >"You shouldn't just limit yourself to that, you know. I could get you all the socks you want, AND a dress or something. Money ain't an issue, you know."
  3383. >His eyes move around slowly, then stop on Brave.
  3384. >"Same for you. If you also want some socks, or lacy underwear or something... just say the word! Or b-both, if you want, too."
  3386. >Brave simply nods and smiles.
  3387. >You can plainly see where Anon's train of thought is, though.
  3388. >Socks are understandable, but nopony just wears underwear for no reason.
  3389. >Unless it's really cold, but you'd still have stuff over that, so nopony would see it anyways.
  3390. >This, though...
  3391. >You know dressing up for your coltfriend isn't an uncommon thing.
  3392. >You've obviously never done it, but the thought of it is... kind of exciting.
  3393. >Even if Brave would wear it all much better.
  3394. >Socks and underwear on you would probably be like a clown wearing a business suit.
  3395. >An odd example, but very accurate.
  3396. >You've never been the saucy kind of mare.
  3397. >And with the dumb freckles on your face, you probably never will be.
  3398. >-Hay, and being saucy is what every other bat pony is known for.
  3399. >Well, that, and the mango thing.
  3400. >...Never really understood that.
  3401. >The ponies you knew didn't praise mangoes, and you'd certainly prefer an apple or orange instead of one.
  3402. >They're just too sweet, in your opinion.
  3403. >With other stuff, yeah, it can taste okay.
  3404. >On its own though, it may as well be made of sugar.
  3405. >"...Yoohoo, Vanniiie."
  3406. >Anon waves a hand in front of your face, and you blink before looking at him.
  3407. >"You looked like you found the secrets of the universe. What's up?"
  3408. >Before you can say anything, he picks you up, an arm over your back, and another under your rump.
  3409. >You quickly look around, expecting to find somepony watching you or something.
  3410. >But not even Brave is here, probably back behind the curtains again.
  3411. >-He steals a kiss, bringing your attention back to him and a blush to your face.
  3412. >You get a weird, but enjoyable feeling in your stomach from it.
  3413. >And though you probably shouldn't, you can't stop yourself from wrapping your hind legs around him, just to feel a bit closer.
  3414. >"I mean it might be something small, but I saw you making a lot of faces."
  3415. >Your ears flop on their own accord, and you look away slightly.
  3416. "No, it's nothing..."
  3418. >"-Hey."
  3419. >You instinctively turn towards him, and he goes in for another kiss.
  3420. >It's nothing intense, but you still get that nice feeling in your stomach.
  3421. >Your body relaxes and glows under his touch.
  3422. >When you part, a small smile is left on your face.
  3423. >"I gotta do everything I can to keep you guys happy and in tip top shape. If there is something bothering you, I hope you'll let me know about it, too. Let me be your outlet."
  3424. >You can feel your ears flop over again, but you don't look away as much.
  3425. "Well, I..."
  3426. >You try to think of a way to put your thoughts into words.
  3427. "Do you... do you think I could be pretty, too?"
  3428. >His whole expression changes, like you just kicked him again.
  3429. >"...Think?"
  3430. "-I-I just, if I got a dress or something, I wouldn't want to embarrass you both in public. A-and I know I'm not as pretty as Brave, but with the socks and stuff, I-"
  3431. >"-Let me stop you right there."
  3432. >You freeze.
  3433. >He takes a deep breath.
  3434. >"I mean, first off, I already don't care how others look at me. I mean, look at my clothes."
  3435. >Your eyes trail down to his tattered suit.
  3436. >"And second... I don't even know how to respond to that."
  3437. >His own gaze falls a bit, then meets yours.
  3438. >"I mean, I know where you're coming from, in that regard. I never thought myself a looker, and never really went out there because of it."
  3439. >He looks into your eyes and smiles.
  3440. >"But you, you're drop dead gorgeous."
  3441. >His words hit you like a train.
  3442. >"Every single day, I consider myself the luckiest, single living monkey man on the planet, just because I get to wake up and see your faces, every single day."
  3443. >You're left speechless.
  3444. >You can see it in his face.
  3445. >He really does believe his own words.
  3446. >"I mean, hell, you're completely out of my league. I've learned through the years what ponies see as pretty, and you're literally all of it."
  3447. >He softly smiles.
  3448. >"Eventually, you'll see it yourself. But in the meantime, if I have to call you pretty everyday until you see it, then I will gladly do so."
  3450. >You feel super warm and nice, just from his words alone.
  3451. >Aside from your parents, Anon's the only one to call you pretty and actually mean it.
  3452. >And of course your parents would say you're pretty- they're your parents.
  3453. >But for everypony else, you know you've always been an easy cuddle before anything.
  3454. >And past that... all anypony sees is a useless blank flank.
  3455. >Anon pulls you in for a hug, which you definitely feel you need.
  3456. >But really, you always feel you need a hug.
  3457. >Even Ma told you, even as a filly, you were always a hugger.
  3458. >If only you had gotten a Cutie Mark from it or something.
  3459. >You could've been a professional, and be super rich by now.
  3460. >You squeeze Anon with your legs a little bit, resting your head on him in an attempt to calm yourself down.
  3461. "Mmm... I love you, Anon."
  3462. >-Oh HAY, did you just blurt that out?!
  3463. >"I love you too, Vannie."
  3464. >His words sink in, quickly turning your worry into that queasy feeling again.
  3465. >You get this shiver up your back, instead of down, that leaves you with a smile on your face.
  3466. >Like the nice, gentle warmness you get sipping a mug of hot cocoa in the winter time.
  3467. >Just, kind of all around your whole body.
  3468. >You feel overloaded with tons of different sensations, all of them wonderful.
  3469. "Oh, I love yooou..."
  3470. >Those words leaving your muzzle feels like a million bits.
  3471. >Being able to say it- able to MEAN it, all while getting a-
  3472. >"-Love you too."
  3473. >-In return?
  3474. >It makes your heart just swell up with joy.
  3475. >And never, ever in your life, would you ever want to give this feeling up- for anything.
  3476. >Making yourself comfortable, you relax and breathe in his scent.
  3477. >It washes over you, calming you down and really helping to unwind everything...
  3478. >"Are you falling asleep?"
  3479. >Your eyes shoot open, and you jolt up, quickly looking around yourself.
  3480. "N-no."
  3481. >Though you kind of were.
  3482. >Mare, you don't know what it is, but only Anon can get you to relax so easily.
  3483. >Well, him and Ecco.
  3484. >...You miss Ecco.
  3486. >"Well, don't worry, we'll have plenty of time to get cozy after this."
  3487. >You bring your focus back and smile.
  3488. >"-And after the Badlands trip, of course."
  3489. >Your ears fall over at the name of that place.
  3490. "Do... do we really have to go back there?"
  3491. >He shakes his head and boops you.
  3492. >"Well, YOU don't have to go anywhere. In fact, I'd prefer you and Brave stay, because of what might be down there."
  3493. "-OR, we could just not go there at all, because there's no point in it!"
  3494. >His look softens a bit, and he actually seems to think about it for a second.
  3495. >-Maybe you could change his mind?
  3496. "-I know, you're going because of your species and all that, but what about YOU? That thing will always be there, but what if you get hurt again, o-or trapped or something?!"
  3497. >He gives you a tiny kiss.
  3498. >...It calms you down a bit, but you know that's exactly what he's trying to do.
  3499. >So you fluff yourself up, scrunch a bit, and blow your cheeks- show him that you mean business.
  3500. >First he just looks amused, then his expression quickly changes.
  3501. >"Look, I know you might find the whole choice retarded, but whatever's down there... it's down there for me."
  3502. >You scrunch even more.
  3503. "What does that even mean?!"
  3504. >"You saw how I opened that door down there, didn't you? I have no idea what that thing is, but the fact that I, of all people, was able to unlock it, kiiind of tells me there's something in there that I need to see."
  3505. >You huff and turn away from him.
  3506. >"I know it might be dangerous down there. With the government involved, I really have no idea what I'm getting myself into..."
  3507. >His expression softens again.
  3508. >"I promise you though, if what's down there really is that bad, then I won't pursue it further. I'll forget about the whole thing, and we'll never go back to it again."
  3509. >Your ears perk up a little, and your gaze slowly meets his.
  3510. "...R-really?"
  3512. >He nods.
  3513. >"Trust me, I'm in no rush to die. I care about my own safety too, you know."
  3514. "Not as much as I do."
  3515. >You wrap your forelegs around his neck and hug him again.
  3516. "I just... I don't want you to get hurt."
  3517. >He nods and pats your armored back.
  3518. >"Yeah, I know..."
  3519. >Silence cuts between you both for a moment.
  3520. >It's a comfortable silence, though.
  3521. >"I'm sure we'll be fine, though. And if I'm correct, that place is millions of years old and somehow still standing. Not even zombies could live that long in there."
  3522. >That kind of makes you feel better.
  3523. >"...Is there any way I could convince you to stay, though?"
  3524. >You quickly shake your head.
  3525. "Where you go, I go."
  3526. >"Yeah, I know- and I also know you're extremely stubborn, so you'll want to go regardless. But what we first saw there, I mean, what I had to do and everything... You shouldn't have had to see any of that."
  3527. >You slowly nod.
  3528. >Yeah, you have to admit it kind of affected you.
  3529. >Seeing all that he did- all that happened to HIM...
  3530. >Well, another reason you're glad Brave was there.
  3531. "I know you did what you had to... and that's not always pretty. I don't see you any differently because of it."
  3532. >Though you actually do.
  3534. >Not in a bad way, though.
  3535. >Anon's super sweet and nice, and caring, but holy hay, he did some real damage back there.
  3536. >Knowing that you have this as a coltfriend is... really exciting to you.
  3537. >Like, you're glad he's not completely a softie.
  3538. >He can protect you from anything about as much as you can protect him.
  3539. >And that is awesome.
  3540. >"Well, I see YOU pretty differently. You kicked tons of ass back there."
  3541. >You beam.
  3542. "That's just what I was thinking about! You were awesome!"
  3543. >He softly laughs and squeezes you closer.
  3544. >"I try."
  3545. >You grab your helmet, then place it gently on the ground with your wing.
  3546. >Mane and head now free from its metal clutches, you nuzzle and brush up against Anon.
  3547. >While you purr and enjoy his warmth, you praise whatever deity that has given him to you.
  3548. >Back then, you never thought you'd see yourself here.
  3549. >In fact, you had given up hope in finding that special somepony a long time ago...
  3550. >Not enough to become a cuddleslut, but you were definitely considering it a lot more.
  3551. >It seemed worth it, just to have somepony next to you, if even for a night.
  3552. >...To think that the pony next to you actually cared about you, and was there to stay.
  3553. >You sigh, focusing more on the hug than your own slight shivering.
  3554. >You'd tell yourself you didn't need anypony.
  3555. >You could become successful, help yourself, then enjoy life just as much as everypony else.
  3556. >But now, you see how wrong you were.
  3557. >And though the wait hurt, you feel it was definitely worth it to be where you are now.
  3558. >Here with your very special somepony- your coltfriend.
  3559. >Your soulmate.
  3562. >You swear, if this was a cartoon, you'd probably be caught with hearts in your eyes right now.
  3563. >Or anytime you see Anon, really.
  3564. >And every day, you feel you love him even more than the last time you saw him.
  3565. >If that's even possible, really.
  3566. >The thought brings a smile to your face, and one word sticks out among the rest.
  3567. >...Love.
  3568. >Still such an unusual word- a foreign concept to you.
  3569. >And with all that time to yourself, the word's meaning only grew.
  3570. >Yet here you are, able to say, and genuinely feel that you're using it right.
  3571. >Like a whole new you has come out of it.
  3572. >"So then... you need help picking something out? Something cute and frilly?"
  3573. >You grin and bring your focus back.
  3574. "Pft, you wish."
  3575. >"You in a French maid's outfit? Hell yeah, I do."
  3576. >For a second, you stop and imagine yourself in one, maybe lightly dusting a bookshelf in it.
  3577. >...That's pretty lewd.
  3578. >"Don't choose for me, though. Grab whatever speaks to you- or something like that."
  3579. >Much to your disappointment, he gently puts you down.
  3580. >But now, you see all the garments around you through different eyes.
  3581. >You mean, the only opinions you really care about are Brave and Anon's.
  3582. >And your parents'.
  3583. >...And Ecco's.
  3584. >But the point is, as long as you're with them, who cares what anypony else thinks?
  3585. >If anything, you pity them, because they'll never know a colt and best friend as all around amazing as yours.
  3586. >And speak of the pony, you see Brave making her way over from one of the dressing rooms.
  3587. >And you're glad it's her, because with how great you're feeling, that other mare would no doubt come in and ruin it for you.
  3588. >She's now in a wavy, ocean blue dress, with a big grin on her face.
  3589. >But the second she gets close enough, you feel an old urge bubble up.
  3590. >Before you know it, you've trapped her in a bear hug.
  3592. >Instantly you recognize and regret what you've done.
  3593. >You practically lunged at her.
  3594. >You don't know what came over-
  3595. "-HNK!"
  3596. >It takes you a moment, but you can barely believe it.
  3597. >She's hugging you back.
  3598. >It's such a small thing, but the last time you remember surprising somepony with a hug.
  3599. >...Well, it's why you stopped.
  3600. >That was years ago, though.
  3601. >You've been able to suppress the urge for so long, but now you just snap out of nowhere?
  3602. >And it was so strong, too.
  3603. "I-I uh, I'm sorry, I don't know what happened."
  3604. >"Yeah, that was a pretty violent hug-lunge if I've ever seen one. Like something you'd see in a nature film."
  3605. >He frowns.
  3606. >"Wait, how come I get punched in the face, and she comes out fine?"
  3607. >"Because she didn't sneak around and hop out TO SCARE ME!"
  3608. >"Hey, I... oh right, guess that is true."
  3609. >You meekly let her go, and she gives you a warm smile.
  3610. >That feeling goes through you again, but it's slightly different.
  3611. >Like what Anon gave you was a piece of the pie, and she just gave the rest.
  3612. >Hay is it awesome.
  3613. >You just feel super awesome.
  3614. >Like, if you didn't have such a terrible singing voice, you probably would have broken out into song a long time ago.
  3615. >That's how awesome you feel.
  3616. >She does a little spin in her dress, then looks up at you both.
  3617. >"So, what do you both think of this one? I feel like my flanks look too big in it."
  3618. >"...May I give my honest opinion?"
  3619. >She nods.
  3620. >"Gat DAYUM gurl, you be lookin HELLA FINE."
  3621. >"...Is that good?"
  3622. >"Yes, it very much is. And since I'm going to be the only guy looking at your flanks, I can say that I approve of their size."
  3623. >LEWD.
  3624. >Her cheeks heat up a bit, but that smile doesn't leave her face.
  3625. >In fact, it's exactly the one you feel you have.
  3626. >And you don't think you'll be able to stop it anytime soon.
  3628. >While Brave blushes from all the compliments Anon's giving her, you spin around and look again.
  3629. >Find something that he'll approve of.
  3630. >-No wait, that's just what he told you NOT to do!
  3631. >You're shopping for yourself, here!
  3632. >...You'll just probably never use these things by yourself.
  3633. >How would you, anyways?
  3634. >The little bell on the door rings, and somepony walks in.
  3635. >Like everything is just subtly trying to take your mind off the task at hoof.
  3636. >With a hoof on your chin, you hope the philosophical pose will help you think better.
  3638. >Your ears perk up, and you watch Anon sprinting towards that pony.
  3639. >And right before he goes through the door, you see the bag of bits and the boxes of cookies he's carrying.
  3640. >And at the same time, he sees the glint in your armor.
  3641. >His whole expression falls.
  3642. >Oh, you better be scared.
  3643. >You and Brave bolt after him at the same time.
  3644. >And knowing Brave's the better runner, you quickly hold the door open for her, then follow suit.
  3645. >But the second you go outside, you watch Anon yank the stallion's tail and tackle him.
  3647. >They tumble into the ground, and almost immediately, he's got him pinned.
  3648. >The stallion struggles, but clearly can't go anywhere.
  3649. >Anon doesn't even look like he notices the struggling.
  3650. >-He's not even using both arms to hold him!
  3651. >And it's an EARTH PONY!
  3652. >You watch as two nearby guards walk up to them both.
  3653. >...Oh, right, you forgot you're a guard, too.
  3654. >-Well, you're off duty, anyways.
  3655. >Just means less paperwork for you.
  3656. >The second Anon gets off, the stallion tries to bolt, and the two guards pile on top of him.
  3657. >They clearly have trouble holding him down, though.
  3658. >Anon simply holds him down again while the two perform the arrest.
  3659. >Oh mare, he's so strong...
  3660. >-OH HAY.
  3661. >You quickly bring your tail in and slowly back up into the store.
  3662. >Brave does the same, and you both share a look.
  3663. >No words need to be said.
  3664. >The shame is clearly mutual.
  3666. >You move back into the same spot you were at, and Anon comes back inside, bag of bits in his pocket and the cookies in his arms.
  3667. >He puts them back, gets a single cookie, then walks back over to you both.
  3668. >"Hmmm, you guys find a perfume here or something? I like it."
  3669. >Brave grabs a random dress in her teeth and backs away.
  3670. >"I-I need to go try this on!"
  3671. >"Woah, that dress is sparkly."
  3672. >"I like sparkly!"
  3673. >She zips away, leaving you sitting on the ground and sweating like a pig.
  3674. >Yeah, maybe it's time for the armor to come off.
  3675. >You shed the pieces off, and it does help a bit.
  3676. >But all the fluff keeps it from really being cool.
  3677. >And all the heat just makes it harder to focus on something.
  3678. >"Sheesh, you know, you really oughta think about shaving or something. You look hot as hell."
  3679. >You're about to say the same back to him, but quickly realize it wasn't a compliment.
  3680. "Yeah, it's p-pretty hot."
  3681. >"When we get out of here, I'll grab a bunch of water for us."
  3682. >You nod, trying to cool yourself down and focus on your breathing.
  3683. >Hay, you hate this season...
  3684. >Can't just be those few weeks, can it?
  3685. >No, the weeks before AND after have to be JUST as bad, where every little thing will set you off.
  3686. >You shift slightly.
  3687. >A tingle moves down your back.
  3688. >HAY, why is it so BAD?
  3689. >All you did was see Anon!
  3690. >-Oh hay, it's BECAUSE of him!
  3691. >You remember hearing about it from other mares.
  3692. >That once you find your special somepony... THAT season gets worse.
  3693. >So much worse.
  3694. >Hay, it was one of the pros you'd tell yourself being single was great for.
  3695. >But you didn't think it would be THIS bad.
  3696. >"Something on your mind again? You know, you ponies are really bad at hiding things. ...I mean hell, I knew that guy was gonna try something the second he walked in here, that bastard."
  3697. >He smiles and stands proudly.
  3698. >"Guess being known as the "long-sloth" around here really gave me the advantage."
  3699. >His smile and posture slowly fades.
  3700. >"...Man the ponies here are dicks."
  3702. >He kneels and hugs you towards his side.
  3703. >"But nevermind that, you look a bit conflicted. Hard time picking something out?"
  3704. >You quickly nod and bite your lip.
  3705. >"...Anon? Could you come here for a second?"
  3706. >"Hmmm? Oh ah, sure."
  3707. >He pats your side, then gets back up.
  3708. >"I'll help getcha that perfect dress after this!"
  3709. >You watch as he walks away towards the voice of Sweet.
  3710. >It gets you a little jealous, but you're much more thankful for the time alone.
  3711. >Who cares if it's "a mare's natural process"- this is embarrassing as hay.
  3712. >You glance around your surroundings and let out a sigh.
  3713. >Maybe just a little bit of your hoof...
  3714. >-No, stop it!
  3715. >-Sweet Luna, you HATE this!
  3716. >You had like, ONE lewd thought!
  3717. >ONE!
  3718. >You bite your hoof and try to focus on what's in front of you.
  3719. >Which, you know, is still the dresses.
  3720. >It just brings up the whole, "everything trying to stop you from this" thought again.
  3721. >-The small bell on the door rings.
  3722. >Oh Luna you hate everything.
  3723. >You instinctively look over, and wow, who else could it be but Captain Gold and Minuette?
  3724. >The last time you saw them was when Anon was in the hospital- but of COURSE, they just so HAPPEN to be here when you're like THIS?!
  3725. >Anon peeks his head out from the curtain and spots them.
  3726. >"Oh, hey!"
  3727. >He hops out and quickly makes his way over them, while you take this chance to duck under the clothes.
  3728. >And as much as you hate to do this, you gotta get out of here.
  3729. >There's no way you're showing yourself in this condition.
  3730. >You fold your ears back and slowly look around the stands.
  3731. >If you're that quick, there's a chance you can make it to the dressing rooms undetected.
  3732. >You check around again, then look at the rooms.
  3733. >Oh mare, come on, it's just right there.
  3734. >You shake your head and run in place, tapping lightly on your hooves.
  3735. >The second you hear Anon moving your way, you jump and dart towards safety.
  3737. >Once you slip past the curtain, a flash of white, brown and green fills your vision.
  3738. >"OOF!"
  3739. >In the mishmash of hooves, you can't stop yourself from landing right on top of her.
  3740. >Like, fluff to fluff, eyes locked and-
  3741. "-Sorry, sorry sorry!"
  3742. >You hop back up to your hooves and stay silent, perking an ear towards the curtain.
  3743. >"...Huh. Well, she WAS here."
  3744. >Okay, at least you made it out!
  3745. >Sure, you happened to end up in the same dressing room as Brave here, but still.
  3746. >In fact, if she clearly wasn't as flustered as you are, she probably would have gotten you right in the face.
  3747. >Her ears flick about, and the red on her face is obviously not going away any time soon.
  3748. >"Why are you in here? What's going on?"
  3749. "Sorry, company came by. I didn't want to talk to anypony... well, like THIS."
  3750. >She slowly nods in understanding, ears flicking around again.
  3751. >"I... I've never had it this bad before... This is like..."
  3752. "-Yeah, I know."
  3753. >You sigh and back up, sitting closer to the edge of the room.
  3754. >It's easy to pick up how bad Brave's got it, which makes her running into here like she did completely understandable.
  3755. >Especially since, well, you're here too.
  3756. >You relax a bit more, at least knowing you're not suffering alone.
  3757. >And maybe relax a bit too much, when you can feel the cold tile ground touch your backside.
  3758. >Even through your tail, it's freezing enough to make you yelp.
  3759. >"That's why I'm sitting up here."
  3760. >You hop up onto the small plastic bench and feel a smaller chill from it.
  3761. >While you simply sit there, too overcome with other things to really speak, you're just reminded of your days back in training.
  3762. >Hay, none of the other mares seemed to care about their seasons, or anypony else knowing that they were in it.
  3763. >Maybe because they were all older- you don't know.
  3764. >But hiding was the only way to avoid all the pranks they'd pull.
  3765. >...And to keep your tail from being cut again.
  3767. >...
  3768. >You hate this.
  3769. >This is all terrible.
  3770. >You shift your hooves on the seat, thinking, trying to find a way to get out of this.
  3771. >Or really, just a way to get through this without anypony knowing.
  3772. >You're surprised Anon didn't notice anything when he came by, but you chalk it up to him not being a pony.
  3773. >Moving ever so slightly, you still get a jolt sent through you.
  3774. >A very strong one, at that.
  3775. >You feel your ears flick and glance over at Vannie.
  3776. >Her cheeks are as red as yours, from what you can see in the mirror beside you.
  3777. >You back up, then move your tail slightly.
  3778. >Bring your hindleg up juuust a tad...
  3779. >...Oh Celestia.
  3780. >A simple cold shower is NOT going to fix this.
  3781. >A small whine escapes you.
  3782. >-You freeze, and Vannie snaps over to you.
  3783. >You didn't do that on purpose!
  3784. >She just nods.
  3785. >"Yeah, I say we start brainstorming ideas or something, before this all gets worse."
  3786. >You nod back, though a little unsure of yourself.
  3787. >Just thinking is hard enough as it is, you don't think you have a good idea anywhere in you.
  3788. >...But you want it i-
  3789. >-STOP!
  3790. >You shake your head clear and focus.
  3791. >...Not a single non-lewd solution comes to mind.
  3792. >One of those ideas would definitely get you kicked out, if Sweet really does have a crush on Anon.
  3793. >Another is, uh...
  3794. >You quietly glance at Vannie again.
  3795. >Uh, well...
  3796. >"Wait... I think I miiight have an idea."
  3797. >Oh thank Celestia.
  3798. >She puts a hoof on her chin and stares at the ground, as if putting the rest of the pieces together.
  3799. >"Maybe we could try to cover everything. You know, layer stuff on, so it'll be harder for anypony to tell what's going on."
  3800. >Even in your flustered state, you can see the promise in that idea.
  3801. >The blush might be difficult to get rid of, but you'd rather be blushing around the city than announcing to the world that you're in season.
  3802. >"Oh hay, but Gold and Minuette definitely complicate things..."
  3803. >Your ears fall.
  3805. >Oh great, so THAT's who came in earlier.
  3806. >You thought one of those guards had recognized you out of your armor.
  3807. >Always looking for somepony to drop their paperwork on, those two.
  3808. >Your ears stand at attention.
  3809. >Anon's making his way over.
  3810. >You hop off and start putting the white dress on.
  3811. >"What are-"
  3812. >One of her ears perks towards the sound.
  3813. >She quickly moves into the blue dress as he gets closer.
  3814. >His silhouette moves past the curtain and no doubt towards the others.
  3815. >"Hey Vannie, ya left your armor out on the floor over here. Also, Dav- Gold and Minuette are here."
  3816. >"Over here!"
  3817. >She hops off and moves towards the entrance.
  3818. >He steps over, then peeks his head in.
  3819. >Once he spots you, his eyes widen just a tad.
  3820. >"Woah, you guys making out in here or what? I'd like to join."
  3821. >"W-what?! No!"
  3822. >"Then why are you blushing? Also that looks nice on you-"
  3823. >"-Look, could you just uh, could you grab a bunch of clothes for us? Undergarments and big dresses and stuff?"
  3824. >He pauses for a moment, looking over you both again.
  3825. >"Why can't you just come out and get it? You avoiding these two, or what?"
  3826. >"No, we just, uh..."
  3827. "-We want to surprise them!"
  3828. >You blurted that out a bit too loudly.
  3829. >He scans your faces.
  3830. >"You know, I'm dumb, but I ain't stupid. I'll bring some stuff around, but I expect an explanation or something afterwards."
  3831. >He drops her armor beside yours, then slips out with another glance.
  3832. >"-Oh uh."
  3833. >His head pops back in.
  3834. >"Whelp, looks like you got a visitor anyways!"
  3835. >He pulls the curtain open a bit, and Minuette-
  3836. >-You freeze and try to blend in with the wall.
  3837. >"Now I don't know the situation, but I hope you all make up. If you kiss, make sure I'm here though."
  3838. >Now he disappears, leaving Minuette standing just inside the room, donning a look of sympathy.
  3839. >"...Wow, you both really got it bad."
  3841. >You hang your head in shame.
  3842. >During this season, you always feel... less of a pony.
  3843. >Like you're just some kind of feral animal, unable to control her own instincts.
  3844. >You mean hay, even the awkward science classes you had on the subject said that it's a useless thing for ponies now.
  3845. >A primal instinct, left over from when ponies couldn't speak.
  3846. >It's unfair that you still have to suffer it.
  3847. >"C-could... could you please help us?"
  3848. >Minuette slowly nods.
  3849. >"It's why I'm here! I could tell it was your season from like, half way across the room."
  3850. >...If that's the case, there's no doubt in your mind that Sweet knows about it, too.
  3851. >Barely know the pony, and here you are rubbing against her furniture like a filly in her first cycle.
  3852. >And hay, even your first estrus wasn't as bad as this.
  3853. >"So then, do you just want a subtle cover, or what I've been doing?"
  3854. >Vannie glances back at you for a second.
  3855. >"Well, what is that, exactly?"
  3856. >You watch her horn light up and- UUOooUgh!
  3857. >"HA-ooohmmm!"
  3858. >The feeling suddenly stops, and your thoughts come back to you at a very slow pace.
  3859. >You can feel and hear your heart thumping wildly.
  3860. >Vannie pants lightly and tries to regain her composure.
  3861. >"I mean, it does take a little while to get used to at first, but it definitely helps!"
  3862. >While in your current state it sounds perfect, you really doubt you could control yourself with... that going on.
  3863. >Those few extra seconds felt like hours, and you don't think Sweet would like you leaving any bigger messes in her store.
  3864. >Hopefully you can find some paper towels for this.
  3865. >"I-I, I think I'll get the subtle cover."
  3866. >She nods.
  3867. >"Alrighty! I mean, it won't give any relief or anything, but it does keep anypony from knowing about it."
  3868. >Her horn lights up again, and suddenly Vannie's scent is no more.
  3869. "M-me too!"
  3870. >She nods, then the whole room becomes smell-free.
  3871. >While it doesn't fix the problem entirely, you're at least relieved that nopony else will know.
  3872. >...Except these two, at least.
  3874. >"Alrighty, I got it!"
  3875. >Anon pops his head into the curtain with a big smile on his face.
  3876. >"Now, you said big and frilly, so I got juuust that! The socks and things, too!"
  3877. >He walks in and puts two dresses down beside you.
  3878. >"And I can't smell anything for some reason. I really liked the perfume you guys used."
  3879. >You shift a little.
  3880. >He backs up from the bench and glances at Minuette.
  3881. >"-Oooh hell, right! Sorry."
  3882. >He skips out, that big smile still on his face.
  3883. >Must really have liked what he brought you and Vannie.
  3884. >...Though you don't even need it anymore.
  3885. >The dresses he brought are clearly identical.
  3886. >But the socks and underoos closest to you are a light grey color, while the others are a bright white.
  3887. >You pick up the dress in your hooves and put it against your chest.
  3888. >Trying to ignore the burning down there, you turn and look in the mirror.
  3889. >O-oh.
  3890. >This is a maid outfit.
  3891. >And if not, then it's something REALLY close to one.
  3892. >No wonder Anon was so excited about giving them to you.
  3893. >...This is too lewd.
  3894. >Looking over at Vannie, she wears the same embarrassed expression that you do.
  3895. >-You do like the socks, though.
  3896. >They're fluffy and soft, just like you wanted them.
  3897. >You bite the end of one and slowly slip it onto your hoof.
  3898. >A soft hum of magic interrupts you, and in an instant, you can feel something hugging almost every part of your body.
  3899. >Vannie gasps, and you glance over.
  3900. >She's now wearing all the garments that were sitting beside you.
  3901. >Something's tight around your flanks, and the poofiness of the dress you're in is easily noticeable.
  3902. >You show your flank to the mirror, then move your dress out of the way.
  3903. >And now, covering part of your rump is a light grey fabric.
  3904. >...Seeing it closer though, the grey seems oddly familiar to you.
  3905. >Like...
  3906. >You slowly turn towards Vannie.
  3907. >"Awww, you're matching! That's so cute!"
  3910. >Vannie scrunches and puffs her cheeks out.
  3911. >"-Hey, I saw a big flash from outside, is somethiiing..."
  3912. >Anon's jaw drops slightly while he looks over you both.
  3913. >"Whoa, that's, uh, ahum..."
  3914. >He pulls his collar and grins.
  3915. >"You guys look g-great! If you ah, need anything, or uh, something, I'll be out here! ...A-and, er, yeah."
  3916. >He slowly moves away from the curtain.
  3917. >"Well, he certainly seems to like it."
  3918. >You glance at yourself in the mirror again.
  3919. >Straighten your back out a bit, blow a lock of your mane away.
  3920. >And now that you have everything on... you do kind of like it.
  3921. >J-just how it looks, not the whole maid thing!
  3922. >It's got a good amount of poofy to it though, and the colors are nice.
  3923. >Enough black to contrast your coat, and not enough white to blend into it.
  3924. >"See? Even Brave likes it!"
  3925. "Wh-what? Do not! I was just looking!"
  3926. >Minuette snickers.
  3927. >Oh, this mare.
  3928. >Vannie starts taking the thing off, and you do the same.
  3929. >Regardless of how you feel about it... you're not going to be wearing a maid outfit in public.
  3930. >ESPECIALLY not in public.
  3931. >Hay, imagine what your parents would think of you?
  3932. >Can't even see them, but you'd no doubt be able to feel their disappointment.
  3933. >There's another flash of magic, and look, now you're no longer in the outfit.
  3934. >You're definitely keeping the socks and underwear, though.
  3935. >...Plus, you kind of have to take the underwear at this point.
  3936. >Sweet definitely wouldn't want you just putting it back wherever it was.
  3938. >
  3939. >"My god. Never in my life have I been this excited to buy clothes."
  3940. >Anon puts the outfits and your socks and stuff down on the counter.
  3941. >Minuette and Gold left just a minute ago, saying there was some show they're going to or something.
  3942. >You weren't really paying too much attention, honestly.
  3943. >While Anon and Gold couldn't tell of the state you're in, you still had to play the part of a normal pony.
  3944. >Which was very, VERY difficult.
  3945. >They did leave pretty quickly though, and the short time you talked to both of them, they were pretty excited.
  3946. >And hay, you didn't even know about the show until you saw the tickets.
  3947. >Front row seats, too.
  3948. >Mare, you've really been out of the loop since Anon's come around.
  3949. >Not that you mind, because it's just more time to spend with him, but still.
  3950. >You'd rather stay out of the loop here with Anon, than be stuck out on patrol again.
  3951. >"Oh, you're uh... buying this... for your marefriends...?"
  3952. >-Wait what?
  3953. >Your focus moves over to Sweet, who's just got this dejected look on her face.
  3954. >You and Vannie both share a confused look.
  3955. >Okay, obviously Anon broke the news, then.
  3956. >-Which actually makes sense, because you're sure if it was either one of you, she'd of tried to throw down.
  3957. >She certainly looked that way earlier.
  3958. >And hay, you would absolutely DESTROY her if she did.
  3959. >But she didn't, so it's fine.
  3960. >BUT OH MARE-
  3961. >-Okay, okay, calm yourself, Brave.
  3962. >You take a deep breath, and notice the pout on her face.
  3963. >While normally you'd be quick to cheer somepony up, this is different.
  3964. >She's competition, and there is no way in hay you're sharing this prize with her.
  3965. >Besides, she's much better looking than you- of course you're going to be this defensive over Anon.
  3966. >She can have any stallion he wants, just not him.
  3967. >And the fact that HE broke the news to her...
  3968. >You glance up at his soft, smiling face.
  3969. >A soft, dreamy sigh escapes you.
  3970. >It reminds you that this really isn't a normal old fling.
  3972. >Not that you'd really know how a normal fling is like anyways, but still.
  3973. >You hate stallions that expect everypony to do the fighting for them.
  3974. >The kind that always flock to the sides of a mare like a lost puppy.
  3975. >Maybe it's because of the whole not-a-pony thing, but it's refreshing to see that somepony has the same relationship ideals as you.
  3976. >Nopony in charge, just loving equals.
  3977. >Though in private, you absolutely would not mind being domin-
  3978. >"-Uh Brave, you coming?"
  3979. >You blink and look up at the counter.
  3980. >It's completely empty, save for Sweet, who's now glaring holes into you.
  3981. >Vannie and Anon are waiting by the front door.
  3982. >You turn to follow them, then stop.
  3983. >Gotta show good sportsmareship.
  3984. >You face her again and grin.
  3985. "Thank you for still helping us out. I wish you well."
  3986. >She just grumbles and glares even harder.
  3987. >"I was only helping Anon, not you two."
  3988. >-Oh, so you want to play like that, huh?
  3989. >You plant your hooves on the counter and lean in a bit.
  3990. >You have the biggest smile on your face.
  3991. "Well, we're totally going to his castle room to do stuff in these dresses. Thanks for really spicing things up for us!"
  3992. >She huffs, really looking ready to start throwing hooves.
  3993. >-Which you'd still have no problem doing.
  3994. >You're off duty, after all.
  3995. >When she looks absolutely livid, you take your smug expression and daintily skip towards the door.
  3996. >You feel the carpet under you move, and hop out of the way as it's quickly yanked towards the side.
  3997. >Thank Celestia for this armor, too.
  3998. >Literally.
  3999. >Magic resistance is a seriously great thing to have, sometimes.
  4000. >You swing the door open and wave a hoof at her.
  4001. "Ciao!"
  4003. >She screams something at you, but by the time the door closes, it's all just a muffled mess.
  4004. >You catch up to Anon and Vannie on the street, that big smile still on your face.
  4005. >"Alrighty, so, we'll stop by this shop so you guys can grab some bathroom things, drop this all off at the castle, then finally book it to the Badlands. Sound good?"
  4006. >"-Everything except the last part."
  4007. >"Oh hush. Don't see it as some kind of terrible experience, look at it like... a treasure hunt."
  4008. >Vannie just frowns.
  4009. >"I mean, I do. I'm hoping to find myself some new clothes, myself.
  4010. >He gazes at his tattered suit, then the one slung over his shoulder.
  4011. >"More civilian clothes, at least. Man, I hope I get to wear jeans again..."
  4012. >Vannie's head drops a bit, along with her ears.
  4013. >Without even looking, he scoops her up and-
  4014. "-Woah!"
  4015. >"Oh, don't wooorry, I'll keep you cyoot widdle dings safe!"
  4016. >He carries both of you in front of him, bellies exposed.
  4017. >You notice all the ponies staring while he quickly rubs both of you.
  4018. >While the attention is really getting to you, his therapeutic petting really stops you from worrying so much.
  4020. >-But it feels sooo nice...
  4021. >Your leg starts kicking on its own-
  4022. >-Wait, why is it kicking?!
  4023. "Anon, s-stop!"
  4024. >He leans over and just smiles.
  4025. >"Oooh, did I find a special spot?"
  4027. >Before you can protest, he picks up the pace a little more.
  4028. "N-nOOOoooh..."
  4029. >You find yourself nuzzling into him, both out of embarrassment, and a pressing need to be closer to him.
  4030. >Soon, hopefully.
  4031. >Even with your tail, you can feel him getting close to that spot... down there.
  4032. >Just right above both of your-
  4033. >-Stop, stop it!
  4034. >You've been doing well so far, you can't have it ruined like this.
  4035. >Vannie's panting slightly beside you.
  4036. >A small whine escapes her, and she crosses her hindlegs together.
  4037. "A-Anon please, j-just wait."
  4038. >Surprisingly, he does so, probably noticing your change in tone.
  4039. >He looks at Vannie, then you.
  4040. >"Oh. OH. Woah sorry, I didn't know being pet there was so lewd."
  4041. >You shake your head.
  4042. "I-it's not. Just... c-could we go back to the castle?"
  4043. >He puts handle of the bag of clothes in his mouth, then holds you both under his arms like luggage.
  4044. >"GOTHA GO FATH!"
  4045. >Immediately when he starts running, you're surprised to see how fast he is.
  4046. >You mean, you saw some of that earlier, but now with both of you, a suit AND a bag of clothes in his mouth?
  4047. >He just keeps surprising you in the best ways.
  4048. >There's very little movement on your end, and you can tell he's running in a way to make sure of that.
  4049. >He's holding back!
  4050. >But he's still this fast?!
  4051. >It sends a small shiver down your back.
  4052. >It's electrifying.
  4054. >In almost no time, you all end up in front of some shop.
  4055. >"Alright, let's do this thang quickly!"
  4056. >The doors for this place are those fancy automatic ones, and open once you get near.
  4057. >Just as you're going in, you see a stallion and a bunch of mares coming out of it.
  4058. >It takes a second to realize it's a herd, seeing how they're sticking to that colt like glue.
  4059. >He and Anon both share a confident nod, like they're communicating in some unspoken code.
  4060. >The mares all look at you, and you and Vannie back at them.
  4061. >A few give you some smiles, and the others just silently judge you.
  4062. >You try to keep your stone cold Guard approved look, but they don't seem to buy it.
  4063. >One blond mare leans in slightly.
  4064. >"He's a keeper!"
  4065. >And they all pass by, sticking around their group.
  4066. >They looked at you like you were some kind of family member or something.
  4067. >They didn't even care about the armor you're wearing.
  4068. >Not to mention the fact that it kind of shares Anon's color, they just see you all as a herd before being two guardmares appointed to him.
  4069. >The thought settles in your mind for a little while.
  4070. >...You are in a herd, aren't you?
  4071. >You and Vannie, both sharing Anon...
  4072. >Whatever you want to call it, ultimately, it IS a herd.
  4073. >You always saw yourself having a one on one relationship, instead of a shared one.
  4074. >The idea of having one stallion to a bunch of mares really didn't appeal to you a ton.
  4075. >Not that you really saw yourself as marefriend material, but...
  4076. >Well, that's a story for another time.
  4077. >But here you are anyways, sharing the stallion of your dreams with another pony.
  4078. >-Well, you can't say your dreams, because what you got was much better than you thought was out there.
  4079. >And that other pony does happen to be your best friend.
  4080. >You know that in a herd though, usually the mares will, you know, be with each other as well.
  4081. >You wonder how Vannie feels about that.
  4082. >N-not that you want to do anything, but for future reference.
  4083. >"Alright, to the bathroom aisle thing!"
  4085. >In less than a minute, you're put down in front of a shelf, filled with everything you'd ever need inside a bathroom.
  4086. >Shampoos, washes, soaps, and fancy things to give yourself the VIP bath treatment.
  4087. >Personally, you don't see the point in it- it's just a bath.
  4088. >But you're sure it feels nice, or something.
  4089. >You try to shake your head clear.
  4090. >Mare, it's hard to think...
  4091. >"Alright, grab the stuff you want, or forever hold your peace!"
  4092. >You watch Vannie glancing around all the different scented stuff, then stop on a small brown bottle.
  4093. >She grabs and hoofs it over to Anon.
  4094. >Hmm, apple cinnamon scented, not bad.
  4095. >Giving a quick look yourself, you immediately stop when you see exactly what you want.
  4096. >Good old lavender, like Mom would always use.
  4097. >Opening the cap lightly, you take a good whiff of it.
  4098. >Oh, it really brings you back...
  4099. >"Toss the stuff in and les gooo!"
  4100. >You stop your reminiscing and give it to him, then he hoists both of you up.
  4101. >By the time you're worried of being dropped, he's already in front of somepony.
  4102. >"Yeah I got these two things and these two things, here you go!"
  4103. >"-Uh sir, I don't think you need that many bits-"
  4104. >"-Don't care, keep it!"
  4105. >In just a few seconds you're outside, and he starts dodging and weaving through the streets, clearly ignoring all the looks he's getting.
  4106. >Hay, if your armor didn't share his color, you're sure ponies would have already reported a foalnapping.
  4107. >With a soft sigh, you try to ignore your current predicament and watch the streets pass by you.
  4108. >Lots of ponies look, but are quickly left in his dust.
  4109. >It's not until you recognize the castle gates moving past, do you actually realize how fast you were going.
  4110. >Not that the stores were that far away, but still, in less than a few minutes, that's pretty incredible.
  4111. >Now seeing the castle doors opening, a shiver makes its way through you.
  4112. >Almost alone...
  4114. >The fire of the worst heat you've ever had just gets worse, the longer you're stuck in these hallways.
  4115. >Though how quickly Anon moves through them, he actually seems to know where he's going.
  4116. >You know your first times through here, you've never been able to find your way out.
  4117. >And hay, even now it's difficult sometimes.
  4118. >Your ears quickly perk up at the sound of a door clicking.
  4119. >-Wait, is it- could it be?
  4120. >Turning back, you confirm that you are indeed back in the castle room.
  4121. >Oh, finally...
  4122. >Finally.
  4123. >He walks in and gently places you both on the bed.
  4124. >"Alrighty, you both can rest now. I gotta start packing, meanwhile."
  4125. >He reaches into the clothes bag and grabs your shampoos, then two back brushes, before heading for the bathroom.
  4126. >Then he stops, grabs his new clothes, and continues walking.
  4127. >The second he disappears, Vannie practically tackles the bag and takes her clothes out.
  4128. >She starts putting everything on, while you watch curiously.
  4129. >"I'm not letting this opportunity pass up, I'm already tired of this stupid heat!"
  4130. >She smirks slightly.
  4131. >"Plus, if we play our cards right, he might postpone the trip."
  4132. >...That's true.
  4133. >You didn't really think of that.
  4134. >And hay, you'll do anything to not go back to that stupid desert.
  4135. >-Well, not ANYTHING, but this is mutually beneficial.
  4136. >You watch Vannie for a moment, before internally shrugging.
  4137. >Sure, good a time to dress up for your stallion as any!
  4138. >When you come face to face with your outfit, you feel your cheeks heat up.
  4139. >What would Ma think of you, wearing something like this?
  4140. >You shake the thought from your head and get crackin'.
  4141. >It's too late for shame now, you've most likely disappointed the hay out of them already.
  4142. >"Hey, c-could you help me out, here?"
  4143. >Vannie's having trouble with the sock on her left hind leg.
  4144. >For a second, it doesn't make sense that her right one is on, but she can't get the left on.
  4145. >Then you look at her still messed up wing.
  4146. >Oh, right.
  4148. >You gently bite on the sock, and pull it up around the same spot as the other one.
  4149. >It's kind of high up, covering a bit of what would be her Cutie Mark.
  4150. >And hay, maybe she does have one, but just can't see it through all this fluff.
  4151. >It'd only make sense.
  4152. >She shifts a little bit, making the sock donning process a little more difficult.
  4153. >And once you pull it all the way up, you can't help but notice how close you are to... uh, yeah.
  4154. "A-alright, there you go!"
  4155. >You quickly pull away, making things a bit less weird for you.
  4156. >Though, sharing your color with the socks hugging her thighs is still kinda weird.
  4157. >Bringing your hoof up, you look at it side by side.
  4158. >It's the exact same shade of your coat.
  4159. >Like, if you decided to put these on, nopony would notice you're even wearing anything.
  4160. >Sheesh, those things are really hugging her thighs though.
  4161. >...Oh mare, that's lewd.
  4162. >You watch her slip into the outfit, then shake your head.
  4163. >Focus Brave, you're not even in anything!
  4164. >Glancing towards the bathroom door, you remember that this mission is time-sensitive.
  4165. >Bringing your attention back to the bag, you quickly grab and suit up in what you can.
  4166. >Reminds you of training, actually.
  4167. >You can almost hear that stupid bugle playing in the distance...
  4168. >Shaking your head free, you're able to get all your socks on neatly.
  4169. >Perk of being an Earth pony, you guess.
  4170. >Never need somepony else to help put them on.
  4171. >Once you slip into the dress and pop out the other end, you can see the now very flustered, nervous expression of Vannie.
  4172. >Must be the whole lewd-ness factor.
  4173. >Wearing these things does leave you kind of-
  4174. "Huuh?!"
  4175. >W-what are, wh-whuh?
  4176. >She's booping you.
  4178. >She keeps her muzzle there, gently rubbing yours with it.
  4179. >And just when you think it can't get anymore confusing, she puts her hoof on yours.
  4180. >You start to shake and squirm in your spot.
  4182. >Your instincts take over, and you immediately freeze up, kind of like how a goat would.
  4183. >The stillness of your entire body would put a statue to shame.
  4184. >Months of training to be a motionless, always alert pony, yet here you are, perfecting the technique right now.
  4185. >Though without the alert-ness.
  4186. >Vannie stops rubbing her muzzle against yours, taking to just looking into your eyes for a moment, her cheeks burning wildly.
  4187. >But the second you find yourself able to blink, she leans in again.
  4188. >This time, with a small, gentle kiss on your lips.
  4189. >Everything locks up again, but your heart responds promptly.
  4190. >She pulls back, clearly looking for a reaction from you.
  4191. >But you've got nothing.
  4192. >And just when you think it can't get any more confusing, she pulls you in for a kiss.
  4193. >Like, an actual kiss.
  4194. >ON THE MOUTH.
  4195. >Signals shoot throughout your brain, all saying the same thing.
  4196. >This is wrong.
  4197. >She's a mare- YOU'RE a mare.
  4198. >Not only that, but she's your best friend!
  4199. >FRIEND, as in, none of this!
  4200. >Though, you can't argue...
  4201. >It does feel kinda nice.
  4202. >She leans towards you, and you hesitantly find yourself leaning back.
  4203. >There's no mouth-invading or anything.
  4204. >Just a nice, long kiss.
  4205. >A few more thoughts desperately try to pull you away.
  4206. >And slowly, you start to pay them no mind.
  4207. >Vannie moves a hoof around your back, then slowly lays you down onto the bed.
  4208. >You break the embrace, peering into those big blue eyes of hers.
  4209. >She gives you a small smile, which you can't help but return.
  4210. >It kills the rest of your doubt.
  4211. >This isn't just being with a mare.
  4212. >This is being with Vannie.
  4213. >And that, you're completely alright with.
  4214. >You take the first step and wrap your hooves around her.
  4215. >All of them.
  4216. >The heat of her body against yours gets you a little more, well, heated.
  4217. >You rub yourself against her, then bring her in for a kiss yourself.
  4219. >First it starts off slow.
  4220. >It's nice and gentle.
  4221. >The feeling of just embracing somepony leaves you in a sort of trance.
  4222. >As the feeling's still new to you, you hope that the glow of it never fades.
  4223. >You'd always envied those you see on the street, kissing each other like it was such a common thing.
  4224. >And it is- for them.
  4225. >But now, having your own experience with it, you still don't understand how anypony treats it so casually.
  4226. >While you envied those ponies, you don't want it to ever be that way.
  4227. >Vannie takes the next step forward and tilts her head slightly.
  4228. >Like the kinda stuff you'd see in a play.
  4229. >And while it's more than just enjoyable for you, your lower half silently begs for more.
  4230. >You NEED more.
  4231. >Advancing slowly, her lips part ways for you.
  4232. >You gently brush your tongue against hers, and feel her whole body shudder.
  4233. >She leans in further, gently swirling hers around the inside of your mouth.
  4234. >The heat of her cheeks radiates onto you.
  4235. >The warmth and softness of her body makes itself known.
  4236. >You can feel her gently rubbing against you.
  4237. >Those confusing feelings in you intensify.
  4238. >It's intoxicating.
  4239. >"Hmmph..."
  4240. >She shivers again under your touch, and you decide to strike.
  4241. >In a single swift motion, you hold on tight to her, then turn the tables.
  4242. >Her expression is confused for a second, silenced only by the new feeling enveloping your mind.
  4243. >Lust.
  4244. >You part for a second, just to see her panting lightly under you.
  4245. >She gives another small, sheepish smile.
  4246. >Without speaking a single word, you go back to it, though at a slower, more passionate pace.
  4247. >You can feel her hooves move to hold yours.
  4248. >She's so lewd.
  4249. >Her body bucks against yours, sending a jolt of electricity throughout your body.
  4250. >You can feel yourself wink in response.
  4251. >A small squeak escapes her.
  4252. >Your ears perk up to a sound nearby.
  4253. >"Alright, what do you two thiiink..."
  4254. >You break the kiss with a small smacking noise.
  4255. >Looking up, you're met with Anon's shocked look.
  4257. >He blinks for a moment, glancing between you two.
  4258. >"...Well? Are you going to join or not?"
  4259. >He pauses, as if to think about it for a moment.
  4260. >Then he simply sighs.
  4261. >"Man, lookin' all nice in my suit, just to take it off."
  4262. >A smile makes its way to his face, and he starts taking off his ensemble.
  4263. >Though before he does, you can't help but notice how nice he looks in it.
  4264. >Sure, he always looks nice, but it's much nicer seeing him in that, than the tattered, torn up rags he had on before.
  4265. >...And to think, you're going back to the place that did that to him.
  4266. >And he WANTS to go back.
  4267. >-No, now's not the time to think about it.
  4268. >He walks up to the bed in just his boxers, allowing you to admire his body without his clothes.
  4269. >Never before did you really see yourself with somepony who looks so Minotaur-like.
  4270. >But for some reason, he also doesn't remind you of one.
  4271. >Every single one you've been before, they've all just had this... ruggedness, behind them.
  4272. >Something you weren't particularly a fan of.
  4273. >But Anon here, well, he has the features, the strong-looking body of one.
  4274. >But he also looks a lot smoother.
  4275. >Much better to cuddle with.
  4276. >-And Celestia, he sure is...
  4277. >Never had a bad sleep, never a single nightmare when you're with him.
  4278. >He's just the whole package, and looking at it now, you really struck gold in having him like this.
  4279. >Unlucky in love your whole life, then you get the best thing to ever happen to you.
  4280. >The odds even less in your favor, one in five hundred million.
  4281. >And you just so happened to be the lucky mare.
  4282. >...Well, one in two.
  4283. >But you wouldn't have it any other way.
  4284. >You watch as Anon climbs onto the bed and yawns.
  4285. >...Maybe Vannie was right.
  4286. >If you could do this right, the trip could get postponed.
  4287. >Though, you can't help but wonder if that's what you should be doing.
  4288. >Do you want to go on the trip, of course not.
  4289. >But whether it's today or tomorrow, he looks pretty set on going.
  4291. >And based on what he's told you, the things you learned, it's probably not right to be keeping him from it.
  4292. >-Vannie shifts under you, breaking your train of thought.
  4293. >Oh, right.
  4294. >Forgot you were kinda on top of her.
  4295. >You roll off, then flock over to his side alongside her.
  4296. >-And though you don't fully understand Anon's situation, you'd like to think that he probably doesn't want to go, either.
  4297. >It's just something he has to.
  4298. >-Your train of thought goes interrupted again by Vannie's purring.
  4299. >You shake your head free, then vow once again not to dwell on it.
  4300. >Not right now.
  4301. >The burning down there agrees with you, making it more difficult to focus on anything even resembling a rational thought.
  4302. >Take care of this first, then you can think about it.
  4303. >Looking up, you notice that she and Anon have already gotten things going.
  4304. >But you can't wait for that.
  4305. >You need something, and you need it NOW.
  4306. >Eying his boxers, you move over to them and bite down on the waistband.
  4307. >You shiver in anticipation.
  4308. >Once they're all the way down, you bite your lip.
  4309. >Unf.
  4310. >Oh hay, you'll never get tired of this view...
  4311. >"Man, I really like this perfume you guys have."
  4312. >You and Vannie pause.
  4313. >He slowly notices, looking between you both, lost in thought.
  4314. >His expression changes.
  4315. >"Oh... OH."
  4316. >He looks over again.
  4317. >"Ohhh..."
  4318. >A small, awkward silence fills the room.
  4319. >"Are you guys in heat, or something?"
  4320. >Vannie nods, and you only offer a meek smile.
  4321. >"Oh man, you should've just told me this earlier! I'm pretty retarded, you know."
  4322. >Oh, NOW he tells you.
  4323. >With a soft roll of your eyes, you focus your attention back on the prize standing before you.
  4324. >And yes, you mean standing.
  4325. >You inch your muzzle closer, your breathing becoming more labored as your thoughts go wild.
  4326. >And it's all for you...
  4327. >Ignoring the burning between your flanks, you can't stop yourself from acting on impluse.
  4328. >You hold your tongue out, and gently lick up his length.
  4330. >It throbs in response, sending another shiver through you.
  4331. >And since he just finished running with you and Vannie in tow, you can't help but notice the slightly salty taste lingering on your mouth.
  4332. >...You like it.
  4333. >Obviously inexperienced with the whole thing, you figure going slow is the best course of action.
  4334. >Hesitantly, you hold your hooves on his sides and look at him.
  4335. >You know, this is just another thing mares do for their colts...
  4336. >Heard plenty of jokes about it back in training.
  4337. >It's just...
  4338. >What if you do something wrong?
  4339. >You're not sure how to even begin.
  4340. >You mean, you kinda did already, but still...
  4341. >Pushing the thoughts away, you inch a bit closer.
  4342. >You take a deep breath, then put your mouth on just the very top of it.
  4343. >He twitches against you, and his breath hitches, sending a small wave of pleasure through your body.
  4344. >It's nice, having an assurance you're doing something right.
  4345. >You swish your tongue around, ignoring the burning between your flanks again.
  4346. >This you have to do.
  4347. >-Well, not HAVE to, but you certainly should.
  4348. >Anon's been nothing but good to you, and the thoughts earlier really got your mind jogging.
  4349. >Any other mare would be better suited to have him than you, but you won the raffle.
  4350. >You should at least try to make yourself worth it.
  4351. >Slowly, you move your head lower, still unsure of what you're doing.
  4352. >You try to think of it as a popsicle, and move your tongue around his underside.
  4353. >A slightly salty, very warm popsicle.
  4354. >You start to actually suck on it, kind of like you would a box of juice.
  4355. >...Okay, that's a pretty terrible example.
  4356. >Is this even how you do it?
  4357. >Is he even enjoying it?
  4358. >Hay, this is so weird and embarrassing...
  4359. >You feel him twitch again, then he moans while sucking faces with Vannie.
  4360. >Gosh, is that really what you both looked like right now?
  4361. >You pour your focus onto the task at hoof.
  4362. >Now you got your sign, so you can keep going.
  4364. >You bob your head at a slow, still-hesitant pace.
  4365. >Since you're not able to reach the very bottom, you make up for it with your hooves, gently rubbing them up and down.
  4366. >You mean, you're sure you COULD take it all, but you'd rather not.
  4367. >At least... not right now.
  4368. >Not without a little more practice, if anything.
  4369. >Focusing more on your rhythm, you stop moving your tongue around.
  4370. >It's too hard to multi-task like that.
  4371. >So instead, you make sure it's pressed right up against his underside, while you slowly glide him in and out.
  4372. >Also make sure to keep your teeth away, because you're pretty sure that would hurt.
  4373. >Up and down, up and down...
  4374. >And once you're more comfortable with the rhythm, you decide to go down a little further.
  4375. >"O-oh, sheesh."
  4376. >It lightly touches your throat, but you still have about an extra two inches unaccounted for.
  4377. >You try to keep that at the minimum, but it's pretty difficult.
  4378. >Though every time you go all the way down, you're met with a cute little noise out of Anon.
  4379. >And that makes it worth pushing for.
  4380. >Meanwhile, Vannie is practically mush, her heat being slightly subdued by Anon's magic appendages.
  4381. >She makes soft gasps and squeaks, making your marehood wink in jealousy.
  4382. >But you got the main prize right here, so it doesn't bother you so much.
  4383. >Oh, you'll have this whole thing in you soon enough...
  4384. >The thought makes you a little more eager, and you pull off of him.
  4385. >He's looking down at you, obviously close, silently begging you for more.
  4386. >But he teased you, you get to tease him.
  4387. >You gently rub your hooves over his whole length, making sure to sway your backside a little, softly swishing your tail from side to side.
  4388. >Give him the most sultry look you can, which probably isn't that great.
  4389. >Then you only put the top in your mouth, kissing lightly, licking around it.
  4390. >Once you do that for a bit, you move your head lower, his whole stallionhood just resting on your cheek.
  4392. >Give him a small smile, which through that pleasured look, he still reciprocates.
  4393. >So cute.
  4394. >You rest your tongue on the very bottom, making sure to keep eye contact.
  4395. >Then you slooowly drag it along, all the way to the top.
  4396. >He twitches in response, like a congratulations.
  4397. >It's exactly what you were hoping to get out of him.
  4398. >Even with how unconfident you are, you're glad to see it still gets something out of him.
  4399. >But hay, you know you'll all get better together.
  4400. >Content with your little act, you go back into your original rhythm, though a bit slower.
  4401. >You notice Anon breathing a little more with every bob.
  4402. >He's close.
  4403. >"Ah, B-Brave..."
  4404. >Hearing that just sends another jolt through you.
  4405. >A boost of confidence, knowing he's not thinking of Princess Cadence or something.
  4406. >You pick up the pace a little, and in just a few seconds, you can feel him tense up.
  4407. >But it's already too late.
  4408. >You can feel him twitch a few times, filling your mouth up with a lot more of the stuff than you thought he would.
  4409. >But you still keep going.
  4410. >Heard from a few mares that they apparently like this.
  4411. >"H-ngh, fffuck!"
  4412. >You'll take that as a yes.
  4413. >He twitches again, but you don't stop until he's no longer making noises.
  4414. >But when you're done, he's still... stiff.
  4415. >This is why you're glad he's no stallion.
  4416. >You pull off of him, now trying to swallow all the stuff you got from him.
  4417. >But after an attempt, there's still a lo-
  4418. "-Mmph!?"
  4419. >In your vision there's a light grey, freckled face, with tons of red mane spilling around yours.
  4420. >You instinctively part your mouth open a little ways, and she wastes no time feverishly exploring with her tongue.
  4421. >A light honey taste mixes in with what Anon gave, making for a pretty messy kiss.
  4422. >And with your eye open just a small tad, you can see him watching, eyes wide.
  4423. >He's cleary enjoying the view, if that blush on his face is any indicator.
  4424. >So, might as well go with the show!
  4426. >You try to put as much tongue it as you can, peeking at him every once and a while to make sure he's still enjoying it.
  4427. >Then an idea comes to mind.
  4428. >A possibly good idea.
  4429. >Swallowing the bit that you have, you wrap your forelegs around Vannie's midsection, then falling onto your back, locking your hind legs with hers and glancing at Anon expectantly.
  4430. >Confused for a moment, Vannie turns back and sees the position she's in.
  4431. >Then she gets what you're going for, and moves her tail off to the side.
  4432. >She pulls you back into a kiss, also having swallowed Anon's... stuff, leaving only the honey taste, with only a hint of what was once there.
  4433. >You flip Vannie over again, taking your spot straddling her fluffy-ness on top.
  4434. >-You can feel yourself wink, and Anon immediately pounces on the opportunity, rubbing with his-
  4435. "H-o-ohhh..."
  4436. >And based on the expression on her face, you're pretty sure Vannie's getting the same treatment.
  4437. >He just keeps rubbing, which makes you wink in response, where he rubs lower, making you wink again.
  4438. >It's a vicious cycle, and instead of kissing, you find yourself just moaning and sharing breaths with Vannie.
  4439. >You've never felt this sensitive before.
  4440. >And every time she winks, you can feel it too.
  4441. >He teases, rubbing up and down just between your marehood.
  4442. >You and Vannie go for a small kiss routinely, but most of the time you get caught up seeing the expressions on her face.
  4443. >Then as quickly as he started, he stops.
  4444. >"Alright, I think that's enough teasing. So then, should we flip a coin for who goes first, or what?"
  4445. >"-Brave goes first!"
  4446. "W-what?"
  4447. >She smiles.
  4448. >"I got kind of a special treatment last time, so it's only fair."
  4449. >"...Huh, forgot about that, actually. I'll keep that in mind for later. Thooough..."
  4450. >He picks both of you up like nothing, resting you just above his waist.
  4451. >Holding Vannie up with one arm, he just smiles.
  4452. >"Right now you're both getting a little something."
  4454. >He lies down, holding her above his head.
  4455. >"Just, ah, try not to re-break my nose, yeah?"
  4456. >"Wha-wh-whooaah~"
  4457. >You watch for a moment as Anon works on her, using that tongue of his like a pro.
  4458. >Hohh mare, you can't wait for your turn on that.
  4459. >For now, though...
  4460. >Backing up a bit, you can feel him poking your rump.
  4461. >And, uh, right below your tail.
  4462. >N-no, not yet.
  4463. >THAT you're not ready for.
  4464. >Though, he is a lot gentler than any stallion you've ever heard about...
  4465. >...Maybe next time.
  4466. >Right now though, you're burning up bad.
  4467. >REAL bad.
  4468. >And you've been waiting some long, terrible hours for this.
  4469. >Nothing's going to stop you now.
  4470. >Straddling his hips and keeping your hindlegs on his sides, you lift up slightly and guide yourself.
  4471. >He pokes just at the entrance, making you shiver in excitement.
  4472. >Oh mare, this is it.
  4473. >O-okay, just, steady-
  4474. "-HAAH!"
  4475. >You freeze and tense up, feeling your legs start to shake while your mind sorts itself out.
  4476. >Anon allows you to lower yourself, moving his hips back onto the bed.
  4477. >You try to steady your hooves on his gut, but they start to shake, too.
  4478. >It's j-just so sensitive.
  4479. >Before you can fully recouperate, he moves his hips a little with yours, reaching over and rubbing one of your flanks soothingly.
  4480. >It does little to stop your twitching all over, but it sure feels nice.
  4481. >Then slowly, he lowers himself into the bed, and pushes back into you.
  4482. >The burning subsides for the single second he's all the way inside, and partially while he moves.
  4483. >Though now it's not so much a burn, and more a tingly, pleasant sensation.
  4484. >And despite the little you've done, you can feel yourself already close.
  4485. >Every single movement between you both gives you this feeling, and, well...
  4486. >It's hard to keep it in yourself.
  4487. "Ah, oh, A-Anon~"
  4488. >True to your words before, he works at a gentle pace.
  4489. >But you're not having it.
  4490. >Not like this.
  4491. >You bring your rump up, about halfway, and slam it back down.
  4492. "-HAHH!"
  4494. >The tingling subsides for a little while longer, and you think you just found the solution to your problem.
  4495. "A-Anon!"
  4496. >You fight the full feeling in your marehood, trying to sound less like you're just screaming his name.
  4497. >After a moment, he pipes up from under Vannie's rump.
  4498. >"Hmmm?"
  4499. "I-I want you to go fast. As f-fast as you can!"
  4500. >"Mhmm."
  4501. >Though you were expecting it, it's still a surprise when he rams back into you.
  4502. "O-ohhh, I-AH!"
  4503. >He doesn't relent, but still isn't rough with it.
  4504. >At least in this state, that's better for you.
  4505. >Any other time... you'd prefer it.
  4506. >You feel your marehood clench tighter, trying to hold him in and failing.
  4507. >Every thrust just sends your mind into overdrive, leaving you almost completely frozen while he does his thing.
  4508. >When ever you decide to try and meet him in the middle, he goes all the way inside you again, stopping all of your brain's processes.
  4509. >So you hold your forelegs close together to keep you from falling, and squeeze his sides harder with your hindlegs.
  4510. >You fight the feeling and try to focus on steadying yourself.
  4511. >While you do that, you keep your head down, watching him thrust into your already slick lower region.
  4512. "Anon, a-hmmm~"
  4513. >You can see the mess of fluids he's making, and when you feel that climax coming, even more of it comes spilling out.
  4514. >Your whole head goes blank for a second, and you can't stop your eyes from rolling back in bliss.
  4515. >But he just keeps on going.
  4516. "AH-HAH, MMM!"
  4517. >With that amazing stamina of his, he just keeps on pushing, clouding your head with a pleasure you've never felt so much of before.
  4518. >Whenever a mare talked about a stallion who could pleasure them, everypony would practically flock to her.
  4519. >That's how unheard of it is.
  4520. >But look at Anon here, not a tiny change in speed, already making you mush without even needing a single second to rest.
  4521. "Ohh, j-jackpo-ot..."
  4522. >"H-heh, y-you said it!"
  4524. >You can't stop yourself from winking so much, shivering every time the little nub brushes against his length.
  4525. >Not a single coherent thought makes its way through, leaving you a shaking, moaning mess.
  4526. >You can just hear the sounds he's making, pounding into your sopping wet marehood.
  4527. >It fills your ears, leaving you in such an enamored state you think you might either go blind, or have an out of body experience.
  4528. >More than a few lusty whines escape your muzzle, and in your state, you find yourself unable to stop them.
  4529. "Anon, o-oh, Anooon~"
  4530. >That seems to be the only word on your mind, the only one you can properly pronounce.
  4531. >Your heart thumps in your chest, and you start to yearn for his touch.
  4532. >To take your rightful place under him, locking your legs around his waist...
  4533. >Lowering yourself slowly, you practically collapse onto his chest.
  4534. >He adjusts himself, then continues ramming into you.
  4535. >Another whine leaves you, and you quickly notice that you're starting to drool a bit.
  4536. >You wipe your mouth and hug him with your hooves, your rump raised in the air slightly.
  4537. >You're sweating like a pig in this outfit, but you don't care.
  4538. >All you care about is Anon.
  4539. >Every time he's inside, you can just feel every inch of him, gliding all the way to the very back and coming back out again.
  4540. "Unmph, oh Anon..."
  4541. >Your heart continues to race as you feel the end nearing again.
  4542. "Oh yes, hahhh~"
  4543. >So lost in desire, you mindlessly buck your hips.
  4544. >Your hindlegs start to quiver, and you realize you just drooled some more.
  4545. >A soft moan escapes you.
  4546. >He just keeps on going, this squelching noise getting louder every passing second you get closer.
  4547. >You can just feel the whole mess down there, your coat no doubt matted down by it all.
  4548. >Your tail flicks to the side, and you rub yourself against him.
  4549. >So big and strong...
  4550. "Hmmm, I w-want your foals."
  4551. >Your hoof shoots up to your mouth so fast you punch yourself.
  4552. >W-where did that come from?
  4554. >Th-that wasn't supposed to come ou-ouahh~
  4555. >He just picked up the pace.
  4556. >Like, REALLY picked it up.
  4557. >You back yourself against him and hug his neck.
  4558. >Your tail instinctively pulls itself a bit higher, and you feel your hindlegs starting to shake again.
  4559. >Throwing caution to the wind, you feel him going in deeper with every thrust.
  4560. >Part of you hopes it's because he heard you.
  4561. >He squeezes your flank, making you instinctively purr.
  4562. >You grind him again, and it just becomes too much.
  4563. "Oh yes, YES! AH!"
  4564. >You tense up and clamp around him, your whole lower half shaking while he maintains that speed.
  4565. >You can feel yourself leaking, soaking part of your dress and adding to the already sticky collection between you.
  4566. >His movements paralyze you, leaving you no time to ride out the afterglow.
  4567. >A few incoherent mumbles come out of you, and you feel him twitch again.
  4568. >Noticing the signs of him getting close, you suddenly feel invigorated.
  4569. >You rub up against him some more, and try to meet him with your own movements.
  4570. >Your tail wraps around his leg, and he picks up the pace again.
  4571. >He doesn't relent anymore, going as fast and deep as he can into you.
  4572. >Your heart speeds up just a little quicker, and lust fills your mind.
  4573. >Picking yourself up, you hold your hooves on his chest again, moving your hips around in a circle while you move with him.
  4574. >Just sitting up like this, you can already feel him all the way inside you.
  4575. >A perfect fit.
  4576. >Thoughts of him finishing inside excites you more than it should, and it gives you that energy to keep on riding him.
  4577. >He lets out a few grunts and groans, and you pick up where he starts to slow down.
  4578. >Your thighs slap against his, making your head swim with that primal urge you haven't felt much of.
  4579. >You can hear him mumble your name from under Vannie, giving you another boost of confidence.
  4580. >And even without the experience, you try to put as much as you can into it, and pleasure him the best you can.
  4582. >He says your name again, though a little slower, then twitches.
  4583. >You can feel him let loose inside of you, and so you do what he had done to you.
  4584. >You keep on going.
  4585. >Every time he twitches, you feel just a little fuller, your heat being pushed back with every spurt.
  4586. >Your eyes roll back in bliss, and your mind moves back to foals.
  4587. >You... you wouldnt be able to have foals with Anon anyways... would you?
  4588. >He grunts a few times more, his own legs shaking while you bob on top of him.
  4589. >The thoughts of a family keep invading your mind, imagining actually having a bunch of foals.
  4590. >Anon caring for and cuddling you, even when you're all moody and fat...
  4591. >The feeling of your third climax practically sneaks up on you.
  4592. "AH! HAH, a-ah~"
  4593. >You hug his sides with your legs again, then ease the pressure a tad.
  4594. >He moves his hips around like you did, trying to milk out every last bit of pleasure he can from it.
  4595. >While you take the time to settle down and breathe, Vannie's light, high pitched moans leak into your ears.
  4596. >She spasms and collapses next to you, panting heavily.
  4597. >Anon barely looks winded.
  4598. >And with all of Vannie's fluids on his face, he just gives you a small smile.
  4599. >"So, foals, huh?"
  4600. >Your face immediately starts to burn even more, and you look away.
  4601. "I-I, it's the heat!"
  4602. >He looks off for a moment, licking and wiping his face clean.
  4603. >"...Never really thought about kids, actually..."
  4604. >Your ears involuntarily perk up at his words.
  4605. >Okay, yes... m-maybe you have thought about it before.
  4606. >Maybe a lot.
  4607. >Maybe that's also why you've been alone this long...
  4608. >"Do you think I'd even make a good father?"
  4609. >His tone though, it's not sarcastic or anything.
  4610. >It's- he's actually thinking about it.
  4611. >Even this early on, he DOESN'T think you're weird for it?!
  4612. >You quickly nod.
  4613. >He softly laughs.
  4614. >"Well, I guess there's really only one way to find out."
  4615. >You try to suppress it, but you perk up.
  4616. >Like, the entirety of you.
  4617. >A huge smile slowly tugs at your lips.
  4618. >Jack.
  4619. >Pot.
  4621. >...
  4622. >Once again, you underestimated the degree of seriousness ponies put their feelings in here.
  4623. >Not that you're against talking kids or anything, but it's just odd.
  4624. >A good odd.
  4625. >You mean, when you first showed up here, just having a pony girlfriend was nowhere near your mind.
  4626. >And now you have two of them.
  4627. >Now one is talking about having a family already, and...
  4628. >Well, it actually sounds pretty nice.
  4629. >Judging by the huge smile on Brave's face, she definitely thinks so, too.
  4630. >These two clearly trust the hell out of you, so loyal to the point of even offering up their lives.
  4631. >-If they can genuinely look at you and see father material, life long commitment and everything, then who the hell are you to deny them that?
  4632. >Though, the longer the thought lingers in your head, the more doubts you feel rising up to the surface.
  4633. >After all, this kind of stuff IS uncharted territory for you.
  4634. >Brave saunters her way over to you and starts nuzzling you, brushing her head under your chin and against your neck.
  4635. >And she's REALLY brushing.
  4636. >You can hear her coo, and feel the heat of her cheeks on your skin.
  4637. >Almost reminds you of a cat, the way she's doing it.
  4638. >Those same thoughts die down, though you know it'll take a lot of thinking before you can completely disregard them.
  4639. >Noticing Vannie just lying there, presenting and breathing slowly, you pick her up and flip her around, so that her face is towards you.
  4640. >She looks like she's high, with that half-lidded gaze and dopey smile on her face.
  4641. "What about you? What do YOU think about all this foal business?"
  4642. >Brave doesn't stop her vicious cuddling, but her ears perk up.
  4643. >"-If you want foals, I want foals..."
  4644. >Well then.
  4645. >Guess you were right after all.
  4646. >Brave nuzzles her cheek against yours, getting a smile out of you.
  4647. >It quickly kills some more of the doubts in your mind.
  4649. >If Vannie is on board with this too...
  4650. >Well, when in Rome, right?
  4651. >Going with the flow has kept you from going crazy as it is.
  4652. >If kids are the next big thing... well, so be it.
  4653. >...So be it.
  4654. >Without any warning, you feel her push up against you, little Anon resting just against her entrance.
  4655. >She scrunches, and a blush quickly spreads across her cheeks.
  4656. >Brave takes to just resting soundly on your shoulder, ears flicking every so often.
  4657. >Holding her breath, Vannie takes the plunge, her marehood tightly hugging around you.
  4658. >You can feel her wink, her clit rubbing against Jr. on the way down.
  4659. >Her breath hitches, and you watch as her flanks slowly make their way down to hug your sides.
  4660. >You hold her midsection with both hands, and she comes in for a small, passionate kiss.
  4661. >"Hmmm, I love you Anon..."
  4662. >Her words quickly put a smile back on your face, and she focuses on you with that half-lidded gaze.
  4663. "I love you too, Vannie."
  4664. >Saying and hearing those words makes your heart flutter.
  4665. >You'll never get used to it.
  4666. >And you're glad.
  4667. >Young Jr. asks for attention again, so you slowly pull out of her a little, before sliding back in.
  4668. >Despite the pace, you still get a small squelching sound out of it.
  4669. >And if it weren't for her being so excited, you doubt you'd be able to move so easily.
  4670. >She lets out a small whine, and moves her hips around in a few small circles.
  4671. >Her clit rubs up against you again as you do so, eliciting a small, squeaky moan out of her.
  4672. >That, paired up with the outfit she's got on, cranks the cuteness up to eleven.
  4673. >You get a slow, gentle rhythm going between you, simply enjoying the hot, slick feeling of her sex against yours.
  4674. >Reaching lower, you move your hands under the frilly lower part of her dress, pushing your palms into her soft, plush rump.
  4675. >This too, will never get old.
  4677. >Trailing across her flanks, a hand finds her dock, which brings her tail further up at the contact.
  4678. >You massage the sensitive little part, getting another cute squeak out of her.
  4679. >And while you're doing that, you brush all around her rump with your other hand, squeezing, feeling her soft, silky fluff up.
  4680. >She winks, prompting you to continue your little adventure with Jr.
  4681. >Once you're pushed all the way into her, with your thighs touching her coat, a content feeling washes over you.
  4682. >The heat of her marehood is just so great, so inviting.
  4683. >The slight resistance you get, the way Vannie's eyes close slightly every time you hilt...
  4684. >Nothing will ever compare.
  4685. >Not even Brave, because she's a whole other ballgame.
  4686. >Equally as amazing, but like comparing apples to oranges.
  4687. >With each push, she exhales softly, her breathing becoming heavy.
  4688. >She fixes on you with a soft, lusty smile, looking into your eyes as you do your thing.
  4689. >She winks, moaning as her clit rubs you.
  4690. >Walls hugging tightly, a whine and a heavy pant escapes her.
  4691. >Noticing the signs, you pick up the pace slightly, bringing her in for another kiss.
  4692. >Her teeth graze your tongue lightly, and she focuses on fighting it with hers.
  4693. >A throaty moan comes out of her, and she shares another breath with you.
  4694. >"Ahn-Anon, I-I'm gonna..."
  4695. >Her sex hugs you tighter, and you feel a bunch of fluids gush out, coating your member in it.
  4696. >"Ohhh, mmm, th-that's it..."
  4697. >Her ears pin against her head as she rides the first climax out, humming while you grind against her.
  4698. >Ears coming back up again halfway, she keeps the kiss going, making good work of mixing her saliva with yours.
  4699. >She presses her muzzle against your nose, scrunching in the process.
  4700. >Bringing her flanks down onto you, she grinds you back and forth, before gaining enough energy to get her own thing going.
  4701. >You pull your hands back, and slink under the dress to rub her inner thighs.
  4703. >Every so often, you brush right up against these two little nubs of hers, where you give extra attention to the top of them.
  4704. >One of her legs twitches under your touch, and she starts to pant.
  4705. >You alternate between rubbing them and her thighs, watching her legs spread slightly every time they reach over there.
  4706. >The pace still slow, you try to go as deep into her as you can with every push.
  4707. >"Unfff, hmmm."
  4708. >You pull out entirely, then hilt back inside her, getting another moan in the process.
  4709. >With all these sensations flooding your mind, you can feel yourself already nearing the end.
  4710. >You move both your hands in rhythm, rubbing those little mounds of hers first, then slowly dipping towards her marehood, massaging all the soft fluff around it.
  4711. >When you do, you can also feel most of the sticky mess you've made, matted down on her coat.
  4712. >She picks herself up, tucking her forehooves towards her chest and adjusting her hindlegs.
  4713. >Now, you can feel her puffy vulva, pressed right up against your crotch.
  4714. >Not only that, but you can SEE the mess that you've made, now.
  4715. >You bring your hands over and rub her flanks again, brushing towards those socks of hers and groping what you can.
  4716. >Without a word, she picks herself, and grinds in a circle.
  4717. >You move up to her midsection, holding tightly and giving her support.
  4718. >So she starts to ride you.
  4719. >Slow, but deep- much deeper than before.
  4720. >Her plush rump claps against your thighs softly, just adding to the high you're already feeling.
  4721. >"Ahn!"
  4722. >She steadily picks up the pace, and you get that muffled, heavy clopping noise of hilting inside of her.
  4723. >Her winks become more frequent, taking only a few seconds in between each one.
  4724. >The pressure becomes more intense, building up quickly at the moderate, hard pace she has going.
  4725. >Her own panting quickens, and her speed picks up again.
  4726. "Oh, V-Vannie..."
  4727. >-Didn't mean for that to slip out.
  4729. >Your own breathing becomes labored, and the finish line nears.
  4730. >Clutching onto her, an overwhelming sense of bliss takes hold as you feel Jr. twitch, sending spurt after spurt right into her.
  4731. >But once you're all out, she continues, milking everything she can out of you and nearing her own climax.
  4732. >You grit your teeth, and she lets out a loud, quick gasp.
  4733. >She tightens around you, and more of her own fluids add to the mix, while she keeps moving, pressing against you with another circle of her hips.
  4734. >"A-Anooon!"
  4735. >One of her legs twitch, and she holds her breath, riding out the rest of her orgasm.
  4736. >The pleasure keeps on for a few more seconds, until she moves back onto you, bringing you in for one last kiss.
  4737. >She moans into your mouth while you keep up the grinding, getting as much as you can out of it.
  4738. >But soon enough, the feeling dies down, and you're both just left panting, tasting and licking each other.
  4739. >She breaks slowly, and kisses your nose.
  4740. >"That... that was amazing..."
  4741. >She moves under your chin, and makes herself comfortable.
  4742. >"Mmm, I love you, Anon... More than anything..."
  4743. >You brush her mane and rub her ears as she starts to purr on top of you.
  4744. "I love you too, Vannie. More than anything."
  4745. >You can see Brave's ear flick next to you, and you turn to her.
  4746. "AnyTHING, not anyONE, Brave."
  4747. >You wrap an arm around her and pull her in.
  4748. "In fact, it wouldn't be fair to say that you both mean the world to me... You both ARE my world, and I hope to never see it without you."
  4749. >"-Woah woah woah, save all the mushy end of the night stuff, I'm still owed a little something!"
  4750. >Vannie's ears perk up.
  4751. >"Oh yeah, that's right! She still needs HER special treatment!"
  4752. >You pause for a moment while her words come back to you.
  4753. "Right, forgot about that."
  4754. >You turn to her and rub her ears, too.
  4755. "Well, what did you have in mind?"
  4756. >Her smile grows, her eyes start sparkling.
  4757. >"Oh, I'm glad you asked~"
  4759. >Before you can say anything, Brave hops over towards the end of the bed, where the bag of stuff lies.
  4760. >She grabs the matching pair of panties in her teeth and puts them in front of you.
  4761. >"Put these on me! Then we're going!"
  4762. "What? Going where?"
  4763. >"Just do it!"
  4764. >She flips over, giving you a perfect view of her goods, still wet and surrounded by matted fur.
  4765. >You get her to lift her legs, and slip them on.
  4766. >They hug her flanks quite nicely.
  4767. >"Okay, come on!"
  4768. >She gets off the bed and sheds the maid outfit, much to your disappointment.
  4769. >Instead, parts of her armor quickly come on.
  4770. >You look over at Vannie, and she reads your face before uttering a single word.
  4771. >"Yeah sure, go to wherever. I'm fiiinaaah- I'm just gonna be sleepin' here, and stuff..."
  4772. >She moves off of you, then quickly makes herself comfortable under the covers, letting out another yawn.
  4773. >With that, you roll over and start getting your clothes back on, trying to think of what the hell Brave's got in mind, exactly.
  4774. >She's clearly excited about it, too.
  4775. >By the time you're buttoning up your jacket, she's already got her armor on, waiting by the door and bouncing in place.
  4776. "Alright, hold your horses, I'm comin'."
  4777. >You maybe snicker a bit too much at your joke, and meet her over at the door.
  4778. >"Let's go!"
  4779. >Swinging the door open, she ushers you out first and turns back.
  4780. >"We won't be long, Vannie!"
  4781. >"Yeaaah, das fine, have fun doing the thing!"
  4782. >You close the door with a wave, and Brave is already speedwalking down the hallway.
  4783. >With your long strides, it's a bit easier to keep up, but still difficult.
  4784. "So Brave, are you gonna tell me where we're going? At least say how far it is."
  4785. >She looks over with a big grin on her face, like she learned some juicy secret you don't know about.
  4786. >"It's not that far!"
  4788. >But aside from that, she's silent.
  4789. >As she walks down, that little pep in her step, you really try to guess what she's got in store, here.
  4790. >Or maybe that's just it, she wants her special treatment somewhere else, like a lunch out or something?
  4791. >Okay, that's a retarded thought.
  4792. >Not only that, but living on Princess NEETbucks, you could treat her any time.
  4793. >And not only that not only that, if that is what she wanted, why would she leave out Vannie?
  4794. >Sure, it's the treatment for her, but ever since the whole incident, they've pretty much been inseperable.
  4795. >Makes you wonder what exactly went on during that time of your, eh, accident.
  4796. >-And hell, even now, it doesn't even feel like any time passed, since all that.
  4797. >Magic sure is one hell of a thing, that's for sure.
  4798. >But then again, well, it's MAGIC.
  4799. >Of course it would be, you suppose.
  4800. >Unconsiously making a note of your route through the halls, Brave takes a turn into somewhere you're starting to recognize less.
  4801. >If memory serves you right, this is the way to the guard barracks.
  4802. >Man, haven't been THERE in a long time.
  4803. >-Aaand now you're NOT going towards the barracks.
  4804. >You pass by more than a few other guard dudes, all of which shy away from, or just stare at you both.
  4805. >She really doesn't seem to notice though, that pace of hers getting a little quicker with every turn.
  4806. >You just keep on following the clip clop of hooves against the carpeted marble floor.
  4807. >With every turn, you just recognize the place even less, despite every hallway looking the same as the last, maybe plus or minus some windows.
  4808. >It's not until she stops, and you nearly continue walking into a wall, do you notice something different.
  4809. >Something REAL different.
  4810. >You back up towards her side, and gaze at the huge wall before you.
  4811. >Compared to the rest of the hallway, this thing gives you medieval castle vibes.
  4813. >Probably some kind of snuggle dungeon or something.
  4814. >Brave slinks her hoof through the big iron circle handle, and tugs it open.
  4815. >A slow creak accompanies it the whole way, revealing a whole lot of darkness and a few stone steps.
  4816. >Without warning, she walks in and waits at the top for you.
  4817. >And if it was pretty much anybody else, you sure as hell wouldn't think of following.
  4818. >But, well, it's Brave.
  4819. >Through creepy dungeons, underground facilities and irradiated deserts alike, you'll go where she does.
  4820. >When you step in, she closes it, putting everything in a complete and utter silence.
  4821. >Only sound you can hear is the echoing noises of you both moving, and a dripping that's coming from below.
  4822. >You wait for your eyes to adjust, but you're no owl.
  4823. >Might as well have no eyes, because you can't see a goddamn thing.
  4824. >Right on cue, you slip on one of the steps.
  4825. "SHARK TITS!"
  4826. >You only land on your ass, but it still hurts like hell.
  4827. >Hands on the ground, it's cold and damp, like you're in a damn cave.
  4828. >At least there's no bats here.
  4829. >-REAL bats, at least.
  4830. >This could be the batpony barracks for all you know.
  4831. >...Oh right, bats are blind.
  4832. >"Are you okay, Anon?"
  4833. >You feel her armored hooves tapping all over you blindly, and you nod.
  4834. >...Oh, right.
  4835. "Yeah, I'm okay."
  4836. >You hear a soft, "okay" back, which is weirdly super easy to hear.
  4837. >Like seriously, no sound is just... oddly unsettling.
  4838. >Then you hear her start to walk down the steps, every little clank of her armor echoing throughout the staircase.
  4839. >Picking yourself back up, you keep your hand on the wall, and start to follow down.
  4841. >The clanking grows distant, as she walks down the thing no problem.
  4842. >You on the other hand, take small, unconfident steps down the spiral stairway.
  4843. >And honestly, you'd be lying if you said the sound growing distant didn't make you a little anxious.
  4844. >This is shit you'd see in a movie, night vision cam on your scared ass face while everything is watching you-
  4846. >Picking the pace a little more, you catch yourself from slipping on the damn steps like, twic-
  4847. "-FUCK!"
  4848. >You clutch your forehead, feeling around for the thing that just knocked into your head.
  4849. >"Are you okay? What happened?!"
  4850. >If you were to guess, you just walked into a cold metal torch holder.
  4851. >Just a little bit quicker, and you probably would've knocked yourself out.
  4852. "I'm fine! Just, hit my head!"
  4853. >"WHAT?!"
  4854. >The sound of clanking metal quickly grows nearer, unti-
  4855. "-OOOF!"
  4856. >She just tackled your ass.
  4857. >Feeling her slipping away, you quickly grab and hold onto her, that armor of hers really adding to the weight.
  4858. >You yank and pull her on top of you, now confident that she's not going to start falling down the stairs or anything.
  4859. >"Owww."
  4860. "Are you alright?"
  4861. >"-No no, are YOU alright? Did I hurt you?"
  4862. "I think walking into that metal thing did more damage than you."
  4863. >"Oh, I'm sorry! I didn't even think about that... Mare, this was such a stupid idea..."
  4864. >You hug bring her closer to you, feeling her breath brush against your neck.
  4865. "Nonsense, it's not your fault I'm freakishly tall here. I'll just watch my step a little more closely, don't worry about me."
  4866. >Though it's super soft, through the silence you can hear her mumble.
  4867. >"B-but I do..."
  4868. >You slink your hand through her helmet and rub her neck gently, moving up and brushing her cheek.
  4869. >She nuzzles into you, and even in total darkness, you can practically see the cute smile on her face.
  4870. "Now then, lead the way!"
  4871. >She slowly makes her way off of you, and you stand, holding your hand out in front as you walk.
  4873. >Your silent prayers also go answered, and she sticks by your side as you walk.
  4874. >It quickly stumps every Changeling and scary movie scenario you had brewing around in your head.
  4875. >-Well, at least the ones involving her.
  4876. >And ain't no demons or ghosts getting near your mare.
  4877. >The sudden step onto level ground leaves you wobbling, and you barely avoid faceplanting from it.
  4878. >Brave's hoofsteps move a little ways from you, then you can hear her hoof tapping against the wall.
  4879. >Seconds later, a soft orange glow breaks the darkness.
  4880. >And though you've only been in here for a few minutes, for a second you're surprised you're not blind.
  4881. >The source of light is a little torch looking thing, set in a small iron stand, probably just like the one you finished dying on.
  4882. >Though, the thing that quickly catches your attention is HOW the light is being made.
  4883. >There's more metal in place of wood, and no fire where a torch would be.
  4884. >Surrounding the tip softly, you can see the trademark tiny sparkles of anything magic.
  4885. >Slowly, the light grows, and you're finally able to make out your surroundings.
  4886. >And what do you know, you were totally right about this place.
  4887. >This is a fuckin dungeon.
  4888. >Ahead of you, a hallway of thick iron cells, made out of the same old rock as everything else here.
  4889. >Okay, well maybe it's not a snuggle dungeon.
  4890. >With what it looks like, on top of the fact that there's clearly nobody else here, you wonder how old this place even is.
  4891. >You certainly never saw this place before.
  4892. >A loud rattling noise grabs your attention, and the second you blink, you've got something heavy and cold on your arms.
  4893. >Big iron shackles.
  4894. >And Brave's got a suddenly serious look on her face.
  4895. >"Alright prisoner, start walking."
  4896. >The cold, tough tone of her voice kind of unnerves you.
  4897. >It's weird, especially seeing how her serious voice was the first thing you got used to.
  4898. >Though since then, it's always been calm and soft.
  4899. >...Well, still hot either way though.
  4901. >You notice how huge the shackles on you are, clearly meant for hooves instead of your slender alien arms.
  4902. >And the fact that you could easily slip out of them is what pushes you forward, following Brave down the hallway.
  4903. >This is obviously some kind of roleplay or something.
  4904. >You mean, yeah, why else would you be down here?
  4905. >She's not seriously going to lock you up or anything, and if she did, what for?
  4906. >You pass by a few cells, and a heavy, musky scent fills your nose.
  4907. >In short, it pretty much smells like a barn.
  4908. >Not that you'd expect any less out of a horse dungeon, but still.
  4909. >You notice that the cells here actually LOOK like cells, no big fluffy beds and nice accomodations like you know the prisons here have.
  4910. >Like seriously, it might as well be a free hotel for anyone.
  4911. >It's nice knowing that even if you end up in trouble for something, you'll at least be comfy for it.
  4912. >Wouldn't want to actually end up in a place like... well, this.
  4913. >She leads you down the hallway, past all the blocks, then takes a hard right.
  4914. >You follow blindly, because in here it's back to being dark as shit.
  4915. >A faint sizzling noise comes seconds after, and light slowly fills the room.
  4916. >...What the hell is this?
  4917. >Your eyes adjust, and the first thing in the room that you focus on is a chair.
  4918. >A big metal chair, right in the middle of the room, obviously adjustable into a table should need be.
  4919. >There's metal latches and chains hanging off of it.
  4920. >A shiver rolls down your back, and red flags start flying off everywhere.
  4921. >Scary dungeon is fine, but a scary dungeon HERE?
  4922. >Brave walks up to it, then stands at attention, giving you her professionally cold stare.
  4923. >She nods at the chair.
  4924. >"Prisoner."
  4925. >You fight all the old thoughts in your head telling you to get the hell out of there, and walk forward.
  4926. >Doesn't matter where you are, it's with Brave.
  4927. >Though, being this easily trusting COULD get you killed.
  4929. >You mean... what if this Changeling is just really good at acting?
  4930. >Your gaze falls to the loosely fitted shackles on your wrists, and you shake your head.
  4931. >Stop it, of course she's not a Changeling.
  4932. >You've had your eyes on her like, this whole time.
  4933. >If it was a Changeling, then... well, you'd have some explaining to do when you found the real Brave.
  4934. >You sit down, and the shackles come off.
  4935. >And immediately after, the restraints on the chair come on, tightened around your first wrist pretty snugly.
  4936. >She's now got this apprehensive expression on her face, over the serious, cold one she had just a few seconds earlier.
  4937. >By the time she's on your other side, you can see her subtly biting her lip.
  4938. >The arms of the chair are adjusted to be more comfortable, and then your legs are also bound to the table, after a few more adjustments.
  4939. >This chair must have been a one size fits all deal.
  4940. >The fact that it's even a little bigger than you says more than enough of that.
  4941. >So, an old dungeon in the castle, equipped with...
  4942. >Well, you're still not sure what this is, exactly.
  4943. >Interrogation chair, you'd imagine.
  4944. >Ponies wouldn't torture or anything... would they?
  4945. >This is clearly old, but how old, exactly?
  4946. >If they felt a need for a whole hallway of iron cells, then clearly, friendship and harmony didn't really seem to hold that much weight back then.
  4947. >Maybe you should ask Celestia some time.
  4948. >It IS in her castle, after all.
  4949. >...How would that come up, though?
  4950. >'So I saw that you have a dungeon in the castle... oh, Brave brought me there because she wanted to strap me down to a chair.'
  4951. >A clicking noise cuts through your train of thought, and the seat is leaned back like a couch
  4952. >Brave walks over to the front, a slightly smug grin on her face.
  4953. >"So then... PRISONER."
  4954. >She put a lot of emphasis on that word.
  4955. >As if you were both in a play, and she noticed you forgot the hell out of your lines.
  4956. >And that's really all you needed to hear.
  4958. >So no underground organ selling is going down, you're just a 'prisoner'.
  4959. >Well, there was a reason you were never in theater back in high school, but you'll try.
  4960. >"Are you gonna tell me what you were doing near that... bookstore, late at night?"
  4961. >...A bookstore?
  4962. >Come on, a jeweler or bank or something coulda been better.
  4963. >Alright, you can work with it though.
  4964. >You put your best tough guy look on.
  4965. >Which probably looks laughably bad.
  4966. "I ain't telling you NOTHIN', guardmare."
  4967. >Even tossed a little accent in there for good measure.
  4968. >It's hard to keep the stupid smile off your face, but you manage, for the act.
  4969. >She breaks out and smiles for you, those pupils of hers widening slightly.
  4970. >Then she quickly shakes her head and clears her throat.
  4971. >She puts that cold gaze back on, and studies you for a second.
  4972. >"...Are you sure you want to keep quiet?"
  4973. >She puts her hooves on your legs.
  4974. >"You know, we could do this the easy way... or the hard way."
  4975. >Getting a bit closer, her hooves move up your legs slightly.
  4976. >"Regardless, I've got ways of making you talk."
  4977. "Do what you want, my lips are sealed."
  4978. >That smug smile comes back, and she lifts an eyebrow.
  4979. >"Hmmm... is that so?"
  4980. >The sultry tone of her voice is already doing things to you down there.
  4981. >You like where this is going.
  4982. >And you never thought you'd see yourself doing roleplay stuff like this, but you can kinda see the appeal now.
  4983. >It's exhilarating, to say the least.
  4984. >Despite the bad acting, you actually kinda feel like you're being interrogated or something.
  4985. >Though you doubt any interrogation involving you would end up this way.
  4986. >But you can just feel that bit of adrenaline rushing through you.
  4987. >You watch her slowly climb on top of you, stopping on your lap and resting her haunches just above and away from Jr.
  4988. >She takes her helmet off and lets it fall from her hoof onto the floor.
  4989. >Her mane spills out, long and messy from the encounter you just finished having prior to this.
  4991. >It hangs over those brilliant green eyes of hers, hiding part of the saucy, confident look she's got going on.
  4992. >"Last chance... to tell me what you were doing there..."
  4993. >Oh lord, that voice.
  4994. >If you were actually a criminal, you'd never be able to keep anything from this mare.
  4995. "I-I... I was trying to destroy the place."
  4996. >And you wish you could say the stutter was part of your acting.
  4997. >She smirks, and pulls away a bit.
  4998. >"That's good."
  4999. >Weirdly enough, you feel an odd sort of satisfaction from that.
  5000. >You really are getting into this, damn.
  5001. >"...But not good enough."
  5002. >She lowers herself some more, a damp, soft piece of fabric rubbing against your pants.
  5003. >Not that you can really tell that it's soft now, but you bought it for a reason.
  5004. >Gently, she grinds you just above your waist- so close, yet so far away.
  5005. >"Tell me. Who are you working for?"
  5006. >You shake your head, feeling your everything quickly heating up.
  5007. "I ain't no rat. Y-you ain't gettin' anything from me."
  5008. >Without a word, she nods.
  5009. >Then she slowly spins around, and spreads her legs over you.
  5010. >Her hindlegs dangle off the sides of the chair, her plush white flanks easily taking more space than you or the chair.
  5011. >You instinctively try to move your hands, stopped by the restraints on them.
  5012. >Oh god, the urge to feel up...
  5013. >Damn it, this IS a torture chair!
  5014. >She wiggles her rump on you, lifting her tail out of the way so you can get a good look at her panties.
  5015. >You can see the imprint of her vulva, as well as the upstairs, hugged tightly by a light grey silk.
  5016. >There's a slightly damp spot in the middle, and you catch a glimpse of her little nub poking out, brushing against the garment and making her shiver.
  5017. >But she quickly brushes it off and pushes on.
  5018. >"Try again."
  5019. >You stay silent, giving her a defiant glare.
  5020. >She narrows her eyes, then clicks her tongue.
  5021. >"Alright, Mr. Tough Guy... let's see how long you can stay silent."
  5023. >Picking herself up back up on the chair, she lies down, crossing her hindlegs and resting her armored rump on you.
  5024. >With the angle, and how big her backside is, you can't see anything that the rest of her is doing.
  5025. >But you feel a tug on your pant button.
  5026. >It's slowly pushed out of the way, leaving your boxers as the only barrier to freedom.
  5027. >You can feel her hot breath on you, trickling through the thin layer of fabric.
  5028. >Something falls on the ground with a clanking noise, and she slowly rubs a bare hoof over your clothed second mate.
  5029. >It twitches, getting a small, sensual giggle out of her.
  5030. >"Changing your tone already, I see."
  5031. >The view before your eyes just taunts you.
  5032. >You need to squeeze those glorious haunches, damn it!
  5033. >She teases the hell out of you, brushing the frog of her hoof around your still imprisoned member.
  5034. >Every time you start to really enjoy the feeling, even just a little bit, she pulls away.
  5035. >It's like she can just sense it or something.
  5036. >It's already starting to drive you crazy.
  5037. >Then before you know it, she stops all together.
  5038. >You watch her take the other shoe off of her hoof, then spin around to face you.
  5039. >She hugs your sides with her hindlegs, and presses on your chest with her forelegs.
  5040. >Effortlessly, she steadies her rump above Jr. again, holding her underwear right beside your own.
  5041. >"I can go on alll day, you know."
  5042. >She unbuttons your suit, and presses against your skin.
  5043. >Only a single part of her cold armor touches you, but the best is just warm, fluffy bliss.
  5044. >Contrasting to the cold of this place, it's a very welcome change.
  5045. >She breathes on your neck, and nuzzles her way over to your ear.
  5046. >"Ooor, you could tell me who you work for, and the real fun can begin~"
  5047. >Her voice sends a shiver down your back.
  5048. >Christ, it's like porn in itself.
  5049. >You can't stand this teasing, make something up!
  5050. "I work for the MILFs."
  5051. >-Fuck?!
  5052. >You got stuck between the Mafia and Hell's Angels, how the fuck was THAT the result?
  5054. >As you fight back a retarded snort, Brave surprisingly seems content with the answer.
  5055. >Maybe it's a real thing.
  5056. >With ponies, who knows?
  5057. >She flashes a triumphant grin.
  5058. >"See? Was that so hard?"
  5059. >You stay silent in both amusement and shame.
  5060. >Even in a fake interrogation, she just cracked the shit out of you.
  5061. >You were really planning on keeping up the defiant cool guy thing for longer.
  5062. >"Now then, for being such a good sport..."
  5063. >She shifts her weight on one back leg, then pulls down your boxers with a quick swipe of the other one.
  5064. >Didn't even look- didn't even move her forelegs.
  5065. >Impressive.
  5066. >Her eyes lock on you, and the thumping of her heart picks up.
  5067. >She brushes a hoof slowly down your chest, then lunges forward for a kiss.
  5068. >You quickly notice this time around how... aggressive, she is.
  5069. >Or eager- aggressively eager, if anything.
  5070. >Parting your lips with her tongue, she pushes through and really gets in there, filling your mouth with a mix of vanilla, honey, and something a little... salty?
  5071. >You try to place exactly what it is, but the vanilla taste quickly takes over.
  5072. >Never will you understand why she actually has a flavor to her, but you don't really care.
  5073. >It's like making out with ice cream, why bother to question it, when you can just enjoy it?
  5074. >Her hoof continues to rub around your chest, and she playfully bites your lip or tongue every so often.
  5075. >With flat teeth, it really doesn't do anything but put a smile on your face.
  5076. >You can tell she's really getting into it.
  5077. >She moans softly and huffs when she breaks, giving you a look that speaks a thousand words before going back in.
  5078. >With every peck, every dribble of saliva you feel dripping onto your suit, her moans start to get more needy and higher pitched.
  5079. >Soon enough, those thousand words start to tell you a lewder something different.
  5080. >You become more feverish in your own actions as well, eager to enjoy the pleasant sweet taste she has.
  5081. >Seriously, it's pretty amazing.
  5083. >Like, if you could bottle it up or something, you could easily sell this as vanilla flavored syrup.
  5084. >Though, you notice that it's not exactly sugary, it just has the same flavor, if that makes sense.
  5085. >It'd take many lengthy papers to express all the details, but right now is not the time for that.
  5086. >...Maybe later.
  5087. >The sounds of your animalistic kissing echo throughout the room and beyond, filling the once spooky, silent dungeon with moaning, heavy breathing, and sloppy smacking noises.
  5088. >Still bound to the chair, your hands desperately hold onto the arm rest every so often, longing for the soft, round white cushion just mere inches away from you.
  5089. >You can just feel these tingles all around your body, the fluttering in your stomach more intense than it's ever been.
  5090. >Admittedly, you've held back a little bit when kissing the girls, only because you didn't want to accidentally show the other that you cared more about one than them.
  5091. >-Which you DON'T, but still.
  5092. >Hanging back as the third wheel while the other two are eating each other's faces isn't exactly fun.
  5093. >But here...
  5094. >You're all alone, just you and Brave.
  5095. >-Which still makes you feel bad, because now you feel like you're giving her EXTRA special treatment, as compared to Vannie.
  5096. >You'll never know how the people with actual herds do this.
  5097. >...Maybe you could buy a book, or something.
  5098. >There has to be one, you're sure.
  5099. >-Right, but the point is, being just the two of you, things are getting real heated, really quickly.
  5100. >But instead of that primal urge of desire you normally feel, you get a high of something else.
  5101. >Like your heart just caught on fire.
  5102. >-A good fire, though.
  5103. >Your mind becomes clouded, swimming with thoughts not just if the situation, but Brave herself.
  5104. >You love her.
  5106. >You love her smile, her voice, how protective she is of everything dear to her.
  5107. >You love her professionalism and her cautious nature.
  5108. >Her iron death grips, how easily she relaxes near you, and most of all, how it's all just genuine.
  5109. >How despite not even knowing that much about her, you just feel like you've always been connected.
  5110. >Nobody but Vannie has ever given you that feeling, and you know it's nothing short of pure luck that you found them both.
  5111. >Like you were just good friends the second you met, instead of complete strangers like everyone else you've seen.
  5112. >In fact, now thinking about it, you realize that's probably why you even felt comfortable enough to mess with Brave on the first day.
  5113. >And hell, it could explain why Vannie felt comfortable enough to raid your kitchen in a matter of hours, despite all the profuse apologies afterwards.
  5114. >You doubt a guard who has a knack of routinely destroying fridges and cabinets would be given bodyguard duty.
  5115. >-Or even be a guard for long, really.
  5116. >The way they were so willing to throw their lives away for you, already talking about families- the fact that you weren't scared as SHIT when they mentioned families?
  5117. >If anyone else did that, you'd get the hell out of there before they could even blink.
  5118. >And despite cuddling being this sacred practice among ponies, but being out here mindlessly fooling around like it's nothing?
  5119. >These two...
  5120. >As naive as it sounds, you three were MEANT for each other.
  5121. >And as that thought sinks in, you feel everything just relax at once.
  5122. >You practically melt into the chair, and tears start to form in the corners of your eyes.
  5123. >Brave opens hers, anything else but concern quickly gone from her expression.
  5124. >"Anon? Are you okay? A-am I hurting you?"
  5125. >As the first tear rolls down your cheek, you softly shake your head and smile.
  5126. "I..."
  5127. >Her ears perk, and she doesn't pull her eyes away, despite how close you are.
  5129. >With as much confidence as you can muster, you steady your breathing.
  5130. "I want to spend the rest of my life with you."
  5131. >She stays completely frozen for a moment, her eyes scanning yours for even a single hint that you're not being truthful.
  5132. >But you're not worried.
  5133. >Not at all.
  5134. >In fact, at this very moment, you feel as if everything in the world is just as it should be.
  5135. >No matter where you are, in life or death, as long as you're together, it will all be okay.
  5136. >The silence between you both is deafening for a moment, as without anything going on, it's completely silent in the room.
  5137. >She continues to look at you, working things out in her head, told by the way her gaze sees past you.
  5138. >Then, as quickly as she started, she stops.
  5139. >And a shaky smile spreads across her face.
  5140. >Her eyes water, and her ears flatten against her head.
  5141. >"I... I knew you were the one for me, A-Anon. I just knew it."
  5142. >You move to hug her, stopped only by the straps of the chair.
  5143. >Hearing the loud clink of it, Brave unties the one off your right hand.
  5144. >You take the left off, and she drops the rest of her armor on the ground.
  5145. >And you hug her.
  5146. >Pants still off and everything, you can now feel the little Anon in your chest getting excited.
  5147. >You hug her like your life depends on it, and she does the same to you.
  5148. >Not a single word is spoken, and you both cry in each other's embrace.
  5149. >You hold her head, gently brushing her mane with your right hand.
  5150. >...It smells faintly of chocolate and your shampoo.
  5151. >These ponies, man.
  5152. >With a soft sigh, her gaze slowly picks up towards you.
  5153. >-Holy shit.
  5154. >You freeze and double take.
  5155. >There are actually hearts in her eyes.
  5156. >...Holy SHIT.
  5157. >So clear up close, a faint outline in her pupils, small and white, but definitely in the shape of a heart.
  5159. >She stares straight into your eyes dreamily, only stopping to blink every so often.
  5160. >Her heart races, and instead of lunging into a kiss, she leans in, puckering her lips for you.
  5162. >You meet her in the middle, the now slow, steady pace somehow being more exciting than the lusty, heated session you just had.
  5163. >The first kiss to seal the deal.
  5164. >The first kiss with your true, true love.
  5165. >You find it odd that just a little bit of thinking has left you like this.
  5166. >As if you just got your Cutie Mark, but just, another huge, not pony milestone.
  5167. >But you remember reading up on that, how a kid will never really get their Mark unless they don't just realize, but FEEL what their special talent is.
  5168. >When you read it, you didn't understand it, mostly because of how damn cheesy it sounded.
  5169. >But here you are, you said you love her. But now, well, you truly FEEL it in you, as retarded as that still sounds.
  5170. >You had all the pieces, all the feelings, but you just never put them together.
  5171. >But now you're whole.
  5172. >You hold Brave not on her rump, but on her back and her head, just to pull her closer to you.
  5173. >And her hooves hug around your neck and do the same.
  5174. >She tilts her head slightly, leaning as much into you as she can.
  5175. >After exchanging a bit more saliva, she comes off with a pop, and adjusts her lower half.
  5176. >"F-forget about the acting, we can do more of that later..."
  5177. >Her rump pushes back, and once again you feel the soft silk of her panties pressed against Jr.
  5178. >"I NEED you... right here, right now."
  5179. >The tone of her voice alone is enough to get Jr. standing.
  5180. >She looks around the room, then pulls away slightly, a small grin on her face.
  5181. >"Actually, right on that wall over there."
  5182. >You hold her with one arm, and quickly undo the straps on your legs with the others.
  5183. >And you mean REAL quickly.
  5184. >Hopping off, you kick your pants away, drop your suit, and press her against the wall.
  5185. >Without proper clothing, it's a lot colder, but an improvement from the cold metal chair you were just on.
  5186. >Her hooves hold you tighter, and this time YOU bring her in for the kiss.
  5188. >Those plush, warm flanks of hers hug around your waist, stopping the cold with her snowy white fluff.
  5189. >The way she squeaks and gasps, you can just hear the eagerness in her voice.
  5190. >And with how long she teased, how invigorated you feel after that confession.
  5191. >That, and most definitely her sultry, pleading tone...
  5192. >Eager doesn't begin to describe how you feel.
  5193. >She bucks her hips against yours, and a soft gasp escapes her.
  5194. >"E-enough waiting, just..."
  5195. >You feel a sly smile form on your face.
  5196. "Just what?"
  5197. >Kneading those flanks with your hands, she lets out a few breath-y moans.
  5198. >She looks at you, pleading eyes already lost in lust.
  5199. >You give her a nice good squeeze, and get a squeak in response.
  5200. >"J-just..."
  5201. >The hooves wrapped around your waist quiver slightly.
  5202. >Blowing a lock of mane away from her face, she focuses right on you, her cheeks completely taken over by a deep shade of red.
  5203. >"J-just BUCK ME A-ALREADY!"
  5204. >She holds a hoof over her mouth.
  5205. >With all the sound echoing, that WAS pretty loud.
  5206. "...With pleasure, ma'am."
  5207. >You lift her a little and adjust your aim, then quickly sink into her, hands-free pushing her panties off to the side.
  5208. >Despite the tight passage, you glide in easily, a loud 'schhhlck' noise following the whole way.
  5209. >She lets out the air in her lungs and closes her eyes, letting her tongue hang out as she sucks in some air.
  5210. >Before she can completely recouperate, you slide out and back in again.
  5211. >You can feel her tighten around you, her walls hot and slick like a... something that's hot and slick.
  5212. >It's just goddamn amazing.
  5213. >Hot enough, like the perfect temperature near a fire, or a warmed towel.
  5214. >And slick, like... gliding down an oiled waterslide, or something.
  5215. >And with how tight she is, you can feel absolutely all of her.
  5216. >She winks, and the contractions practically trap you, just as you feel her little nub rub the top of your shaft.
  5217. >It gets a shudder and a grin out of her.
  5219. >You pump in and out of her, feeling her smooth, slick walls hugging your length.
  5220. >Every wink sends a jolt through your body, and the warmth inside of her is super inviting.
  5221. >Her vulva presses against your crotch, wet with her own fluids and getting no better.
  5222. >Those perfect thighs press against your own, soft and gentle with its fur.
  5223. >She moves her hips around in a circle and bucks against you, bringing you deeper into her marehood.
  5224. >You can feel it softly caressing, brushing around every inch of Jr. wonderfully.
  5225. >Hilting inside of her, you love the sight of being all the way in.
  5226. >The little bit of pink you can see when she winks.
  5227. >Parting her puffy, soft lips with your member, you can't help but reach down and give a few small squeezes.
  5228. >She gasps, and her clit pops out every time, allowing you to lightly pinch it.
  5229. >That gets a moan out of her every time.
  5230. >She adjusts her hips a little more and sinks down the wall, allowing you to just thrust forward and a lot deeper.
  5231. >Instead of wrapping around, her hindlegs are more comfortable just resting on you, which in turn makes her marehood feel even TIGHTER.
  5232. >You hold on good to those flanks, both for support, and because you'll never not love it.
  5233. >You pull out and thrust into her, enjoying small jiggle you felt, as well as the wet clopping noise that fills the whole place.
  5234. >And of course, that sharp little gasp of hers.
  5235. >So with that second practice thrust, you adjust your hands, now to hold half her flank, and half her hips.
  5236. >And you thrust back in.
  5237. >Hard.
  5238. >"HAAH!"
  5239. >And you keep on going, pushing deep and at a good pace.
  5240. >You can feel her wink, but push past the tightening to deliver the same force.
  5241. >That gets another moan out of her, as her most sensitive part brushes past you.
  5242. >And with the squeeze, you do have to put a little more force into it.
  5243. >Her hind legs rest lazily on your body, moving with every motion of yours.
  5245. >"OHHH!"
  5246. >The mounds just below her belly slightly jiggle too, swaying back and forth almost hypnotically.
  5247. >But you're more focused on her face than anything.
  5248. >The clapping noise slowly stops masking the gasps and squeaks coming out of her.
  5249. >She stares into your eyes with one open, if only for a few seconds.
  5250. >Then they roll up, her tongue hanging loose while she pants like a dog.
  5251. >"Ahhh, hahhh!"
  5252. >With a quick motion, you stop and try to take her panties off, that string already starting to get in the way.
  5253. >She recovers quickly with the break, trying to assist with her own hooves.
  5254. >You slide them off of her, and quickly go back in, watching that gaze of hers quickly turn up in a passionate bliss.
  5255. >And now without the string nagging you in the back of your mind, it's nothing but hot, smooth sailing.
  5256. >The look on her face, and the way her mane bobs with each push is just cute as hell.
  5257. >After a few thrusts, she holds her hindlegs closer together, and you get to plunge into her whole backside, feeling a stronger jiggle move throughout it.
  5258. >You can hear your own breathing, your heartbeat pounding in your ears.
  5259. >But the only thing you can really focus on is her.
  5260. >With every squeak she makes, every breath, you just feel more invigorated.
  5261. >You push yourself harder into her, watching her whole body rock as she's pounded into mush.
  5262. >A leg twitches, and her walls soon clamp down on you.
  5263. >But like a good trooper, you push on.
  5264. >"AHH! H-HAHH!"
  5265. >She shudders and bucks against you with her climax, fluids overflowing and dripping down your legs.
  5266. >At this point, you don't think she cares how loud she is, either.
  5267. >That, or she just can't help it.
  5268. >Either way, you absolutely love it.
  5269. >Hearing her voice crack with a moan is too cute.
  5270. >While you're ramming into her, she's able to lock eyes with you for a second.
  5271. >And you notice that the hearts in her eyes are a little more opaque now.
  5273. >She's able to keep her gaze on you, eyelids closing slightly as you repeatedly hilt inside of her.
  5274. >You start thrusting once you're about halfway out, letting you pick up the speed and feel her clit rub against you more frequently.
  5275. >You also move your arms, keeping a little more parallel with her hindlegs when reaching for her rump.
  5276. >So now she's able to relax a little more, her legs being stopped and rested against the length of your arms.
  5277. >Your palms hold a wide area of her haunches, thus giving a little more support there, too.
  5278. >She allows her forehooves to relax, folded right up against her fluffy chest.
  5279. >Without a second thought, you shift all the weight to one hand, and hold a forehoof with the other.
  5280. >Her gaze darts up to you, and she manages a loving smile though her panting.
  5281. >She pushes herself off the wall and onto your chest, and you almost fall on your ass trying to adjust.
  5282. >Before you can say anything, she points over to a sleek wooden table nearby.
  5283. >"The wall's too cold, put me on that!"
  5284. >Without a word, you comply.
  5285. >Honestly, that table does look kind of better.
  5286. >That wall isn't exactly smooth and stuff.
  5287. >Going up to it, you see that it's literally the perfect height for you.
  5288. >Maybe not perfect height for you to actually use it like a table, but perfect enough that you don't need to crouch or make yourself taller.
  5289. >Brave lies on her back, and scoots herself closer to you.
  5290. >You grab her hindlegs, holding your thumb on the frogs of her hooves.
  5291. >And you realize you can do two things here.
  5292. >Guarding involves a lot of just standing around, so you could imagine how tiring it gets after a while.
  5293. >Dang, and without fingers, who would ever be there to massage those days away?
  5294. >...Though, you're sure that the actual hoof part takes most of the pressure.
  5295. >Oh whatever.
  5296. >You start rubbing her hoof, getting a big grin out of her.
  5297. >"Oooh, that feels nice..."
  5299. >And with your grip on her hooves, you pull her in and take the plunge.
  5300. >"-Ummph!"
  5301. >Juggling the two tasks of massaging her hooves and squeezing into her is actually pretty easy.
  5302. >And as you do, you get to enjoy more of those cute looks on her face.
  5303. >Her mane spilled out onto the table, it gets messier and messier by the second.
  5304. >But the way her eyes are rolled back like that, you don't think she cares much.
  5305. >You slow the speed of your thrusts, and the squelch-y, schlicking sound fills the room, in place of all the smacking.
  5306. >You wish you knew a word for the sound, but so far the potato salad analogy is the only thing that does it justice.
  5307. >But it's certainly nothing you've ever heard in porn before.
  5308. >At least, not this loud.
  5309. >While you fail trying to think of a good description, a soft whine escapes her.
  5310. >She moans, covers her mouth, then moans into her hoof.
  5311. >You slowly reach out and hold it.
  5312. "Nu-uh, missy. I want to hear those adorable moans of yours."
  5313. >You hold her hindlegs together on your chest, and move your hands over to her hips.
  5314. >With a smile, she places a hoof on your right hand.
  5315. >And with both grabbers on her, you're ready to rock her world.
  5316. >Tightening the grip and securing a better aim, you go for it, and slam right into her.
  5317. >The clapping sound matches with the wet one, bringing sweet, sweet music to your ears.
  5318. >The wetness all over Jr. and your lower half is really noticeable, as well as the ripple you feel in her flanks.
  5319. >She focuses on you with that half-lidded gaze, panting and moaning as her winks become more frequent.
  5320. >"Oh, Anon~"
  5321. >Snapping out of your lustful stupor, you bend and lean closer to her.
  5322. >As soon as you're close enough, she locks her hindlegs around your waist and gives you a smug grin.
  5323. >That changes as you gently slide back in.
  5324. >You allow yourself time to breathe, slowing the pace to something a little less tiring.
  5325. >Speed IS for the finisher, no reason to rush here.
  5327. >And honestly, you do find the slick, wet sounds more arousing than all the smacking.
  5328. >And, if the puddle that you no doubt left over by that wall isn't enough, then the noise definitely tells you you're doing something right.
  5329. >A soft breath escapes her every time your pelvises meet, and you make sure that they REALLY get to know each other.
  5330. >The noises she makes, coupled with the look on her face and hell, just her- it makes your heart blow its load.
  5331. >You're not sure about the specifics of how or why there's hearts in her eyes, but that's the biggest thing you feel glad to see.
  5332. >She's yours and yours alone, and you're hers forever.
  5333. >And, really, that's all you've ever asked for from this existence.
  5334. >-Well, you're asking to see hearts in Vannie's eyes too now, but you digress.
  5335. >She keeps her gaze set on your own while you go through the motions.
  5336. >Her hips lazily move back and forth with you, and her frizzled mane pours out over her form, like she's in some kind of renaissance painting.
  5337. >In short, she's goddamn stunning.
  5338. >You lean over enough for another kiss, which she graciously accepts.
  5339. >And in this moment, you figure that you shouldn't be keeping your comments to yourself.
  5340. "You're so gorgeous, Brave."
  5341. >She manages a small toothy smile, then leans in towards your ear.
  5342. >"Natasha..."
  5343. >You pause for a second, before it finally hits you what she meant.
  5344. >Or what she's telling you, rather.
  5345. "...Natasha Brave."
  5346. >She avoids your gaze, and her ears fold slightly.
  5347. >Like it's something she's ashamed of.
  5348. >It's no regular pony name sure, but who cares?
  5349. "A beautiful name for a beautiful mare."
  5350. >She smirks slightly.
  5351. >"...That's what my mom would always say."
  5352. >She gives you a kiss, and you respond with one right back.
  5353. "Well, she certainly knew what she was talking about."
  5354. >You grind into her a little, and a soft moan escapes her.
  5355. >"Oh, Anon, I love you..."
  5356. >Her hooves hug tighter around you, pulling you deeper into her and even closer to her face.
  5358. >The squeak she gives is cut off as you kiss her for the third time.
  5359. >She turns her head a little, and the sound of lips smacking quickly rings in your ears.
  5360. >"Hmmmph~"
  5361. >Her vanilla taste floods your mouth, and she shares her breaths with you instead of breaking.
  5362. >Those moans of hers become more frequent as her form gets a bit sloppy.
  5363. >Her kissing gets a bit more needy and uncoordinated, and she ends up just licking your face a few times.
  5364. >Probably another pony thing, but fucking hell do you love it.
  5365. >There's telltale signs that she's close, you pick up the speed for her a little bit.
  5366. >"Oh, yesss~"
  5367. >When her clit presses against you, you can feel her whole body shudder.
  5368. >The wet shlucking sound grows louder as you find yourself nearing the end, too.
  5369. >Her plush rear jiggles slightly when you make contact, and her hooves hug you even closer towards her.
  5370. >You wouldn't be surprised at all if she could crush a watermelon with these thighs of hers.
  5371. >Shifting from the table, you hold her sides and hold the weight on your knuckles, just relishing in the new contact with your lovely marefriend.
  5372. >In turn, you feel her tail hugging one of your legs.
  5373. >Her moans turn into heavy panting, as her kisses become mostly just licking.
  5374. >Seriously, it must be those pony instincts or something.
  5375. >Which is goddamn adorable, and simultaneously hot as hell.
  5376. >"Ahh, I love y-you! D-don't stop!"
  5377. >True to her wishes, you don't, putting more emphasis on pleasuring her than proclaiming your own love.
  5378. >Plenty of time for that later.
  5379. >But it doesn't seem to stop her.
  5380. >"I love you s-so much! Mmm, I love yooouuu~"
  5381. >Her words pump you full of energy, and she quickly seems to catch on to that.
  5382. >"Oh, b-buck me! HARDER!"
  5383. >You comply, but notice that instead of clapping, the slick sound of sex echos louder throughout the room.
  5384. >Well that and her, obviously.
  5385. >"AHHH, YES! HAH!"
  5386. >You feel that the fur on her rump is pretty damp, and every bit of Jr. has been long since covered in her excitement.
  5388. >In and out, the smooth, tight walls of her marehood hug all around you so perfectly, taking every single bit of your length until you're pressed against her thighs.
  5389. >You feel yourself coming closer, and her hips instinctively buck against yours.
  5390. >It makes you shudder with pleasure, and forces another cute squeak out of her.
  5392. >That seems to give you the most energy, and you hold her sides a little tighter as you thrust.
  5393. >Her eyes quickly roll up, and her tongue lolls out of her mouth with her heavy panting and gasps.
  5394. >You plow into her rear deep and fast, feeling that familiar feeling rise until she tenses up.
  5395. >She takes a sharp gasp, and all of her hooves practically crush you forwards.
  5396. >With the extra resistence, the dams quickly crumble, and you slam into her with all of what you have left.
  5397. >And with one final hilt, your hands move from her sides and onto her hips, pulling her closer and letting loose.
  5398. >"-ANON!"
  5399. >You grind against her and grit your teeth, suddenly feeling spurt after spurt unload into her waiting womb.
  5400. >Even just the motion of grinding paralyzes you with pleasure, and once again you feel Brave's hindlegs instinctively twitching around you.
  5401. >Every bit of energy drains from your body as you just keep coming, filling up and even slightly spilling out of her.
  5402. >She continues to pant, switching between looking at your eyes and down at the mess you're making.
  5403. >You go for the last kiss, planting a long one right on the lips, instead of making out like two high schoolers.
  5404. >Too tired for that, seriously.
  5405. >After a while, Jr. stops twitching, and the high fades, your grinding not doing much else but taking more energy out of you.
  5406. >You break from the kiss, both breathing heavily and just staring at each other for a moment.
  5407. >Brave cracks the first smile, and you can't help but immediately return it.
  5408. "This was no doubt the best time I've had so far."
  5410. >She wriggles her eyebrows with a sultry grin.
  5411. >"So far."
  5412. >Your smile grows to retard levels.
  5413. "God, I love you."
  5414. >One more kiss, and her iron grip around your waist finally relaxes.
  5415. >You take a step back, and sure enough, quite a bit of fluids leak out of her.
  5416. >QUITE a bit.
  5417. >Gaze moving over to the wall, there's indeed a small puddle there too.
  5418. "Geez, we should probably clean all this up."
  5419. >She hops off and shakes her head.
  5420. >"Nopony uses this thing anymore anyways, and I'm too tired."
  5421. >Somehow her words drive you to feel even more so.
  5422. "Fair enough. I'm ready to knock out right now."
  5423. >And it's only like mid-day, too.
  5424. >You grab your tossed clothes and put them back on, wiping your sweat away where you can.
  5425. >Brave hops off and over to her panties and points a hoof.
  5426. >"Think you could help me with these?"
  5427. >With a nod, you grab and quickly put them on her, noticing not only how damp the fabric is, but how damp her whole rump is.
  5428. >At least you have pants to cover it up, because you're no better.
  5429. >But someone's gonna get carried the whole way back.
  5430. >She quickly hops into her armor, not because she's rushing, but clearly with lots of practice.
  5431. >And the second her helmet is fastened on, you strike.
  5432. >A cute yelp comes out of her, and you start on going back towards the stairs.
  5433. "Wait, do you need to like, turn the torches off or something?"
  5434. >She shakes her head, so you take the first cautious step up.
  5435. >The light starts to trickle away, only the tapping of your shoes filling the air.
  5436. >You don't feel the need for conversation, and this time around, the silence actually pretty calming.
  5437. >If anything, it just seems to make you sleepier.
  5438. >The rhythmic steps follow you for quite a while, until you feel something smack into your shoulder.
  5439. >You lose your balance and slip-
  5440. >-But luckily catch yourself by grabbing the iron thing.
  5441. >Holy fuck, your heart is racing.
  5442. >That shit would have been BAD.
  5444. >"Sweet Celestia, you okay?"
  5445. >You instinctively nod.
  5446. "Yeah, yeah I'm good."
  5447. >A shiver rolls down your back, and you know that feeling you had falling back is gonna stick with you for a while.
  5448. >Fucking torches and shit.
  5449. >You hug closer to the wall again, and soon enough you're standing on the flat ground of the top.
  5450. >Feeling around for the iron handle, you swing it open and feel how light the door is.
  5451. >With how huge the thing is, you figured it's weight a lot more.
  5452. >Walking into the brightly lit hallway, you close the thing behind you and start walking.
  5453. >You half expect Brave to ask about being set down, what with being embarrassed by the carrying and stuff, but you don't get anything.
  5454. >Instead, she just looks forward, relaxed and with a soft smile on her face.
  5455. >You notice that the hearts are still there, too.
  5456. >Wonder if you're the only one who can see them.
  5457. >The answer to your question takes the form of a few guards up ahead, standing in the corners of some hallway intersection.
  5458. >Through your peripherals, you can definitely see the shocked looks that they have.
  5459. >But was that because of her eyes?
  5460. >You stop at a dead end between two hallways.
  5461. "Uhhh, is-"
  5462. >"On the left."
  5463. >You do as she says, and the rest of your guiding goes by quickly.
  5464. >Soon enough, you're finally in front of your castle room's door, feeling more tired just looking at the thing.
  5465. >Walking in, Vannie's ear perks up from under the covers, and she lazily moves them to squint at you.
  5466. >She yawns and makes herself comfortable.
  5467. >"Mare, thought you'd be there for longer."
  5468. >Brave jumps out of your arms, and you both start on taking everything off.
  5469. >She leaves the panties on, and all you keep are the boxers.
  5470. >Without a big ass yawn of your own, you climb and sink into the bed next to Vannie.
  5471. >Brave follows, and it doesn't take long until they're situated and hugging your sides with a smile.
  5472. >A sigh escapes you, and you gently close your eyes.
  5473. "You guys are my everything."
  5475. >You wake up in the middle of a snore.
  5476. >Immediately, you notice a pair of sapphire eyes staring at you.
  5477. >The ball of white and brown fluff on your left stirs, then there's a pair of emerald on you, too.
  5478. >She stops and looks around the room.
  5479. >Vannie makes herself comfortable on you.
  5480. >"You make cute noises when you sleep."
  5481. >Her ears get a little rub, and Brave lazily blinks her eyes.
  5482. "What time is it, anyway?"
  5483. >The window outside clearly shows that it's night.
  5484. >Sleeping schedule's now ruined for quite a while, that's for damn sure.
  5485. >"Around seven or eight, I believe."
  5486. >Seven or eight, huh?
  5487. >Well, as a member of the Night Guard, you'll trust her judgement.
  5488. >And if that's the case, then you got about a good few hours until everything closes.
  5489. >Your mind kicks itself into gear, and you stretch yourself out.
  5490. "Perfect."
  5491. >The girls move away, and you spring up from your bed.
  5492. >You quickly start throwing your clothes on, much to their confusion.
  5493. >"Uh, Anon, where are you going?"
  5494. "I'm well rested, it's night, and the shops probably haven't closed yet. I'm going back to that goddamn desert."
  5495. >Both pairs of eyes widen.
  5496. >"What?! NOW?"
  5497. >You nod while you're buttoning up your suit.
  5498. "Sucks that all those hours were used up earlier, but if anything, travelling now would be easier because of the temperature."
  5499. >They both trade glances, then resume just staring at you.
  5500. "Like I said, you guys can stay- I'm not forcing you anywhere. But the more time I spend in that bed, the more time is wasted."
  5501. >Some kind of telepathic conversation goes on between the two, so you focus on putting your shoes back on.
  5502. >By the time you're done and by the door, they haven't really moved much.
  5503. >But the instant you click that door open, they hop off and start getting into their armor.
  5504. >Trying to call your bluff, eh?
  5505. >...Man, they REALLY don't want to go.
  5506. >'Course you could always just order them to stay, but you already know that 'protective marefriend' will beat 'upstanding guardmare' anyways.
  5508. >You just wish they'd be fine with taking the backseat if they really didn't want to go.
  5509. >It'd certainly make things much easier, less to worry about and all.
  5510. >Though, knowing that they're combat ready and everything really does help.
  5511. >And, well, if anything happens, they sure as hell can save your sorry ass.
  5512. >But you still wouldn't forgive yourself if something happened to them.
  5513. >It may not be your job, but you'll take as many spears as necessary to ensure they're safe.
  5514. >The thought makes your gut churn, and you instinctively hold your left side.
  5515. >...Okay, no spear jokes for a while.
  5516. >You open the door completely when the clicking and clanking stops, and the girls are right next to you.
  5517. >And you can't help but notice that Brave still has those hearts in her eyes.
  5518. >Must be permanent or something, but you have to double take every time you glance at her.
  5519. >Walking out of the room with them, your focus moves towards getting the hell out of here quickly.
  5520. >Not only because the shops might be closing soon, but because if the moon is higher up, then it'll be easier to see things when you're down there.
  5521. >Armor shuffles around next to you, as well as another thought.
  5522. >You glance back, but somehow, looking again doesn't fix anything.
  5523. >So Vannie's wing is still broken.
  5524. >Stopping in your tracks, the two quickly do the same.
  5525. >They watch curiously as you turn towards them.
  5526. "So... are you completely sure you don't want to stay?"
  5527. >"-I want to stay. But I'm not staying unless YOU are."
  5528. >With a sigh, a frown forms on your face.
  5529. >Of course... shame on you for expecting any different.
  5530. >"And I'm still going, no matter what you say."
  5531. >You rub your face with your hand, and sigh again.
  5532. >Of.
  5533. >Course.
  5534. >Spinning back around, your mind gets going.
  5535. >Almost all of it is negative, those 'what-if's definitely hitting you the hardest.
  5536. >But of course, the ones that do the most damage, involve the two trailing right behind you.
  5538. >You're eventually able to quell those negative thoughts with a few more logical ones.
  5539. >-Well, it's dependent on the time, but it still works.
  5540. >There has to be a store that's still open though.
  5541. >Maybe some kind of twenty four hour convenience store or something.
  5542. >Not that the chances are really all that good, but you can hope.
  5543. >You've seen a few of the places before, but you don't think ANY store will stay open past nine.
  5544. >Christ.
  5545. >Picking up the speed a little bit, you pass by some of the night shift guards, standing in the hallways and clearly struggling to stay up.
  5546. >One of them quickly snaps up and salutes at you, before noticing you're not royalty.
  5547. >Well serves 'em right, crappy shift for crappy ponies.
  5548. >-Not all of course, but just the ones you recognize.
  5549. >Try and catcall your mares, no thanks.
  5550. >-Oh shit!
  5551. >You glance back and see both Brave and Vannie speed-walking behind you.
  5552. >They stop when you stop, and you feel like a retard for speeding up back there.
  5553. >Once they're by your sides, you reach an arm over and-
  5554. >-Vannie hisses.
  5555. "Shit! Sorry!"
  5556. >You move your arm above her wing, then hoist both of them up.
  5557. >Still heavy as hell with the armor, but you're sure you can manage.
  5558. >If not, well this is just practice until you CAN manage.
  5559. >And now with the two in tow, you speed up without worry.
  5560. >As you do, Vannie yawns a few times, and Brave keeps her eyes closed.
  5561. >Her head dips a little bit, before she catches herself.
  5562. >Fucking hell.
  5563. >You slow your pace a little bit.
  5564. >Maybe you should just wait until the morning...
  5565. >You'd be able to deal with the heat, you mean you already dealt with it mid-day.
  5566. >Though if you waited till then, YOU would be the sleepy one.
  5567. >Because you sure as hell aren't tired, and trying to sleep would probably just make things worse.
  5568. >If Vannie wasn't awake, you probably would have been able to just sneak out.
  5569. >Damn it.
  5570. >...Or maybe that's what you can do?
  5571. >Go back to the room and let them sleep, sneak out the second you're able.
  5573. >It could work, you'd just have to be slippery enough...
  5574. >But watch, the second you're alone, another Griffon portal opens up near you.
  5575. >The thought makes you shudder.
  5576. >And if the girls weren't aware of your disappearance for half a day...
  5577. >Well, let's just not think about that.
  5578. >You mean hell, with your luck that underground thing is a Griffon base or something.
  5579. >That stops you in your tracks, then you shake your head and keep moving.
  5580. >Of course it isn't.
  5581. >Whole reason they brought you there was to open the thing, and there HAS to be some kind of Guard presence down there now.
  5582. >You end up outside the castle grounds, noticing how dead the streets seem to be.
  5583. >There's still some ponies though, and more than a few places are with their lights on.
  5584. >Good.
  5585. >If anything... maybe the girls could have some energy drinks.
  5586. >-Fuck, did you bring your bits?
  5587. >You pause and think back a little bit.
  5588. >Yeah, you're good.
  5589. >Every solution you can think of involves just waiting, but...
  5590. >No, there's no way you'd be able to wait.
  5591. >It's been days, you've recovered, and you NEED to know what is down there.
  5592. >You just have to.
  5593. >This was a shitty situation from the start, and it's best to just get it all over with now.
  5594. >Plus, if there IS a Guard presence, who knows what they decided to get into down there?
  5595. >That thought pushes you a little faster, and you start towards the only store you really know around here.
  5596. >With your walking, it doesn't take very long.
  5597. >Placing the girls on the ground, you look at them both.
  5598. "Are you guys good?"
  5599. >They both lazily nod, and you can't help but sigh.
  5600. "If you want something to pick yourself up, just take it. Coffee, sugary drinks and such."
  5601. >You rub Vannie's ear a little bit.
  5602. "Did you need something for your wing? Painkillers or something?"
  5603. >She stops, then slowly shakes her head.
  5604. "Well if you change your mind, remember I have a disposable income."
  5605. >You kneel and hug them.
  5606. "You guys are first priority, alright?"
  5607. >...The irony isn't lost on you.
  5609. >This is it though.
  5610. >Unless something down there points you somewhere else, this is it.
  5611. >After this, you can all just relax again, and you can talk to Celestia about moving back to Ponyville.
  5612. >With that settled, you give yourself a small nod and stand back up.
  5613. >You walk into the store with the two mares behind you, a small ding signaling your presence to the cashier pony nearby.
  5614. >Huh, usually there's more than one.
  5615. >Doesn't even bother to greet you normally, taking to just a wave while he yawns in his other hoof.
  5616. >Waving back, you glance at all the aisles.
  5617. "Alright, try to pick up anything you think we might need. Maybe a first aid kit, waters, stuff like that. And anything you guys want, of course."
  5618. >The girls give you a small nod, and instead of breaking, they just follow you.
  5619. >Well alrighty then.
  5620. >Grabbing a cart from nearby, you pop your neck and start down the first aisle.
  5621. >
  5622. >...Alright, well you think you're all set, now.
  5623. >Bottles of water, a few granola bars, first aid kit, ibuprofen, flashlights, energy drinks for Vannie...
  5624. >Brave gently places a box of brownies on the line, and flashes you an innocent smile, as if asking permission.
  5625. >You simply nod, and she takes her spot behind you with a smile on your face.
  5626. >As you watch the guy lazily bag all of it, you think you might have gone a little overboard.
  5627. >Hopefully that'll all fit in that backpack.
  5628. >"Your total is one hundred and seventeen bits."
  5629. >Fucking HELL that'ss a lot!
  5630. >You place two bit bags in front of the guy, and he just stares at it for a moment.
  5631. >Then sighs.
  5632. >His hoof slowly moves over, and he starts taking them out to count.
  5633. >You start taking the things out from the bags and stuffing them into your pack.
  5634. >Taking the waters out, giving a brownie to Brave, a "Creature" energy drink to Vannie.
  5635. >The side pockets on this thing all see use, as shit gets stuffed almost everywhere.
  5636. >...Maybe getting all of it in bulk was where you went wrong.
  5638. >By the time everything's packed and ready to go, you look up and the guy's just moving bit by bit, looking dead inside.
  5639. >You wait there in silence for a moment, his tired, dead eyes scanning over it all.
  5640. "Just keep the change."
  5641. >Not a second more is wasted before you bolt outta there.
  5642. >Keep the change might as well be your damn motto at this point.
  5643. >If ponies don't made cards and shit, you're going to have to at some point.
  5644. >Good thing it's all disposable income, can't even imagine how many days of your life would be wasted just counting bits.
  5645. >Once you're out, you give a quick look to your mares, make sure they haven't bolted.
  5646. >Brave's got chocolate on her face, and you watch Vannie just shotgun that drink in one go.
  5647. >She shudders and wiggles her rump a little.
  5648. >"Ooough, alright, I'm ready!"
  5649. >You lean over and wipe the chocolate off, after a second of thinking to just leave it.
  5650. >It's adorably funny, but you don't think she'd appreciate the reactions from anyone else.
  5651. >Well, YOU wouldn't.
  5652. >You also give her a boop, enjoying the small scrunch in response.
  5653. >Small adjust of the backpack, and you walk your ass in the direction of the pie shop.
  5654. >As you trudge along the sidewalk with your mares, it's hard not to notice the pure silence around you.
  5655. >Sure, there's crickets and stuff, but this street is the busiest one in the entire city.
  5656. >Seeing it almost completely dead like this is pretty weird.
  5657. >Never really been out here much during this time, save for when you were first here, really.
  5658. >Used to seeing all these horses out and about, walking all around the streets like some kind of crazy tourist attraction was...
  5659. >...Oh, right.
  5660. >Well it's that kinda crowded during the day.
  5661. >Now the place might as well be a ghost town.
  5662. >Besides the critters out and about, the only noise you can hear is the soft clopping of hooves and your shoes on the concrete.
  5663. >Echoes throughout the streets and everything.
  5665. >You pause and stop in your tracks, looking up at the pie sign that you nearly walked right into.
  5666. >And you find it real surprising you didn't.
  5667. >Like the universe just decided, "ahh, not this time".
  5668. >Bastard.
  5669. >Anyways, you turn to face the familiar old pie shop, lights out and nobody really there.
  5670. >At least expected some kind of Guard presence, here.
  5671. >Kind of makes you worry.
  5672. >The door to it is also unlocked, which confuses you for a split second before you remember where you are.
  5673. >Thoughts like that have been coming less and less, you've noticed.
  5674. >And before, it used to be a good minute of confusion.
  5675. >These ponies, man.
  5676. >You shake it off and step inside, looking around the place before moving towards the bathroom.
  5677. >Make sure not to hit your damn head on the door frame again, and you walk in.
  5678. >Right there on the wall, big ass "exit door" portal, just as you remember it.
  5679. >...How the fuck did you not think to question that?
  5680. >Must have hit yourself pretty damn hard, because that shit sticks out really badly.
  5681. >-Hell, the fuckin' building doesn't even have anywhere for that to go, it's just attached to the building next to it!
  5682. >You sigh and shake your head.
  5683. >Glancing at the girls, you see they're both eyeing the door, before turning towards you.
  5684. "Alright, you guys ready?"
  5685. >Vannie shakes her head quickly.
  5686. >Brave just watches it pensively.
  5687. "Yeah, me neither... But here goes nothing."
  5688. >You turn the handle and swing the thing open, squinting your eyes at the bright ass fuckin' blue portal in front of you.
  5689. >And now that you're not being dragged into it against your will, you notice how simultaneously scary and cool looking it is.
  5690. >Lighter blues meeting all the way in the middle for a single black dot.
  5691. >Slowly, you stick your hand in it.
  5692. >You get that static-y feeling in it, which just intensifies until you cant even feel your hand anymore.
  5693. >Pulling it back, the sensation disappears.
  5694. >Trippy.
  5695. >With a deep breath and a pop of the neck, you pause.
  5696. >Then hop right in.
  5698. >That weird static-y feeling covers your everything, but in an instant you're standing on the other side.
  5699. >The first thing you see as you're adjusting is multiple spear tips in your face.
  5700. >Your blood runs cold, until you see who's wielding all of them.
  5701. >"Halt, state your business!"
  5702. >The girls end up on your sides and look around, catching their gazes for a second.
  5703. >There's six guards looking at you, and you notice that it isn't exactly just desert all around you.
  5704. >You're in some kind of plastic tunnel, see through and stretching out farther than you can see.
  5705. >Noticing your eyes wandering, one jabs a spear closer to you.
  5706. >An armored hoof makes way towards it and pushes it down.
  5707. >"This is sir Anonymous. He's allowed entry."
  5708. >Multiple pairs of eyes widen, but the ponies stay silent.
  5709. >The guy pulls his spear away and steps towards you.
  5710. >"Right this way, sir. Our head of research would like to talk to you."
  5711. >The other five just stare wordlessly at you, clearly in awe.
  5712. >You may have been in Ponyville for quite a while, but you figure that your presence wouldn't be that big of a deal.
  5713. >Must be new recruits or something.
  5714. >...In fact, that's probably exactly what they are, seeing how this guy is the only strongly composed one.
  5715. >Probably here because it's night, but you figured that what's left of your entire race would be guarded by, well, better guards.
  5716. >Clearly going for quantity instead of quality, here.
  5717. >They move out of the way, then you notice all their gazes shift between you and the girls.
  5718. >And they blush.
  5719. >Both hug your sides, and you realize that for their sake, you probably should've all showered.
  5720. >But soon enough you're in the tunnel with this guy, moving like a robot and clearly too disciplined to take note of the scent.
  5721. >You gently pet them and rub their ears while you walk, feeling them slowly relax under your touch.
  5722. >Though as you trail behind the guy, the weight of your backpack makes itself known.
  5723. >You had a feeling you were getting too much...
  5725. >The walk actually doesn't take that long, which makes the stuff you got seem like an even bigger waste.
  5726. >Though your thoughts shift from all your stuff, to the girls beside you.
  5727. >As you got closer to the opening up ahead, they started to stiffen up.
  5728. >Just before you reach the end, you look down and glance at them both with a reassuring smile.
  5729. "You'll be okay... I promise."
  5730. >"No, WE will be okay."
  5731. >You give Vannie a nod, but you're so sure about THAT.
  5732. >Though the Guard presence here puts you at ease, you know none of them are going to accompany you down there.
  5733. >Well... maybe they will?
  5734. >That'd definitely put you at ease, but it'd still worry you.
  5735. >Seeing any of these ponies hurt before you is a no-go.
  5736. >You pull your gaze away from the girls, now in the big open area you recognize as the camp that was here before.
  5737. >The place is enveloped in more plastic, like a huge bubble.
  5738. >But why is it here?
  5739. >Did they know about the radiation?
  5740. >Fuck, and YOU forgot about that!
  5741. >If they're aware of it, you hope that they can treat you and the girls for it.
  5742. >Don't exactly know how much you got, or how much you need for something bad to happen, but it'd definitely leave you feeling even better.
  5743. >There's more tents set up around the place, as well as flood lights everywhere.
  5744. >Guards are posted around the place, and you notice some ponies walking around, donning lab coats.
  5745. >You're led towards a single tent close by, and the stallion pulls open a curtain open with a hoof.
  5746. >The first thing you see is a minty green unicorn with glasses, staring at something.
  5747. >That something makes your stomach sink.
  5748. >Head tilted, she's staring down the barrel of the pistol you found, lips pursed inquisitively.
  5749. >Before you can say anything, she turns her head and sets it on the table.
  5750. >The second it's let go, you allow yourself to breathe.
  5751. >Jesus Christ.
  5752. >A pair of golden eyes set on you, and the mare smiles.
  5753. >"Ah, Sir Anonymous! I've been hoping to see you!"
  5755. >You and the girls walk in, and the Unicorn comes over to greet you with a hoofshake.
  5756. >"I'm Dr. Heartstrings, it's nice to finally make your acquaintance! Though I must admit, I was expecting it MUCH later."
  5757. >She moves towards the girls and greets them, too.
  5758. >"Dr. Heartstrings."
  5759. >"Vannie."
  5760. >"Dr. Heartstrings!"
  5761. >"Just call me Brave."
  5762. >She stops and drops her head a little lower.
  5763. >"-Oh! Well, congratulations on your upcoming wedding, Brave!"
  5764. >You all freeze.
  5765. >"Wh-what? My wedding?"
  5766. >Her smile fades a little bit, and waves a hoof.
  5767. >"Oh, my apologies. I just assumed, you know, because you're lovestruck and all..."
  5768. >"I... I'm WHAT?"
  5769. >Vannie walks over next to the doctor, brushing Brave's mane away from her eyes.
  5770. >"Oh my hay, you ARE!"
  5771. >She turns towards you.
  5772. >"When did this happen?"
  5773. >It takes a second, but you assume they're talking about the hearts in her eyes.
  5774. >Lovestruck... never heard of that before.
  5775. "Earlier, when we were together."
  5776. >The doctor glances at you, then the girls.
  5777. >"Oh, you are... hmm."
  5778. >Vannie beams and hugs Brave.
  5779. >"That's so awesome, I didn't even notice! Congrats!"
  5780. >You blink a few times.
  5781. "Wait, we are talking about the hearts in her eyes, right? What does it mean, exactly?"
  5782. >The three stop and look at you like you're absolutely retarded.
  5783. >Dr. Heartstrings adjusts her glasses and glances up at you.
  5784. >"Well, away from the technicalities, when somepony's lovestruck, it means that they've found that special somepony that truly completes them. Weddings almost always follow afterwards."
  5785. >That last sentence sticks with you for a little while longer.
  5786. >Brave turns towards you, beaming wildly.
  5787. >Without a word or warning, she runs and jumps onto you.
  5788. >You instinctively catch her, and she unleashes a barrage of kisses on your face.
  5790. >Dr. Heartstrings watches as she nuzzles you with her helmet on.
  5791. >"...And I surmise that she's involved with you? If so, congratulations."
  5793. >You expected her to back down after a while, but this "lovestruck" thing is clearly serious business.
  5794. >Rather than walk around and follow you, Brave's just stayed stuck to you, gently purring and nuzzling your neck.
  5795. >Not that you ever doubted anything here involving feelings wasn't serious business, but still.
  5796. >Walking over to the table where the pistol lie, you figure it'd be best to get this out of the way, first.
  5797. >Dr. Heartstrings watches you curiously as you pick it up, pulling back the slide-
  5798. >-And watching a live round pop right out.
  5799. >Fucking hell, it's a good thing you showed up when you did.
  5800. >The hammer wasn't cocked back, but loaded with the safety off, it was probably only a matter of time till...
  5801. >Ah, don't think about that.
  5802. >Brave still in your arms, you try to put on a serious face.
  5803. "I'd recommend you don't mess around with these things so much. You were very close to getting... seriously hurt."
  5804. >The Unicorn completely ignores your grave tone and walks up, eyeing the gun in your hands.
  5805. >"What exactly is it?"
  5806. >You take the magazine out, let the slide back in place, and put the safety on.
  5807. "It's, well, I guess you could call it a really high-powered launcher... I guess."
  5808. >Kneeling and picking up the round that fell, you bring it up to her.
  5809. "Essentially, this thing blows up at the bottom, and this little part here is thrown extremely fast. Like, enough to break the sound barrier."
  5810. >Instead of getting spooked like you thought she would, getting that damn close to firing it, she smiles.
  5811. >"Oooh, could you show me? Can you test it?"
  5812. "I, well-"
  5813. >"Come on, I HAVE to know what it's like, now! It sounds incredible!"
  5814. >She looks up at you with sparkles in her eyes, tail wagging about.
  5815. >Christ.
  5816. "Fine, do you have like, sandbags or something?"
  5817. >She lets out a happy squeak. and runs out of the tent.
  5819. >In little less than a minute, she pops her head back in.
  5820. >"I have some set up here outside!"
  5821. >A clipboard and pencil are levitated over to her, and she goes back out.
  5822. >Jeez, she sure is eager, that's for sure.
  5823. >With a bit of pain in your heart, you gently place Brave on the ground, getting a small pout in response.
  5824. "Sorry, gotta use both hands for this thing."
  5825. >She nods and takes a spot beside Vannie, watching you load the round back, stuff the magazine in your pocket, and carry the gun outside.
  5826. >Already waiting beside a stack of sandbags, it's hard not to notice how dead inside everyone looks compared to Dr. Heartstrings.
  5827. >If you were to guess, this eagerness is why she's the head of research.
  5828. >Well, that and the Dr. title.
  5829. >She stands by, clipboard and pencil in her magical grasp, still beaming.
  5830. >Some of the other coat-wearing ponies stop and watch, and a few guards are glancing over at you from their posts.
  5831. >You stand a little bit away from the sandbags, then pull the stuff out.
  5832. >No protection of any kind, using a gun and ammo that's somehow still operable after millions of years.
  5833. >Sure, what could go wrong?
  5834. >Waving a hand back at her, you put the magazine in.
  5835. "Stand behind me and cover your ears, it's gonna get loud and dangerous."
  5836. >She skips over towards your side and hangs close.
  5837. >Okay, magazine in already.
  5838. >Safety off, chamber a round.
  5839. >Thumbs over, Weaver stance, aaand-
  5840. >*BANG*
  5841. >Your ears start ringing, and every single pony in your peripheral vision recoils.
  5842. >Yeah, you imagine it'd be worse with those pony ears of theirs.
  5843. >Also didn't click in your head that you were shooting a .45.
  5844. >"That was AMAZING! Oh, could you do it AGAIN?!"
  5845. >Nobody else seems to share her enthusiasm.
  5846. >You stick a finger into your ears.
  5847. "Maybe later, when there's some ear protection available?"
  5848. >Christ, your voice doesn't even sound right.
  5849. >Yeah, you can safely say you didn't think this through very well.
  5851. >Though really, you can say that about a lot of things.
  5852. >You never claimed to be a smart man.
  5853. >Letting the slide lock back and putting the safety on, you pocket the pistol and rub your ears a little more.
  5854. >Lyra's still watching with a big smile, some magic aura hanging over her own ears.
  5855. >Now you can tell why she's still so eager.
  5856. >As the ringing stops, you check the magazine.
  5857. >Three rounds left.
  5858. >Well, it'll be a backup for a reason, you suppose.
  5859. >Once you put it back into your pants, you look down at her viciously scribbling something down on her clipboard.
  5860. >She finishes a few seconds later and glances upwards.
  5861. "Besides, I'm here for a something else-"
  5862. >"-And I need you to answer some questions, please! Come with me."
  5863. >Before you can even respond properly, she darts back into the tent.
  5864. >Christ she sure has a lot of energy.
  5865. >Walking back into the tent, she's already got three chairs set up for you and the girls, and sitting on one of her own, still scribbling madly.
  5866. >You sit, and they rest on your sides, though scooting their chairs closer to you, almost at the same time.
  5867. >Little cuties, man.
  5868. >Your hands move to their respective manes and ears, and they lean into your touch as the doctor looks up at you again, writing stopping.
  5869. >"So then, I'm sure you're here about the large structure lodged into the sand, correct?"
  5870. >You slowly nod.
  5871. >"Can you give me a rough estimate of when you think it was built?"
  5872. >You think a little harder about the question, but shrug.
  5873. "All I know is that it was millions of years ago."
  5874. >Her eyes widen.
  5875. >"Millions?"
  5876. >She viciously scribbles some stuff down.
  5877. >"Now, that device you used, what is its purpose?"
  5878. >You pause on that one.
  5879. "Well... they have lots of uses, but the main one was... well, it's a weapon."
  5880. >She pauses herself, and thinks.
  5881. >"Ah, that explains the state of the Griffons that were down there then, yes?"
  5882. >You nod, surprised that she isn't taking it much heavier.
  5884. >Adorable marshmallow pones, after all.
  5885. >If love is such a serious thing, you'd expect death to be even more so.
  5886. >Though it doesn't really seem to affect her.
  5887. >Well, with a degree comes a certain level of maturity, you suppose.
  5888. >Not that you ever matured much.
  5889. >-Though it was just an associates, so that's probably why.
  5890. >"You seem to have a familiarity with the weapon, is there any reason why? Was your life hostile during that time?"
  5891. >You shake your head immediately.
  5892. "No, no. I mean, they were built to be weapons, but I owned my own for a different reason."
  5893. >"-Being?"
  5894. "Well, it's fun to use... When you have earplugs or a lower caliber, at least."
  5895. >More scribbling.
  5896. >She's really scratching hard on that thing.
  5897. >"Last question... Do you know the purpose of the buried structure?"
  5898. "Well, from what it seems like to me, it's a bunker."
  5899. >She raises an eyebrow-
  5900. "-You know, made to keep people safe, possibly live underground. Seeing how this place is almost completely covered in radiation, it makes sense."
  5901. >-Oh shit, you didn't even think of that.
  5904. >-Well no, it has that plastic covering over everything, surely the ponies must know what it is and put that there for a reason, right?
  5905. >You feel something bubbling up in your stomach at the thought.
  5906. >And the doctor's head tilts to the side.
  5907. >"Radiation? What is that?"
  5908. >Whelp.
  5909. >You're fucking dead.
  5910. >"Do you mean the faint magical aura surrounding the area?"
  5911. >Your eyes widen.
  5912. "MAGIC?"
  5913. >Right as the words leave you, you're forced to run outside.
  5914. >Moving behind the tent, you throw up all over the sand.
  5915. >A headache slowly seems to be following suit.
  5916. >The girls hold their hooves on you comfortingly as you just lose all your food.
  5917. >When you're done you lazily kick the sand over it.
  5918. >"Anon, are you alright?"
  5919. >"What's going on?"
  5920. >You can't help but let out a small laugh.
  5921. >Who knows how much exposure you've had all these years?
  5923. >You swear this universe is some kind of damned joke or something.
  5924. >Like you're being toyed with by some otherworldly being, or some faggot slowly writing a story that just ruins your life.
  5925. >You lived in Canterlot for quite a while, magic is used for almost fucking everything, down to even small appliances instead of electricity.
  5926. >God fucking know's how much you have in you, but as far as you know, a headache and throwing up isn't that bad.
  5927. >Well, at least compared to watching your skin slide off of your body.
  5928. >But you remember the reading on that damned Geiger counter, if they're not taking any precautions against it, you might not have much time here...
  5929. >Though, you did spend quite a while here before, and the symptoms have only developed NOW...
  5930. >Picking your head up from your knees, you're met with concerned glances from both Brave and Vannie.
  5931. "Well, I don't want to alarm you girls... but I think what you call magic is actually a very dangerous bunch of particles, which have clearly already gotten me sick."
  5932. >Their concern just intensifies.
  5933. >"W-what?"
  5934. >"How do we cure it?"
  5935. >You shrug.
  5936. "I mean, I've never had to deal with it myself down on Earth, so I don't know what they used. On top of that, I don't think you've got any magic detoxes lying around, would ya?"
  5937. >You look over at Dr. Heartstrings for the last bit, and she just shakes her head.
  5938. "Well I figured... Now uh, well there's obviously not that much, but if I absorb enough, I'll probably end up with dead cells around my body and slight mutations, I think that's how it wor-"
  5939. >"Well then what are we doing here?! We need to get you out of here!"
  5940. >Vannie hooks her hooves under your shoulders and tries to fly off with you, to no avail.
  5941. "Agreed agreed, but that's not gonna get us anywhere, sooo, Doctor, if you'd like to maybe continue this conversation in the likely air-tight bunker down there, that'd be great!"
  5943. >She nods, and her horn lights up a little.
  5944. >"Please, just Lyra is fine."
  5945. "-Well just Lyra, if that's a teleportation spell, can you NOT do that?"
  5946. >Fucking hell, no wonder you threw up every time you've teleported, come to think of it...
  5947. >Well, minus the portal, but then what the hell is THAT made out of?
  5948. >Lyra blushes a little, and the magic fades away.
  5949. >"Right, sorry!"
  5950. >With that, the sense of urgency fills you, and you quickly move towards the pit, being able to really soak it in now that you're not battered and broken.
  5951. >There's also a stake with a rope leading down into it, which is nice, now that you don't have to slide down through the sand and onto a pile of bodies or something...
  5952. >You glance back at the three and crack your knuckles.
  5953. "Alright, meet you girls down there!"
  5954. >Vannie flies, grabbing Brave and pulling her down to the entrance, while Lyra poofs away.
  5955. >And as a second thought, you take your backpack off and take out a bunch of the waters besides four.
  5956. >Then with a shrug for yourself, you take an ibuprofen, toss that back in, and start down the rope.
  5957. >You try rappeling with it almost, except you've never done that, and it's real hard to do while the sand is sliding out from under you.
  5958. >So, you kind of just slide down, which is fun until the drop you forgot was there shows up, and you stop feeling the ground below you.
  5959. >Your heart sinks, but before you can scream like a little girl, you notice two grey hooves under your shoulders, and end up on top of Brave's back.
  5960. >She looks back and gives you a sly wink, before you get off, probably blushing furiously.
  5961. "H-heh, thank you girls for that..."
  5962. >Spinning around, you immediately notice the differences in this place, since you were last there.
  5963. >Lyra's illuminating what she can with her horn, and your eyes are able to adjust beyond that.
  5964. >The biggest thing you notice, is that all the bodies are gone.
  5965. >She seems to notice your own noticing.
  5966. >"We gave proper burials for those we found..."
  5968. >Her head lowers at the last part, and you simply nod.
  5969. >Well, thanks for that, at least...
  5970. >You were trying to mentally prepare to see not only the carnage YOU caused, but a better look at what became of your own kind...
  5971. >Those Griffons might have deserved it, but hell if it still doesn't feel a bit wrong.
  5972. >Maybe not enough for therapy, but well, you're just glad you don't have to see them...
  5973. >With a pop of your back and a deep breath, you take a deep breath, also glad to see there's no smell left over.
  5974. >Really, the girls seeing it was just the most of your worries.
  5975. >Though god knows what you'll find inside the place, it's not something you want them to see.
  5976. >But, that can of worms has already been opened and examined throughly, so here you are anyways.
  5977. >But at least you're also here to hug them and shield their eyes from stuff.
  5978. >Walking towards the main door, you notice it's still open from when you last got to it, surprisingly.
  5979. >There's a small, red stain now left on the inside, but well, let's just ignore that.
  5980. >Glancing at the now darked pad near the door, you glance at the inside of the tunnerl, the girls close behind.
  5981. >You reach into your backpack with one hand and grab a flashlight.
  5982. >Though just as you hold it in your hand, you realize your mistake.
  5983. >...But surprisingly, it still turns on.
  5984. >Huh, well at least the ponies here aren't jews.
  5985. >Batteries included, as it should be.
  5986. >Moving into the short hallway ahead of you, you notice how spacey it all looks.
  5987. >Though well, being from the future you suppose it should.
  5988. >Just edges on the walls for show, LEDs lining the tops of them, and of course, a big ass door like the first one at the end of it.
  5989. >It almost looks like an airlock of some sort.
  5990. >You slowly make your way into it, checking every detail, every nook and cranny you can for something dangerous, though there's obviously not much space to work with.
  5991. >The girls step in with you, the lights glow a dim red, and the door behind you hisses and shuts.
  5993. >"A-Anon, what's going on?"
  5994. "I'm not sure-"
  5996. >Well, you guess that's what it is.
  5997. "Just stay calm, it's nothing that'll hurt you."
  5998. >Like the sci-fi shit you would only expect from this place, some white gas fills the room.
  5999. >Of course you panic for a moment, then find that it's just some kind of vapor.
  6000. >Damn, wonder what kind of mod this place uses.
  6001. >With a stupid smile, you lean back on a wall while standing there, just watching the girls as they look around the place cautiously.
  6002. >After a few minutes, the vapor fades, and the door ahead slides open, nothing but pitch black darkness ahead of you, and a stench that assaults you immediately.
  6003. >The girls recoil, and Lyra forms a bubble around herself and the girls.
  6004. >You're about to protest, then you remember, well yeah.
  6005. >Maybe if you breathe through your mouth, instea-
  6006. "HUEH- oh GOD."
  6007. >Covering both your face and your mouth with your clothes, you bring your flashlight up.
  6009. >Huh, well glad that's a thing, at least.
  6010. >Hopefully that'll be automated, too...
  6011. >Following the orders of the computer lady voice, you beam your flashlight ahead of yourself and walk forward.
  6012. >It's dead silent aside from your own breathing and footsteps, and immediately you catch sight of a body, lying on the ground and on its side.
  6013. >Figures, you knew the smell was coming from SOMEWHERE...
  6014. >The girls follow as you walk out, and the door slowly closes behind you all.
  6015. >Then as soon as it clicks, a bunch of sparks come from the ceiling, and the whole place around you lights up.
  6016. >But that's not what you see first.
  6017. >No, the first thing you notice is the fucking huge pile of bodies on the ground before you.
  6018. >The girls yelp, and your first instinct is to reach through the bubble and close their eyes.
  6019. "Jesus fucking Christ..."
  6021. >With your hands on their faces, you gaze around at the grim sight before you.
  6022. >One thing you can't help but notice is the fact that every person there has their hands tied behind their backs, and blindfolds on.
  6023. >Well that, and of course the bullet holes in all of their heads.
  6024. >Fucking public executions, and of THIS caliber?
  6025. >What the fuck HAPPENED here?
  6026. >Ahead of you are two of those rotating checkpoint things.
  6027. >You're not sure what they're called, but they're those bars that allow you to move through them when someone wants you to, those waist-high ones.
  6028. >Of course there's nobody here to guard them, and with this you're seeing, you doubt that was the main focus of anyone's worry here.
  6029. >In the middle there's a list of rules on top of a stand.
  6030. >'Welcome to GATES Site 1A'
  6031. >That gets you thinking a little as you go down the rules.
  6032. >No weapons of any kind, metal objects placed for inspection...
  6033. >'Any civilians not allowed access through the main gate are NOT accepted - NO exceptions!'
  6034. >You think back to well, the main gate.
  6035. >You're not sure how, but well, you guess you were on the list, seeing how you were able to open it.
  6036. >Shit, does that mean those outside were...?
  6037. >Christ, this is all just getting darker and darker.
  6038. >But you suppose it IS a bunker, with people scrambling for safety from fuckin' nukes, people will try everything to keep their whole families safe...
  6039. >You shake your head and try not to imagine exactly how everything went down here.
  6040. >Best not to, hell it's only the damned entrance.
  6041. >Climbing over the checkpoint, you help the girls over it, both of whom have just closed their eyes on their own.
  6042. >Lyra's just staring, looking over the huge pile of corpses with a sickened, yet curious expression.
  6043. >Again, you guess that's why SHE's the head of research.
  6044. >"J-just, tell me when we're away from them, p-please..."
  6045. >You pet the girls' ears, watching them calm substantially under your touch.
  6046. "Of course."
  6048. >Walking past the pile, you're left with two entrances on each side, leading into some kind of large atrium.
  6049. >In the middle is just a small plaque, which you can't help but look over.
  6050. >'Government Assisted Temporary Evacuation Shelter - Site 1A'
  6051. >'Here we pay our respects to the millions of Americans, who have lost their lives and were laid to rest by the relentlessness of our enemy. While a great tragedy has befallen our country, let this facility serve as a reminder, that our citizens' deaths will not be in vain, and that those who have suffered under the actions of a great evil will yet be avenged.'
  6052. >You read the quote several times, and notice Lyra doing the same.
  6053. >Your eyes meet, and she simply gives you a sad, sympathetic look.
  6054. >Without a word, but plenty on your mind, you walk into the atrium area ahead.
  6055. >Thankfully there's no bodies, so you quickly tell the girls as you take in the area before you.
  6056. >You're staring at a large pit ahead, surrounded by metal rails.
  6057. >Of course everything is keeping the white, clean look to it, but it's clearly in disrepair, if the shattered glass and few toppled over paintings on the walls wasnt enough of an indicator.
  6058. >A bunch of elevators line the back wall across the pit, and looking down you notice it's quite a huge drop down.
  6059. >There's multiple floors going down, some with toppled over tables and chairs near the rails, and some floors no doubt stained with blood.
  6060. >Fucking hell...
  6061. >Past the first few floors, it's completely dark.
  6062. >You grab your flashlight and lean over the edge, getting a faint, but strong smell from the bottom.
  6063. >Just as you shine the light down, you're sickened, but also not surprised to see the floor below completely stained red.
  6064. >You can already make out the pile of bodies from here, and you make a mental note to just not go down there.
  6065. >Shaking your head, you feel more guilty for coming down here, having the girls with you to witness these horrors alongside you.
  6067. >Lyra clearly isn't a fan of it herself, but she's clearly not bothered that easily.
  6068. >The girls move closer and glance down themselves, and you turn the light off immediately.
  6069. >"W-what's down there?"
  6070. >You run your hands through Brave's mane, and pet Vannie.
  6071. "Nothing you girls need to see..."
  6072. >Walking slowly around the bars, you watch and sweep away any glass you see, the girls cautious with their steps as they follow you to the elevators.
  6073. >Beside it is a directory of the place, showing a large cylinder, listing multiple fire extinguishers, alarms, and of course, the names of the floors.
  6074. >The first five are listed as living quarters, then it's medical, research and development, laboratory, and finally, the main offices at the bottom.
  6075. >Of course, it has to be at the fucking bottom...
  6076. >With a sigh, you're about to walk into the elevator, before you stop.
  6077. >Thankfully in the middle, you notice a door just plainly labeled 'STAIRS'.
  6078. >Because you'd rather not risk testing a million year old elevator.
  6079. >On top of that, well, hell only knows what's happened to them, or what's IN them.
  6080. >With the carnage you've seen so far, you wouldnt be surprised to see a few bodies in them.
  6081. >Slowly opening the door with a creak, you're happy to see that the lights in here are still up.
  6082. >But even with them, you don't feel very safe.
  6083. >The now familiar scent of death greets you, and you peek your head through the door.
  6084. >On your side, there's a body slumped against the wall, sunken and mummified about like everything else in here.
  6085. >The person's wearing some kind of security guard outfit, and their face is smashed in beyond recognition.
  6086. >Seeing it up close, you gag and look away, hiding your nose and mouth with your sleeve.
  6087. "Girls, cover your eyes again. Let Lyra guide you past."
  6088. >They both nod and do just that thankfully, and you pass the body down the stairs, glancing towards the bottom.
  6089. >It seems clear so far, but the lower it goes, you notice some shells and more dried blood.
  6091. >Fucking hell, was there some kind of riot here or something?
  6092. >Executions, bodies thrown down a fucking pit, and security killed in cold blood.
  6093. >You mean, what ELSE could it be?
  6094. >And just... why?
  6095. >Food shortage?
  6096. >Disagreements?
  6097. >A raid?
  6098. >You can't help but sigh as the thoughts buzz around your mind.
  6099. >Well, whatever the case, you're just glad you didn't actually end up here like you were supposed to...
  6100. >And even then, you're still not sure why you were meant to be, in the first place.
  6101. >With another shake of your head, you steel yourself and start walking down.
  6102. >Christ, you're gonna need a lot of cuddle therapy after this.
  6103. >The walk to the floor below is a short one, and you almost slip on a casing left on the stairs.
  6104. >No bullet holes, and no bodies in sight, you can just imagine how this one got here.
  6105. >All the death around here is scarier to you than what you were expecting.
  6106. >You mean, aliens, zombies, that would've been easier to see.
  6107. >But this...
  6108. >Well, even without the danger, it's a nightmare all on it's own.
  6109. >Slowly opening the door to the floor below, you admit that hearing the soft clip clopping of the girls behind you is calming.
  6110. >Despite being the one with the gun, it just lets you feel a little safer.
  6111. >The thought of your fears come crashing down on you, and the second you step on the floor, you can't help but pause.
  6112. >Honestly, you didn't care about people much.
  6113. >With so many of them, it didn't really bother you unless it was something close to home.
  6114. >But being here, with THIS?
  6115. >No body bags in sight, nothing to cover them up.
  6116. >Nothing but death and suffering.
  6117. >Your mind goes wild, and all you can think about is how exactly things went down here.
  6118. >Likely the last people you ever could've met, gone to each other...
  6119. >Something soft and silky runs past your hand, and you feel something hug your back.
  6120. >Brave nuzzles into you, and Vannie just hugs your side, resting her head on you.
  6121. >It's only then that you notice you were staring at a wall.
  6123. >Bringing your focus back, you pet both of them for a little, then noticing they were out of the bubble.
  6124. >Mostly when Brave's nose starts to wrinkle a little.
  6125. >You quickly grab and place them both back in.
  6126. "I appreciate the help, but let's just try to save it for when we're out of here, okay?"
  6127. >They both nod at the same time, Vannie looking more thankful to be in a bubble of fresh air now.
  6128. >Honestly your nose is just numb at this point, the scent is goddamn indescribable.
  6129. >And the fact that the air in here is, well, even breathable, is surprising.
  6130. >Heading down the stairs, you find the first door, simply labeled "Living Quarters #1".
  6131. >You debate whether you even want to go in there.
  6132. >With five floors of people, god only knows what kind of shit is in those living quarters.
  6133. >But at the same time, maybe there's something that can help explain what the fuck happened here.
  6134. >Notes, diaries, posters, SOMETHING.
  6135. >Maybe someone was kind enough to leave clues out, like a game.
  6136. >With that stupid thought in your head, you're able to steel yourself and open the door.
  6137. >Immediately you notice how clean this floor is.
  6138. >Even the few paintings on the walls are untouched.
  6139. >Passing by a big painting of a stream sitting in a forest, you head over to this long hallway, marked with a "#1 A-M"
  6140. >First name or last name though, that's the bigger question.
  6141. >You're suddenly hit with a thought, and you spot this tiny list on the side of the frame.
  6142. >Names.
  6143. >You glance through pages full of people, only looking for a specific input.
  6144. >Because you're no damn genius or anything, and thinking about it, there's really only one person in your family that could've ended up with a title like that...
  6145. >Though you don't find anything, first name or last name.
  6146. >And with a sigh, you peer down the eerie hallway.
  6147. >It's just...
  6148. >Empty.
  6149. >Cleaner than anything, doors all nicely shut and intact.
  6150. >It's just a long ass white hallway with rooms on both sides.
  6152. >And that cleanliness gets your mind running, so you pull the pistol out of your pocket and just hold it there.
  6153. >Glancing down to quickly make sure the safety's off and the hammer's uncocked, you make your way to the room closest to you.
  6154. >You turn to the girls with your hand on the knob.
  6155. "Please, don't come in here unless I scream or something, okay?"
  6156. >The three all nod, Brave and Vannie clearly a lot less enthusiastic about being down here.
  6157. >Not that you blame them a single bit.
  6158. >Vannie's shaking ever so slightly.
  6159. >You reach in and give them both ear rubs, making a probably terrible move and leaning in to kiss both of them.
  6160. >Aaand now you got face cancer or something.
  6161. >They both blush and gain some small smiles with it, more than making a bit of mutation worth it to you.
  6162. >So propping the pistol up, you open the door and grab your flaslight again, intertwining it and your pistol hand for that tactical stance.
  6163. >Kinda makes you feel pretty cool, though before you close the door behind yourself you realize there's a light switch.
  6164. >Though, for some reason it doesn't work.
  6165. >With a sigh you shine your light up ahead.
  6166. >It looks almost like a motel room in here.
  6167. >Two beds, a TV with a stand right across from it.
  6168. >Dressers on both sides, lamps, and on the other side a mini fridge.
  6169. >...Ok, you GOTTA check the mini fridge.
  6170. >Stepping into the actual room, you quickly shine your light at the sides, finding three more closed doors.
  6171. >And as you kneel for the fridge you realize how odd it is that it's empty.
  6172. >Maybe everybody just participated in whatever went down here and nobody came by?
  6173. >Only thing you can think of, really.
  6174. >Opening the fridge, you're shocked and delighted to find beer and soda in there.
  6175. >You mean, it might have been room temperature for millions of years, but holy fuck, beer and soda!
  6176. >And would ya look at that, you recognize that brand as the one your mom always drank.
  6177. >What a fucking steal.
  6179. >You grab both and stuff it in your backpack, then stand back up to really gaze at the room.
  6180. >Pure white walls like the rest of the place, beige fluffy carpet.
  6181. >The beds look pretty damn soft actually, especially with how they're still made and everything.
  6182. >You hear a knock.
  6183. >"A-Anon? You still okay?"
  6184. "Yeah, I'm fine, Brave! You can come in, actually!"
  6185. >The door slowly clicks open, and you see a cute white muzzle poke inside, along with that magic bubble just phasing through the wall.
  6186. >She comes in first with Vannie and Lyra following after, who lights up her horn and brightens the room up better than your flashlight ever could.
  6187. >The girls quickly start looking around, clearly happy for the change of pace here.
  6188. >You mean yeah, motel room.
  6189. >Though it is a lot nicer, gotta admit.
  6190. >They see the bed and Brave's the first to leave the bubble and flop onto it, Vannie quickly following, rolling her back around on the sheets.
  6191. >"Whoa, this is pretty comfy!"
  6192. >Of course concern floods you for a second, then you realize yourself that this room surprisingly doesn't just smell like hell.
  6194. >Very surprisingly.
  6195. >And with a shrug, you fall on the bed back first, practically tackled by the girls as the climb on top of you, smiling and nuzzling you viciously.
  6196. >Well, you guess a little cuddle therapy now wouldn't hurt.
  6197. >Looking at your side, Lyra's more busy studying everything from the mini fridge to the paintings on the walls, taking notes down on that pad of hers.
  6198. >So your hands move up to the girls, running through the exposed bits of their manes and rubbing their ears again.
  6199. >Not much else to do with that armor on, but they clearly love it nonetheless.
  6200. >You lean in and kiss both of them right on the lips again, getting the most goddamned adorable giggles ever.
  6201. >Even armored, they hug you where they can, pressing flanks, bellies and hooves on you like you might disappear any second.
  6202. >And then you realize something.
  6203. >Or rather, notice a certain thing.
  6204. >You gently flip around and lay them on their backs, then sensually rub their fuzzy little bellies with your hands.
  6205. >They both blush like mad of course, but quickly melt under your touch.
  6206. >Vannie especially, as she sticks her tongue out and shuts her eyes with a cute little grin.
  6208. >Brave coos as you work your magic, and you can't help yourself.
  6209. >Leaning over, you alternate and give both of them kisses on the lips.
  6210. >Like two seconds long, over and over again, all ending with a satisfying pop.
  6211. >With every kiss they lean into you closer, until Brave finally just slinks a hoof around and pulls you in.
  6212. >She forces the kiss to last longer, and brings her tongue into play.
  6213. >Not that you're complaining but whoa, not what you expected.
  6214. >You both twirl and tangle for a moment, feeling her face heat up as she leaves your mouth with her pleasant vanilla flavor.
  6215. >When you part, sure enough her face is red as all hell, and there's a relaxed, serene expression on her face.
  6216. >"I-I love you."
  6217. >You kiss her again.
  6218. "I love you too."
  6219. >A leathery wing drapes across your back and fluffy grey hooves move into the mix.
  6220. >"H-hey, I want some kisses, too!"
  6221. >Brave gives you a small nudge, though you were already set in your plan of action beforehand.
  6222. >Suddenly snagging the bat, you flip around with her on top and pull her close to you.
  6223. >Then you just start kissing her.
  6224. >Peck after peck after peck, you see her ears fall embarrassedly, and her face grow a darker shade of red.
  6225. >But she melts on top of you like butter on a pan.
  6226. >Her wing springs out, and the rest of her relaxes on top of you.
  6227. >Armored hooves spilling over to your sides and her cute, kissable muzzle completely at your mercy.
  6228. >With every kiss you can hear her panting getting just a bit deeper.
  6229. >Still very soft, but cuter as it gets more squeaky.
  6230. >Bedroom eyes grace her face, so you go in for the same killer as Brave had and sample that sweet, sweet honey taste.
  6231. >She moans softly and really seems to get into it too, if the hooves around your neck and the wing hug is anything to go by.
  6233. >Her end quickly becomes a lot less coordinated, as her tongue just moves around your mouth with no destination in sight.
  6234. >Hind legs quivering on your sides, you quickly feel her soaking your slacks with her fluids.
  6235. >What a frisky little bat.
  6236. >Though, well you figure you'd be, too...
  6237. >You mean Brave had gotten some today, but she hasn't.
  6238. >Maybe this isn't the best place to do it, but you feel like rectifying this issue.
  6239. >A thought comes to mind, and you part from the kiss to look over across the room.
  6240. >Lyra immediately goes from staring right at you three to turning back to the wall with red cheeks.
  6241. >Right, shit.
  6242. >She slowly backs away and towards the door.
  6243. >"I-I guess I'll just go explore the rest of the rooms... Wh-when you're done just holler!"
  6244. >She teleports out, leaving a bunch of sparkles to fall on the floor.
  6245. >Huh, well that was easy.
  6246. >There's silence for a moment, then you turn back to Vannie.
  6247. "Well then, where were we?"
  6248. >Her eyes dart everywhere besides your own line of sight, as if searching desperately for a good answer.
  6249. >"I-I don't kno-"
  6250. >You cut her off with another kiss.
  6251. >It takes a few seconds, but soon enough she's butter in your grasp again.
  6252. >Scooting yourself over to the pillows, you lie back down and enjoy the cute embarrassed expressions of your little bat marefriend.
  6253. "I love you."
  6254. >"I l-love you too..."
  6255. >You see her eyes shine a little brighter with your words, and she pulls you into a gentle, but firm hug.
  6256. >While you're rubbing her back and holding her close, you feel a bit more movement down below.
  6257. >Somehow during this time Brave had made it to your jeans, and slowly starts to undo them.
  6258. >Leaning your head over, you catch her gaze, and she simply nods at your pants, and then the melted bat pony lying on your chest.
  6260. >You can kinda take a hint, and you're glad she seems to share the same thought as you.
  6261. >Though she probably also can see how bad she's faring back there.
  6262. >As Vannie nuzzles and purrs buried under your neck, you can also feel your trousers being slid off and your accompanying pant serpent exposed to the cold, old air.
  6263. >Almost immediately, you also feel something warm and wet working around it.
  6264. >Just after a shudder runs up your back, it's cold again, but you're ready to go.
  6265. >Brave gives you a small nod, then a wink.
  6266. >Two winks, actually.
  6267. >You watch one hoof slip down to her fun bits, and the other shoo you away towards Vannie.
  6268. >You should help her out, she shouldn't just have to use her hoof-
  6269. >-But she keeps pointing at Vannie, and yes it SHOULD be her time, though...
  6270. >Reluctantly you oblige, and she does her thing in your peripherals.
  6271. >Then as you rub Vannie's back, you slooowly inch your hands downwards...
  6272. >Just as her fluffy ears perk up and she notices where you are, you gently squeeze her haunches and press your number two right up on the entrance.
  6273. >She shudders slightly under your touch, then looks around herself.
  6274. >It doesn't take long 'till she spots Brave, and the mare in question pulls her slightly slick hoof out to shrug.
  6275. >"I had my turn, here's yours."
  6276. >Those fluffy grey ears fall in response.
  6277. >"What, no- I'm not keeping track, you get in here and enjoy yourself too, filly!"
  6278. >A smile graces her face, and she sheepishly scoots closer to you.
  6279. >You beckon her closer with a hand, until she gets the idea and nestles herself under your arm and neck, tickling your chin with every ear flick.
  6280. >Gently you pull her helmet off, letting all of that luscious brown mane to hang down over you.
  6282. >You unfasten her chest piece and simultaneously set Vannie's head free, getting a tiny giggle out of her as her mane falls onto your face.
  6283. >Neither of them protest, and while you take off her chest piece you also work on Brave's hooves, tenderly removing each shoe and then giving a small rub for each of her probably sore hooves.
  6284. >You do the same with Vannie, and the second you free a hoof, she places it on your cheek and starts peppering you with kisses.
  6285. >Other arm over Brave, you slink from her belly down to her marehood and start teasing, her hooves shooting down to help you along the way.
  6286. >Meanwhile leftie's working on Vannie's last hind leg, sliding the last shoe off and giving her frog a good 'ol rub.
  6287. >Stifling a cute giggle and kissing you again, you think this lovely little bat might have sensitive frogs on her.
  6288. >Slowly dragging your hand across her leg, you move it up to her flanks and give a gentle keading as you bring her in for a kiss.
  6289. >At the same time, your number two prods at her entrance, leaving just the tip in.
  6290. >She gasps and squeaks softly, her hips instinctively guiding her down to take all of you.
  6291. >"A-AHH!"
  6292. >Still tight as ever, it's only made more so when she winks.
  6293. >Though despite that, it's still easy as ever to glide in and out of her.
  6294. >You sink all the way down into her and get a satisfying, "Eeep!" in response.
  6295. >Goddamn it that'll probably kill you before anything else on this planet does.
  6296. >She grinds herself on you gently, bringing her hind legs closer to hug your sides.
  6297. >Her hips buck against you some more, so you respond with the same, pulling out only a few inches and sinking deep into her snuggly marehood.
  6298. >"Ohhh, A-Anon..."
  6299. >She brings you in for a lengthy, slow kiss.
  6300. >Every time she needs to, she shares your breath, those shining sapphire eyes of hers really catching your own.
  6302. >Pulling your head back into the game, you keep on kissing her while thrusting lightly.
  6303. >She squeaks with every pant and lets out a few adorable moans, all coming out as soft humming.
  6304. >At the same moment you feel Brave shudder, and her thighs clench around your hand.
  6305. >Jesus Christ she could easily crush your head with that kind of pressure.
  6306. >"Oh yeah, k-keep going..."
  6307. >Brave's panting gets a bit deeper, and she angles herself just under you so that you can feel her breathing against your neck.
  6308. >You can feel her winking a lot too, and despite the iron thighs you're able to take advantage of that and focus right on her clit.
  6309. >Vannie brings you back to her by pulling you in for another deep kiss.
  6310. >She's sloppy with her tonguework, but also only keeps her tongue pressed right against yours.
  6311. >Running your hand along her fluffy flanks, her hindlegs instinctively part as you grab her again.
  6312. >"H-hmph..."
  6313. >And she starts to move her hips again, slowly but powerfully, meeting you in the middle with an inviting squelching noise.
  6314. >"Hahhh, ahhh, o-oh Celestia..."
  6315. >Winking over and over, you can feel and smell her honey-flavored fluids spilling out and coating your number two.
  6316. >There sure is a lot of it.
  6317. >Meanwhile the bat pony in question feverishly kisses the hell out of you and presses herself against-
  6318. >-She just ripped off your shirt.
  6319. >-And NOW she presses herself against you.
  6320. >"Oh Anon, I really want your foals..."
  6321. >Brave's ears perk up, and she picks her head up.
  6322. >"Oh, foals, huh?"
  6323. >She gives Vannie a little eye brow wiggle, and you take advantage and give her a few kisses.
  6324. >"Sh-shut up! It's the heat, j-just like you said!"
  6326. >Turning from one mare to the other it's amusing to see that they're both the same shade of red.
  6327. >Though Vannie avoids both of your gazes, you bring her back to you with a rub of the ear.
  6328. "Hey, if you want foals, you can sure as hell know I do, too."
  6329. >Her eyes practically sparkle in response.
  6330. >"R-really?"
  6331. "Of course, Mrs. Guard."
  6332. >She grins widely, and brings you in for another passionate kiss.
  6333. >Though she's VERY eager this time around.
  6334. >She slams her flanks down onto you with renowned vigor, only sped up a bit, but definitely trying to keep you as deep in her as possible.
  6335. >So you oblige, and as Brave finally gives in and you get her soaking the sheets, you're able to use both hands in holding Vannie's rump down.
  6336. >You practically break your neck to give Brave a kiss, so she adjusts herself for it before resting again and lying on you again, fluffy white chest moving up and down softly.
  6337. >With two handfuls of fluffy bat butt, you sink all the way into her and hold her flanks down in that position.
  6338. >Then you thrust.
  6339. >You do actually feel some resistance at the end here, either telling you that mares are normally just really tiny, or stallions are even tinier.
  6340. >Regardless, she really seems to be getting a kick out of it, if the heavy panting and the squeaks with every thrust was any indicator.
  6341. >"Ohh yes, m-make me yours, Anon! I'm your mare-ahhh~!"
  6342. >Yeah probably that too.
  6343. >Her hindlegs begin to twitch and shake soon after, and as a wave of honey flows out, you pick up the speed and ram into her.
  6344. >"Ahhh! A-ANON, HAHHH, AHH!~"
  6345. >She melts into a heap of high pitched squeaks and heavy breathing, and you lose yourself in her eyes as you ram her fine, fluffy flanks.
  6346. >Like every other sound is a plap or a squelching sound, only getting louder as you get closer.
  6348. >And as the feeling bubbles up, you pull her in for a kiss.
  6349. >Though it ends up being some mild tongue tango and sharing breath, it brings you over the edge pretty damned quickly, and you hug her barrel before burying yourself as deep as possible and letting loose.
  6350. >She grinds you while you let out spurt after spurt, milking you for everything you've got and causing you to grit your teeth.
  6351. >When it feels less weird to, you piston into her a few more times, making sure to push all the fluids in as far as possible.
  6352. >The grinding continues and the afterglow creeps up, leaving you in nirvana while you're tasting honey.
  6353. >Now feeling more relaxed, you're able to focus on the kiss and what you're doing with her, as she does the same.
  6354. >Yet she keeps the same rule, and brushes her own tongue all around yours for the entirety.
  6355. >...It's not until you both finally break that you further understand why.
  6356. >Though to be fair you probably just didn't notice it before or something.
  6357. >"Oh my Celestia... Vannie, you're lovestruck!"
  6358. >The bat in question blinks, eyes crossing instinctively in an attempt to see herself.
  6359. >"W-what? I am?"
  6360. >Eyes back on you, sure as shit, it's there.
  6361. >Now you can clearly see a small, slightly transparent heart resting in her gaze.
  6362. "Yep, that's a heart if I've ever seen one."
  6363. >She tears up really quickly, and her face breaks out into a wide grin.
  6364. >Hugging you with her hooves, she nuzzles you under your neck.
  6365. >"Oh I love you Anon, I love you so, sooo much, oh my Celestia I'm so happy!"
  6366. >Her wing flaps about in response, and you can't help but laugh and feel elated yourself.
  6367. >It's hard not to feel happy when they're happy.
  6368. >It's extremely contagious.
  6369. >You see that Brave caught it too, a big cute smile now gracing her face, which just makes you even happier.
  6370. "I love you too, Vannie."
  6372. >Unable to help yourself, you shift your position and give both of them a kiss for a good few seconds.
  6373. "And god, seeing you guys smile lights something in me like I can't even describe. I'm just so damned happy I have you two... It was definitely worth getting a spear in my gut, let me tell ya!"
  6374. >You laugh at your own joke, but they're clearly a little more sensitive on the issue.
  6375. >So you go for one more round of kisses and pull both of them into a hug.
  6376. >"Ah I'm sorry, girls, I've never really had a good grasp of "too soon," for anything... But believe me when I say that I'm not in any rush to leave you two alone. You're both gonna be stuck with me for a LONG time!"
  6377. >You try your hand at maniacal laughing, but they both latch tighter onto you the second you do.
  6378. >"I-I'm more than fine with a long time..."
  6379. >"Oh I'm not stuck with YOU, you're stuck with US!"
  6380. "Really now, that's what you think, huh?"
  6381. >Holding your hands behind both of their heads, you quickly spin around and have both of them pinned under you.
  6382. >Vannie moreso, because you're still kinda inside her.
  6383. >You quickly brush their manes out of their faces and then kiss both of them, alternating, back to back to back.
  6384. >Probably about five each is when you stopped, and they're both left with dopey looking smiles on their faces.
  6385. "Think again."
  6386. >Your thoughts are interrupted when you feel a pair of fluffy hind legs wrap around your waist, coupled with a pair of cutesy big blue eyes and a freckled smile.
  6387. "Oh, round two, huh?"
  6388. >She sheepishly nods.
  6389. >Her hooves move around your neck again, and she goes for a kiss.
  6390. >You reciprocate, then slowly sink yourself into her.
  6391. >"Ohhh~"
  6392. >Moving a hand out torwards Brave's fun bits, she stops you gently with a hoof.
  6393. >"Oh, no thanks, I'm pretty tired out, actually..."
  6394. >You push past and continue moving your hand, up to her belly.
  6395. >Then you tenderly rub the fuck out of it.
  6396. >"Mmm, this I don't mind though..."
  6398. >So with her nice and content, you focus on the kiss with Vannie, namely using her own tactic and purely working on the tongue.
  6399. >"Hmmmph..."
  6400. >And going by that, you may be right in saying she enjoys it.
  6401. >Finally you get your rhythm down too, about a thrust per second, making sure to really bury yourself into her with every one.
  6402. >"Oh hay~"
  6403. >She actively maintains her grip over your waist, bringing you down into her even harder with her legs, resulting in a loud "SCHLAP" with every hilt.
  6404. >Winking like mad, this primal side of hers takes over quickly, as she wraps every part of herself tightly around you, kissing you vigorously like she hasn't seen you in three decades.
  6405. >As you keep pumping her, her moaning quickly gets more breathy, and her eyes keep threatening to roll up.
  6406. >She keeps her gaze right on yours though, seemingly getting lost in yours and content with it.
  6407. >"Mmmph, b-breed me, Anon..."
  6408. >Her words tickle your ears and cause you to shudder.
  6409. >W-woah.
  6410. "D-don't have to tell me twice!"
  6411. >You put a little more swing into your hips and watch her body rock back and forth, a squeak, moan or sharp pant as the only indicator that you've certainly hit the mark.
  6412. >She winks like mad, and quickly you feel the sheets below you getting soaked with honey flavored bat juice.
  6413. >Every time she goes for a kiss, you slam into her in order to get another adorable squeak in response.
  6414. >She clearly catches on to that, as she starts kissing you to high hell, in tune with every thrust.
  6415. >So you give her exactly what she wants, and you pound into her, the old ass bed groaning in protest the whole time.
  6416. >Her hot, slick marehood squelches and squeezes you tightly, the all around full feeling of being hilted in her nothing short of amazing.
  6417. >As the thought leaves your mind, she moans loudly and pulls you in for another sloppy kiss, legs shaking as she cums all over you.
  6419. >Of course that doesn't stop you, and the added resistence of her marebits squeezing around you just encourages you to go faster.
  6420. >So that you do.
  6421. >"AHH! MMPH, OHHH, A-ANON!"
  6422. >She tries to kiss and ends up licking your face just a little bit.
  6423. >Huh, guess it really is a pony thing.
  6425. >Your mind goes blank as the words settle in your mind.
  6426. >Your one objective?
  6427. >Breed this mare.
  6428. >She shares her breath with you again, taking to lusty squeaks and moans instead of trying to lick all over you.
  6429. >The grip from her hindlegs falters as you pound her mind into mush, finally feeling yourself getting closer with every hilt.
  6430. >You don't stop or slow your pace, and you quickly feel her hindlegs twitching about again as she squirts and clenches down tight on your member.
  6431. >So you take the opportunity and just for the second use both hands on deck, bringing her hips towards you before thrusting deep and feeling yourself about to explode.
  6432. >But instead of stopping, you keep on going at the same pace, letting loose and filling her marehood with spunk that you keep on swishing around in there.
  6433. >You last about four weak thrusts until the feeling gets you to slow down.
  6434. >That doesn't stop her however, and she continues the motion by hugging you tightly and forcing you into her snug little entrance.
  6435. >You grit your teeth and can't do much besides weakly thrust into her and wince.
  6436. >But damn, does it feel great.
  6437. >In a really weird way.
  6438. >Regaining her grip, she pushes herself deeper into you and kisses you again.
  6439. >"Celestia you're amazing, Anon. I love you..."
  6440. "I love you too, Vannie. But I can't take credit for being amazing, those are your jobs."
  6441. >You boop her on the muzzle with your nose, and your hand moves back over to pet Brave's belly, much to her enjoyment.
  6442. "Believe me, there's no other pair of mares I'd rather take into a million year old bunker and do lewd things with."
  6443. >Brave giggles.
  6444. >"Well I'd hope not."
  6446. >Then that's the thought that hits you.
  6447. >Someone -another human- had been using this bed long before you got here.
  6448. >Now you've just showed up, stole their drinks and soaked their sheets in your marefriend's sweet juices.
  6449. >Not that you think they'd mind, but still.
  6450. >After a few thrusts you finally find yourself out of it and flaccid as all hell, so you kiss your cute little batmare and return the trouser snake to his lair for now.
  6451. >Vannie relaxes her legs and just lies on her side, the sight of her leaking with your love and the big damp spot on the sheets easily being one of the most amazing mental images ever.
  6452. >And that's a pretty damn big wet spot.
  6453. >Climbing over to a spot on a pillow, the two quickly flock to your sides and rest on you.
  6454. "God, I love you both. More than meat- and trust me, that's really saying something."
  6455. >Arms slinking over the two, for a moment you just enjoy the silence, watching the girls' breathing get slower and softer.
  6456. >A good moment passes, though you know you could easily stay like this for days.
  6457. >"So... where did Dr. Heartstrings go?"
  6458. "No idea. But it's just a really old bunker, I mean the horrific sights aside, I don't think she's really in any danger. I expected zombies or aliens, and I'm pretty sure both would've tried to get me with my pants down, literally and metaphorically."
  6459. >That however does a pretty terrible job at calming them down.
  6460. >Nothing another kiss and a close hug doesn't solve, though.
  6461. >Another comfortable silence passes, and Brave's the first to speak.
  6462. >"So I know this is really comfy and all... but don't you think we should go meet her?"
  6463. >You internally groan, but know that she's right.
  6464. >There'll be plenty of time to waste cuddling.
  6465. >Maybe here isn't the best place to...

Bird Pone Thread (Complete)

by Bluebirdd065

Bird Pone Thread: Blu (Discontinued)

by Bluebirdd065

Anonfilly Thread (Complete)

by Bluebirdd065

Little League Thread (Complete)

by Bluebirdd065

Little League Thread: League and Anon HQ (Discontinued)

by Bluebirdd065