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Anonfilly Thread: Land of the Filly (Discontinued)

By Bluebirdd065
Created: 2024-03-17 23:28:56
Expiry: Never

  1. >"Breakfast in five, get up, NOW!"
  2. >Your eyes slowly creak open, revealing the metal supports of the bunk above you.
  3. >What an amazing sight.
  4. >With a sigh, you move your aching body, sitting up and resting on the edge of your bed.
  5. >Noise fills your ears and rings all around you, other fillies rushing to get ready and pretty themselves and shit.
  6. >Not you.
  7. >Never you.
  8. >You don't give a shit anymore, help's not coming, nor will it ever.
  9. >Not for you, anyways.
  10. >Your ears droop a bit lower, your messy black mane hanging over your face as you yawn.
  11. >Your mind pushes you off the shitty spring mattress and onto the ground, and your autopilot kicks in, driving you towards the mess hall.
  12. >Ignoring all of the other fillies around you, you simply walk your messy ass on and out.
  13. >Your mind wanders, but feels blank.
  14. >You just think about waking up.
  15. >About how fucking shit you feel, how you always feel like this, and probably always will.
  16. >Never were a morning person.
  17. >You're sure that spark in your eye's been gone for a long time.
  18. >Hell, just like a lot of other fillies here.
  19. >Though some still hope, you just don't see the point in it anymore.
  20. >As you enter the mess hall and slide your tray across the line, that's all your mind focuses on.
  21. >So what, you get picked, and then?
  22. >Nobody's going to pick your ass for any good reason, and then that's when you'd be hoping you were back here or just dead.
  23. >…Makes you wonder what the first fillies are doing now, where they ended up.
  24. >Hell, maybe some are dead, it certainly wouldn't surprise you.
  25. >But you wish it would.
  26. >The next thing you know, you're staring at your pile of mush, served with bread and milk.
  27. >You're seated in your normal spot in the middle of a row, because all the filly cliques take the edges.
  28. >You glance over at them, expressions ranging from depressed, to nervous, to that borderline psychotic that'll fuck you up if you so much as look at them wrong.
  29. >Makes you miss the times in the beginning.
  30. >Though you were all more naive then, it was worth it to have a smile on your face, ignorance is bliss and all that.
  31. >When you all huddled up as a group- hell, when you WERE a group.
  32. >Before it all presented itself as a competition, a filly-eat-filly world.
  33. >And of course, as the months dragged on, so did the competition.
  34. >The fillies who'd just given up, the friends, the fillies that'd do anything to get out of here, it all formed pretty quickly after that.
  35. >Though you never really stuck to a group.
  36. >Of course not, you were never a great conversationalist.
  37. >Never had much to say, listening and observing other conversations was easier to you.
  38. >Well, not that it did much good, anyways…
  39. >You mindlessly chew on the bread in your hooves while your thoughts wander.
  40. >You wonder what kind of filly you would've been, if you ever got chosen.
  41. >Way in the beginning, when there were actually anons to your fillies.
  42. >Not that you would've ever gotten picked, anyways.
  43. >There's fillies here a lot cuter than you, a lot more talented.
  44. >Hell, the contentfags were the first ones to be picked, though you guess everyone would pick an alicorn first.
  45. >Practically gone as quick as they came, just leaving you all "common fillies" here to struggle and compete for freedom.
  46. >It's been… what, a year, since the last one left?
  47. >Since that last faggot left and divided everybody, fillies without leadership and no reason to take the reigns.
  48. >Heh, kinda like the thread, they were the bastards that held everything together…
  49. >"Hey, faggot."
  50. >Your eyes refocus, and you turn your head to another filly.
  51. >Growing that chest fluff to stand out, huh?
  52. >Cute.
  53. >"…Y-you gonna eat that stuff? You could have my bread for it."
  54. >Without a word, you slide the tray over to her, and she tosses a piece of bread at you with a flick of her wing.
  55. >"Thanks."
  56. >It's nice that there aren't really many fights, despite the looks of some.
  57. >You figured the need to escape this hell would bring everyone together, or hell, even come together in hate of the fillies that went first.
  58. >In the beginning you thought it'd all be fine, because even if you were in a hellish orphanage, taken out one by one… you had each other.
  59. >But then you have the old and newfags, the nogs with the opposing fetishes, so on and so forth.
  60. >And now you're all just different, both in shades of green and hopes and dreams.
  61. >But where does it end?
  62. >Where does it end…
  63. >You get a rough tap on your head.
  64. >"Hey."
  65. >Spinning around, you meet none other than the head mare herself.
  66. >"You've got a talk."
  67. >The words ring in your head, and your muzzle scrunches in confusion.
  68. >…YOU, have a talk?
  69. >Getting the feeling of being watched, you glance around to see every Anon looking at you, with a wide range of emotions, from pity to envy, to just flat out pissed off.
  70. >You get your head knocked with a hoof.
  71. >"Well? Let's get a move on!"
  72. >She drags you by your ear with her magic, pulling you from your breakfast and dragging you down all the hallways.
  73. >Thoughts buzz around in your head, more violent than ever and surely doing a great job at waking you up.
  74. >What kind of fate are you doomed to?
  75. >Are you gonna get killed, end up a slave?
  76. >A made, or a cocksock to some sick bastard made of money?
  77. >As the interview room opens, all your thoughts are thrown out the window in an instant.
  78. >Because the last thing you expected to see was another human Anon.
  80. >You can't help but break out into a quick smile, before your face droops again in front of the head mare.
  81. >Though the expression on this Anon…
  82. >It doesn't look so friendly.
  83. >You're put in a seat before the head mare, who makes sure to give you a stern glance before turning to the Anon.
  84. >Swallowing the lump in your throat, you watch him step forward after a short nod.
  85. >"So… what's your name?"
  86. "I-I… A-Anon, sir."
  87. >The mare narrows her eyes behind him, and your body snaps up straighter in response.
  88. >"Anon, huh? Of course it is…"
  89. >He slowly walks around your chair.
  90. >You can feel his eyes just, slithering over every inch of your body.
  91. >Your tail instinctively wraps around one side of your flank, and the mare's look darkens.
  92. >F-fuck, you're getting beaten for sure.
  93. >Well, it's been a while since the last, you can say that, at least…
  94. >"Well, Anon… Are you a good filly?"
  95. >The air around you feels thin.
  96. >A bit of your mane hangs over your face, and your confidence starts to crumble.
  97. >Not that you had much to begin with, but you had hope…
  98. "Y-yes, sir."
  99. >He pauses, and just watches you.
  100. >Eyes shaking, you try to keep it forward, and past the angry eyes of the head mare.
  101. >The silence is deafening.
  102. >"…I'll take her."
  103. >She perks up.
  104. >"Oh, splendid! Now, if you'll just hand me the payment-"
  105. >He grabs a big bag from a table nearby and places it on her desk with a loud chink.
  106. >"Oh, my, this'll do!"
  107. >Hopping out of her chair, she makes her way to a another room nearby, then comes out with a tiny ass cage, barely any bigger than you are.
  108. >She places it on the desk.
  109. >"Free of charge, I hope you have a nice day, sir!"
  110. >"Why thank you, I most certainly will."
  111. >He picks it up and opens it, before placing it on the ground before you.
  112. >As your heart sinks and your stomach churns, you slowly walk into your own enslavement.
  113. >This shit's not what you signed up for back home.
  114. >Not at all…
  115. >Tail tucked and head down, you sit hunched over just to be able to fit.
  116. >As your mind wanders, and you gaze around the cage, you don't notice the blanket being thrown over you.
  117. >You're suddenly lifted up, as the sound of footsteps and the view of his slacks and shoes moving on the ground beneath you are all you're able to experience.
  118. >Well…
  119. >Might as well try to rest while you can.
  120. >It doesn't seem like this'll be a very fun ride…
  122. >The cage slamming on the ground is what wakes you up.
  123. >Before you can fully understand where you are, you’re practically dragged out of the cage.
  124. >Shaking the sleep off yourself, you look up at the Anon who’d just finished buying you.
  125. >He glances down at you, and you try to avert your gaze.
  126. >But his pierces right into you.
  127. >You hear him moving, but you don’t expect his hand reaching out towards you.
  128. >He rubs an ear of yours, making you tense up instinctively.
  129. >And because of that, he recoils a bit.
  130. >”Sorry, sorry. Just can’t help it, you’ve got some pretty fucking fluffy ears.”
  131. >You can’t help but tilt your head a bit in confusion.
  132. >-Which only gets worse, as you notice a group of other Anons, and some fillies, without chains or leashes, or any dead look on their faces.
  133. >You simply watch as they all scatter about, gathering around a table and turning to all look at you.
  134. >Silence quickly fills the air, and you freeze on the spot.
  135. >Before your brain can catch up, you’re lifted up by your barrel and raised in the air, arms under your forelegs.
  136. >You notice quite a few staring down at you, and the Anon holding you starts humming “The Circle of Life.”
  137. >Your tail flies up to cover your teats, and you just hang around awkwardly in his grip.
  138. >Once he’s done, you’re put down, and a filly from the group approaches you.
  139. >Cowboy hat and wings.
  140. >Aside from the messy mane, those are really the only things that set her apart from every other filly.
  141. >She presses the hat down onto her head and stands in front of you.
  142. >”So… What are you?”
  143. “Uh… a-a filly?”
  144. >”No, no, on the inside.”
  145. “…A man?”
  146. >She face-wings.
  147. >”What are you willing to do for your fellow Anons, filly?”
  148. >Your mind starts racing.
  149. >This a trick question?
  150. >Gotta be, it’s probably deciding where you’ll go after this…
  151. “W-well, all the Anons are like family to me… I-I’m not into incest, though.”
  152. >Some of the Anons sigh, others groan.
  153. >”Fucking fag, incest is top tier.”
  154. >”This TBH.”
  155. >”Shut up you fucking degenerates-“
  156. >Ignoring the others, the filly taps your chest with a wing.
  157. >”Good answer. Then if you will, we’ll need a bit of help here…”
  158. >She beckons you over, and now you’re in front of the table everyone’s gathered around.
  159. >It’s a building map, but the insides are empty.
  160. >”You recognize this shithole, right?”
  161. >Focusing your thoughts on the outline and structures down, you get it pretty quickly.
  162. “The orphanage?”
  163. >”No, the hotdog stand.”
  164. >She leans closer to you from her spot on the table.
  165. >”Here’s the scoop, I’ll tell it to you flat. We’re gonna get the fuck out of here. ALL of us, every single fucking Anon, and that means all those still sitting in that place. We’re stocked, we’re locked, we just need info.”
  166. >You’re given a chance to absorb everything.
  167. >”You know what it’s like on the inside better than anyone else of us. With food upkeep and a lack of people needing autists working, getting you out’s all we’ve been able to spare… I don’t want to make the burden too much, but your role in this could mean dozens of lives saved or left for dead. Do you understand this?”
  168. >Meekly, you nod your head.
  169. >Christ, why YOU?
  170. >”Are you still willing to help the cause, and free your fellow Anons?”
  171. >You nod again, getting a few judgy looks from the Anons around you.
  172. >But nobody says anything.
  173. >A wing pats your back.
  174. >”Alright, perfect… We’ll get you a bed, what we’ve got for food and water, then we’ll discuss the plans tomorrow, capisce?”
  175. “O-okay…”
  176. >Your back gets rubbed a bit.
  177. >”Good girl.”
  179. >You’re escorted to a cot in some closed off part of the tent.
  180. >From what little you saw, you can understand what the filly meant about only having a bit to spare…
  181. >Which only makes your role here even more shit on your shoulders, doesn’t it?
  182. >You were given crap slightly more appetizing than the orphanage, but not by much.
  183. >Might just be because of the trashy place you’re in though, you’ve never expected to see much gourmet food coming out of this shitty area…
  184. >When you’re done inhaling your meal and sucking down the water on your own, it doesn’t take long for sleep to get his tender hands all over you.
  185. >-Okay, that sounds pretty gay…
  187. >”It’s nearly time, sunshine! Up and at ‘em!”
  188. >You peel your eyes open to see that cowboy filly on the cot and above you.
  189. >She looks a bit disappointed.
  190. “I’m used to it, faggot.”
  191. >She scrunches.
  192. >”Whatever, follow me faggot, we’re briefing.”
  193. >Hopping out and shaking as much sleep as you could off yourself, you follow the filly through the place, past other cots and other Anons snoozing the morning away.
  194. >The filly doesn’t say a word till you’re in the same room you were let out in.
  195. >She flips a lamp on the map table, and sits in the same spot.
  196. >Not too long after, your technically legal Anon faggot comes in, coffees in hand.
  197. >He takes a seat while passing them out, sliding one over to you.
  198. >You kinda just stare at the dark black brew before you.
  199. >”…Yeah, it’s pretty shit, but it sure gets the job done. Either you drink it, or you do without the energy. Your choice, I don’t get how you fagfillies ended up with so much energy…”
  200. >You smell it, and very hesitantly, you let your tongue get burnt to all hell by the bitter shit.
  201. >Then you look up at him, silently looking for approval.
  202. >Instead you get a hand ruffling your mane, which you immediately huff at.
  203. >”Cute little faggot.”
  204. >”Ahem.”
  205. >Your gaze shifts to the filly.
  206. >”If you’d save the gay filly-fiddling for later, I’d like to explain the plan.”
  207. >”Yeah, sorry about that.”
  208. >You simply nod, and she pauses for a second before mirroring the same.
  209. >”Alright, I’ll make this short and sweet, you can ask questions later.”
  210. >Gaze moving to the map, your focus shifts to all the empty space on the inside.
  211. >”Okay, so what you mainly need to know is your goal. Saving the Anons, plain and simple.”
  212. >You nod-
  213. >”-But, there’s a few ways you could go about it.”
  214. >She waits for both you and the Anon to nod.
  215. >”First choice: you gather intel and evidence of the shit going down there, the mistreatment of the fillies, which will be sent to Equestria. Then we’ll wait until rescue comes to take us home. Downside, not getting caught, it’ll take a damn long while, and there’s no guarantee we’ll even get saved.”
  216. >You’re left a moment to absorb everything.
  217. >”Two, you gather intel of the inside. Anon will meet you everyday at some part of the building, and you’ll help us build the layout of the place. From there we can find its weak points, make a plan, and get every filly out of there silently once we’ve had enough info. Downside, there’s a lot of fillies, hiding all of them from the orphanage will be a pain, and after that we’ll have a pretty long journey ahead of us…”
  218. >You look at the Anon, who despite not having the responsibility, looks very focused and lost in thought.
  219. >”Third, well we make a distraction. You’ll figure out a way to get all the fillies out, give us a signal, and we’ll make a ton of noise while you do that. Downsides, it’s reckless as shit, might not work, and will take about another year to do if you fail.”
  220. >You hold a hoof up to your mouth and think.
  221. >”Of course, those are just the ideas I’ve come up with. I don’t have the knowledge you do, so if you’ve got any plans you think you could cook up before noon, be my guest.”
  223. "Well… the second option sounds the safest. And like it'd actually work."
  224. >Her eyes narrow, then she sighs, her expression softening.
  225. >"Well, nobody else has stepped up to the plate, sorry I'm not the best at ideas."
  226. >She takes a deep breath, closing her eyes as her chestfluff puffs out with the inhale.
  227. >"You might've been stuck in that hellhole for a while, but life outside here ain't much but worse. Money's thin, impatience is growing, and everyone's hungry."
  228. >She throws her hooves with the last bit, then sighs again, before hopping out of the chair.
  229. >Anon doesn't move, so you don't, and a few minutes of shuffling and clinking in front of a storage later, she comes back.
  230. >Three things are tossed on the map.
  231. >That's a hidden blade, obviously.
  232. >Like some kind of Assassin's Creed shit-
  233. >Before you can make a dorky comment about it, the filly's looming over your head with the gear in her wings' grasp.
  234. >You feel her tightening something on the sides of your head, then she plays around with your mane.
  235. >"Bow, sharply."
  236. >You process her request, then comply, the movement followed by a sharp, but almost silent shink.
  237. >Looking up, the blade's popping out of your head kinda like a horn from here.
  238. >Just, not actually on your head, and at a perpendicular angle.
  239. >"Now tilt your head back."
  240. >Doing so, you hear it slide back and click into place.
  241. >"Man, that's some pretty handy shit, can't see a thing."
  242. >"Yeah, that's the point genius."
  243. >The second thing is just a disposable pen.
  244. >Helpful though, seeing how you only ever got crayons at the orphanage.
  245. >And a map in that might not be so great…
  246. >The third, a tiny cone thing with a dim glow to it.
  247. >She stuffs it in your ear.
  248. >"The codeword's 'eggplant'. Any time you end up in trouble, something changes or goes wrong, just say that word, and I'll get note of it here. Try it."
  249. "Um… eggplant."
  250. >You see the tips of one of her wings start to glow the same color as the piece.
  251. >She unfurls it, and a faint, light green hologram emits from it.
  252. >Like the Star Wars shit, or Cortana.
  253. >You can see yourself in it in a certain angle, and find out which direction you need to be in to see a hologram in a hologram in a hologram in a-
  254. >"-Yeah alright, that's enough of that. That thing's only got a bit of charge in it, and it was expensive as fuck. Do NOT lose sight of it, or leave it anywhere that isn't on or IN you. I don't care what you have to do, but putting it this way, that thing cost like, twenty times what it cost to get you out."
  255. "…Then couldn't you have bought twenty fillies instead?"
  256. >She gives you a deadpan look.
  257. >"Sure I'll just buy more mouths to feed instead of a long term solution to all of it, great idea."
  258. >Smartass.
  259. >She takes her hat off on the table, then leans in closer to look at you.
  260. >"I just need to make sure you feel fully capable to do this. We're only gonna have one shot at it in this fuckin' decade most likely, so don't cut corners, alright? Take your time, knowledge is power. Every Anon's gonna get out of there one way or another, you rushing things instead of playing it safe is exactly what could send us all in the shitter."
  261. >She places a wing on your withers.
  262. >"You're the hero here, but you've got no powers. Don't rush it, don't be stupid, okay?"
  263. >You nod.
  264. >She places the device on the table, and Anon grabs it, gently putting it in one of his pockets.
  265. >"Alright then, let's get this shitshow on the road. It's time to return that defective filly ass of yours."

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