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Two Topless Tops: A Tale of Blue Arrogance

By Grey
Created: 2024-03-30 11:34:29
Updated: 2024-03-30 11:36:43
Expiry: Never

  1. Originally drawn by Pshyzomancer.
  3. >"Ugh, I have to share a cabin with HER?!" Groans Rainbow Dash, gawking at Trixie who reciprocates. "That's so lame!"
  4. >"You think YOU'RE the one being inconvenienced?!" Trixie looks down her nose at Rainbow Dash. "Being stuck in a cabin with a smelly athlete is a fate worse than death!"
  5. >Rainbow Dash growls at her in response, showing all her teeth with an expression that tells Trixie she better count her own before opening that mouth of hers again.
  6. >Which Trixie doesn't even think to do.
  7. >"The Great and Powerful Trixie demands a cabin-mate-swap this INSTANT!" The magician demands with a stamp of her foot.
  8. >"Sorry, all pair-ups are final." Apologizes Gloriosa Daisy with a sympathetic shrug. "You two are just going to have to learn to love eachother."
  9. >Rainbow Dash and Trixie squint their eyes and furrow their brows, locked into a mutual staring contest.
  10. >"I. Said. It's. Final." Gloriosa grits her teeth and shoves them together, listening to them groan while rolling their eyes. "Now unpack your things and try not to eat eachother alive before the week's over. Is that hard?"
  11. ~
  12. >"Oh of course your brought all your cringe little magic kits with you to camp." Scoffs Rainbow Dash as she lies back atop her bed, watching the other girl lug all of her stuff into the room.
  13. >"What's THAT supposed to mean?" Trixie listens to the door to the cabin automatically shut behind her for the dozenth time.
  14. >"Why do you perform FAKE magic when we already have REAL magic all around us?!" Rainbow Dash taps her super speed geode with her index finger. "What do you think you're gonna do anyway? Impress the squirrels by making acorns 'disappear' in your hand?"
  15. >"You're just mad because Trixie doesn't NEED real magic to do anything impressive. Like how Batman will ALWAYS be cooler than Superman!"
  16. >"Pssh, of course you read the cheesier comics."
  17. >"Trixie didn't say she actually reads those! Batman and Superman are widely known characters! If you were smart, you'd know that. You'd even be able to recognize the corniness of the Daring Do comics you love so much."
  18. >"Don't you give me that! I bet you couldn't read more than five sentences before tuning out like a 5 year old and wondering why the story isn't about you!" Rainbow Dash points her finger directly at Trixie in emphasis.
  19. >"Like you're one to talk! You automatically think Daring Do is just like YOU! Which makes sense given how corny she is!" Trixie points her own finger right back at Rainbow Dash intentionally in the exact same way. "Admit it, you don't even read it. You just look at the pictures and see yourself escaping a literal rolling rock almost outsmarting you."
  20. >"The girl who sometimes wears a cape and does fake magic is calling me corny. That's rich." Rainbow Dash crosses her arms and chuckles.
  21. >"Oh puh-lease! Your stupid clown hair would never make a cape work. At least the Deep and Refined Trixie has a sense of style!" Trixie pompously turns her nose up once again.
  22. >"More like lacks a sense of taste, if you really believe that for real."
  23. >"Trixie wishes she lacked a sense of smell, if anything. So she can pretend you aren't here!"
  24. >"I don't blame you for not understanding how aesthetic rainbows are. You probably miss them every thunderstorm because your cute little cringe mobile you call a wagon keeps getting swept up by tornadoes."
  25. >"Maybe Trixie will land in Oz next time that happens and she'll bring The Scarecrow back her with her so you finally have a friend with the same intelligence as you!"
  26. >...
  27. >Neither Trixie nor Rainbow Dash can pinpoint the exact moment the petty insult exchange went from annoyed animosity to mutually entertaining jabs at one another.
  28. >They eventually left the cabin exchanging frustrated "hah, I'm more clever than you" smirks as they get ready to partake in camp activities.
  29. >And so they do, with RD and Trixie each still comparing their own physical and intellectual abilities in a non-verbal continuation of their little back-and-forth.
  30. >RD shows off how fast a runner and high a jumper she is, even without her magical geode providing her assistance.
  31. >Trixie shows off her ability to set up a tent in record time having years of experience doing similar things with her magic performances.
  32. >RD climbs a tree all the way to the top in a self-proclaimed timeframe of "ten seconds flat".
  33. >Trixie balanced atop a small boulder, perfectly juggling three small rocks.
  34. >Rarity and Applejack each raise an eyebrow at the two of them, watching them constantly try to outdo eachother.
  35. >After the end of the day, the two of them try to start a fire... leaning forward over the same small fire pit, facing one another and rubbing two sticks together each, seeing which girl can make the sparks fly first.
  36. >Rainbow Dash can see down Trixie's shirt, getting a good look at her cleavage.
  37. >Tries her hardest to stay focused on starting her fire first, but something else is starting to kindle now.
  38. >There's even more frustration going on now.
  39. >Trixie's soft boobs noticeably wobble back and forth ever so slightly as she viciously rubs the two sticks together.
  40. >Neither girl was able to start a fire in the fire pit, so this one resulted in a draw.
  41. >They eventually went back to their cabin to sleep for the night as the sky finished getting dark.
  42. >The blinds are closed, and Rainbow Dash and Trixie hesitantly look around with plans to strip down before going to bed, but are too at odds with one another to do anything in the other's presence.
  43. >Each of them agree to face opposite directions while taking their clothes off, promising without saying not to look.
  44. >"So are you aroused by Trixie's physique or just jealous of it?" Trixie begins.
  45. >"What are you talking about?" Replies Rainbow Dash.
  46. >"Trixie saw where your eyes were looking while you were starting that fire."
  47. >Rainbow Dash feels a shudder work its way up her spine. "D-don't flatter yourself. I just felt bad for you!"
  48. >"That's not what your eyes said~..."
  49. >"Keep telling yourself that."
  50. >"If anything, Trixie is the one who feels bad for you. Now that you realized she's also hotter than you." Trixie smirks as though Rainbow Dash was facing her.
  51. >"You wish. My body's in way better shape than yours!"
  52. >"You only proved yourself a faster runner. The Great Trixie has more meat on her bones and curves to work with. My little "cringe wagon" is probably heavier to haul around than you think."
  53. >"I should have known you were too stupid to realize my sports bra makes my tits look smaller."
  54. >"Is that so?!" Trixie turns around wearing nothing but her bra and panties now. "Okay, so let's see them, then!"
  55. >A deep blush spreads across Rainbow Dash's face as she can literally feel Trixie's ogling eyes on her fit body.
  56. >The sight Trixie sees is that of Rainbow Dash in nothing but her spandex shorts and sports bra, hunched over letting her rippled back and somewhat toned shoulders slightly shine in the overhead light of the cabin their alone in together.
  57. >"C'mon, Rainbow Dash." Challenges Trixie. "Take off that sports bra and show off those titties! Let's see how big they REALLY are!"
  58. >"A-are you looking at me right now?"
  59. >"Why not? You were leering down Trixie's shirt at her chest barely more than an hour ago. Trixie knows you'd appreciate seeing more of her glorious body!"
  60. >"Maybe you already proved my point by looking at me strip down, while I don't bother looking at you stripping down." Rainbow Dash slips into her bed. "You're not the hotter one, I-... I'm..." She finally faces Trixie.
  61. >"Cat got your tongue?" Trixie stands leaning more on one leg so her hip juts out to the side. "Trixie knows you're just scared to compete with this."
  62. >Rainbow Dash's eyes thirstily scour all over Trixie's mostly exposed body; those curvy hips, that hot tummy and bellybutton, that deep soft cleavage accented by Trixie's purple bra cups...
  63. >Does Trixie have Rainbow Dash matched in every category on this?
  64. >No, that couldn't be right!
  65. >"You're blushing pretty hard, Rainbow Dash." Trixie comments.
  66. >"So are you." Rainbow Dash doesn't even deny it, but did notice red-ness in Trixie's face as well when she watched her twist her athletic body around in those spandex shorts and sports bra.
  67. >Trixie crosses her arms, which pushes her soft cleavage up a little more as she tries to figure out what Rainbow Dash is packing inside of that sports bra of hers.
  68. >"If you really did have bigger boobs than Trixie, you would have shown them off by now." Concludes Trixie. "Case. Closed."
  69. >"You're mad and wanna see my tits, cuz I'm hotter. Case DOUBLE closed!"
  70. >This continues after the light is turned off, while the two girls are slowly but surely turned on by eachother but won't admit it.
  71. ~
  72. >The more nights Rainbow Dash and Trixie Lulamoon spend cooped up in their cabin together, the more likely it becomes they will be in one another's presence when changing clothes, or just stripping down in general before sleeping in their underwear.
  73. >They continue semi-playfully feuding with back-and-forth verbal slap-fights.
  74. >Then they get ready for bed every night before the lights are turned off.
  75. >Rainbow secretly likes watching Trixie strip down to her undies right there in the room with her.
  76. >Trixie secretly likes watching Rainbow strip down to her undies right there in the room with her.
  77. >It was only a matter of time anyway.
  78. >Only a matter of time before these two girls spending so much time alone together in this cabin room where they also happen to change clothes in start to... see things~
  79. >Comparing bodies is starting to feel... frustratingly fun~
  80. ~
  81. >And now the next day is designated for swimming related camp activities at the creek.
  82. >With this, Rainbow Dash and Trixie decide to flaunt their bikini tops and how they... fill them out.
  83. >"What's wrong?" Rainbow Dash pushes her now less-restrained boobies together in her bikini top with her toned upper arms, boasting her soft cleavage in front of the Great and Leering Trixie. "I thought I was supposed to be scared to show off my chest!"
  84. >"Don't make Trixie laugh." Trixie keeps a cool face as she lifts her top up and off of her body, unveiling her purple bikini top getting stuffed by her own soft pair of tits underneath.
  85. >Each girl senses a tinge of worry that the other's chest is more endowed than her own, not even seeing that they're evenly matched.
  86. >Rainbow Dash is going commando in her Daisy Dukes, or short-shorts if you will, complimented by her rainbow bikini top that's a lot more revealing and less restraining than her black sports bra she had worn yesterday.
  87. >Trixie Lulamoon decided to go swimming in a rather boldly small purple bikini that reveals enough of her body to make this almost feel like skinny dipping; nothing but thong straps and spaghetti strings holding everything together.
  88. >Both girls proceed to get their petite yet soft and supple bodies wet in the creek water, participating in the continued camp activities.
  89. >Watching their now shiny and slippery cleavage jiggle around as their sopping wet boobies bounce around in their skimpy little bikini tops that do their best to stay on properly.
  90. >The cool breeze of the woods gently hitting the thin wet fabric of those small bikini tops makes each girl's skin cold enough to prompt their nipples underneath to stiffen up, getting nice and hard up against the inside of those thin little bikini tops.
  91. >Both Trixie and Rainbow Dash notice the other girl's stiff nipple bulges poking through the thin wet fabric of those bikini tops, making each of them have to hide how much their blushing.
  92. >What neither of them can possibly hope to hide is how erect their nipples are getting.
  93. >They watch eachother's nipples become increasingly visible through their lewd bikini tops from how hard they're getting alone.
  94. >That mutual frustration between the two just won't stop flaring up.
  95. >"Hey Trixie!" Blurts Rainbow Dash. "Race you back to the cabin."
  96. >"Y-you're on, Dashie!" Trixie gives her a lopsided smile. "And then we can compare once we're there!"
  97. >"Sounds like a plan! Then we'll know who's bigger once and for all!"
  98. >The two girls start making their way through the woods in the direction of the camp.
  99. >Their scantily clad tits bounce around to their rushed frantic steps with little restraint from those thin little bikini tops that allow each girl's fully erect nipples to visibly poke through for all to see clear as day.
  100. >Rainbow could have went faster, but deep inside, she's not really racing Trixie anymore.
  101. >She wants to watch Trixie's sexy tits bounce around as she runs alongside her.
  102. >And she wants Trixie to watch her sexy tits bounce around as well, as Trixie undoubtably feels the same way.
  103. >After they make it back to their cabin at the end of the row, they quickly let the door shut behind them before locking it.
  104. >"Alright." Trixie states, gazing directly at Rainbow's chest while Rainbow does the same with Trixie's chest.
  105. >"Take it off." Says Rainbow. "I'll take mine of when you take yours off."
  106. >"You first." Trixie insists.
  107. >The two stare at one another, eyes locked onto eachother's boobies for the longest time before the hesitantly begin untying the backs of their own bikini tops, loosening them and letting them start to limply slip out of position.
  108. >Is... is this really turning these girls on for eachother THIS MUCH right now?
  109. >Undone bikini tops are hesitantly but excitedly pulled open~
  110. >Allowing soft, gently swaying breasts to become fully exposed~
  111. >Each girl bares her stiff sexy nipples to the other~
  112. >Letting their limp, dismantled bikini tops fall down, then all the way off, landing on the floor...
  113. >They instinctively step closer, until the two topless girls are delightfully pressing head-on their soft, sexy naked breasts~
  114. >Rainbow wearing nothing but her denim short shorts, Trixie wearing nothing but her thong bikini bottoms~
  115. >Just two sexy topless girls symmetrically docking and pushing their soft naked breasts together, gently sliding them side to side against one another skin-to-skin... jousting their stiff perky nipples~
  116. >They're... still just comparing them... right?
  117. >"*Those* are what you're proud of? Ha!" Rainbow exclaims, still halfheartedly pretending not to be turned on. "You should change what you call yourself to The Cute and Modest Trixie!"
  118. >"Puh-lease!" Trixie resists the urge to shudder at the feeling of this other girl's soft sexy tits up against her own soft sexy tits. "Don't talk as if *your* itsy-bitsy spider-bites are in any way better than Trixie's glorious, supple chest."
  119. >Both topless girls are trying (and failing) really hard not to smile in blushing mutual arousal as they slide their smooth skin against one another and occasionally push inward together to mash those soft naked boobies together even *more*~
  120. >"Are all the words coming out of your mouth to make up for how small your boobs are?" Asks Rainbow.
  121. >"Obviously mine are in a completely different magnitude of size compared to yours. It must be something the small-minded and poorly endowed just can't see."
  122. >The two of them fail to hold in a couple of giggles bubbling out of them while their soft symmetrically docking tits gently jiggle against one another feeling the other girl's stiff nipples lewdly poking up against the soft bare flesh...
  123. >"The gracious and caring Trixie suggests that you get your eyes checked." Continues Trixie.
  124. >"You might be right, Trixie... because I'd need magnifying glasses just to be able to see yours." Rainbow responds.
  125. >Rainbow hadn't realized she put one of her arms around Trixie, but Trixie welcomed Rainbow's subconscious advance long before that.
  126. >The hot breaths of each girl nervously but softly batter the other's curiously grinning lips.
  127. >Each pair of arms wraps tighter around the other topless girl, soon keeping their faces unable to drift away from eachother like two magnets getting too close to be pulled apart before inevitably colliding.
  128. >The sexual tension finally breaks entirely; they're falling victim to their own sexual frustration in mutual defeat.
  129. >With wandering hands caressing one another's smooth bare backs, Rainbow and Trixie each lose to their urges and close the rest of the way in to a wonderful, satisfying kiss together~
  130. >Rainbow Dash and Trixie Lulamoon push their heavily blushing faces together, kissing deeper and deeper, losing control of themselves as their tongues erotically interact between eachother's deeply liplocking mouths.
  131. >They both begin to moan into eachother's mouths and drop the whole "we're just comparing" act.
  132. >The cat's out of the bag, the truth is being addressed, Dashie and Trixie are just horny for eachother.
  133. >Both of them begin groping one another's soft naked boobies while continuing to deeply french kiss.
  134. >Indulging in one another.
  135. >They fall to the floor together before taking turns lowering their heads and mercifully suckling on the other girl's bare nipples.
  136. >Letting out pleading groans with begging gazes as they take turns.
  137. >Neither of them can possibly think about anything else now.
  138. >Their sexual arousal continues swelling up more and more, prompting the two topless girls to lie down on the floor in an upside down kiss on their side facing opposite directions.
  139. >Trixie's and Dashie's hungry kissing stays mouth to mouth, lip to lip, tongue to tongue... eventually moving down to each of their chins, then mutual gently hickey on their necks, then eventually down to eachother's soft naked chests where they engage in an enthralling tit-sucking 69 position.
  140. >It is here where their kisses wander for a little longer, back and forth between nipple to nipple on each girl.
  141. >They hold eachother comfortably tightly, suckling on eachother's bare soft breasts for several more minutes of pure untamed bliss and weakness for one another before finally moving their eager kisses further down to eachother's soft bellybuttons, then further... and further...
  142. >Dashie feels Trixie unbutton the front of her short shorts; Trixie feels Dashie tug the front of her thong bikini bottoms down in response.
  143. >The two once again kiss lip-to-lip, now with one another's soft moist vulvas as their 69'ing takes a full fledged turn into its main course.
  144. >Moaning into eachother's roused up nethers louder and louder, Trixie and Dashie coerce one another closer and closer to... ejaculation~
  145. >Not racing to see who can cum first, but racing to see who can outlast and make the *other* girl cum first.
  146. >They both start getting insistent, 69'ing more and more passionately until...
  147. >Leglocking one another's heads, the tight mutual vice grip traps the two girls together in their sexual contest, in which they had resulted in a tie but each are certain they made the other girl cum first.
  148. >Mutually assisted ejaculation convulses both girls across the floor as they hold one another in their leglocking grips upon one another's heads.
  149. ~~~
  150. >After the wet, tightly clamped face-humping with thrusting hips finally runs its course all the way to the end, Trixie and Dashie finally release one another and gasp for precious air.
  151. >What is the first thing each of them utter?
  152. >Who came first?
  153. >Who came harder?
  154. >The out-of-breath, afterglow-laden debate has officially begun as the girls need to decide who the winner is so they know which bed to cuddle together in... then maybe scissor for a little bit before they're too drained to stay awake.
  155. >There's got to be a joke about the chicken and the egg in here somewhere.
  156. >But both naked girls are too horny and stupid to have normally functioning brains at the moment.
  157. >They opt to pushing their beds together and calling it a night; they're really fucking sleepy now.
  158. >Now let down that tomorrow is their last day in here together instead of relieved.
  159. >They'll just have to come back and sign up for a whole month next time.
  160. ~
  162. Damn that ended up being way more green than I thought it would be.

(Wet) Dream Girl

by Grey

Venus's Mercy

by Grey

Bros With Benefits (RD)

by Grey

A Hunter's Moon (not yet finished)

by Grey


by Grey