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Cloud Gazing in Equestria
By AprilFoolsCreated: 2024-04-02 01:09:15
Updated: 2024-04-02 21:16:25
Expiry: Never
Original post:
>You are Anon.
>You find yourself currently in a meadow, a short walk away from Ponyville.
>Laying on your back, you can feel the grass around you gently brush against your skin as it dances in the wind.
>Focusing on the calming sounds of the cool breeze, you can hear the distant yet distinct, melodious sounds of birdsong being carried through the air.
>The flowers dotting the landscape around you give off an ambrosial fragrance but not one so strong that it would overwhelm your senses.
>You open your eyes, all you see is the blue of the sky above you, sporadically broken by puffs of white clouds.
>You'd think you had suddenly awoken in some sort of heavenly paradise, if you didn't know better.
>Well, maybe you had, you still weren't sure if this was some sort of strange afterlife you were experiencing.
>You recall the walk you took to get here from your humble abode on the outskirts of Ponyville.
>The ponies were kind to give you home after you awoke here without a bit to your name but you've come to learn that it's in their nature to help others, even if they were initially wary of you.
>Returning from your reflections on the past to your present situation, you watch as the clouds aimlessly wander across the sky.
>The clouds in Equestria are almost alien to you.
>Like dense swirls of white cotton floating not too far from the ground, far different from what you were used to in your old world.
>You knew that the pegasi ponies were able to walk on them, you'd seen them do it plenty of times since you arrived, but you wondered whether it'd be possible for you to ever walk on them too.
>You broken from your reverie as you hear consecutive thumps sound out nearby.
>You recognize the sound of hooves trotting across the landscape towards your location.
>"Hey dude, whatcha doing?"
>It's unmistakably the voice of Rainbow Dash, a pegasus you've become close friends with in recent months.
>You see her head peak into your vision as she stands over you.
"Just watching the clouds."
>She turns her head to look over her withers to the sky and gives a small huff.
>"That sounds boring," she flatly states, moving away from your vision to sit next to you and properly look up at the sky.
>Not really caring what she thinks, you continue to quietly watch the clouds.
>Following a short moment of silence, you feel Rainbow Dash lay down on her back right next to you, her body parallel with your own.
>A few more seconds of silence passes by between the two of you before a blue hoof suddenly shoots upwards.
>"That one looks like my cutie mark!" she says pointing to a nearby cloud that vaguely resembles her butt picture.
>You turn your head to look at her and find her happily grinning at you...
>Until she realizes that she had broken her previously nonchalant image and quickly retracts her foreleg, a light blush creeping over her face.
>You give a light chuckle at her embarrassed expression, and then you point to another cloud.
"That one looks like Twilight," you say pointing to a cloud that could generously be called 'unicorn-shaped'.
>Rainbow Dash snickers at your observation, seemingly having forgotten her previous embarrassment.
>"That one there looks like a buckball."
>You follow her leg as it points towards an oddly circular cloud.
"Huh, I guess it does."
>"And that one looks like you."
>Once again you look in the direction her hoof is pointing, but this time you see a cloud with a somewhat humanoid appearance and even shadows that make it appear to have four limbs.
"You're right, it does look pretty me-shaped."
>Feeling that a minor competition to identify the different objects hidden in the sky had formed, you begin searching for another cloud to even the score.
>You quickly point to a cloud with a strange blotchy shape.
"That one looks like a... err... flower," you lie, unable to think of anything else it could be.
>You turn your head back to Rainbow Dash and see her looking at you with a confused look and a cocked eyebrow.
>You both turn your heads to look back up at the sky.
>"Did you do this in your old world too?"
>You pause as you reminisce on your old life.
"Not really, my life was a lot busier then, I didn't have any time to stop and take in the world around me."
>You look to see Rainbow intently watching you talk.
>You continue on about how clouds and weather were back on Earth, and she would likewise explain how clouds in Equestria were made in the weather factory.
>Eventually the conversation winds down to an end and you find yourself once again in the silence you had lost.
>Laying there, gazing up at the sky, you listen to the sounds around you.
>It's the same as before but with one new addition: the rhythmic breathing of the pony beside you.
>Minutes pass as you enjoy the serenity.
>Curious, you cast your gaze to Rainbow and find her fast asleep, with her head resting on your upper arm.
>Her head is turned to face you, a content look across her face, framed by her iconic rainbow mane.
>Careful not to disturb her, you wrap your arm around her and pull her body into yours, her head resting on next to yours.
>Wiggling slightly to find the most comfortable position, you let out a yawn, and slowly drift into a peaceful slumber.
>Yeah, you're pretty sure you must be in Heaven.
Well, this was my first attempt at writefagging, let me know what I could have done better. Also, kinda feel like I might have subconsciously retold another greentext, not sure.
by AprilFools