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Dashie abuse

By Guest
Created: 2020-12-18 00:21:57
Expiry: Never

  1. >Your eyes stare into the mirror above the sink, as you brace yourself for what you’re about to do.
  2. >Your rainbow mane is ruffled.
  3. >Your cyan coat has traces of snot and dried up tries.
  4. >But worse of all.
  5. >Your left wing is limp against your body.
  6. >Forced to flex, as it hangs lifelessly from it's socket.
  7. >No matter how long you stare at it, it doesn't make the task at hand any easier.
  8. >You fill your lungs with air, and hold it in.
  9. >Grabbing your wing between your hooves, you push with all your might.
  10. >A loud pop echos around the room, and the breath you held comes rushing out as a scream.
  11. >Fresh tears stream down your face.
  12. >The pain that followed such an act was beyond describable, but at least you can somewhat feel your wing now.
  13. >You are thankful that flyer school had taught you how to mend a broken wing in the field.
  14. >Your breath comes out ragged, your body is trembling, and vision is a word your mind can barely comprehend.
  15. >What feels like hours is actually mere moments.
  16. >You slowly open the cabinet, and reach for some bandages
  17. >Tentatively wrapping your limp appendage.
  18. >All you can do is hope that’s all it will need to heal properly.
  19. >Even if it heals you could never forget the sound it made when it was pulled from its socket.
  20. >That disgustingly loud pop that you are sure only your ears could hear.
  21. >The experience was made worst when the paralyzing pain that surged through your body afterwards.
  22. >All you could do was cradle yourself till the pain subsides, and that took hours before it even numbed a little bit.
  23. >Your mind started going over the past events, and the more you thought of it, the more you thought you deserved it.
  24. >Anon had every right to break your wing, to remind you not to make him angry.
  25. >You shouldn’t have dropped that plate while making dinner.
  26. >You shouldn’t have yelled back when he called you a clumsy, useless cunt.
  28. >Today at work made you forget your place.
  29. >A co-worker bailed making you stay far longer than you would like.
  30. >You were still agitated when you returned home, and you needed to vent
  31. >Fury consumed your thoughts.
  32. >Maybe some cloud glue on their route next time will show them.
  33. >You should of paid attention to how hot the plate was.
  34. >But you didn't.
  35. >The pain from holding a hot plate in your hooves caused you to drop it.
  36. >Spilling Anon's food all over the floor.
  37. >Anon looks up from his newspaper.
  38. >And the first thing he does is to insult you.
  39. >You were in no mood for that, so you insult him right back.
  40. >That caused him to raise from his seat, while he shouted more insults towards you.
  41. >Not backing down, you continued to shout back.
  42. >Apparently Anon had enough, as he started to walk towards you.
  43. >His hands balled into fists.
  44. >There was so many things you could have done in that instance.
  45. >But you weren't thinking straight, as you press your back against the oven, shouting at him for getting closer to you.
  46. >You waited to late to move out of the way.
  47. >Anon rushed you down, and maneuvered his body on top of yours.
  48. >His hands wrapped tightly against your wing, and then.
  50. >You shake your head, but it doesn't stop the sounds, nor the quick jolt of pain that runs through your wing.
  51. >Anon left you afterwards.
  52. >Saying that he was going to cool off somewhere.
  53. >Raising you head to look in the mirror.
  54. >Looking worse than when you walked in somehow.
  55. >You need to clean up.
  56. >You need to fix Anon a proper dinner.
  57. >You need to apologize to him, and beg for forgiveness.
  58. >Anon is a wonderful husband.
  59. >He provides for you, takes care of you, and even makes enough money so you don’t have to work full time anymore.
  60. >So long as you don’t make him mad your marriage was nothing but sunshine and rainbows.
  61. >With you wing fully wrapped in bandage, you give it a gentle flex, relived to see it moved slightly.
  62. >Now all you need to do is come up with lie that would appease your friends.
  63. >Hopefully they buy it just one more time.

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