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A Deadly Taste, A Sweeter love

By mad_trickster_cuite
Created: 2024-04-11 15:45:31
Updated: 2024-04-11 17:11:18
Expiry: Never

  1. Be Anon
  2. >You were on your way to Pinkie Pie's place; you were going to spend the day together; you enjoyed her company so much that you bothered to learn her name.
  3. >She said she had a bunch of plans for the day. She really wanted to get them all done, and then when the day was about to wind down, she and you were going to make cupcakes. What a strange ending activity? But you didn't mind. >But you were happy none the less; the other ponies never seemed to really get you, but Pinkie always lent her ear to listen to your insane ramblings, and you were forever grateful for that.
  4. > When you first arrived here and saw everyone was so intimated by your presence, the thoughts of them rejecting you hurt your heart, thinking you couldn't find happiness here either, but it was that silly pink pony who came with an overbaring smile that came to help you, wanting to see your smile instead of your tears. She really was magical to you. You do worry if you're a little overbearing sometimes, but she never seemed to mind how much you talked to her. She is always up for games and parties. She seemed to love the attention from you, but you always worried.
  5. >Finally reaching the pink ponies home, she stepped out with a bright smile, however, she seemed a mess; her hair was a little frazzled. She seemed to have light bags under her eyes, yet she was so happy to see you; she had the energy of Cheeta, who just drank a monster.
  6. "Had a fight with the hair drier pinkie?"
  7. >You said it jokingly as she looked in the window, realizing just how much of a mess she actually was. "Whoopsie, I guess I did." She said it with a feverish giggle.
  8. >You ask her if she's doing okay. She looks tired. She sprung around, taking Anon's hand, trying her best not to worry. "Don't worry, bestie, I'm still all set for today... I just had to do a lot of work last week. Sorry, I'm such a mess."
  9. >You feel really worried. She would usually use a joke to brush aside things like this, but she seemed to have something on her mind.
  10. "Hey, if you need today off, we can always do our thing tomorrow."
  11. >Her eyes widen as she shouts. "NOOO!" Before she catches herself. "I mean... no, please. I really need to spend the day with you, anon, please..."
  12. >You reluctantly agree. Even though she doesn't seem like herself, you were going to spend the day together. She invites you inside, grabbing a cupcake off the table and asking for you to try it. You do eat it, and it shockingly tastes really good. You wonder what's inside.
  13. "Hey Pinks, what's inside this? It's really good."
  14. >"Oh nothing too crazy—apples, candy, flour, milk cream, strawberry frosting, my urine—combined with some heavy muscle relaxers that could knock out a bear."
  15. >Pinkie looking at you with a wide smile as you fall to the floor. The last thing you see is the small pink horse slowly walking over to you as the world goes dark.
  16. >Be Pinkie Pie.
  17. >You finally have him all to yourself. He's all yours. Finally, you can taste him. You're tempted to just taste him here, but no, you can't yet. He has to be prepped, just like any good ingredient. Pulling him down the stairs was quite the task. He's so heavy, but so sexy at the same time. You can't wait to have him inside you.
  18. >You always had feelings for this stupid monkey. But he never caught on to your advances. You could never forgive him for that. You tried so hard to spell it out to him that it started to drive you crazy. Your dreams turned into nightmares that someone else would steal him right from under your nose. That's why you had to rush today, you stupid mare. You could have ruined everything, but lucky for you, he's always had such a sweet heart, caring about you. That's why he's going to taste so sweet, both when you ride him and when you bake and eat him.
  19. >His love will be truly sweet. Strapping him to the table, he stirs in his sleep. You have to look perfect for when he wakes up. You quickly go upstairs. And get dressed in that little number Rarty made for you. It's so lewd, but you finally found the perfect use for it.
  20. >Be Anon
  21. >You slowly stir in your sleep, unaware of what is going on. You wake up strapped to a table with surprisingly strong bindings. What the fuck is going on? Also, why are you naked with what looks to be frosting covering your cock?
  22. >Suddenly, a loud door noise echos through the quiet basement. Soft hoofsteps echo as what looks to be. What the fuck? It's Pinkie; her hair is perfectly straight and shimmering. Her eyes are bright and beautiful. What the fuck is she wearing? It's black lingerie with stockings tied to a black corset; does the panty's have a heart where cover where the pussy should be? What the fuck?
  23. "Pinkie, what the fuck is going on? Why are you wearing that? Why am I naked? WHY IS MY DICK COVERED IN FROSTING!?"
  24. >She giggles at you, her eyes seductively staring at you with a hint of crazyness inside them. 'Oh, anon, you never caught onto me; you never knew just how much I loved you. Look at me, Anon; I'm absolutely crazy for you!"
  25. >Horror is etched on your face as she rubs her hoofs all over you. She is rubbing her pink, wet slit against your cock. "All I ever wanted was your love, anon; all I truly wanted from the moment we met was to be with you, and now we're going to be together forever, because once I'm done riding you, I'm going to make you into a cupcake proper, and soon your soul will be inside me so you can never leave me again.
  26. >The thought races through your mind. She's serious about how she's really going to kill you, but if she really is going to kill you, then you're going to at least tell her your true feelings.
  27. "Pinkie pie, if it will make you happy to kill me and eat me, then I guess I can't fight you, but at least hear me out before I go, and I will comply with you."
  28. >Her eyes and ears perk up to hear your last words.
  29. "Pinkie, I always had feelings for you, you were the first pony I ever met here who made me feel welcomed who made me feel like I belong your absolutely wonderful friend, the reason I was worried about making a move I was worried about what the other ponies would think of you, I mean I'm not like anything else here, by all rights of consideration I'm even on the same level of rights as pony, I didn't want to negatively effect your life by being apart of it, I didn't want you to get looks, or have your family disown you cause you fell in loved with me, I wanted to be you more than anything but It's not like I'm the most popular thing in town everyone saw me as werid and out of place I didn't want to bring that on to you, I didn't want to hurt you because I felt like being selfish and giving my love to somepony to only hurt them."
  30. >The words affect the pink pony strangely, and tears fall down her face before Her pupils dilate in size. She starts to uncontrollably laugh; it's unnatural and unhinged. She can't find the words; she falls off the operating table laughing.
  31. >"You stupid idiot!" She says she is almost frustrated. "You think I would care about any pony rejecting our relationship? You think I wouldn't stick up for you every time someone asks about us?!" She says this as she is panting, almost in full anger. "I think this whole time I've been worried about somepony else taking you, but no, it was your idiotic love that truly kept me on edge; you kept me at a distance because you worried about my well-being." She climbs back on the table, grabbing your face with her front hoofs. "I could fucking kill you right now, just for how stupid that set of logic is... But I can't, not because I don't want to, but because you really do love me. You have for so long and never told me, you stupid idiot..." She plants a kiss on your lips, realizing she has already spent too much time doing all this. It wouldn't be long before everypony would find out where the two of you were, and she would be caught and tried for her crimes. "I wish we had more time," she says as the door to the basement suddenly makes a loud thump. "Wait for me... We will meet again..." She whispers in your ear before running. Toward an entrance to a tunnel, she dug it, and as she leaves through it, the tunnel closes off via a trigger as several royal guard members break down the door. While searching the room, only you know the truth. You tell a lie to cover Pinkie; one day you will meet with her again.

A Deadly Taste, A Sweeter love

by mad_trickster_cuite

Strange Attachments part one

by mad_trickster_cuite