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Go Ask Littlepip When She's Two And A Half Feet Tall...

By Guest
Created: 2024-04-20 14:49:46
Expiry: Never

  1. Go Ask Littlepip When She's Two And A Half Feet Tall...
  2. By Darkdemonlucifer for /ptfg/
  3. (Contains drug use, painful transformation, and lesbians doing the straight sex)
  4. Work. For Caelum it seemed to be a never ending cycle that piled atop him ceaselessly to the point that it threatened to crush him. He had one of those jobs where sat at home and punched numbers into a spreadsheet. For what and for where didn’t really matter, he had stopped caring about his work many years ago.
  6. Unfortunately for him, he had long ago been caught up in a bad work contract where he got to work from home, and the moment he had finished his work load for the day, he could stop. This sounded like a fantastic deal until they piled the work up so high that it was impossible for him to get it all finished in just eight hours. Many days he had found himself working eleven hours or more, burning through coffee and energy drinks like he needed them to live and raising his blood pressure to dangerously high levels in his attempts to keep up with a seemingly never ending workload.
  8. One of his friends had become increasingly worried about him and had given him a small pill bottle filled with drugs. Of course, Caelum wasn’t an idiot and wasn’t about to go taking drugs just to keep himself going. The days might have been blurring together and the future might be seeming to grow increasingly bleak, but that didn’t matter. He could keep going. One more paycheck, slowly saving his way towards a better future.
  10. Day by day, he could do it, just like that Greek guy who pushed a rock up a hill.
  12. Spreadsheet after spreadsheet, don’t think about it too hard, keep punching the numbers in, keep typing the words, copying, pasting, not making any meaningful difference in the world. At least he wasn’t trapped in an office cube, at least he had a job. At least he had a small flat all to himself-
  14. He stared down at the microwave macaroni cheese in front of him, and for the first time in his life, he felt something give within him. All or nothing, pouring his heart into everything that he did. It wasn’t enough. It would never be enough.
  16. It felt like something got twisted and broken up inside of him in that moment. It felt like some great hole had opened up in his chest and the walls were closing in. He stared towards the spreadsheet still boldly displayed on his screen, waiting for more numbers to be punched in, and the spreadsheet seemed to warp and shift as the walls closed in.
  18. The noise that he made was somewhere between a gasp and a wheeze as he fell to the floor with a strange noise.
  20. He couldn’t breath. His body was responding. He focused all his willpower inwards and tried to will himself to move, but his body wasn’t listening to him. Was he dying? Was he tumbling apart? Was this what a heart attack felt like?
  22. He shuddered, curling his knees up in towards his chest as his thoughts raced like an out of control train, his entire world feeling like it was tumbling down around him like a house of cards or something else along those lines, even simple thoughts seemed to be beyond him, his thoughts becoming disjointed as his mind seemed to come apart.
  24. And he could only helplessly watch as it happened, trapped in his own body like it was a burning funhouse filled with mirrors. He let out a soft cry, and then tears began to roll down his cheeks. Why was this happening?
  26. He crawled his way towards his bed, which was just across from his office desk, and for once he was happy for the fact he lived in such a cramped apartment. His phone, stored under his pillow to prevent him from getting distracted while he was working. Every inch across the carpeted floor felt like he was dragging himself through a mile of broken glass.
  28. His breathing? Erratic. His mind? Racing? His heart rate? Through the roof. This seemed to match the signs of a heart attack to him, and as he finally fetched his phone from beneath the pillow, he frantically punched in the emergency service number in.
  30. Then he collapsed against the floor, and began to cry. He was scared, he had no idea what was happening and he was pretty sure that he was dying.
  32. Thankfully, it took no less then ten minutes for the paramedics to turn up and tell him that he was having a panic attack. Even though his life wasn’t in danger, it had left him feeling incredibly drained. It was like all the hope had been taken right out of him and dragged all the strength from his muscles with it.
  34. He was bedridden from it. He didn’t know how one could be bedridden from the effects of something affecting the mind, but here he was. It was as though he lacked the motivation to do anything.
  36. His life was over. There was no way he would be able to keep up with work after this, and it was going to end up getting him fired and then he wouldn’t be able to keep up with rent and he’d be out on the street. He could call up sick, but what did he tell them? He had a panic attack and now he couldn’t work? That wasn’t going to cut it at all, it would just make him look like an even bigger idiot and get him fired even faster then he was already going to be fired.
  38. As he nestled himself further into his sheets, Caelum stared at the small orange pill bottle on his desk. He had never been one for drugs, beyond caffinee, and he wasn’t even happy about using that. But… If a pill could solve all his problems, then… He was going to be homeless if he didn’t anyway, so there was no point in not.
  40. Dragging himself to his feet, he slowly made his way over to the pill bottle and plucked it up, carrying tentatively back over to the bed as he firmly took a seat, flicking on his bedside lamp and tilting the orange bottle backwards to examine the pills within through the orange plastic. They were purple, although it was hard to tell with the orange hue. Pulling the cap off, he gently emptied one into the palm of his hand and examined it closely.
  42. It was a small round purple pill about half the size of a grape. It felt slightly chalky in his hand. His friend had said that this would solve all his problems, but was that really true? And even if it was, was he really about to turn to drugs just to solve them?
  44. With a heavy sigh, he placed the bottle, and the pill, back on his bedside cabinet and headed towards his kitchen. Everything besides the bathroom was part of one open plan living area, so it wasn’t much of a walk, and after he had downed a glass of admittedly terrible tap water, he was ready to go back to sleep.
  46. Everything was just… One big blur. It was all so pointless. He was so exhausted that by the time his head touched the pillow he was already falling asleep. Hopefully in the morning everything would be better, hopefully in the morning he wouldn’t feel like shit anymore.
  48. His sleep was dreamless, an endless black abyss that seemed to be going nowhere, and when he awoke, he felt just as tired as he had the day before. His alarm was blaring loudly next to him, waiting for him to smack it with his fist in an attempt to turn it off, but he barely had the strength for that, he was simply staring blankly up at the ceiling and dreading the day ahead.
  50. No choice. His hand grabbed up the pill from his bedside table and dropped it into his mouth. It tasted dreadful, like he was eating chalk, and not good quality chalk either. For a moment he was worried that his friend was pranking him and he was going to find out later that this was some kind of laxative or it was going to give him a dreadful headache or do any number of other terrible things to him.
  52. And then it hit. He didn’t know how the drug seemed to take effect so quickly, but one minute he was mindlessly chewing on something he was sure that was inedible, and the next the world came into focus. Colors seemed brighter, the weight from his muscles seemed to vanish and a fog cleared from his mind. Not only did he feel back to normal, he felt better then normal!
  54. His mind was sharp, honed, and as he made his way to the kitchen, he realized that he was noticing everything. It was incredible, it was fantastic! Why had he never done this before?
  56. Unfortunately, the first thing he noticed was that his flat was a tip. It looked like a nuclear bomb of mess had gone off and scattered his belongings everywhere. There were cooked microwave meal packets and plastic trays strewn about, there were empty cups of coffee, and the whole place smelled of sweat and dirt!
  58. It was no way for him to live! Before he did anything, he had to tidy this place up, and that is exactly what he started doing, gathering all the packets and rubbish into a bin bag, slipping on trainers that he was acutely aware of on his feet, and then heading out of his flat. It was 8am, the sun had only just come up and he realized that his clothing was really starting to smell. He had worn the same clothing for three days in a row, so it made sense, but he was still shocked on just how dirty he had been living!
  60. The birds, the sunlight from above, he was aware of it all, and all his troubles seemed so distant. Rubbish emptied, room hoovered, breakfast eaten, and then he sat at his desk and logged into his companies tracking platform.
  62. Work seemed easier then it ever had in his life, spreadsheets, word documents, they all blurred together until he went to fetch the next load of work and- There wasn’t one. The sudden rumbling of his stomach tore his attention away from the screen, and he realized that he had finished work in five hours!
  64. He’d never finished work before six hours before, and that was normally only because it was a slow day, yet today, he’d been so focused that it barely felt like he had worked at all. The colors were starting to become more dull, and his focus was starting to falter, so he took another one of the pills and noticed that this one seemed to have a hint of grape flavor to it.
  66. The rest of the day was his. He could do whatever he wanted! And he wanted to play computer games. He fetched his phone and found it woefully low on battery, but it still had enough charge to send his friend a text.
  68. ‘Hey I have finished work early, come over to play computer games if you want!”
  70. And then he disconnected his work monitor and hooked it up to his game console. He couldn’t remember the last time he had time to play video games on a work week. It was incredible! Why hadn’t he tried those drugs sooner?
  71. There was a sudden sharp pain in his nose, and for a moment he was worried, before he remembered just how bad he smelled. Right, he should really have a shower before his friend turned up and try to get the apartment smelling less like the inside of a boot.
  73. Another pill, and this time he got a warm fuzzy feeling in his stomach as he moved over to the bathroom, pulling the door open. It was the only closed plan part of his apartment, but it was by no means roomy.
  75. There wasn’t any room for a bath, just a sink, mirror, toilet and a tiny glass cubical containing the shower unit. Hot water on, and as he stripped out of his clothing, he was acutely aware of just how grubby this room was. When he was out of the shower he would have to wash it.
  77. Hot water hit him like a brick wall, snapping his focus to the present moment and just how tense he was, just how much tension was in his body. Just how long had he been carrying it? That tingling sensation had spread outwards from his stomach now and was moving outwards through his body, and it felt good.
  79. He rubbed at his shoulder, feeling the knotted muscle, feeling the practical lumps beneath his skin, and he moved his hand to gently massage up and and around them, trying to work the tension from out of them.
  81. This only seemed to make his muscles tense up even more, and there was a sudden pleasurable surge in his brain moments before-
  82. CRACK.
  84. His shoulder dislocated from his socket with an audible noise.
  86. The noise that he made in response was an attempt at a scream cut short by sheer by the agonizing pain ripping through his body and the shock that was tearing through his mind. His shoulder seemed to have completely dislocated itself and as he stared at it, his mind rushed between the jolts of intense pain to try and figure out just what exactly it was that was happening to him.
  88. The strangest part about it, besides the fact that his shoulder has just seemingly tore itself free from its socket was the fact that despite the crippling agony he was in, there was a strange mental calmness that seemed to be overtaking him. With how acutely aware he was of everything, he was sure that the pain should have overtaken him in an instant, but it didn't. The intense awareness seemed to be backed up by a sense of complete calm.
  90. Still, physically he was in a lot of pain. Maybe he was just going into shock. Dropping down onto his knees he let out a desperate attempt at a curse. It was intended to be along the lines of 'Fuck! What the actual fuck?!' but what actually left his mouth was more along the lines of "Ffffff-Ffffahhh!"
  92. And then his other shoulder suddenly dislocated and he fell forward onto his face, writhing and hissing in pain as he tried his best to come to terms with what was happening. The mad panic that should have been tearing through his mind was absent, replaced with a chilling calm as he rolled over onto his back and stared up at the head of the shower above, which was still pouring hot water down from above.
  94. The agony grew worse, and he was forced to turn his head to the side to prevent himself from being water-boarded by the stream coming from above. His legs dislocated next, and for a moment he was pretty sure that he was having an out of body experience from the pain.
  95. “FUCK! Fuc!” He finally manage to squeeze from his lungs between desperate attempts to draw breath. It had absolutely destroyed him. Why was this happening? How was this happening?
  97. And then things went from bad to worse, the soothing sensation that had been filling his stomach from the drugs was now spreading out along his skin, and it was no longer soothing, instead feeling as though he was being burned alive. Every inch of his skin was burning and he could do nothing but writhe around on the floor and try to pull his thoughts together.
  99. Caelum’s thoughts were scattering. Trying to gather them up was like trying to capture smoke with his bare hands, it wasn’t going to work, but even with his very thoughts and personality scattering before him there was no panic filling him up, just that constant sense of unending calm. His skin felt like it was burning, and then it felt like something was sprouting through it.
  101. His bones clicked, popped and shifted, his arms were now situated poking out of his chest and legs were trying to join with the front part of his pelvis bones. He knew all of this due to the fact that he was still incredibly aware of his situation thanks to the drugs that he had taken, acutely aware of each of his bones as they snapped and popped and twisted and warped, fusing into something new.
  103. He should have been horrified, he should have been screaming the walls down, begging for help, but instead he just calmly stared up at the ceiling in a stunned fashion. The physical pain tearing through him had him lost for words, although he was still completely aware of everything that was happening, and also aware of just how helpless he was to stop it.
  105. Grey fur began to burst and rupture through his skin like mold, and then he lost sight in both of his eyes and everything went black. He was tumbling through a seemingly bottomless pit of pain and suffering, left wondering just what he had done to deserve such a hell on earth.
  107. His face was shifting, his skull felt like it was breaking apart, and his neck felt like it was twisting and snapping apart. The only thing keeping him aware of his body was the warm water cascading down from above and washing over his horribly twisted body.
  109. And things soon got worse, because he finally managed to drag some of those thoughts back and focus on them, impressing himself by managing to grab that smoke with his bare hands, only to find out when he pulled it closer that these memories weren’t his own, they belonged to someone else.
  111. Bombs raining down from the sky, an underground shelter, a sheltered life that had been cast into an unforgiving world. A world populated by… Cartoon ponies. He tried to scream but didn’t have control over his lungs, and now his mind was under attack from these memories that weren’t even his own.
  113. It felt like he was being ripped apart piece by piece, these memories, memories of pip-bucks, vaults, friends, foes and drugs all trying to slot into his head which was already filled with so much stuff. It was painful, because he knew that with every second he was losing a bit of himself and gaining a piece of someone else.
  115. But even with his mind literally being sundered, there was an overwhelming sense of calm filling his mind as it focused in on all those memories. Velvet Remedy, Calamity…. Homage. It was like he was watching a movie, a movie that composed the entire life of another creature, but with each passing second it felt less and less like a movie and more like her memories had just gotten jumbled up.
  117. Her hips were broken for sure. Everything was broken and horribly twisted but it wasn’t the first time that Littlepip had been through this. Was that her name now? She was pretty sure that it was, and it was better then her old name.
  119. Her body pulling itself back together was a strange sensation, but not one that was alien to her either. More then a few times she had needed to repair large parts of her body by downing health potions like they were mint-als, and this was just like that but on a larger scale. Her entire body had gotten messed up by something horrible, and now she was on the mend.
  121. Her vision returned, blurry at first, with her rolled over on her back, hooves aimed up at the sky as she stared over her muzzle at the shower above. Shower? When was the last time that she had access to fresh water? Was this water clean?
  123. She tried to will her body to move, but it wasn’t listening to her orders at the moment, still in the process of pulling itself together, and unfortunately there was no way to rush that process. Her bones popped and twisted painfully as her skin burned, and the base of her spine tingled as her tail wagged about behind her, seemingly sprouting from out of the base of her spine.
  125. Had she been trapped in a memory orb? Where had all these strange memories of being a… Human come from? Had an alicorn or other creature launched a psychic attack on her? Had her over-use of memory orbs finally caught up to her and this was just a side effect?
  127. She was acutely aware of her hooves, and aware of just how tired her whole body felt. Patching herself up even with magical potions needed a lot of energy. She needed to get herself some snack cakes or something else sweet, that normally helped.
  129. Pain. So much pain as her bones set back into place. That was normally something that required outside help to bandage and set them before you started chugging health potions to try and fix it.
  131. Hopefully Velvet Remedy had remembered to bandage her up correctly.
  133. With a few more painful pops, her body was seemingly patched together enough for her to stand. With wobbling, shaking hooves, she slowly rose from the ground, feeling the water cascade over her back and warm her aching bones.
  135. By Celestia she must have gotten bucked up. Everything was still sore, every one of her bones ached and it felt like her spine had been shattered and put back together. She needed more then snack cakes to get over this. She needed mint-als, or even better, party time mint-als. Groaning softly, she lifted her hoof up to her face and gently rubbed over it.
  137. She still had her face attached. That was good. She was also able to stand, which was also good, but how had she ended up here? Gazing around the bathroom, confusion spread through her mind as she realized that this was just like a pony bathroom, only… Bigger?
  139. Everything was just a little bit too large to be right. That blow to the head must have really messed her up. She tried to spark up her magic, but that simply made her vision go incredibly blurry. Using her hooves to fumble with the over-sized taps she climbed from out of the shower, only to find that all her gear had gone missing.
  141. “Celestia buck me with her horn…” She muttered as water dripped off her and all over the floor. The only clothing that had been left behind was some slightly smelly and oversized outfit that didn’t look like it would function very well as protective armor.
  142. Her saddlebags. Where were her saddlebags? She lifted her pip-buck to her face to try and figure out where she was, only to find herself staring at a bare gray hoof.
  144. Alright. She was freaking out. That was OK. She just needed a few mint-als and she could figure all of this out. There would be an explanation for this. There HAD to be an explanation for this. Moving over to the sink, she could see a mirror high above, but unfortunately the sink was at head height for her.
  146. Forcing herself to stand on her hind hooves, she once again sparked up her magic and used it to wipe at the mirror. She had been expecting some fleshy horror to be staring back at her, as if the healing magic of the potions had failed, but no, she was met with her own face staring back at her.
  148. Good. A loud sigh rolled from her lips as she stared at her brown mane and those sparkling emerald green eyes… Her eyes didn’t normally look that happy and full of hope. And she was sure that her gray fur had been dirtier and more battered then that.
  150. She tried to move a hoof up to touch at her face, but with only three legs holding herself up she almost fell over on her back, wobbling about on three of the four hooves as she tried to pick through her memories and figure out why it was that she was here.
  152. Her little face scrunched up deep in thought, before she heard a noise from the room next to her and almost jumped away, her hair practically standing on end as she looked around for a weapon. There was nothing that she could use, and she didn’t even have her pip-buck.
  154. She was completely naked and alone… And admittedly, a little afraid. But she wasn’t a coward. She was a strong mare, and she could handle whatever the world could throw at her.
  156. The moment she got more mint-als that is. At the moment everything was looking very grey and washed out, which couldn’t have been good. Hopefully wherever she was had mint-als.
  158. Staring at the wooden door in front of her, she had a sudden idea.. She could break the mirror and hold a chunk of glass in her magic, that would function as a weapon of some kind. But then she didn’t know where she was, and without her pip-buck she didn’t know if whatever was on the other side of the door was hostile or not.
  160. She really should have appreciated her pip-buck more when she still had it. Was this how everyone else in the wasteland felt all the time? It was terrible!
  162. Putting on her best brave face, she wrapped her magic around the door and shoved it open, boldly launching herself through it.
  163. “Hooves up! Nopony move!” She yelled. She didn’t know why it was that she chose that specific set of words, but it felt right.
  165. Sat in the middle of the room was a human, with a video games console hooked up to a monitor… How did she know all of this? It was from the memories that weren’t her own, the memories that she was desperately trying to bury. It wasn’t working of course, and now she realized that it would be better if she actually took the time to go through them rather then just throwing them aside.
  167. She didn’t like memories that weren’t her own going through her head. They made her head hurt, and her head wasn’t doing the best at the moment as it was… When was the last time that she had eaten a mint-al? Everything was so gray and felt slow and she felt stupid.
  169. The human sat in the middle of the room stood up, but he didn’t look scared or shocked in the slightest.
  170. “Ah! I see the party time mint-als worked as expected! That’s fantastic-”
  172. The only word that stuck out to Littlepip began with ‘mint’ and ended with ‘als’, but she kept herself focused. There would be time for drugs later, now was the time for violence and figuring out what the hell was going on. If violence was needed of course.
  174. The human was wearing a red hoodie and a battered pair of tracksuit trousers. In his hands he was holding a little orange bottle of pills that she recognized. She wanted those pills.
  176. “What is happening here? Why is my head filled with memories that aren’t mine? Who are you?”
  178. These were all burning questions, but they didn’t seem to phase the human much as he took the lid off the orange pill bottle and rolled one of the purple pills into his palm. She wanted that pill. She wanted to swallow that pill and let it fill her with all its knowledge and perception enhancing goodness. He was getting filthy sweat on it.
  180. “Ah, I bought you here from Equestria. I wanted a Littlepip all of my own, but reality bending magic and demonic bargains were a bit beyond me,” He explained slowly.
  181. “Why is my head filled with all these memories? I don’t… I…”
  182. “You must be very confused. You want a party time Mint-al? I am sure that will help clear your head and get rid of those memories. It’s not good to hang onto the past.”
  184. Littlepip licked over her lips softly and almost gave a nod. She did really want that pill.
  187. But she also wasn’t a fool.
  189. “What’s the catch?” She asked, firming up her stance and making herself look like she was ready for a fight. If this creature wanted to try and attack her, she was more than prepared to defend herself. She might have been unarmed but she still had hooves, and those could do a lot of damage if she knew where to strike.
  191. The human gave a soft laugh. “I can’t get anything passed you, can I?” He pointed down at his crotch with one of his fleshy hands, “I want you to service me, with your mouth.”
  193. Littlepip was going to kill him. She recoiled in an instant, “No! I’m a lesbian! What is wrong with you?”
  194. The human gave a soft smile. “I thought you might say that, but it really isn’t that bad. I also have some of your weapons and gear… And you don’t have any caps or weapons…. And you’re missing your pip-buck.”
  196. Littlepip could charge him. She could sink her stubby little horn into his gut and spill his insides all over the inside of the flat. “You stole my stuff?”
  197. The human laughed, “No, no. You’re safe Littlepip, you don’t need to fight anymore. If you do this, you can come and live with me, I’ll give you a roof and food, and I’ll even help you find a mare friend, all you have to do is work me over with your mouth sometimes. That sounds like a fair trade to me.”
  199. He dangled the orange pill bottle in front of her like it was a fucking treat… But Littlepip wasn’t a monster, she could kill him, sure… But then where would that leave her? This might be her only option for safety.
  201. Plus, she REALLY wanted those drugs. But was she really prepared to stoop that low just for a high? What was she becoming? She wanted her friends, but they weren’t anywhere to be seen.
  203. If she just had one pill she could figure this whole mess out in no time at all. Her tongue gently licked over her lips as she tried to get herself together. Just once, one pill that was all she needed and then she could figure all this out and get back to her friends and figure out what the hell had happened to her.
  205. As she drew closer to the pill, there was a deep sense of dread within her, as if she was about to do something terrible. But then the human used his hand to push the pill down her throat, and all her trouble’s melted away as the colors returned to the world and she found herself completely focused once again.
  207. She felt like herself again, and that was only moderately soured by the human dropping their grody private parts directly onto her face. She winced slightly and considered for a brief moment biting the darn thing off and seeing what that did, but quickly brushed the thought aside due to the fact that she really didn’t want blood in her mouth at the moment.
  208. “Come on, get to it.” The human demanded.
  210. Littlepip was mulling things over in her sharpened mind, noticing that the memories that weren’t her own seemed to fade when the pill kicked in… And it felt like she was losing something important to herself. If she took enough mint-als, that would solve all her problems.
  212. Moving her tongue out, she licked over the private parts of the human as they laid themselves out on their back, but she really wasn’t feeling it. This was wrong. It wasn’t who she was, she was a lesbian through and through.
  214. The human, seeing that she had doubts, produced a second pill from the bottle and offered it to her. She knew that it was bad, but she leaned her head forward and greedily swallowed the pill down. This time it came with a strange warmth in her stomach and a tingling in her groin that was rapidly beginning to leak.
  216. She could do this. She was so hyper focused on the task now that nothing else mattered, the rest of the world seeming to melt away as the small gray equine opened her mouth and gently guided the cock into her mouth. It was stiff now, and tasted slightly salty.
  218. Compared to some of the things that she had eaten in the wasteland, it didn’t taste all that bad. She slid her head forward and began to work it back and forth along his length. She wasn’t sure how exactly to give a blowjob, but with how hyper focused she was on the task it wouldn’t take very long at all for her to figure it out.
  220. Her tongue began to circle around his length, and she found that when she slipped it under the foreskin and around the head of his shaft, the human really seemed to like it, enough to give her a third pill that reduced the voice at the back of her mind that had been bothering her to a distant mewl.
  222. She was so hyper focused after three pills that the outside world may well not have existed, the rough surface of her tongue skillfully working around his length, before she got the bright idea to use her practically prehensile tongue in a new way, wrapping it around his length so that it was jerking him off with each bob of her head.
  224. She felt his hand on the back of her head, petting her softly and then moving to grip her tiny stump of a horn, using it to bob her head back and forth like some kind of handle. This was something that she really didn’t appreciate, but she wasn’t about to fight either, which may or may not have had something to do with the fact that it currently felt like she was drifting on a cloud.
  226. The head of his member and about an inch and a half behind it sank into her throat, and she choked softly, but the soothing petting and soft encouraging coos egged her on, along with the promise of more pills that made the icky memories vanish and made her feel like herself again.
  228. Her throat hugged and squeezed around his length as he gently raked those fingers through her mane, one of his hands always staying firmly on her horn to make sure she didn’t pull away. This was forcing her to breathe through her nose, bathing the human’s private parts in her hot breath and forcing her to breathe in his musk, totally aware of it thanks to the party time mint-als and completely uncaring because of the same drugs.
  230. She could feel his heart beating against her tongue, how excited she was getting him, how close she was to getting another dose. She needed those drugs to feel like herself. She was so slow and stupid without them, and if this is how she felt with just three pills she was prepared to do this forever to get more.
  232. Her tongue greedily circled around his length as the human let out a soft groan, a warm, salty tasting fluid suddenly shooting down her gullet. Cum? She’d never tasted male cum before as far as she could remember, and if she was being honest with herself she didn’t much like it either, but if this was all she had to do for free drugs and shelter then she was more than prepared to put up with it.
  234. The human let out a soft groan as his fingers digged into the carpet as his breathing picked up, and she realized that he must have been getting close. If she got him to climax, it would be over, she could maybe get another pill and then she wouldn’t have to suck his cock anymore.
  236. Pulling out of her maw, the human placed another pill on the head of his length, waving his hand down towards the little purple pill. Littlepip had never rammed a cock down her gullet as fast as she did in that moment, the human using his hand to help her ram it into her throat, his cock practically forcing it down her throat as he began to wildly pump his hips back and forth shoving the throat down her cock as his length began to throb rapidly, before he cried out and then.
  238. Hot ropes of his sticky cum began to shoot down her gullet, serving as a chaser to the pill which slipped into her tummy. He certainly seemed to be enjoying himself, his fingers curling into the carpet as his face scrunched up and his balls bumped against her chin, but she was barely focused on his cock.
  240. No, she was focused on something far beyond that now, seeming to space out as the effect of the drug washed over her and the entire world seemed to melt away. She was so focused she wasn’t even focusing on her own thoughts, feeling his heart beating in her mouth and his soft cries echoing around her head like some kind of song, that salty substance settling in her stomach with the pills.
  242. The snapping of his fingers partly pulled her back to reality, forcing her to focus up on him, although his words seemed distant.
  243. “Alright, that’s enough drugs for you. Let’s get some food and drink in you, Pip.”
  244. And then she felt a faux leather collar slip around her neck. It was brown, with a round little copper name tag on it, and as it clicked into place, she accepted that this was her life now.
  246. And that was OK with her.
  248. (Author's Note: Give me money and I will do more)

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