AnonymousDashfag's Pastes

Joined: 2020-12-18


[ProbablyAutistic] Have more than fifty pastes[HorseAyylmao] Have more than 50,000 total views
Title Paste Time Views Tags
Tender delicate hooves by >>37723220 24 October 2021 Public 401 rainbow dashanonymousoneshotgreen/dash/
Games 22 February 2022 Public 312 list/dash/games
Poem: Here is my plea by >>38288788 18 March 2022 Public 178 poem/dash/
A cute round nose by >>38720433 17 June 2022 Public 158 poem/dash/
Human husbando by >>38720472 17 June 2022 Public 210 poem/dash/
OpenAI: Rainbow meets a human 18 June 2022 Public 194 rainbow dashanonymous/dash/openai
A.I Stories 18 June 2022 Public 451 list/dash/openaichatgptgpt4claude ai
Open ai: Developing Relationship 18 June 2022 Public 153 rainbow dashanonymousopenai/dash
Openai: Soulmate 18 June 2022 Public 184 rainbow dashanonymous/dash/openai
Openai: That’s not my real name 18 June 2022 Public 156 rainbow dashanonymous/dash/openai
Openai: Dawww 18 June 2022 Public 158 rainbow dashanonymous/dash/openai
Openai: waking up in Dash’s bed 18 June 2022 Public 167 rainbow dashanonymous/dash/openai
Openai: Meeting the Parents 18 June 2022 Public 212 rainbow dashanonymous/dash/openai
Openai: Bonding (Clopfic) 18 June 2022 Public 251 nsfwrainbow dashanonymous/dash/openai
One hot day 26 June 2022 Public 245 rainbow dashanonymousshortstory/dash/
Anon Only by >>38911378 03 August 2022 Public 210 rainbow dashanonymousoneshot/dash/
Dash only by >>38931891 09 August 2022 Public 195 rainbow dashanonymousoneshot/dash/
Five years in by >>38932155 09 August 2022 Public 218 rainbow dashanonymousoneshot/dash/
Scratches by >>38941280 11 August 2022 Public 205 rainbow dashanonymousoneshot/dash/
Title Paste Time Views Tags