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The 7th Element

By Guest
Created: 2024-05-11 17:21:22
Expiry: Never

  1. Disclaimer: This is my first attempt at writing, so there will be mistakes eventually. Also, i've never watched a full episode of the show, everything i know about it is from the Fandom, which i've been in for about 2 years now. it's pretty funny actually, i remember the first thing that caught my attention was a Youtube series called 'Friendship is Gic'. how i accidentally ran into that is beyond me, but afterwards i started looking for more, and eventually found 'Pony Thread Simulator'. Decided to have a look on 4 Chan for myself, and the rest is history. With that out of the way, please enjoy my terrible story
  11. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
  18. >There's that Nightmare again
  19. "Mommy NOOO!"
  20. >You wake in a cold sweat...Outside?
  21. >You rub the sleep from your eyes and notice something
  22. >It looks different somehow
  23. >Great, it's one of 'Those' nightmares where you wake up into a dream
  24. >As you look in all directions, you notice there's something to your right
  25. >It looks like...a small horse. a Pony?
  26. >What the fuck?
  27. >It looks surprised
  28. >Might as well try talking to it
  29. "Umm, hi" You say
  30. >Your social skills have never let you down before!
  31. >This time will surely be no different
  32. >It somehow looks more surprised
  33. >"Uhhh, what are you?" She asks
  34. >This shouldn't require much thought
  35. "My name is Anon, and i'm a Human. What is your name?"
  36. >She looks slightly nervous
  37. >"My name is Minuette"
  38. "That's a lovely name, it's nice to meet you Minuette" You say with a soft smile
  39. >"You too" She smiles as well
  40. "Soo, where am i?" You ask, to break the small silence
  41. >"In a field just outside of Ponyville"
  42. "Ok, which way is that?" You ask
  43. >"I'll show you"
  45. >She began to lead you there
  46. >"So, where you from? not to be rude, but i've never seen anything like you before" She asks, looking over to you
  47. "From a planet called Earth"
  48. >"Earth, i've never heard of it"
  49. "It's likely in another universe" You say
  50. >"Really? how did you get here?"
  51. "I just sort of woke up here. was i asleep when you found me?" You ask
  52. >"Yeah, i don't know how long you were there though"
  53. "Hmmm"
  54. >Guess this isn't a dream
  55. >You're pretty open-minded, so this kind of thing doesn't surprise you as much as it would most others
  56. >"Well, we're here"
  57. >You look up and see a vibrant town full of colorful Ponies walking every which way
  58. >Some have stopped to look at you, others either don't notice or don't care
  59. "Hi, my name is Anon, and i'm a Human. i come in peace!" You say, with a friendly wave
  60. >The ones that stopped, start running, causing others to notice and run as well
  61. >Except one
  62. >"Well, i'm sure you can find your way around town and make some friends. see ya!"
  63. "See ya"
  64. >And with that, Minuette walks away, leaving you with the only Pony that didn't run
  65. "Umm hi, my name is Anon, what's your name?"
  66. >"Vinyl Scratch, but you can call me Vinyl" She says, with a smirk
  67. "It's nice to meet you Vinyl" You say, with a smile to relieve some of the tension
  68. >Though, this purple-shades-wearing headphone-having Pony doesn't seem nervous at all
  69. >She seems almost confident
  70. >"So where are you from?"
  71. "A planet called Earth, i just woke up here a bit ago. i don't know how i ended up here though"
  72. >"Cool! Got any otherworldly music?" She asks, excitedly
  73. >Pretty straightforward... mare
  74. >You reach into your pocket, and pull out your trusty phone
  75. >"What's that?" She asks, turning her head to the side a bit
  76. "It's called a Phone. You can use it for all sorts of stuff. including storing music" You say, with a smirk
  77. >"Sweet! let's hear some music!"
  78. "What genre do you like?" You ask
  79. >"Lots, but something with bass is my jam"
  80. "Ok, i should have a couple of songs like that. You wanna find a place to sit?"
  81. >"How about by that tree?" She suggests
  82. >She points to a tree near the edge of the meadow you and Minuette walked from
  83. "Sure" You agree
  85. >On the way there, you explained that there's a port on the phone for Headphones
  86. >You also plug in your awesome audio splitter for Maximum Jamming Potential
  87. >And bust out your cool blue earbuds™
  88. >You arrive, and after you and Vinyl plug in your Musical listening-to Accesories, you play the first song
  89. >She seems to be enjoying it
  90. >You're both bobbing your heads to the beat
  91. >You go through a few songs, and she decides it's time to wrap it up
  92. >"That was pretty chill, we should do this again sometime"
  93. "Sounds good to me, i'll catch ya later Vinyl" You say, extending your arm ending in a closed fist. Signifying your quiet request for a bump
  94. >She stares quizzically at your hand for a bit, but complies nonetheless with a fist-hoof bump
  96. >And with that you started walking back towards Ponyville
  97. >At least you made some new friends
  98. >As you walk further into town, you notice a Purple Pony with wings and a horn headed your way
  99. "Hi there, my name is Anon, i'm a Human" You say
  100. >"It's nice to meet you Anon. my name is Twilight Sparkle, but you can call me Twilight. follow me"
  101. >Being the open-minded guy you are, you comply
  102. >On the way to wherever she's leading you, you explained where you're from, and that you just woke up here
  103. >Apparently, the locals informed the Royal Guards of your presence, and urged Twilight to investigate
  104. >You eventually end up in front of a large Castle made of Crystals
  105. >Neat
  106. >She leads you inside and introduces you to a small creature
  107. >"Hey Spike, this is Anon. a Human from a planet called Earth"
  108. "It's nice to meet you Spike, i have a question for you if you don't mind"
  109. >"Sure, what is it?"
  110. "You're a Dragon right?" You ask
  111. >Spike and Twilight both look surprised
  112. >"How did you know i was a Dragon?"
  113. "Just a guess really. you look similar to the Dragons i've seen on Earth because of your scales"
  114. >Fictional of course, for obvious reasons
  115. "Does that mean that you can breathe Fire?"
  116. >Spike puts on a grin
  117. >"Yep" Is all he says
  118. >He then proceeds to breathe fire above your head. though not close enough to set you on fire
  119. "Awesome!" You say, excitedly
  120. >Spike smiles
  121. >"We should get going, talk to you later Spike" Twilight says
  122. "See ya"
  123. >Spike nods
  125. >You and Twilight engage in small talk, mostly consisting of where you're from
  126. >"Here we are, the Princesses would like to talk to you"
  127. >Twilight flies over and sits in one of the thrones, the others holding white, dark blue, and pink Ponies.
  128. >Twilight must be a Princess as well
  129. >Though, the others are quite large
  130. >The white one speaks first
  131. >"You must be Anon, correct?"
  132. "Yes, your majesty" You say, with a deep bow
  133. >They all giggle
  134. >"There'll be no need for such formalities dear Anon" She says softly, giving off a motherly feel
  135. >You blush, and shift uncomfortably on your feet
  136. "Sorry, this is kinda new to me" You say, embarrassed
  137. >"Do not worry, i wish to ask a few questions" She says, wearing a comforting smile
  138. >You then explain what you are, where you come from, and how you got here
  139. >Apparently the white one is Celestia, the dark blue one is Luna, and the pink one is Cadence
  140. >"So, how do you Recreate?" Cadence asks
  141. "Uhh" is all you manage in the face of such an odd question
  142. >"No further questions!" Celestia says, waving her hooves and sheepishly smiling
  143. "See ya later!" You say, turning and walking away slightly faster than normal
  145. >You're now back in Ponyville
  146. >Looking up, you see a Blue Pony flying about and... Moving clouds
  147. >Ok
  148. >You wave at them
  149. "Hi there!"
  150. >She notices you, and slowly flies down to you
  151. >"What are YOU?" She asks, looking you over
  152. "My name is Anon, i'm a Human from the planet Earth" You say, routinely
  153. >"Sounds lame" is all she says
  154. "What's your name?"
  155. >She looks taken aback for a moment
  156. >"You already know who i am" She says, with an air of confidence
  157. "I do?" is all you say, surprised by the Pony's antics
  158. >"Of course! I'm the fastest Pegasus in all of Equestria!" She says, puffing out her chest
  159. "That's impressive"
  160. >"Of course it is!"
  161. "I'll talk to you later i guess" You say walking away
  162. >"Wait!"
  163. "Huh?" You say turning to face her once again
  164. >"The name's Rainbow Dash by the way"
  165. "Nice to meet you Ranbow Dash" You say with a soft smile
  166. >"You wanna get something to eat?" She says with a slight blush
  167. "Sure" You could use something to nom on
  169. >After a bit of walking, you arrive at a place called Sugarcube Corner
  170. >It's getting dark outside, so they must stay open for a while
  171. >The door opens with a jingle, alerting the Pony at the counter of your presence
  172. >She stares with wide eyes before quickly turning it into a smile
  173. >"Good evening, umm, what can i get you sir?"
  174. >You're caught off guard by her calling you sir, but before you can say anything, Rainbow Dash interjects
  175. >"We'll have the Lovers Cupcake" She quickly says
  176. >"Coming right up!" The Pony at the counter says, before quickly walking out of sight to prepare it
  177. "The Lovers Cupcake?" You ask, confused
  178. >"Yeah, it's a pretty tasty cupcake" She says, looking at the floor and blushing brightly
  179. >Before you can say anything else, the mare returns with the cupcake
  180. >"It's on the house" She says with a nervous smile
  181. >Rainbow Dash grabs it off the counter with a single hoof...Somehow, and then you both head outside
  183. "So, we're gonna share the cupcake?" You ask
  184. >"Yeah" She says, still looking embarrassed
  185. "Where do you wanna eat?"
  186. >"Over here is fine" She says, floating over to a bench near the side of the place
  187. "You want the first bite?" You ask sitting next to her
  188. >Instead of answering, she takes a generous bite of it
  189. >You man-giggle at the adorable sight
  190. >"What?" She asks, annoyed, with plenty of cupcake still in her mouth
  191. "That was pretty cute" You say, teasing her
  192. >"I am Not cute!" She says, blushing and pouting, making her more cute
  193. "Whatever you say" you say, taking a bite of your own
  194. >And it's Delicious
  195. >You're both about to finish the cupcake, when a yellow mare with slightly Red and Orange hair walks by and notices the two of you
  196. >"Rainbow Dash? Haha! is that a Lovers Cupcake?"
  197. >"I-" Dash says, clearly very embarrassed
  198. "Yeah! and we were enjoying it until you came along" You say, not in love with this mares attitude
  199. >The mare is taken aback
  200. >"And what are you exactly?" She asks, clearly upset with you
  201. "My name is Anon, and i'm a Human from the planet Earth, but that's not important. you should apologize to Dash for laughing at her" You say, glaring full-capacity
  202. >She stares at you, mouth agape.
  203. >"Don't you know who i am?"
  204. "Can't say that i do" You say, eager to end this confrontation
  205. >"Hmph! i don't need this" She says, then walks away
  207. "You can have the last bite" You say looking over at her
  208. >It's already gone
  209. >She's giving you 'The Look' and advancing
  210. >You know what's coming next, and decide to meet her halfway
  211. >She squeaks in surprise, but quickly relaxes into the kiss
  212. >The kiss lasts for a bit, no tongue-action, but that's perfectly fine, it was just a cupcake after all
  213. >After the kiss ends, you notice a bit of icing on the corner of her mouth, and decide to take a risk
  214. "You got a little bit of icing on you, let me get that for you" You say pointing at the icing
  215. >You then lean forward and lick it off, nice and slow
  216. >You return to your normal sitting position, and give her a smile
  217. >She's blushing like crazy, and staring wide-eyed at you
  218. >"I think i missed a few clouds, haha, see ya later!"
  219. >She then flies off, leaving a rainbow trail behind her
  221. >That was fun, the only thing that wasn't fun, was that rude mare
  222. >But you've got other problems. it's now nighttime. where are you going to stay?
  223. >Don't know why you didn't think of this earlier, it's a serious problem
  224. >You would sleep on this bench, but now you have an angry Yellow mare probably wondering the streets
  225. >You feel chills all over you
  226. >Maybe you should ask Twilight?
  227. >Yeah, it beats dying a Yellow, Red, and Orange, death
  229. >On the way, you notice a building that looks like a tailor shop
  230. >The lights are on, so you might as well look around a bit
  231. >Once inside, you notice a lack of Ponies
  232. >You decide to look around anyway
  233. >After a bit, you hear someone walking down the stairs
  234. >A small filly stops and looks at you
  235. "Umm hi, i saw that the lights were on, so i assumed it was open, i was just looking around"
  236. >"What are you exactly?" She asks in an adorable voice, sitting down
  237. "My name is Anon, i'm a Human from the planet Earth"
  238. >"Wow, that's Cool!" She says, her voice cracking a bit
  239. >"Everything alright sweetie?" a mare asks, while walking down the stairs
  240. >When she reaches the bottom, she notices you
  241. >"I was just talking to Anon, a Human from the planet Earth"
  242. "Hi" you say, waving you're hand "I saw that the lights were on, so i assumed it was open. i can leave if you want"
  243. >"That won't be necessary darling, would you like a new outfit?" She says, lifting her mane a bit with a hoof
  244. "You carry clothes for Humans?"
  245. >"I would have to make them for you"
  246. >Uh-oh
  247. "Actually, i don't have any money"
  248. >"Don't worry darling, i'll do it for free" She says giggling a bit
  249. >Another thing for free. you hope they aren't scared of you or something
  250. "You don't have to do that, it would probably take a lot of work, especially considering i'm new here"
  251. >"Please darling, it would only take a bit to get the measurements. I'm the best at what i do after all" She says, confidently
  252. "If you insist, what are your names by the way?" You ask
  253. >"My name is Rarity" She says
  254. >"I'm Sweetie Belle!" She says, turning on her high-beams
  255. "It's nice to meet the both of you" You say, giving a soft smile
  256. >They both give smiles of their own
  257. >"Follow me if you would" Rarity says, as she heads up the stairs
  259. >You follow her, and end up in what you assume is her workshop
  260. >"Stand there for me please" She says, pointing to a small platform near the middle of the room
  261. >When you arrive, she instructs you to stand with you're feet slightly apart, and you're arms outstretched
  262. >Great, you're now the early stages of a Video Game
  263. >"One moment"
  264. >One moment later, there are several strips of measuring tape flying at you
  265. "Agh!" Is all you manage to say before you're mutilated
  266. >But, you never get savaged by flying inanimate objects
  267. >"Sorry, i didn't mean to startle you darling" She says, giggling
  268. >What?
  269. >You move your arms away from your face and see the tape, floating with an aura around the individual strips
  270. >You also notice the same aura on her horn.
  271. >Time for questioning
  272. "Are you lifting those with some kind of Magic?"
  273. >"Of course" Is all she says
  274. "Woah, Magic didn't exist on Earth"
  275. >"Really?" She asks, dumbstruck
  276. "Yeah, that's why i was startled, haha, Anyways, you may continue, i won't hide this time"
  277. >She giggles a bit, and gets to work
  278. >It only takes about 30 seconds before she's done
  279. >I guess she IS the best at what she does
  280. >"Your clothes will be done sometime tomorrow, stop by in the evening to pick them up"
  281. "Thanks, this means a lot Rarity" You say, as you lift her into a hug
  282. >"No problem darling" She says, slightly flustered
  284. >And with that, you're on your way out of the shop
  285. >Sweetie Belle stops you by the door
  286. >"Hey, umm, i was wondering if you wanted to hang out tomorrow?" She asks with an adorable smile, and cheery tone
  287. >Saying no to that face would be a crime
  288. "Sure!" You say, putting on a 4-ply smile. only the softest smiles for small cute Pony
  289. >"Yaay! I'll see ya tomorrow Anon!" She says, doing a cute trot in place
  290. >Couple all of this adorableness, with the the cupcake you ate earlier, and the future is looking pretty grim
  291. "See ya Sweetie Belle!"
  293. >And now you're on your way to the castle
  294. >Along the way, you spot a blue pony pulling a huge cart
  295. >Holy shit, that thing looks heavy! you should help them
  296. >As you approach, you notice they're wearing a cool looking hat and cape
  297. >Maybe a magician?
  298. "Hey there, you need some help with that?" You ask, making your presence known
  299. >She looks up at you
  300. >"Trixie doesn't need help, She can pull this just fine" She says, not sounding tired at all
  301. >Third-Pony perspective? You can dig it, at least it skips a part of the introduction
  302. "Ok, i just figured i'd ask, this thing looks super heavy, haha" You say, nervously rubbing the back of your head
  303. >"Hmm, you can help Trixie in another way" She says, contemplating
  304. "Sure, what would that be?" You ask
  305. >"Trixie does Magic shows, to strike AWE into the Ponies of Equestria!" She says with a flourish, striking a pose
  306. "That's awesome! How can i help?"
  307. >"Follow Trixie" She says, and then opens the door to her cart
  308. >It look pretty roomy in there
  310. >She leads you inside, and it's huge! even bigger than it looked on the outside! just like Wal-Mart always was
  311. >Maybe Magic did exist on Earth...
  312. >She takes a seat on her couch, and motions for you to join her
  313. >"Sit with Trixie, we have much to discuss"
  314. >So you sit, this is a really comfy couch. Trixie is living the dream
  315. >"So, Trixie has noticed that you have a lot of Magical Power" She says
  316. >What?
  317. "You sure?" You ask, not convinced
  318. >"Trixie is positive, she always is. She's The Great and Powerful Trixie!"
  319. >She stands and poses yet again, rolling some of the r's in her title
  320. >She composes herself and sits back down
  321. "Even if i did have Magic, i still don't know how to use it" You say
  322. >"You need a Horn" Is all she says
  323. "Are you saying i can just GET one somehow?"
  324. >"Of course! Everything is possible when Trixie is involved" She says, matter of factly
  325. "If you say so. how am i gonna get one?" You ask, thinking it would be really cool to have magical powers
  326. >"Trixie will make it for you obviously. just give her a minute" She says getting up and walking into another room
  327. >When she emerges, an hour later, she's carrying a horn in her magical grasp
  328. >"Just put this on carefully" She says putting the horn in your hand
  329. "Ok" Is all you say, before slowly putting it on, just under your hair so that it looks natural
  330. >As soon as it makes contact, it seals to your head
  331. >You feel strange sensations all over your body, but it's too intense, so you pass out on the couch
  333. >When you wake up, you have a serious headache
  334. "Uuugh" Is all you can say as you lift up from your sleeping position
  335. >Trixie must have moved you so that you would feel more comfortable
  336. >That's really nice of her actually
  337. >"Trixie is glad you're awake, this should help with the headache"
  338. >She casts a spell on you, and you immediately feel like a million bucks
  339. "Thanks Trixie! For taking care of me that is" You say, grateful
  340. >She blushes slightly
  341. >"No need to thank Trixie, she still wants your help after all"
  342. "Of course, how can i help?" You ask
  343. >"First off, we're going to need you adjusted to your Magic, so try casting a spell. Hmm, a lighting spell should be simple enough"
  344. "Ok" You say
  345. >You begin focusing, and asking your mind to create a light
  346. >After a bit, you start to feel something.
  347. >Opening your eyes, you notice a light forming on the tip of your horn
  348. "It's working!" You say excitedly
  349. >"Now focus on making it brighter"
  350. >So you begin focusing even harder
  351. >After a bit it becomes unbearably bright
  352. "Aaagh! I can't stop it!" Is all you can say, panic fills your body
  353. >Trixie grabs you with her magic, effectively stopping the light
  354. >"That was great! You can definitely help Trixie!" She says, a bit too excited, considering you almost lost your eyesight
  355. >She releases her magical grip on you, and you cross your legs to be more comfortable
  356. "This is amazing, i wonder what else i can do" You say to no one in particular
  357. >"Lots, Trixie wants you to help her with her show that she will be performing tomorrow"
  358. "Really?" You say, looking at her "I'd be glad to help!"
  359. >"Good, let's go over some routines for now"
  361. >And you did, about 2 and a half hours worth of practice
  362. >You're so excited about the show!
  363. >After some tea that Trixie made for the both of you, you decide it's time to retire to the outside world once again
  364. "I guess i'm gonna head out Trixie" You say, standing up from your chair in the kitchen
  365. >"One more thing before you go" She says, walking off to her room
  366. >After she re-enters the room, you see two objects floating behind her
  367. >Her hat and cape, except they've been refitted to match your proportions
  368. >"Trixie is giving you a spare set of her iconic attire" She says as she floats them over to you
  369. "Wow, Thanks Trixie! You say as you put them on, and then give her a big hug
  370. >"No need to thank Trixie, she is only being generous" She says as the hug ends
  371. "Well, i should probably be going, i'll see you tomorrow Trixie" You say, with a wave
  372. >"See you" She says, returning the gesture
  374. >And with that, you leave Trixie's cart/Moving apartment
  375. >Not only with new happiness, but newfound magical power as well
  376. >You also colored your horn after the practice routines, it's now a cool mix of Black, White, and Blue. Instead of it's original plain white
  377. >You're now on your way to Rarity's place to hang out with Sweetie Belle
  378. >At least you slept all night
  379. >As you enter the shop, you notice Rarity coming down the stairs
  380. "Hey Rarity!" You say with a big toothy smile
  381. >She looks you over until she meets your eyes
  382. >"Is that Trixie's Get-up?" She asks, tilting her head to the side
  383. "Yep, She gave me a spare set" You say turning to give her a good look "Pretty cool huh?"
  384. >"Is that a horn?" She asks, just now noticing it
  385. "Mhmm, apparently i had a lot of magic in me the whole time, She made it for me, and colored it"
  386. >She focuses on you for a bit, before going wide-eyed
  387. >"Oh my, that is a lot of magic" She says, flabbergasted
  388. "Just curious, how much?" You ask, scratching your head
  389. >"Almost as much as Twilight" She says, still in shock
  390. "Is that a lot?" You ask
  391. >"She's one of the most powerful Ponies in Equestria, in terms of magic"
  392. "Oh, ok"
  393. >She looks at you with curiosity at your response
  394. "Anyway, Sweetie Belle wanted to hang out today, is she here?"
  395. >"Yeah, i'll call her down. Sweetie Belle! Anon is here!"
  396. >A few moments later, you see Sweetie Belle at the top of the stairs
  397. "Hey Sweetie Belle, you still wanna hang out today?"
  398. >"Yep!" Is all she says as she descends the stairs
  399. >She's almost at the bottom, when she trips
  400. >Just before she makes impact, time slows
  401. >You feel your horn react, and you wrap Sweetie Belle in your magical aura, saving her from a nasty fall
  402. >You lift her the rest of the way, and gently set her on the floor
  403. >"You have Magic!?" She asks as she looks at you
  404. "Yep! it's all thank to Trixie" You say, giving another one of your patented, Ultra Soft smiles
  405. >"Cool! nice outfit too" she says, with a smile. an adorable one i might add
  406. "Thanks, you ready to go?"
  407. >"Mhmm"
  408. "See ya later Rarity, i'll come by to pick up those clothes later on"
  409. >"Bye Rarity" Sweetie Belle says, waving goodbye
  410. >"Be careful you two" Rarity says, waving as well
  411. "We will" you say as you turn and leave with your own wave
  413. >You two walk for a bit, and you look down at Sweetie, she seems happy
  414. "So, where are we going? You ask
  415. >"Sugarcube Corner!" She says, looking at you happily
  416. "I uhh, don't have any Bits" Trixie explained this strange currency to you during practice
  417. >"I got some! Don't worry about it" She says with a reassuring smile
  418. "Ok" You say, giving away yet another of your Limited-Edition, Super-Ultra-Mega-Soft smiles
  420. >You enter the place with a familiar jingle
  421. >The same mare at the counter as last time, only this time she's more surprised
  422. "Hi, we weren't properly introduced last time, my name is Anon, whats your name?"
  423. >"Mrs. Cake" She says with a smile "Where did you get the horn?" She asks
  424. "Trixie made it for me, apparently i'm almost as strong as Twilight in terms of Magic"
  425. >"Who told you that?" Mrs. Cake asks
  426. "Rarity"
  427. >They both look surprised
  428. >"Did you want something to eat?" She asks
  429. "Well, Sweetie Belle brought me here, what did you have in mind Sweetie?" You ask looking at her
  430. >"Hmmmm, We'll have the Lovers Cupcake!" She says, looking at Mrs. Cake with a smile
  431. >"Are you sure? we have plenty of other pastries to choose from" She says, slightly nervous
  432. >"I'm sure!" Sweetie Belle says, never dropping her smile
  433. >You look at Mrs. Cake and shrug
  434. >"That'll be 2 Bits" Mrs. Cake says with a smile
  435. >Sweetie pulls 2 Bits out of...Huh? where did those come from? oh well, you're in a land of colorful talking horses, 'nuff said
  436. >She goes to put the Bits on the counter, but is just too short
  437. >You use your new magical prowess to lift the two Dabloons the rest of the way
  438. >Again, they're both surprised
  439. >"I'll be right back with your order" She says, turning and walking to prepare it
  441. >When she emerges, she's giving you a strange look
  442. >"Here you are" She says, putting the cupcake on the counter
  443. "Thanks" Is all you say, as you obtain the pastry
  444. >Walking out of the place, you wonder where Sweetie would like to eat
  445. "Where do you want to eat?" You say, looking to her for a response
  446. >"Hmmm" She says, thinking intensely
  447. >"How about by that tree?" She says, pointing to the tree you and Vinyl were at
  448. >It must be a popular spot
  449. "Sure" You say, giving a smile
  451. >You make your way over, and sit next to each other
  452. >She wastes no time, taking a huge bite out of it, leaving a little less than half
  453. >When she downs that monster of a bite, she gives a cute smile, and then licks the icing that got on her
  454. >"Here you go!" She says, handing the rest to you
  455. "Thanks" You say, knowing you have to finish the rest in one bite
  456. >So you do. it was a struggle, and Sweetie Belle was laughing, as you barely avoid choking
  457. >You gasp for air after you finally finish it
  458. >As Sweetie Belle's giggling subsides, she gives a warm smile
  459. >"You know, you're supposed to kiss whoever you share it with" She says, averting her eyes
  460. >Really? Is that why Dash kissed you that time?
  461. "I had no idea" Is all you say
  462. >She meets your eyes
  463. >"Would you want to?" She says, blushing brightly
  464. >You don't see the harm in it. just a simple kiss after all
  465. "Sure" You say, giving a soft smile
  466. >Before you can react, she's already kissing you
  467. >You relax after a moment, before you feel her tongue on your lips
  468. >Uh-oh. You don't want to deny her, but... it would be weird right?
  469. >You've already come this far, you didn't even know about this part of the cupcake until she told you
  470. >So you meet her tongue with yours, she's surprised for a second, but starts enjoying it soon after
  471. >As the kiss ends, you're both panting heavily, and looking in each others eyes
  472. >After a bit, you both realize that you're staring, and quickly avert your gaze
  473. "Soo... thanks for the cupcake" Is all you say, embarrassed
  474. >Sweetie notices, and giggles
  475. >"No problem, thanks for the kiss~" She says in a sultry tone, with half-lidded eyes
  476. >You need to get out of here
  477. "No problem, i'm uhhh, gonna go pick up my clothes that Rarity made for me, catch you later!" You say, speed-walking away
  479. >You arrive at Rarity's place within a few minutes
  480. >Upon entering, you hear humming coming from upstairs
  481. >You decide to check it out
  482. >You see Rarity folding clothes, and she just finished by the looks of it
  483. "Hey Rarity" You say, to get her attention
  484. >"Oh, hi darling, i just finished up here. I made 5 of each, this includes casual wear, formal wear, and Very formal wear"
  485. >Very formal? why not
  486. "Wow, thanks a lot Rarity! though i don't have a place to keep them at the moment" You say
  487. >"Don't worry darling, you can leave them here and change into them whenever you like"
  488. "Ok, i think i'll try the formal wear" You say, giving a soft smile
  489. >"Sure thing, just change into it, and i'll clean what you're wearing at the moment"
  490. "Change right here?" You ask
  491. >"I don't see why not, it seems perfectly normal to me" She says, giving a smile
  492. "S-sure, ok" You say, regretting this decision
  493. >You walk up, and grab the formal wear
  494. >And then, You begin stripping... in front of Rarity... nothing embarrassing about this
  495. >"You're pretty muscular darling, do you work out?" She asks, teasingly
  496. "Sometimes" Is all you say, getting flustered
  497. >"There's nothing to be ashamed of darling, you're quite handsome actually" She says, giving a half-lidded stare
  498. "Oh, uhhh, thanks" You say, finally fully clothed
  499. >"Would you like to go out sometime? considering... you already went on a date with my sister"
  500. >How did she know?
  501. "Ummm, what do you mean?"
  502. >"I can be quite the detective at times, i also wanted to see if you would take care of her"
  503. "So you followed us?"
  504. >"Mhmm"
  505. >A little odd, but you can understand her concern
  506. >"I'll be willing to overlook this on one condition" She asks, never breaking eye contact
  507. "What would that be?" You ask, thinking this will be a big condition
  508. >"You never talk to Sweetie Belle again" She says
  509. >Are you kidding me?
  510. "I could never do that! She's too nice to just be ignored!" You shout, thinking this is outrageous
  511. >"What's going on?" You hear a soft voice ask
  512. >You turn, and see that it's Sweetie Belle
  513. >"Hey Sweetie, when did you get home?" Rarity asks, feigning innocence
  514. "About earlier Sweetie Belle, i didn't know about the kissing part of the Lovers Cupcake, i also didn't want to turn you down either. But Rarity says i shouldn't talk to you anymore. i was a little too forward, and i'm sorry" You say
  515. >"What?" Sweetie Belle asks, tearing up
  516. "Please don't cry Sweetie" You say, narrowly avoiding tearing up
  517. >Sweetie Belle's face turns from sad, to angry, and she walks up to Rarity
  518. >"What's the big idea Rarity!?" She asks angrily
  519. >"What?" Rarity asks, surprised
  520. >"I finally find somepony i like, and you just try to take them from me!?" She asks, fuming
  521. >"I was only doing what was right for you Sweetie" Rarity says, slightly nervous
  522. >"Watching my every move isn't right for me, what if somepony watched you all the time? even when you were with you're special somepony?"
  523. >Special somepony?
  524. >"Sweetie i-"
  525. >"Can it!" Sweetie Belle Interrupts "I'm gonna be with whoever i want no matter what you say, so you might as well stop watching me!" She says as she turns and leaves
  527. >When she's gone, you turn to Rarity
  528. "Damn, i'm sorry about that, i didn't think she would react that way" You say, honestly
  529. >Rarity turns to you and sighs
  530. >"It's my fault, i shouldn't be so strict with her" She says
  531. "I should probably leave, i'll see you later Rarity" You say, turning and leaving, not before you re-quip your magician attire of course
  532. >"Goodbye Anon"
  534. >You're now outside
  535. >That could've went better
  536. >You spot Minuette walking, and decide to go say hi
  537. >She looks at you as you approach
  538. "Hey Minuette! long time no see" You say, giving a soft smile
  539. >"Is that you Anon?" She asks
  540. "The one and only" You say, jokingly
  541. >She giggles a bit
  542. >"You... have a horn" She says
  543. "Yep, courtesy of Trixie" You say
  544. >"That's pretty generous of her, also her hat and cape? she never does stuff like that" She says
  545. "She wants me to help her with a magic show that she's performing tomorrow, i guess she wants me to be ready" You say
  546. >She puts a hoof to her chin, and thinks
  547. >"I'll be there" She says, giving a smile
  548. >You smile as well
  549. >"So, you wanna hang out?" She asks
  550. "Sure, what did you have in mind?" You ask
  551. >"Maybe a snack at Sugarcube Corner" She says, blushing ever so slightly, though a different shade, considering her color
  552. >Her color-scheme reminds you of a brand of toothpaste on earth. You're not gonna say that though
  553. "Ok" You say, with a smile
  555. >After a bit of walking, you eventually arrive
  556. >The jingling occurs, and you notice Mrs. Cake is still working the counter
  557. >Maybe no one else actually works here, who knows? you don't. of course it's only been a bit since you were last here
  558. "Hey there Mrs. Cake, been a while" You say, teasingly
  559. >"Hello again Anon, nice tuxedo" She says, playfully
  560. >You smile a soft smile
  561. "So, what would you like to have Minuette?" You ask, watching her ponder her options
  562. >"We'll have the Lovers Cupcake please" Minuette says with a smile
  563. >You look to Mrs. Cake, and her eye twitches slightly
  564. >"That'll be 2 bits" Is all she says
  565. >Minuette retrieves 2 bits from mallet-space, and places them atop the counter
  566. >"I'll be right back with your order" She says, retreating to prepare it
  567. >When she arrives, and sets it on the counter, you notice something
  568. >It has a number 3 candle on it
  569. "What's with the 3?" You ask, curiosly
  570. >"Ohh, don't worry about that dear" She says
  571. >She's never called you dear before. oh well
  572. >You acquire it with your magic, and head outside with Minuette
  573. "So, where to?" You ask
  574. >"Hmm, how about the meadow?"
  575. "Ok" You say
  577. >You both stop at an incline in the meadow, and sit down
  578. "So, what do you do? work-wise i mean" You say, to start a conversation
  579. >After she takes a bite, and swallows it, she responds
  580. >"I'm a Dentist actually" She says, reaching you the cupcake
  581. "Cool, you must make a good living, considering how much Ponies enjoy sweets" You say, taking a bite of your own
  582. >She giggles a bit
  583. >After you swallow your bite, she speaks up
  584. >"So, what did you do? on Earth?" She asks, as you hand her the cupcake
  585. "I was a pretty lazy guy to be honest, never got out much, just collected money that my parents gave me. i was really bored with life, and then i woke up here" You say, giving a smile
  587. >After a bit more small talk, the cupcake is gone
  588. "I don't know about you, but i don't want to eat that candle" You say, jokingly
  589. >She giggles at your joke
  590. "I'll dispose of it" You say, as you grip it with your magic
  591. >You lift it into the sky, and make like Vegeta, and cause some Dirty Fireworks
  592. >An impressive spectacle, if you do say so yourself. and you do
  593. >"Wooow~" She says, quite impressed
  594. "All done" You say, cockily (That's a word, right?)
  595. >"That's pretty impressive" She says
  596. "Thanks" You say, blushing a bit
  597. >"So, you're supposed to kiss whoever you share the Lovers Cupcake with" She says, looking in your eyes
  598. "So i've heard" You say
  599. >She giggles, before planting her lips on yours
  600. >You quickly return the kiss, and she prods your lips with her tongue
  601. >You see her tongue-styled fisticuffs, and raise her a hand on her neck, and another on her withers
  602. >She moans lightly, and places her hooves around your neck
  603. >After the kiss ends, you stare into those beautiful eyes of hers for a bit
  604. >You feel a strange sensation on the right side of your neck
  605. >You hear a sound, and the sensation ends
  606. >She gasps
  607. >"Is that... a Cutie Mark?" she asks
  608. "What's a Cutie Mark?" You ask, confused
  609. >"It's a symbol, it correlates to your personality, or talent" (I totally didn't research this JUST now) "Yours is a black, white, and blue heart" She explains
  610. "Wow, that's pretty neat, same color as my horn. it is my favorite combination of colors after all, so that's the reason i guess. though i'm not exactly sure why it's a heart" You say
  611. >"Hmmm, maybe a love of some kind" She says, pondering
  612. "Maybe" You say, in thought as well
  613. "I guess i should head back now, it's been fun" You say, finally ending the embrace, and standing "Also, your mouth was minty. pretty tasty" You say, teasingly
  614. >She blushes brightly
  615. >"Thanks, i guess" She says, embarrassed "I should go as well" She says, rising to her hooves "See ya around Anon" She says, with a smile
  616. "See ya" You say, smiling and waving
  618. >You're now back in Ponyville
  619. >You also have a Cutie Mark now
  620. >Yay
  621. >As you're walking, you hear something approaching
  622. >Looking towards the noise, you see a scooter with a filly at the helm
  623. >Before you have a chance to move, they crash into you
  624. >You catch them in your arms as they make impact, so they don't get hurt
  625. >You hit your back with a thud, and slide a few feet before stopping. effectively dirtying your cape
  626. "Are you alright? that was a pretty nasty crash" You ask, looking at the filly in your arms
  627. >They look at you for a bit, no doubt wondering what you are
  628. >"What ARE you?" She asks
  629. >Question of the Daaaaaaaaaay
  630. "My name is Anon, i'm a Human from the planet Earth" You say
  631. >"Yeah, i'm okay i think. i dunno about my scooter though" She says, looking towards it
  632. "I can fix it" You say, setting the filly on the ground
  633. >After standing, you use a spell to clean yourself off
  634. >You walk over and inspect the scooter
  635. >It seem the pole came unattached from the rest of it
  636. >Nothing a little magic won't fix
  637. >You grip it in your magic, and cast a spell on the the two parts, melding them together
  638. >You turn the pole a few times, to see if it's functional
  639. >And it is!
  640. "All better" You say, giving a soft smile
  641. >"Wow, thanks Anon!" She says, giving a bright smile
  642. "No problem. what's your name by the way?" You ask
  643. >"Scootaloo" She says
  644. "It's nice to meet you Scootaloo" You say, with a warm smile
  645. >"You too" She says
  646. >"Wait, is that a Cutie Mark?" She asks, looking at your neck
  647. "Yep, i just got it a bit ago" You say
  648. >"Cool! i wish i had my Cutie Mark" She says, looking down a bit
  649. "I have an easy solution to that" You say, to get her attention
  650. >"Really?" She asks, hopeful
  651. "Mhmm, just think about your passion, and that you want a Cutie Mark involving it" You say
  652. >"Ok" She says, then begins thinking
  653. >After a bit, you hear a familiar sound
  654. >She gasps "It Worked!" She says, looking at her flank
  655. >She jumps into your arms, and starts hugging you
  656. >"Thank you so much Anon!" She says, nuzzling her head into your chest
  657. >She looks up into your eyes
  658. >"Do you want to go on a-"
  659. >"Hey Scootaloo! who's your friend?" A small voice asks
  660. >Looking over, you see another filly
  661. >"Hey Applebloom!" Scootaloo says, jumping down "This is Anon, a Human from the planet Earth" She explains
  662. "It's nice to meet you Applebloom" You say, with a soft smile
  663. >"Anon helped me get my Cutie Mark!" She says, showing Applebloom her flank
  664. >"Really!?" She asks
  665. "Yeah, just think about your passion, and how you would like a Cutie Mark involving it" You say
  666. >"Ah'll try" She says
  667. >After a bit, it works, she gasps as well
  668. >"Ah can't believe it worked!" She says, surprised
  669. >After a moment, she looks at you
  670. >"How would you like 'ta go on a date with me Anon?" Applebloom asks, giving a slightly sultry stare
  671. >These Ponies are savage Yo!
  672. >Scootaloo looks devastated
  673. >"I was about to ask him that too" Scootaloo says, looking down
  674. "Hey, i can take you both on a date, how's that sound?" You say, putting on a warm smile
  675. >"Really?" They both ask, looking to you
  676. "Yep" You say, with a comforting smile "So, where do you girls wanna to go?" You ask
  677. >"Sugarcube Corner!" They both say
  678. >How are you not surprised
  680. >After a bit of walking, you arrive at your most visited place
  681. >Jingle Jangle
  682. >Mrs. Cake is at the counter, obviously
  683. >She notices your trio after you enter
  684. >Her eye AND her head twitches
  685. >"What can i get for you three?" She asks, giving you an odd look
  686. >"One Lovers Cupcake please!" Applebloom says, with a smile
  687. >Mrs. Cake's face flushes, but she quickly recovers
  688. >"That'll be 2 bits" She says. you swear there was two tones in her voice. must be your imagination
  689. >Applebloom procures 2 bits from the Ether, and expertly tosses them onto the counter in a stack
  690. >"I'll be right back with your order~" She says, in a sing-songy, and slightly more prevalent two-toned voice
  691. >She disappears quickly out of sight
  692. >When she reappears, she sets the cupcake on the counter. it has an eerie 5 on it this time
  693. >And a fucking Huge flame!
  694. "What the-" You say, and then aim your palm at the flame, and produce a wave of air to extinguish it
  695. >"Pretty impressive, Lover Boy" She says
  696. >Lover Boy? how is that a term here?
  697. >No more words are said as you leave with the cupcake
  699. >"What was her deal?" Scootaloo asks
  700. "Rough day" You say "So, where should we eat?" You ask
  701. >"I dunno" Scootaloo says, as she retrieves her scooter from the side of the building "Where do you think we should eat Applebloom?" She asks
  702. >"Hmmm, how about that bench?" She asks, pointing to the bench that you and Dash ate at
  703. "Sure" You say, then the three of you head over to it
  704. >Scootaloo leans her scooter against the side of the building, before joining you and Applebloom
  705. >Applebloom sitting on your left, and Scootaloo on your right
  706. >The three of you make quick work of the cupcake
  707. >"Ok, time to kiss~" Applebloom says, and puckers her lips
  708. >"No fair! i want to kiss him first!" Scootaloo says, adamant
  709. >Before they can say anything else, you pull them both in, and kiss them at the same time
  710. >They're both surprised, but quickly relinquish their tongues from their mouths, and poke your lips
  711. >With some hesitation, you return the favor with your own tongue. engaging in a very weird three-way kiss
  712. >They're blushing brightly at the thought of their tongues connecting with each other
  713. >After the kiss ends, and you all recover, you dispose of the candle with some more fireworks, Extra flashy.
  714. >"Oooh~" They both say at the sight
  715. >You also mention the magic show that you'll be performing with Trixie tomorrow
  716. >Upon lowering your eyes from the sky, you notice a Pony with a Yellow mane and tail. And a fucking awesome Hat!
  717. >"Who might you be?" The mare asks
  718. >"This is Anon, he's a Human from a place called Earth" Applebloom says "He just went on a date with me and Scootaloo" She also says
  719. >"Did he now?" She asks, making eye contact
  720. >Uh-oh, what if they're related? they both have southern accents after all
  721. >"He also helped us get our Cutie Marks!" Scootaloo says
  722. >"Mhmm" Applebloom agrees
  723. >The mare stares at them in disbelief upon noticing their Cutie Marks
  724. >"That'" Is all she says, at a loss for words
  725. "So, uhhh, w-what's your name?" you ask, nervously looking at her
  726. >"Applejack" she says
  727. "N-nice to meet you Applejack" You say, sweating lightly
  728. >"Why're y'all so nervous?" She asks, tilting her head slightly
  729. "Me? i'm not nervous, w-why would i be nervous?" You say, very visibly sweating now
  730. >"Are ya okay Anon?" Applebloom asks, concerned
  731. >"Yeah, you're not looking too good" Scootaloo says, with a worried tone
  732. "I'm fine girls, really" You say, looking to each of them
  733. >"Walk with me Anon" Applejack says
  734. >You hesitantly stand after looking at Scootaloo and Applebloom
  736. >You come up with a spell that can hide your horn, you just have to focus on it for it to reappear. Though you can still cast spells even with it hidden. You don't know why, you just have a feeling you should hide it, even if for just a bit. It also allows you to wear your hat a little more comfortably
  737. >After a little walking, she speaks up
  738. >"So, explain 'ta me who you are again?" She says
  739. "My name is Anon, i come from a planet called Earth. i woke up here yesterday" You explain
  740. >"Yesterday? and ya already went on a date with mah sister?" She asks
  741. >Her sister
  742. "Umm, she asked Me actually, after she got her Cutie Mark" You say
  743. >"Then why was Scootaloo there?" She asks
  744. "She asked for a date as well, so i went with both of them" You say, simply
  745. >"Just curious, what did y'all eat?" She asks
  746. >You gulp silently before answering
  747. "The Lovers Cupcake" You say
  748. >She stops
  749. >"Ya know you're supposed 'ta kiss whoever you share it with" She says
  750. "Yeah" You say, flatly
  751. >"Who'd ya kiss first?" She asks, with genuine curiosity
  752. "I kissed them both at the same time actually" You say, bluntly
  753. >"Oh!" She says, surprised
  754. >"Hey Applejack!" A cheery voice calls out
  755. >Upon looking, you spot a Pink Pony trotting towards you
  756. >After closing the distance, she looks at you in awe
  757. >Even drooling a little bit, which she quickly corrects
  758. >"You okay Pinkie?" Applejack asks, concerned
  759. >"Yeah! i'm fine. Who are you?" Pinkie asks
  760. "My name is Anon, a Human from the planet Earth" You say, giving a smile. Though you wish you didn't have to keep using that greeting
  761. "What's your name?" You ask
  762. >"My name is Pinkamena Diane Pie, but you can call me Pinkie Pie!" She says, smiling
  763. >"We'll finish talking later Anon" Applejack says, giving you one last look before walking off
  764. >She wasn't as angry as you were expecting
  765. >"So, Ano-" Pinkie starts
  766. >"Umm, hi" Someone says
  767. >Turning around to find the culprit, you see a Green unicorn
  768. "Hey, what's your name?"
  769. >"L-lyra Heartstrings" She manages
  770. >You smile softly
  771. "It's nice to meet you Lyra, my name is Anon" You say, extending your hand for a shake
  772. >She's shocked for a moment, then grabs your hand in both hooves
  773. >She begins closely inspecting it
  774. >You don't mind it. at least this is the first time this is happening
  775. >You start wiggling your fingers
  776. >She gasps
  777. "So, is this some kind of pony greeting i don't know of?" You tease
  778. >"Y-yeah! Nopony does it anymore, hehe" She says, a bead of sweat rolling down her face
  779. "No wonder, it takes forever" You say, smirking
  780. >She doesn't relent
  781. "This is a greeting from my world" You say, holding the underside of her right hoof
  782. >You then kneel down and plant a kiss on top of it
  783. "Vous êtes étrange, mais qui vous rend unique. Ne laissez personne vous dire le contraire, Lyra Heartstrings" You say, winking at the end
  784. >She's blushing brightly, and breathing faster
  785. >She faints
  786. >You catch her before she impacts
  787. >You pick her up and cradle her in your arms
  788. >You notice that Pinkie is gone
  789. "Hey, wake up" You say, gently shaking her
  790. >After a bit she comes to
  791. "Hey, you alright to walk?" You ask, looking in her eyes
  792. >"No" She says, shaking her head weakly
  793. "Ok, where's your house?"
  795. >You finally arrive at her house
  796. >She magics the door open
  797. >You didn't like the way it looked at you anyway
  798. >Being all like "Bruh, you ain't gettin' through here without them hands"
  799. >You wonder why you didn't use magic also
  800. >You make sure to glare at it as you pass
  801. "Next time" You silently say to yourself
  802. >The door slams behind you, causing you both to yelp and hold each other
  803. "Did you do that?"
  804. >"No, must've been the wind" She says, still shaken up
  805. "Can you walk now?" You ask, looking into her eyes
  806. >Wow, her eyes are really pretty
  807. >"Yeah... Thanks for the lift" She says, never breaking eye contact
  808. >You should probably set her down now
  809. >You set her down gently
  810. "No problem, that's what friends are for" You say, smiling softly

Yandere Thread - Yandere Applejack (completed)

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