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Windy Whisoles (2024 Windy Whistles Mothers Day foot fetish)

By Lego
Created: 2024-05-12 07:17:34
Expiry: Never

  1. You weren’t quite sure how those three little troublemakers did it. You were also unsure how living in the clouds was possible. As well as why they never chose to live on the ground like normal people.
  3. You were unsure of a lot of things, but you WERE sure that slingshot the Cutie Mark Crusaders built worked its magic once again, launching you into the stratosphere and landing you right next to where you needed to be, uninjured and with your camera still intact in your pocket.
  5. Rainbow Dash’s old house, where her mother lived.
  7. And speaking of Rainbow Dash’s mother, Windy Whistles, you spotted her looming above you, concerned, as you recovered from your fall onto the clouds.
  9. “Is that Rainbow Dash’s other biggest fan I see? Nice of you to drop in, sweetheart,” she giggled, reaching down to help you up.
  11. “HAH…never heard that one before,” you laughed, standing back up shakily.
  13. “Well, sweetheart, you did a great job landing! And surprising little old me with a visit today!” Windy exclaimed, giving you a tight hug. Of course, being the gentleman you are, you returned it with greater force, enjoying the feeling of her curvy body against yours.
  15. “C’mon in, Anon, I’m not doing anything today! Dashie’s biggest fan is always welcome!”
  17. You followed the excited mother into her fancy cloud-house. “Am I gonna get one of your famous fresh pasta-potato-sourdough sandwiches with my Rainbow Dash storytime today?”
  19. She grinned back at you as she led you straight to a door that, when opened, let out a sound effect akin to angels singing. Her bare foot nudged against one of your legs, causing you to tense slightly.
  21. “Are you sure that’s the only other thing you want from me today?” she murmured, raising her eyebrows.
  23. Those cloud-walking women. They knew. They knew that those with YOUR particular affinity could be teased, played with, messed with. Windy was no exception to that rule.
  25. Why did they all have to walk barefoot?
  27. “We’ll see, Anon. We’ll see…” she finished, as she opened up the wooden door. Trophies, medals, pictures of Rainbow Dash herself all lined the green walls. A giant rainbow chandelier adorned with large star-bulbs hung in the centre of the room, and there was even a giant rug with the face of Windy’s amazing daughter woven into it.
  29. “Woooow…I can never get enough of this place, she wins EVERYTHING, huh?” you said, closing the door behind you and silencing the choir-like sound effect.
  31. “Isn’t this place just wonderful? Dashie is the best daughter in the world! If she ever comes back home again from her Wonderbolt tour, I’ll let you know so you could finally meet her!”
  33. Your eyes lit up. “You’d…do that for me? Let me meet the one and only?”
  35. Windy Whistles sat down in a chair in the corner of the room. “It’s the least I could do for such a big fan…and for someone as handsome as you.”
  37. You scratched your head, chuckling quietly. “H-heh…I’m not the only one, I can see where Dashie gets her good looks from…”
  39. Windy’s cheeks went a soft shade of red, taking a photo album from a nearby cardboard box. “Alright, alright, Anon…let’s not get TOO distracted, I did promise to read more of Dashie’s stories…”
  41. As you placed your camera by a large trophy behind you, you sat down on the rug in front of her, your eyes wandering to her bare feet for a split second. Her wonderful-looking toes curled gently, one sole exposed to you, one planted on the rug. They looked like they hadn’t seen a surface in years, untouched by the ravages of time or nature.
  43. But that was what happened when you mostly walked on clouds.
  45. As Windy regaled you with the history of her wonderful young daughter, you slowly began to reach out to her one soft foot. You just had to feel it, even if only for a little, to hold yourself over for a moment.
  47. “…After that, she chose Ponyville’s team over Cloudsdale’s, and I couldn’t be…ehem, sweetheart, are you paying attention to my Rainbow and how great she is, or is something else on your mind?” she finished, with a small smirk on her face. She allowed your hand to brush against her baby-soft sole for just a moment, before pulling it away.
  49. “Oh, oh no Windy, I wasn’t zoning out or anything, I promise…I love hearing about Dashie’s story!” you assured her, quickly snapping out of your trance.
  51. But Windy Whistles knew you a little too well. She knew why you always had to sit on the rug. You could see it in her eyes, which were travelling down your body and between your legs.
  53. She stretched out her legs so both soles were then exposed. Her toes scrunched and splayed, teasing you with rather sinful thoughts of what you would do to them.
  55. “Well, we can certainly see if that’s true,” Windy said, her tone becoming more playful. One of her feet pushed up against your rather obvious bulge, ever so gently, her big toe rubbing against the tip.
  57. “Nnnghh…” you groaned, your shaft straining tightly against the front of your pants.
  59. Windy’s toes clasped around the button, and undid it with ease in an amazing show of toe-dexterity. “If you’ve been paying attention, I might let you REALLY have some fun with them…”
  61. Down your zipper went with the assistance of her toes, just like the button, allowing your dripping cock to spring free of its confines. The bottom of her right foot ever so gently pushed against your now-bare length.
  63. “I know you can do it.”
  65. She knew just how to motivate you, to drive you.
  67. “Now, sweetheart, what’s Dashie’s least favourite dessert?” she asked.
  69. You were her biggest fan. That one was easy, so your cock twitched while you shouted, “Pie! Th-the flakes and gooeyness weren’t her thing.”
  71. Her curvy, warm sole increased the pressure on you, pinning your member to your body. “Not half bad, sweetie, she’s the greatest pie-hater in the world…now, what’s the name of her pet tortoise? C’mon, you can do it!”
  73. “Tha-aahhh, that’s easy…it’s TANK…I AM h-her biggest fan, I know EVERYTHING about Dashie,” you moaned out. Both of her silky soles clutched onto your member, really starting to work you up. Your hips involuntarily bucked against the grip of her feet, your body flooded with pleasure.
  75. “Mm, well, sweetheart…that’s all well and good, but are you sure you know EVERYTHING about my little Dashie? Did you know she could do THIS?" Windy said.
  77. Windy got up off the chair, laying on her belly on the rug behind you. She instructed you to turn around for her, and then extended her legs up across her back, until her smooth bare feet reached past her head to grab your hardened cock. Your jaw dropped at the amazing display of flexibility, twitching between the sides of her feet while her toes curled to show off.
  79. No, you did NOT know that her daughter could do that. And ESPECIALLY didn't know that her mother was just as capable.
  81. Your breathing turned shallow and erratic, placing your hands on the tops of her feet so you could begin thrusting between the silky surfaces. "W...Windy, wh-what kind of superpowers..."
  83. Just then, Rainbow Dash's loving mother collapsed onto the carpet, facing downwards and gasping for air. You quickly knelt down to help her, tipping her chin up to reveal a sheepish grin. Windy's blushing face was sweating as much as yours as she caught her breath.
  85. "Hah, sorry, Anon...guess I can't hold it as long as my little Dashie. Don't you ever get old, you hear me?" she panted, facing her body away from you. Her slightly-faded sky blue soles faced upwards, crossing over one another.
  87. Your hands moved to hold onto the tops of Windy's feet, bringing them upwards so they were at a more...appropriate height for your position. "I don't wanna hear you saying that stuff about yourself...after all, a fine wine takes time to-OH!"
  89. While you were giving her some words of encouragement, her blue soles escaped your grasp and pressed together firmly against your throbbing member. You jumped at the sudden jolt of pleasure, the warm embrace of her silky soles swiftly pushing you back towards the edge.
  91. "Hehehe, I suppose a little of this will have to do as your prize…” Windy giggled. She crossed her arms and rested her head in them, completely relaxed. But despite her body being at rest, her legs and feet were continuing to work you over like it was nothing.
  93. Not even looking back at you to watch what she was doing, her soles skillfully began to circle the sides of your pulsing member. You continued to gawk like a freak while Windy Whistles pressed her toes together, sliding her unbelievably soft feet back and forth so her toes teased you from base to tip.
  95. She continued to flip through the pages of the scrapbook, reading off her best memories of Rainbow Dash and all the self-created awards she was able to give her daughter. Her eyes never left the pages, but her graceful feet continued to glide across your twitching dick as if her attention was fully on you.
  97. "...So that's when my darling daughter became Best Eater of Carrots for the eighteenth year in a row...oh, are you about to cum, sweetheart? Did I keep you too long?" she inquired, glancing back at you.
  99. "W-Windy, pleeease..." you groaned out, your head hazy with pleasure.
  101. Suddenly, her feet crossed over one another, tightly sandwiching you between one sole of her foot and one top, firmly jerking you back and forth. Your knees suddenly felt weak and you fell backwards, not able to kneel properly anymore.
  103. "Goooo Anon! You can do it!!" she cheered.
  105. Not much later, the skill of Windy's sexy, curvy feet became too much to handle. You grabbed both sets of her cute blue toes, holding them together while you thrust through the warm space between her feet. With one last push, you let your head lean back, your cock twitching wildly as you unleashed your thick, pent-up load all over them. First spurt on her one exposed heel. Second on the one lower sole, which slowly dripped down to her toes.
  107. Dashie's mother quickly rolled onto her side, leaning on one elbow as her feet slid up and down your now seed-coated length. Her new positioning allowed the third shot, and every one thereafter, to soak more of the surface area of her toes and her soles.
  109. "Anonymous, my number one lover! I wish I had a ribbon to give you!" she gushed, wiggling the toes that were covered in your warm essence. Windy then gave you the most delightful smile, one full of pride for you and your rather lewd accomplishment.
  111. "Hah, uh, thanks Windy," you replied, blushing.
  113. "Take a picture, sweetheart, a little extra prize for Dashie’s biggest fan. It'll be good for the scrapbook of all the ladies you're gonna pull!" Windy said, handing you the nearby camera.
  115. You didn't think she should go THAT far, but nonetheless, you felt like a bit of a stud, so you took her up on her offer. One flash later, and out rolled a developed photo of WIndy Whistles giving you a seductive grin, with a focus on her cum-coated soles facing towards you.
  117. Boy, your point of view in the photo was glorious.
  119. "Oh that pic looks AMAZING! I wish I had another ribbon to give you, Anon, the number one photographer! It's like you've been doing this all your life!" she said as you handed it to her.
  121. You placed down the camera and retrieved your new...material, from Windy, laying on your stomach next to her. "So...I know this isn't a HISTORY question per se, but since you think I'd actually get enough girls to fill a scrapbook..."
  123. "Yes, sweetheart?"
  125. “I just have to know one more thing about her…do you think Rainbow’s feet are as nice as yours?"
  127. Windy blushed hard, curling her toes and laying a foot against one of yours, but nodded. "Oh, Dashie's feet? They're the best in the WORLD! SUPER ticklish, she was always such a giggly little girl. I even tried to get her to come to the spa with me, but she always said she didn't like when her friends or anyone else touched them..."
  129. You had a feeling you'd be listening to a little history lesson for quite a while, so you placed an arm around Rainbow Dash's mom, settling in comfortably while she gushed over and over about her daughter's adorable feet.

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