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Diamond Tickles (2015 Diamond Tiara tickling/foot fetish)

By Lego
Created: 2021-06-02 20:44:18
Expiry: Never

  1. >You are Anonymous.
  2. >You are goddamn pissed.
  3. >So goddamn pissed.
  4. >You were planning on asking Scootaloo out to the dance at the schoolhouse in three days.
  5. >Then what do you know, a certain pressurized carbon silver female crown lover had to come fuck it up.
  6. >For non-chemists, Diamond Tiara.
  7. >Back to the point, she went out of her way to get between you two and blurt out the time you were staring at Sweetie Belle's feet to everyone.
  8. >You're grateful Scootaloo is too kind to make fun of you, but she was weirded out.
  9. >Needless to say, you are now a laughing stock of most students.
  10. >That was 20 minutes ago, at lunch.
  11. >You are now matching Diamond's smug grin with an angry stare in math.
  12. >You always hated math anyway.
  13. >Eventually you realize Cheerilee has been calling on you.
  14. >"Pay attention, Anonymous!! What is 60 divided by 12?!"
  15. "Oh, uhh, 5!!"
  16. >"Correct."
  17. >You want revenge, so you will have to plan while pretending to pay attention.
  18. >How does Cheerilee not notice Diamond staring back at you like that?
  19. >Eventually school lets out.
  20. >Instead of going home to play PC games like you normally do, you spot Diamond, your target.
  21. >You've had two hours to scheme, and you're now carrying out step one:find where she lives.
  22. >You follow her from a safe distance across Ponyville, eventually arriving at quite a large mansion.
  23. >She pulls a key from one of the statues out front, and lets herself in.
  24. >Now you know where she lives, and how to get in her house, so you head home to relax.
  25. >Dawn of the second day, 48 hours remain.
  26. >You get up extra early to witness Diamond leave her house for the dress shop, as there is a sale going on.
  27. >Why you know that, you hear many things from a school with 80% girls.
  28. >Your parents won't mind, because you have been self-sufficient ever since you arrived to this planet and tricked that Diamond Dog.
  29. >Plus, your parents did not get pulled here.
  30. >But you attended school anyways, because the so-called 'Cutie Mark Crusaders' brought you there, and you were too beta to refuse.
  31. >As soon as Diamond leaves with Silver Spoon, you take the key from the statue and go to the United Pony Senders,
  32. >Derpy manages to cut a copy of the key the right way.
  33. >You rush back to Diamond's house and put the key back, just in time to hear her.
  34. >"Yeah Silver, daddy is on a business trip for a week, he won't know."
  35. >Silver just nods.
  36. >Sometimes you wonder if Silver Spoon really is a jerk or not.
  37. >Never mind that, you rush back to your house and get that pile of extension cords you found on the street, since you thought they would be useful for charging your laptop.
  38. >Now you wait.
  39. >It is now 2:00 A.M., so you rush to Diamond's house, with your toolbox.
  40. >You let yourself in, and creep up the marble stairs, to her room, distinguishable by the pink door.
  41. >You find her peacefully sleeping, one leg out of the covers, showing her bare, beautiful pink foot.
  42. >Quickly and quietly, you pull the covers off her legs, and carefully tie her ankles to the bedposts with the extension cords, as well as spread her wrists out.
  43. >You get them tied to the back feet of the bed just in time for her to wake up.
  44. >"AAHH!! Anon?!? What are you doing, you big loser?!? UNTIE ME NOW!!!"
  45. "Oh Diamond, you should know better than to bully me like that. Scream all you want, no one will hear you."
  46. >"B-but what are you doing?!"
  47. "I'll show you..."
  48. >You put your toolbox on the bed and grab her right foot.
  49. >"Eww, get your hand off my foot, weirdo!"
  50. "Wow, your feet are so soft and must get them done often..."
  51. >You slowly drag your finger up her foot, and it tries to jerk away.
  52. >"N-no, don't!! Please!!"
  53. >You ignore her and start scribbling your fingers across her small pink foot.
  54. >She is already in giggling fits.
  55. >You grab it tighter and tickle it harder, which sends her into hysterics.
  56. >Not taking your eyes off her wiggling toes, you stop for a moment to search in your toolbox.
  57. >"You'd...better...stop...touching my feet..."
  58. >You get a few feathers out and hold them menacingly close to her left foot.
  59. "Now, we can't leave this one unattended now, can we?"
  60. >"No, no feathers!!!"
  61. >You start sawing four feathers held between your fingers into the sensitive spaces between her little toes.
  62. >She starts screaming and laughing, making death threats at you.
  63. >You pay no mind to this, but you do notice a problem.
  64. "Diamond, I can't make you laugh if you keep trying to pull away and curl your toes...let me see if there's something that can help..."
  65. >"No...stop tickling me...I've had enough...I'll do anything..."
  66. >You start searching through her closet.
  67. "Already broken? Wow, I thought you would last longer..."
  68. >You find a pair of stocks in her closet and pull them out.
  69. >A look of fear dominates Diamond's face as you attach the stocks to her bed.
  70. >"Wh-what're you doing now?"
  71. >You untie her soft feet and grab her ankles, despite her struggling, and you manage to get both her feet locked in them.
  72. >You can't stop staring at them...
  73. >Two completely bare, helpless, sensitive feet in front of you, yours to play with as you please.
  74. >You snap out of your hypnosis, and despite her protests, take out pieces of string from your toolbox, and tie her toes to the board tightly.
  75. >Now she can't move her feet or curl her toes.
  76. >"Nonono, please, I'm sorry for everything, no more!!!
  77. "Dont worry, sweet Diamond...I'll give you a nice little luxury while you're mine..."
  78. >You take out some lotion, and start squeezing her lovable feet.
  79. >Of course, this isn't for her pleasure, even though she's sighing in relief, as the tingles in her tormented feet slowly calm down.
  80. >Her eyes shoot open as you give the ball of her foot a kiss.
  81. >"Wh-wha-what did you do that for, weirdo?"
  82. "Because you have such cute feet...I can't help it."
  83. >A stunned and slightly disgusted silence comes from her.
  84. >You ignore that, and make sure every inch of her tender feet is covered in lotion, from the heels to the toes.
  85. >You sit there for a bit, satisfied with your work, and you rake your fingers up her soles once again, sending her into helpless giggles again.
  86. >This time you take out combs from your toolbox, and drag them up and down, from heel to sole, and she screams in laughter.
  87. >That lotion really worked wonders on her peds.
  88. >She's laughing at least twice as hard now.
  89. >As you start scraping forks over her arches, you wonder if you should carry out what you're currently thinking.
  90. >Her feet just don't seem to be enough to tickle...
  91. >After the hysteric screaming, you give her a small break from the nerve titillation, and sit at the side of her bed.
  92. >"Th...there, you had your fun...let me go feet can't take any more..."
  93. "Oh no Diamond, we're not done yet, isn't this fun?"
  94. >She shudders as you undo a button on her pajamas.
  95. >"Wait, what are you doing?! Stop!"
  96. >You take a blindfold out of the toolbox and put it over her eyes, despite her yelling.
  97. >You slowly unbutton her pajama top, and slide her pajama pants down to her ankles, exposing much of her restrained, struggling form.
  98. >"No!! You did enough to me!!! Please no more!!"
  99. >You slowly trace your fingers over her belly, swirling a feather in her belly button.
  100. >All she can do is shake a little bit and laugh hard.
  101. >Tears start streaming out of her eyes as you start tickling her sides with your fingertips, raking your fingers all the way up to her armpits.
  102. >You spend quite an amount of time tormenting her soft armpits, poking them with quills, scribbling your fingers deep into them, even using electric toothbrushes on them.
  103. >No sound is coming out, she's laughing so hard.
  104. >You smile deviously as you give her one more break.
  105. >"P-please...I promise...if you stop now...I'll never bother you again..."
  106. "I would tickle you forever if i could...but I'm not evil like you are. Let's finish this off."
  107. >"Thank you...Ano-hahahahahahaha!!!"
  108. >You interrupt her by raspberrying her belly and tickling her inner thighs with more feathers.
  109. >You slowly drag them up and down, and the laughter turns to moans and giggles.
  110. >She weakly struggles and moans loudly, giggling hard as you go slower.
  111. >One more stroke sends her over the edge, and her panties get soaked with her juices.
  112. >You hug and kiss her feet, deciding enough was enough.
  113. >You release her from the stocks and cords, witnessing her lose all her energy and pass out.
  114. >You re-dress her, take your toolbox, take off her blindfold, and leave the house, locking the door behind you.
  115. >Dawn of the third day, 24 hours remain.
  116. >You are in your house, playing Moonscape when you hear a knock on the door.
  117. >You get up from your slayer task and answer the door to find...Diamond Tiara?!
  118. >"Um...Anon...listen, can I come in...?"
  119. "Sure Diamond, what do you need?"
  120. >She comes in and sits on your couch, and takes off her shoes, looking down at her feet.
  121. >"I didn't like what you did last night at first, but...I kind of had it that I think about it, it was kind of fun...especially the end..."
  122. "I'm sorry for doing it, but I was-what?"
  123. >"Anyway...since I drove your would-be date you want to go to the dance with me, maybe? I promise I'll be good..."
  124. "I'll give it a shot."
  125. >She smiles and kisses your cheek.
  126. >"I feel so much happier for some reason, Anon...that really helped. Anyway, I have to go now, and make myself beautiful, bye!"
  127. >She takes her sandals and rushes out the door before you can say anything.
  128. >Now you have a reformed bully as a date.
  129. >Feelsgoodman.jpg
  131. -End

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