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Dare To Love Her (2015 Daring Do foot fetish)

By Lego
Created: 2021-06-02 20:38:19
Expiry: Never

  1. >You are Anon.
  2. >Adventurer extraordinaire.
  3. >On your travels, you managed to partner up with the most famous explorer, Daring Do.
  4. >You also have grown a secret admiration for her, and her lovely lower extremities.
  5. >Wait, why are you thinking to yourself?! You have a temple to escape!
  6. >Daring Do leads you our of the collapsing structure while you hear a faint "CURSE YOU DARING DO!!"
  7. >You both make it out of the tumbling ziggurat, with an artefact you have both been chasing for years, the Ruby Chalice.
  8. >"Whew....we did it...thanks for the help Anon, couldn't have done it without you."
  9. >"No problem Daring, let's find an area to camp though, it's getting dark."
  10. >You both trek back into the forest, for about a mile, until you find a clearing, in which you set up camp.
  11. >Daring lights a fire, pulls over a log to sit on next to yours, and hands you some strange purple fruit that she first found on a bush in this forest.
  12. >You both eat your dinner of fruit, and store the chalice in your tent.
  13. >You start getting nervous at how close she is sitting to you, as you always do.
  14. >For the first time, Daring takes notice of this.
  15. >"Anon, you alright? You look kind of sweaty..."
  16. >Activate beta fag mode.
  17. >"Oh uhh...yeah, yeah, just thought i heard a bug..."
  18. >Daring laughs and scoots closer, placing an arm around your shoulder.
  19. >"Aww, is poor Anon scared of a beetle or two?"
  20. >You're blushing. Hard.
  21. >"Anon...seriously, tell me, what's with the red face? We've been wandering around, retrieving artefacts for like 7 months, you can let me know if there's something wrong..."
  22. >Should you tell her the truth?
  23. >Fuck it, she'll still be your friend.
  24. >Activate alpha fag mode.
  25. >"Daring...fine, here's the truth...I got a crush on you, and yeah...You steal more than just artefacts from ancient temples, you've stolen my heart too."
  26. >"Awww, is that all? I thought something was really wrong."
  27. >"Wait, don't think I'm creepy or anything?"
  28. >"Not at all, Anon, I think you're pretty hot too. Plus you're a great and strong partner. So why would I say no?"
  29. >You are at first taken aback, but then love takes over and you pull her close, and sit in front of the fire for a while.
  30. >"Anon, should we go get some rest now?"
  31. >"Yeah...let's go."
  32. >You both go into your tent, and you try not to watch as Daring pulls off her boots and socks, revealing her shapely, surprisingly silky looking feet.
  33. >"Night Anon, see you tomorrow, love."
  34. >You kiss for a brief moment, and Daring dozes off, and all you can do until then is look at her pretty face.
  35. >Once you're sure she is asleep, you crawl to the bottom of her sleeping bag, and unzip it quietly.
  36. >You immediately smell a faint aroma of sweat and exotic plants, and slowly pull her perfectly shaped and soft tan feet until they're fully revealed to you.
  37. >You carefully start massaging her right sole and exploring her toes with your tongue.
  38. >She starts squirming and moaning in her sleep.
  39. >You immediately stop and get back in your bag, trying to hide your hardness.
  40. >She lies still once again, so you go and nibble her toes carefully.
  41. >Little do you know she is awake and watching you.
  42. >"Anon?"
  43. >You jolt and remove yourself from her feet.
  44. >"Uhh...I can explain, I uhh..."
  45. >She puts a finger to your lips.
  46. >"If you really liked my feet, you could have just asked. I've seen weirder things."
  47. >You sit there in stunned silence.
  48. >"Well c'mon lover boy, show my feet some love."
  49. >You immediately dive back on her toes, snaking your tongue in between them.
  50. >She wiggles her left foot, and you start stroking her left sole, and she giggles.
  51. >You can't help yourself and grab hold of her ankle, tickling her left foot while sucking her toes on her right foot, and she giggles hard, thoroughly enjoying it.
  52. >You hold both her ankles together and start dragging your tongue over both of them wildly.
  53. >She curls her toes, brushing them over your face.
  54. >As you lick her feet, she takes notice of your erection.
  55. >"Lay back for me for a second."
  56. >You do just that.
  57. >She unbuttons and unzips your pants and boxers, revealing your painfully throbbing length.
  58. >Daring presses her soles onto either side of it and starts stroking up and down gently, eliciting loud moans from you.
  59. >She squeezes your erection with the balls of her smooth feet, and you know you cannot last much longer.
  60. >She puts your length between her big and second toes on both feet, and it sends you over the edge as she curls her toes.
  61. >Long spurts of thick seed begin to cover her feet.
  62. >Even she looks surprised at the amount.
  63. >She strokes until you finally finish cumming, and her feet are now covered in your semen.
  64. >Daring smirks and licks every bit of seed off of her feet and swallows.
  65. >"Mmm, not bad. Feel better, love?"
  66. >You feel immensely relieved.
  67. >"Y-yeah....thanks Daring, you think we can do this again sometime?"
  68. >"Of course we can, now let's get some rest."
  69. >You two don't bother with the sleeping bags this time, you fall asleep in each other's arms.

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