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Sweetiefeetiebetes (2015 Sweetie Belle foot fetish)

By Lego
Created: 2021-06-02 20:40:00
Expiry: Never

  1. >"Anoooooon, hurry up!! I wanna show you my sister's house!!"
  2. "Ok, ok Sweetie Belle."
  3. >You are Anon, following the cutest girl in the class, Sweetie Belle, home to meet her sister for the first time.
  4. >Who wouldn't want to meet one of the world's six saviors?
  5. >While you're lost in thought, Sweetie yanks your arm and starts running, forcing you to run with her.
  6. >"We can hang out together there after we meet her, right?"
  7. >"Yeah, why not? I have video games and a room there."
  8. >You arrive at a tall, merry-go-round like structure.
  9. >"Heeere we are, Carousel Boutique!"
  10. >You love how she squeaks at the last part.
  11. >You both enter, and hear a voice with obvious signs of class greet you heartily.
  12. >"Welcome to Carousel Boutique, where every garment is chic, unique, and magnifique!"
  13. >"Oh, Sweetie Belle, is this your new classmate you were going on about?"
  14. >"Yup, thats him, Rarity!"
  15. >"Well, I must say, the little suit goes well on him."
  16. >You look away, blushing a bit.
  17. >"Anyway, Sweetie, shall I make you both an after school snack?"
  18. >"Sure." You say in unison.
  19. >With that, she struts off to the kitchen, and you both follow, sitting at the table.
  20. >You love this town.
  21. >Everyone here is so friendly, unlike in Canterlot.
  22. >Plus, you can meet the Princess of Friendship at anytime she decides to walk around town.
  23. >Sweetie's socked foot taps your shin under the table.
  24. >You sweat a little at the sneak peek of the softness.
  25. >"Anon!"
  26. >You wake up from your trance to find two scrambled eggs in front of you.
  27. "Oh, uhh, thanks Rarity."
  28. >She leaves you two alone in the kitchen to return to work on her latest dress.
  29. >"So Anon, how is my sis? She didnt embarrass you too much?"
  30. "Nah, don't worry about it. She's quite a pretty one though."
  31. >"It's too bad for me, no one notices me, I have to live in the shadow of my sister's beauty...wish I could make a name for myself...not just "Rarity's sister", you know?"
  32. "Happens with my brother a lot, but I never really cared."
  33. >"Hmph..."
  34. >She finishes her eggs, as do you.
  35. >You both walk upstairs to her room, her leading.
  36. >"So, this is my room, how is it?"
  37. >She's got quite a gaming setup.
  38. >She must have gotten tips from that new kid, Button Mash.
  39. "Whoa Sweetie, you have-"
  40. >You trip over your words as you see her pristinely clean soles in full view on her chair.
  41. >"Something wrong Anon?"
  42. "Nothing, so, you have quite the setup here...Do you have Call of Cutie Advanced Warmare?"
  43. >"Of course I do, wanna play?"
  44. "Sure!"
  45. >She puts it in and you start playing 1v1 with her, as Gun Game is not in this game.
  46. >You decide on sitting on her plush rug, right in front of her chair.
  47. >She uses you as an ottoman, draping her smooth white legs over your shoulders, her bare feet right next to your arms.
  48. >It's making it hard to concentrate.
  49. >You try to keep your eyes off her feet and your nose off the slight perfume smell they have.
  50. >While you're trying not to think about her peds, she destroys you.
  51. >"Hah, I won!!"
  52. >She gets up and dances around.
  53. >You facepalm, normally you'd wreck her shit in that game.
  54. >"Don't feel down, Anon, maybe you'll be half as good as me one day!"
  55. "Why don't you play me again then?"
  56. >To this she agrees.
  57. >You make a better decision and sit on her other chair, and manage to keep your concentration off her little toes.
  58. >This time you absolutely wrecked her.
  59. >"Fine, fine, you're good....what else do you wanna do?"
  60. "Maybe tonight, we can have a sleepover or something? I really like this place."
  61. >"I'll go ask my sister!!"
  62. >With that, she's out of the room, leaving you alone with images of her smooth-looking feet.
  63. >How you wish you could get your hands on them without looking like a creeper.
  64. >Sweetie rushes back upstairs.
  65. >"She said yes!!"
  66. >Yay, now you can be a bit closer to her tonight.
  67. "Sweet, so, want to show me around this awesome room?"
  68. >"Sure!" That signature squeak, so cute.
  69. >Her room is mostly what you'd expect from a teenage girl.
  70. >She gets to the makeup.
  71. >"And all of the makeup that Rarity told me to use to keep up my good looks."
  72. "You'd be great looking without it."
  73. >Wait, did you just say that?
  74. >shitshitshitshit.jpg
  75. >"Thanks Anon!!"
  76. >Sweetie wraps her arms around you, surprising you greatly, but you return the embrace.
  77. >She lets go of you, disappointing you a little.
  78. >"Do I look good with makeup too?"
  79. >She lays down on her bed, and you look at her cute little body all over, as if inspecting if she's looking good, especially on her feet.
  80. >That lavender polish...
  81. "Looking good Sweetie!"
  82. >"You really like me?"
  83. " kind of...have a crush..."
  84. >She squeaks happily and hugs you tight again.
  85. >"Someone likes me instead of my sister!!"
  86. >You smile and kiss her cheek.
  87. >You look at those feet once again, and get an idea.
  88. "Hey know how you have a lot of makeup?"
  89. >"Yeah?"
  90. >"Well, my sister went to a prom once, and I did her makeup one time, and I'm hoping to practice on you in case I need to do it again."
  91. >"You'd....put my makeup on for me?"
  92. "Yeah...she said i did ok last time."
  93. >"Ok!! Just don't use too much like my sister does."
  94. >You immediately begin work, and lightly and carefully beautify her face, fingers, name it, until you get to her feet.
  95. >You take her right foot in your hand.
  96. >It fits perfectly, and it's so soft and smooth...keeping yourself from lapping at them is a difficult task.
  97. >You take polishing her toenails slower than the rest of the makeup.
  98. >She looks very relaxed.
  99. >"Anon, you're great at this!"
  100. "I am? Maybe I can do it again sometime?"
  101. >"Yes please!"
  102. >You finish polishing her toenails, and wait until they dry.
  103. >"Anon, can you check if they're ok now?"
  104. >You inspect Sweetie's foot closely, and can't help yourself, you inhale her scent as carefully as possible.
  105. >"Umm, Anon?"
  106. >You get up quickly.
  107. "Yeah?"
  108. >"Why were you smelling my feet?"
  109. was an accident?
  110. >"Tell me the truth..."
  111. >You sigh.
  112. "Fine...I have a fondness for feet for some reason...sorry...
  113. >"Oh ok, so, do you want to smell them some more if you like them?"
  114. >Is she serious?
  115. "Well...yeah...."
  116. >"Alright, go ahead and have fun then." She winks and wiggles her toes at you.
  117. >This can't be real.
  118. >But you go for it anyway.
  119. >She giggles at you.
  120. >"You're so strange."
  121. >She presses her feet on your face, covering it with divine softness.
  122. >"But I like strange."
  123. >You take a long lick in the middle of both her feet, relishing the perfect taste.
  124. >She chortles at the ticklishness.
  125. >You grab her feet tight, and start sucking on both her big toes relentlessly, and she wiggles them in your mouth.
  126. >You massage the right one while licking between her toes on the left one.
  127. >She sighs, clearly pleased with your work.
  128. >"Say...maybe you can keep rubbing? My feet are KILLING me..." She winks.
  129. >You happily oblige to her request.
  130. >She sighs heavily and lays back on her bed.
  131. >You place her feet in your lap and keep rubbing, despite the fact that you've licked them up good.
  132. >You lightly trace your fingers over her feet.
  133. >She stifles a laugh.
  134. "Whats the matter Sweetie, ticklish?"
  135. >She holds back a smile and wiggles her toes.
  136. >You start scribbling your fingers over her tender feet, and she starts laughing hard.
  137. >She starts trying to wriggle her feet out of the way.
  138. >You can't allow that.
  139. >You grab hold of both her ankles, tickling both of her soles.
  140. >"Anohohohon!!! Stahahahahap!!"
  141. >Unfortunately, you managed to drop her feet onto your crotch.
  142. >"....Anon? Are you ok?"
  143. >Your face flushes completely red.
  144. >You didn't even realize you were hard, you were enjoying tickling her.
  145. "Oh um...sorry...."
  146. >" feet get you...excited?"
  147. "Yeah...but I think it's too early to please me like that, don't you?"
  148. >"Aww, c'mon Anon, you've been nice to me, it's the least I could do to help.."
  149. >You can't help yourself.
  150. "If you really want to, Sweetie..."
  151. >You unbutton your pants.
  152. "Are you sure?"
  153. >"Dont worry Anon, it'll be alright, now c'mon, lemme help."
  154. >You remove your boxers.
  155. >" this how you like it?"
  156. >She presses her little toes into your length, causing you to let out a moan.
  157. >"Shh, Rarity might find out..."
  158. >You nod and moan quieter as she rubs her toes up and down your shaft, causing you to leak.
  159. >She moves her soles onto it, causing you to leak heavily on her feet.
  160. >You sit back as she starts grinding your shaft between her perfect, uncalloused soles.
  161. >The combination of your precum and saliva covering her feet only makes it easier for your length to slide between her soles.
  162. >Sweetie whispers to you, "It's throbbing so hard...are you close?"
  163. >You are about to answer, but she puts one foot above the other, and locks your length between her big and second toes on each foot, stroking it exactly how you like it.
  164. >Your mind is clouded with divine pleasure as her slick feet slowly move over your length, stopping at the heels, and stroking more firmly.
  165. >You feel yourself getting close as she slides her feet back, all the way to her cute little toes.
  166. >Her toes come together and squeeze you softly, and you groan quietly as you release all over her feet.
  167. >You both hear footsteps.
  168. >"Quick, clean up, Rarity's coming!" Sweetie harshly whispers.
  169. >You're way ahead of her, and redress yourself, cleaning up any semen spills on you as Sweetie cleans up her soles, and you both turn on the Marestation 4 just in time for Rarity to open Sweetie's door.
  170. >"Sweetie Belle, I made some popcorn for you and your friend, if you'd like!"
  171. >"Oh, thanks big sis!"
  172. >The popcorn is placed between you two as Rarity leaves.
  173. >"We'll tell her about us later, she won't stop going on about it for days..."
  174. "Alright Sweetie, well, that was fun...and thank you, I feel much better."
  175. >You two return to playing games and cuddling on her chairs.

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