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Crystoe Cave (2024 Cloudy Quartz Mothers Day foot fetish)

By Lego
Created: 2024-05-12 07:18:41
Expiry: Never

  1. Tapping your foot on the wooden panelling of the train station, you anxiously awaited the arrival of a certain guest. A guest you had gotten rather…acquainted with, the last time she was here.
  3. “In Western Equestria, born and raised, on the rock farm is where I spent most of my days…”
  5. Oh yeah, Pinkie was here as well. Why wouldn’t she be waiting for her mom to come over?
  7. “But Ponyville’s where Twilight Sparkle met me, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, and Rarity!”
  9. “Ponk, look, here comes the train!” you pointed out.
  11. “Ohyesohyesohyes it’s Mom! You remember my mom right? Cloudy Quartz? Huh?”
  13. “Well YEAH, of course I do, you only told her that I had a rock collection! She traded me a big hunk of red topaz for a star opal!” you laughed.
  15. You had failed to mention what ELSE you got from the exchange, but Panky Poe didn’t need to know what Cloudy may or may not have stepped on to convince you to trade.
  17. The train screeched to a halt, and Panko Pun leapt up from the bench to wrap her mother in a bear hug the second she stepped off the train.
  19. “MOM!” she shouted, squeezing the life out of a taller woman in a black frock, and wearing gold glasses with chains.
  21. “Greetings, Pinkamena,” Cloudy said, strained. “I see your friend Anonymous is here? Permission to breathe, please?”
  23. “Whoopsie! Sorry Mom! Yeah, Anon is here too! He can take you around Ponyville! You’ve only been here for like, a FEW SECONDS, right?”
  25. “That is correct. I simply came to spend Hearth’s Warming here for a night, instead of on our rock farm. Many thanks to your sage advice, Pinkamena. Ah, and hello, Anonymous. It has been some time.”
  27. Cloudy gave you a strange-looking smile. You could have sworn that you saw a flash of…desire, in her eyes.
  29. “Hi M-Cloudy, it has…is your rock collection going as well as mine?” you caught yourself for a moment before you could say anything you’d regret.
  31. “Most certainly. I had recently acquired the most impressive cluster of black onyx. Perhaps I could showcase my own collection someday.”
  33. “Okie dokie lokie Mom, so Maud is off n a big ol’ adventure with Rarity to go talk to the Diamond Dogs, and I gotta go soon too! We gotta see what’s going on in Abyssinia! You can stay in Maud’s house while you’re here, ok?”
  35. Cloudy smiled softly, closing her eyes. “Maudalina Daisy Pie, how you’ve grown so…”
  37. “EEEEE! Isn’t my sister the BEST? Well, all my sisters are the best! Ooo! I gotta go get ready too! Mom, Anon’s gonna take you along now, bye byeeee!!” Ponko Pea rambled. She then became a sheet of paper cut out to look like Pinkie, flying away on the wind.
  39. You gave Pinkie’s mother an inquisitive glance, as if you hadn’t already seen such things hundreds of times before.
  41. “I am truly regretful, Anonymous, that I have no clue what Pinkie inherited at birth,” she responded, smirking just a little.
  43. “Yeah, I didn’t seriously think even you could answer…Mommy,” you said, lowering your voice for the last part.
  45. Cloudy bit her lip slightly, blushing, but placing a hand on yours. “Your attempts at seduction will get you nowhere out in public, Mr. Anonymous. You will lead me to Maudalina’s abode first, like a proper host, so I may put my feet up to rest.”
  47. “Very well, Your Ladyship, apologies for my earlier comments,” you chuckled, taking her luggage. You lead her towards the outskirts of Ponyville.
  49. The two of you ducked into a cave, walking along its length. “Appropriate home for Maud, is it not?” you asked.
  51. “Maudalina brings honour to the family by living among rocks,” she responded, the two of you stepping out into the most spectacular cavern you’d ever been inside.
  53. Massive multicoloured crystals hung from the ceiling, bathing the cavern in bright light. Waterfalls from seemingly every direction flowed into a crystal clear lake, and there was a large bed under an enormous tent off to the side.
  55. The two of you walked over the grassy interior and over a small pier to get to the bed, placing Cloudy’s luggage down. Your guest sat on the plush bed, folding her hands as she looked around the beautiful home.
  57. “This is truly a spectacular home my daughter owns. Perhaps I should visit more often. After all, I came away quite satisfied on my last trip,” she remarked, reaching out to touch your leg.
  59. You slowly turned around to look at her. “S…Satisfied?”
  61. Her lips curled upwards slightly as she lowered her glasses. “Satisfied enough that perhaps you and I could make use of this time together, instead of hastily beginning the tour.”
  63. “Mommy…? Do you mean…?” you tried to clarify, blushing as her hand moved up your side. You certainly weren’t about to tell her to stop.
  65. “It is quite hot outdoors. Perhaps this calls for a way to cool off, together?”
  67. Her demeanour started to change. She placed her hands on your shoulders, standing back up out of bed. She brushed herself against you as she made her way to the edge of a nearby short cliff, not waiting for your response.
  69. And then it began.
  71. Off came her hairband, tossed away carelessly and giving way to a long, shiny head of hair, thick and luxurious. Next came the collar-choker she wore around her neck. Finally, the already-beautiful mare removed her golden glasses from her face.
  73. You gazed upon Pinkie's mother in front of you, having looked like she stepped into one of Dr. Whooves' time devices. Her new look had cut roughly fifteen years off her age. In your head, you could already hear the ominous howls full of hatred from dermatologists in the distance.
  75. She was already beautiful in the first place, but…what you were seeing at that moment, she only revealed to people she absolutely trusted.
  77. Her tone of voice, her way of speaking, and her mannerisms had completely changed to match her well-hidden beauty. Cloudy's eyes gazed into yours seductively, the crow's feet she once sported having completely disappeared from her face.
  79. “What do you say? Are you up for a little soak, Anon?” she whispered, putting one hand on her hip, swaying back and forth. Before you could even answer, she threw off her long black Maud-style frock, exposing her completely naked body to the light of the ceiling crystals.
  81. “B-But, Cloudy-err, Mommy, didn’t you bring a-“ you stuttered, her toned, curvy midsection and legs pressing against you.
  83. “A bathing suit? You KNOW we’re just gonna get rid of it anyway, Stud…” Cloudy said, her arms wrapping around your waist. Her sizable breasts, as curvy and youthful as ever, pushed up against your chest.
  85. “No need to be so modest in here, that’s what I save…this…for, hun,” she said, quietly. To convince you, she slipped one of her feet out of her boots, pressing the bare sole down onto one of your shoes.
  87. Halfway up your leg her foot travelled, to the point you nearly felt the warmth of her sole in…just the right area. You could feel it. The bottom of her foot didn’t feel rough, nor calloused. The skin was smooth, silky, well-kept. The exact opposite of what you would expect from one who worked with rocks.
  89. “Now doesn’t that sound like fun?”
  91. You caved in to her teasing, one hundred percent. Despite that fact, you did not act fast enough, so Pinkie’s secretly-sexy(er) mother decided not to wait any longer. She put her bare foot back down onto the grassy cave floor, undid the buttons on your shirt and your pants, pulling each article of clothing off you one at a time.
  93. Cloudy slid off her other boot with a sultry smile on her face, sitting down on the nearby dock and beckoning you to come closer with a curl of her perfect gray toes. She was looking your nude form over like it was the highest-quality emerald on the market, and wasted no time in grabbing onto your leg.
  95. You stumbled at her strong grip, falling straight into the crystal-clear water of the brilliantly lit cave-home. Immediately you felt the chill, squealing and surfacing as quickly as you could.
  97. The rock-farmer giggled and immersed herself into the little lake with you, wrapping her arms around you. “Falling for me, Anon? Don’t worry, I get it.”
  99. “G-Good lord, Cloudy, warn me next time you do that…” you said, teeth chattering slightly.
  101. “Ohh, don’t be such a baby, Anon. Mommy’s here to warm you up,” she said, kissing your neck.
  103. Admittedly, the warmth from her body was quickly acclimatising you to the water. Cloudy’s body pressing so tightly against you was putting ideas into your head, and the fact that she was running a finger down your chest certainly didn’t help…
  105. She let go of you, kicking off into a backstroke. It was the lightest backstroke you had ever seen, her slick body peeking out of the water and reflecting the light of the crystals above. But what caught your attention even more was the subtle, deliberate movements of her legs.
  107. Cloudy’s arms were doing the work for her little swim routine, so her legs could move…slower. And her bare feet. They were turned inwards, the curved arches rubbing up against one another halfway above the water. She then fully surfaced once again, her glorious-looking body sitting on top of one of the tiny waterfalls to the right side of the dock.
  109. She crossed one leg over the other, resting her head in her hands as you swam over to follow her, to admire her a little more closely. “Come to have Mommy take good care of you, Anon? Maybe if you be a good boy and do your chores first…”
  111. How this woman could flip a switch from ‘polite, insular retiree’ to ‘sexiest temptress in the world’ so quickly was beyond your meagre understanding.
  113. “How about a little rub for Mommy first?” she said. She extended her curved, gray feet outwards, toes dipping below the water and splashing around a little. You grabbed onto them without any further hesitation, watching the ten digits curl as if to call to you.
  115. And answer the call you did.
  117. Cloudy let out a soft giggle as you pressed your thumbs into her soaked feet. You didn’t quite mean to tickle her, but her feet were much more like Pinkie Pie’s than they were like Maud’s. They were tender, sensitive. To be treated with care.
  119. You slowed your pace, kneading both her soles at once, travelling upwards little by little. Cloudy then crossed her feet over one another, rubbing them together at the same time you treated them to their massage.
  121. Your eyes travelled up her glorious body, eyes meeting her soft, playful smile. She continued to rub her feet together, side by side, scrunching her toes to tease you. You responded by gently pulling each of her flexible toes back and forth, relieving a tiny spot of tension each time.
  123. “Wanna take a closer look?” Cloudy inquired, flipping her thick head of hair to the side, causing a few drops of water to hit your face.
  125. “Oh, of QUARTZ I would…” you gasped, leaning your head closer to her soles. You were almost able to see your reflection in them, and you were starting to pick up their subtle, mine-like aroma.
  127. “Say please, young man,” Cloudy giggled at your bad joke, while running her left big toe over her right sole, and vice versa.
  129. “P-PLEASE can I-mmmph!” you were suddenly cut off by her slick, wet soles pressing onto your cheeks. The balls of her feet covered your eyes, and you could feel her toes gripping bits of your hair.
  131. “That’s better. You’ve been a good boy. Go ahead, explore,” she cooed, her feet trailing up and down your face. Her dripping toes ran back and forth over your lips, practically begging you to taste them. And so you obliged.
  133. Your lips wrapped tightly around her left big toe. Cloudy Quartz began to bite her lip as soon as your tongue began its work, slipping over every inch of the soaked digit. You could taste the extraordinarily clean mineral-water of the cave, as well as hints of a type of stone you weren’t an expert enough to identify.
  135. You began to nibble the toe as well. Then you began to work on the second, and the third. By the fourth toe’s treatment, Cloudy had let out a few small giggles, her toes splaying in an attempt to keep herself calm. But you had grabbed onto her feet, holding them fast to continue hydrating yourself off her toes with as much ease as you could.
  137. “Anohohon, be careful with Mommy’s feet, you don’t wanna tickle her TOO much!” she said.
  139. In response, you let your lips off her smallest toe, and held her right foot as firmly as you could. With all your strength, you leaned down to her heel, and dragged your tongue up her dripping right sole. All the way from the heel, over the curvy soft arch, up to her big toe, you collected every drop of mineral water and tightly enveloped all five of her toes at once with your hungry lips.
  141. “Ohhhh!!” she exclaimed, taken off guard by such a long, lustful lick. Her foot had mashed into your face for just a moment before she was able to calm down, much to your delight, before you were able to start lapping at her slender toes.
  143. Cloudy Quartz’s giggling, the trembling of her feet in your hands, didn’t faze you in the slightest. No amount of pleading and laughter was going to stop you from enjoying the taste and texture of her motherly soles and toes to its fullest.
  145. But you would find out promptly, something else certainly would.
  147. Her messily-violated left foot slipped out of your weakened grip, due to your focus being put into slurping at her right foot. You felt goosebumps all over your body as the slick sole shakily ran down your chin, and over your chest and belly, before coming to rest atop your madly-throbbing cock just below the water.
  149. You lost concentration on the shiny, appealing gray foot lodged in your mouth, jaw dropping and tongue slowing down its ferocious swirling around each toe, and at her upper foot.
  151. “H-heheh…I’ll let you tickle Mommy a little later, o-ok? Let me take care of you first, like I promised…” she panted.
  153. Looking at her blushing face, and her foot beginning to rub up and down your length, who were you to deny her request?
  155. Cloudy’s giggly smile once again became more playful, her eyes going half lidded. Her left foot pressed down quite hard on your manhood, forcing a moan out of you. Despite your grip on her right foot weakening, your lips were able to meet her right sole in a long, lustful kiss. You tried to be as gentle as you could with her ticklish sole, but her toes were still involuntarily curling and pinching your nose.
  157. “Mmmmhmhmhm, sweetie, that still tickles…” she said, biting her lip. Determined to keep going, however, you felt her big and second toes clench around the tip of your member, stroking up and down. The warm, sexy sole continued to pleasure your mid and lower length, forcing a long groan from you.
  159. You felt her right foot finally pull out of the grasp of both your lips and your hands, trailing down your body in the same fashion as her left. Your face burned red as the bottoms of her shiny gray feet met around your cock, moving up and down smoothly and picking up the pace. You weren’t sure how much longer you could last, but you tried your best, for your precious Mommy.
  161. She completely ruined you. And you couldn’t be happier.
  163. Cloudy suddenly reached down, grabbing you by the side and pulling you to lean towards her. She didn’t stop pulling until your face was pressed up against her large, moistened breasts, and all you could see was black.
  165. “That’s right, Anon, cum for Mommy,” she cooed, stroking your hair while you moaned loudly, muffled by your face buried in her chest. Her warm, dampened soles suddenly pressed much more tightly around your twitching cock, pulling it to stand up out of the water. Each foot began to slide up to your tip and down to your balls independently of one another, quickly and smoothly.
  167. You couldn’t last a second longer, wrapping your arms around her body to press your face further into her chest. Your mind entered a state of bliss, as you let go of your pent up load. Each thick, white spurt had landed on Cloudy’s wonderfully soft feet, her skilled soles and curling toes each getting covered in your essence, all while she continued to run her feet up and down to ensure you were truly empty afterwards.
  169. Cloudy sighed happily as her feet finally came to a stop, letting you up out of the blissful abyss of her chest. “Did Mommy take good care of you?”
  171. “O-ooohh, that was…” you trailed off. You had no words to describe it properly. However, the words hung in the air regardless, spoken but unsaid.
  173. Pinkie’s mom reached down to one of her feet, running the side of her finger along the bottom. She lifted the collected seed on her finger to her mouth, slowly, deliberately sucking it off, her tongue running over her lips in front of you.
  175. That was enough to get you horny all over again.
  177. Placing her white-splattered feet back in the water, Cloudy stood up and stretched, allowing you a full view of her gloriously curvy body. “Mmmm…I’m feeling a little dirty after that…I need a big, strong man to come help wash me off…”
  179. With that, she began to sway her hips, winking at you as she waded through the water. She soon ended up under a small waterfall to the left of the dock, beckoning you over.
  181. You didn’t need to be told twice. As quickly as you could get through the water, you stood behind your Mommy and placed your hands on her chest. She pushed her backside right up against your groin, giving you one last seductive smile.
  183. “I hope you don’t have any plans, sweetie, Mommy needs you here to help for a while…”
  185. It was due to be quite a long shower, and you were more than ready to get clean. Or dirty.
  187. Either way, you weren’t going anywhere.

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