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Young Again (Very Old Story)

By pogoman122
Created: 2024-06-02 03:18:50
Expiry: Never

  1. >Day turkey in Equestria
  2. >It is midday
  3. >You, Anonymous, the homeless beggar stroke your mighty beard as you stand in front of Celestia's throne
  4. >Yes, Princess Celestia
  5. >You don't quite know how you came to Equestria, but you ran from a purple pony and hitched a train to Canterlot
  6. >You spent months scrounging around for food
  7. >Alas, you have barely scraped by while making friends with the majority of the ponies
  8. >But recently, a pony had apparently reported you to the big cheese of Equestria
  9. >So here you stood, stroking your mighty beard
  10. >Oh, and it was Thanksgiving, but the ponies didnt know that
  11. >The noise of somebody clearing their throat caught your attention
  12. >You looked up to see a somewhat perplexed Celestia sitting on her throne, her mane flowing rather remarkably
  13. >She smiled down upon you, but you just stared into her eyes, now twirling your mustache
  14. >"Anonymous the human?"
  15. >You stopped twirling your mustache
  16. "Yes?"
  17. >Your voice was slightly raspy, but you could get over it
  18. >Celestia appeared to wince at the sound of your voice
  19. >"You are, as of now, the only homeless being to reside within Equestria's borders."
  20. >You put your hands on your hips and clicked your tongue
  21. "Really? That's a surprise. There are thousands of homeless where i come from. Mostly children and mentally incapable adults, but eh. Shit happens."
  22. >She nervously laughs and the guards shuffle uncomfortably
  23. >"Impeccable word choice... Alas, I wish to offer you a home, on behalf of Equestria!"
  24. >Oh?
  25. >What's this?
  26. >She insulted your word choice and now she wants to give you a home?
  27. "Sorry sister, but i think i'll stick to hunting and gathering."
  28. >Her laugh dropped and she narrowed her eyes
  29. >"That is not an option. I will not have a homeless creature within my borders."
  30. >Wut
  31. "I'll just leave your borders then?"
  32. >She cocked an eyebrow, still frownin down upon you
  33. >Oh fuck
  34. >"You are not a creature native to this world, Anonymous the human."
  35. >Where is she going with this?
  36. >"As such, I am afraid that i will have to make you a creature native to Equestria."
  37. >She shooed away the guards, who left in a hurry, and she stepped down from the throne
  38. >That glorious ass swaying to and fro all the while
  39. >You wiped drool from your beard and looked forward, as you both stood eye to eye
  40. "Today is thanksgiving, and i wont thank you if you do that."
  41. >She cocked her head to the side slightly
  42. >"What is thanksgiving? Some kind of human holiday?"
  43. >You smiled
  44. "Yeah, we buy or catch a turkey and cook it,, and then eat it."
  45. >She put on this disgusted look on her face as she stepped back a little
  46. >"You kill an innocent creature?!"
  47. >You shrugged
  48. "A man's gotta eat."
  49. >She shook her head and sighed
  50. >"Yes well. Now I have a good reason for doing this. This spell requires a large amount of power, and you will not retain your age. So... It will be my responsibility to find you a home."
  51. >Fucking what?
  52. >You are thirty four years old with a large beautiful beard that Phil Robertson would be proud of
  53. "Ain't nobody got time for that!"
  54. >You took off your left boot and threw it at her
  55. >You made the move to dive out the stained glass window, but instead of crashing through it, you bumped off of it
  56. >Your head smacked the marble floor, and you fell into a daze
  57. >You groaned as miss perfect ass came waltzing to your side, looking down pitifully at your stunned form
  58. "Fluck offa me."
  59. >You can't tell her to fuck off
  60. >Fucking brain
  61. >"Hmph, well. Might as well do it now and get it over with. Maybe somepony will teach you not to use naughty words."
  62. >Fuck!
  63. >A bright golden light flashed all around you as your body felt like it was ripping itself to pieces
  64. >You screamed in pain for what felt like hours before you finally went unconscious
  65. >Glorious sleep
  66. >Take me away
  67. >You finally woke up with a startled gasp
  68. >You moved a hand to your face to feel for your amazingly sexy beard
  69. >And it was still... there?
  70. >Kind of
  71. >It was about half the size of Willie's, from Duck Dynasty
  72. >If you would take a guess, you would say that you are now a teenager
  73. >If that is so...
  74. "Test- gah. Testing... 1...2...3..."
  75. >Yup, you were a teenager again
  76. >What luck! You were younger!
  77. >You made to jump out of bed and clap your hands, but you fell on all four limbs instead
  78. "The fuck?"
  79. >You looked down at where your hands should be, but instead found dark blue hooves
  80. >Fucking hell
  81. >You're a miniature horse
  82. >But not really. You were a teenager, Seventeen you could guess.
  83. >Sunbutt must not have known you were thirty four years old
  84. >If you were younger, you might have been made into a foal or some shit
  85. >But nope, here you were
  86. "Wait..."
  87. >Your beard caught your eyes
  88. >You crossed your eyes to look at your mustache
  89. "Aha!"
  90. >Yup, your beard color has changed
  91. >It was now gray
  92. >Perfect
  93. >Fifty shades of pony
  94. >But now you had to figure out a way to get out of this god damn country, before perfect ass finds you and does something weird
  95. >Suddenly, the door opened and shed light on the small room
  96. >Princess Celestia stood at the door
  97. >Oh fuck
  98. >You tried to make yourself unnoticeable, so you slumped onto your ass
  99. >Great job Anonymous you clumsy fuck
  100. >Her eyes swept across the room before they fell upon your form
  101. >The curious eyes narrowed into slits as she stepped into the room slowly and with deliberation
  102. >If you wouldn't know better, you'd think she was about to kill you!
  103. "Heh..."
  104. >Celestia stopped in front of you, her eyes boring down into your frightened face
  105. >She looked so evil from up there
  106. >Your eyes flicked to a hoof that had been lifted up, now slowly coming towards your face
  107. >She's gonna smother you!
  108. >You whimpered and flicked your eyes between her face and the incoming, perhaps hostile, hoof
  109. >The hoof stopped just before it reached your newly formed muzzle
  110. >You looked up to her eyes with a confused expression
  111. >"Boop!"
  112. >The hoof lightly poked your nose
  113. >Her menacing gaze and frown turned into a lighthearted gaze and a grin
  114. "Get outta here Celestia, the only reason i aint pissed is 'cause my beard is still here."
  115. >You swiped away her hoof
  116. >Celestia stepped back and sighed in response
  117. >"Well if you want to be mad, be mad Anon, but just remember that i am helping you."
  118. >Only your friends called you Anon
  119. >You narrowed your eyes in contempt
  120. >She took note of your apparent discomfort and smiled
  121. >"Well at least you are a unicorn, in fact, you are the spitting image of Starswirl the Bearded when he was of teenage years."
  122. >You sighed
  123. >She scratched her chin with a hoof
  124. >"I was expecting that spell to make you younger than this... I suppose i underestimated your age."
  125. "Thirty four, i'm thirty four years old. I'm actually happy that you made me younger."
  126. >You weren't happy that you were a pony
  127. >But you are a unicorn!
  128. >And none of those ponies can be misanthropic towards you anymore!
  129. >Maybe you could finally leave this place
  130. "Well Princess, it was nice of you to do this, but i'm afraid that i must take my leave."
  131. >She chuckled
  132. >You stood up awkwardly and managed to walk past her
  133. >Celestia's horn lit up with a golden glow as the same glow wrapped around you, gently pulling you back
  134. >"Not so fast. Now that you are technically a minor, you are under the care of whoever wants to care for you."
  135. >Uh oh
  136. >"And that somepony is me."
  137. "I need an adult!"
  138. >She laughed
  139. >Oh god she laughed
  140. >"Silly, I am an Adult!"
  142. >You screamed as you were carried on Celestia's back into Celestia's bedroom
  143. >Today was not a pleasant day as you wood usually say
  144. >You thought you were about to be raped by the sun
  145. >How does that work?
  146. >Being raped by the sun...
  147. >Your ears perked up as you thought of an idea
  148. >A weird feeling
  149. >You could feel your ears move upwards, and to the sides, it was an odd feeling that you wished would go away
  150. "Celestia. I'll give you a cookie if you promise not to rape me."
  151. >She fluffed her wings in apprehension
  152. >"I'm afraid i do not know what 'Rape' is, my dear Anonmous, but I will gladly accept a cookie if you have one!"
  153. >Oh.
  154. >So you won't be raped today.
  155. "I don't have a cookie, and why are we in here?"
  156. >Celestia's ears folded down, disapointment from not having a cookie?
  157. >"We are here to get you settled into your new body. Magic, walking, general things ponies know how to do."
  158. >Oh.
  159. >Magic?
  160. >You wonder what you could do with that
  161. "Avada Kadavra?"
  162. >You smiled to yourself
  163. >"No... I don't seem to recall a spell of that name Nonny."
  164. >Wut
  165. "Nonny? Don't call me that."
  166. >You could just feel her smile while on her back
  167. >"Okay, Nonny."
  168. >Ur a witty lil' cunt i'll give ya that
  169. >She'd probably smack you if you called her a cunt
  170. >You wonder...
  171. "Cunt."
  172. >Celestia's ears perk up
  173. >"What was that, Anonymous?"
  174. >Oh fuck
  175. >She knew what it meant
  176. "N-nothing. Just testing the waters for something just to be sure... Hehehe..."
  177. >You chuckled nervously
  178. >You hoped she didn't know what most of the cursing was
  179. >"Well i'm fairly certain that what I heard was not 'Nothing' as you put it, Anonymous. I will not tolerate that sort of language coming from the mouths of my ponies."
  180. >Your ears folded down, again, such an odd feeling
  181. >How were you scared of this mare? You are... Were a human citizen of The United States of America
  182. >Yeah! You could tell her that! Maybe she'd send you back!
  183. "Yes well. I am a human citizen of The United States of America! I demand you to send me back to my country!"
  184. >A golden glow enveloped you as you were lifted off her back and in front of her
  185. >She plopped you on your ass and you looked up into her satisfied gaze
  186. >Why is she happy?
  187. >"I don't see a human anywhere. All i see is a terrified unicorn colt sitting in front of me."
  188. >You gulped
  189. >Why is she doing this?
  190. "Why are you doing this?"
  191. >She leaned her muzzle down to yours, and you flinched back slightly
  192. >"Because i can tell when somepony needs another to care about them."
  193. >She pecked you on your nose
  194. >What did she mean by that? And why did she kiss your nose?
  195. >"You are frightened."
  196. >She sighed
  197. >Of course you were! First you were human, and now you were... This!
  198. "W-well yeah. I mean... You... Horses!"
  199. >Damn, you couldnt even talk.
  200. >Maybe you should just go to sleep, and everything will be okay
  201. >You lied on the marble floor, your head getting cold, but you were in no position to complain
  202. >Wouldn't want to get blasted by the sun...
  203. >You felt a presence curl up against you
  204. >You knew you weren't lying as a pony probably should
  205. >It was uncomfortable in fact
  206. >You decided to curl up into a ball and just sleep
  207. >"It's okay to be scared. It happens."
  208. >You felt the presence curl up all around you
  209. >Rape
  210. >"But i'm always there for my little ponies."
  211. >RAAAPE
  212. >Celestia hugged you from behind
  213. >As your eyes widened, you wondered how you had gotten into this situation, and which pony had reported you to Celestia, if any
  214. >You had to do something
  215. >You were a man!
  216. >You were no silly colt to be cuddled up by "Mommy Dearest"!
  217. "Get off of me you wretched creature!"
  218. >YOu kicked her in the stomach with a back hoof, eliciting a pained "Oomph" from the Princess
  219. >Oh god you just kicked a creature powerful enough to incinerate you
  220. >"N-now now Anonymous. That's not something a pony should do..."
  221. >Get the fuck outta there
  222. "I'm getting out."
  223. >You stood up on four wobbly legs
  224. >Oh shit, you haven't figured out how to walk on four legs yet
  225. >And the door is closed to top it all off
  226. >Your ears dropped once more
  227. "I'm boned."
  228. >"One could say that your plan wasn't thought out very well, hm?"
  229. >You gulped
  230. >She was right behind you
  231. >"And 'Wretched Creature' isn't the term that most ponies use to describe a princess."
  232. >Dont look at her and you wont die
  233. >"You should probably shave, Nonny."
  234. >Bitch you what?
  235. >You turn around and burrow your gaze deep into her own radiant eyes
  236. "The fuck you say?"
  237. >Her soft gaze turned into a glare, but you didnt care about that, because this bitch just told you to shave
  238. >"I told you, you need to shave. Don't curse in the castle."
  239. >She met your gaze with equal intensity
  240. >Your beard began to tingle at the thought of staring down a princess
  241. >A random thought passed through your head
  242. >What if beard magic was a thing?
  243. >Suddenly, an earsplitting *POP* followed by a bright flash interrupted the staredown
  244. >Princess Celestia tried to meet you eye to eye, but she turned her gaze down to your... thigh...
  245. >Wow what a fucking surprise
  246. >"Anonymous, you have received your cutie mark?"
  247. >Huh?
  248. >You looked at your ass and snorted at what you saw
  249. >It was a cartoon beard
  250. >Guess your cutie mark has to do with beard
  251. >"It's a beard. Much like your own... How odd... I have never seen a unicorn specialize in beard magic... It was a theory made by Starswirl however..."
  252. >So beard magic was a thing?
  253. >Neat
  254. "Still not shaving my beard, lady. I also humbly request to leave the castle. M'lady."
  255. >Snicker
  256. >Princess Celestia was not so humorous however, as she turned her hardened gaze back onto you
  257. >"No. In fact, we still have to teach you the basics of magic."
  258. >Damn
  259. >Well, at least you know that you'll be great at beard magic!
  260. >You pictured yourself flying with your beard, the beard flapping like wings.
  261. >Much like the Ice King
  262. >You notice a golden glow lift you up and place you down on a very soft bed
  263. >"Now then. I wish to cover basic levitation AT LEAST by tonight. So we'd better get started."
  264. >She had such a motherly voice, much like your own mother
  265. >Interesting to note that your mother indeed had a beard
  266. >Celestia, however, did not
  267. >Yet
  268. > *FLASH*
  269. >Your eyes roll in your sockets as you try to reorient your perception and field of view
  270. >When you finally undizzify yourself via bashing of the head with a hoof, you notice something peculiar
  271. >Something is off about Celestia
  272. >Maybe it was because she now had a beard.
  273. >WAIT WHAT
  274. "Oh no."
  275. >Celestia remained unfazed by it however, and she did not seem to notice
  276. >"Nonny? Did you just cast a spell?"
  277. >There was now a flowing beard on her face, with a flowing mustache as well
  278. >You had to admit, Celestia looked pretty good with a beard
  279. >"Nonny?Are you fawning over me? That's not very polite to ogle your mo- er... Teacher's... Face..."
  280. >Her eyes rolled down to where you were staring
  281. >She looked back at you
  282. >She then closed her eyes and proceeded to nod in a sagely manner
  283. >Damn, she is pretty okay with this
  284. "Are you okay?"
  285. >"Yes yes. I suppose you do have a talent with beard magic."
  286. >It's like dumbledore but horse
  287. >Or Gandalf, whichever you prefer
  288. >You personally prefer Dumbledore, because beards are sexy on wise wizards in mighty castles
  289. >You wanted to milk everything from this.
  290. "Why yes. I suppose i do have a talent with beard magic."
  291. >Her eyebrow raised up a few inches
  292. >Hm
  293. "And i think i would rather work on beard magic than silly leviatation."
  294. >An idea ran through your head
  295. >"Well, levitation is a skill that most unicorns need to know, so i'm... afraid... that... you....."
  296. >She trailed off when she saw what you had done
  297. "Like it?"
  298. >You had manipulated your own beard to pick up a quill that was laying on a nearby desk
  299. >"I..."
  300. >Her eyes were so wide that you thought they would burst from their sockets
  301. >"I'm... So proud of you Anon!"
  302. >Oh
  303. >She pressed forward and smothered you inot a big hug
  304. >The quill held by your beard fell, and your beard went limp
  305. >You had lost focus, wrapped up in the hug
  306. >Your face was being smothered by her beard
  307. >You should probably get rid of that
  308. >But this seemed to be important to her, so why not return the hug?
  309. >So you did
  310. >This was perhaps the longest and most nervous hug you have experienced in your entire life
  311. >Especially so, because you were hugging a pony that was twice your size with a beard that does not belong
  312. >You had to admit though, ponies sure did have soft fur
  313. >Princess Celestia smells like vanilla, such a comforting smell
  314. >It reminded you of vanilla ice cream from back home
  315. >So smooth as it glided down your throat, so sweet as the smell filled your nostrils, and such a memorable aftertaste
  316. >Much like Celestia at this very moment, except you aren't eating her
  317. >You broke away from the hug, and thought about Celestia without her long flowing beard
  318. >With another, albeit less disorienting, *FLASH* the beard was gone from her face
  319. >In your mind, you had ranked up to a level 2 beard wizard
  320. "Yay."
  321. >Celestia looked down upon you with an approving gaze
  322. >You sighed in relief, unaware that you were holding in tension
  323. >Why were you even tense before?
  324. >It didn't matter. You were a level 2 beard wizard now
  325. >"Well that was nice! Wouldn't you say so Anon?"
  326. >Maybe
  327. "I suppose it was comforting."
  328. >Just maybe
  329. >Celestia smiled
  330. >"Good! Now that you know how to manipulate objects in... your own way..."
  331. >She hesitated
  332. >You guess that she didn't know how to explain what she had just witnessed
  333. >It isn't every day that a man, or in this case pony, manipulates objects with his beard
  334. >"I suggest we take lunch! The castle has some fine venues of course."
  335. >Was she trying to reassure you about something?
  336. >Because that is what her tone implied
  337. >Or maybe she was saying that the castle had a wide selection of delicacies
  338. >Perhaps you were just over thinking things
  339. >"Come along Anon!"
  340. "Oh yeah, i'm coming."
  341. >You quickly learned how to walk as a quadruped, it not being as hard as you thought
  342. >You figured that your beard could make up for levitation or hands
  343. >The thought excited you more
  344. >You always did love to show off
  345. >Whether it was your newly bought AR-15, or your ability to manipulate beards
  346. >You sit at a large dining table along with Princess Luna and Princess Celestia
  347. >There is also the purple pony that you first saw, though she has wings this time
  348. >She didn't recognize you, though she did remark at your resemblance to Starswirl, whoever he is
  349. >Apparently his full title was "Starswirl the Bearded"
  350. >Maybe you could take that title
  351. "Anonymous the Bearded..."
  352. >It has a ring to it
  353. >"Yes Twilight, we did in fact redecorate the castle, and have you met my newest student?"
  354. >All eyes fell upon you as you were suddenly introduced
  355. >You shrank back slightly
  356. >She considered you her student
  357. >That is particularly interesting
  358. >For the first time in your life, you were finally important to someone, or multiple people
  359. >Much better than your old job at CostCo
  360. >"Anonymous? Twilight asked you a question."
  361. >Your ears perked up at that, and you stood at full attention
  362. >Not in that way
  363. "Er, yes. What was that again?"
  364. >Twilight was the purple pony's name
  365. >Twilight smiled
  366. >Ugh
  367. >"What does your cutie mark mean, if you don't mind me asking?"
  368. >This'll be odd to explain
  369. "My cutie mark? Well... I suppose you could say that it signifies my talent at beard magic!"
  370. >She stared at you blankly
  371. >Did you break her?
  372. "Twilight?"
  373. >She turned her gaze back to you and burst out laughing
  374. >Rude
  375. >"Twilight, I can assure you. It is much more interesting than you think."
  376. >Oh good, Celestia to the rescue
  377. >And here comes the food as well!
  378. >Chefs circled around the four of you as the deposited what looked to be caesar salad on platters
  379. >Celestia looked to you
  380. >Twilight was still laughing
  381. >"Go ahead and show her."
  382. >Mmkay
  383. "Yeah sure."
  384. >With some concentration you managed to pick up your fork with your beard
  385. >Twilight stopped laughing
  386. >Princess Luna was busy shoving her muzzle into the bowl of salad
  387. >It must be pretty good
  388. >You used your beard to shove the fork into the bowl, and you pulled it back out
  389. >The fork was now covered in what looked like lettuce, radish, and spinach
  390. >Time to munch!
  391. >You shoved the fork into your mouth, your mustache catching a sliver of radish on the way in
  392. >You pulled the fork back out slowly, still in your beard's tight grasp
  393. >You calmly set the fork down and munched happily on the salad
  394. >The ponies here sure did know how to make a good salad
  395. >It tasted wonderful, even without ranch dressing
  396. "Y'know. The chefs here sure do know how to make a good caesar salad, compliments to them, eh?"
  397. >Twilight has spawned a notepad and quill, and she had apprently begun to write down some stuff
  398. >Probably about you
  399. >"Yes, they are very wise in their craft! Huzzah to salad, and huzzah to the chefs!"
  400. >Luna shoved her face back into the salad
  401. >"Agreed... I suppose..."
  402. >Celestia glanced at you proudly, but she turned her head back to Twilight
  403. "They better not talk about me behind my back..."
  404. >You never liked that
  405. >It was one of the few things that set you off
  406. >"So Twilight. Taking notes at the dinner table again, hmm?"
  407. >Twilight looked up from her furious scribbling
  408. >"Yes! Who knew that such magic existed?!"
  409. >Question answered, she kept at her writing
  410. >An aspiration for knowledge she has
  411. >After some time, you had finished lunch along with the others
  412. >Luna sat back in her own, snoring away
  413. >She truly did not care
  414. >But that's okay
  415. >You sat back as well, contended as you could ever be
  416. >You managed to wrestle the pieces of salad that had gotten caught in your beard out
  417. >Such is the life of a level 3 beard wizard

Going Batty Is A Nightmare

by pogoman122

How I Learned To Love Being The Mare In Heat

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Not So Cheery Lee

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Drunken Apocalypse

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Business Ponies

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