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Pony Souls Prologue 2: The Xanthous Regent

By SunriseLightbeam2
Created: 2024-06-08 07:06:10
Expiry: Never

  1. >Many moons again Luna took the throne of Equestria as her own. Today she stands on the balcony overlooking thousand of ponies from across Equestria all come to see her this day, the 3rd anniversary of her becoming Queen of Equestria
  2. >Luna waved to all the ponies and nearly all cheered and stomped their hooves in applause
  3. "Hello everypony, It is with great honor I accept your applause"
  4. >Raven inkwell stood in the doorway to the balcony
  5. >>"psst luna I have urgent news"
  6. "what? what could possibly be worth interrupting"
  7. >>"the crystal empire.. it's.. back"
  8. "how?"
  9. >>"we're working on that right now, once we found out we told you right away"
  10. >Luna chuckled
  11. "It seems we will have new ponies to join us in Conquest soon"
  12. >>"indeed, my queen"
  13. >Luna turned back to address the crowd
  14. "I am sorry my little ponies, There is urgent news I must attend to. go on! celebrate as all ponykind should on this day!"
  15. >The crowd stomped their hooves and cheered even as luna turned to enter the castle interior
  16. "Inkwell, Do you know where my sister kept a very special mirror?"
  17. >>"Far to well actually, I think one of Celestia's former students left through it. after that it had to be locked up"
  18. "Yes I have read some of the notes on this student, she seemed very promising from the notes but seemed to desire more knowledge that Celestia refused. hmpf typical of her. Was she as bad as the notes say"
  19. >Raven looked off into nothing, viewing her memories
  20. >>"No I don't believe so, she was always kind to me as well as most servants. sometimes a bit spoiled but no more then most canterlot born unicorns, especially those of royal blood are"
  21. "Show me this mirror, This Sunset Shimmer is the pony I need for this crystal empire task"
  22. >>"right this way, I think I know where it's been stored.. but why do you need Sunset for the crystal empire? what do they have in common"
  23. "I need a right hand mare capable of great magic, one is who isn't pre-occupied with matters of friendship. and we share a.. distaste for Celestia, I've been meaning to look into this for some time but..
  24. "well I must admit I'm slightly fearful of what could be in that mirror"
  25. >>"Don't worry my queen, your secret is safe with me"
  27. >Sunset Shimmer sat in class, not paying any attention whatsoever. Ms cheerilee wasn't terrible.. it's just that Sunset Learned most of this stuff already along time ago
  28. >Sunset looked out the window of her class and saw the horse statue what an odd thing it was. one of the first parts of the school that was built and somehow linking to the mirror in.. Equestria
  29. >how long it had been since she thought about Eques-. Sunsets train of thought completely de-railed when she saw the portal open and someone step out, Principal luna? wait WAIT. that has to be.
  30. "Sweet Celestia"
  31. >"Sunset? do you have something to add?" spoke Ms Cheerilee
  32. "Huh? uh yes uh.. May I use the bathroom?"
  33. >Cheerilee looked a bit more unhinged every day and that comment didn't seem to help the situation.
  34. >"hhaha yes yes of course go ahead and leave my class and go do what you should have done on break like everybody else"
  35. "uhuh yeah sure"
  36. >Sunset grabbed her back and quickly left the room
  37. "I need to get out there, who KNOWS what could happen if I don't"
  39. >Queen Luna stepped out of the mirror, her head was spinning and she seemed to be in the wrong position
  40. "What the hay" Luna said after she looked down at herself. she raised her hooves, her not hooves
  41. "How dexterous these must be for these beings"
  42. >"P-Princess Luna?" Sunset Shimmer said with a worried expression
  43. >Luna looked up to see an Orange colored.. thing with 4 limbs. legs like a pony but, arms? and then the recognition set indeed
  44. "You must be Sunset Shimmer and yes you are almost correct, I was unsure of how much you knew of me. I am Queen Luna of Equestria. You were student under my sister Celestia, correct?"
  45. >"uhh.. uh.. y-yea"
  46. "What in the name of Tartarus have we become, and why am I standing verticaaAA" Luna tried to walk but began to fall before Sunset caught her. She helped luna stand up on her own. She caught on surprisingly easily
  47. >"ha-..ha.. um uh, Ok ok it's a long story and kind of hard to explain but, here we are Humans. nothing like us in Equestria, no magic here.. uh.. those are legs down there and these" Sunset raised her arms up "these are hands, each digit is called a finger"
  48. "Remarkable, how can such a place exist? where I am so easily converted to another being and so are you"
  49. >"it's weirder yet, there are versions of many ponies I know from Equestria here"
  50. "Elaborate"
  51. >"Ok ok well. You and Celestia. you're both here but.. uh you run this school not Equestria"
  52. "My counter part seems to have very lowly goals in life.. Shame really"
  53. >"so uh, if you're here that means you're free from the moon?"
  54. >luna stood up straighter and said "what do you know of such things?"
  55. >"I meant nothing by it! Celestia once told me she had to send her sister away, I pieced the rest together but I wasn't sure until I got here and I saw other you and other Celestia as sisters.. uh.. where is Celestia now?"
  56. "Banished, she is safe and in no danger. Do not fret about your past teacher or the trouble you had with her"
  57. >"Oh, then all is forgiven?"
  58. "I do not know exactly what you did to end up here, but none of it matters now. Celestia is gone and I need your help"
  59. "The Crystal Empire has returned and I believe, so interested in arcane knowledge as Raven has made you out to be, would be willing to help figure out why and how. I believe King Sombra has been re-awakened from his slumber"
  60. >"I don't really think-"
  61. "Let me finish before you answer. Your desire for knowledge and power may has let you to mistakes before but now under my leadership, None will be restricted from you as long as you serve Me and Equestria above yourself"
  62. >As she said this the look on sunsets face changed from confusion to interest
  63. "I will grant thee control over the Crystal Empire, you will be granted the title of Regent and placed in direct control of the Crystal Empire, Should you succeed in defeating the old king"
  64. >"That's.. alot, a whole kingdom, stopping an evil king.. but why me? I haven't cast a spell in many moons"
  65. "I need a pony of great magical ability and most of all ambition, and you have been gone since before my return. something is deeply amiss in Equestria, A pony named Starlight Glimmer who is a very important pony in Equestria now bothers me"
  66. >"I don't follow"
  67. "She orchestrated the way in which I, under the title nightmare moon was defeated. it was magic like I'd never seen before. she stole my cutie mark to incapacitate me. later returning it but only when I dethroned my sister."
  68. "I know what I had to do was right, but the circumstances on this pony being where she was, when she was and what she knows is almost too good to be true, she does not fit with Twilight Sparkle's other friends. none of them seem to notice so I pay it little mind"
  69. >"Cutie mark stealing magic?.. how can that even be possible.."
  70. "I'm only beginning to understand myself, I have read the spells and tried to reverse engineer them but they do not follow normal spell conventions, It is very un-orthadox and difficult to follow"
  71. "it works but it's very messy and lacks fail safes that many spells have built into them. It's like a very intelligent filly made it, yet of equal power to the greatest spells of even starswirl"
  72. >Something about Starswirl seemed to create a connection in her mind but that will have to wait
  73. >"that does seem very strange. Ok Ms Lun- uh I mean Queen Luna. can I gather some of my things before I return?"
  74. "Of course, I would like to hear more of this odd world too. The Crystal Empire business is far more important for the time being"
  75. >Luna returned through the portal and stepped out the mirror almost tripping once again on the other side
  76. >>"My queen! are you alright?"
  77. "Yes Ms Inkwell, Sunset will be returning through the mirror shortly"
  78. >>"What's it like over there?"
  79. "Hands"
  80. >>"What? what are hands?"
  81. >Luna trotted away to the grand canterlot library, ignoring the question
  82. "Starswirl.. cutie mark magic, why does this seem to connect something in my mind"
  83. >After reaching the library she entered the restricted section and searched for the location of the spell tomes of Starswirl the Bearded
  84. "ahh here we are"
  85. >After a few hours of reading through many tomes luna found something interesting
  86. "Unfinished? very unlike him.. what could this be?"
  87. >Luna mumbled the passage to herself
  88. "from one to another, another to one. A mark of one's destiny singled out alone, ful..filled.."
  89. >luna searched the surrounding tomes and journal for information on it's true intention, instead she found something else
  90. "Time travel? what were you hiding my old mentor"
  91. >luna began reading the spell to herself and the procedure to cast it
  92. "Why do these seem so familiar"
  93. >And like that it hit her like a bucket of cold water. Starlight Glimmers cutie mark spell. it looked just like Starswirls spells. it was made in the same odd way only someone deeply familiar in his works could have done
  94. >But most of Starswirls truly powerful spells have been locked in here for many years and nopony besides her, Celestia or-
  95. >>"Queen Luna?"
  96. >Luna practically jumped out of her seat
  97. "Inkwell?! what is so urgent"
  98. >>"My apologies my queen, but the royal kitchen wants to know what you want for lunch"
  99. "I.. what? that's it?"
  100. >>"Yeah"
  101. >Luna stared at her blankly for a second
  102. "I don't require anything.. wait! did my sister ever let anypony else in here?"
  103. >>"Not in my or my mothers time serving the Princess, no. nopony was allowed in here.. why? is something wrong?"
  104. "I am unsure, but it is nothing you need to worry about.. I change my mind I'd like a.. hayburger"
  105. >>"anything else?"
  106. "No, that is all"
  108. >Later that Day Sunset Shimmer entered through the portal to Equestria
  109. >She stood on her hind legs for a moment before settling all fours
  110. "W-woah.. it's been awhile"
  111. >"Long time no see, Ms Shimmer"
  112. "Raven? wow you've gotten old"
  113. >Raven sighed
  114. >"Charming as always, Ms Shimmer. Queen Luna told me to show you where you may find knowledge on how to stop Sombra"
  115. "What about my room? can I have my room?"
  116. >"Your old room has nearly been untouched other then cleaning staff. Follow me and I will lead you to the restricted section"
  117. "I thought I had to defeat Sombra to gain access to knowledge?"
  118. >"Oh yes Ms Shimmer, Now you will be given entry to the restricted section and after the taking of the crystal empire you will be able to view their archives"
  119. "Crystal empire archives? they must be filled with ancient knowledge!"
  120. >A malicious grin crept across Sunset's face as she spoke
  121. "Who knows what secrets are hidden left to be unearthed by me!"
  122. >"Yes, very interesting.. Well here we are, You just pull this book and.."
  123. >just like that the bookshelf opened
  124. "That's it?"
  125. >Raven smiled and looked at Sunset
  126. >"What? you thought there would be a magic door?"
  127. "Maybe.."
  129. >Some time later Sunset was looking through a shelf of old books when she noticed the back of the shelf looked like it was a different color then the rest of the shelf
  130. >Sunset pushed with her hoof against the off-colored wood panel and it snapped out of place, behind it there was one book covered in cobwebs. Sunset laughed like a mad-mare
  131. "Come to mommy you hidden book, Show me your secrets"
  132. >After pulling out the book she read the title and it read "Methods to Capture and Enslave Ponyfolk and Creaturekind by Sage Volknacht"
  133. "Oh-ho-ho this is it, this is definitely it"
  134. >Sunset then realized the odd texture to the books cover and dropped it to the ground
  135. "Oh buck that's pony hide.. Who binds a book in pony hide! disgusting.."
  136. >Some time passed as she sifted through the old pages, 2 or so hours
  137. "Uhgg.. why did this stupid sage guy not create a table of contents. None of this applies to shadow ponies.. Turn a pegasi into a griffon? sure! but noooo nothing on shadow ponies"
  138. >Sunset turned the page and there it was "All known methods to capture a Shadow Pony"
  139. "Nevermind"
  140. >The book read "There are several ways to capture a pony made of shadow, In the time of Starswirl the Beared one was captured by him."
  141. >The page went on "It is unknown exactly the methods on how this was done but Neither he nor the shadow pony he was after ever showed their face again so it is likley he used himself to end its life, This foolish method deserves no further research"
  142. "Sweet Celestia, Starswirl? So that's where he went.."
  143. >The book continued on "The simplest yet strangest method of capturing a shadow pony involves a sheet of fabric with a very specific specification, that being it must have a thread count of exactly 300 and 30 threads, Further specifications are below"
  144. >If all else fails, call apon my name and you shall br granted dominion over any entity, But be warned my little pony, A toll must be paid for doing so
  145. "three hundred and thirty threads? where do I even find such a thing"
  146. >"I believe Rarity might have something like that"
  147. "Ahg! Raven? where did you come from"
  148. >"I was just in the neighborhood, Anyways the Unicorn named Rarity from ponyville may have such a thing"
  149. "Ponyville? isn't that some hick town down a ways from canterlot"
  150. >"It may be a simpler life then here but it should not be underestimated nor should rarity, she is one of Twilight Sparkle's friends and they have done great things for Equestria"
  151. "Great things? list one thing"
  152. >"They defeated Discord after he returned"
  153. >Sunset's jaw dropped
  154. "W-what? discord?"
  155. >"Mhm, Twilight used an ancient bell to capture his magic. then, well he got thrown in the canterlot dungeon"
  156. "Wait, he's HERE? still?"
  157. >"Yes, and don't go looking for that bell. Trust me all the magic is chaos magic and it's useless to anyone besides Discord"
  158. "Ok you'll have to tell me more later, I need to go see that pony"
  160. >Sunset Shimmer arrived via royal chariot to the Carousel Boutique and stepped out
  161. "Wait here"
  162. >The door to the establishment opened
  163. >A white unicorn gasped and her eyes went wide
  164. >"Are you from canterlot?! here to come to my shop?"
  165. "Are you Rarity?"
  166. >"Why yes I am, Darling, And you are? Your eyes are simply divine. I may have a dress that matches, No! I will make a new one just for you"
  167. "Wait wait no no I'm simply looking for something very specific. It's a mission from the Queen, well actually-"
  168. >"You're here for Queen Luna! oh my goodness.. come inside come come"
  169. >Rarity practically pushed Sunset into her shop
  170. "Hold on! I'm just looking for some fabric"
  171. >"Wha? oh, that's it?" Rarity said while looking disappointed
  172. "A very specific type of Fabric, Raven Inkwell said you might have it if anypony does"
  173. >"Oh yes I remember her, I made her a few things once"
  174. "Do you have any fabric that's three hundred and thirty thread count?"
  175. >Rarity's eye twitched
  176. >"Did you just say three hundred and thirty thread count?"
  177. "Y-yes"
  178. >"Sweet Celestia finally! I've had this hideous 'Xanthous' thing as I was told it was called, for months now. The worst part is.. it's just this really long strip, very annoying to deal with!"
  179. >"it was a miss-order but I kept it thinking 'rarity if you ever throw that away somepony will come in needing something in exactly like that' and here you are!"
  180. >Rarity levitated the yellow fabric over to Sunset
  181. >"Oh look at that, it matches your mane"
  182. "Yes, how hideous.."
  183. >"I-I uh.. uhm"
  184. >Sunset rolled her eyes
  185. "How about you give it to me for free?"
  186. >"But-
  187. "Or do you normally insult your customers?"
  188. >Rarity awkwardly smiled
  189. >"Alright darling fine, you can have it for free"
  190. "How generous of you" Sunset said with a mischievous grin as she walked out
  191. >The door shut behind her
  192. >>"Wow you just let her walk all over you"
  193. >"Sweetie belle don't think I won't ground you"
  195. >Sunset Shimmer trotted up to Queen Luna's Throne
  196. >"Welcome Sunset, how has Equestria been treating you?"
  197. "Very well, I have found a way to stop King Sombra"
  198. >"does it involve that yellow blanket?" Luna said jokingly
  199. "Actually it does, I found a book by Sage Volk-"
  200. >"CEASE!" Luna boomed across the room
  201. >Sunset shrunk down and the guard ponies all were staring as Luna
  202. >"Do not utter that name, have you said it outloud? where did you find a book by him"
  203. "No! I haven't said it outloud I promise and and.. it was in the wall"
  204. >"I apologize for my outburst, It has been.. so long since I heard that name spoken, It is best to not utter it"
  205. "What happens if a pony does say it?"
  206. >"Nothing good is all I can recall at the moment"
  207. "O-okay, Well It said I can trap a shadow pony in cloth with a specific thread count, and I found it and I think I understand the spell"
  208. >"That sounds like a joke, but if it was written in a book by the old sage.. it must be true"
  209. "I doubt they'd bind a joke book in pony hide"
  210. >One of the guard ponies made a gagging sound and covered his mouth
  211. >"hmhmhm ahh how funny it will be that the 'great' legacy of king sombra ends with him being trapped in a blanket"
  213. >Sunset shimmer pushed through the freezing cold and knee-high snow
  214. "You could be sitting in math class right now, but noo you wanted a kingdom now look at you, in the middle of nowhere with some yellow cloth to trap a ghost.."
  215. >A loud roaring followed by a shriek can be heard from behind her
  216. >Sunset turned around to see a large black cloud arising from over a hill
  217. "There you are.."
  218. >Glowing green eyes became visible in the cloud as it charged at her
  219. >Sunset shimmer used her magic unraveled the yellow cloth into a long rope-like trail and spun it like a tornado around the cloud
  220. >Sombra raised an eyebrow, or that's what it looked like to Sunset at least
  221. >The Yellow fabric spun and twirled around the shadowy cloud faster becoming a near blur
  222. >Sombra attempted to escape the whirlwind but as Sunset continued to cast the spell on the ground shined a Yellow star-like circle that spun inside a circle like shape
  223. >This created a magic barrier turning the Fabric into a solid inescapable cone
  224. >The frozen wind howled past Sunset, her body becoming colder every second. Sombra's spirit began to panic as he realized he was truly trapped
  225. >Unnatural shrieks pierced the terrible wind as the yellow tornado became to spin tighter and tighter until Sombra was completely absorbed
  226. >Sunset stood shaking in the snow as the cloth fell to the ground, any indication of the last minute or so completely gone
  227. "Buck"
  228. >Sunset approached the fabric cautiously
  229. "Well, Looks to be working so far, now what do I do with it.."
  230. >The Golden fabric came to life, swirling once again
  232. >The fabric wrapped around her face into a large cone shape, clearly attempting to suffocate her
  233. >Sunset tried to use her hooves to pull it off her face, She tried to use her magic to grab it and take it off her face. Nothing worked
  234. >Sunset collapsed onto the ground unable to breath, fighting relentlessly against the trapped spirit
  235. >With her last bit of air she made a terrible choice, Her voice muffled she still attempted to speak
  236. "In the name of Volknacht, Submit!"
  237. >And just like that the Xanthous parted and allowed her air
  238. >Sunset gasped as the cold winter air filled her lungs
  239. "Buck that stupid book"
  240. >The cloth spun around Sunset and began twisting and twirling around her body
  241. "Oh Celestia.."
  242. >But it was not as Sunset feared, The Xanthous cloth spun around her and clung to her body. creating sparse hoof and body wrappings, a large flowing cape and still enough to twist around her head into a giant yellow tornado shaped cone
  243. >only her snoot was visible though it, yet.. she could see
  244. >Sunset inspected her new garb
  245. "I.. I feel different"
  246. >She was no longer cold or tired
  247. >Sunset felt like she was bigger, not just that but like she needed to stretch like she'd been sleeping all her life
  248. "Ahhh.."
  249. >And with the stretch she could control the Xanthous Coat as if it was another limb, part of her.
  250. "Ahh...ahhhahahAHAHAHA"
  251. >Sunset raised herself to her hind legs and arched her back with a mighty laugh, shaking the very tundra beneath her hooves
  252. >She raised her front hooves to the sky as she was shaking in anticipation, the cape followed like a crabs pincers obeying her very thoughts
  253. >She used the cape like a spring and lowered herself back all 4's as a pony should be
  254. "You are mine, Sombra.. hahahah no no you are now a mere 'Xanthous' robe for me, oh how sad of an end for you. How long were you king? how many ponies bent to your will? all gone and you're fated to live the rest of your life as a tool"
  255. "I wonder if you're even in there still or simply just the power you once held.. Hmp what does it matter"
  256. >She began to trot into the Crystal empire proper. passing houses of the crystal ponies that hid indoors. some peeking out windows at the strane yellow-clad pony in their streets
  257. >Sunset found the center of town and spun around viewing all that was hers
  258. >Sunset laughed to herself once more
  259. "All mine, all of this" She pointed her hoof across the skyline as she spoken
  260. "What a beauty, Soon they will all know.. so many great things I can do with this place.."

Pony Souls Prologue: The First Sin

by SunriseLightbeam2

Pony Souls Prologue 2: The Xanthous Regent

by SunriseLightbeam2

'bearer of the curse' in equestria 1

by SunriseLightbeam2

'bearer of the curse' in equestria 2

by SunriseLightbeam2

'bearer of the curse' in equestria 3

by SunriseLightbeam2