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'bearer of the curse' in equestria 1

By SunriseLightbeam2
Created: 2024-08-04 17:16:32
Updated: 2024-08-07 04:15:09
Expiry: Never

  1. >walking through the fog gateway obscuring the path ahead you feel rain on your heavy armor
  2. >Before you stands a- No! jumps a knight twice your size. you roll to the right just barely not getting your head caved in
  3. >getting a moment to stand and get a good look at this guy you see his armor is pure silver. a strange almost childlike faceplate and a ring of throns moulded into the metal
  4. >He carries a sword you really fucking want, are you going to use it? fuck no but you're gonna take that. and a large shield.. a mirror
  5. >The Mirror knight lunges thrusting the large greatsword at you. once again you move out of its way. this time to his left. no shield on this side
  6. >You manage to get in a swing with your own Greatsword, an ancient relic of an era long forgotten... still by comparison to this walking mountain its not hurting like if he hit you.
  7. >The huge knight raises his sword into the air. lighting the color of a clear blue day engulfs his blade and he slams it into the ground
  8. >What a slow bast-
  9. >WHACK
  10. >he wasn't done, he spun around and you got hit. Pain, but nothing new. you've died a million times.. well not really but that's what that old hag told you would happen
  11. >get up anon. you bring yourself to your feet only to see once again that big fucker swinging that stupid sword at you.. the stupid sword you want but still. you once again roll out of the way across the rain drenched platform
  12. >You swing your sword hard from left to right and a wave of beautiful moonlight eminates from the blade. apon hitting the knight its clear it does some form of damage. it may not be as much but you're way back here and he's way over there
  13. >was over there. he's jumping again. but you fucked up
  14. >WHACK
  15. >Now that one fucking hurt. barely alive you attempt to stand. in the corner of your eye you see the Mirror Knight swing his mirror at yo-
  17. >sky, you see.. sky
  18. >it's blue, with little white puffy clouds
  19. >you're laying on your back. in considerable pain but you'll be fine. you always are
  20. "uhhhg.."
  21. >Most of the time
  22. >standing up you look around and see more colors then you've ever seen. trees as green as green could be, same with the grass
  23. >flowers of colors you don't even know the names of all around
  24. "What a place"
  25. >You ajust your armor and helmet, picking up your sword of Moonlight you pick a direction and set off
  26. >Feels weird here.. what is that feeling?
  27. >it was here you realized not what you do feel but what you don't feel
  28. >that everpresent blackness in the back of your mind. the nothingness and loss taking away all you may have loved or cared forgotten
  29. >gone
  30. >the curse that sent you to that terrible land is gone. then it comes back to you
  31. >that land. the mirror knight. the castle. all the terrible places. where the fuck are you?
  32. >does it matter? the curse is gone, yet what is lost is still lost. who you are, where you were born, who or what you loved.. all gone
  33. >but you're free..
  34. "hahaha! ahhh.." you take in a deep breathe. the air smells fresher then you've ever smelled. it almost makes you forgot that terrifyng rotten amalgimation of bodies.. imagine the smell..
  35. >almost makes you forget. not quite
  36. >you wander the forest, pushing past branches and find a clearing
  37. >a giant lion.. no, scorpian.. dragon?. fuck its all of them combined.. it turns to you and roars, it begins to charge
  38. "Always some fucker"
  39. >You don't have the curse anon, if you die, you're gone forever now
  40. >the realization that you'll die forever sits in and you jump to the side in fear
  41. "oh fuck why now.. come on!"
  42. > it turns to you growling and knashing it's teeth. readying for another charge.
  43. >this time you step to the side and swing as hard as you can with your mighty sword of moonlight!
  44. >SLICE
  45. >with a clean slice you chop into its back. it drops to the ground nearly instantaniously
  46. "well that was easy.."
  48. >turning to the high pitched sound you see a yellow horse floating in the air.. not floating, it has wings
  49. >and it just screamed at you
  50. >you're speechless
  51. >the yellow horse flutters away rapidly off somewhere. probably to tell someone you're here
  52. "Damn it, why can't I ever just find an nice place"
  53. >Whatever you think to yourself, and continue on through this forest in the opposite direction of where that flying horse went
  54. >while walking you whip your swordblade on nearby flora to clean off some of that beasts blood. man I bet people inject that shit into their veins or something here.
  55. >after some time you find a cliffside and a giant drop down into a chasm below
  56. "Fantastic"
  57. >you hear something strange from behind you
  58. >you see 9-10 more flying horses, these in armor. and each one carrying another horse? some of them have horns on their heads
  60. >the winged horses set down their non-winged counterparts and they all draw spears on you. you're completely surrounded
  61. >you raise your beautiful sword
  62. >"Put that glowy thing down in the name of Celestia!"
  63. >who the fuck is celestia, is she in the room with us right now?
  64. "No, fuck you tiny horses"
  65. >They all start to tear up.. what?
  66. >you hear sniffles and one bursts out crying and then the other 19 or so all burst out crying
  67. >what do you even do? why are they crying?
  68. >you walk forward since none of them are holding their spears to you anymore
  69. >you want one, yeah take it. you're about to take one of their spears and on closer inspection you make the most absurd discovery you've ever made
  70. >the spear-tip is fluffy like a pillow.. what??
  71. >Thud
  72. >A big winged AND horned horse drops to the ground infront of you
  73. >"Don't you DARE hurt my little ponies!"
  74. "your little ponies? these your kids?.."
  75. >The white horses face goes red
  76. >"W-what? no.. they're my royal guard"
  77. "your royal guard has these?"
  78. >you pick up the fluffy pillow spear-tip
  79. "how do you kill anything with this?"
  80. >She gasps
  81. >"Kill?!?! I would never, they would never! surrender you talking metal thing for your crimes against Equestria!"
  82. "or what? you can't kill me and I could easily kill you"
  83. >You raised your moonlight sword as an indicator of how you'd do it
  84. >in an instant it is ripped from your hand by glowing yellow light. the white horses horn is covered in similar light
  85. "Oh"
  86. >The white horse looks almost teary eye'd.. did you make her cry too?
  87. >"Surrender!"
  88. >you sigh deeply
  89. "Fine"
  90. >What's the worst that could happen
  92. >shortly after the white horse got all her royal guard to stop crying and take me in. they didnt have a way to so we had to wait for a cart
  93. >from listening to the 'ponies' so they are called you found out the big one is Princess Celestia, leader of this land. and whatever you did was a huge crime or something. you must have killed someones pet
  94. >soon the cart arrives. and it's just a cart. no cage or bars or anything. just a regular old cart
  95. >"g-get in metal monkey!"
  96. >You listen to the tiny pony and get in the cart
  97. "hey uh can you grab my sword? it's like an ancient mystical artifact where I come from"
  98. >"Huh? the blue thing?"
  99. "well its more green.."
  100. >"nuh uh! looks blue to me"
  101. >"GLEAMING HELMET PICK THAT UP AND PUT IT WITH THE METAL MONKEY!" she suddenly screamed, startling you a bit
  102. >'Gleaming Helmet' that stallion over there tries to pick up your sword with.. his mouth?
  103. >>"OWWIE!!" he screams
  104. >What are they? stupid?
  105. >>"OWIE OWIE!!"
  106. >"MEDIC!! MEDIC!!!!!!!!!!" your eardrums practically explode at the sheer volume of these little fellas
  107. >The Princess magics up your sword away from the injured guard
  108. >"oh my! this needs to be secured and locked away!"
  109. >she flies- nope teleports away to who knows where.
  110. "Damn I really liked that sword.."
  111. >Helmet over there is bawling his eyes out
  112. >>"i-it was really sharp! and I-I almost cut my tongue"
  113. >almost
  114. >"You're going away for a long time buddy" said the guardsmare nearby
  115. >soon the ponies start moving the cart, you're not tied up or anything. You feel kind of bad they're so stupid
  116. >You feel tired, when is the last time you slept?.. you can't even remember. you lay down and close your eyes
  119. >"it's sleeping, do we wake it?.. would that be rude"
  120. >>"It's a criminal what does it matter? Celestia said it was dangerous and we have to keep a close eye on it"
  121. >you begin to wake
  122. "huhhhg?..."
  123. >"I-i's making sound"
  124. >>"You woke it up, duh"
  125. >you quickly sit up and look around, you're not quite awake yet still
  126. "huh?"
  127. >"hey you! metal monkey thing, get off the cart"
  128. "oh uh.."
  129. >it begins to come back to you what happened
  130. >you stand up and proceed to fall over flat on the ground. not sleeping in who knows how long means you haven't woken up in who knows how long either
  131. >you really forgot how to wake up? idiot
  132. >the two ponies gasps
  133. >"MEDIIIC"
  134. >That screaming got you fully awake, you stand but you're a bit wobbly
  135. >"MEEDI-- how are you standing! aren't you hurt? sit down metal monkey"
  136. "what? no I'm fine, I just tripped.. and I'm not a metal monkey"
  137. >"You have to be hurt. anypony would be hurt from that fall"
  138. "aren't you taking me to be prison or something? can we just get on with it I don't got all day"
  139. >contrary to your statement, you do have all day
  140. >"ok.. well we're here. the warden will be out soon. but if you're not a metal monkey what are you"
  141. "I'm an unde-.. I'm human"
  142. >"A human?.. is that a type of monk-"
  143. "I'm not a damn monkey! I don't even know what a monkey is"
  144. >"LANGUAGE!" yet again your ears burn
  145. >"if you don't know what a monkey is, maybe you are one? have you thought about that?"
  146. "If I was a monkey, then I think I would have seen monkeys before"
  147. >Good work, idiot. that's the dumbest thing you've said yet
  148. >"Hm.. I guess"
  149. >A pony, female you'd guess walks out of that large pink building
  150. >>"Hey! Booming Call, is this that 'metal monkey'? Celestia said to watch out for?"
  151. >"yes ms warden! but he's actually something called a hue-man"
  152. >Booming call? that's her name? is she loud because her name is booming call.. or is her name booming call because her name is booming call..
  153. "So where are you gonna lock me up?"
  154. >>"Straight to the point huh? tough colt you are, You don't have to pretend with me.. so what did this so called dangerous individual do?"
  155. >"all kinds of mean things! but I'm a tough mare and I'm not scared of him. Tell her, Gleaming"
  156. >>>"Oh ms.. this hueman thing.. he he.. he hurt a poor manticore then he screamed a bad word at us. THEN I tried to pick up his magical blue thing for him. wouldn't want it getting lost.. and I almost cut myself!
  157. it was SHARP!"
  158. >The warden gasped
  159. >>"he had a sharp object?"
  160. >>>"yeah he used it to hurt that manticore"
  161. "I think I did a little more then hurt it"
  162. >"W-what? what do you mean?.. fluttershy said you hurt it"
  163. "Oh no, its long dead"
  164. >They all froze and stared at you with wide eyes
  165. "What? it was trying to eat me"
  166. >all 3 of them collapse to the ground
  167. >Another guard pony comes out of the building
  168. >he gasps
  169. >"what did you do! GUARDS SECURE THE METAL MONKEY!"
  170. >2 more ponies come out the building and sort of point fluffy spears at you guiding you into the building
  171. >"This is your cell, Pal. we have to lock you in until the warden awakes from whatever evil magic you did"
  172. >you enter the room and they lock the door behind you
  173. >its a spacious room, a clean bed with some folded black clothes on it. probably for you.
  174. >it has it's own bathroom and some sort of weird metal device in a tiled section of it. theres a drain on the floor. maybe it pours out water?
  175. >their level of technology seems way more advanced then anything you've seen
  176. >Sadly this place doesn't seem to have orange soapstone magic.. I'm sure someone would have explained how to use this thing
  177. >Or maybe they wouldn't know either
  178. >You grab a cylindrical part of this device. its labeled with red and blue lines on each side.. maybe this means something
  179. >you turn it and suddenly water starts spouting everywhere
  180. "fuck who made this thing?"
  182. Soon enough Anon figured out how the Shower worked, undressing and 'cleaning' himself off to the best of his ability (poor)
  184. >Be Warden Mare (that is your name)
  185. >You're laying on the soft grass.. for some reason
  186. >Oh yeah, the metal monkey said something terrible.. the most terrible thing you've ever heard in your entire life
  187. >but you're a strong mare, get up!
  188. "uhhg.."
  189. >you try to stand but fall over only to be caught
  190. >"Warden Mare! why don't you relax a second? get your bearings, lets see what the damage is"
  191. >Its Doc Blueberry, he caught you. what a nice stallion
  192. "I'm not feeling so great.. that met- no uh.. hueman, you have to secure him! he's.. he's a monster"
  193. >"Don't worry Warden, he's secured in his room"
  194. "You gotta lock the door"
  195. >"lock it? that's sounds a bit exsessive.."
  196. "He hurt that manticore"
  197. >"Well it is a manticore, they tend to do that to other ponies or uh creatures. they're very territorial in nature"
  198. "It was a manticore, It's gone now h-he.."
  199. >"Gone? well I'd hope it lef-.. or do you mean.."
  200. "I do"
  201. >He sort of froze up and stared into space
  202. >"You know right after I left medical school I went out to southern equestria right?"
  203. "mm yeah sounds familier"
  204. >The doc lifts you up and you start to walk into the prison
  205. >"Well out there those ponies are made different. the Saddle Arabians. they're large and very muscular and out there are all kinds of monsters unlike here"
  206. "Can't be as bad as the everfree, right?"
  207. >"It's gotta be pretty close.. I saw one of them.. End, some sort of giant lizard. not quite a dragon but something like that"
  208. "P-ponies do that?"
  209. >"Only far out there, where Celestia doesn't quite reach"
  210. >you take a deep breath
  211. "You think this Hueman is from a place like that? with big monsters?"
  212. >"Well, he didn't roll over or cry did he?"
  213. "Nope"
  214. >"Then I'd guess that, It can be hard to understand these things sometimes, let's go to the cafeteria and get somethign to eat"
  215. "Yeah that's a good idea"
  217. >Be anon, be tired again
  218. >Man being human again, like really human is quite tiring
  219. >Doesn't help you feel all clean and soft in this black outfit
  220. >you yawn and lay down on the bed
  221. "ahhhhhhhh..."
  222. >Softest bed you've ever laid on
  223. >it took no time at all for you to fall asleep

Pony Souls Prologue: The First Sin

by SunriseLightbeam2

Pony Souls Prologue 2: The Xanthous Regent

by SunriseLightbeam2

'bearer of the curse' in equestria 1

by SunriseLightbeam2

'bearer of the curse' in equestria 2

by SunriseLightbeam2

'bearer of the curse' in equestria 3

by SunriseLightbeam2