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'bearer of the curse' in equestria 2

By SunriseLightbeam2
Created: 2024-08-07 07:24:36
Expiry: Never

  1. >Be Princess Luna, your sister just told you about some foul creature that's arrived in equestria
  2. >Perhaps this creature is sleeping? it is nap time for most of your little ponies so maybe it sleeps..
  3. >You enter the dream world and search for this foul creature's dreams, Maybe they'll tell you more about its reaon for it's actions
  4. >Off in the distance a dream stands out to you, something inherently offputting about it
  5. >even from here you can see a strange bi-pedal creature in a very very dark place.. It shines black, if that's even possible. that must be it, or him? it seems to be a male of it's species
  6. >these sort of things you can see through dreams even without a true understanding of the species
  8. >be Anon once more. an Anon that doesn't know he's dreaming
  9. >You look at your own hands again, In this dark place your being shines black. A place with no light yet you're form here isn't entirely unsettingly
  10. >There is something peaceful about it, the Dark is somewhat comforting and inviting. and it invites you below..
  11. >You peer down a dark chasm.. You don't know what lies below through the black abyssal fog, this is the third time you've been in a place like this.
  12. >Something inside you tells you this is more then the exit
  13. >Once again you step down and plunge into the Dark..
  14. >After a short fall you find yourself in a large open chasm and before you stands a creature like no other, Nothing before has scared you so, yet it invites you closer
  15. >Before you stands an angelic creature.. yet it's invitation for you to come closer doesn't feel like one of kindness but some other motive unknowable.
  16. >The human-like creature in all white, Huge white feathry wings on his back and his arms raises alongisde them.. yet another pair of arms were crossed over each other on his chest
  17. >wearing a robe and hood of white featherlike material, it levitated there yet wings unmoving. where a face should be was pure abyss..
  18. >the creature raised it's left arm higher in the air and cast a spear of darkness at you. Quickly you move out of the way of it's path
  19. >Much is autopoilet, these situations are not uncommon but rarely are they this mezmorizing
  20. >This Dark lurking creature pulled his higher right arm close to himself and swung with a summoned blade of pale darkness. you duck under it and as always begin hacking at it with your sword of Moonlight.
  21. >Something feels very off about this creature.. after all you've been there this can't be all that remains here at the end of this terrible journey through unseeable chasms.
  22. >After hitting it a few times, The creature pulled its rigid wings close to itself wraping itself up, seemingly taking in the darkness around it.
  23. >With a flash of darkness it threw its wings open.. Wait..
  24. "Oh fuck"
  25. >THEY threw THEIR wings open, It split itself into two identical forms
  26. >In a panic you retreated trying to take in this new duel threat
  27. >One of them raised one of its higher arms up in the air creating a huge black sphere or dark-fire. A fire that's hottest part isn't white but black like the abyss it's born of
  28. >The other raised a hand twords you and from it a beam of pale darkness shot out, Rolling under the beam you saw the giant Orb of black fire spitting out smaller balls of a more normal fire twords you
  29. >Fear shook your bones, What is this thing? where did it come from.. will you ever learn?
  30. >You close the distance with one half of the creature and it attacks much like before. Black soul spears and Swipes with the summoned dark blade. Only problem being the other half now shooting fire or beams of dark at you.
  31. >After what feels like an enternity, It's really not but the intensity of the moment made it feel like it. You kill it and it fades into dust
  34. >be Princess Luna, be absolutely TERRIFIED.. what the buck did that creature just dream of? what was that? He must have lived a horrible life to imagine such terrible things..
  35. >NEVER will you enter or even glance into that things dreams ever again..
  36. "I have to go see that creature.. I'm princess of the night and dreams. no matter how scary you have to go talk to him and help"
  37. >You go to ask sister where she sent that poor poor creature..
  39. >be anon again, be still sleeping
  40. >knock knock
  41. "what?.."
  42. >knock knock
  43. >You jump out of your covers and awake
  44. >"Hello anon! It's dinner time, I hope your nap was well" said Warden Mare (Yet again you're baffled that's her name)
  45. "Ahh!.. Oh yeah, I'm here"
  46. >"O-oh i didn't mean to scare you"
  47. "not at all, just a bad dream.. well a memory really but yeah I'm good"
  48. >"Do you need a hug?"
  49. >You raise an eyebrow at this
  50. "Uhm, No thank you"
  51. >"Thank you for putting on the black outfit, some dangerous criminals are scared to put it on"
  52. "Really? it's just some clothes
  53. >the wardens eyes go a bit wide
  54. >"Well.. it's black!"
  55. >I wonder if that mechant back in Majula would be offended by that if he was here instead of mean
  56. "You said something about food?"
  57. >When is the last time you ate? oh yeah like 30 lifegems before that Mirror knight. the horse headed stone knights with the twinblades kicked your ass
  58. >You are very good at life, You wonder if you'd enjoy life so much if you didn't have so many lifegems
  59. "I haven't eaten in ages, not real food at least"
  60. >"aww.. well we have all kinds of nice food, come with me"
  61. >You follow Warden Mare through hallways that looked alot like a kindergarden with all the motivational posters
  62. >For example theres one with that big white pony and it says "Don't worry! I don't raise the sun for you to be worrysome!"
  63. >Something about that feels threatening but you don't think it's supposed to be, and when the warden looked at it her smile got bigger
  64. "What does that mean?"
  65. >"Oh the poster? it means Celestia does the worrying for us!"
  66. "Okay I think I got that but what about the raising the sun part?"
  67. >"she raises the sun! and lowers it. you know.. daylight cycle.."
  68. >she's looking at you like you're slow
  69. "Oh doesn't quite work like that in my world"
  70. >"Hmm.. I don't buy it"
  71. >you continue to walk to the food place and you see a few other ponies. that one has stripes.. zebra maybe?
  72. >"Well how does it work in your world then"
  73. >You think it over.. have you ever seen the sun move? It's always sunrise or set in Majula..
  74. "I.. I don't know that I've ever seen the sun move in along time"
  75. >She stops and you bump into her almost falling over
  76. >"what? how! who isn't raising it or lowering it?!"
  77. "I.. I don't really know, Someone old told me a lord of Sunlight banished the dark long ago, it's been so long the names have faded"
  78. >"h-how do ponies.. um creatures?.."
  79. "People"
  80. >"yeah how do People get on with their lives? how do they know what day it is"
  81. "Well, They don't really.. most are just hollow husks standing around waiting for someone to come near so they can violently attack you"
  82. >She sniffled a bit and said "That sounds terrible! you're ok now anon.. it's safe here"
  83. "Oh hey this must be where the food is at"
  84. >infront of you is a large room with many tables and a countertop on the far side wtih all kind of food set out
  85. >The warden takes a deep breath and walks over to the food
  86. >"Ok anon, here is the Cafeteria and we have all kinds of food for all kinds of species. over here we have the fancier food like salads, fruit salads and all kinds of yummy vegitables"
  87. >You haven't ever seen food this complicated and fancy, made of all kinds of veggies and berries
  88. >"Further on.. we have some of the cheaper options, hayburgers hayfries and some potato fries, these aren't very healthy for you but they're cheaper to get"
  89. "cheaper?"
  90. >"Oh right I didn't explain to you, food costs these"
  91. >you are handed. hoofed? a small pile of shiny coins
  92. >"You will use these to get food of your choice, we use this so ponies have to learn to be better if they want fancier food and other things"
  93. "Explain what you mean by learn to be better"
  94. >"Well we have clubs that will allow you to be social with other ponies and non-ponies like yourself to learn how to function properly in pony society"
  95. "I get paid to be in 'clubs?' are those like covenants"
  96. >"coven-Huh? I mean, Kind of I guess if you really think about- hey how do you know such big words? I thought you were a scary monster, No offence"
  97. "everyone talks in big words where I come from"
  98. >"Oh ok!" as if that explains everything
  99. >"continuing on we have the really cheap options, these are mostly for dragons and griffons. Chicken Nuggets, Sausages and Cheese Burgers made of meat, not Hay"
  100. >you nod your head listening, whatever a Chicken nugget is it sounds interesting
  101. "Like sausages made of pig?"
  102. >"Y-yes" she shivers and moves onto the next section
  103. >"this here is the last bit of SUPER cheap food. only mean ponies who try to act tough grab this stuff.. here are big cuts of meat. not even any breading or cheese.. and PLAIN salads!"
  104. >you take a deep breath of the smell.. oh yeah that's good
  105. >"I know right? smells funny.."
  106. >Off on the otherside of the cafetaria you see two ponies both pulling at the same cup of something
  107. >>"That's MY pudding!"
  108. >>>"Nuh uh! that's MINE! you already ate yours!"
  109. >>"Nuh uh times infinity you arleady ate yours first"
  110. >"Oh my, I'm sorry Anon I have to go break up that fight- oh yeah ask that purple pony there for your pudding, everypony gets that for free"
  111. >Pudding?.. what the fuck is a pudding
  112. >You grab a metal rectangular plate looking thing and look around at the options
  113. >You look at the 'cheapest' section.. it's the only one you are for sure you know what the food actually is. theres lettuce and meat
  114. >What the fuck is a chicken nugget.. you want to know but you really don't at the same time
  115. >You look at that purple pony the Warden was talking about
  116. "hey excuse me, is this here Pork? like Pig" you say pointing at a cut of meat
  117. >>"y-yeah"
  118. >You grab that and slap it on your plate thingy
  119. >>"wha.. I know you're new here but you don't have to waste tokens on trying to act tough"
  120. "Tough? no this just the only thing I recognize here.. W-what's a chicken nugget?"
  121. >>"only thing you recognize! I.. I" *thud*
  122. >the purple pony passes out and hits the floor
  123. >you peak over the counter, yep completely out cold
  124. "okay I'll just leave a token here for this porkchop"
  125. >You turn around and see all kinds of tables. most are filled with multi-colored ponies but some have some other creatures
  126. >one has some griffons, or they look like fluffy cuter versions of griffons
  127. >over there is a strange bug looking pony, green eyes, kind of tall and almost looks like she has an exoskeleton
  128. >Some stunted dragons.. damn one lightning spear and those things would just explode into dust
  129. >>"hey! hey monkey in black come over here and sit by us"
  130. >A table you didn't see before has some interesting characters at it
  131. >There sits 2 ponies and one of those stunted dragons
  132. >you walk over past all the ponies and other creatures who give you weird looks
  133. "Hello, I'm anon. and I'm a Human not a Monkey"
  134. >"Hello anon! I'm Sunflower" Said an orangeish-yellow mare with a bright yellow mane and brown eyes, She is wearing a green outfit
  135. >>"Sup, Names Goob" Said the stunded dragon. he's pretty much just red, even his outfit is red
  136. >You try not to laugh at the name, 'Goob' Sounds fucking hilarious
  137. >>>"Name's Gray Crags" Said a (I bet you'd guess this) A gray mare. just all grey besides his outfit, it's also red
  138. >You set your tray down and Gray and Sunflower sort of recoil at the sight of it
  139. >>"ha! new guy thinks he's tough huh? that's all you got? didn't even take any pudding.. Oh I think I like you already Mr 'Cool' Or Maybe you're actually a Chicken in Black not a monkey haha"
  140. >you sit down and ask
  141. "What's a Pudding?"
  142. >They look of horror on the two ponies face turns to confusion. and the shit eating grin on the dragon fella turns to a confused look
  143. >>"Wait hold on.. do you really not know what pudding is?"
  144. "Not a single clue"
  145. >>"Oh. well.. here you can have mine"
  146. >"how generous! I know you had some good in you" said the bright mare
  147. >>"Sh-shut up.."
  148. "Thank you"
  149. >You grab the small cup and look inside, something white and sticky looking.. looks like the kind of think you'd slather across a sword or something to kill a spider
  150. >You have no idea where that idea came from, Maybe you'd seen it in a dream
  151. >>>"Oh yeah I forgot, here is the spoon"
  152. >You grab the spoon from Goob and scoop up some of the pudding
  153. "Wow that's sweet.. I kind of like it"
  154. >>>"Kind of? cmon.. we're not foals you gotta like it"
  155. "I'm not sure, It's the sweetest thing I've ever ate"
  156. >>"Ha yeah I get that, dragonlands were like that, lots of stuff like eggs and meat. rarely any sugary stuff like that"
  157. >You pick up the big porkchop with your hands and rip off a chunk with your teeth
  158. >"Sweet Celestia! he's really eating it!"
  159. "mmm.. oh man this is the best Porkchop ive ever had"
  160. >Sunflower almost faints
  161. >>"huh maybe you are actually tough.. I've only ever seen dragons eat that stuff, I used to but now here theres all kinds of pony food"
  162. >On his metal plate he has those 'chicken nuggets' and some salad and potato fries
  163. >>>"Oh we know how you like pony food, isnt that why you're here? stealing pony food"
  164. >>"hey! shut up.."
  165. >"Be nice, Gray. he just gave his pudding to our new friend you gotta cut him some slack"
  166. >>>"yeah yeah sure whatever"
  167. >"besides what are you here for again? oh yeah you said mean words to the PRINCESS!"
  168. >>"Oh yeah that cracks me up! what was it again? you called Lunas butt small pftt hahaha"
  169. >>>"Why you scaley lava swimming.."
  170. "Wow calm down everyone, Lets just eat eh?"
  171. >>"say what about you? why are you here and how you end up with a black jumpsuit"
  172. "Oh the colors mean something? guess that makes sense.."
  173. >"yeah! Yellow is for ponies that did mean stuff like maybe didn't invite somepony else to a birthday pony INTENTIONALLY!"
  174. >Your ear almost explodes
  175. >>"Then there's Green like Sunflower here.. unprovoked bad word during a pillow fight"
  176. >>>"and like me and Goob, Red.. and you already heard that I said some mean things to the princess and well Goob stole a whole cartful of applepies"
  177. "A whole cart? well damn that had to be good"
  178. >"language, anon"
  179. >>"Yeaah.. they only caught me since I was so stuffed I couldn't move on my own"
  180. >>>"Fatty"
  181. >>"Shut up gray.. let the Human or whatever tell us what he did to get the supervillian jumpsuit"
  182. "Super villian? really? that's what black is?"
  183. >"yeah pretty much, see that Changeling over there? That's the Queen Bug herself! Queen Chrysalis"
  184. >>>>"I CAN HEAR YOU!!"
  185. >"Sorry!"
  186. >Goob whispers to you "Bug is a mean thing to call a Changeling"
  187. >>>"So yeah Mr Anon.. you got the black jumpsuit, what did you do?"
  188. "I'm not really sure.."
  189. >>>"oooh yeah suure you don't know why you're here.. just tell us what you did"
  190. "Well, I was in my own world-
  191. >sunflower interrupted "YOUR OWN WORLD?? THIS ISN'T YOUR WORLD? ARE YOU AN ALIEN?"
  192. >you recoil at the sheer volume
  193. >>"hey you're scaring the poor dude, quiet down and let him tell the story"
  194. "anyways, I was on the top of a castle, rain everywhere. and a giant knight in silver. maybe twice the size of me starts trying to kill me-
  195. >"K-kilL??" Sunflower faints and falls snoot first into her hay fries
  196. "Yeah, well yeah he was holding a similarly large sword and giant shield that looked like a mirror, turns out its a portal and he bashed me with it and here I am"
  197. >The other two are looking at you with wild fearful expressions
  198. >>"Like? kill you with a sword? like dieing? wasn't it covered with foam or a pillow?"
  199. "Uh.. no? and yeah kill me. everyone tries to kill everyone where I'm from pretty much. Everyone's gone hollow. no pillows or any sort of soft stuff on the sword either, just a giant sharp shiny blade"
  200. >>>"I don't buy it"
  201. "Well I'm not done yet. you think I just appeared and was imprisoned for being here?"
  202. >>>"Ok fine keep telling the story"
  203. "So I get here then theres some weird lion thing with a scorpian tail. it tries to kill me so I kill it, stab it right in the face with my Moonlight Greatsword.. Damn I want that thing back, that stupid 'Celestia' Took it"
  204. >>>"HUH? you WHAT?" Grays eyes are so big they look like they're gonna pop out of his head
  205. >>"You killed a manticore? you? Well tarturus you really are tough"
  206. "Then some ponies came along yelling at me about something or another and about this or that I don't really know I wasn't listening, they looked harmless.. now I'm here I guess"
  207. >>>"You said.. Moonlight Greatsword? what.. a sort of made of Moonlight?.. haha good joke, I don't buy your story"
  208. "Hey pal you asked, It's a cool thing. I got it from a big spider"
  209. >The dragon who just started drinking spit out his water right onto sunflowers mane waking her up
  210. >"Hey! what the buck are you doing??"
  211. "Language, Sunflower"
  212. >"o-oh yeah"
  213. >>"S-s-s-spider? big?"
  214. "yeah, well mayeb it was two big spiders.. it had two heads one on each side of it's body"
  215. >>>"Sweet Celestia.. How big? like big like my tray?"
  216. >so that's what it's called
  217. "What? no, it's babies were bigger then your tray"
  218. >>"I-It had babies?"
  219. "Yeah like.. a hundred or somethin"
  220. >"Spiders are cute"
  221. >You laugh and say "oh not this one, it was maybe 4 stories tall
  222. >>Goob turns from red to white and just stops moving entirely
  223. "Well yeah I killed it, the babies were scared of fire so I held out a torch at them and they stayed back, after it died I saw a blue kind of glowing thing deep inside and found it and pulled it out. very gross and sticky then"
  224. "Showed it to a couple of friends of mine, One fella he sells armor and stuff, has a growing business actually.. he doesn't really remember me though.. he said it was of great value and wanted to buy it from me. yeah no. mine"
  225. "Then I went to another buddy I met, his lower half is like a scorpian, said the Sword was from the tail of a previous incarnation of his former master"
  226. "Lastly I went to merchant friend of mine who has some obsession with dragon history.. he told me of a fantastical story about a 'great pale dragon' of old, not much else is remembered"
  227. >>"hold in.. your moonlgiht sword is the TAIL of a dragon?"
  228. "I guess"
  229. >>"what the buck.. "
  230. "hey I didn't make it or cut anyones tail off"
  231. >>"it should be obvious what a dragons tail looks like if its cut off.."
  232. "It's not at all, it doesn't look like a tail at all, Not sure I believe the guy about it being from a tail either. another guy i met has a similar sword but it seems like a poor replica of the one I found"
  233. >>>"I think I'm gonna be sick.."
  234. >"Y-yeah me too.. I'm gonna be right back guys"
  235. >both the two ponies left the cafetaria to head to the bathroom
  236. "Sorry.."

Pony Souls Prologue: The First Sin

by SunriseLightbeam2

Pony Souls Prologue 2: The Xanthous Regent

by SunriseLightbeam2

'bearer of the curse' in equestria 1

by SunriseLightbeam2

'bearer of the curse' in equestria 2

by SunriseLightbeam2

'bearer of the curse' in equestria 3

by SunriseLightbeam2